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4015257 No.4015257 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best Wario Land game of all time?

Also, Wario General.

>> No.4015275

>VBWL in the center and bigger than the rest
you basically said it OP

>> No.4015284

I only like 2.

Wario World and Wario Ware are better games than all of them

>> No.4015289

I've only played Wario World and even I can tell you that's some shit taste.

>> No.4015294

I only like WL1 and VBWL. They were pretty much just "Mario but you can throw enemies", but I liked them more than the slower paced exploration-focused games.

>> No.4015304
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>Wario World and Wario Ware are better games than all of them
Next thing you're going to say is Master of Disguise was a good game!

>> No.4015308
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>not liking all wario games

>> No.4015339


Never played it.

I didn't hear good things about it and I was already let down by most 2D Wario games..

>> No.4015349

Have you tried WL4? It's like a mix between WL1/VBWL's traditional style and 2/3's exploration style.

>> No.4015362
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I didn't know that, actually. I'll try it out sometime.

>> No.4015478

4 is best but you can't talk about it here.

>> No.4015483

Disagree respectably.

VB > 2 > 4 > 3 > 1

>> No.4015521

>VB better than anything but 1

>> No.4015543
File: 222 KB, 600x528, 1492805612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just that good, mang.

>> No.4015569

2 is an okay game that led the steps towards 3

My personal favorites are 4 and VB

>> No.4015574

I know you're joking but GBA does fit the rules now

>> No.4015581

>want to buy a Virtual Boy just for Wario Land

I think emulation is justified in this case.

>> No.4015585

I can't imagine the 3D effect adds much to the game anyway, though I have no actual experience with a virtual boy.

>> No.4015813

Don't forget, emulation lets you switch from that god-awful red to standard greyscale like the GB games

>> No.4015820

literally all it does is give the illusion of the background existing behind the foreground, not very impressive. yes, i have a virtual boy.

>> No.4015826

I still need to get back to VB and unlock the hard mode and try beating that.

>> No.4015828

three is my favorite. Also that credits music is great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGSa6oFcUgc

>> No.4015849
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>Warioland 1 Punishes you for getting a Game Over by cutting your money on a half

>> No.4015892

you think that's bad? vbwl steals your treasure when you game over

>> No.4016006
File: 45 KB, 560x582, Perfect Wario just right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wario Land 3 was the pinnacle of GBC platforming. If you think the others were better then you have shit taste except you don't because all of them are great games. I just like 3 the best due to its gameplay. It's an opinion.

>> No.4016056

3 takes too long to get fun. Why did they think stripping your abilities away was a good idea?

>> No.4016058

2 is my favorite. I played 1, 2 and 3 back to back and absolutely hated 3.

>> No.4016094

wario land 3 is like a metroid game if every single upgrade was just the long beam

>> No.4016102

It's an RPG mechanic that sees your abilities improve as you progress, enabling a quasi-metroidvania mechanic that allows backtracking to reach new areas in previous levels. I see why not everyone would want non-linear gameplay in their platformers, but personally I enjoy revisiting earlier levels. For me it increases immersion in the game world more than simply rushing through every place once does.

You also complained about the exact same thing the last time we had this thread, didn't you?

>> No.4016215

Exactly this

I disagree. Having played both ways, there's a certain charm granted by playing in 3D. Also, with the limited shade palette, the depth adds an additional contrast. The opening is especially atmospheric with 'depth'

>> No.4016329

>it's just not the same without the headache

>> No.4016789

the only game to really show off the virtual boy's abilities was red alarm since it was 3D, not these fake 3D 2D games like wario.

>> No.4017136

2 > 3 > VB > 4 > pile of shit > 1
The only right answer

>> No.4017249

>hating on WL1 meme


>> No.4017271

Wario World was the best.

>> No.4017280

1 isn't actually hard, just has shit design, like too many auto-scrollers and water stages.

Also, calling other opinions memes doesn't make your opinion any more valid.

>> No.4017302

>he thinks Wario Land 1 is hard
Can you be any more of a casual?
Also the game is objectively terrible, there's no reason to play it other than if you really want more Wario Land after beating all the other Wario Land games. VB is like 1, except improved on. It has way better level design.

>> No.4017331

Really though, I could understand you liking it the least, but saying it's a bad game, really?

>> No.4017332

You have bad taste. Wario 1 was much better than VB. VB only had a dozen real levels and was super straight forward. Wario 1 had tons of levels with branching paths, hidden exists, etc.

>> No.4017432

I can't help but like the first game. The atmosphere is comfy af for me, it's fairly easy to pick up and play, and I had a lot fun with it.

>> No.4017443

>super straight forward
I dunno, the haunted mansion level tripped me up a bit.

>> No.4017623
File: 148 KB, 4601x1350, VirtualBoyWarioLand-Level10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but that's because the design was honestly pretty shit. Too many doors with no logical flow. It was a maze, but a maze that made no sense.

>> No.4017695

same reason i like it

it's a big mario adventure with cool different mechanics

>> No.4017712

1 and VB are the best. 4 isn't bad. 2 and 3 are shit due to the "invincibility" gimmick, which makes the games just too casual.

>> No.4017832

>2 and 3 are shit
an even worse opinion than "1 is shit"

>> No.4017917

I've only seriously played 1 and vb. It's kind of dumb, but I hate how they changed Warios sprite to a complete profile in 2 and 3 as opposed to one where he's facing slightly towards you.

Petty reason to not play games, but it's kept me from wanting to continue the series.

1 is awesome though, one of my favorite platformers ever

>> No.4018226
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>tfw the last Wario platformer will forever be a mediocre rehash of 4

I mean, it's better than ending the series with Master of Disguise, but still...

>> No.4019807

I recently finished II and started 3 right away. Yeah, it felt odd to the point I stopped playing after 4-5 plays on the first couple of levels. I know is me having 2 recent, but finishing a level with sitton of stuff being unable to reach by desing felt odd after beating a game that encourage the exact opostive thing (and made it fun)
I'm taking a break from 3 because I really want to appreciate it and I think I need the perspetive.
Whatever, I still think both games are the pinnacle of GBC platforming
also, not the other anon btw.

>> No.4019905

2 > 4 > 3 > VB > 1

>> No.4019908

It;s for the best. The Wario Ware series is an actual new idea, but Wario Land was always just Super Mario Bros but slow.

>> No.4019926

4 is faster than any Mario game though.

>> No.4019935

>Wario Ware
But that died too. Game & Wario was a mistake.

>> No.4019936

Wario Land 4 of course.

>> No.4020271

If you don't have any friends maybe. The multiplayer mode is amazing. Maybe if the Wii U actually had more of this non symmetrical muiltiplayer it would have been worth a damn.

>> No.4020369

I loved the first game on Gameboy OG.

For some reason I could never care for Wario Land 2. Just didn't like it, found it really boring compared to the first and dropped.

didnt play any others

>> No.4020389

VB, 4 and World are the funnest to replay.

1 has aged poorly and 2/3 are boring after you clear them the first time.

>> No.4020407

WL4 is not retro

My elitist ranking: VBWL > WL1 > WL2 > WL3

My honest ranking: they're all amazing in their own right and can't be ranked

>> No.4022138

Wario Land 4

>> No.4024685

The normies are coming.

>> No.4024689


>> No.4024701

>...on Virtual Boy?!
Goddamn it you ruined my day anon and I didn't even have to watch the video.

>> No.4024717
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You made me sad.

>> No.4024734

I thought it was common knowledge that the Virtual Boy only had one game, and that game was VBWL.

>> No.4024937

whats got you fags so surprised? virtual boy was aids. literal eye cancer.

>> No.4024963


>> No.4024981
File: 140 KB, 537x580, 1495978098572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting a Game Over in WL1

>> No.4025023

It's not about the Virtual boy or the game, it's more about the video. It's quite literally this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4PnboqFwiI

>> No.4025041


>> No.4025110

I don't think there's a single good answer for that question.

I'd say the Wii one is the weakest.

>> No.4025245

>Talks about Wario's slow movement except with the attack move.
> Neglects to mention Wario has a run button now.

>> No.4025262

2 > 1 = VB > 4 >>>>>>>>>3

>> No.4025409
File: 21 KB, 450x406, wario dizzy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4025439

yeah yeah I realize it goes against popular opinion but I fucking hated 3

>> No.4025568 [DELETED] 

why do all millennial e-celebs have the same mannerisms and personality? is it autism?

>> No.4025618

it's because the ones that don't act like that don't become popular and don't make money

>> No.4025625


I agree, couldn't finish it. Straying from linear level design was a mistake.

>> No.4025642

>liking a game only because of the main character

>> No.4025694 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 320x266, pitfall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le games don't age maymay

>> No.4025735

Never played Wario Land because it didn't have Mario.

>> No.4025739 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 320x288, mario-in-wl1-ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it does, anon.

>> No.4025740
File: 152 KB, 500x434, wario land 3 - peaceful village.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Straying from linear level design was a mistake.
Maybe if you have the attention span of a 5-year old. It adds a whole new dimension to the gameplay to set it apart from "go from A to B that's it that's the whole game"-type platformers. Which is most of them.

>> No.4025768

>adds a whole new dimension to game play

Metroidvanias existed before WL3, but if you think mandatory, low incentive backtracking adds a whole new dimension of game play then good on you but no sir I don't like it

>> No.4025770

>this somehow is bad now

>> No.4025816 [DELETED] 

well, yeah. pitfall might have been fun in the early 80s, but it's too dated and barebones in current year, and only people with huge nostalgia for it would find enjoyment out of the game

>> No.4025826

Bullshit, I literally just 18 and I still find Pitfall, Yarr's Revenge, River Raid, Enduro Racer and Warlords great.

>> No.4026142

What about NSMB2? It's basically a Wario game

>> No.4026248

why wasn't wario in the NSMB games anyway, especially the ones with coop

>> No.4026254

His brand is Wario Ware now
His relationship to Mario is an artifact St this point

>> No.4026334

Your opinion is trash but that's okay because you like Wario games

>> No.4026363

Something something all of the characters need to play the exact same.

>> No.4026639

To be fair, I understand why some people dislike the mechanic. It's the same for Castlevanias - people will regularily go out of their way to shit on each others opinions regarding linear vs non-linear (see this thread >>4024594 ).

WW3 is no Metroidvania in the classical sense, though it does have some light Metroidvania elements. This makes for an interesting mix with the predominately "classical" platforming mechanics in a genre which is overflowing with unimaginative reinterpretations of the formula. I think I explained it quite well here: >>4016102

>> No.4026648

Most people here hate 4 because they can't understand the humour or just don't have a sense of humour at all.

3 is good for entry level newbies.

>> No.4026712 [DELETED] 

>3 is good for entry level newbies.
post you're best time-attack times

>> No.4026749


>> No.4026840 [DELETED] 

>2 below 3
opinion invalidated

>> No.4029293
File: 38 KB, 308x500, 51TIgev9CUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wario Land 3 for the GameBoy Color. It was the first videogame my father bought for me, along with the purple transparent console.
I remember playing it for fucking months, trying to get 100%, sweating and crying hard. I've played it for years, starting over and playing for several years.
I also played Wario Land 4, and it's pretty good too. But it's just not the same.

>> No.4029308 [DELETED] 

My nigga, also had the see-through purple GBC. Wish I had gotten a Wario back then though, closest I had was SML2. My first Wario game was actually World, which I didn't like that much because it felt cheap and lazy for a Gamecube-era game. I was expecting something on the level of Super Mario 64.

>> No.4029497

I preferred the branching story of WL2 over the back and forth of WL3.

>> No.4029506

Oh, also the fact that Captain Syrup is the best.

>> No.4029857

I've only played 1,2 and 3. So out of those, 3>1>2.

>> No.4030081


2 and 3 are better than 1 and 4.
that's objectively true facts.
Other than that it's up in the air

>> No.4031647
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tru dat

>> No.4031664

I never got the love for 3. Since it's never clear what items and abilities open up what levels, you spend the game just going wherever the evil spirit tells you to go.

>> No.4031692
File: 51 KB, 150x202, Wario_hands_on_hips_VBWL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we just agree that Wario is the best and call it a thread?

I like Wario.

I remember there's a little glint in the map which indicates which treasure affects which level(s) just after you get them, actually.

>> No.4031997

Never played a Wario Land game, only Wario Ware. Will try this weekend~