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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3977510 No.3977510 [Reply] [Original]

I grew up playing original consoles including SNES, NES and genesis. Now I play those systems on my CRT via Wii + S Video. It all plays exactly how I remember, except the NES video looks cleaner and genesis games don't have jailbars. Is needing original hardware for pre PS1 consoles a meme?

>> No.3977513

Everything is a meme


>> No.3977514

Idk its fun to have the real thing (tm)

>> No.3977519
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>> No.3977527

No. They're the legit way to play.

>> No.3977549

It's so much better to play on the Wii with an original Gamecube controller or a Dualshock controller specifically designed to wreck your hands with their horrible D-Pads.
You can also get these terrible controller adapters that cost 30$ each and leave you with a battery powered Wiimote hanging down your groin. Awesome!


>> No.3977550

Some people will call the emulation lag argument. They are somewhat right but it is such a low number even some tool assisted runs work fine on emulator vs original hardware. The delay they are referring too is hyperbolic. They turn 1-5ms into 100-500ms for petty arguments to feel superior. In the end the delay is hardly there.

Some people will claim emulating errors. This one is true. There are a list of emulators that are 100% accurate for systems like the NES. But most other systems have no cycle accurate emulation. This in fact could get in the way of enjoying certain lesser known titles, as the major titles usually do not have issues with their accuracy (as much). In some rare cases (psx or more specific ps2 or gc/wii) there are fixes for frame rate or jitter or errors the original hardware has. So emulation would be the best way to play. This is 50/50 for most people.

For a casual gamer emulation is almost always the best. For someone who could potentially notice the errors some emulation has, I would say real hardware is the only option (until we get cycle perfect emulation on all hardware... lol never happening).

A wii + component on a CRT is really the best for all the consoles it supports. Otherwise maybe a gaming monitor or 2014+UHD with known game mode of under 1ms of delay paired with a decent pc would be next best. If those don't work (your autism causing issues or the emulator actually has an issue) just get the real hardware.

>> No.3977561


Your last suggestion intrigues me. Could I get a laptop with an amount of lag comparable to the monitor and pc combo you suggested

>> No.3977565

Just do what you want and stop busting my ass with it. You can't do anything on your own, are you expecting us to praise you for setting up a softmodded Wii?

Garbage thread.

>> No.3977569


>> GameCube control works just fine

>> No.3977570

Yea this
Im very impressed

>> No.3977571

Different Anon, but it will probably depend on the monitor more than the computer. Unless the laptop is a complete piece of shit and can't run the emulators full speed.

Anyway, my monitor is supposedly 3-5ms but it feels instant.

>> No.3977574

Didn't you know anon? Baby d-pad is better than *shudder* ugh barf bluetooth lag.

>> No.3977575
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>> No.3977595

No, not a meme. Some purist and collectors just prefer using them. I myself have the original systems, but now I mainly use my PC and emulate. I do really enjoy putting in a cart and playing on my TV though. The feel of the controller, the music and sound are spot on.

>> No.3977653

3-5ms pretty much IS instant, anon. That's really fuckin fast.

>> No.3977667

>commodore monitor

Consoles aren't a meme, but I see you've been meme'd.

>> No.3977674

If you sit down with everything else the same, same controller via GC adapter same SDCRT same game that you've gotten in the zone for on a real console and change directly to emulation you CAN feel the difference but it's not something you'd probably notice after even a couple days without playing much less years - and you can quickly adjust for it.

>> No.3977715


>> Confusing old computer monitors with PVM's

>> No.3977720

Speaking of getting meme'd on.

>> No.3977732
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No. Consoles will never be a meme. But play however you want because most of don't really care unless you bitch about inaccuracies.

>> No.3977739

What systems does Wii emulation do well?

>> No.3977747


>be me
>buy some old PVMs I stumble across on craigslist two years before they become a meme only because I think they look cool for $1 and $20 respectively
>use composite or s-video with most consoles and component with PS2 because RGB is a meme

Feels pretty good.

>> No.3977786


N64(Virtual console anyway)
Master System/Gamegear/SG1000

Sega CD works almost flawlessly with a few titles that are janky. Neo Geo also works pretty well too

>> No.3977791

>is x a meme

>> No.3977825

Original consoles + flash carts blow Wii emulation out of the water. No idea what OP is smoking if he claims he can't tell the difference. If video quality is that important, mod your console for RGB output and it'll look just as good as the Wii's component output, it's trivial.

I only use Wii for games that aren't flash cart compatible, which there aren't many of.

>> No.3977887

I know, but turbo-autists on this board act like single digit milliseconds can make or break a game.

I guess in other words: 1ms gaming monitors are a waste of money.

>> No.3977936

You can't "feel" the difference unless there's significantly latency or inaccurate emulation.
Can't fix bad emulation, but there are lots of ways to reduce latency.

>> No.3978056

Yeah but you don't even need original hardware for ps1 and saturn as the emulators for those are also great.
>supposedly 3-5ms
Not a fucking chance.

>> No.3978074

no milhouse isn't a meme

>> No.3978139


Milhouse isn't a meme is a meme, though.

>> No.3978163

I dare someone to say games like donkey kong country are playable on the gamecube controller.

Any game where you need Y to sprint is worse on Gamecube/wii by default.

>> No.3978193

Collecting is another part of the hobby. I enjoy owning the original as much as playing them, but as long as you are having fun it doesn't matter.

>> No.3978237

>be me
Who cares? In fact, I'm so glad I'm not you.

>> No.3978324

Hm. I think that was me.

>> No.3978381

>Sega CD works almost flawlessly with a few titles that are janky

All Sega CD games I tried worked perfectly on Wii, even the most obscure ones.

>> No.3978536

nice samefag, nobody gives a fuck

>> No.3978690


For this to work, you'll need a tv with rgb. Then you're getting into pvmeme territory and by this point you might as well have used a Wii through component

>> No.3978693
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Pretty comfy

>> No.3978714

I never softmodded a wii, but ive played the same games on a raspberry pi and their original hardware within a few days of one another and the input lag is definitely real. I used to think it was just /vr/ puritan retardation but for genres like run n gun and shmups, I'm going to stick with real hardware whenever possible. Games that don't require quick reflexes are fine and you can learn to compensate quickly on whatever setup.

>> No.3978726
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>Not a fucking chance.
This is what I have. Newer models advertise 2ms.

>> No.3978730

fwiw, Wii software pretty much runs "on the metal" while a PI uses an operating system.

>> No.3978748

It also depends on the TV. I've softmodded a wii for my sister's kids and the lag was horrible on their TV. On a crt or a computer monitor it's not noticeable.

I haven't used a PI personally, but I assume most people hook it up to their biggest newest television, which is the cause of lag.

>> No.3978752


There's no lag with a wired control and a crt tv. I've beaten punch out this way many times and that game needs perfect timing to beat Tyson.

>> No.3978840

Emulation is never good enough for me. I am always tinkering with settings.

Flash carts bring peace of mind that everything is 100% correct and I can get back to playing the game.

>> No.3978853

I play on a crt so its not an HD tv causing the lag. NES emulation is pretty much 100% perfect on everything nowadays, plus I haven't played a real NES in forever so I'll take your word that there's no lag. But there is definitely like a 1/3rd second input lag when playing snes and genesis games on my pi 3 compared to the real deal.

>> No.3978857
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Everything has lag/latency even real hardware. When hooked up correctly a Wii pushes it down to something as small as a single frame and so it doesn't make even games like Punch-Out impossible just very slightly more challenging but if you sat down using your skills you've built to beat it once on the Wii then went directly to an NES you would perceive the difference - the NES would feel "more forgiving"

But again, we're talking about a very very small barely perceptible difference but the people at Libretro have measured it and are working towards eventually eliminating it completely.

Most lag and delay that plebs complain about however is because of software overhead, using wireless controllers, upscaling and especially from combinations thereof.

>> No.3978926


On your pi there is definitely lag, way too much in fact. The Wii doesn't seem to have this problem with a wired controller

>> No.3978945

>Are real consoles a meme?

Let's check it out


It seems only PlayStation is a meme, and "Super Mario", I guess? But that isn't a console.
Ouya is also there but it isn't retro, and also says it's not confirmed as a meme.

>> No.3978962

Calling everything a meme is a meme.
Newfags everywhere.

>> No.3978968

The pi definitely has a noticable amount of lag for nes and snes when using retropie. I've noticed it with my gaming monitor.

I've heard it might be related to the SDL programming library.

>> No.3979025

Raphnet makes a whole range of adapters to plug original retro controllers into the Wii via the GC controller port. They're very recommended.

>> No.3979117

Yeah, I have a Classic Controller Pro, SNES Classic Controller (Japanese Club Nintendo website) and soon to be NES Classic Controller, but I do not want to play with them attached to a Wii Remote due to wireless input lag.

>> No.3979192

Lag on the Pi is way worse for SNES than other systems for some reason.

>> No.3979220

I don't think so. The 240p test suite gets a perfect score on the manual lag test on a good monitor. I have a Asus VS238 and I get 1.5 frames of delay which is perfect score for a HD monitor of any kind.

>> No.3979336
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No. For the most part emulators are a meme.

Why use an emulator when it is so easy to use a real console? The reasons to use an emulator are flimsy.

>muh convenience
Consoles are far more convenient. Insert game, press power, go. No set up, no configuration for the most part.
>muh price
Lots of old games are cheap on ebay. Flash carts are now under $100
>muh space
Have only one console out at a time and keep the rest in a closet or dresser.
>muh portability
Vastly overrated. If you're going to play a game sit down and play a game. Don't half-ass it for 5 minutes on a bus. And sorry, NO ONE is EVER going to sit around and play retro games on your little home-made retropie thingamajig for more than 20 minutes maybe one or two times ever with you. And it won't be fulfilling experience when they do. That stuff is pure meme-ery.

Get some original consoles. Get a CRT. Get a comfy chair like a la-z-boy. Get a flash cart if you wish. That's how you play video games.

>> No.3979536


>> Being this bad at math

Sure, each flashcard only costs a 100 bucks and almost any console costs 50-150. If you wanna buy every console the Wii can emulate with a flashcard it's gonna cost you 800-1000 easy when you could have bought a second hand Wii for 20.

>> Much space
Having 6 or 7 consoles vs just a Wii which is the size of 3 dvd cases, big fucking difference. You also will have to swap out consoles conatantly when just one Wii will do it

>> No.3979616

Response time and input delay are both completely different things

>> No.3979632

Wouldn't mind a demotavational thread

>> No.3979714

Then make one if you're a big man.

>> No.3979814

>Sure, each flashcard only costs a 100 bucks
Yes, I will grant you this. (but you can get the SNES one for $50 on ebay sometimes)
>and almost any console costs 50-150
No. Can't agree to that. You don't go out and buy a console for fifty dollars. You wait for it to come to you. In the past few years I've gotten these systems for under $20 each

>PlayStation 2
>Sega Genesis

You look, and you wait. And eventually your collection expands. You buy one flash cart a year or so, or go on forums and trade them around with the other members if you don't want to spend the cash.

>You also will have to swap out consoles conatantly when just one Wii will do it

No I will not have to swap out consoles "conatantly" because I do not have video game ADHD that plagues emulation users who have a constant urge to hop from system to system and game to game all the time. Take out one system, leave it hooked up for a good long while. A month or more. Get a good feel for the library. Get deep into it and you'll enjoy games much more.

>> No.3979824

Addendum to this post: CD systems don't need flash carts. The PlayStation 1/2, Saturn, and Dreamcast are ripe for the budget conscious player.

>> No.3979859


>> Waiting to find for 20 bucks

Or just buy a Wii for 20. Again, just less fucking around.

>> No.3979867
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>Actually buying WIIMOTE adapters

It's the GC ones you wanted, don't blame the rest of us for your dumb mistake.

>> No.3979903

And they cost 50$ each

>> No.3979915

Except I never bought any Wiimote adapters because I'm not retarded.
Mainly, I don't even emulate on Wii or any other consoles ever because the emulated soundchip quality of emulators are terrible.

>> No.3979937 [DELETED] 

i finally got my own house so i have space for CRT's and piles of consoles and wires and shit, it's great. But if your stuck in a little room emulation is more than adequate. Another advantage of crt's and consoles is that if some pavement ape breaks into your house they'll probably take a look at your CRT and ancient systems and not even bother stealing them b/c ooga boogas dont know shit about retro game prices.

>> No.3979946

Yeah, it's a meme. Meme's don't = bad though, but I think deluding yourself into believing that you will have a terrible experience if you use emulators is really stupid.

>> No.3979972

You'll have to wait just as long to find a Wii for $20. Wii emulation isn't the greatest either.

>> No.3980105


What's wrong with Wii emulation pre ps1?

>> No.3980139

SNES emulation isn't super accurate, but it's very playable. Everything else is pretty damn good. Genesis stuff is excellent, Wii Mednaden is quite good, I mean you can run RetroArch if you really want.

>> No.3980171

Consoles are terribly inconvenient, I just keep an HTPCfor emulation in my living room.

>> No.3980214

Last I knew those emulators lacked sync to refresh options so you will not get perfectly smooth scrolling and lag-free gameplay. You'd get little hitches here and there and a bit of input delay.

>> No.3980217

I bet you also play on an LCD tv. Your opinion is worthless to me.

>> No.3980265

>NO ONE is EVER going to sit around and play retro games on your little home-made retropie thingamajig for more than 20 minutes
Said the guy with no friends.

>> No.3980641

He's right. Normies will only play things like MAME cabs or really nice big-screen CRT emulation setups for any amount of time when you ask them to play with you.

RetroPie portables hooked up to some random LCD screen look like the same crappy emulation they have on their phone or laptop. It's laggy and ugly. The sound is bad because the speakers on the TV are bad. You're probably trying to play it in some place that has distractions or some other event going on. It just never works out. I've been there, done it.

Real systems get more attention than anything tho. Like original systems, not a handheld version of them.

>> No.3980646

You're doing it wrong then.

>> No.3980692

Write more than four sentences and maybe you will have made an argument.

>> No.3980694

You seem hostile, what's wrong with you? It's not my fault you have nobody that's willing to play on RetroPie without sperging out in full autism or having ADHD about it.

>> No.3980745

You couldn't write four sentences. Your type never can. You can't explain your points. All you can do is claim people have "no friends" with nothing to back that up. Just "you're wrong".

Make an argument about why you think people in the modern day will give a shit about playing with some dinky portable emulation toy hooked up to a laggy, ugly LCD monitor at someone else's house for longer than half an hour. With probably inaccurate controllers. Provide anecdotes. If you can't do that then just STFU.

>> No.3980762

Then go back to 2006

>> No.3980797


>> No.3980801


He can suck a dick, LCD's are perfectly fine for retro

>> No.3980817

No need to get worked up, he thinks he's normal.

>> No.3980821

Because regular people don't give a shit about muh accuracy, muh lag, muh emulation, muh original hardware, muh crt, etc, and certainly don't have the autism and hostility you have towards the hobby.

People like to have fun and not obsess over the last 1% of things that niche enthusiasts do.

>> No.3980829


Keep telling yourself that, bud.

>> No.3980919


>> Component input is standard
>> Modern LCDs have imperceptible lag

Yeah, I'll keep lying to myself that the above is ok

>> No.3980975
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>> No.3981218

I use it when I kill time when travelling. I went skiing not too long ago and spent most of the night playing Street fighter on it.

>> No.3981320

Wii into 20' Trini through component here.
NES/SNES/Genesis games should not look and play this good.
That is all.

>> No.3981403


My niggah'!

>> No.3981413

What's the difference between Wii emulation and PC emulation?

>> No.3981417

One does 240p natively with no set up, the other requires specific GPUs, custom drivers, and additional set-up.

>> No.3981460
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>discover nes/scumm emulators
>They work perfectly except a few specific games with graphic corruption and slowdown
>dont even know what "input lag" is
>discover snes emulation
>shit runs great aside from a few specific games
>start to figure out what input lag is
>emulators stop running well in general
>using outdated programs on newer OS
>feels bad man
>Test for input lag
>2-5 frame variance
>Just like the good old days

>> No.3981476

Regular people aren't going to be playing these games at all. The "casuals" are still people who know a little bit about /vr/ subjects.

>> No.3981947


This pretty much, although retroarch could use a bit of improving upon

>> No.3981990



>> No.3982026
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wrong board

>> No.3982208

/vr/ fails to understand this, hard.

>> No.3982426

An HD LCD monitor coupled with emulators has better image quality than a pvm

>> No.3982495

Real hardware master race, reporting in.

>> No.3983156


You mean shills who want everyone to blow money on original hardware. Anyone who just wants to play the games emulate

>> No.3983727

Not necessarily a meme, a lot of collectors are in it due to memes though. Think of it as people who run antique cars, why bother? Modern cars run smoother, get better gas millage, are cheaper to maintain, etc.

I've had my NES for years now, and while I can and do emulate the NES platform, there is something nostalgic about going through the process of connecting the old device to a CRT, cleaning out the cartridge, plugging it in, and pushing the power button.

I would not invest a ton of money in it, but there is something definitely there, that has been there, before a bunch of people started collecting these things and making it out to be a meme. Which has driven the price of old hardware to ridiculous levels.. damned trenders.

>> No.3984601


Pretty good description of how I feel about it. A lot of people here act like real consoles are necessary to have any fun with a retro game. If people are just doing it for the nostalgia then I can understand, but people who say emulators are unplayable shit are just way off.

>> No.3985161

>Why use an emulator when it is so easy to use a real console?
Because it is far cheaper to use an emulator as you can play games you cannot afford or never had access to with them. Like i can play European or Japan only releases of games i either played as a kid or missed out on due to either being too poor, not knowing them or being around (like with old NES games i was not alive for).
>no configuration for the most part
I own a NES and it is not a simple system to use especially with the lockout chip bullshit Nintendo used to cause the blinking light problem.
>Lots of old games are cheap on ebay. Flash carts are now under $100
Flash carts are not the original experience and even worse is that real carts are scalped online and made too expensive (super Mario world a game that was cheap years ago now is over 20 bucks even thou it fucking came with every SNES on the market).
>Have only one console out at a time and keep the rest in a closet or dresser.
That is a pain in the ass.
>Don't half-ass it for 5 minutes on a bus
I emulate the most on my computer i don't take it on the go unless i am playing PSP and go on a long bus ride (like hours of being on the bus so i can play megaman on it).

>> No.3985164

The worst part is that your shitty brain adds 150 to 250ms of lag to everything and nobody's invented a fix for that yet


>> No.3985241

No, that's reaction time. That's only input lag and that also doesn't take into consideration prediction, the same reason someone can throw a 100mph fastball and people can hit it even with 150ms "input lag". That being said, you yourself see, hear, and feel with higher speeds and it's not discrete like video games with framerate, it's analog and smooth with interpolations and so fourth.

Though often people incorrectly cite 5-10ms numbers listed by LCD manufacturers when the real response time is an anywhere between 30-100ms where the marketing team used some bullshit method to obtain that number rather than some form of standard to properly represent what they're selling you. In the same way they reach their 10000000:1 contrast ratio by comparing super duper duper bright mode that no reasonable person would have and their lowest value neither on screen at the same time and using "dynamic contrast" to pull it off so what sounds like good contrast is the difference between super duper white and mediumish greys rather than straight up white and black.

>> No.3987640


Where to Start...

At 7 when my parents bought me Nintendo64 for my birthday in 1998, only thing I had before was my Famicom.

Nowadays, I really enjoy plugging on my PS, SegaSaturn and watching BIOS boot, I still playing Famicom via RF, with my original controllers etc.

Man, one thing is the feeling of real hardware and other is the game itself. Nowadays those two things have not much to do.

Maybe It's more easy to explain with the Game Boy example:

The Game is the same, OK, but is the green tone and/or the ghosting, part of original Game Boy experience? If you enjoy being in front of the system, as I do, even when you forget about It when you have just started the game...

Is your thing, you decide.

Long live to Super Famicom, and long live to Snes9x

>> No.3987642

I forgot to say:


a real console, is just a meme. Yep.

This world is full of memes. 50 vs 60, SCART vs S-Video...

>> No.3987705

The Wiimote is a great way to play NES games and the Classic Controller gets the job done for most everything else.