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File: 530 KB, 975x526, Label - SMT If.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4036565 No.4036565 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking Gideon, never gonna finish this

>> No.4036714

I've been stuck in 65% hell for about ten years now if that helps you feel any better.

>> No.4036796

He'll never finish ANYTHING. There are DOZENS of games that will literally NEVER be translated because he "claimed" them and he literally does NO work.

>> No.4036827

I imagine comments like these only lengthen the wait, as a fellow fan-translator that's what I would do.

>> No.4036832

Is there a script out? I actually have this for SFC but I guess I'll be putting it on the backburner for a few years

>> No.4036859

These threads always devolve the same way.
It makes me wonder if they are started for that purpose.

>> No.4036865

I feel like most MegaTen fans would be pretty disappointed by if... It's easily the boringest, grindiest, most story-less, most generic dungeon crawler of the series that I've played, and despite it being a "precursor" to Persona it has pretty much nothing of what made the Persona series itself stand out. I understand wanting to play it and form your own opinion about it, but I don't feel like it deserves the kind of holy grail status some people have given it.

>> No.4036896

What's stopping you from loading KanjiTomo and reading it yourself?

>> No.4036901

There's already a very good translation guide at https://www.gamefaqs.com/snes/581300-shin-megami-tensei-if/faqs

>> No.4036902


OP doesnt deserve such a good suggestion, KanjiTomo kicks major ass.

>> No.4036904

Is there some sort of unspoken rule about not translating stuff other people have worked on even if they're taking literally over a decade to fucking do it in the fan translation community? When some guy showed up out of the blue and finished the original Kamen Rider in like two weeks a lot of fansubbers were furious he beat the guy who was ttook nearly five years to release two episodes.

>> No.4036907

There is but frankly who gives a shit, it's not like anybody help each others out at the RHDN forums anyway. What are they gonna do, sue your derivative work script for copyright violation?

>> No.4036908


He's a good guy, and has done some great work. but yes, he does work at a snail's pace. Because he's just one guy. Last post was on June 11th 2015.

As such, other people should pick up projects he is doing.

Maybe we need people who work via patreon and do it as a "job"? And who are paid by the completed task to avoid them just dragging out projects forever.


>> No.4036914

Gonna give him kudos for completing almost 100 projects.

>> No.4036916

>Because he's just one guy
Actually his translations were the effort of multiple people but he just took all the credit which would probably explain the extremely slow pace now that no one wants to work with him anymore.

>> No.4036917

>Source: my mouth, my ass.

>> No.4036923

Yeah cause that really helped with that shmupatlon guy, didn't it?

>> No.4036926

Janitor delete this post for inappropriate language. This is a blue board we do not tolerate that here.

>> No.4036927
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>as a fellow fan-translator that's what I would do.

>> No.4036928

You can't lengthen eternity.

>> No.4036930

You can read on each individual project page he DID receive outside help from the community
>Demi has sent over a font replacement and is working on translating the script, AWJ has translated the various lists of monster names, items/attacks/spells, and descriptions of the items/attacks/spells, and Neil_ is helping move stuff around the screen, hopefully, so we can expand the item names out an extra space.
For instance, this is from the WS Saga page.

>> No.4036932


That guy has straight up just vanished.

Which is why we need to have a task for of Jap-Anons who go to the Japanese Diet Library and scan all this shit ourselves, distribute it via a lump torrent, and then people can translate it as they see fit. Way more efficient than waiting for one guy to do it, who will drag this shit out forever.

>> No.4036934

>Yeah cause that really helped with that shmupatlon guy, didn't it?

Wait, hold the fucking phone,

is that guy's patreon still up and running?!

>> No.4036935

Sutte Hakkun has been in a limbo for like 12 years or some shit

Also, judging from the brief discussions I've had with Gideon, the dude is a total douche.

>> No.4036941

I feel like these kinds of obscure action games translations are meant more as a means to promote and raise awareness, you don't really need a translation to play that.

>> No.4036960
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dude hasn't updated his website in a few years
he posts on RHDN a lot though.

>> No.4036963

>literally holding translations hostage
What a fucking att whoring faggot.

>> No.4036964
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>> No.4036969

Does he realize that kind of spite isn't really effective when it's already been years of no updates before anyone would even see that post? There's gotta be a point of diminishing returns when it comes to people's reactions towards delays.

>> No.4036974

Yeah, what's one more month when it's already been 20 years of waiting.

>> No.4036975

I try to be neutral and fair to this kind of discussion, but there's something unsettling about a, well ONE, fansubber who juggles fansub projects for dozens (!) of projects over, huh, how long has it been since he started doing this, 15-20 years?

Not trying to bash the guy, because at the end of the day if someone really wanted a game done they'd up and do it regardless of what others do, but wow, there's something really odd or off about this.

>> No.4036978

I remember something similar happening with the Pokemon TCG 2 translation. Some dude was taking an eternity to translate the thing, then someone else came along and posted a full translation. It caused the original translator to ragequit his translation, and all his fans ended up bitching at the other guy who actually translated the damn game because of it.

>> No.4037295

And those rushed translations are normally complete crap and full of bugs.

>> No.4037675

the fuck up

>> No.4037680

Aeon Genesis patches are also full of bugs.

>> No.4037687

Aeon Genesis got me to play La-Mulana, so I'll forever be thankful.

>> No.4037769

He doesn't translate lmao

Also, he "refuses to take money"

Spoiler: he's just trying to use what he has as an in to the real game industry

>> No.4037774

you'd probably learn about the game eventually from the steam remake anyway

>> No.4037775

>is that guy's patreon still up and running?!

Yes. And no word what's even happened to him. No updates since March 21st on his twitter, and no site updsates since Feb.

>> No.4037779

>doesn't fix SMT 1 for years
>Orden finally does
>says he has fixes for both it and 2 ready to go but now won't release either because of Orden's work on both bug fixing and releasing a spic version "without his permission"

>> No.4037806

>"without his permission"
Did this nigger OWN the games by any instance? Fuck off he also worked without Atlus permission.

>> No.4037810

he's an attention whore like the guy translating the SamSho RPG.

>> No.4037870

Can you imagine how many games we could get if the guys translating anime and porn started working on all those titles still left in japanese?

yes you would still need programmers but it would be a nice fat leap in the right direction

>> No.4037884

>he's a fan translator on the internet
>he does it for free
>he takes comments very seriously
>He delays his translations when people complain because it's the only amount of power and control he will ever have in his pathetic life

>> No.4037970

gideon doesn't translate, only insert

at best he might translate menus and thats it

>> No.4038209

I appreciate people who translate stuff for free that'd never see the light of day but good god some of them can be the biggest egotistical assholes ever.

>> No.4038213

Most anime fansubbers quit due to everyone just downloading horriblesub releases now.

>> No.4038224

Porn translators are awful. You wouldn't want them working on anything more complex.

>> No.4038225

those are literally all just ribbed from crunchyroll and shit, arent they

>> No.4038228

Yes they're just official stream subs.

>> No.4038229

>Porn "translators"

Are a lot of them still borderline joke translations?

>> No.4038230


good job typing in the dark, self

ok, thats what i thought. from what i read theyre basically run by bitter oldbies circa cr being the pirate site it pretends it never was

>> No.4038232

I don't see why that would change when the audience is too retarded to notice or care.

>> No.4038274
File: 60 KB, 800x450, Romancing-Saga-2-Featured[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Gideon and his mafia won't let anyone translate this one

>> No.4038281

>implying he is still alive.

>> No.4038485

Bro stop being so impatient he will quickly churn it out in the next ten years just wait dude.

>> No.4038528

IMO the romhacking/translation scene is cancerous and bitchy as fuck.

>> No.4038529

Finished with bugs > Unfinished with bugs > Not even started and it's already with bugs

>> No.4038536

How does it feel knowing that you're entirely dependent on people who you can do nothing but shittalk because you're too much of an idiot to learn a second language? That you're entirely at their whim and they don't even give a shit about you? Isn't it embarrassing to care about something so much yet know you have absolutely zero control over it?

>> No.4038537

>Not even started and it's already with bugs

kek pham

>> No.4038541

In ten years OCR and machine translate software will have advanced so far that translation patches are useless.

>> No.4038542

I'd love to play Vertexer, but the MAME team has more important things to emulate, like hundreds of handheld electronic football games.

Thanks guys.


>> No.4038550

You sure it just isn't a case of there being a known board to actually dump first? There's a couple of games that will never see the light of day because they end up in the hands of someone who absolutely refuse to dump the only copy that's even confirmed to exist so they can brag they're the only person who can play it.

>> No.4038568

>reaching that peak at 6:24
>dat vista in the background
>then going down, and on that same road

holy motherfucking shit

>> No.4038575

Persona only became its own thing at 3. 1 was very close to SMT and 2 was different from the other 3. You could've added the P1 protagonist to SMT:A with the Persona ability and he wouldn't have been out of place.

>> No.4038576

I don't think the remake would've been a thing if not for its international popularity

>> No.4038580

The Kuroinu one was decent, but the first release had Ruu-Ruu's species be "half-link" instead of halfling.

>> No.4038594

How are they doing this exactly? The languages aren't secrets and neither, I would imagine, are the methods of modifying the game to insert the English in place.

Is there so little interest that these chumps are the only ones? Is there some social power they hold over people? If so why do people give a shit?

>> No.4038606


>> No.4038632


the android port is fully translated

If someone had the technical knowhow they could just instert the text on the original ROM just to spite Gideon

>> No.4038635

Too bad for him that nobody has that knowledge.

>> No.4038646

It is not an issue with the translation, apparently inserting the text is the problem for how the game handles it.

>> No.4038702

How hard is inserting the text into the game?
SomethingAwful has a translation of one of the routes, if it's not too hard, I can try to insert the translation into the game this summer.

>> No.4038781

Pretty damn hard sadly.
Translators are a dime a dozen compared to good romhackers.

>> No.4038806

It's not that easy, sadly. Inserting text into a ROM is like trying to change the pieces of a clock while it's still working. It's not a one-time process, because you have to test the game to see if there isn't any place it hangs because of the text you've added. Yes, "added", because english text will always use more bytes than japanese text. That's where the main problem lies. ROMhacking has a pretty steep learning curve because of that. It's pretty easy to grasp the basics, but you'll soon hit a wall that you can't seem to go over, no matter what you try. Even Gideon, who's one of the most accomplished ROMhackers out there, said he took FIVE years to finally figure out Gundam Wing Endless Duel's compression scheme (the SNES fighting game), when he was a beginner. He went into ROMhacking trying to translate that game, and by the time he finished it, he already had a few "easier" projects under his belt.

About the text inserting part, let me tell you a story. The team that translated Parasite Eve to Spanish saw that the font used in the game had empty spaces at the end of its file. So they though about using that empty space to make a another font, that changed colors to emphasize important stuff (like item and place names). They successfully did so, and there were no hangups. UNTIL someone played the post-game dungeon (Chrysler Building), and discovered that some of that empty space was used initialize one of the rooms in the building. So they had to dive into the code again, find the reference to this room, and redirect it to somewhere else. See, by changing a thing that they were _sure_ didn't matter at all, they actually created a bug in a completely out-of-place part of the game: the post-game dungeon, and it was only in one of the rooms. Now you can imagine if a lucky tester hadn't found this out, this bug would still be present in the Spanish translation today, and no one would know.

>> No.4038815

Actually, one of the games Gideon worked on had a similar bug, YS V for the SNES. Although the game was beta-tested, someone a few years later found a bug in one of the routes - if you chose a few very specific options, the game would freeze and be unwinnable. I think Gideon corrected it when the guy told him.

I remember seeing that message, it was a little harsher than usual even for old man Gideon.

Man, I wonder what happened to Gideon. He was a happy guy 3 years ago, I guess his life took a nosedive when he lost his job or something? I remember him saying something of the sort. Nowadays he stays on twitter RTing stuff about EVIL REPUBLICANS or something of the sort.
I think he said something about moving to/out of Seattle before all this happened. Probably job-related.
Well, I hope he makes it past those hard times.

>> No.4038916

To be honest, I'm more intrested in Devil Summoner PSP, which already has a full translation, that no one has managed to put in the game, which indicates some challenge.
What would you recommend as a starter friendly romhacking project?

>> No.4039108

To be honest, if you know how to program in any language, it would make your life in ROMhacking a lot easier. You CAN insert a translation without any programming knowledge whatsoever, but you would have to depend on someone to program a insertion tool for you, or use a generic insertion tool, like Atlas. And a generic tool wouldn't work in at least half of the cases.

If you want a project just to get used to romhacking stuff, try either of these:
- Zombie Daisuki (Nintendo DS game, the script is neatly arranged into files)
- Master of Darkness (Sega Master System game, the text is in ASCII)
- YS III. There's a tutorial on Romhacking.net showing you how to find the text routine and change letters.

All those games are translated I think, but if you just want to play around changing stuff and seeing what happens, they're a good start.

>> No.4039127

Just to give you an example of the difficulties of reinserting the text into a game. Some stuff that you think are a given, like word-wrapping, actually aren't a given.

So let's say you're hacking a NES game. It has a text box that can display 16 characters per line, and the text box has 2 lines. If you wanted to write:

The game wouldn't write it as:

It would write it all in the same line, and the text would run off the edges of the screen. It's easier to show with some images, but I don't have any in the PC. So you can do three things:
- Easier: count characters on every line and insert a newline to go to the next line. Time-consuming, but not coding skills necessary.
- Normal: code a tool to break lines automatically for you (in the script, not in the game). Some coding skill needed.
- Hard: change the game's code itself (ASM) so it recognizes when it needs to put a newline automatically. Coding skill needed, and it's specific to the console in question.

So you see, you would need to find a solution for something as simple as word-wrapping.

>> No.4039176

I know some Java, enough to make a tool that would break lines automatically.
I also know some Assembly, but I don't think I know enough to change the game's code, since all I know how to do is simple stuff.

>> No.4039220

What Assembly?

>> No.4039267

Some 16 bit Assembly they taught me at college.

>> No.4039354
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>Getting mad as fuck over some old copypasta

If all the salty translators in this thread right now spent less time getting triggered and shitposting we wouldn't be having this discussion

>> No.4039412

desu if you take fucking years to work on things you don't deserve exclusivity and good fucking riddance if it causes you to quit. You are literally contributing nothing while others could have been done years ago, people that actually have time and motivation.

>> No.4039417

that one is never happening due to Square Enix, same thing happened with FFType-0

>> No.4039756
File: 41 KB, 800x600, 5b3bdfdb-7011-4f14-90ef-ab308a32463c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to go off topic but I didn't want to make a separate thread for this topic so I decided to ask here.

What is a good website for buying imports? There is some import stuff I've been looking into owning and I couldn't find shit on ebay or amazon.

>> No.4040506

wasnt he hit by katrina, and then lost his job? i dont know. hes been a piece of shit for way more than 3 years, anyway

if anything, i feel thats when he had people help him afford to go to some con and try to get a job and basically got told off. idk ask smtg

i think the guy who did innocent sin is working on it

>> No.4041016

Romhacking scene is pure cancer which is why I don't participate in the "scene" despite releasing my own stuff.

>> No.4041026

Devil Summoner PSP is actually being worked on already.

>> No.4041036

He also posts on twitter, about a month ago he said that if... needs testing but doesn't have reliable testers, and he basically diverts his attention between projects based on what other contributors give him.

>> No.4041074

There's no such thing as "not having reliable testers" because he could open recruitment for testers and get those easy.
The actual reason is that there's fuck all done beyond the script itself and that none of the people in his circlejerk are able to work on it for him.
And he will never go outside of his safe space circlejerk.

>> No.4041076

>To everyone offering to test - thanks, but I haven't figured out exactly how I'm going to go about vetting people yet.

This reeks of bullshit considering he's done this before and surely knows how to go about finding testers

>> No.4041093

Like I said, real reason is actually >>4041074
If you aren't part of his deep inner circlejerk, you're not qualified because his mindset is that of a 60 year virgin woman, that is to say complete loony.
And last time I was anywhear "near" his circle, I learned that:
1. He's been sitting on SMT1 and SMT2 bugfixes FOR YEARS with literally both being complete and only needing minor tweaks to release, prime reason why SMT1 bugfixes weren't released for so long being and I shit you not, him not being able to decide what race Pixie should be and him refusing to use the "Fairy" one that Atlus has been using for years saying that "Fairy Pixie" sounds retarded.
2. He claimed he implemented VWF (variable width font) in SMT2 but it still needed some testing.
3. When asked if he would share his script for SMT1 PSX translation that I was trying to get going at the time, he was making all kinds of bullshit excuses and stalling for time.
And then Orden made his bugfixes and Gideon had a complete temporal meltdown and said he will never EVER release his SMT1 and SMT2 updates and scripts anymore if "People are just going to blatantly steal my projects and not respect my sole right as the only person able to claim credit for those releases" among other horseshit.

And then I deleted him from Steam because I got tired of his asinine shit.

>> No.4041261

Japanmart is great so long as you buy a couple of games at once to justify the shipping and commission costs. That being said $10 shipping and $13 commission was still worth snaggiby Salamander Deluxe for only $36 rather than the $70-80 it goes for on ebay.

>> No.4041262

>$13 commision
KEK Learn to Zenmart. 300yen comission no matter how much.

>> No.4041286

>my sole right as the only person able to claim credit
He sounds like a total piece of shit. Orden is a fucking hero.

>> No.4041340


Damn, he sounds like a six years old crying and whining because another kid got the same toy and he doesn't have the exclusivity any longer.

No wonder a lot of people considers him a colossal cunt. Orden is a true bro for doing what he did and I hope he didn't get attacked by the diseased community for "stealing" gideon's project.

>> No.4041363

>"People are just going to blatantly steal my projects and not respect my sole right as the only person able to claim credit for those releases"

I'd like to see that post

>> No.4041413

Well everyone in the Megaten community plays Orden's patches, and many suggest playing his spanish versions over Gideon's translations if you're able to get by in Spanish.

>> No.4041424

>"People are just going to blatantly steal my projects and not respect my sole right as the only person able to claim credit for those releases" among other horseshit.
I just unfollowed this joker on twitter. Fuck that shit, he's a cancer to the community

>> No.4041429

Paraphrased from a conversation so I don't know how am I supposed to give you a source. But just look up his egotripping on Romhacking forums when Orden released his patches and Spanish translations, that should be enough for you I'd say.

>> No.4041435

>>Well everyone in the Megaten community plays Orden's patches
That's not true.

>> No.4041439

/smtg/ exclusively uses Orden's patched versions and what less retarded people on /v/ also recommend those.

>> No.4041442


Ignorance of a better alternative or just plain playing the japanese clean rom aside, is any reason why would somebody not play with orden's patch?

>> No.4041447

Being Gideon or his croneys.

>> No.4041448

>and Spanish translations
Wait, he was even upset about that bit? What a cunt.

>> No.4041456

A lot of players don't use unofficial translations at all.
Some others buy "reproduction" cartridges with only the translation patch.

>> No.4041458

I mean they're still using the fan-translations, they're just burned to a ROM and usually not bug-fixed or updated versions of the patches at that.

>> No.4041513

Well you know what faggot? I'm glad you told me that so I can save more money in the future.

>> No.4041540

I don't have an exact page, but I found this one where he's getting pissy about the patch.


>> No.4041548

kek. I wish I could buy Orden a beer.

>> No.4041551

He also made this twitter post in response to ddstranslations' version of KMT.


>> No.4041553

I wish I could murder him if only so that all the translations he's been holding hostage would be up for grabs again.

>> No.4041554


oh, wait, that was the wrong one, actually. that was somebody trying to fuck with him and he lost his shit due to the whole holding back updates shit

let me see if i can find the other one

>> No.4041557

I'm so glad DDS did KMT, that translation is fucking fantastic. I forgot I was playing a fan-translation while I played through both games.

>> No.4041569

>It's not that easy, sadly. Inserting text into a ROM is like trying to change the pieces of a clock while it's still working.

Most of the time, it's not.
Like 95% of SNES games use text pointers to show where each piece of text "begins" in a section of the ROM file.

It will look something like this:

The main code will reference an area of the rom and label it as the text index.
The first thing in the index is the hex address of the rom where the text section starts, and where it ends. Next is text entry #1's hex address for the first character.

When the game calls text#1, it goes to the index and knows that text#1 is located in the section designated as the text bank at address beginning C2 and ending A004.
The program prints everything starting in A004 until it hits the hex code for "stop printing" (in FF5, this was F0, I think), then the game code continues on as normal.

To insert additional lines, you need to expand the ROM and move ALL THE TEXT to a new bank (like, say, expand the rom from 16MB to 24MB, and designate the new blank space as the text bank) , and re-write the whole index to fit your new text bank.

This isn't as hard as it sounds, since there are tools that will do this for you, and any decent database software will do it with minimal effort.

>> No.4041598

>People are just going to blatantly steal my projects and not respect my sole right as the only person able to claim credit for those releases

Sad thing is even if you're just bullshitting us right now I can still find this totally believable based on how I've seen other fan translators act. It pisses me off too because these egomaniacs totally overshadow the ones who do it just because they really love something and want more people to experience it.

>> No.4041608

I'm not but it's not like I have evidence to back it up, but all you need to do is look through Gideon's romhacking and twitter post history to see that it's completely in-character for him.

>> No.4041612

Yeah I'm not doubting you he's like that it's just your experience I'll remain neutral on only because you don't have evidence and it's not like that's your fault because you gotta be a weirdo to screencap and save random conversations you got on Steam.

>> No.4041613
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>> No.4041615

Honestly for me the most annoying thing was the constant excuses and bullshit I was being fed at eventually I just realized it's a waste of time and moved on. This just happened to be the icing on the shit cake.

>> No.4041636

Any luck finding it?

>> No.4041713

No. I was looking through old smtg and vr posts for it, but couldn't find it.

>> No.4041724

lol he's scared someone will share the file, he said so on twitter

>> No.4041725

a savvy anon should just hack his shit and set it all his game hostages free.

>> No.4041737

he brought it to show off at some con, and most of smtg was wishing they could go and steal it from him/beat the shit out of him

>> No.4041816

>There's no such thing as "not having reliable testers" because he could open recruitment for testers and get those easy.

open recruitment for everyone =/ reliable people who will not fuck you over

idgaf about him but you're definitely the latter

>> No.4041823

You're right but he's not even trying to find testers, yet obviously knows how considering the amount of projects he's worked on.

>> No.4042014

Then why not just do full, open public testing and set up some kind of locked google dock for listing bug reports and versioning information? This way we have people playing it and he can fix the shit as he goes along.

>> No.4042034

>having an untested translation patch in the wild
Sounds like a major headache waiting to happen.

>> No.4042039

dds did something similar with beta KMT patches.

If he's really worried about people stealing or leaking it, just release it and fix bugs as they come along. The project is popular enough that a few dedicated people will show up to take part outside of those that just want to play it. Give it a few months until bug reports/fixes are quieted down and call it good.

Getting the community itself involved is a good way to kill two birds with one stone. Worse case scenario, people bitch about playing a buggy beta patch. In which case they can either keep waiting or submit reports to help speed it along.

>> No.4042041

This makes sense, but judging from what I've seen of Gideon Zhi's attitude I don't think he could handle that kind of thing.

>> No.4042050

You're probably right. The first time somebody submits a fucking bug report, he'd probably get pissy people don't understand his love and vision for his project, cancelling the whole beta initiative and leaving the project in a buggy state only to be fixed years later by a dedicated fan who gets bitched out by Gideon because he totally had the fixes this whole time.

>> No.4042053

i think he's scared someone like orden will fix his work again

he literally does not care about the games, just the attention. i dontthink it was always this way, but it has been for a long time

>> No.4042171

Kind of worried about this. It always happens to Japanese only titles because of the allure of being "the one that got away"

>> No.4042921

From what I understand it's basically re-using assets from the first two games, but has interesting demons and story; and it's obviously historically relevant as the forefather of Persona. I mean, for those of us who can't get enough 1st person dungeon crawling, it's bound to be at least worth playing, even if it's a little underwhelming.

>> No.4043057

i was so excited when he picked this up.
if only i'd known.

>> No.4043069
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>This project "Super Robot Wars Gaiden" page has been viewed 86582 times so far.
>last news:2007

>> No.4043305

zero expectations is the way to go. if something gets finished and it doesn't suck, neat. if not, there're still hundreds of other excellent games. you can go with betty without thinking of wilma.

i also have a hard time expecting anything when i sure as hell wouldn't do it myself. like faqs: i'm glad people make them but if i can fumble through a game then so can everyone else. sharing pearls with other folks who've played the game can be fun, but spending the time to make a comprehensive faq? for any old shithead who finds it? fuck that.

anyway, there's no good reason why someone motivated shouldn't pick up a given game and translate/hack it. worrying about assholes ostracising you shouldn't even register when you know that decent folk will actually appreciate what you've done. the only way there'd be legitimate complaints is if you're trying to pull people who are hard at work on a successful project (not a translator who's done his job, a hacker who's waiting on a translator, or anyone at all on a project whose output is garbage). otherwise, nobody should have shit to say about how you spend your own free time (or how anyone helping you spends theirs).

>> No.4045237

How good is this game?

>> No.4046210

They'd just discover he was full of shit the entire time.

>> No.4046220

>he was full of shit the entire time.

a dozens-game-spanning ruse 20 years in the making

the ultimate plan from the absolute madman

Gideon is now retro gaming's enemy numero uno

>> No.4046726

>room initialization data is located in font files

Why do Japanese people program games in such a haphazard way?

>> No.4048978

Wouldn't be surprised

>> No.4050712
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I want to fucking know.
Taking it out of the remake doesn't make me less curious!

>> No.4050723

My analogy wasn't very good, sorry. Imagine the files are Tetris pieces, and when they need to be put into memory, they fall to the bottom. Adding more stuff to the font file "changed its shape". The file that initialized that room in the Chrysler Building expected the memory (bottom) to be of a certain shape, but because the font file was changed, it's now a different shape than what is expected, the font "shape" is now occupying some of the room's space. So the room doesn't initialize properly.

>> No.4053408

Is there a translated version of this game? Not talking about a Rom, like just a translation of the script.

>> No.4053802

I was acquainted with Gideon for a short while in Seattle and, judging by his facebook, he has been bouncing between tech jobs for the last few years.

Sounds to me like he has been too busy with his real programming jobs in Seattle to work on translations.

>> No.4053871

so, how is he in real life?

>> No.4053938
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it will not be shipped
it will not be finished
they will not give the money back

>> No.4053943

WTF is this shit

>> No.4053948

Beat'em up by the creators of Pier Solar formerly known as Project Y

>> No.4053963

Classically nerdy, lol. Didn't strike me as being a bad guy by any means.

>> No.4053982

that font is fucking awful

>> No.4054003

Pretty much any game on aeon genesis that's not already listed as complete.

>> No.4054060

Honestly, I don’t think the Kamen Rider situation was because somebody had the gall to do the whole series in under a few months.

It was because the person doing it had no idea how English grammar worked, didn't provide soft subs, and totally borked the video quality.

>> No.4054089

I've heard similar stories before and I actually hate this kind of clueless fag more than the guys who can do it but don't.

>> No.4054092

Never ever gonna finish the original Zelda. Feels like I either had to be a kid with lots of time on my hands, preferably born in a country where the game was popular (I'm from Poland and Nintendo is niche here) or use a walkthrough a lot and ruin my fun.

I get when Jonathan Blow says he likes how there's no cracks indicating where to bomb which makes it more mysterious and satisfying when you actually find the right spot but I prefer the approach from the Link to the Past onwards - give the less skilled or dedicated a way to actually finish the game and add secrets for the hardcore players.

>> No.4054125

What games has Gideon claimed?

>> No.4054135


>> No.4054140
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from most to least page views

>> No.4054143

If that really is the case, maybe he should think about letting some stuff go.

>> No.4054187

I'll never understand why any logical person would give a fuck about such a absurdly stupid concept as "claiming" a game for fan translation. Who's gonna stop you? What is going to stop you from uploading it somewhere?

>> No.4054212

I don’t think he really cares too much if somebody else works on the same game. He seemed pretty cool with it when another guy took up Ganbare Goemon 2.

>> No.4054274

I remember some mention of him rushing one or two patches out of the door once he caught wind someone was working on games he was also working on.

>> No.4054278

Yea, that happened years ago, forgot what game/s. All of a sudden... PROGRESS, coincidence? I think not

>> No.4054285

Wasn't that suppose to be on the SNES?

>> No.4054287

No? They named it Project Y after the Yamaha chip.

>> No.4054290

I remember them talking about a beatemup RPG hybrid on the SNES they wanted to make.

>> No.4054291

You imagined things, bro.

>> No.4054295

never gonna finish dw3 gbc 100% after I found out what happens when you talk to grandragon with everything unlocked
shit would take over 1000 hours anyway

>> No.4054297

No I was just remembering wrong. They have an SNES game in the works, but all their ideas for it seem so generic.

>> No.4054298

I meant I remembered wrong in the sense I got their projects mixed up.

>> No.4054637

>as a fellow fan-translator that's what I would do.
Nah. You'd go and spend 7 years re-translating a Squaresoft JRPG for the 13th time because you didn't like the fonts the other 12 teams used.

>> No.4054767

>he has both Majin Tensei games held hostage too
Fucking hell

>> No.4054850

Imagine what it must be like to have translated the game but have this one person sit on hacking it for years.

>> No.4054852

>translated the game but have this one person sit on hacking it for years.

This shouldnt even be happening, to any project. Translators have released the scripst to the public as soon as they were finished, why are these people just giving it to this guy...

>> No.4054869

Probably because the amount of games that he has completed is nearly triple the amount of games that are unfinished.

>> No.4054874

Midway polygonal arcade emulation. Especially SF Rush 2049 SE and that ultra rare TPS multiplayan.

>> No.4054901

>no one else but Gideon can't translate this

>> No.4055039

No, plenty of others can. It's just a question of whether or not they're on Gideon's cum carousel.

>> No.4055416

Because he's been active since the early-00s. No shit he'd have a solid history.
People COULD, but Gideon would get on their ass about it

>> No.4055454

I just figure that solid history is why people would think to ask him in the first place.

As an aside though, the translator for Madara 2 is the same guy that translated Tengai Makyou Zero. The former being in progress for years is probably why he didn't give the translation for the latter to Gideon.

>> No.4055496

>Probably because the amount of games that he has completed is nearly triple the amount of games that are unfinished.

This is not a good reason to give him the translated script just him instead of releasing it to the public like so many have in the past. This should not be happening, if these translators really care about their time and making the games accessible to English speakers. There's something really wrong with the way Gideon and his cohorts go about fan-translation.

>> No.4055608

Do you think Gideon is aware of this thread?

>> No.4055635

I get that people don't want to inadvertently shit on others by releasing their own translation, but ten years man.
I figure waiting for one year of inactivity at least before someone else should be able to do their own translation would be polite, and two would be the most.
Nobody has stepped up to take anything, and gideon refuses to let go.
It's a fucked up situation.

>> No.4055649

Why would he care what we think?

>> No.4055658

>People COULD, but Gideon would get on their ass about it
and do what?

>> No.4055662

Use the kill switch he distributed in all his patches.

>> No.4055664
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>Use the kill switch he distributed in all his patches.

>> No.4055940
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>> No.4056008

Translators and their crew are hyper sensitive about politics and shit for some reason.

It's just so uncouth to restart a project someone else is working on, even if they have abandoned it. You need to receive it from him, and credit him, even if you entirely start over.

T. Edited and helped several pc translations that saw the light of day.

>> No.4056040

But what is really stoping someone from translating games? I don't understand why as a translator you would give the slightest shit about this "claiming" of translations

>> No.4056045

The only thing stopping someone from translating the games (and not just their scripts) Gideon has "claimed" is having someone who actually wants to translate those games.

>> No.4056104

Hint, if you are asking "How hard is inserting the text into the game?" you aren't going to " insert the translation into the game this summer". I am damn good and fast at reverse engineering SNES code, and it would be a full-time job for me to have it complete in a 2 or 3 months.

>> No.4056117

Oh no he's going to delay a game that was probably never going to even get finished at this point.

>> No.4056524


>> No.4056741

sounds like those people are a buncha slack jawed faggots