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4020453 No.4020453 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into Tomb Raider?

>> No.4020459

1 is a timeless masterpiece, the rest has aged like shit

>> No.4020461

By playing Tomb Raider.

>> No.4020469

Boot the game, shoot the bears and mummies.

>> No.4020473


By her a drink first

>> No.4020474

Funny considering IV is the best one in the series

>> No.4020507
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>> No.4020512
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>How do I get into Tomb Raider?
By watching the first movie then playing TR1, 2 and 3.

>> No.4020518

By playing the first, the second and Revelations (the best)

3 and Chronicles are total SHIT

>> No.4020519

by playing the first four games

>> No.4020541

Reminder that the creator of Tomb Raider left after Tomb Raider 1.

>> No.4020576


Tomb Raider 1 is a perfect place to start. 2 is the perfect Tomb raider and one of the most accomplished games of all time.

>> No.4020652

2 is a huge disappointment made of awful gunfights, uninspired level design and unlimited save states that lead to a boring die and retry gameplay. i couldn't even finish that shit

>> No.4020669
File: 32 KB, 853x480, Tomb_raider_anniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will probably cause a small shitstorm, but I'd recommend to start with anniversary, that's how I get into.
You will probably be frustrated if you just jump right into the classics, they are very different to modern games.

>> No.4020698

What do you mean? 1 through 5 are virtually identical in terms of gameplay

I disagree about TR2. While a very good game (which I'm actually replaying) I disliked the fact that the vast majority of the game was spent in modern/artificial environments. You start out in a very promising first level but then you're stuck in Venice->the aquatic base->the sunken ship, all the while killing armed thugs. It's a long time before you get to another natural environment to face off against nature. That is what I really like about the first game, the feeling of solitude and wonder of exploring natural places and long lost cities.

>> No.4020705

I know this is almost a stock reply, but consider playing them in order. The first TR is the perfect entry point in my opinion, it perfectly sets up the mood and style of the series. If you're playing on PC check out Peixoto's mod, it allows for higher resolutions with proper aspect ratio, controllers with xinput and a lot of other cool shit.

>> No.4020715

While we are on the tr subject.

I recentky heard about the level editor, that was bundle with m'y chronicles cd, but remained overlooked.

Is there a modding place where i could get some levels ?

>> No.4020716
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>> No.4021061

Play the first game. On disc or digitally on PC is best, as long as your D-pad doesn't suck shit. On disc on PS1/2/3, digitally on PS3, or the PS version emulated on PC is fine.
Play Lara's Home before starting a new game to learn the different jumps and other manoeuvrers. Consult the manual/Internet to make sure you understand your movelist.

General tips.:
Have patience, enjoy the methodical platforming, and don't rush until you've gotten gud. Unless you get barged off a platform or into traps by an enemy, deaths are the player's fault.
Take your time, soak in the atmosphere, and explore areas for secrets, but don't stress about missing any.
Don't be afraid to use ammo, but stick to the pistols against easy enemies, and when you're shooting from a safe perch.
Keep your distance from melee attackers and guys with flamethrowers by backstepping and jumping around. Get in close to guys with guns and exploit their slow turning and aiming by rolling behind them. Keep your distance from projectile throwing enemies and jump from side-to-side.

>> No.4021458

Thanks for the help friends!

>> No.4021504

So for the original game what's the differences between versions 1.0 - 1.6? Just demos and stuff?

>> No.4021507

what's wrong with 3?

>> No.4021540

Not him, but it's full of instant death trial and error stuff.

>> No.4022543

I agree.

Tomb Raider 1 has enough die-and-retry itself. It's not like the game punishes you for dying excessively there either. All you do is go back to the last save state.

And let's ALSO not forget that the PC versions never rolled with the limited save states crap. Unless you have limited continues or have to restart the level, the save states add nothing to the game mechanics.


At least you didn't say "lol but you don't even raid tombs in 2." Which is bullshit.

Tomb Raider 1 had all of 2 tombs. That was fucking it. It was also the first in the series and therefore contained all the campy, cliché locations you would want in the first entry. Egyptian pyramids, ancient Greek cities, caverns and tunnels. And Atlantis.

Tomb Raider 2 isn't that different. It's just that you're up against a bigger enemy this time - an entire cult. You don't go to Venice because they didn't have any better locations but because that's what the story demanded.

Also, exploring the abandoned shit was way cooler than any of the generic played-out ancient locations of 1. It felt like it could be a real place as opposed to St. Francis's Folly, which has more ridiculous traps and architecture.

The Ice Palace levels were also pretty cool and had a more Asian touch. Not everything has to be set in Egypt, Greece or Rome to be considered a proper Tomb Raider setting.

And about the thugs: What was Natla doing most of the time? Isn't she the head of a large corporation? Why isn't she sending more goons after Lara? Could she only afford the token black guy, the ridiculous cowboy and skateboard man-child mac10? At least Pierre was there to scare the fuck out of you with surprise appearances. Although it was ridiculous that you could shoot him a million times in Colosseum before he magically disappeared again.

>> No.4022591

start by getting into fapping to polygon tits.

>> No.4023819

Why did they remove Lara's remark when she pick up items?

>> No.4023889

There's an entrance in the front and another in the back.

>> No.4023918

Start with the original on Playstation but if it's too hard for you to make it from crystal to crystal play the PC version that lets you save anywhere.

Realize that Tomb Raider is more like a physics based puzzle game than an action game or 3D platformer. Go slow and look before you leap, often literally but also when approaching combat.

I think St Francis's Folly was the first time I actually enjoyed getting vertigo from a video game and now I hop around it like it's home. Mario 64 on the other hand still gives me a sinking feeling to this day.

>> No.4024526

Just play a tank simulator.

>> No.4024543

fuck you for even SUGGESTING that

>> No.4024551
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My first Tomb Raider game was Angel of Darkness. I thought it was awful, made me angry to play

>> No.4025953

With promo stuff.

>> No.4025965
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Play the first and then only play the rest if you REALLY liked the parts where you shoot stuff and not explore. Also if you felt the formula could be improved by awful vehicle sections.

I liked the series as a whole but it did go downhill after the first game. Not too downhill not to be enjoyable though

>> No.4025973
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>> No.4026004
File: 171 KB, 626x894, Tomb Raider AoD - artwork 191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't played it yet, but it can't be that bad.

>> No.4027248

>save states
My first time playing it I thought there were save crystals hidden somewhere. I kept dying around the part in China where you hop off the zipline and got fucked by tigers and had to start all over.

>uninspired level design
Nah, fuck you dude.

>> No.4027297

Is there a place on the internet where I can discuss how perfect Lara is? This thread seems to slow for that.

>> No.4027304
File: 136 KB, 400x555, pinup-lara[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this as a poster from a video game magazine. It had a kissing mouth with "Love, Lara" on it.

>> No.4027316
File: 39 KB, 436x600, tomb_4_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this one?

>> No.4027329

I miss old Lara.

>We went from a sexy, cocky, and athletically skilled woman to an average, pussy-whipped teenager that cries at every given moment when she isn't getting her ass kicked by local flora

>> No.4027383

I like the actual design of nuLara. The personality sucks, but the design is good.

>> No.4028651
File: 254 KB, 1995x2813, legend Lara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has good design, but bad Lara design. Why can't we have something like LAU design but with more polygons and better animations?

>> No.4028654

She looks absurdly bland not to mention weird like she's a mestizo

>> No.4028684

you played the shit one in the series m8 lol

>> No.4028693

Apparently Lara Croft is based on Toby Gard's sister. That's what he said at least, but it was unintentional.

Can't find pictures of her though

>> No.4028697
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>but it was unintentional

>> No.4028724

dont. it fucking sucks. TR2013 definitive edition is great. inb4 autism. the original tomb raider games were never good, even at release.

>> No.4029325
File: 716 KB, 500x234, larabang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did they become popular then?

>> No.4029387


>> No.4029457

he's right. The first one is AMAZING. the 2cd one is so overrated

>> No.4029664

that's fucking marketing, that doesn't sell a game just like prositutes aren't millionarres.

>> No.4030231

Perfect, a Tomb Raider thread. I got the collection of the first three on GoG, used nGlide to increase the resolution, used JoytoKey to get a controller working, and it all worked perfectly. I tried to stick the PSX version's music in it, which seems to be a mistake. I used the TR1installer1771, followed every step of this guide http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=842229868, and the music works. Great. One problem. It's trapped in a tiny window as you can see in my screenshot. That's before I enabled windowed mode by setting the dosboxTR.conf fullscreen setting to false. After setting it to windowed mode I can switch between windowed and fullscreen easily enough, except the window doesn't actually get any bigger when fullscreened. The only way to know it's full screened is that my mouse pointer is gone.

Is there any way to either get this full screened or increase the window size with this music + Unfinished Business patch? I'd prefer windowed since it just crashes when I alt-tab out of fullscreen, but either will do as long as I don't have to play in that tiny ass screen if I want the PSX music.

>> No.4030238
File: 500 KB, 2548x891, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn it, forgot my pic

>> No.4030608
File: 375 KB, 1200x1200, taking_a_break_by_tombraider4ever-d6hcwls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used this, worked like a charm.

>> No.4031119


I used that too. Everything works except being stuck in a small window.

>> No.4031130

I haven't installed nGlide though, it was default 3dfx glide from gog version.

>> No.4031134


Maybe I'll try it without that later just to see how it works, though I thought nglide was required for nicer visuals.

>> No.4031236

>marketing doesn't sell a game
Are you from bizarro world?

>> No.4031278

Anniversary is far from retro but I agree. Also IV isn't a bad place to start either. (Play the PC version)

>> No.4031287

Tomb Raider legend was my love at first sight but it was too short, they fix it in anniversary but they changed the model for Lara witch sucked hard for me, my advice is if you like the aesthetics of old games start with the first series of tomb raider if not then i recommend Underworld it have the best from legend and anniversary but they fucked the mansion witch was very comfy in the legend

>> No.4031340

IV was meh, Alexandria was cool as well as the train stage right before Alexandria but the rest of the game was kind of doodoo.

>> No.4031390

>Not everything has to be set in Egypt, Greece or Rome to be considered a proper Tomb Raider setting.

I never said that. I actually mentioned how I loved the first level on the Wall of China. It's not about where in the world it is, but natural and ancient versus artificial and recent.

Also you seem to be too focused on the story. The story doesn't limit the level design, it's the other way around. Developers didn't choose Venice because of an attempt at a deep and consistent plot. They chose it because they liked or thought it was cool. Same thing for enemies. It's not about whether or not it makes sense in the plot, it's about what the developers intended.

And in my humble opinion their intentions were wrong. Hell, if the return to natural levels in 3 and 4 is any indication, they seemed to realise that too.

>> No.4032012

Just bumping this thread because I intend to post later.

>> No.4032290

>to an average, pussy-whipped teenager that cries at every given moment when she isn't getting her ass kicked by local flora
sounds like Metroid's latest main entry

>> No.4032317

How is the DC version of Revelation? Anything bad? I'm totally ok with an up-res version of the PS1 one.

>> No.4032498

Post what later?

>> No.4032510

Finished the first Tomb Raider. It's a series I've been meaning to try out since the 90s and well... better late than never. Man, the controls were awful, but despite that I had fun for the most part. Wish I could have gotten my issues with the PC version sorted out so I could have played it with music (I did hear it because I emulated the PSX version) and played the extra four levels. I'll have to try again another time. I plan on playing Tomb Raider II's PC version though, I haven't heard of any other TR game missing music or anything from certain versions.

>> No.4032515

>Man, the controls were awful
Yeah, I really hated how the levels were pretty huge at times yet you had to be meticulous as fuck. Made me not even want to explore.

>> No.4032520


Really glad I got used to them by the end. It felt like the level designer was pissed off when he made the final level.

>> No.4032537

TR2 on pc has a music bug, tracks can be played in a wrong order. I forgot how to fix it though, only multipatch is required or something else.

>> No.4032538

Don't bother, it's shit.

>> No.4032549


Ah damn, guess I'll have to look into that too. Currently trying to figure out how the hell you pull the settings back up after the initial start up, can't find it for the GoG version.

>> No.4032554


Well, I got it by using -setup with Run, but NOW the game doesn't want to start in 2560x1080, though it did before the patch. Getting "Render init failed with "CreateDevice"' now.

>> No.4032556
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>mfw I just play the ps1 versions like I grew up with

>> No.4032558

Put the CD into the console, or load the iso into the emu and fucking play it, retard.

>> No.4032580
File: 834 KB, 1920x1080, jKXAuGq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, think I've got mostly everything figured out, but I've got one question. Anyone know how to fix the top screen getting cut off? I've messed with FOV with the TR 2,3,4 widescreen patch, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

>> No.4032582

why the fuck does she look so skinny

>> No.4032586

Looks like fucked up aspect ratio.

>> No.4032587


Good question, she doesn't really seem like that when I'm in the game, but I asked myself the same thing when I saw the screenshot. Not sure if it has anything to do with running the game in 1920x1080 on a 21:9 monitor (it refused to run in a higher res, CreativeDevice has issues) or something else. But yeah, in game really doesn't look that bad.

>> No.4032697
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Tomb Raider had some of the spookiest water sections. Glad I completed the game so I can be done with it. Not gonna play 2 because I was warned about the ocean level.

>> No.4033162

You have to treat her right. That's the only way.

>> No.4033546 [SPOILER] 
File: 190 KB, 361x600, 1496348428182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treat her right

>> No.4033993

So many glitches in this game. I swear every time I'm fighting a mummy I end up jumping right through the map.

>> No.4034012


Which one? The first one? That's weird, I just played it over the last few days and the only glitched I experienced was the last cutscene starting to play after Lara swam to that island, but I think that's because of the emulator.

>> No.4034047

Yep. I'm emulating using mednafen. I mean it's not really a big deal but still.

>> No.4034295

There are many places where you can jump through objects or places that you shouldn't be able to.

Try aligning two push blocks so that they touch diagonally at the corners. Push yourself right up against the sliver of a gap between them at a 45 degree angle and jump forward. You'll slip right through.

>> No.4034439
File: 100 KB, 500x500, 1449660373078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very interesting

>> No.4034462

I think he means marketing can't make a franchise out of a fundamentally shit game, which is true.

>> No.4034469

It sure as hell works with Square Enix titles.

>> No.4034658

Man, Tomb Raider II is weird. After the first game I didn't expect to be shooting up Venice.

>> No.4035634

Did you post yet?

>> No.4037015
File: 75 KB, 1053x628, UnderWaterGate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the question I wanted to ask: Help. I'm stuck.

This underwater gate. This is quite early in the game. I imagine it's merely the first hour if you actually know what you're doing (maybe even first 30 minutes). This underwater gate appears in a river, after the part where you have to grab that log (with the flares and MP5 ammo I think?), drop down onto one of the four slopes, slide into the spikes, jump out and take out that tiger before walking through the giant iron door and not getting killed by the three boulders that roll down on your way to the river with this underwater gate.
Another identifier for the underwater gate is that the river it's in has a log in it and that log, if you position yourself correctly, has a tree branch above it and if you grab that branch, there's a switch. What it does? No idea but it's there!
This underwater gate, once swam through, leads into that dark room with the fires and the thin walkway and the switches that face each other.

You can't beat this level without passing through this gate so I assume you know what I'm talking about. Now, I jumped into that big river from that section of the level with the waterfall and the giant pool of water with pillars extending upwards from the submerged ground, stopping such that they're perfectly level with the water. The river pushed me all the way to the start of the level with the wall of spikes. I got back here but I'm stuck here now because I can't find the switch for this gate

>> No.4037017

I just made my post. Sorry for the delay.

>> No.4037037

What game? What level?
Use a walkthrough if you're really stuck.

>> No.4037043

It's a Tomb Raider thread so I'm asking a Tomb Raider question. This is Tomb Raider 3. I'm still in the early parts of India, the first level of the game.

I'm tempted to use a walkthrough however, ideally, I'd just like to see someone explain how to open this gate. If I were to use a walkthrough, I'd have to start the whole game again from the beginning. I mean, not that I got far but nonetheless, as it was a blind attempt, I feel it has some kind of intrinsic value.

>> No.4037045

It's a gate you're supposed to use as alternative way. TR3 is very confusing, it has alternative paths which lock you out of stuff.

>> No.4037046
File: 243 KB, 1260x703, BetterView.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. I think this is a much better view of where I'm stuck. The Underwater gate I included in the other post is under the water shown here.

>> No.4037050

If you jump in water here you can get in that room from other side of the gate.
You need either a walkthrough or mulitple playthroughs.

>> No.4037053
File: 215 KB, 1260x703, EvenBetterView.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that underwater gate was meant to be an alternative? From the way I encountered it, it seemed to have been the main way. Although, I do recall seeing a second gate. Pic related, the circle reveals the second gate. There's a switch on a tree branch in this area that gives you control over that gate however, it only seems to close it.

But I just showed you:
The gate's locked. I can't get into the other side of the gate.

>> No.4037061

You can jump on a tree and get into the temple from the other side.

>> No.4037064

And why do you emulate if you can play a superior pc version?

>> No.4037071
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Do you mean, this tree? (pic related)

Well, I don't know to be honest. I thought the PC version would've had compatibility issues or something. By comparison, I never have much issue with PS1 emulation.

>> No.4037082


15 minutes in, after opening the switch, she's actually able to jump across and grab what was actually a grabbable ledge! I didn't even know that was possible. Okay. I don't have a problem anymore.

>> No.4037083
File: 1.66 MB, 1440x900, tomb raider 3 retrospective 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, compare this pixel mess to pc version.

>> No.4037087

>install the game
>start the game
>play the game

>> No.4037089

My nostalgia goggles are still in effect so I don't mind.

>> No.4037143

>dem texture seams
I prefer it unfiltered, honestly. Gets rid of the seams.

>> No.4038675


>> No.4039509

>Hitscanning in Tomb Raider II

How many games before I get to one without hitscanning?

>> No.4039560

As opposed to what?

>> No.4039565


Maybe I don't know my terminology well. I thought hitscanning was an older technique used in games like the original DOOM and there was a different technique for 3D games where enemies actually have to hit you to damage you. The enemies in Tomb Raider II just shoot straight forward and be they above or below me, they hit me as long as they're firing in my direction.

>> No.4039575

Her Name is Lara Croft, Tomb Raider is just the name of the game

>> No.4039617
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1200, Wallpaper2_TombRaiderTheAngelofDarkness_1920x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right.
I remember projectiles in legend, so either it or aod(haven't played it yet) have projectile ballistics. ps1 TR games are all the same in this sense.

>> No.4039624


Oh well, I'm still having fun enough, so I guess I'll just have to deal with it for 4-5 games.

>> No.4039629
File: 28 KB, 428x428, kiss-of-flower_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try buying her flowers, bitches love flowers

>> No.4039632
File: 97 KB, 713x380, tomb_raider_the_last_revelation__wallpaper_05__by_trxnalara-d9xghn9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can impress her by flowers
She needs few thousand years old things.

>> No.4039646

Be a teenager willing to fuck everything.

>> No.4039697

>the sunken ship
It's a tomb. And the comfiest level in the series.

>> No.4039703

Zoo from tr3 TLA is the most comfy in my opinion.

>> No.4039792

probably the definitive version of the game, same with Chronicles because they both utilize windows CE thus making the graphics more polished and it looks much nicer.

>> No.4039835

she has something morphing in her chest.

>> No.4039845

Chronicles is my favorite, fucking prick dickle

>> No.4041740

>only black character in the game is bad

>> No.4041845

How is Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light? I enjoyed the Temple of Osiris sequel.

>> No.4041847

Also, has anyone here played Tomb Raider Go? It's a mobile puzzle game. Doesn't look bad, but I doubt it's worth any money.

>> No.4042046

How did Lara get all that bird poop on her?

>> No.4042790

They caught her off guard.

>> No.4043494

name of the girl please?

>> No.4043526
File: 11 KB, 372x540, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be 18 to post here.