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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 51 KB, 514x513, 61 thwack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3967484 No.3967484 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not going to lie: there's something very satisfying about beating a Green Dragon to death with the Staff of Thunder.

old thread died, people claimed to have been enjoying it, here's a new thread.

everyone who wants to tell me i'm a terrible human being for using a tripcode for its intended purpose or for not using your favorite emulator, feel free.

everyone who wants to listen to the extremely slow story of Elani murdering her way to Hargon, here we go!

>> No.3967665
File: 134 KB, 525x353, I've been waiting for this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go

>> No.3967739
File: 770 KB, 1000x780, 19400282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome back! sorry the last thread went down. When /vpol/ invades, we all lose.

>> No.3967829
File: 62 KB, 515x517, 62 o fortuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hooray! glad people are glad.

well, as predicted, level 24 was (barely) enough for Elani to survive the sprint to the valley. currently i am grinding XP in the tail-end of the cave in hopes of earning a Mysterious Hat.

monsters give better rewards here but i also run out of steam a lot faster. oddly, levels 25 and 26 are closer together than 23 and 24 were ... weird.

and now i'm the proud wielder of the Chance spell, whose mystery is only exceeded by its power!

>> No.3967854



Hey OP would you want to try this game? It's a Dragon Quest fan game trying to stay close to the real thing!

>> No.3967865

heck yeah, that looks fun!

although it's presumably going to take me a while to grind the next 700,000 XP to get to Moonbrooke's level cap, so it might be a while before i really get into anything else.

>> No.3968801

somebody in the last thread asked to see a scan of my graph paper map ... this is the map i ended up with by the time i made it into the valley.

obviously extremely disjointed and not finished. suffered badly from not knowing how big or what shape some of the rooms were going to be so i often started drawing in the wrong place and had to teleport to another area on the map to make it fit. also a bunch of stuff is missing because i remembered where to go and didn't bother mapping those areas.

can you not upload pdfs to /vr/? maybe i was spoiled over in /tg/. here's a google drive link, i guess that seems fine.


>> No.3968830

>scanning textless images as pdfs
>posting from your real google drive
dude what are you doing

>> No.3968846

i had a feeling i was fucking that all up.

fuck. let me try to mitigate my stupidity.

>> No.3968849


... nope. post too old to delete.

oh well. hopefully the world doesn't end.

>> No.3968851

We're just happy to have you back!

>> No.3969843
File: 81 KB, 515x514, 63 how many magic vampirii does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

level 26 comes pretty quickly.

trying to compile some statistics on how long it's likely to take me to reach max level, and how likely i am to get a Mysterious Hat in the process.

Berserkers really ought to be worth more XP. but, then again, so should Metal Babbles.

oh yeah! Metal Babble kill count = 1. progress~!

>> No.3971080
File: 202 KB, 447x500, Mad_cap_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, averaging together the stats from 30 fights, i've found the following (very vague estimates):

1. i'm getting around 825 XP per fight here in the last chamber of the Cave to Rhone.

2. about 45% of those fights end with a Magic Vampirus dying last.

3. it's going to take about 750 fights to get from level 27, which i very nearly am, to level 35.

4. at that point i will probably have killed over 350 Magic Vampirii.

5. if the guy in the gamefaqs forum did his math right, my odds of a hat are 1/128 every time.

6. if i'm doing my math right, and the odds are that i'm not, that's about a 93% chance that i'll get a hat before i hit level cap.

hat~! it's very exciting

>> No.3971147
File: 19 KB, 255x163, 1493027434075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact, one of the reasons for Satoshi Tajiri to use the cable link on Pokemon was because of the Magic Hat, you see, when Dragon Quest II was the shit Ken Sugimori (Tajiri's best friend back in the day) managed to get not one but two Magic Hats, Tajiri was so jealous that he started wondering if there was a way to get one of Sugimori's Magic Hats.

>> No.3971438
File: 106 KB, 850x898, __princess_of_moonbrook_and_slime_dragon_quest_and_dragon_quest_ii_drawn_by_kasuga_yukihito__sample-7586848f2fa6f4ae31c34168b68c38cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does she actually have purple hair or blonde hair?

>> No.3971454

Both. NES is purple hair and pubes, remakes are blonde hair and pubes

>> No.3971457

Was it necessary to include the pubes?

>> No.3971458


>> No.3971461
File: 24 KB, 500x400, __goomba_mario_prince_of_lorasia_prince_of_samantoria_and_princess_of_moonbrook_dragon_quest_dragon_quest_ii_mario_series_and_super_mario_bros_drawn_by_hanbu_hantarou__9323158e8547f5cfa6366fda99508f06.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very well.

>> No.3971795

>Metal Babble kill count = 1.

the game is as good as won

>> No.3972323
File: 61 KB, 514x516, 64 happy friday motherfuckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so 90% of our workforce got laid off today. i only got demoted and lost my benefits though!

meanwhile, Elani reaches level 27.

happy weekend everybody!

>> No.3972346

>so 90% of our workforce got laid off today.

>> No.3972393

nah, just some podunk little office you never heard of. in December we had 75 people working there. in February we laid off half of them. today we laid off all but 7 people and i'm one of the lucky bastards who gets to stay and clean up the mess.

why, did Sears lay a bunch of people off today too?

>> No.3972854


Sears got invaded by metal babbles and lost a lot of sales for like a month it was a big news story, they had to lay off staff yeah, and turn some stores into gambling dens where monsters fight each other because they aren't good for anything else anymore

>> No.3972926
File: 41 KB, 300x292, Princess-of-Moonbrooke-136784-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray, the thread continues!

also, hasty archive of previous thread

>> No.3973527
File: 55 KB, 524x524, 65 early morning level up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a blinding flash, a naked Evil Clown appears in Hargon's breakroom.

<Bazazu> Jesus fuck, we're eating here!
<Atlas> Ha! Ha! Funny clown. Naked!
<Clown> My lord, Hargon! Come with me if you want to live!
<Hargon> Who the fuck are you? Did one of you guys put him up to this?
<Clown> I'm from the future! Malroth sent me here to warn you!
<Bazazu> Warn us about what? Is the future running out of pants?
<Clown> It's Princess Moonbrooke. She's coming here to kill you!
<Hargon> Literally, who?
<Bazazu> I think that's the chick you turned into a dog last week.
<Atlas> Funny! Dog! Woof-woof!
<Hargon> Thank you for that input, Atlas. Clown, I think I'm going to stay here and eat lunch, thanks.
<Clown> You still don't understand! She's going to hunt you down. That's what she does. That's ALL she does!

Two Giants squeeze through the doorway and grab the Clown.

<Giant> Sorry boss, not know how this one get in.

The Clown screams as they drag him away.

<Clown> You can't stop her! She's going to wade through these losers, reach down your throat, and pull your fucking heart out ...
<Hargon> But for real, where did you hide the cameras? Is this that Ashton Kutcher show?
<Bazazu> Dude. We're right here, you don't have to shout all the time.

>> No.3974071


what are all her stats now

>> No.3974294
File: 79 KB, 516x517, 66 thirty six twenty six thirty six.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


last couple of levels were pretty mediocre. i have a feeling it's going to be that way from here to the cap. but every little bit helps!

>> No.3974303

Hey op, is this game fun?

>> No.3974316

If it's actually possible to beat the game with just Moonbrooke, could the same apply to Cannock?

>> No.3974368

as much as i (obviously) love this game, i have to admit that it's probably more Hard than it is Fun. if you enjoy a challenge and miss the days when games were cruel and merciless, you'll enjoy it.

there was an anon in the last thread who said he'd beaten the game with Cannock. i think that was one of the later versions where they made the fights and levels slightly more balanced.

Cannock gets a lot of stat boosts at the late end game that make him a decent fighter, but i imagine you're still just healing over and over again until you get a critical hit on some of the bosses. he wouldn't have Defense, but he would have Stopspell ... with the Light Sword he could cast Surround on Atlas ... i dunno.

try it and find out, i guess!

>> No.3974778

... also it's worth noting that i have in no way demonstrated it IS possible to win with the princess.

i just tried to fight an Attackbot and got my ass whipped. i cast Defense over and over until it started doing 0, healed up, tried to whack him with the staff - still 1 damage.

considering Attackbot is basically Atlas with shittier stats, it's not a good omen. if Atlas resists Explodet 100% i probably can't beat him. (maybe he only has 7/8 resistance? that's still pretty grim.)

Chance has a 1/8 possibility of the Sorcerer's Call which, if the description i'm reading is correct, will make anyone run away except Hargon / Malroth. that's a lame win but if that's the only way i can get to Hargon i'd still like to see if she can at least beat him.

i guess it's important to remember this is never going to be a "fair" fight. i'm not going to beat Atlas the first time i see him no matter how good my stats get or how smart my strategy is. it's going to be, at best, my best day vs. his worst day - i get lucky with critical hits, he whiffs a bunch of attacks, etc. and even then, probably not possible.

but i'm going to try anyway, because that's how it's done.

>> No.3975428
File: 431 KB, 500x500, 1486970020174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godspeed on that hat

>> No.3975545


If you can inflict 1 damage per hit while the enemy can't do anything, then can't you win... eventually?

I haven't played this game in well over a decade so maybe I'm missing something basic.

>> No.3975673

ah, my sentence was poorly worded.

i cast the Defense spell over and over, which lowers the enemy's Defense, until the Defense spell was returning "the enemy's defense was reduced by 0", meaning there's no point casting the spell anymore. yet with his defense as low as i could get it, i was still doing only 1 damage.

meanwhile the Attackbot is doing about 30 damage per hit to me, and hits twice per turn. Atlas is going to do, like, double that. i don't have the Increase spell (that's on Cannock's spell list) so there's nothing i can do to mitigate the damage.

>> No.3975694

I've never played a dragon quest game, but I've started to play DQ1 on the Famicom. It's primitive, but I like it. I like how you automatically equip new weapons and armour and sell the old ones. Right now I keep getting my ass kicked by dragons in the cave to the island south of Maira Village.

>> No.3975702

There's only one dragon. Try another place if you can't defeat him at your current level.

>> No.3976071

A bump for interest

>> No.3976084
File: 67 KB, 514x516, 67 a tremendous blow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

metal babble kill count = 2.

>> No.3976145

Oh, OK. I thought it was just a standard encounter since it just randomly appears when you're in the cave and I needed to go through there anyway. Was wondering why it was so strong.

>> No.3976818

Can't wait to see how this all plays out

>> No.3976954

Yikes I forgot how useless Metal Babbles and Metal Slimes were in the first two games.

>> No.3977238
File: 66 KB, 516x517, 68 wit and courage have served thee well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

29 out of 35 and still not even halfway to max XP. the last few levels are really gonna drag.

yes. i'd much rather face the 4 Green Dragons group, which is easier to defeat by far than a Metal Babble and gives 1800 XP.

>> No.3977394

I honestly wonder if a single princess can take out Sidoh. Even when she gets close

>> No.3977464

It appears on a fixed tile and it guarding something rather important that you might want to go back for later. You can go south right through the cave and explore lands beyond safely though.

Also the other poster said something misleading: green dragons ARE a random encounter enemy later on, there's just the one in that cave however.

>> No.3977992


You need to keep in mind how mysterious her hat is going to be, though.

>> No.3978820


one more and you'll have enough liquid metal to coat your weapon, your clothes, AND your hat

>> No.3979960
File: 147 KB, 516x515, 70 false hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's that charming part of the game when the Imperial Scrolls dude starts lying to you about how many more hours of grinding you're going to be doing, because the game's memory can't hold all the digits for the retarded amounts of XP between Princess levels. hooray!

>> No.3980145
File: 46 KB, 514x516, 71 that answers that question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... this post is for the guy in the last thread who wondered if i would ever be able to go toe-to-toe with a Bullwong.

Yea! Though I walk in the Valley of the Shadow of Rhone, I shall fear no evil; for I am the meanest son of a bitch in that valley.

>> No.3980471
File: 15 KB, 194x189, A DECENT PAIR OF PAAAAAAAAAAAANTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the future running out of pants?

>> No.3980502

I wonder if this shit was going on in the iOS port I played as well, because I had something similar happen to me as well.
However, I'm sure that even the SFC and GBC ports fixed that shit, and by the time of the dumbphone port, that phones could handle that as well. Still, IIRC, it happened way before Rhone. Happened even before I got Princess moonbrooke. I guess that port somehow managed to be more shit than I realized. Just like with Sidoh/Malroth's retardedly high Fire Breath damage in it. Seriously, how did SE fuck that shit up so hard? I don't give a fuck if they let all 3 cousins reach 50, it's still bullshit.

>> No.3980942

all i really have experience with is the NES version. the game can't display any numbers higher than 65,535 (which is also your Gold cap).

i think levels 30-35 for the Princess all require either 90,000 or 100,000 XP, so they get modded.

>> No.3982637

Bump to keep it alive. Keep heading into the shit, OP!

>> No.3982660
File: 65 KB, 511x515, 72 stay on target porkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weather is beautiful, patio at the bar was full of friends, beer was cheap, not much progress was made toward level 30.

i did at least make half a million XP. almost there! only not really.

>> No.3982792

We hat yet?

>> No.3983496

to date there have been zero Mysterious Hat sightings.

unfortunately the game always populates Magic Vampirii on the left side of the enemy groups, so you can't just spam Explodet all the time. i have to constantly plink away at Green Dragons and Berserkers with the Staff of Thunder to make sure i kill the Vampirii last. meanwhile they're spamming Sleep at me, which works often enough to get me killed even with the added resistance from the Dragon's Bane.

but i'll get it eventually! mysteries for the mystery god, hats for the hat throne!

>> No.3983552

Keep it up!! Praying to RNGesus for you.

By the way, is there a big difference between this and the GBC remake? /vr/ purism aside, what's the better experience of the game?

>> No.3983595


GBC remake generally makes the game easier. Spells cost less, you start with more HP, you can also get the Mysterious Hat before Rohne off Metal Babbles. Water Flying Cloth and Erdrick/Loto Armor provides 50% resist to all magic in GBC whereas in NES they only provide protection from Breath and Fire attacks.

I'm sure there are several others but basically for the first time playing the game I would recommend the original NES version to get the original intended experience. For a 2nd playthrough the GBC or SNES versions can be fun though.

>> No.3984983
File: 52 KB, 510x512, 73 metal babble kill count equals three.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after a minor eternity i've finally reached level 30. i've started yelling at my laptop when an unlucky RNG result kills me off before i can murder a Magic Vampirus.

still no hat, but i have earned about a dozen Giant Hammers, Swords of Destruction, and whatever the fuck a Cyclops drops if you don't already have it in your inventory (apparently i've already got it).

>> No.3985756

Don't give up! The quest for a really neat hat cannot fail!

>> No.3986681

Incredibly this is still the best thread on 4chan! Keep it up brave warrior!

>> No.3987146

man! got home and my laptop had bluescreened while i was out. panicked and realized it's been a long time since i backed anything up. then panicked again at the thought of possibly having to restart this quest.

luckily it seems to have recovered itself after insisting on a Check Disk routine. but i've now backed up a save state via google so even if the laptop dies the fight can go on.

back to the grind!

>> No.3987214


I mean lol that would be the true insurmountable challenge to the fair Princess. Keep going! Grind your problems into the dust!

>> No.3987227

Don't you write down your passwords?

>> No.3987821

ha! took me a second.

i still remember when we discovered Kid Icarus while renting NES games down at the local pharmacy ... my older friend pulled out this ratty spiral notebook full of handwritten passwords and spent 20 minutes trying to put in the one he'd saved at the end of the game with all the gear. he never bothered to differentiate between o and 0 or 1 and l, etc ... 25 years ago and to this day i remember this moment every time i'm carefully drawing a slash through my zeroes or whatever.

>> No.3989119

my goal tonight is to reach level 31 no matter how late i have to stay up.

this may involve a late night run to the convenience store for mountain dew and doritos so i can channel my inner 15 year old.

>> No.3989515
File: 63 KB, 517x514, 74 too stupid to quit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man. keeping my eyes open for several straight hours of grinding was no joke.

the last 4 levels have pretty decent stat increases at least.

>> No.3990129
File: 63 KB, 513x518, 75 dripping water hollows out a stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, i beat Attackbot.

my Strength has risen enough that i'm doing 2-3 points of damage per hit instead of 1, and that was enough. i scored zero critical hits in this fight.

i didn't count rounds, but given my starting and ending MP and 4 rounds of casting Defense, that implies i cast Healall 20 times. also probably half a dozen uses of the Shield of Strength.

a prelude of things to come! and also helps me think about more ways to optimize the fight against Atlas.

>> No.3990257

booyah! Way to go!

>> No.3990536

I believe in you, BrookeBro!

>> No.3991561

Chance of getting a hat below the level cap is decreasing...

>> No.3991679

more fun with statistics!

i got in a fight with a Giant and let him hit me 50 times without Surround and then 50 more times with Surround.

it looks like with Water Flying Clothes, Elani has an innate Dodge chance of about 1/32. with Surround active, there is an added Miss chance (the messages are different) of about 1/4.

now i need to swap in the Clothes Hiding and see if that effect stacks and, if so, whether or not it's worth the loss in damage absorption.

currently not quite halfway to next level. i think this is the biggest XP gap in the entire game (100,000 between 31 and 32).

>> No.3992598

looks like Clothes Hiding alters the base rate to Dodge, not the rate for bad guys to Miss, at about 10% (I'm guessing it's a 1/8 chance).

and the effects do stack - although i'm not sure which one is calculated first, so the math is getting even more vague. but in 50 attacks, i was hit 30 times, so the additive effect is around a 40% miss rate.

average damage with Water Flying Cloth is about 33 HP; with Clothes Hiding, about 36.5 HP.

>> No.3993053


This might be the only picture I've seen of these three characters that makes them look old enough to be competent at anything.

Well aside from the image on the cartridge I guess.

>> No.3994161
File: 76 KB, 523x523, 76 level thirty two stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even water sleeps, but enemy never forgets.

all their days are numbered.

>> No.3995623


that's probably enough magic to kill two Hargons simultaneously

>> No.3995941


so are we reaching the "impassable" point? I'm unfamiliar with the game, but how much passably is left? (after you hit level cap which is its own chore) I really wanna believe though, friend, so I'm gonna keeping reading and rooting for ya!

>> No.3996302

other than the Mysterious Hat and the level cap, all that's left is Hargon's castle. i'm already tough enough to (at least occasionally) beat anything in Rhone outside the castle at level 32 and there are no more macguffins to acquire.

>> No.3996331


oops, forgot my stupid tripcode.

anyway you said you were unfamiliar with the game so maybe i should clarify a bit more: Hargon's Castle has a few little tricks which would be rough for a first-time playthrough with no guide but won't be for me because i know where to use the macguffins.

i don't remember exactly which random monsters are in the castle but i do remember they aren't impressive after grinding with the behemoths in the valley. i think there's a souped-up version of the Evil Clown called a Mace Master? anyway, i shouldn't have too much trouble with whatever there is.

the real challenge of the castle is that the top floors are a gauntlet of minibosses. the first boss, Atlas, is no big deal in a casual run because he's a pure melee monster, but in a solo run he's often considered the most difficult obstacle to pass. his defense and damage output are off the charts and the Princess is definitely not designed to take him down by herself. when you ask about "impassable", most people are predicting that's where i'll get stuck.

after Atlas there are two more minibosses and Hargon, who are all tough but maybe not quite as tough as Atlas, and then the final BBEG is Malroth, who is basically Atlas with Healall.

honestly i'm still not (quite) convinced the game is unbeatable with the Princess. 愚公移山.

>> No.3998049
File: 23 KB, 117x296, dick sucking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

passed three-quarters of a million XP. just think what i might be able to do if i spent all these hours studying a real skill instead of killing pixel monsters!

not much to report but i didn't want to lose the thread again.

>> No.3998082 [DELETED] 


What the fuck is with seeing Oglaf everywhere lately? I stopped reading it after like ten strips in a row where nothing funny or sexy happens.

>> No.3999082

It's happening
She's gonna make it!

>> No.3999407

Keep going OP

>> No.3999852
File: 188 KB, 664x407, TooStupidAndUgly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

790,000 XP.

i dunno why you've seen it everywhere. i saved that image a long time ago under the assumption that it'd come in handy.

IMO, Oglaf is funny more often than not, but it's definitely had some long stretches where i got bored.

thanks for continuing encouragement anons!

>> No.4000249

godspeed moonbroke

Do the chances of getting the hat drop after hitting level cap.

you should also turn your work into a faq.

>> No.4000261

Thanks OP, you're doing god's work here.

>you should also turn your work into a faq.
This so much.

>> No.4000578

there's no mechanic in the game to make a hat drop less likely after the level cap, but i suppose the chances drop if i don't have the patience to keep killing Vampirii after i'm at max level and no longer need the XP.

it'd be really nice to get the hat but i might have better luck buying and selling Antidote Herbs to farm Lottery Tickets and stock up on Wizard's Rings.

also depending on what happens in Hargon's castle, MP might not really be the roadblock to beating the game anyway, so maybe it doesn't matter.

i still have 200,000 XP to gather so there's plenty of chances for a hat to drop. we will see!

>> No.4001594

Crunch those numbers!

>> No.4002061
File: 59 KB, 515x517, 77 highest degree mason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+4 Strength, +6 Reaction, +2 HP, +7 MP. two levels left to go.

after getting my wages cut i've started donating plasma to help pay the bills ... really takes the wind out of my sails. still, it looks like i'll probably hit the level cap this weekend.

>> No.4002332


you should also look into donating poop if you haven't, I think maybe it's a much tougher gig to get though, but with wit and courage we can accomplish many things that seemed impossible you know


>> No.4002337

Gotta love capitalism. Wages don't pay enough for you to live? That's ok, just literally sell your body for scrap. There's nothing wrong with the system just keep working!

>> No.4002676


they say you learn something new every day if you're paying attention.

unfortunately i don't have a large intestine so i suspect my gut flora will not be what they're looking for.

>> No.4002840


Maybe if you grind enough enemies you can get one. I think silver batboons may drop their intestines occasionally

>> No.4002901

>i don't have a large intestine
Where did it go? I only ask because I worry about losing internal organs.

>> No.4002930
File: 51 KB, 519x412, 1494386970072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP keep it up this thread makes me happy.

>> No.4003103
File: 37 KB, 401x293, rodeo whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my colon was removed by a surgeon because it was trying to kill me. one of those autoimmune disorders like Crohn's Disease or whatever.

>> No.4004924
File: 77 KB, 516x521, 78 early morning bump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

850,000 XP.

various social obligations this weekend but i'm going to spend as much time as possible painting the walls of the cave with monster blood.

happy Friday everybody! unless you're in a part of the world where it's already Saturday or something, in which case fuck you, you smug early-weekend-enjoying pricks.

>> No.4004929

>magic power:9

>> No.4005027 [DELETED] 

as i i'd been grinding for a while and used almost all of my MP.

it's not a measure of how hard your spells hit or anything like that. this game isn't that complex.

>> No.4005030

as in, i had been grinding for a long time and used up almost all my MP. 9 out of 199.

this game is old and simplistic. there is no attribute equivalent to Intelligence that makes spells hit harder or anything like that. also there's a lot of weird vocab (translation issues?) making your attributes have different names in different places (Agility = Response Speed, Power = Strength, etc.) for no obvious reason.

>> No.4005221

Great, now I'm scared one day my own ass will try to kill me.

>> No.4005453
File: 683 KB, 1920x1080, NotRetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A tripfag
>using Jnes 1.1
I'm kidding, keep up God's work

>> No.4005459
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Dragon Quest II - Akuryou no Kamigami (Japan)_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely a translation issue. 力/ちから and 素早さ/すばやさ are the original terms.

>> No.4006093

Bump. Best thread on /VR/.

>> No.4006338
File: 471 KB, 500x465, Moonbrooke_Studying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep up the good work, OP.

From OP's report that he was doing 2-3 points of damage at L31 (ATK=63), Defense stopped dropping Attackbot's DEF once it hit ~115 (assuming that the damage formula for this game is something like ATK/2 - DEF/4). Wiki says its DEF is 230, so it sounds like Defense's effect caps at 1/2 the normal value. Useful info.

Atlas spoilers
If that's the case, Atlas's DEF is 200, so Moonbrooke will be able to drop it to 100, which... means that, at max level, she'll be inflicting at most 35 damage per hit. He's got 250 HP, so that will be 7 rounds. Unfortunately, she might do less, so, assuming the damage ranges in this game are 50%-100% of max damage, she can take between 7 to 15 rounds. A critical hit would do 42-85 damage (16.8%-34% Atlas's HP), but the chance of that is 1/32 or 1/64, depending on whether the formula's like DW1 or DW3.

Meanwhile, her max DEF is 115 (123 with hat), and her max HP is 175. Atlas has 195 ATK. If he crits and gets >89% of his full damage, she dies instantly. Otherwise, he deals 66 damage (64 with hat) max, so he can kill Moonbrooke in 3-6 hits... except he attacks twice per round, so she has to land a Surround on Turn 1 to survive subsequent rounds without being forced to cast HealAll every turn.

Unfortunately, according to StrategyWiki, Surround only drops enemy accuracy to 75% in DW2. This could get messy.

>> No.4006461

Who would have thought this casual weekend fling would have turned into the whirlwind romance it has with moonbroke! Thanks again OP for all the memories. I dont even care if its succesful or not anymore!

>> No.4006876

Disregard -- according to gamefaqs, the damage formula is (ATK - (DEF/2)) * X/256, where X ranges from 54 to 197 on a normal distribution. So my calculations all need to be redone anyway and Atlas can one-round Moonbrooke on good damage rolls. Let's hope "good" damage rolls are so unlikely as to be essentially impossible.

>> No.4007074
File: 26 KB, 500x429, no bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like Defense's effect caps at 1/2 the normal value

i was guessing it was something like that.

thanks for covering your spoiler! i wanna go in blind when i fight him, at least at first.

>> No.4008637
File: 58 KB, 521x525, 79 penultimate level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then one level remained

>> No.4010059

Shit, I wish I'd found this thread earlier.

>> No.4010069

>joining right at the end
You missed out.

>> No.4010418

>Shit, I wish I'd found this thread earlier.
Nah, you got here just in time!

>> No.4010439

And still no hat? Simply amazing.

>> No.4010813
File: 65 KB, 720x506, what the what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe i did my math wrong, or maybe 94% just wasn't good enough. just like the hat, it is a mystery

>> No.4011208

dang. definitely not going to make a million XP tonight. too much goofing off all weekend.

still, the end is in sight. your patience is appreciated.

>> No.4011215

Gonna do another challenge when you're done this one?

>> No.4012009


i'm not sure! i wasn't totally kidding when i mentioned Deadly Towers and Castlequest - i've been thinking less about "make this even harder" challenges and more about just trudging through some of the harder / crappier games i never finished.

also thinking about trying to build something with RPG Maker.

back in the day i did a couple of relatively easy challenges on Final Fantasy 1 - like 4 White Mages, or 2 Thieves + 2 Blackbelts. i saw some guy on Gamefaqs mention a "solo thief" run and that got me pretty curious.

or maybe i should turn off my laptop and go enjoy the nice weather for a while. for now there's still a few hours of grinding XP and then who knows how long to make suicide runs against Hargon's castle before some sort of conclusion occurs.

>> No.4013462


Try playing all the way through Destiny of an Emperor without pushing left on the d-pad.

>> No.4013501

2000 XP to max level and some fucking Magic Vampirus puts me to sleep 3 times in the same fight so the Berserkers can kill me ...


>> No.4013516
File: 126 KB, 517x519, 80 thou art as strong as thou might be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, these stats are as good as it gets.

going to bed, i'll start assaulting the castle tomorrow and report back.

>> No.4013523

good luck

>> No.4014037
File: 142 KB, 516x519, 81 from 1 to 35 solo princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

information gathered this morning:

1. Atlas hits for (very approximately) 55 HP every swing, or about 110 HP per round.
2. He is vulnerable to one of the Chance effects stating "confusion", but it doesn't seem to do anything. (anybody know what that one is supposed to do?)
3. the Defense effect from the Chance spell reduces his armor by >50, but the proper Defense spell from Elani's spell list only reduces about 20-25 per round.
4. he IS vulnerable to the Sorcerer's Call, and he DOESN'T come back afterward. so i'm guaranteed to be able to try my strength against every boss including Hargon ... but only blood on my staff can really satisfy me.

>> No.4014040

Don't know about this game, but being confused in DW3 does nothing if you have no allies to beat up.

>> No.4014442

Silly priest. You can never be strong enough!

>> No.4014507

You're an absolute madman, OP.

>> No.4014847

'Elani is now strong enough.'
Strong enough for what?

>> No.4014875

(What, is he sick?)

>> No.4014879


i guess he means "you can't get any stronger so quit asking". i think in the first game the equivalent phrase would have been "Elani is already as strong as she might be", only there wasn't a female option.

it's apt, though. Elani is now totally strong enough to make Hargon and his pals cry like the little bitches they are.

>> No.4014932
File: 407 KB, 1500x1500, dragon_princessNOTEXT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greetings from the drawthread!
(never played DQII so forgive if I messed up the gear)

>> No.4014946
File: 479 KB, 1500x1500, WHOTHEHELLDOYOUTHINKSHEIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4014948

Not OP, but nah that's good.
Did you check the concept art or something?
>tfw no hat
She's gonna carry that wait (for a hat)

>> No.4014971
File: 73 KB, 469x599, dq2469px-Flowing_dress_Moonbrooke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you check the concept art or something?
yup, looked up for the best gear for her (flowing dress and lightning staff)
>tfw no hat
oops, she didn't have one in the concept art so I didn't think to include one

>> No.4015190

those are holy shit awesome!

and i never did get my hat ... right now Elani is appropriately hatless.

>> No.4015215

okay, i've confirmed two important things:

1. Atlas appears to have perfect 8/8 resistance to Explodet.

2. After casting Defense 4 times, i am doing about 17 points of damage with every hit from the staff ... which matches up perfectly with anon's math here: >>4006876

the only thing left to consider is trying to abuse an emulator save state until Chance fires off the improved Increase spell (1/8 possibility) so i'm taking less damage per successful attack. maybe i'll try both methods ...

>> No.4015790


That staff really looks like it fits in with the game.

Also I never realized the water flying cloth was actually supposed to be partly made of water!

>> No.4015792

Damn, that's actually a really good character design

>> No.4015805

The original name describes it a bit better, but a goof in the translation caused it to Water Flying Cloth, and now that's apparently sticking around for consistency.

>> No.4016046
File: 34 KB, 400x321, DQII_Lightning_Staff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that staff really looks like it fits in with the game.
it does fit perfectly, actually it's the Lightning Staff as it's officially supposed to look in DQII
glad you like them!
>right now Elani is appropriately hatless.
Oh that's perfect then!

>> No.4016456

minor update:

the Increase effect from Chance doesn't really seem worth it, so i'm dropping that strategy for now.

basically, Atlas kills me quickly about a dozen times for every one time i get set into a good pattern and whack away around half his HP before the RNG lines up a few bad rounds and he kills me.

it's definitely a matter of When, not If, i can beat him (it's an Infinite Monkeys and Typewriters kind of problem, assuming the RNG is sufficiently random).. the answer to When might be ten billion battles or something impractical though.

>> No.4016481

And even then you still need to struggle past the other mini-bosses and Hargon and Malroth. After getting drained good by the Atlas fight.

Unless you plan on just going full autismo and swinging at it until the RNG gods smile on you, I think you've reached the end of the road.

>> No.4016482
File: 93 KB, 675x506, dq1-2poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give up men, you can do it.

>> No.4016543


F that S. i've got way more hours of butting heads with this ugly fuck before i give up.

and if i do give up i'm still going to bypass him with the Sorcerer's Call and see if i can beat any of the other bosses.

(also keep in mind the way the gauntlet works - once you defeat a boss, they stay defeated until you tell the Imperial Scrolls guy that you're going to turn off the NES.)

>> No.4016670

>it does fit perfectly, actually it's the Lightning Staff as it's officially supposed to look in DQII

Well done then! It is awesome when artists pay attention to canon. Even when it's silly cartoonish canon.

>> No.4016671
File: 359 KB, 1400x1144, VS_atlasnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read this thread, and I'm going through the archive of the previous one;
good job OP!
here's a bit more fanart

>> No.4016676

>this ugly fuck

He is adorable and you know it.

>> No.4016680


Haha the prince back there hugging some random girl while the real warriors do the work

>> No.4016716

>once you defeat a boss, they stay defeated until you tell the Imperial Scrolls guy that you're going to turn off the NES.

This seems to imply that an emulator user can easily play as if all miniboss defeats are completely permanent, without even cheating (simply by leaving the emulator running). Is that correct?

(I expect you're using save states between sessions, but that's basically the same thing to everybody except the most hardcore purist.)

Also of course the same thing could be done on a real console but then your dad might yell at you and your dog might unplug it, better not do that.

>> No.4016752


i started the game with a rule that i'd only restore after death using an Imperial Scrolls save point, and emulator saves were just used to back my shit up in case of laptop shenanigans (which has turned out to be useful because my laptop's a piece of shit).

i expected i'd give up and break this rule getting to Rhone, but to my surprise i made it the hard way. i AM restoring from emulator saves now i'm fighting Atlas though. feels cheap but it's still so damn hard i don't think i care.

but yes. as long as you never turn off your NES (or never let your emulator believe that you turned off your NES) you can beat the bosses one at a time, return to heal, and clear the route to Hargon. you're only really forced to fight him and Malroth in succession.

it's kind of uncharacteristically nice for this game, really. maybe it was unintentional.

i remember a kid in junior high who left his NES on for a week while he went on vacation because he didn't want to start some game over.

>> No.4016815


This looks pretty awesome, except I don't know where her legs are?

>> No.4016846


thanks for this too, Artbro! great stuff!

>> No.4016916
File: 341 KB, 1500x1111, VS_atlascrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except I don't know where her legs are?
that's just lazyness, lol
same to you!

>> No.4017076

its its undoable..it just is. Im sorry to say. i dont want it to end like this, but if its 1/10000, it sounds 'near' impossible

>> No.4017082


Sure, but it's a little early to be talking like that. If I understand right OP is having difficulty with KILLING Atlas, not with defeating him. There's no way Atlas will be able to end the run, because Chance can defeat him.

>> No.4017150
File: 93 KB, 500x334, dont-tell-me-what-i-cant-do-1702058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4017198

>that Winston Churchill speech
>not followed by Aces High
I thought you were cool OP...

>> No.4017208


The first word was supposed to be "If" - ergo , "if its" .. i didnt mean to state it was undoable. my bad

>> No.4017473

ha! i nearly did, too. guess i chose poorly.

no worries. we'll see just how impossible it is.

>> No.4017502
File: 48 KB, 516x520, 82 this is how we do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Christ! literally the third fight after i got home and fired up the emulator. two critical hits was more than the poor fucker could take.

i'm still woozy from giving plasma again. this really just happened, right?

>> No.4017512

Oh snap
That is one dead cyclops

>> No.4017537
File: 61 KB, 519x519, 83 pardon me, but could i interest you in a sword of destruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i credit enf-lover ... after his admonishment i opened up an Iron Maiden playlist on youtube and i'm sure it got Elani all fired up for those critical hits.

Atlas even tried to give me his old cast-off junk, but i already had a Sword of Destruction.

>> No.4017714

Should have been live streamed or at least recorded imo. Congrats though OP

>> No.4017745
File: 56 KB, 515x519, 84 next up is this purple monkey thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dang! yeah, i tried recording a couple of times, but then it was dozens of fights and i got bored and quit ... should have been more deliberate about it i suppose.

>> No.4017765

>phony story
>save states
huh . . .

>> No.4017830


I don't remember Bazuzu having such an ugly color scheme. I suppose my tastes have become refined since I was a kid.

>> No.4017856
File: 67 KB, 514x517, 85 Bazuzu was dealt a bad hand at birth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bad news is that Bazuzu is highly resistant to Defense and likes to cast Healall, so slowly beating him to death is not an option.

the good news is that Bazuzu is not very resistant against Sleep or Explodet, which makes him a very unworthy foe for the Princess. on my fourth try he goes down.

i guess the other bad news is that Bazuzu did not drop a Mysterious Hat (he's more likely to than the Magic Vampirus, although for obvious reasons he's not the preferred place to farm a hat.)

... am i really going to have to redo the fight with Atlas another fifty times while going through the steps to turn the recording on and off every time? bleaurgh.

>> No.4018637
File: 55 KB, 513x520, 86 you can&#039;t put zarlox in a box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zarlox is such a rebel he doesn't even fit in the part of the screen where monsters go! that's how you know he's a serious motherfucker.

>> No.4018679
File: 67 KB, 515x515, 87 correction - you can put zarlox in a pine box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zarlox only killed me twice before i took him down. he's a little too stupid about remembering to use Healall when he should, and relies on fiery attacks i don't care about. also, for those taking notes, he's vulnerable to Surround just like Atlas.

>> No.4018848

His design always confused me. He's a dragon...but he has gloves and boots.

>> No.4018868
File: 586 KB, 1000x800, DQII_Belial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. That's pretty cool. I love old Toriyama.

>> No.4018875


This page calls him a demon, not a dragon: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Dragon_Warrior_II/Enemies#Demons
So maybe that's what he is.

Personally I was always confused by his face. I thought the dark area on it was his gaping, bizarrely shaped mouth. Only while looking things up to keep up with this thread have I learned that he's supposed to be dog-faced or cow-faced or something, and that the "mouth hole" is really just a big doggy/cowy/whatever nose.

I actually prefer my old interpretation, even though it's bizarre. It's less comical and more alien than the real design is.

>> No.4018883

Comical designs in my Dragonquest?

>> No.4019023


As a kid I didn't really register that to some extent this was just supposed to be kiddy nonsense. I took for granted that they wanted to make something that I would understand to be good, and that implied that the evil murderous monsters wouldn't secretly be nothing more than funny silly clowns.

I was somehow able to perceive things this way despite the fact that some of the game's monsters literally are clowns.

>> No.4019157

PROTIP: Press Alt+PrtScrn to take a screenshot of only the active window. Saves on having to crop.

>> No.4020062
File: 131 KB, 515x520, 89 hello my name is elani moonbrooke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<Elani> Offer me money.
<Hargon> Yes!
<Elani> Power too, promise me that.
<Hargon> All that I have and more. Please ...
<Elani> Offer me anything I ask for.
<Hargon> Anything you want!
<Elani> I want my father back, you son of a bitch

>> No.4020107
File: 25 KB, 550x400, 1358400682310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, we're nearing the end of this epic journey.

>> No.4020121
File: 482 B, 38x38, Metal Slime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4020137
File: 142 KB, 513x517, 91 one even greater than hargon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Hargon is basically Zarlox only he's not a retard so he actually uses Healall every time he gets below about 1/2 HP. the only way to beat him was to try over and over until the turn order was just right (and Explodet got through his defense when it needed to).

probably took about 8 tries to knock him down.

and this time i took a damn video. it's a shitty Jnes video and it's the first thing i ever uploaded to Youtube so i probably fucked it all up but ... here you go anyway!

>> No.4020182

Is it supposed to be silent?

>> No.4020197

>he didn't cast sacrifice when he died
Thank you, based Rubiss.

>> No.4020198

That is probably the aforementioned "i probably fucked it all up"

>> No.4020214

>What, is he sick?
No, fools. She's going to kill him.
And Malroth too!

>> No.4020675
File: 142 KB, 519x519, 92 none shall pass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, not supposed to be silent. super!

well, i can get another one. i want to get videos for Bazuzu and Zarlox too since they're pussies and it'll be easy. Atlas ... is going to take a while.

then there's Malroth. i'm clearly getting nowhere with him until i head back to town and buy Antidote Herbs until a Wizard's Ring turns up in the Lottery.

honestly Malroth doesn't seem too hard ... except that he spams Healall about every four turns whether he needs it or not. (very different from Hargon who uses it exactly when he should). if it's really random then it might be another Monkeys and Typewriters fight, but damn ... it's really frequent.

i really only wanted revenge against Hargon anyway. Malroth's just some lizard guy minding his own business in wherever the fuck the "Shadowtime" is and then gets summoned here. it's not like he's the guy who blew up Elani's castle, murdered her family and friends, and transmogrified her. i still want to beat him ... but just to test her strength.

>> No.4020683

meanwhile, due to lack of sound, i recommend starting this video and leave it running in the background before you watch mine.


>> No.4020725

Enjoying this thread a lot, ty op. Also enf Ur artwork is top notch!

>> No.4020798
File: 437 KB, 500x333, Zorak2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elani fell asleep.

>> No.4021057

Honestly, I was surprised at that one as well.
Barely made it past, then did a comeback with healall. Talk about a close one!

>> No.4022376

I want to see Elani make Malroth her bitch

>> No.4022784

turns out buying and selling Antidote Herbs is even less exciting than it sounds. it feels a little like cheating anyway but at least i'm paying for the Lottery Tickets, sort of, and it's obviously not a quick solution so maybe that makes it ethical or whatever.

anyway still no Wizard's Ring.

>> No.4022817

No ring and no hat makes Elani a dull girl.

>> No.4022824


How does that work again? You have a chance to randomly get a lottery ticket with every shop purchase, or something?

>> No.4022870

yep. it's the easiest way, probably. you can also farm certain monsters (e.g. Magic Ants drop Lotto tickets) but this is faster. Antidote Herbs buy for 8 and sell for 6 so you're spending 2 G on a chance (1/8 ?) of a ticket.

the other possibility is to go to Rhone and murder Bullwongs, who may drop a Wizard's Ring directly.

i've seen an FAQ where a guy claimed it was easy to see the symbols rolling in the Lottery and time the button press to get exactly what you want, but it doesn't seem easy to me. i think i'm better off just mashing buttons and waiting for luck to turn in my favor.

>> No.4023487


>> No.4023735


Congratulations op!

>> No.4023971


>> No.4025398

Bumping the thread so it doesn't die before Malroth does

>> No.4026698

Any day now

>> No.4027128

I enjoyed the hell out of the first thread. I'm glad to see this is still going.

>> No.4027172

sorry everybody - it's become very obvious that if i keep trying to get a Ring via Lotto, i'm just going to get bored and quit playing.

accordingly, i've Wing of the Wyverned my way back to Rhone and i'm robbing Bullwongs at staffpoint. Gamefaqs says the ring drops at a rate of 1/32 which isn't too bad, and more importantly it's more fun than watching paint dry, so i might even stick at it.

>> No.4028291

Just glad to hear that the quest continues. After coming so far you can't stop now!

>> No.4028605
File: 107 KB, 1117x800, Nsk6inK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found pic related on a Romhacking.net thread, which confirms the Malroth behavior noted by OP. He's also immune to attack magic (https://web2.ph.utexas.edu/~cavell/SpellResistances.pdf)), so Moonbrooke's sole way of damaging him is physical attacks... and her max attack is 85, so she'll be dealing something like 21 average damage after full Defense drain. So, pretending she never needs to heal, it would take her ~12 turns from full HP without him using HealAll ONCE, which is something like a 3% chance. Factoring in the turns she'll actually need to heal...
("Fainting Attack" is a physical attack with an added 3/8 chance of OHKOing the target. )

On a happier note, congrats on Atlas. Good luck on getting a recorded fight against him!

(Couple of notes on Atlas:
* Hiding Clothes seem better than WFC against Atlas because his chance for missing both his attacks for the turn goes up from ~6% to 11%.
* Without the Hat, Moonbrooke gets 28 HealAlls; with it, she gets 38.

Wizard's Ring will probably help even more, but I haven't tried to factor that in yet.)

>> No.4028621

>Open dress
Much dick

>> No.4029151


I've reviewed these numbers carefully and what I'm getting is that there is a 179.625% chance that Malroth will be beaten, and in the case that he IS beaten, a 33.3333% chance that he will shamefully weep before he dies

>> No.4029297
File: 386 KB, 1500x1363, princess_hargon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to do a pic to celebrate, but wasn't satisfied with previous sketches

hey thank you!

>> No.4029459

Pretty coo- wait a minute...
>hargon's man-nipples aren't erect
You can't be the real enf-lover!

>> No.4029468

Do you honestly expect those things to be visible under all that robe?

>> No.4029480

Well, this -IS- enf-lover we're talking about here.

>> No.4030890 [SPOILER] 
File: 452 KB, 1500x1350, 1496241876486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol here's a followup

I felt the scepter in his ass was enough already for a blue board

>> No.4031145

Congrats OP, and thanks for making the thread comfier, enf-lover.

>> No.4031193

I am entertained, OP. Thanks.

>> No.4031668

that definitely sounds like the fights i saw with Malroth. hmm.

Clothes Hiding definitely helped against Atlas. i swapped them back out as soon as he went down since everybody else is breathing fire and spamming Explodet.

Malroth doesn't hit that hard (or rather he hits really hard but only hits once). sounds like Surround could still be worth it.

i've never had this much trouble getting a Ring before. it's definitely robbing my motivation. but i'm pretty sure i have to beat Hargon directly before Malroth, and i'm not getting through Hargon with any useful amount of MP, so it's going to be a necessity. i'm sure the Hat would also be helpful but at that point MP might not be the limiting factor as much as just fighting 100 or 500 times until the RNG forgets to use Healall.

>> No.4032036


I don't know that I ever used a wizard's ring in this game. It's rare and isn't needed in normal play; also if I did have one I probably would have considered it "too good to use" and wasted it by just holding on to it. So I don't know how it works.

I just looked in some wiki and saw that it restores MP (but how much?) and breaks after several uses, or something. Does this mean you need a few of them? Do you have a sense of how many? If you get a few will you abuse save states to protect them?

>> No.4032758 [DELETED] 

Happy to see you haven't given up OP!
I'm cheering for you, keep up the good work

>file deleted
oopsie; thought it was okay to post it since I censored the naughty, my bad sorry!

>> No.4032761

Happy to see you haven't given up OP!
I'm cheering for you, keep up the good work

You're welcome!
I'll try to do a couple more to accompany OP's progress (and success hopefully!)

>file deleted
oopsie; thought it was okay to post it since I censored the naughty bits, my bad sorry!

>> No.4032963

Don't let the fact that this is a blue board dissuade from drawing more lewds. Just uh, link 'em from somewhere else.

>> No.4033369

Yeah, unfortunately even if you cover them up, censor them, or put 'em behind a spoiler tag, lewd still isn't allowed.
Although it seems to vary from board to board. Look at the shit /v/ gets away with for example. And /vg/'s various lewd game generals.
But yeah, what other anon said. Just post on another board or something and cross-link.

>> No.4033394

>seems to vary from board to board
Subject also seems to be important. I've seen Wonder Woman nudes on /co/ last over 24 hours, but I've seen clean official art from the Sonic comic get deleted since it made a mod/janitor feel funny in his pants.

>> No.4034789
File: 384 KB, 1500x1173, VS_malrothWIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do that;
I'll soon post my moonbroke series on my tumblr:
(definitely NSFW!!)
Yeah I've seen several lewd pics showing a bit of nudity, even a couple nipples on here, which explains my mistake;
anyway back to OP's quest, I've started this VS Malroth pic

>> No.4035949


it's been a while and might vary between platform editions but i remember the Ring restoring 15-35 MP per use and getting 2-4 uses before it breaks.

basically since my entire strategy against Hargon is Explodet + Healall i'm not likely to start the fight against Malroth with anything like a reasonable amount of MP left. i probably don't need to refill to 210 but if i could at least get halfway there it'd be pretty nice. (there's a big break between fights where you're pretty obviously intended to heal up.)

the Hat would be pretty useful right about now too, but if i barely have the patience left to get a Ring at 4x the drop rate ...

and you're right, the Ring isn't strictly necessary in a casual playthrough and i normally hoard it until exactly this point. i don't think i've ever finished the game without getting one by accident before, but then i usually grind in the upper valley and kill more Bullwongs instead of spending all those hours in the Cave fighting Vampirii.

>> No.4036929
File: 70 KB, 516x518, 94 is it secret is it safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG fucking finally

>> No.4036952


Now get another one just in case

>> No.4036953


>> No.4037423

yeah, that's not happening.

enf-lover! i keep forgetting to thank you for all your art because i'm a retard.

thank you for all your art! it's an honor!

>> No.4038019 [DELETED] 


If you don't want to get another ring, then are you planning to protect this one with saves? The mechanics as you described them didn't make it sound like a single ring would be enough. (But again, I haven't played this game in a decade or two.)

>> No.4038025


If you don't want to get another ring, then are you planning to protect this one with saves?

The mechanics as you described them didn't make it sound like a single ring would be enough anyway, even if it would respawn after every failed attempt on Malroth... (But again, I haven't played this game in a decade or two, so I don't really know.)

>> No.4038294

Holy shit.
Keep it up, bro.

>> No.4039641

yeah, i've parked a save state with full HP and about 200 MP right in front of Malroth so i can just charge at him over and over until either i get bored and quit or the RNG decides he forgot how to use Healall and i take him down.

it's interesting, kind of a stalemate almost. his damage output is pretty unimpressive compared to Atlas and i can easily keep up with him using the Shield of Strength. but i'm doing about 10 points of damage with every hit and there's almost no way i could realistically whittle him down like that. i guess eventually a fight will happen where i get a couple of critical hits or something ...

so far i've fought him five times and haven't come close to using up my MP. eventually he gets the attack that makes Moonbroke faint and then murders her in her sleep.

>> No.4039724

>eventually he gets the attack that makes Moonbroke faint and then murders her in her sleep.
What an asshole.

>> No.4041383

hey no probem, love your thread!
hopefully I'll finish that Malroth pic soon enough

>> No.4041446

Excuse me but can you explain what enf is?

>> No.4041464

Embarrassed Nude Female

>> No.4043445


yup; not much /vr/ reated, but that's the name I post with on /aco/

>> No.4044119
File: 66 KB, 517x518, 93 one malroth appeared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, Hargon did describe him as a "being of pure malice". maybe that's just how they roll in the Shadowtime.

any reasonable human being would probably throw in the towel at this point. Malroth does not look like he's going to budge. i think i'll keep trying anyway because i'm a dumbshit, but ... don't hold your breath.

>> No.4044347

Yeah, the RNG on this fight is... stupid. I should also mention that rumor has it that you CAN'T crit him -- if it's like Dracolord in the first game, the game literally runs a check for if you're fighting the final boss and just plain skips the critical-hit routine if you are.

...On the bright side, there is something strangely ironic about Elani's greatest foe being a boss whose greatest strength lies in neither raw attack nor offensive magic, but rather shameless abuse of HealAll...

>> No.4044601

>like Dracolord in the first game, the game literally runs a check for if you're fighting the final boss and just plain skips the critical-hit routine if you are.
>someone actually thought it was a good idea to add this in
>someone actually complied and willingly programmed it
>perhaps the same someone could have possibly used the same code from before and modified it a bit for the sequel
Mere text is not enough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg_mzlkMb6k

>> No.4045171
File: 444 KB, 1600x1251, VS_malrothCOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finished!

don't give up OP, you'll get him!

>> No.4045214

To be fair, Midenhall could probably oneshot Malroth if crits were enabled. It makes sense in a normal playthrough.

>> No.4045353

Does a pretty good job representing OP's current struggle.

>> No.4046514

Were all still rootin for ya OP!

>> No.4048253


>> No.4049935
File: 441 KB, 1500x1492, PRINCESSDYING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't die!

>> No.4049942


>> No.4049986

i-is this cropped

>> No.4050037

Keep loading those states!

>> No.4050117

What's going on?

>> No.4050236

lol that one wasn't intended to be lewd, wanted to illustrate OP's struggle against Malroth, and the thread almost dying

nope, but you can imagine it is
maybe I'll make a variant for my nsfw blog sometime later

Malroth beat her up time and time again, and is parading by stepping on her

>> No.4051698

Hoping against hope that this isnt the end of moonbrooke!

>> No.4053251

I don't want to say this, but...

The numbers are heavily against OP winning.

Ignoring his own need to heal, he needs a Heal-All-free streak of ~26 turns (including a turn or two lost to fainting). That's a ~1/1800 chance -- painful, but within his established ability to grind.

Unfortunately, he needs to heal. Elani needs to heal about a third of the time -- either after Malroth's physical attack (~96 damage) or enough flame attacks. That takes her up to 40 rounds, which is a ~1/100000 chance.

And then there's the chance that he'll kill her, no saves, from fainting her and hitting her with a second physical attack while she's stunned. That's a ~83% chance, and the chance he'll launch that sequence is 1/4*3/8*1/4=3/64, for a total ~2% chance of inescapable death on any given turn. Over 40 turns, that's a ~55% (!) chance that he'll die to pure bullshit.

So he really has only a ~1/200000 chance of getting a "winning streak".

It's not literally impossible, but, unless there's some game mechanic I'm not remembering, I don't think it's humanly manageable. For comparison, a successful Atlas run had something like 1/1000 odds, very roughly speaking.

Like OP said, Elani's already taken revenge against the guy who "blew up [her] castle, murdered her family and friends, and transmogrified her". And perhaps that's all she really needs.

>> No.4053398

Are there any TAS techniques OP could use to try get to the right set of outcomes quicker?

>> No.4053401

Nice analysis, by the way.

>> No.4053536

yeah, i think it's time to call it done.

when i was fighting Atlas it was clear that it was a winnable fight, just needed a few lucky numbers to fall into line. Malroth really doesn't feel beatable. maybe by a computer that could run the fight over and over.

i won't lie, i never would have stuck with the game this long without your encouragement. you all helped me beat Hargon. and i think we're going to have to call that the victory.

remember, we make this same bet every morning when we all get out of bed - sooner or later you're going to roll snake eyes and the Grim Reaper is going to haul your ass off to whatever Hell is reserved for nerds. nobody gets out of this game alive. but we still try even though we know we're going to lose to the end boss.

go be a proud human, too stupid to quit!

>> No.4053620

All it would really come down to is luck manipulation to force Malroth to never use Heal-All.
Which is basically just a bunch of saving and reloading states

>> No.4053640

Well if this is the end of the line than i say thank you good sir. Its been a fun ride these past few months. Be sure to tripcode whenever you decide to start another run!

>> No.4053642

Would there be any value in OP posting a save state so that others could try if they wanted to (or so that they could just play around with a max-level princess and see how strong she feels)?

It doesn't sound like anybody could be seriously expected to try for the full victory or anything; this would be a more significant proposal if the problem had simply been OP getting sick of the project or running out of free time or whatever.

(It would have been a way to get a hat without requiring OP to personally grind for it, but I gather that the hat is unimportant at this point.)

>> No.4053651

Can't you pay some Indians on Fiverr to run the boss fight over and over again until they win?

>> No.4053736

Only thing left to do is upload the save files have someone do a tool assisted run of the last boss.

Well whatever happens thanks for the entertainment op.

>> No.4053748
File: 90 KB, 364x650, sfc12_image4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is completely understandable, good job and thanks for the ride.

>> No.4053776


>> No.4054008

>tfw OP wins the lottery and uses his luck up that he could have used on this run

>> No.4054219




>> No.4054398


yes! let's see if i can try not to fuck it up this time.


>> No.4054701

Fair enough, it was a fun ride.

>> No.4054747


>> No.4054795

Rest well

>> No.4055484

Well, it had to end sometime. It was fun while it lasted.

Nice artwork.

>> No.4055738

Shame I discovered these threads at the end. Going to go through the archives and read the adventure from the start. You did good, man. Enjoy your break.

>> No.4055873
File: 333 KB, 1230x1600, farewellelani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farewell Elani

>> No.4055884

>Ended by being forever dick by Malgoth
What a horrifying way to go.

>> No.4056798

how old is this

>> No.4056893
File: 374 KB, 1291x1008, PrincessMoonbrooke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farewell, OP, and thanks for the ride.

>> No.4058452

You fought the good fight OP. Sleep well and all hail Queen Moonbrooke!

>> No.4060127

in final fantasy?