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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3988420 No.3988420 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3988427
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>> No.3988434


Hahahaha holy shit

>> No.3988442

It definitely isn't 5 but /vr/ will tell you otherwise because this site is full of autistic weeaboo who like FF5 jut because it was originally Japan exclusive.

>> No.3988445

In terms of absolute best experience?

It's probably 5, or 7.

5 is the best SNES one because it actually provides you interesting choices and customization. 6 is prettier, but that's all it has going for it.

7 was just fun. It worked out most of the kinks with pacing issues, had really fun minigames, "ground breaking" CGI at the time, and was just a lot of fun.

>> No.3988449

Final Fantasy V is the objectively best game in the series.


Don't listen to this dumbass, OP

>> No.3988456


>> No.3988457

It would be 9 if it weren't for the painfully slow and out of sync battles.

>> No.3988458


>> No.3988461


>actually shitting on 2 this much

Fuck outta here with that shit taste

>> No.3988469
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Here is the objective ranking from an actual fan of the series.
Millennials are now turning on 4 because it isn't le wacky like 5.

>> No.3988487

>6 and 4
>god tier
You deserve a kick in the groin.

>> No.3988492

>XII at bottom
>IV on top
grow up kid

>> No.3988496

>t. fake Final Fantasy fans
Stick to Faggot Quest

>> No.3988503

>XII fag calling anyone else kid
PS2 was your first console.

>> No.3988505

>XII mentioned at all
>Final Fantasy fans


Final Fantasy 1-10 = good
Final Fantasy 11-15 = shit

>> No.3988507

I shig. I dig.

>> No.3988665

oh my god, I think I puked a little

>> No.3988668

whats wrong with 4?

>> No.3988674

FF5 wasn't Japan exclusive, anon.

>> No.3988696


jesus christ trim those fucking toenails

>> No.3988705

It was until the Playstation era, yadda yadda

>> No.3988751


It's linear to the point of almost being on rails.

>> No.3988764

>plays the remake
>talks shit on how streamlined it is

>> No.3988780
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final fantasy 6 is the best final Fantasy be cuz I thought the story more intriguing and kefka favorite villain from the franchise

>> No.3988806

How about just a general without /v/-tier arguments since the /vg/ one is all about the mobile game?

In FF2, does attacking with staves count towards decreasing increasing strength and decreasing magic attack? Wonderswan version.

>> No.3988809

What? The original is just as streamlined.

>> No.3988819
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Which one was fur nes? That FF is best FF.

>> No.3988826

Physical attacks no matter the weapon will always increase strength and lower int

>> No.3988837

Okay. So what's the point of giving a mage any weapon if staves don't increase magic attack and even have a stat penalty?

>> No.3988840

Maybe not the BEST games but order in which I enjoyed them and nostalgia goggles on:


I probably put the most playtime into 11 but its not a traditional game

>> No.3988851

The games are so varied that it widely depends on what you like in a JRPG.

For overarching plot, II/VI/VII are regarded as the best in the series for their respective eras of release. For RPG gameplay, III/V/Tactics are the obvious choices. If you want rich characters and a detailed world, you'll have a very hard time outdoing IX.

For newcomers to the series I would say to start on either IV or IX depending on which generation gives you more nostalgia, as both neatly sum up the overall FF experience.

>> No.3988857

1. 5
2. 9
3. 6
I bought FF5 remaster for android recently and it's great.

>> No.3988865

XI was so fucking good before they raised the level cap past 75. That game in its prime, with a good linkshell, was hands down the best MMO experience you could get. The PVE was so intricate and well balanced, and questing was very satisfying.

Off topic, but DQIX is a single player RPG that really feels like FFXI. The multiclassing and weapon skill systems are very similar and the questing system is quite MMO~ish. Instead of a huge main plot, it's dozens of quests all over a world map, including repeatable fetch quests. There are NMs, crafting, job level quests, weapon skill quests, etc. Give it a shot if you ever want to scratch that itch.

>> No.3988886

You just hold onto the magic staves for item use in battle. I attack with them sometimes if you're impatient but as long as you cast a black spell or even just bug cancel a black spell a couple times you can offset the int penalty. I don't think willpower/spirit ever decreases in the Famicom release? Its been a little while since I played it

>> No.3989057
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What a sissy homo list. Endure this hetrosexuality if you can.

>> No.3989063


Hard mode: Rank every single FF7 spinoff.

Nightmare mode: Rank the anime and the movie.

>> No.3989136

As far as the board relevant ones, all odds are great and all evens are not great.
9 > 5 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 8 > 6 > 4 > 2

>> No.3989139

You're a millenial if you were born in the early 80s bro

>> No.3989290

Yeah, 2 is actually really pretty good. I've never sweat so much during the boarding of the warship. Barely made it out of there alive. 2 is when FF started taking elements from star wars.

>> No.3989648

>Which Final Fantasy is Best?

Objectively, probably 7. It's the most popular for a reason.

Personally I think 9 is "best", but 12 was the most fun. Tactics is awesome, but it's not really a "final fantasy" if you ask me. I like 8 for its story, scenery, and music. Other than the above, I did somewhat enjoy playing through the GBA version of 1 (played the PS version too, but never beat it). I've tried 2, 4, 5, 6, 10 (beat it), and 13, but didn't care for them at all. Never played 3. Owned 11, but never played it because dial up in the boonies (dad didn't know it was an online game). Spinoffs are usually garbage.

>> No.3990080

>It's the most popular for a reason.

>> No.3990093

they're all giant timesinks, personally i like ffix the most even though it's the most painful to battle in

>> No.3990139

Out of the 3 I finished so far, FFIX easily.
I loved the lore, the soundtrack, the decision they took for the character models design (I'd say it's a mid-point between FF7's Chibiness and FF8's detailed (sorta) design), the personalities of everyone, the method they used to make you use all the characters, the gorgeous character development, overall it was the one I had the most fun with.

The only thing it lacked, besides a beter explanation for Necron (was that the name of the final boss? I don't remember right now), was more EndGame content.

>> No.3990181

the city of rebarbative opinions

>> No.3990225

Final Fantasy Tactics

>> No.3990231

>Rich characters

Freya as a character just hits a wall after the first disc, Amarant arrives too late and all development is more or less rushed. Quina may as well not even be there.

>> No.3990239

Anything based in Ivalice

>> No.3990269

9 would be the best, but its so fucking slow.

>> No.3990379

Whichever game you hated most is the best game in the series, whichever one you liked is the worst game. Now stop having shit taste.

>> No.3991206

it has the most focus on characters of any final fantasy game except maybe 13, which was garbage, as well as the most character development. If you don't like it, fine, but your contrarianism is blinding.

>> No.3991707

the mechanics in FFII is shit. Keywords and magic is garbo

>> No.3991830

What's the best version of FFV?

>> No.3991843

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced is garbage

>> No.3991953

Switch FF9 and FF12 and you've got a stew going.

>> No.3991956

Garbage compared to the original FFT sure. But otherwise a pretty sweet game.

>> No.3992013

Garbage compared to literally any other turn based strategy game. Laws were a stupid idea.

>> No.3992015

check out
I believe that both SNES and GBA are fine
If you want the latter get the one with the sound fixed, it's not perfect but the unpatched music is a travesty

>> No.3992026

t. filthy marche apologist.

>> No.3992049
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A better/inusual question: Exploration-wise, which one is the best FF?

>> No.3992069

ff12, even though it doesnt have a world map

>> No.3992515

Dank memelords don't like it because /vr/ tells them not to.

>> No.3992534

My bro. It's the 2 FF I've really appreciated. All the other have always a major problem in the gameplay making them painfull to play.

In FF7 what I liked was the materia system and how fast were the fighting animations. FF5 was also really fun to play.

>> No.3992553

The world in VIII pulled me in a little more than any of the others, and even though the story got a little fucky toward the end, it was still my fav.

Also, I'm 6 hours into XV and can't get into it at all. Is it a lost cause or should I keep going?

>> No.3992904

My favorite Final Fantasy is FF2. I find it to be relaxing going through the story as three rebels. There's always a fourth member dying off which is funny because the other 3 really don't give a shit. The music is extremely relaxing and the way grinding works just makes sense to me. Want to improve axe skill, give em two axes. Want to increase HP, fight your own team member in the woods. It's a hilarious game, the first to have the chocoholics theme which also gives the music an A+. But I am just always relaxed when playing this one. It will most likely be the first Final Fantasy that I beat given that I haven't beaten any yet. Very close to beating viii.

I would love to play the other entries, but playing them without beating the two I've started just takes away from the experience. Ill probably only be playing two final fantasy games at any given time.

Anyways, this is the oddball answer, but I like FFII the best so far.

>> No.3992909

SNES > PS1 > NES > PS2 >>>>>>> PS3


>> No.3992934

So what is wrong with FFIX steam port's sound?

>> No.3993228

I understand what you mean about the story. I also love the idea of the mechanics as well. However the implementation is not perfect. The first time I played it I abused the exploits but now going through it legitimately and it's more interesting. One thing is that I want to increase Maria's MP but I have to use at least 20% of it in one round for that to happen. If I'm not cheating the system, that would probably only occur during boss battles... maybe that's fine though? I don't know. I also think the Emperor is beautiful even if I'm straight.

>It will most likely be the first Final Fantasy that I beat
Good luck! And don't give up. Nothing feels worse than giving up on a jRPG near the end.

>> No.3993668

Video Games
>Final Fantasy VII > Crisis Core > Before Crisis > Dirge of Cerberus > Lost Episode

>Advent Children > Last Order > On the Way to a Smile: Episode Denzel

>> No.3993779

11, obviously.

>> No.3993874

My Final Fantasy Tier List by Anonymous, Age 27:

God: 4, 5, 6, 7
High: 9, 12
Mid: 1, 2, 3, 10
Low: 8, 13

Haven't played 15

>> No.3993931

They're all linear as shit aside the MMO's and 2nd half of 6.
cant speak for 15.

>> No.3993957


It sure as fuck isn't IV

>> No.3993958
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For me it's: IV, VIII, VII

>> No.3994442

Why does no one play FF3? Over half of the rankings here left it out.

>> No.3994448

>I gave up on teh online one
XI is a love letter to anyone who liked I-VI
tongue my nuts

>> No.3994457

The DS remake isn't retro. And I've never seen a Rom or fan translation of the original.

It's on steam now. But I'm not in a hurry to play it. Rpgs are a dying breed. I need to save something for when I'm old and grey.

>> No.3994487

2 or 5 OP, it's been a while since I played 1 but I could see it ranking up there as well.

>> No.3994491

>And I've never seen a Rom or fan translation of the original.

Try pulling your head out of your ass.

>> No.3994492

I love you

>> No.3994540

1 and 3 are the only good ones I've played. 5 seemed like it'd be cool but I couldn't get into it. 4 is garbage, I genuinely do not see why people like it at all.

>> No.3994652

IX > VI > VII > V > IV > XII > X > Tactics Advance+A2 > World of Final Fantasy > III >The 4 Heroes of Light > XV > Type-0 > II > I > VIII > XIII > VII Crisis Core > XII Revenant Wings > X-2 > VII Dirge of Cerberus

Never played IV The After Years, 11, XIII-2, LR, 14, Crystal Chronicles, Chocobo Dungeon or any of the mobile games. Tactics was good but never finished it so I can't give my opinion yet. Dissidia was fun to play along with friends but nothing else, same with Theatrhythm. I'm surely missing some titles but damn there're too many to remember.

>> No.3994690

Nice list, though I enjoyed X more than XII, which I thought was quite dull and grind heavy, I just don't see the appeal of it. I especially agree with you on Crisis Core, that is the worst game I've ever played that most people legitimately think is good for some reason. Literally every single fundamental aspect of it is flawed as all hell and I will never understand the mountains of praise heaped on that soulless cashgrab piece of shit to this day.

>> No.3996284 [DELETED] 

Oh my god what is wrong with the enemy design in FF7

>> No.3996652

My soldier

Although I'd put 10 in high tier

>> No.3996707

9 is my personal favorite, but 5 is the most complete, least flawed of all the games.

>> No.3996713

>Also, I'm 6 hours into XV and can't get into it at all. Is it a lost cause or should I keep going?
Depends on why you can't get into it. If it's the story, it gets better. If it's the gameplay it gets worse. Base your decision on that.

>> No.3996853
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>> No.3997314


>5 is the least flawed

i really, really like ffv, but this is a pretty ridiculous statement

>> No.3997573

I stand by it. It doesn't have tons of glitches like FFI, II, VI, or VI, it doesn't have overly easy gameplay like VI and every game after it, there are no tedious minigames or sidequests, the world opens up in chunks so there's always side content available rather than gating it off until the late-game like FFIV, the job system is more developed and allows for a lot of customization without resulting in every character being exactly the same like in FFVII or VIII. And while the story and characters might not be everyone's cup of tea, they're at least simple and inoffensive, they never get convoluted or annoying.

Other games do certain things better than FFV (story and characters, especially) but there are no glaring flaws in FFV like in basically every other game in the series. It's a super solid game.

>> No.3997575

>tons of glitches like FFI, II, VI, or VI,
VI, or VII*