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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 5 KB, 320x288, IMG_3434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3990696 No.3990696 [Reply] [Original]

This game is such a comfy game, gotta love Pallet Town.

>> No.3990719

the entire aesthetic of the game is fucking cozy, gen 2 has its own feel, and gens 3 onward swap out the comfy for borderline anime characters and graphics you could see in any other game. Most Pokemon "fans" nowadays only like waifushit and competitive play, it makes me sick

>> No.3990720

I never could get into this series, it's so boring. I feel like a contrarian whenever people talk about GameBoy RPGs and I like a bunch except Pokemon.

>> No.3990723

That's because you are boring.

>> No.3990738

Pokemon's pacing is fucking awful. I was stoked for Sun and Moon, having played Red and GSC with 100% pokedex (Okay I sharked in Mew and Celebi, sue me), but the fact that the interface was so damn slow and tedious compared to SMT4 made me give up completely.

>> No.3990748

Sun/Moon are awful, don't worry about it
Once you get past the quality of life improvements they're the worst Pokemon games in a long time
BW2 were the last good Pokemon games

>> No.3990752


Oh get off it, this game is dull with a capital DUH.

>> No.3990756
File: 8 KB, 256x224, pokemon-blue-version-game-boy-screenshot-title-screen-on-super.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what japanese players think of Pokemon Blue.
In Japan that game was actually rare, isn't it? It was released in very limited quantities for memebers of club nintendo or something.
I wonder if japanese fans imported the US version of red and blue to be able to easily play this rare Blue version with new sprites.

>> No.3990768

Forcing animals to fight each other for our amusement. What a comfy existence.

>> No.3990782

If you go onto ebay you'll see the japanese Pokemon Blue is just as cheap as the rest of them.
No idea if that's just because a ton of people ordered them or something but they don't seem to be rare at all.
The japanese blue is actually different from every other japanese and international version by the way.

It uses the same updated sprites as the international Red & Blue but has completely different ingame trades and version exclusives than any other version since the international Blue just uses the japanese Green's trades and exclusives.
For instance, the japanese Blue is the only version you can actually catch a wild Jinx in.

>> No.3990785

Fuck off soft weakling

>> No.3990843
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they're your friends that you bond with through the act of slaughter, of course its comfy

>> No.3990889
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I just replayed Gold and going back to Kanto was so disappointing compared to what I remembered. There were no quests and I just went wherever I wanted. I picked up Red and it's such a cool game. RBG sprites are odd looking which gives them such a nice vibe.

>> No.3990897

Really? I was going to import it for the slight differences but it was triple the price of JP Red/Green. Haven't looked in months, though.

>> No.3991126
File: 8 KB, 593x416, pokemon-seafoam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was just playing Blue yesterday on the Game Boy Tower of Stadium.
Went and did the Seafoam Island, strangely I think this is my favorite cave in the game.
I'm straining some pokes for using in Stadium's pokecup.
It's indeed a very comfy game though.

>> No.3991142
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and then you suck them into balls and leave all but 6 to rot in a box on some furry's PC

>> No.3991182
File: 100 KB, 250x194, 250px-Pokémon_Opening_Theme_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a video game.

>> No.3991209
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x845, tumblr_olbni8UocV1vf1810o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I played a rom hack, called "proud eyes". Some pretty bullshit difficulty spikes, sabrina has a fucking mew, but the selection is so much better. Recommend it fir a nice challenge.

Post underrated mons. Sad it has no STAB but strength alone with that attack stat fucks shit up.

>> No.3991318

it makes me sick seeing the disdain /vp/ generally has for gen 1. Imagine loving a series but hating its origins.

>> No.3991320


Dat censorship doe.

>> No.3991325


LeafGreen has the Jap Blue data. Save your money, >>3990897 .

>> No.3991327


The weird part is that some original sprites look better than the "improved" ones.

The ideal retro mix of the two would be about 80% New to 20% Old, in my opinion.

>> No.3991328
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>> No.3991329

Isn't mew super weak stat-wise?

>> No.3991331


Not possible in BW2. See: Coffagrigus.

>> No.3991332

Probably backlash from years of gen1 oldfags talking trash about the series

>> No.3991337


It describes neo-nerd culture pretty well. Same thing that happened with the hippies: they were literally bought out and resold as a commodity.

Anyone with enough money gets to be a nerd now. It's a fashion statement/brand name.

>> No.3991338


The series is trash now. None of the original people are involved with it, except fucking Masuda.

>> No.3991350
File: 184 KB, 780x809, 1480361015744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the same about Yellow, in most cases I prefer the Red/Blue sprites.

>> No.3991353

Someone should do raw map dumps of all the RBYGSC maps. You can spot some pretty interesting differences in the "Previews" they load for each map just before unloading the current one from memory.

>> No.3991364

God no, mew is powerful as all fuck, mewtwo is just a bit stronger so itbhets outshined. Gen 1 mewtwo is the powerful thing in the series, only mega fug can compete. It is the only pokemon to ever be nerfed in the entire series stat wise. Gen 2 made it a little less bullshit.

>> No.3991478

While Gen 1 is nice (tons of bugs aside), Gold will always be the comfy retro pokemon for me. Pokemon has stayed pretty good over the years, though gen 4 is a slog.

>> No.3991557

god I miss the gameboy era pokemon design
the houses are pleasant to look at and it just feels like a utopia

>> No.3991580
File: 62 KB, 3584x3584, Mew feio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue Mew still is my favorite Mew sprite to this day,
Meanwhile, Red & Green Mew...

>> No.3991603

red > blue

>> No.3991632

I couldn't figure out how to get out of the starting town as a kid
I also beat brock with nothing but a super overlevelled pikachu. I didn't know what "evasion" meant, but I figured out that double team made him hit my pikachu less, and I could slam his onix to death while it struggled.

Kids are smart, but kids are DUMB.

>> No.3991634


Gen. 2 really is the Gold standard (no pun intended) for what Pokemon ought to be. Gen. 1 though has a special charm all its own, though.

>> No.3991667

Gen 2 basically invented most of the polish and convenience that the series stuck with

Multiple item lists for different types of items, time, a PokeNav/Gear/Tch, the EXP bar, pokemon summaries that don't fucking suck to navigate, etc.

It's really surprising how much that does to distinguish it from RBY, even if none of it's mandatory to play at all. (Except maybe the key items pocket, fuck my bicycle taking up room I can use to store TMs in)

>> No.3991687

Red/Blue had some excellent sprites. Magikarp has never looked better.

>> No.3991697


But Blastoise fucking sucks compared to his R/G incarnation.

>> No.3991714

Nah, gen 2 is kinda shit.
>awful selection, johto pokemon are rare and put in obscure places or have stupidly low encounter rates
>level curve is terrible as trainers late game only go around the late 20's to mid thirties making it difficult to properly level your pokemon
>team rocket again feels cheap and uninteresting
>dungeon design feels simpler then gen 1
>kanto, while nice, feels like untapped potential
They're great as games but trying to replay it is difficult for me unless I play a hack.

>> No.3991730

I didn't get to play gen 2 as a kid, having gone right from 1 to 3 and only playing soulsilver. You are right, though, but I'd say the worst part of the level curve isn't even the elite four but fucking red. There isn't much in the way of levelling up once you beat the gym leaders of kanto and the pokemon on mt. silver are mid 40s., when red has pokemon up to level fucking 81.

But just because from a gameplay perspective there's some big flaws with johto, the gen 2 games DID add a lot of polish features that the games kept throughout the series. Those don't have to be exclusive statements.

>> No.3991818
File: 3 KB, 256x224, pokemon_blue_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blue wins

>> No.3991868

Now THIS is shit taste.

>> No.3991895

Sandshrew (B)
Belsprout (B)
Meowth (B)
Growlithe (R)
Pinsir (B)
Electrabuzz (R)

Sandshrew (B)
Oddish (R)
Tossup between Mankey and Meowth
Tossup between Growlithe and Vulpix
Scyther (R)
Electrabuzz (R)

I think they are pretty balanced. I like the Red spread a tad more design wise, but my Blue exclusive pokemon were pretty strong

>> No.3992076
File: 3 KB, 224x112, two unoriginal dinosaurs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spritework in gen 1 is way better than I remember. Amazing what you could do with 4 shades of greenish gray. Still, the memory that stuck most were the weird-looking ones, like that fat Pikachu, or that Gastly, which looks way different from later incarnations and the tv series. But to be fair, the style had not been canonized back then.

Also, these two looked too similar for my taste. TO me as a child, both were big fat dinosaurs with a horn. What's the point?

>> No.3992081


>Shit taste is a thing even among genwunners.

>> No.3992082


Gen 3 was fucking terrible, though, even for a Pokemon game of the latter era. Not sure how you could rank Gen 2 below it.

>> No.3992084


That's supposed to be muscle, pretty sure original Rhydon is one of the ones that have better original than Mk. II sprites.

Personally, I prefer non-canon Ghastly and Haunter. They look fucking scary.

>> No.3992216

Yeah they are, starters were crap, game progression was slow, the story was lame and the ultra-beasts are dumb, pokemon and gamefreak needs to get shit together and put out a good game, plus I'm sick of the fire water grass starters,

>> No.3992247

For my personal taste I gotta say Red, because Manky, Growlith, Scyther and Electabuzz are great with Squirtle Starter, Be For you get Hitmonlee Moltres and Zapdos of course, plus that's the version I got as a kid, screwed my first play by picking Bulbasaur through, but he was my favorite on the show

>> No.3992279

I think this exists I can't find the link back though

>> No.3992285

I never understood why Bulbasaur got so little love.

Always seemed a reasonable pick for me, especially since it makes the beginning so much easier. Can't get poisoned in the Viridian Forest (which is annoying AF) and makes Brock and Mt Moon easier as Rock types won't pose a big problem either. Misty will also be a piece of cake with a grass starter. By then, you should have enough variety in your team to face everything that comes beyond.

>> No.3992289


None include map previews generated at the loading zones (perhaps for the very reason I'd want them?).

>> No.3992295


>> No.3992350

in many cases I agree with you
Most of the sprites that matter are cooler looking in RB than Y. Plus Y has the same back sprites, so it looks inconsistent and half arsed.

>> No.3992795
File: 51 KB, 168x207, 1494521909244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gen 4 is a slog
All of the games are a fucking slog.
>Replay blue
>Remember rocket corner and Silph Company
The pacing in GSC is awful and Kanto is shit, even HGSS didn't fix Kanto, lazy fucks.

>> No.3992807

Even though Gen 2 is my favorite, I can confirm all of those drawbacks.
I mostly like it for the rural Japan setting and the breeding system.
Also the move pools in Gen 1 are very primitive, but I guess one could play FR/LG to remedy that.

>> No.3992808

Games aren't a slog at double speed on a nuzlocke

>> No.3992817
File: 49 KB, 640x480, Meowth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Meowth rocks

>> No.3992992

God bless that god tier background for Blue and the speed up toggle
Red's wasn't nearly as good imho

>> No.3993000

Persian is actually really good due to how crits work and fighting types have dick all for moves

>> No.3993046
File: 2 KB, 489x487, Golbat_s_sprite_from_Gen_1_always_scared_the_out_85fb3e963e113fdfb838f4e700d1120a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 1 sprites have a goofy charm to them. I wish golbat still looked like this, it's so much more charming then what it is now.
Nah, gen 5 is my favorite even with the dumb anime plots.
Gen 3 was much better then gen 2. Hoenn was more balanced, had a decent selection of new and old pokemon, and was more varied in locations.
Funny you say that. Even in FRLG the learn set of a lot of pokemon is still terrible. Though I do think FRLG are the best way to play gen 1.

>> No.3993057

That's actually pretty interesting now that I think about it. Even the cards for their time (especially the japan cards and drawings) would have the pokemon around islands and beaches playing sports or chilling and having a good time. The artstyle for the drawings were unique. I suppose Pokemon has gone the route of anime drawings in terms of overall design and technique, and the overall atmosphere if you were to see the similarities.

>> No.3993134

Gen 2 felt like a somber country with a lot of natural elements in tact. Hoenn felt like they shrunk the globe to fit it in the bottle. I can understand liking varied locations, but half of them are so condensed into quick bites, like the volcano and meteor falls, but then the ocean takes up this large portion of nothingness. And however varied they are compared to other Pokemon games, they're not unique when you start looking at other video games, especially JRPGS.

>> No.3993384

Fair point. Kanto and Johto definitely have a more "urban" feel to them, they kind of remind me of the first two mother games. I just wish gameplay wise they had a little more polish to them. I'm not trying to say they're bad games but for their high reputation they have a lot of glaring problems.

>> No.3993429

My cousin had Pokemon Green and I still have no idea how. We were young kids from the US

>> No.3993631

maybe someone imported it early on and then sold it to a used game store that your cousin may have gone to

>> No.3993775

>Pallet Town
>black and white

>> No.3993787

I feel that Red/Blue has the best replayability in the series. I can't put my finger on exactly why. I think it's a combination of being the perfect length, the simplicity and purity of the world design, and yes, how delightfully broken it is. Some of the mechanics are endearingly fucked up. For example, did you know that Ultra Balls are actually worse than Great Balls in most situations?

That said, I do really like the visual style of gen 2. The use of color gives it a very unique atmosphere.

>> No.3993808

I always thought the first gen had the best replayability but whenever I decide to play pokemon I again I always choose GSC... I guess my heart thinks different

>> No.3993830

It can be a bit of a drag so while that's kinda contrarian, it's reasonable.

>> No.3993840


>Rowlett was crap

Take that back. First time i ever chose grass and Decidueye and A-Marowak helped to make that slog of a game fun for me.

>> No.3993841


Its because venusaur isnt as cool as charizard or blastoise anon. Ivysaur is my favorite grass type and...well...i have to accept reality. I like venu but others dont.

>> No.3993873

I liked the Gen 1 sprites being so weird, as akid I'd collect copies of Sugimori's watercolor art and printouts of sprites; and didn't like merchandise with the anime-based copy art with the same static poses. I felt like the game art and sprites where the "real version" of Pokemon an the animation was a simplified take on it, like comics compared to cartoons based on them. It upset me once the two styles began blending together in Gen 3, it just looked too sterile and bland.

>> No.3993935

Rowlett was the only one that wasn't crap, I did like how it was flying then turned to ghost, the other were carp though

>> No.3993945

Venusaur just wasn't as good as the other two in the late game and is nearly unusable against the elite four

>> No.3993963

I really want a pokemon game where you could join the enemy that would be fantastic, maybe have two different sets of starters one set from the prof. The other from the enemy team, after they give you starter you can choose to join them or defeat them

>> No.3993986

Gen 1 and 2 were perfect. Didn't care for the GBA and DS games though. Newest any good, or is it more convoluted nonsense?

>> No.3993995 [DELETED] 

Reddit is that way ->
heh goooottteem

>> No.3994026

Maybe try BW. Kind of a more "anime" plot but I think they're pretty cool. BW was infamous for how assmad it made nostalgiafags, no old pokemon until postgame. It should be cool seeing all new stuff.

>> No.3994043

Starved mew

>> No.3994082

They're basically yokai.

>> No.3994394

When I was a kid I never caught more than 6 for this very reason

>> No.3994707


gen 1 is difficult to appreciate once you become accustomed to the mechanics of the newer games. part of it is also young adults buying into nerd culture and describing themselves as pokémon fans because they played red and blue when they were kids, while disparaging the newer games. it's off putting to the people that stuck with the series to the modern games, and some adopt an unfairly negative opinions of the older games to distinguish themselves from the other crowd, basically being contrarians.

>> No.3994723


>Gen 3 was much better then gen 2. Hoenn was more balanced, had a decent selection of new and old pokemon, and was more varied in locations.

Gen. 3 is mostly water and brass musical instruments, as far as the eye can see.

>Nah, gen 5 is my favorite even with the dumb anime plots.



That was one of the few things BW did gameplay-wise that felt gutsy and original.

>> No.3994835

One of my favorites is Pidgey because it looks like a real bird.

>> No.3994906
File: 4 KB, 56x56, Spr_1g_031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rhydon was the very first Pokémon, so we had many Rhydons, like the Nidos. Kangaskhan was also a Rhydon

>> No.3995165

I played Red, my sister had Blue.

We had the most fun, we were pretty much always neck and neck in our playthrough until near the end.. I skyrocketed ahead of her and she could never keep up.

I want to get into it again, I think I'd enjoy playing the Silver re-make most, does it hold up to the classics?

>> No.3995170

SoulSilver is really, really good. Probably my favorite pokemon game. It hits the nostalgia perfectly, while having much of the conveniences / advances (even now) a modern pokemon game. With a copy of B/W2 you can bring all of the Pokemon into the 3DS games too.

>> No.3995183

it still lets you go to Kanto and catch OG pokemon and shit right?

>> No.3995201

Oh yeah, it even has a 'bag accesory' or whatever that lets you change the music to be remixed game boy style songs for the whole soundtrack. the whole thing is a love letter to OG pokemon fans, they did a great job with it, which is why it's so stupid expensive still.

>> No.3995213

Yeah, the price has kept me from just jumping the gun, I keep thinking about it though.

Is there any way to get a Charmander in SoulSilver without help?

>> No.3995218

You can get one from Oak after beating Red.

>> No.3995221



>> No.3995225

You have to be honest however all the gaming situations such a Pokemon box, Item etc. are improving the first from that point of view are unplayable Sun/Moon also eliminates the need to bring a slave for the HM.

>> No.3995227

Use new shit man.

Maybe emulate or if you have a hacked 3ds you can just make whatever you want in a save editor.

>> No.3995228

I haven't played since Ruby, and I'm getting Sun today, anything I need to know before I fuck my world up?

>> No.3995273

If you want (normal/hard?) fights do not activate share experience if you want to play in very easy mode activate it.

>> No.3995274

I want to maximize my teams potential, regardless of the opponent.

>> No.3995286

Activate it then you will be over-levelled against your opponents.
And if you take the pokemon from online trade or other trainer/ID, even more but this has always been in all pokemon games.

>> No.3996556

HG/SS basically made Kanto worth including. Still could've had more, but it was more fully realized.

Too bad DS' network was shut down, I'd just trade you one or an egg or something.

>> No.3997691

I can beat Rocket Corner with my eyes closed and Silph Co is literally a 2 floor, 4 guy dungeon if you do the route right. Unfortunately you lose out on all the valuable XP but thems the breaks.

>> No.3997743

>underachiever in all regards
>like spiderman a bit too much

The barrier to entry for nerd culture is basically non existent, and it gives sub-par morons license to trample over every hobby.

>> No.3998123

gen 1 is fucking slower than SMT1, shame I didn't play it as a kid

>> No.3998163

I thought gen 4 was pretty comfy, something about it reminds me of gen 2.

>> No.3998169


Pokemon in 3D is something that definitely interests me.

>> No.3998574

just get a Nidoking ASAP and dump all of your TMs on him
it would be pretty boring though