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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 541 KB, 1651x600, sis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3983826 No.3983826 [Reply] [Original]

is it really that hard to copy the hardware of a console and make an exact duplicate?
especially after all these years. It would really save us the trouble of having to worry about the original consoles expiring, buying shitty used consoles on ebay, or companies past their prime trying to sell us an ancient console over again for 200,000 dollars. Just saying why hasn't this been done yet? I haven't heard about it if it has. Clearly we have the softwarre down to a dregree with emulators; why cant we literally rebuild the same hadware by studying the old one.

>> No.3983832

No point when the few people who give a shit buy cheapo replicas anyway

>> No.3983836

I just think knowledge is power and if that knowledge is available, it should be put out there. No matter how few or many people you might think want it. The point is knowing and understanding. It might be handy to be able to make your own one day, and frankly, pretty cool from my perspective.

>> No.3983846

With so many idiots destroying og consoles for their shitty vanity experiments, this kind of thing could actually inspire good ideas and developments. Becuase there's less to lose if you can just make another. And I know a lot of people hold their original consoles to a high regard, and understandably so. Less risk involved in a modern copy of an old console. I dunno, seems like a pretty cool idea to me.

>> No.3983938

Because making indie hardware is a whole lot more expensive than buying cheap 2nd hand PC and downloading an emulator. Duh.

>> No.3983951

why are you stating the obvious? I'm asking if the alternative is possible. And if it becomes a wise enough and widespread enough practice, then it'll be cheap just like pc's. But that's less important to me than the possibility. Jesus I just want the physical and digital specs of a device to be available to be remade by anyone at anytime in human history, which opens up other possibilities as far as creativity is concerned. It could literally be the antithesis of shitty goddamn mods of original consoles. The idea seems more free and open to me.

>> No.3983962


>> No.3983967

I'm not talking about the fuckin shells, lol. If you're joking, I find it funny.

>> No.3983968

Ever thought of using a raspberry pie with retropie in it? It is basically what you described.

>> No.3983997


>rebuilding hardware when you can just emulate

I don't get it.


>why are you stating the obvious?

Why are you asking questions that raise this obvious response and then not explaining how it gets you anything that emulation doesn't?

>b-but emulation isn't perfect!

Then learn how to program and make an even better emulator that slightly alters that minor visual detail you're being autistic about. That still isn't a reason to rebuild old hardware to run programs that are already running fine on general computers.

>m-muh authenticity

No, use an emulator. All this work went into escaping from these narrowly defined pieces of hardware that can each only run their own library of games and bringing them all into the realm of platform independent programs. Why are you trying to go backwards? The future is ever increasing independence from hardware and material concerns in general, that's a good thing, not a bad thing.

>> No.3984003

why did you just argue with yourself?

My goal is clear. The reasons behind what I want, have nothing to do with any of the shit you listed. In fact, I already listed my reasons.

>> No.3984005


You didn't explain at all how any of what you want isn't already covered by emulation.

>> No.3984009

okay well, you didnt get it, that's okay.

>> No.3984013

So just get the original consoles

>> No.3984015


No, there was nothing to get because you didn't explain it. I'm guessing it falls under the heading of 'muh authenticity', but I can't know for sure because you just started writing as though everyone already shares your assumption that this is somehow going to get you something that emulation doesn't.

>> No.3984023


Also I'll add if you actually want to stimulate new ideas for what people do with games in the future, you would do that through emulation, not recreating proprietary hardware. It's like you're trying to take treasure, rebuild its box and lock it up again, and put it back at the bottom of the ocean where it was originally recovered from. That's not going to help anybody.

>> No.3984042
File: 225 KB, 1153x1600, diy-famicom-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it really is that hard. It's an easy assumption to make that "we can make much better, more powerful processors so it should be cheap/easy to make old processors" but that's actually a fallacy. Once the production of a certain line of processors ceases it would be just about as expensive to restart it as it is to start production of modern processors which is to say that it will never, ever happen because the demand doesn't come close to justifying it.

That's where the FPGA comes in. We're actually now living far enough in the future that we can make what is essentially a generic processor that can have its logic "flashed" to recreate the physical structure of older processors. FPGAs are what's in the Retro AVS, the Analog NT Mini, the MiST and a few other modern "clone" consoles. They're currently only cost effective in reproducing 8 bit processors but it won't be long before they're doing 16 bit as well. That's the actual future of accurately reproducing video game consoles.

>> No.3984046

well see for yourself

>> No.3984047
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 1370634076659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chips and transistors are all out of stock and they are super expensive to produce unless you produce them in massive quantities for electronics world-wide.

It would be impossible with today's tech. Catalog all the schematics you can, along with source-scans of the game case art and hope you can reproduce them with nanobot printers one day.

>> No.3984050
File: 3 KB, 102x125, lenk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3984060

I'm happy I got couple of real answers. Thank you.

btw, for the trip guy; do you do it because you're lonely?

>> No.3984074
File: 222 KB, 640x480, 1204048061788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you do it because you're lonely?

>> No.3984080

Do I trip because I'm lonely? lol no I'm happily married with an awesome kid. I contribute to /vr/ because I don't get quite as much nerd-action as I did before the family came along but that's different from being lonely. As far as why I trip, upon turning 40 I'm taking responsibility for what I post in an effort to improve the board as a whole. Plus I've been here as Anon from the beginning and I might as well take some small pseudonymous credit for my efforts since I've doubled down on them.

>> No.3984081

He gave you a good answer, why be a dick?

>> No.3984084

so you are married with a awesome kid?

>> No.3984085 [DELETED] 


And because you're a faggot

>> No.3984086 [DELETED] 

>Do I trip because I'm lonely? lol no I'm happily married with an awesome kid.

Oh god, I didnt need to know any of that. Just turn off the trip unless there's a reason to have it on.

I see what you're saying but trust me I was being sincere.

>> No.3984090

Anon delivers

>> No.3984097

you should know there's a rule against cheap posts like these

>> No.3984104
File: 21 KB, 427x462, Crying by myself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tectoy isn't official SEGA dist

>> No.3984119

Those posts added to the discussion using what we on this image board call 'images'. Using said 'images' one can convey a message without the need for a lengthy text-based post; it's the beauty of the platform, really. I would expect one who's evidently read the rules to understand how it all works, but I am clearly mistaken.

>> No.3984127

I was thinking of setting up a company to do just that, because buying used product sucks. Buy their patents, know how, machinery and manufacture flobbies disk, old processors, zip disks, tapes for typewriters. I see a potential market here.

>> No.3984140

The hardware patents on the 8 and 16 bit consoles are all expired anyway, it's fair game. Hence the millions of NOAC clones on the market, but those aren't really ideal.

>> No.3984142


Wouldn't it be easier just to sell people a totally unrelated piece of equipment that superficially looks like a Sega Genesis or SNES or whatever but internally has nothing to do with it and just emulates the system to get the games to work?

>> No.3984143
File: 2.41 MB, 3264x2448, 20170510_162157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you didn't need to know if I was lonely either or for that matter if it's really that hard to copy the hardware of a console. Nearly all of 4chan is unnecessary information, I just answer what questions I can and attempt to foster a certain culture.

>> No.3984146

You mean the Retron 5™?

>> No.3984151


Sure I guess. Basically this whole obsession with recreating the original hardware seems completely inane and unnecessary.

>> No.3984152


> http://www.seganerds.com/2017/05/09/tectoy-celebrates-partnership-with-sega-announces-new-genesis-game/

>> No.3984157

That looks fuckin delicious

>> No.3984165

>sega already doin it
>no anons u dont understand i want nintendo gotta do it

>> No.3984184

Thanks! It wasn't even roasted or spiced and oiled yet at that point. Wifey is eating it in tortillas now, I'm taking a break before I use it as a component in my taco salad later but I won't go on a whole /ck/ related tangent.

>> No.3984185

Until emulators are 100% accurate for every single console, which is extremely unlikely to ever happen, hardware is important.

>> No.3984187

No ones debating that but if you want yourself a real playstation (tm) its not hard to find one

>> No.3984190

Ain't those subpar copies, or are they really proper hardware clones?

>> No.3984191

Subpar copies with shitty sound.

>> No.3984203

yes but they would cost 200 easily

>> No.3984353

so is complaining about trips faggot. stop being triggered

>> No.3984398

Clone consoles are made to be cheap, so spending time/money on getting things juuuuust right doesn't fucking happen.
it's totally possible, it's just more time/effort/money than anyone wants to put in

A lot of the issue with old hardware is reliability. It's fucking old and the supply of working machines dwindles daily.

>> No.3984514


>100% accurate

What specific detail do you want that emulators aren't doing already? Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure adjusting the emulator will be a much more efficient route to getting it than recreating the entire physical system would be.

>> No.3984637

>I just answer what questions I can and attempt to foster a certain culture.

I appreciate your contributions a lot and think you're a good poster who puts a lot of effort into their replies, but that second part is why people hate tripcodes. I'm sure you know that when people are attacking you for tripping, it's because they're trying to protect 4chan's traditional culture.

Anonymity is a key part of what makes this site work. No personalities, no pride, no consequences. Anyone can enter or leave a conversation at any time and no one can tell. That freedom allows for a more free-form style of discussion than any site with usernames and it prevents power-users from dominating or influencing conversations. No one can call other users out because no one can tell who is posting specific comments. No one brings any baggage into a discussion.

The downside is that a lack of accountability makes people feel emboldened to be bastards to each other, but because there are no usernames it's easy to ignore that shit. If everyone is anonymous, users can't attack *people*, they can only pile abuse on *posts*. This makes it easy to make a bad post, learn from the error, and rejoin the conversation with no lasting consequences.

To a lot of people this culture is the most important part of the site, and people who insist on using trips are a danger to that. They drag 4chan closer to other forums. At the very least, they stand out from the crowd and distract from the conversation by drawing additional attention to themselves. If you need proof that they're right, just look at the fact that I know who are you are and have opinions about the quality of your posts. Or just look at all the anti-tripcode posts in any discussions where tripcode users show up. We end up talking about each other instead of the topic at hand.

Not attacking you (like I said, I think you're a good contributor) just explaining the opposition to trips in case no one has done it before.

>> No.3984647

>I'm happily married with an awesome kid

why don't you have a seat over there?

>> No.3984661

It's not. But it'll always be cheaper and easier to buy an off the shelf SoC.

>> No.3984668


4chan is a failed experiment. Take your head out of your own asshole and be nice to the Babbage Gramps.

I've probably gotten more out of his posts than yours, I'd wager.

>> No.3984693
File: 213 KB, 640x272, coneyislandmillard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're obviously pro-gramps and I can understand that you're anti-trip. In fact I completely agree with you but the fact is that /vr/ has been teetering on the brink. I don't know exactly why it's harder for quality posters to ignore the bastards but for the entirety of 2016 I watched it happen. Not only was the ratio of terrible posts going up but the total posts were going down. That's a red flag that a board is spiraling around the drain.

I know that there are other posters just like me with authentic knowledge and experience. They used to make up a significant portion of the board and made available an extremely broad spectrum of real info - complete with that certain something that attracts a person to anonymous boards, the desire not to need to filter oneself - to talk about ecstasy and pussy right along side nerd culture the way it was for the golden 90s when nerds actually were cool and threw parties and had groupies.

When I first started coming on 4chan the vast majority of the population was nerdy kids who could benefit tremendously from a taste of that culture and a little direction on how to connect some of the social dots to go from what they had to what they wanted to have, things I puzzled out for myself over decades.

I don't trip on any other board. I'm known on some other ones but /vr/ is the only place I felt needed some consistent cisgender personality. I didn't give myself this name, some anon did a couple years ago. I like to think that adopting it is somewhat self-effacing but I guess that doesn't necessarily match my personality. I do try to be positive though, even when someone is really playing telephone-parrot with some /vr/ related info that was dubious to begin with and the fact is that I see my trip having the effect I want. It doesn't bother me that people hate on me, it's less vitriol that gets directed at the kids trying to get into the hobby in an authentic way and they're who I care about.

>> No.3984740


That's very likely. I'm an oldfag on some other boards but I'm pretty new to /vr/. He's also a good contributor.


That's cool, and I appreciate the response. I'm reasonably well-known on a few other sites so I get how that works but I always go anon here. I'd say I'm more pro-anon and less anti-trip, but I don't have strong feelings about it. I formed my opinion on trips in the early years of 4chan when I was younger and the topic was more contentious so maybe I'm being an old crank and need to rethink the subject.

Be careful about implying you're not cisgender on 4chan. That's about as safe as starting an xbox thread on /vr/

I also try to be as positive as possible, even with contentious topics and even on 4chan. The general positivity of the retrogaming community is one of the reasons I love it more than the modern gaming community. There are a lot more knowledgeable people who are willing (and eager) to share that knowledge. I try to be one of those people.


FPGAs are the future and I'm beyond excited about them. I've (briefly) talked to Kevtris (the guy behind the FPGA in the Analog NT Mini) and I know he's spent the last several years working on FPGA cores for nearly a dozen systems and has a lot of them finished. I hope he eventually releases his multi-console FPGA system. I think it'll make some huge waves and get more people interested in making similar consoles.

Perfect hardware clones with new parts? What's not to love? The price I guess, but there will always be emulation if you want a cheaper option.

>> No.3984790

I should also be clear that this is not an identity I use anywhere else or benefit from in any way. I have other pseudonymous internet identities for various separate reasons. Also, I AM cisgender meaning gender-normative. I have a big real dick and I put it in genuine XX chromosome females exclusively. I made that comment because until me the most common tripfags on this board were more than one transgender "girl". As a fairly right-wing normative type I've had bantz with them in the past and expected to also step that up to an extent but they've kind of poof ninja vanished.

As far as Kevtris and FPGAs I really don't follow devs as personalities and I had some negative feelings toward him from his association with that whole "Coleco Chameleon" thing but I've been looking at his work and even though an ANT mini isn't in my budget I'm very very impressed with his work on it and am optimistic about his whatsis 3000 thingy. Maybe he'll even produce it cheap enough I won't wait for a chinese clone.

>> No.3985124 [DELETED] 

I physically gagged at some of these trip-defending responses. Honestly I almost vomited.

"No you're obviously pro-gramps and I can understand that you're anti-trip."

Ughh, what the actual fuck man...

>> No.3985193 [DELETED] 

I've never even seen your posts before and you sound like an insane retard

>> No.3985239

If you have to start from scratch it's massively hard. Even with all the information already out there it's hard.

It's nothing like that. You sound like an angry emubaby

>transistors are all out of stock
Epic fucking kek kiddo

>effort to improve the board
A for effort. F for results.

>> No.3985257

The tripfag likes attention, just ignore him and he will fuck off eventually like they all do. Having a trip adds nothing to your posts but does attract more shit posting, so having it for the sake of improving the quality of this board is full blown retarded.

>> No.3985710

Shitposters are gonna shitpost and when they're going after me they're leaving Anon alone. Eventually they'll realize I'm not actually looking for attention. I've been here since the beginning and I'll be here until the end.

>> No.3985826 [DELETED] 

>being mad at tripfags when reddit shit and e-celebe shit is posted on this board without problem
Nice 4chan culture

>> No.3985836 [DELETED] 

I agree with you completely about the e-celebs I'm glad they're limited to a containment thread now. What exactly do you consider to be the defining quality of reddit shit though? Is it the leftism or the shallowness of interest or is there some other factor?

>> No.3985860 [DELETED] 

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.3985882 [DELETED] 

Faggotry. Wtf are YOU talking about?

>> No.3986118 [DELETED] 

>being this defensive
okay youre definitely trans
>bringing /pol/itics into /vr/
good job "improving the board" attention whore. you're the spam you hate

>> No.3986129 [DELETED] 

I've saged every one of my posts that was off topic. Perhaps you should as well. Not that I consider off-topic posts to be spam. The shitposts I'm talking about are those that combine anger and ignorance - like yours! So thanks for getting it out directed at me. Does your soul feel any lighter?

>> No.3986178

>As far as Kevtris and FPGAs I really don't follow devs as personalities and I had some negative feelings toward him from his association with that whole "Coleco Chameleon" thing

I think Kevtris only had the best intentions for the Chameleon. I don't think it's his fault that the founders were shady as fuck.

Anyway, he's released all his cores for free on the NT Mini and that's very admirable.

>> No.3986217

Yep, I've come to 100% the same conclusion myself. It was not just a cool move on his part but also a smart one to release those cores. I wonder how Analogue feels about it considering they never marketed the mini as a multi-core console right? Do you think they were even aware it would be capable of what Kevtris has made it do or do you think they thought their msrp was mostly about their branding?

>> No.3986229

Did the sega genesis use any proprietary chips? Like you could probably build one yourself it was just a z80, 68000 and some other common shit

>> No.3986238 [DELETED] 

Yeah tell that to like the fourth thread youve derailed that ive seen. Fuck off to reddit if you want to circlejerk.

>> No.3986256

The processors are common as dirt but the sound processor is only based off of a TI chip then integrated into the video processor in some way IIRC. That's probably why there were so many high quality clones back in the day but all the ones now have notable audio inaccuracies. I'm actually pretty curious about what exactly TecToy is stuffing into these new premium clones they're making.

I make on topic posts. If people choose to divert the thread and get meta with me, I reply. If a thread gets "derailed" from just that then chances are everything interesting to be said on the topic had already been said.

>> No.3986262 [DELETED] 

You're the only person derailing, anon.

>> No.3986267 [DELETED] 

but those shitposts wouldn't exist if you weren't being an attention whore and tripfagging. you're making the thread worse, not better

>> No.3986270

You're making it worse by replying. If you didn't want to shit up threads and stroke your ego you wouldn't take the bait.
He wasn't really involved in the Chameleon. He agreed to work with them once they had final hardware (since it sounded like his dream console) but he never actually did anything because the console never actually existed. It's hard to say he did anything wrong. Can't wait for more affordable FPGA systems to come out that don't have the Analog markup.

>> No.3986329

Shitposters are going to shitpost, all I do is serve as a target for them which is fine.

Getting people like me to stop posting is the shitposter goal and by extension the /v/ification of the board. It's been happening, I've been watching it happen for a long time now and I'm not about to back off. If my personality comes through in the process and I amuse somebody then great and I'm not bumping any threads with off-topic posts. It's not like any non-general thread ever reaches the bump limit anyway (not that generals ever stay on topic).

>> No.3986540 [DELETED] 

No one wants you to stop posting, they want you to stop posting about yourself. Constantly defending your trip and responding to every single troll just encourages further shitposting and makes you look vain. If you actually believed what you're saying you would ignore shitposts instead of engaging them.

>> No.3986663 [DELETED] 

>I'm taking responsibility for what I post in an effort to improve the board as a whole.

Names enable entrenchment of interpersonal politics. You think that increasing political drama is gonna help the board? Being 40 and having good intentions don't make you skilled at improving community cultures. You're just roleplaying as a paladin or something, rather than actually helping. Please stop.

Anyway, 4chan culture is so badly busted that the way to improve it, if there is one, is to replace it, drawing the posters away to something healthier.

>> No.3986671

Yall niggas probably never even played a tec toy megadrive
Im not talking about the atgames one

>> No.3986672 [DELETED] 

Whoa nigga, you really expect me to read all that shit?
By (you)

>> No.3986682 [DELETED] 


It's the type of thing persistent names produce. It's terribly irritating. All this crappy boring side-talk about somebody's dumb plans that they'll never actually measure the success of, leaving themselves free to think they're succeeding forever whether they are or not. It's crap. Cross-thread identities should not even be supported by this stupid site. I don't know a technical way to stop it but at least it should be against the rules and something for mods to punish, if we must have mods at all, which we probably shouldn't but whatever.

>> No.3986687 [DELETED] 


It's not fine for you to be a target. It's a distraction. I don't post stupid bad posts on /vr/, ever, EXCEPT (arguably) ones like this where I'm attacking you personally. I am only a shitposter, if I am one, insofar as you personally have made me one. You are thus a hypocrite.

> Getting people like me to stop posting is the shitposter goal

Not mine it isn't. If you're cool when you're on topic then I want you to keep posting on topic. I just want you to stop using a name while doing it.

>I'm not bumping any threads with off-topic posts.

I am, just now. Because of you. Because you introduced the irrelevant topic of "babbage's gramps", as you always do, by posting under that attention-grabbing name.

>> No.3986695

You aren't copying hardware. You're turning hardware into software. Yes it's hard.

>> No.3986697 [DELETED] 

>I make on topic posts. If people choose to divert the thread and get meta with me, I reply. If a thread gets "derailed" from just that then chances are everything interesting to be said on the topic had already been said.

What an endlessly smug neckbeard you are. Oh yes it's all so rational isn't it, it's all so easily controllable huh? You're doing everything with perfect scientific justification yeah? You have spreadsheets and numbers proving your approach is correct, no doubt.

>> No.3986772
File: 96 KB, 500x300, KZYERVJ[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are modern TecToy MDs different from AtGames Genesis? They're all Firecore aren't they?

That's what an emulator is. Cloning out of production hardware is much more difficult because it costs tens of thousands of dollars to do a test run rather than just lolrecompile if it's bad. FPGAs are hardware that can be reconfigured by software. Cool right?

I think the board was in need of some positive personality, yes.

What you're describing is forced IDs with "heaven". Advocate for it, it might be good here.

Well, your post doesn't really have the tone of an attack so I can probably believe you don't generally shitpost. I think people make the same basic type of posts regardless of who they're replying to and you seem like the kind of poster who is genuine with wanting the board to be better. I'm not trying to distract you from making quality posts because you can't ignore my trip and I'm not keeping you from saging when you discuss it.

I probably should shave my neck since I'm wearing my summer length beard now thanks for reminding me.

For hating trips so much y'all sure love talking about it.

>> No.3986796
File: 29 KB, 220x235, gar2[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa shit. Janapocalypse. Let's take this opportunity to get this thread back on hardware cloning.

So what's better? ANT Mini or MiST? They're the only two flashable FPGA consoles I'm aware of right now. Does anyone know of any others?

ANT mini cores:

MiST cores:

At this point I feel like the MiST is ahead and it costs like half. Of course, features and compatibility matter too and I don't actually have either one.

>> No.3986804 [DELETED] 


OK, please stop responding to posts stricken from the record. Let's get this goddamned shitshow back on its tracks.

>> No.3986815 [DELETED] 

Smh turning off your trip to samefag

>> No.3986820 [DELETED] 

>same gramps wall of text
>same format and structure
Try harder next time

>> No.3986823 [DELETED] 

Yet another case for forced IDs! I'm sure you'd just think I was phoneposting to samefag even then though.

>> No.3986851

I'm watching this thread get nuked in realtime over tripcode drama and it's kind of... trippy.

This is why forced anon is a good idea. It prevents this kind of bullshit.

Anyway OP, the issue is that a lot of these chips aren't being made anymore, and the ones that are still being made aren't necessarily super cheap. Nintendo could absolutely make more SNES consoles if they wanted to, but it would be pretty expensive and wouldn't make financial sense.... unless they went the NES Classic route and used emulation.

FPGAs are the future of perfect hardware clones.

>> No.3987002 [DELETED] 

People would just avatarfag then which I think is more distracting than trips personally which is why I've only ever done it within single threads and with an on-topic avatar.

>> No.3987069 [DELETED] 

Forced anon would only help if it got tripfag to stop F5ing all day and reporting any post critical of him. Granted without the trip people might give him less shit. Also he'd have no reason to live so there's that.

Then they'd get reported and banned. I like it.

The best way to deal with tripfags is to come up with a system that allows it to be used where it's useful and keeps attention whores from abusing it. Could be something as simple as OP can use trips as much as he wants in his thread. Everyone else gets a limited number. Like 1 a day per thread max 5 per day across all threads. If tripfag could only tripfag once a day ITT instead of 12 times do you think he'd even bother?

>> No.3987208 [DELETED] 


Attention whores are always gonna find a way to attention whore, but I'm in favor of anything that makes it harder. At least avatarfagging is against global rules and the bastards would get banned.


The only good use of tripcodes is for mods or for people doing Q&A threads. Anything else is just motivated by ego and leads to distractions and fights. There's no good reason for regular users to try to distance themselves from the rest of the community that way.

I use the 4chan X browser extension. It has an optional setting that displays everyone as Anonymous, so I can't even tell which one is the tripfag. I just know they derailed this thread by replying to every negative comment out them, which only spawns 10 more negative comments... etc etc... Everyone arguing about trips looks the same to me. It's all ego-stroking spam.

On-topic, I want to know why Sega can't produce a decent clone console. It's awesome that their modern clones can play real carts, but what's the point if the emulation is garbage and the sound is way off?

Even Atari and Coleco are putting out better flashback/classic/relrelease consoles than Sega is. That's sad. They need to get their act together so I can have a good excuse to buy even more Sega stuff

>> No.3987250

Those Flashback consoles for the most part are NOACs (Nintendo on a chip) famiclones running ports of the original games I'd really like to get hold of the ROMs though I guess there must be some additional hardware to support the keypads on Intellivision and Coleco. The Atari Flashback 2 (iirc) is a real VCS though you've probably seen ones with cart slot mods.

The reason there are so many bad Genesis clones all of a sudden is the Firecore which is basically the Sega equivalent of the NOAC except worse but it must be real cheap to produce because there's a serious flood. TecToy announced a new supposedly better version on the coat tails of the NES and Famicom minis but initial reports support my suspicion that it's just more firecore crap.

>> No.3987263


It's getting nuked because posts keep being reported. And until everyone calms the fuck down over one 40-year-old using a tripcode, it'll keep getting run over with a freight train.

The topic was clone consoles. Why don't we stick to that, eh?

>> No.3987650

I dont mind if its hard, I want it to be done if its possible. Thanks for your answer.

>> No.3987653

I'm just going to minimize trip posts and not read them from now on because this attention whoring has gone too far.

They can make the chips again btw. As I suspected, it's not literally impossible, its just not being produced in a large scale like before. The same elements are still available just someone has to choose to apply them in the same way again, anyway thats what my layman logical understanding assumes.

>> No.3987659 [DELETED] 

>Forced anon would only help if it got tripfag to stop F5ing all day and reporting any post critical of him. Granted without the trip people might give him less shit. Also he'd have no reason to live so there's that.

Yeah its pretty obvious who's reporting the posts that criticise the tripfag (hint: the tripfag himself). Tripfags are in the same league of self-awareness and self-assessment as mlp fans. I mean seriously I asked of he's lonley and he opens up about his whole life. Goddamnit haha. At least you know he's uncomfortable so there's that.

>> No.3987662 [DELETED] 

The irony is deleted posts still get archived

(get 4chan x)

>> No.3987671 [DELETED] 


Actually, I've been reporting your posts.

>> No.3987673 [DELETED] 


>> No.3987680 [DELETED] 

>I can't even tell which one is the tripfag
Lair. Anyone can tell. it's the smug condescending first reply in a thread authoritatively stating that the bullshit just learned from a quick google search is undisputed fact.

On-topic, Sega didn't make their sound chips. Not surprising they can't reproduce something they never produced to begin with.

He's a very sad little man.

>> No.3987684

if I may, my first idea was to take something apart slowly and reproduce it by studying it closely, if the parts aren't already well known and possible to be reproduced/copied by a resourceful and smart enough group. Yknow I'm talking in thoery now, but I dont see how its "impossible" like some are suggesting, that's just defeatist in my eyes.

>> No.3987686 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 2052x1033, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3987689 [DELETED] 

whats this supposed to prove? That you have a mental problem?

>> No.3987692 [DELETED] 


That tripfag is not doing the reporting, you stooge.

>> No.3987693 [DELETED] 

lol you wasted three responses to say that? Why? Do you lub him?

>> No.3987697 [DELETED] 


I genuinely believe he contributes more to this board than a scummy /v/idiot reject like yourself, yes.

>> No.3987703 [DELETED] 

lol you just showed your hand, homie :D

>> No.3987779

Of course it's not impossible however it can be very difficult and expensive. For example, with sound chips they'll have an digital and analog component. The digital part can be easily recreated with programmable logic. The analog not. You have (allegedly) FPAAs but they're decades behind programmable logic. Even if they weren't, younglings can't into analog anyway.
If you did do it you'd be using two relatively expensive parts to replicate a chip that cost a couple bucks in its day. The only way it's going to be cost and size effective is if someone adds sufficient analog to their digital part. This isn't going to happen any time soon. It looks like Lattice has given up on FPAAs all together. It would be possible recreate the chip using discreet components. And you'd have a sound chip the size of the console. Maybe with a combination of programmable logic and the smallest analog parts available you could get it small enough to fit in the case. Still gonna cost as much as the rest of the machine though.

You are either the most pathetic white knight or the most pathetic samefag I have ever seen

>> No.3987797

Sounds intereting man, it's worth a try. I don't believe this is going to be cheap for a second (until thousands of people do it) but heck it's worth a try! After reading what you said, I'm excited!

>> No.3987857
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any console manufacturer (other than NEC/Hudson) produced any of their own chips
Sorry if that's what you took away from my post.

ICs and especially processors are not things that Sega or Nintendo are going to produce in the basement and double definitely not things Anon is going to produce in their garage unless you assembled it from individual transistors in which case it would be as big as a refrigerator, cost thousands of dollars in parts alone (plus thousands of labor hours) and operate at a much slower speed from increased resistance.

Also for the tenth time I don't report posts. I wouldn't reply to the shitposters then turn around and report them. That concept takes some serious mental gymnastics. However I think that between Anon reporting and jannies deleting it's pretty obvious the direction the board is going.

>> No.3988127 [DELETED] 

Delete one trip post to make it seem like everyone's posts are beng deleted, meanwhile this shit >>3984693
is left alone. Get better at covering your tracks, faggots.

>> No.3988141 [DELETED] 

It gets worse when you consider the discussion was dead and everyone moved on (except the tripfag). How exactly do you expect to quietly remove posts? The steaming insecurity..

>> No.3988143 [DELETED] 

>Getting people like me to stop posting is the shitposter goal
That should be everyone's goal.

>> No.3988148 [DELETED] 

thats the obvious point that keeps coming up; its interesting how everyone is in the wrong except for "faggage gramps". what the fuck is wrong with you and your name? You couldn't have picked a more deliberately lame name if you tried.

>inb4 he breaks into paragraph explaining the origins of his name like anyone fucking cared.

>> No.3988183
File: 131 KB, 1280x1024, look up this thread on warosu for an interesting read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd wanna at least make a sega genesis and an og ps1.

>> No.3988192


I thought the PSX 2D games thread was great too, Anon.

>> No.3988213

It is interesting and exciting and it will happen. Some day. C64 autists would give their left nut (implying that have any) for something built with modern off the shelf parts that can accurately reproduce SID fart noises.

Processors are one of the easiest thing to make in your basement/garage. A dev board, blaster, PC and internet connection is all you need to download and create oodles of processors.
ICs? Well since you don't even know what those are what's the point. But feel free to regale us with your wise tales about how making a 4116 in the kitchen sink is easier than plugging in a USB device and clicking a button.
Please. For the love of all things holy or unholy or whatever your alignment is, please stop this bullshitting.

>> No.3988372

I've certainly never made a processor but I'm pleased to hear we'll soon have cheap perfectly accurate reproductions of all the retro consoles. Can't wait! Because it's so easy to produce the processors now that we have internet connections and "blasters" right? Hey, maybe you should get on top of that and get rich since you seem to know all about it.

>> No.3988426 [DELETED] 

>please stop this bullshitting
You're asking someone to stop talking nonsense when their only fucking goal is showing off their tripcode.

>> No.3988446 [DELETED] 

Careful. Comments that complain about the tripfag are getting deleted. I've seen at least a dozen nuked in this thread already.

You can point out that he's wrong but don't you dare complain about his tripcode or shitposting.

>> No.3988454 [DELETED] 

I know, it's very interesting and telling to say the least; certainly not a sign of insecurity or guilt or anything.. clearly everyone is on the side of the trips. That's why this suppressive secretive selective indirect deleting is being done.

babbabagage gramps! Funny name!! ahaha, what would we do without him!?!?

>> No.3988459 [DELETED] 

off-topic shitposting is being deleted
wow, what a shocker

prepare for the inevitable (you) of "BUT HE'S SHITPOSTING SOMEHOW BY HAVING A NAME"

>> No.3988468

when you all caps and type the responses you imagine you're going to get, it definitely doesn't make you look bad or anything, it actually makes your point really relatable and easy to understand, and your booming confidence is just.. humbling.

>> No.3988482

>off-topic shitposting is being deleted
Delicious irony.
This thread might actually have less (accurate) content than the e-celeb thread. It's amazing.

The real question isn't "why aren't companies producing accurate hardware clones?" The question should be "Why are companies releasing shitty inaccurate clones that hurt their legacy?"

>> No.3988486

why is there an e-celeb thread on vr? Is it because of the same powers that delete a post if it farts next to a tripcode?

bagabababggge gramps?

>> No.3988494

Pretty sure it's meant as a containment thread. e-celebs often focus on retro games so they're gonna come up a lot in conversation here. Their content and fans are cancer so we don't want that shit in most threads, but mods also don't want to ban it, so they allow it in one thread and nowhere else. It's a compromise.

>> No.3988509

>Pretty sure it's meant as a containment thread. e-celebs often focus on retro games so they're gonna come up a lot in conversation here

Yeah the irony of that is that they don't come up anywhere, they literally don't come up anywhere and it's not because of a dumb "containment thread". Ask mlp if their board is good "containment" for the cancer that is bronies. The actual fact is there's a lot of people with bad taste who watch these youtube faggots and want to spurge on this board becuase the thing they crave more than anything else is everyone else's approval. The e-celeb threads are increabily forced and nothing more than a mini circle jerk on a board that has literally nothing to do with them.

Hey galaga was featured in the Avengers movie, can I use that an an excuse to create an "Avengers Containment Thread" ?

What a lie you guys keep telling yourselves. You watch assholes on youtube and you want everyone else's approval because you know it's shit.

>> No.3988519

>Yeah the irony of that is that they don't come up anywhere, they literally don't come up anywhere and it's not because of a dumb "containment thread".
Have you forgotten the shitstorms that used to happen because people would make innocent thread about a game, but was a stealth e-celeb thread because someone made a video about it?

They're gone now. It's better this way.

>> No.3988527

no I dont and those things should be deleted and that would be the end of it. That would be like if I found shit in my food, and developed a taste for shit instead of throwing it out.

>> No.3988530

>those things should be deleted and that would be the end of it
Yeah, because that totally worked.

>> No.3988535

you're the retard, e-celeb hanjobers will never be the majority. It will work and they'll migrate somewhere else. The opposite won't work when you do what they've been doing in this thread: deleting any post that mentions how annoying trips are instead of stopping them; which makes people hate trips more, because they are the minority and the problem becomes more obvious. There's obviously a stubborn mentality with moderation on this site, don't pretend you don't see it; everyone else does.

>> No.3988541

what kind of person applies to be a mod anyway? Probably an asshole. It's not like they're handpicked from the most reasonable and well-mannered people in society. So yeah that's why you get shitty threads, tension, and problems not being taken care of. Please..

>> No.3988794

Some brilliant crazy bastards have been taking apart old chips and putting them under the microscope to figure out exactly how they worked.

I laughed at that too, but Google says that's just what one brand of FPGA maker calls the bit of hardware they use to program the FPGA.

>> No.3988829
File: 451 KB, 1397x996, chestergould.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanoplaning and scanning electron microscopes were how Nagra card was compromised... Jesus, almost 20 years ago? Fuck.

It was Indians who did it, I think. Rumor has it they were funded by DTV. People died but that was a long time ago apparently.

That's not what people like Kevtris are doing though right? The cores he's coding are documented, it's more about his familiarity with the FPGA itself. I hope I didn't come off as critical of Kevtris. I would pay big to spend a day in a mind like that. I feel like there's a possibility I directly insulted Derek Smart to his anonymous face already in another thread and I hope I didn't he also is obviously some kind of genius and more importantly is really devoted to his work.

I definitely told Squarepusher he was a weirdo one time before I put on the trip and I'll own that now. Retroarch is neat but damn, Dude.

>>the dozen+ deleted posts
I think that whatever your rationalizations and how loud your buttmoans it's pretty clear the message you're being sent whoever you choose to believe is sending it. But by all means work yourself into a bannable frenzy if you want.

>> No.3988923

>blasters lol amirite
You're getting sloppy in your young age gramps. You forgot to top up your omniscience with the usual quick google search. If you had you'd've been learned that a usb blaster is an altera product used to program their FPGAs.

Props to all the lads who did the decapping of countless chips. Today a 6502 is basically something you select from a dialogue box in quartus.
That "one brand" is altera. The company that makes the FPGAs used in nearly every flash cart, modern clone, etc. I grew up as a lattice lad but I would never dispute their market dominance today.

>> No.3989117
File: 344 KB, 570x349, 3DO_Blaster_2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed it's mostly Alterra FPGAs on everything. I wish I had the hands to solder processors but my attempts at installing jtags to save my dishplayers and later reflowing of 360s got me off that path. "USB Blaster" is either a terrible or just terribly confident name for a device though.

>> No.3989164

Well, USB Flasher would have been kind of cringe too.

>> No.3989192

It seems you have searched in side yourself and rediscovered your google skills, my young wikiknight. If you use your hands to reflow a 360 you have already lost. Meditate upon your inner google. Refine your skills of key word search. Only then will you achieve enlightenment of the type a 3rd world millennial sweat shop worker has. I'm fairly sure altera called it a blaster to troll underage. But look on the bright side. Tomorrow you'll be regaling us all with your consummate of FPGAs. Thanks google.

>> No.3989205

I suppose you use your teeth? I'm demonstrating honest humility here. I can't work with those fine legs that processors have whether with a soldering iron or a heat gun or a torch or an electric griddle with bolts through it. My success rate is not good.

>> No.3989214

whole lot easier/more likely than "enthusiast crts"

>> No.3989235

YouTube for louis rossman.
Oven reflowing doesn't and never did actually reflow. If it did your parts would fall off.

>> No.3989383

>whining about whining
This is just as bad as the initial whining, dude. And you look smug by implying the mods are "sending a message" against those who don't like you. Can't we just talk about games instead of each other?

>> No.3989429

lol did the nigga actually say that? Holy shit. I dont read his posts but holy shit you can't be more of social retard if you tried. As soon as bagabgbagggge gramps packs his bagagages and leaves and stops drawing attention to himself (or people completely ignore him except for the fake replies he makes to himself) then this will never stop. I sincerely believe an mlp will take an armoury of actual bullets and literally die than admit they're not welcome or wanted.