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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 656 KB, 1920x1080, Earthbound-Header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4038851 No.4038851 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, do you ever cried or, at least, had sad feelings while playing a retro game? Personally, I almost cried in the ending of Earthbound, a bit because of Smiles and Tears, a bit because of the game itself. Seriously, I'm a huge fan of Earthbound, I love everything about it. And I know, there's Mother 1 and Mother 3 but for some reason Earthbound will always be my favorite.

>> No.4038854

FFVI playing it when it was new. Opera scene and world of ruin were very moving. Ending too.

>> No.4038860
File: 36 KB, 512x420, Chrono Trigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4039024

The part that kind of got me in Earthbound was when Ness is having his baby memories and you can see his crib and his parents are talking about their new song, and how they don't care if he gets to be famous or successful as long as he's happy or something like that. Didn't make me cry but gave me some honest feels.
Mother 3 made me its bitch though, I cried like a little girl at the end.

>> No.4039030

He had his happy end and Chrono Cross never fucking happened

>> No.4039032
File: 67 KB, 640x350, glory of heracles 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some moments with Gaia got to me.


>> No.4039039


>> No.4039041

Nah, Cross is alright. I just don't like what happens to Robo in it.

On topic (and relevant to what I was just saying), the Dead Sea in Chrono Cross and the fight with Miguel.

>> No.4039068

It was just the simple texts at the sanctuaries for me.

>Ness catches a glimpse of a small, cute puppy.
>Ness sees a baby's bottle, but just for an instant.
>Ness has a short vision of seeing his mother when she was young.
>Ness sees a vision of his father holding him.

Not to get all self-bloggy, but I do deal with a lot of IRL flashbacks like these and it just sounds so gentle and sweet in those messages. Think I might be a crazy person though

>> No.4039103
File: 67 KB, 400x300, Terranigmafront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terranigma. Btw, the last 5 seconds don't happen.

>> No.4039107

Chrono Cross did happen, and the goal of its story was to undo the deaths of Lucca and Robo.

>> No.4039158

The only games that have made me cry aren't Retro, Mother 3. amd Metal Gear Solid 4. But in both instances, I had been marathoning both series of games, playing them for the first time. And I happened to be going through some shit that those games in particular hit kind of close to home on.

>> No.4039298
File: 77 KB, 256x256, Links_Awakening_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Tarin says there is nothing beyond the sea, but I believe there must be something over there...
When I discovered you, Link, my heart skipped a beat!
I thought, this person has come to give us a message...

"... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... If I was a sea gull, I would fly as far as I could!
I would fly to far away places and sing for many people!
...If I wish to the Wind Fish, I wonder if my dream will come true... ... ..."

>> No.4039309

>crying at vidya
Yall some gay motha fuckas

>> No.4039325

Only in Commandos and Cannon Fodder, I used to give the soldiers a random personality and start convos between them along with my brother just for fun.
Sometimes we actually felt their deaths and got sad over them though it usually was settled with a revenge pact which leads to winning the games.

Kinda autistic, what the hell.

>> No.4039436
File: 36 KB, 320x320, tirmcdohl04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I was a kid I thought Suikoden II's story was very emotional. Well, it still is, but after replaying both of the PS1 games I think I went more emotional in Suikoden I's, especially regarding McDohl's life. This guy really had a hard life. Gremio's death and his last speech destroyed me now even though I just felt a bit emotional when I first read it when I was a kid. But even after that, and much more suffering later McDohl kept pushing through wars and you just want him to achieve happiness at the end. The good ending maybe isn't the best ending, but at least he can catch a break now. Unlike in Suikoden II, I wish I can make Nanami stay dead in the good ending, fucking cunt. She ruins everything.

>> No.4039448

Word. Gremio is the best father figure in videogames ever. Sure he's a major doter and worrywart but it makes a change from absent or incompetent parents

>> No.4039463
File: 192 KB, 1024x768, dq5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4039465

This, and Illusion of Gaia too. Quintet definitely knew how to deliver drama.

>> No.4039536

I only cried to the ending of the to the moon and the local festival section.

>> No.4039540

Opera scene moved me as well. Can't remember why but I remember getting that song stuck in my head.

>> No.4039616

I almost cried playing final fantasy 8. That part in space with Rinoa almost got me.

>> No.4039765

Not even manly enough to be gay catchers. Just asexual millennial numales.

>> No.4039775

If there's something that characterizes millennials and post-millennials is their lack of emotions. They're like emotionless beings that only react when they're told to (e.g. "get angry at this or that social situation"), but they never invest their true, own emotions.

>> No.4039782

I told my brother and sister that I cried when Shadow died in Final Fantasy III (I didn't save him) when I was a kid, because I thought that crying over events in a game gave me cool points or something. I've never actually cried over a game, though, because I'm not an emotionally stunted child who can't separate fiction from reality.

>> No.4039787

>because I'm not an emotionally stunted child who can't separate fiction from reality.
Not being able to get into a story, fictional or not, is kind of autistic though.

Human emotions are natural, anons.

>> No.4039975

So, you never had happy or sad feelings playing a game? Did you never had fear playing something? Did you never had rage feelings playing something? Did you never laughed playing something? So, why do you ever play video games? Fuck off man, fictional pieces are there to gave us emotions, to entertain us.

>> No.4040171

Holy shit this. The feels at the ending with that bittersweet music and different landscapes and that moment you know I'm talking about, it made me cry. Maybe the best action RPG for the plot alone.

>> No.4040227

Their own true emotions are whatever the internet tells them they are. It a lot easier than thinking. They were taught not to do that anyway.