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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 181x222, arg-qmark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3981452 No.3981452 [Reply] [Original]

Describe an old game that you can't remember the name of in hopes someone can tell you.

I never played it but I remember hearing about a SNES game in which you play as a firefighter. I believe it only got a European release. What was it called?

>> No.3981458
File: 46 KB, 512x446, firemen_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Firemen?

>> No.3981536

Well that was kind of an obvious title.

Thanks, anon!

>> No.3981541

Now I like this kinda threads and all

but duderino I found that with one googling of "snes firefighting game"

>> No.3981601

I know I could have just Googled it but I like you guys.

>> No.3981697

I had a 2D adventure game on PC back in the late nineties-early 00's where the world was actually a planet multiple layers and there were that room with crystal giants.

>> No.3981708

I had 3 games that I can't remember :/ all 3 were Ps1 games.
One was you play as an generic looking alien in a 3rd person shooter I think.
Another was a 3rd person action game were you play as a black female cop and the first level is a snowy city.
and the last one is like a fighting game that also plays like a strategy/board game with a lizard being one of the main characters :/

Cheers bois!

>> No.3981726
File: 75 KB, 650x650, 37759-Urban_Chaos_[NTSC-U]-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the second one, not sure of the other two.

>> No.3981730

It was a platformer and your character was a guy in a red suit? and you jumped on various enemies for points like turtles and walking mushrooms until you reached the end of the stage.

>> No.3981738

Kabuki Quantum Fighter

>> No.3981749

>Kabuki Quantum Fighter

>> No.3981769

Found this game on a Mame emulator

It was 2D platformer. A pink kinda-chiby dog that shot bubbles, in a factory of some sorts and the monsters and enemies were kinda foam, one of them had metal with foam (skimmer?). Colors were grays and pastel

If someone found this I'd love you forever

>> No.3981774

Any console game is a fairly easy task as long as you remember the console. It might take a couple of hours to find that PS1 title but it's all more satisfying when you load it and immediately recognize the title screen. Don't deny that satisfaction to yourself. Give it some effort before asking online. Unless it's that computer game from 1988 and you don't even remember what genre it was because you were 8. Then probably these threads are your only hope.

>> No.3981842

there's a place called tipofmyjoystick thats really good at finding old games if you don't mind using another site

>> No.3982220

I vaguely remember a Gameboy game I lost a long time ago. I believe it was some sort of puzzle game, where you played as this blob and you had to ram into these varying types of blocks stacked up on the opposite side of the screen. I was too young to understand how it worked. I remember the cartridge art had a yellow background with some sprinkles all over it. I haven't been able to find anything resembling this.

>> No.3982337
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>> No.3982378


Liquid Kids

>> No.3982387

never got an answer

This is a pc demo game i found on download.com (now cnet) back in probably 1999ish seemed really japanese like some console port or what. But it featured a white ninja without a mask and just a guy with brown spikey hair like goku. You'd go along japanese castle rooftops fighting ninjas and you had some special move that involved a fiery japanese symbol. It was very chibi esque and brightly colored.

Sounds like a typical ninja gaiden/shinobi clone but I feel like I'd remember it instantly if I saw it.

>> No.3982396
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At last, the life long mystery has been solved...

>> No.3982453

Holy shit

Thank you so much, you're the best. Today you made two persons very happy. Thank you

>> No.3982483

Were there any games on the Genesis/Mega Drive game where there was a segment with a stream you had to cross that had some piranhas in it? I know this is vague as shit but for some reason this is all I can remember because I used to get stuck on that part in whatever the game was, to the point it's the only thing I can consistently remember, everything else is very inconsistent in my memory. I'm starting to think I imagined this one up or something.

>> No.3982484

>One was you play as an generic looking alien in a 3rd person shooter I think.

>> No.3982503

What was the perspective? Side-scroller? Overhead?

>> No.3982513

All right anon, I've played at least a couple of hours of every single Genesis game ever officially released. Help me out here, describe anything you can remember, anything at all. On the stage, was it dark colors or bright colors? Do you remember what the sticker on the cartridge looked like? Anything really. Let's find this game.

>> No.3982528

I've never been able to find this one. It was either a SNES/Genesis game (those were the emulators I had in my childhood). I remember you controlled a kid (possibly blond) in an isometric perspective. It was a fantasy world, first level was a forest, I believe. Graphics lead me to believe it was a western game. There was, I think, a blond goddess, and you could see her portrait in the game. I can't remember much about the gameplay other than that it had an inventory.

The particular reason why I remember this game is that it had a password system. One day I actually managed to get a correct password just by inputting random letters and numbers, and it led me to a room with some fairies or something like that.

I've never been able to find it.

>> No.3982535

Sidescroller, that much I know for sure.
Dark colors, I think that particular segment was in a cave or in thick woods, I remember some green stuff on the walls/ceiling which could be either slime or ivy. The background might've been completely black with no details or just dark as fuck if it had any details. The water looked very "dotty", I don't know how to explain it better, and it was rather shallow, from what I remember you actually walked in it instead of swimming and the piranha quickly came after you.

>> No.3982538


Young Merlin?

>> No.3982540

Fuck yeah, anon. You're the best!
Game looks kind of terrible now that I can finally look at it again. Is it any good?

>> No.3982553


I kinda like it, some of that is nostalgia from renting it as a kid but the game does have some charm and personality to it. Biggest flaw is some of the puzzles are pretty obtuse and I had to use a faq to beat the game.

>> No.3982581

Was it Greendog?

>> No.3982595

I believe it's an older Japanese PC game. You wander around the streets of Japan encountering mystical beasts and demons. Probably a VN or point and click adventure game.

>> No.3982606

Darude - Sandstorm

>> No.3982609
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>black female cop
truly ahead of its time!

>> No.3982621

It was on PC in the '90s, two player, the characters had umbrellas and rolled a snowball on top of the umbrella then threw it at the other player as a weapon.

you also had to collect strawberries and other fruit and as the time ran out at the end of the level a giant fruit would descend from the top of the screen and whoever hit it with a snowball would generally win the game on points.

please god tell me somebody knows what this game was called.

>> No.3982820

Shin Megami Tensei?

>> No.3982961

Parasol Stars?

>> No.3983030

Game was between 1998 and 2000, was in 3D and you played in what might look like garden (the kind you see in mansions) you had too navigate your way through the exit (I think) and might also need to collect some shit before you could leave, enemies were some brown animals (might have bee gophers).

>> No.3983136

Great game

>> No.3983220

Early 3D game that may have been a 3rd person arena shooter thing, you controlled toys or small robots in maps based on rooms, like a kitchen or a bedroom. Anyone remember such a game?

>> No.3983270
File: 52 KB, 640x480, toy_commander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was toy commander on the dreamcast

>> No.3983286

I've never had luck with this one:
A game with ansi graphics similar to ZZT or caverns of zeux, but it could be played on 2 player splitscreen. It had some kind of level editor.

>> No.3983330

I remember installing a demo for an isometric computer RPG where travelling was done by moving through interconnected areas that weren't much bigger than just a screen. I remember this one section where there was tree that I struck a few times with a sword and nothing happened, until I found an axe near a building and managed to strike the tree down with it to build a bridge.

>> No.3983482

There is this game I once played with my dad when I was 7 or so on the PS1. The only thing I can remember regarding the game is that it was a third-person Resident Evil-esque kind of game where you faced weird aliens and bugs. You control a female, and one of the sections I remember the most is walking into a room and the ceiling has been ripped off and there is a huge creature standing on top of it. Any idea?

>> No.3983490

yeah but its not released inthe us of a and i dont remember the name now sry

>> No.3983673

Makes me think of Bugdom

>> No.3984195

>Parasol Stars?
oh my GOD thank you. i can't tell you how long this has been bugging me, i used to play it my neighbours house when i was a kid, the one time i beat her at a level she immediately switched it off and never played it with me again. i was so angry about it i drew picture after picture of me winning the level, fucking hell. i never thought i'd find it again, thanks a lot man really.

>> No.3984358

no, character you played with was a human also you weren't minitature sized. But it was more cartoony sized

>> No.3984481

Its like zelda's games and the first boss is a big spider.

>> No.3984491

I remember this one weird fighting gamme for ms-dos that basically had robots and shit
it was a western release so i know it wasnt a jap game

>> No.3984504

One Must Fall

>> No.3984508

thanks mate

>> No.3984546

Secret of Mana?

>> No.3984547

>There is this game I once played with my dad when I was 7 or so on the PS1. The only thing I can remember regarding the game is that it was a third-person Resident Evil-esque kind of game where you faced weird aliens and bugs. You control a female, and one of the sections I remember the most is walking into a room and the ceiling has been ripped off and there is a huge creature standing on top of it. Any idea?

Any idea on that one?

>> No.3984603

No, is similar to zelda 2 plataform, i have no more details but the only thing a remember from that game is a huge spider boss that my dad never beat it on his pentium one with ms dos

>> No.3984635

Parasite Eve?

>> No.3984641

Looking for the name of an old Windows 95/98 PC Game.

It consisted of a quiz game show with aliens taken place in outer space.

It involved some FMV Cutscenes were you are taunted by a human host/evil-doer.

It was a Jeapordy-like style game and I rmemeber one of the aliens was a green tentacle alien with an exposed brain.


>> No.3984678

I've been looking for this for the past few days with no success whatsoever. It' s a Windows 95/98 game where you're a robot collecting metal parts and other things and building other robots with them.
I think there might've been some puzzle elements involved. The game perspective was top-down but the environments and the robots were 3D. It had somewhat of a gloomy, end-of-world atmosphere to it, and I'm pretty sure all areas consisted of ancient-looking ruins. The soundtrack was ambient and string-based, I believe, but had a very classical feeling to it.

I think the beginning area had a large greek or roman-looking stone gate and after that a cave that you had to clear rubble out of, but I don't remember any specifics. I think the end goal of the game might've been to restore power or bring back the "good" robots vs. the bad ones?

Would be overjoyed if I could find this one, thanks in advance.

>> No.3984690
File: 21 KB, 480x360, you hear it now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not it but it reminds me of AfterDark screensaver's "You bet your head"

>> No.3984703

There's this DOS game where you've crash land on an island and must find means to survive.

I remember it the interface being first person and the inventory/status screen is pretty complicated: you need to eat food and find shelter, but if you eat random shit like earthworms and stuff you get an infected stomach. There's a giant bird that you can punch to death, and if you use a knife it you can collect meat off it.

I have flashbacks of this game but for the life of me I do not remember its name.

>> No.3985214

Which one? 1, 2? I was looking through youtube and I found a Parasite Eve (unnumbered) and the commentator said "for the PS2". Will look into the game though, thanks.

>> No.3985217

Septerra Core does have that kind of setting (planet with multiple layers), but it's not an adventure and I don't remember much about the game having crystal giants.

>> No.3985220

>and the last one is like a fighting game that also plays like a strategy/board game with a lizard being one of the main characters :/
Unholy War?

>> No.3985223

Sorry but it's not the one. It's sidescrolling 2D and what I meant by giant crystals are literally crustal pillar giants that you would have to click on to move and solve an enigma. Thanks for trying tho.

>> No.3985226

Robinson's Requiem or its sequel Deus?

>> No.3985249

I remember an old PS1 game where you were a tank in some virtual reality world.
After a couple of levels, it lost it's Tron-like look and became looking more "realistic".
I just remember at the start of the game you could choose either a light, medium, or heavy tank.

>> No.3985250


>> No.3985261

I don't think so, looking it up doesn't ring any bells. And the Wiki page doesn't list a PS1 release.

>> No.3985267
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, crackrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First game was a Windows 95 PC shovelware game. It was a poker game, had a darker color palette, had a city skyline at the top with a message saying you could win $X amount of money for getting royal flush. I know there were shit tons of PC shovelware games at the time, so more than likely its lost to time. I feel like it might have been called Royal Flush Poker, but I couldn't find anything under that name online that matched it.

Second game was for PS1. The part I remember was a free roam part where you could drive around a town. At one part of the map the road was blocked from a car crash, but there was a road built around it you could drive. You could pick cars, trucks, I think motor bikes too.

Any ideas?

>> No.3985301

An old Sega Genesis game that kinda played like Lunar Lander on crack. You had guns and shit and would kill aliens and rescue people.

>> No.3985307


Probably not it, but maybe Steel Reign?

>> No.3985358

No, that's not it either.
The one other thing I can remember is the intro FMV was set in some arcade, and a woman steps into the VR cabinet to start playing the game.

>> No.3985450

It was Robinson's Requiem, thanks friend. The death scenes are traumatizing as always.

>> No.3985470
File: 87 KB, 640x480, 39230-SubTerrania_(USA)-1459585958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been thinking about getting the game. It looks like the kind of shitty niche choplifter shit I like


>> No.3985968

There was this turnbased strategy NES game with giant monsters/robots(not necessarily mechas tho). iirc there was also something like a spinning circle in the menu

>> No.3985971

Super Robot Wars?

>> No.3986137

I'm looking for this game for days but I had no luck. I only remember, that it had a green troll in it and you had to jump on cats and dogs on the first few levels. The boss was a rat wizard. It had a 2-player mode, where the other troll was blue. Anybody remembers that?

>> No.3986156

Bonkheads friendo

>> No.3986160

It was some beat em up for the TurboGrafix 16 or Turbo Duo that involved robots.

>> No.3986165

Ah, yeah that'd be it. I only rented the game once or twice, but that title music is unforgettable.
Thanks man!

>> No.3986204

Omg, that's it! Thanks so much!

>> No.3986221

An old game starring a girl riding a horse

>> No.3986234

What a great thread idea! I've been searching for a cutesy arcade game I remember seeing at an Old Spaghetti Factory. My memory about it is very fuzzy so I'll do my best to describe it.

It was a 2D platforming game with single-screen individual stages similar to Snow Brothers or Bubble Bobble. It had a fun, colorful art style to it full of clownish character design and the backgrounds were reminiscent to a toy shop/land theme. The player would control a character with, I think, a jetpack and you would go around removing blocks or something before time run out. If you didn't finish fast enough, a red winged devil suddenly appeared and started stalking the player, similar to Baron von Blubba. It might've been a Taito title because I can't find any other developer that could fit that kind of description.

>> No.3986371

I remember playing this one weird game that came in a 100-in-1 cd full of game demos.

It was a sidescroller (puzzle?) game where you control a gnome going through a forest, there were poisonous mushroms or walking mushrooms, its the only thing i remember about it.

>> No.3986378

Words Worth

>> No.3986394

was it like a wizard dwarf kinda character? I think I remember casting spells and shit.

>> No.3986412

Hmm, I could be mistaking the pointy hat of a gnome from that of a wizards hat. I remember the character was old with a white beard and a pointy hat.

>> No.3986414

It was a fighting game and the training mode let you train against this metal ball/orb that'd fly around to practice your moves on, I think.

I'm pretty sure I played it on netplay on ZSNES over 10 years ago but any time I've tried to look it up I've had no luck

>> No.3986415

Hocus Pocus?

>> No.3986434

No it isn't that one. It didn't look as old as a DOS game, it had hand drawn 2D i think.

>> No.3986448

I think it wasn't a sidescroller but just a single screen level like Solomon's Quest.

>> No.3986463


>> No.3986496
File: 43 KB, 859x582, game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember playing this game from NES
You had a view from above and you controlled a car
The layout of the game was like this, every rectangle was a little labyrinth with monsters and stuff to collect
I really liked the game but forgot the name of it
I hope you guys can help me

>> No.3986527


Blaster Master?

>> No.3986537

In the game you control a car, the map is like in the drawing I made
You enter the rectangles, and then the screen changes to a little labyrinth like zooming in and you collect fuel and other stuff there

>> No.3986619

Hard mode: dungeon crawler on the Amiga. Played a demo that was with the German Magazine "Amiga Joker". I was a wee lad back then

>> No.3986627

racing game for N64 with a cheat/unlockable that let you race as an n64 controller

>> No.3986643

Question for my C64 bros, I'm looking for a sci fi game where you shoot up aliens in a labyrinth, the game layout and visuals are pretty much like pacman, I think it also had multiplayer?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.3986650

okay my bad it wasn't Amiga Joker, that magazine didn't come with floppy discs. It was probably Amiga Games and the game was maybe Dungeons of Avalon 2

>> No.3986660

Arcade 3D racing game, was released between 1997 and 2000, cabinet had a moving seat (a la Hang-On) in red.

>> No.3986830
File: 1 KB, 384x272, Super%20Alien%20(Japan)%20(v01)%20(MAX).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Alien?

>> No.3986849

PC turn based strategy game from the mid to late 90s. You controlled a small squad of space marine guys. It was similar to XCOM with a smaller scope and no real metagame. It had 3D graphics and fairly dark space station environments. If memory serves there was a sequel or at least a full featured expansion pack. There was a demo on a PC Gamer demo disk.

>> No.3986861
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>> No.3986869
File: 38 KB, 320x240, 268231-incubati_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, it's Incubation.

>> No.3987120

>Super Robot Wars
that's the game that always appears when i try to search for it. it doesn't look like the one i remember. maybe i'll have to dig some old shit up to see if can find it

>> No.3987158

One was DOS(?) game where you had to guide snakes to a goal by placing things like platforms and inclines, it played similarly to lemmings, it also had a Christmas version.

Another was first person flight-combat game that came with some Acer computers. Appreciate any help if possible.

>> No.3987168
File: 48 KB, 480x360, Leapin&#039; Christmas Creepers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First one sounds like Creepers.

>> No.3987220

That's the one, thanks paisano.

>> No.3987574

Are you sure it was NES as it sounds like Jyutei Senki (SNES)

>> No.3987634

It's been some time but I remember the graphics being a little different than that, I also think that just like pacman there were some openings you could use to teleport to the other side of the map.
I'll check it out anyway, maybe by playing it I'll recognize, I might be remembering some things wrong after all, thanks anon.

>> No.3987658

There was some game I played as a kid on the SNES where you play as a blue cowboy and there's a mix of quick-draw segments and (I think) platforming segments. That's all I remember.

>> No.3987669

Tin star? Not a platformer, though

>> No.3987676

oh shit that's it. yeah I misremembered the stagecoach parts as platforming. thanks man

>> No.3987728

Kind of reminds me of the You Don't Know Jack compilation where you could play several games and they were connected by a space-like hub level. Though I only have very vague memories of it, myself

>> No.3987839

I used to have an old PC game where you played as a car and helped other people do stuff. It was released on a disc with Quiznos Kids meals iirc. I also remember a mine cart, though not much else.

>> No.3987842
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Putt-Putt series. The minecart was in the time travel one I think

>> No.3987843

What's a Marne emulator?

>> No.3987848

In about 1992 I went to a caravan park. There was an arcade there. In addition to OutRun, Operation Wolf, SFII and all the usual games you'd see in such a place of the time, there was this strange motorbike game.

It was a top-down kind of affair - like Spy Hunter. You rode the bike "up" the screen and the display was in portrait mode.

>> No.3987934


>old nostalgic screensavers with pitch black backgrounds
this is my aesthetic. thank you for reminding me of this.

>> No.3987938

There was this educational game I played in elementary school that involved some squirrels or chipmunks trying to save their tree or something like that. I'm just trying to figure out if this very vauge memory was real or not.

>> No.3987979

You need to get your eyes checked.

>> No.3988112

Cosmology of Kyoto?

>> No.3988347

Hey guys, i'm looking 2 games:

1. It's about a strategy game for PC, in this game there were blue golems that gain mana so they can transform in various creatures for fight like warrios, zombie and others.

2. Another strategy game, but is kinda diferent. All i can remember it takes place like in the sky or clouds and you can put plataforms for a small character so he can move.

Help? Thanks in Advance & sorry for my bad lang.

>> No.3988379
File: 252 KB, 889x647, 14937639632030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blood and magic and netstorm

>> No.3988386

also 1st game have very good ost

>> No.3988406

I once played a arcade game where you play as a cop who collects traffic tickets with the only thing i remember is that it was made by Atari in the 80's,

Even harder to find is as a kid i remember playing a old arcade cabinet by Nintendo that had Nintendo games in it (NES games), It had Super mario bros (most likely the NES version), Super mario bros 3 and Contra as all of those are the games i remember from it.

It is is the only machine i can't find of the classics i used to play at my neighbors house 10 years ago when i was 9.

>> No.3988408

I found the first one i can't find anything on the second.

>> No.3988502

Well what was the first one

>> No.3988525
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x2272, PlayChoice-10_Superdeluxe_arcade_cabinet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even harder to find is as a kid i remember playing a old arcade cabinet by Nintendo that had Nintendo games in it (NES games)

>> No.3988875

No one?

>> No.3988882
File: 144 KB, 1920x1080, 671880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could've been a goemon game

>> No.3988945

It was Alex Kidd-esque.

A stage was something like a theme park and had ice creams as enemies and the bosses were minigames.

>> No.3988954

Clans, also known as Satanica

>> No.3989035
File: 339 KB, 815x802, Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old NES game. You're a spy or something. There's a part near the beginning where you fistfight with a soldier outside of a door or something and it's like a garbage fighting game system then the gameplay changes to another style.

My brother used to play it on our old NES and to this day it's the only game I can't remember the name of that we had. I remember the gameplay switching to a different type blowing my mind.

Pic unrelated

>> No.3989081
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>> No.3989482

That might be it but it was not the typical variation of it (for example it did not have the 2 screens).

Either way thanks

>> No.3989517

I love the screenshot and aesthetics of so many new trench coat games, but had such a hard time with them as a kid i wont touch then today.

>> No.3989576

One of the sonic advance games but I can't remember which one. I think you fight a robo knuckles and the last level is sonic on the moon in super sonic vs eggman.

>> No.3989597

Not retro, fuck off.

>> No.3989736

Dragon Ninja Saga?

>> No.3990261

nevermind, i found it

>> No.3990315

Wow thank you! Those are the games i was looking for!

>> No.3990318

>Wow thank you! Those are the games i was looking for!

>> No.3990320

It was an isometric CRPG with a bunch of spells that started with an element (magic, ice, water, poison) followed by a spell size (bolt, ball, storm).

>> No.3990334

There was an educational/edutainment game back in the early 90s, it had dinosaurs and was like a point and click adventure - but it was something about saving the land from climate change.

I remember there being a 'last chance gas' bit near a highway and maybe a Volcano?

Thanks anyways anons.

>> No.3990710
File: 774 KB, 1080x1080, 1487795324764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it will work but I'll give it a shot...

>Played it on SNES about 20 years ago
>Haunted house
>Multiplayer seems to be possible
>Theres a halloween-esque feel on it

>> No.3990813
File: 525 KB, 1550x1018, zamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombies Ate My Neighbors?

>> No.3990816
File: 13 KB, 220x192, 220px-Zombiesatemyneighborsexit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, meant as a reply for

>> No.3992679

2000-2002 era educational game on windows xp that was space themed
had some kind of typing/math game where you lay down blocks to help someone cross
also have this weird catchy tune
I think in one game you were driving a space ship and having to type words

>> No.3992728

A side scrolling platformer in which you are Arabian and have a sword. For mobile.

>> No.3992731

Prince of Persia?

>> No.3993142

>Zombies Ate My Neighbors
No, its sidescroller like the usual Castlevania game

>> No.3993297
File: 9 KB, 512x448, The_Adventures_of_Dr_Franken_SNES_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...adventures of dr franken?

If not, was this emulated or on cartridge?

>> No.3993648

This one looks very interesting but unfortunately it isnt the game I've played. It was on cartridge. I don't remember much of it because I rented it with my friends and we've played it shortly, everyone was head over heels for Goof Troop at the time

>> No.3993952
File: 295 KB, 640x480, great-circus-mystery-the-mickey-minnie-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Circus Mystery?

>> No.3994003

Played it at my grandmother's sister's house a long time ago. It was on PC. You're some green blob platforming through what I think are sewers. That's all I can remember other than having to push switches.

>> No.3994371

No, the characters you play are human

>> No.3994450
File: 15 KB, 640x480, Talmit&#039;s_Adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talmit's Adventure/Marvel Land

>> No.3994474

DOS platformer where you play as some squid dude. I remember the first level is snowy, but that's about it.

I've heard it mentioned few times, but I always forget to write down the name. It's one of the first games I played.

>> No.3994526

Man, don't tell me it was Bebe's Kids.

>> No.3994528

Look at all that misuse of dithering

>> No.3994598
File: 197 KB, 1440x960, James-Pond-Codename-Robocod-HD-Xbox360-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James Pond II Robocod?
(the PS1 rerelease has the worst animated intro I've ever seen)

>> No.3995891

LGR has a video on it:

>> No.3996108
File: 12 KB, 265x314, Tux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've made incredible progress in finding games that i couldn't remember, except ONE:

>c. 2001 (give or take a couple years)
>on linux
>top-down shooter (like hotline miami, i guess)
>a penguin is the main character
>tutorial level has you literally shooting ducks in a row

i will answer anybody as best as i can in return

>> No.3996130

it's almost definitely something in the jumpstart series. i had this game stuck in my craw for the longest time.


if not this, check out the reading/math blaster series. the 9-12 one was about this haunted house that scared the piss out of me during technology hour.

>> No.3996153
File: 89 KB, 967x774, 1046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TuxFighter? What Linux distro did you have?

It's so hard to find info on old Linux games because the platform is being flooded with Unity shit.

>> No.3996157

i was ~6 years old, so i have no idea. i also ran a linux game called "amphetamine" which looks to be debian, so... maybe that?

>> No.3996160

oh, and it wasn't tuxfighter. it took place in some fairly detailed (for the time) levels. i'm thinking anywhere from 1999 to 2002.

>> No.3996217
File: 804 KB, 683x2653, 2003_03_19_125809_shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do any of these look like they're it?

>> No.3996225

hmm... if it's any of them, it's probably #3. it could be #1 or #4 also, but i'm not certain. do you have the names? if i saw gameplay of the tutorial i would know instantly.

>> No.3996250



>> No.3996253


Sorry for linking a pastebin. 4chan kept thinking my post was spam and I didn't want to get banned before I figured out why.

>> No.3996286

ah, thanks for the website! i'm pretty sure i found what i was looking for:


i don't run linux anymore so i'll never know for certain, but i'm pretty sure this is it!

>> No.3996337

Yes, thanks anon.

>> No.3996359

Played a side scrolling shooter/beat em up on PC when I was a kid that had an awesome midi metal soundtrack. Was also relatively gory.

I remember it being called "Urban" but no results ever found.