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3838061 No.3838061 [Reply] [Original]


Previous thread:>>3760420
Romancing SaGa 3 Patch FAQ
FAQ for people new to the series

>> No.3838084

So, since the last thread died pretty fast I've gotta ask, is it just /vr/ getting faster and faster or did someone sage the thread?
It seemed to have died pretty damn fast while I wasn't looking

>> No.3838102 [DELETED] 
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I'm actually curious, too, it was on, like, page 7 or 8 last I looked a few hours ago, and usual thread speed doesn't result in dropping off that quickly.

It's possible someone was bumping old threads past it all of a sudden but I wasn't really watching the catalog.

>> No.3838104
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I'm actually curious, too, it was on, like, page 7 or 8 last I looked a few hours ago, and usual thread speed doesn't result in dropping off that quickly.

It's possible someone was bumping old threads past it all of a sudden but I wasn't really watching the catalog.

>> No.3838124

I don't really know how it died so fast, I just came back home a hour ago, turned on the PC and it was dead, luckily I can keep an eye on it in the weekend so it's no big deal.

Still, I wonder if it's just /vr/ getting faster or some problem with 4chan as a whole.

>> No.3838134

With Orlouge > Trick > Castle of Needles

>> No.3838139

>So, since the last thread died pretty fast I've gotta ask, is it just /vr/ getting faster and faster or did someone sage the thread?

There are maybe 3 or 4 individuals (and that may be a high estimate) who frequent this general. It's literally an autism circlejerk. I hope you realize you're mostly replying to yourselves. But unlike retro Doom threads, this really does belong in >>>/vg/. /vr/ is a slow board and doesn't need all these generals cluttering up the first page.

>> No.3838170

>There are maybe 3 or 4 individuals
Factually untrue
>It's literally an autism circlejerk.
So, talking about a videogame series on a videogame board is being an autism circlejerk now?
I don't really get why you're comparing us with the Doom threads and this is one of the slowest, if not possibly the slowest general thread on /vr/.

I guess you're just saying you saged the threads because somehow they disturb you, fine by me, but don't play the holier than thou card when there are currently six Final Fantasy threads, two of which are shitposting threads.

>> No.3838362

>sage the thread
Sage lets you post without bumping the thread, that's it. Please don't act like it's some kind of weapon used to cause threads to 404.

>> No.3838392

What he can do is bump old threads and start new ones to push stuff off the board, but he can't actively sage something to death.

>> No.3838543

>I'm the guy who bumped threads to vanish this one, you're all autists

>> No.3838883

I should probably play Frontier

>> No.3839673
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>> No.3840560

It's a bit fucked up in terms of balance, but it's still great, a unique fusion of the GB trilogy setting and the Romancing formula.
>new mainline with humans, espers, mechs and monsters NEVER EVER

>> No.3841003

Not exactly SaGa related but I found an interesting game for PC98 called 幻影都市(Gen'ei Toshi): Illusion City, it also got some various ports for the FM-Towns, MSX OS, X68000 and Sega-CD.

This game is set in a sci-fi city and features a system that is apparently vaguely similar to SaGa, there's no random encounters and characters have weapon proficiency levels, though the system also has character levels.
Seems like a pretty interesting game considering it came out roughly a month before Romancing SaGa and features similar mechanics.

>> No.3841114

sounds almost like a cRPG

>> No.3841973

if you are familiar with toku you can see all kinds of references

>> No.3842695

That's pretty much what it is, it was on basically every japanese computer of the time besides the Sega-CD, which seems to be the worst port of the bunch.

I should set up a PC88-98 emulator one of these days, it's an almost complete foreign land for me, the only games I've played so far were multiplats and Tohou.

>> No.3843893

I want SaGa 2 already.

>> No.3844402

I really hope they do publish it in the west, I really don't understand what they're waiting for, Squenix is an absolute mess of a company.

>> No.3845257

Since Kawazu hinted at a Romancing SaGa 3 remake I wonder if he'll go for the Switch this time, or maybe not considering he's been dissing Nintendo since a long time when it comes to the series.

>> No.3846172

I can dream of a complete collection release.

>> No.3846553
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How do you get the scenario?

>> No.3846842


I think it was get all the classes, talk to someone in Victor's bedroom, then sleep in your bed at the castle and it should start the event.

>> No.3846880

>a remake on an actual console

Square-Enix is just throwing Kawazu a bone for being a salaryman promoted out of the company for such a long time. They're just throwing him and other old-timers a bone with small phone-games like SaGa 2 and Final Fantasy Moebius.

I wouldn't expect too much more outside of portable releases and download games.

>> No.3846934

Is there any movement on the RS SNES translation project? I'm not a fan of phone gameplay.

>> No.3847319

The maze of memories is unlocked by talking to an NPC in South Rongit, I believe it's the blue haired girl in Toba, or the grannie that walks around the Inn, but I might be mistaken.
Viktor's scenario is as>>3846842 says.
Of course not, you truly expect Gideon to get anything done?

>> No.3847327

>Of course not, you truly expect Gideon to get anything done?
Well... Eventually! He gets things done eventually! Welp, guess I should check again in 10 more years.

>> No.3847398

that game probably sucks just as bad as the final fantasy mobile games. Final Fantasy Brave exvius was actually kind of interesting concept wise but it was so damn easy it was just autobattle everything and win so boring.

>> No.3847407

don't worry about it being on a phone its an RPG, I got it on my tablet and it plays fine.

>> No.3847687
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>> No.3847840
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How much of a piece of shit am I if I kill the bosses abusing quicktime?

It's easier than setting up phoenixes and using elixirs

>> No.3848435
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Are you sure?

>> No.3849026

>He gets things done eventually!
Sure, ask /m/ how long they've been waiting for the SRW@ translation, compared to us they've been in hell for almost a decade now.
Fun thing is that in the only thing that can be called "canon" Grey does indeed kill Galahad for the Ice Sword, they've memed him into oblivion in Imperial by having even Hawke steal his Ice Sword and using his 2ch nickname. Being Galahad is suffering.
Don't worry, there's one boss in the remaster that's so cheap quicktime doesn't even work, so if you wanna be truly hardcore you'd better get used to have actual tactics, not like you'd need them for that boss considering how cheap it is anyway, there's not really much space to strategize.
Eventually you'll branch out, it's a pretty cheap spell but it's not really necessary when you have Rapid Stream anyway.

>> No.3849313
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Just found Dantarg, I have some level 50s in weapons, beating him took me to the last emperor straight away... yet he was in his second form

>> No.3850324

poor galahad

>> No.3850510


That reminds me, I remember the official site for the Romancing SaGa 1 soundtrack remaster you had to kill him to access the site proper, poor guy can't catch a break :(

>> No.3851356
File: 475 KB, 442x590, Galahad Pucci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you manage to get so beaten up just by his second form with fucking level 50 proficiencies?
Don't tell me you didn't invest in magic fusion my boi.
Fun thing is he got a huge surge in popularity with his Minstrel Song version, mainly because he's balding so they renamed him to Galahage and his voiced event being pretty cheesy.
If you search for Galahad fanart or memes most of his stuff uses his Minstrel Song version.

>> No.3851678

I didn't, I destroyed the fucker in a turn and half

That's the thing, I don't understand why he wasn't in his third or fourth form

>> No.3852212

Romancing Saga 2 is an amazing game. It's probably one of the best games I've played

>> No.3852231

If you're a high enough level that you can actually use quicktime, then you no longer need it.

I'm really having trouble wrapping my head around how the difficulty curve in SaGa games is supposed to work. Approximately how many battles are you expected to fight throughout the game?

>> No.3852681

>I'm really having trouble wrapping my head around how the difficulty curve in SaGa games is supposed to work. Approximately how many battles are you expected to fight throughout the game?
the amount that it takes to win

>> No.3852791

In mobile you can't avoid shit so I'm guessing a lot

>> No.3852910

RS2 has actual jukes though, it's not like RS1

>> No.3853673

Sorry, I was pretty tired and misread.
Regarding his form triggers, I don't know what to tell you, having four different forms doesn't help. According to the general rule though, he should go into his last form if you leave him as the last hero fight before the final boss, or so I think.
>Approximately how many battles are you expected to fight throughout the game
I don't think any game was designed around a specific number of battles honestly, BR is only a measure to keep the challenge consistent without making it impossible to explore an area whenever it becomes available to you, and also to give you some sort of variety, but it really depends on the game.
The GB trilogy might have a better difficulty curve depending on how you like things, but those games were linear, handling a general difficulty curve in non linear games without interfering with exploration is pretty hard.
As to why Quicktime comes that late in the game when you effectively shouldn't need it, I don't know, maybe it was some kind of stress reliever for people who wanted to breeze through the game after grinding a lot, maybe it was a measure to not make the game too sadistic or maybe it was a simple balance oversight as usual, at least Overdrive in Frontier also had lore reasons to work the way it did.
When you talk about learning or difficulty curves in SaGa you shouldn't see it as a straight line, more like a labyrinth where some paths lead to the exit faster and safer than others, but not necessarily more easily.

>> No.3854674

In sf1, is there some way to remove or replace party members? Like when I want Rouge to rejoin but I have already 15 people.

>> No.3854768

Is there even a questline that has you fill up every slot? I always assumed the only way to do it would be the Debug menu.

>> No.3854772

Happened to me in Red route. When I caused Rouge to join a full party he was simply missing from the formation screen.

>> No.3854985


Almost certain Rouge is the only character you can get to join and leave at will. Only exception I can think of other than plot related ones is Fuse in Blue's story, you can RegionMap out after you start the Shield Card quest and keep him despite not finishing the quest, then make him leave by going back to the quest and purposefully dying.

There's actually a cool trick you can do with both Rouge and Fuse, if you go to the Blade Chamber in Wakatu with Gen having 70WP+ you can get a CometBlade, and if you equip it on Fuse or Rouge and make them leave the party, you can go back and get another, up to 9 total if you really felt like it for some reason.


Fairly sure you can fill out all the slots in every scenario, most characters have 20+ possible recruits IIRC, I think Riki has the least and can still recruit 16 or 17 characters.

>> No.3855315

Aren't there circumstances where adding a new party member will bump someone off your list?

I think Slime even does that, horrifyingly enough

>> No.3855426


I can't remember how that handled that actually, I know there's a point in Asellus' quest where that could be a problem, but they might have made it so you couldn't get enough characters by that point to work around it.

In Slime's case though I'm almost positive only the opposite can happen, where you already have 15 characters and there's no room for him to join, so he technically joins your party but you can't actually use him.

>> No.3855787

All of them, you only have 15 slots and the cast is huge.
Slime doesn't bump anyone off of your list, on the contrary, most people suggest you to go to Tanzer as late as possible so you can build your teams without having to deal with Slime forcing itself into your party.

>> No.3855889
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>tfw I like using slime and skip Fei-on instead

>> No.3855910


I think I've only used Slime like 3 times throughout all my playthroughs.

One of those was an all Monster party on Riki's story, I'm never doing that again.

>> No.3855945

Monsters are fucking ass the second Ground Hit falls off because there are no good high tier monster skills, really, and then you get cancered to death by Magma Slimes anyways.

>> No.3855975

>lots of monster forms have shields to block magmaslimes, like Durahan

MightyCyclone is stronger than TigerRampage and GriffithScratch btw

>> No.3855981

also Stampede, Trample, MinionStrike, MagicHeal, LifeRain

basically monsters are great and you need to git gud

>> No.3855995


Pretty much, they can be amazing early game if you know how to get good forms, like absorbing SphinxRiddle early on with Cotton in Red's story for example. They can also be pretty good healers with MagicHeal and LifeRain, but in terms of damage they're never gonna be as good as any of the other races.

Honestly, the game's easy enough that it doesn't really matter much what team you use, so I just like to have fun and try to do different builds or challenge runs each time I play.

>> No.3856059

>in terms of damage they're never gonna be as good as any of the other races.
They're better than mystics. Mecs are only better because of Mastery programs.

Mystics can use MegaWindBlast actually, but that's the only thing they hold over monsters.

Monsters also grow faster than every other character, so they'll be at the front with your Mecs until Humans catch up, and Mystics are only useful because they tend to be stronger at the start, but are quickly overtaken by the other options.

>> No.3856087


Huh, I thought it was:

Humans (with DSC)
Humans (without DSC)

For sheer damage potential anyway, it's been a few years since my last playthrough though so I'm most likely wrong.

>> No.3856201

Fuck it - is it worth it emulating Romancing SaGa 2 phone-remake on the computer? Does it play okay this way?

Too lazy to fucking play it on a goddamn phone.

>> No.3856309

To move you have to slide your finger towards the direction you want to move, and hold the D button that appears to the screen to switch from walking to running/viceversa

I don't know how an emulator would handle this

>> No.3856320

Yeah exactly. I'm wondering if a PC emulator could somehow prescribe these actions to buttons.

How am I supposed to avoid enemies with an interface like this? In the first Romancing Saga it became a lot easier dodging enemies after I learned how to fake out enemies. Dunno how I can do that well with a touch-interface

>> No.3856434

I can tell you off-hand (assuming no overdrive/dsc/alkaiser or assellus or whatever):

Mecs: 6000~ with TigerRampage/PluralSlash, maxed stats and combat mastery or a oneshot with magnify+shooting mastery that can do over 8000~
Humans: with realistic peak stats, around 7000~ or 8000~ using a TwoGun double LightRifle BoundShot, around 5000~ with LifeSprinkler/SkyTwister, maybe 6000~ with LightSword and SoulRune or Awakening type boosts
Monsters: 3000~ with MightyCyclone
Mystics: 2500~ with TigerRampage (CombatMastery doubles this damage and Mecs have more perfect offensive stats) or GriffithScratch, and 3500~ with MegaWindBlast, but only with MegaWindBlast, which is less combo-able than MightyCyclone

It's worth noting that Humans have better peak potential as mages than mystics do anyway.

So Mystics and Monsters are both overshadowed in damage, but they progress at different rates and unless you have Blue or Red, you need them if you want to use LifeRain, and you need them regardless for MagicHeal.

Mystics are strongest right at the start, they're the strongest with a small amount of effort, they get outpaced by Monsters with a medium amount of effort, they both get outpaced by humans by the end of the game, and Mecs are just always the strongest as long as you have the equipment and can access the right programs, which means being able to fight BirdMecs or higher somewhere.

Where mystics really shine is being able to fulfill the complete support role by being able to cast both spells like MirrorShade and ShieldCard or whatever, as well as using MagicHeal/LifeRain, but defensively and offensively they have the lowest set of values.

>> No.3856663

I set it up in bluestacks with my DS4 using joytokey, worked reasonably well.

>> No.3856681

what is this

>> No.3856962


Ah, I couldn't remember any exact numbers but those were close to what I was thinking, didn't remember BoundShot being able to do so much damage, I thought it was around the same damage as LifeSprinkler with endgame stats.


This is what I did as well, wasn't ideal but it certainly worked well enough to play through it.

>> No.3857756

Slime's too much work for me, the other monsters are just better
>and then you get cancered to death by Magma Slimes anyways.
That was really a dick move even for Kawazu's standard.
>Hey, let's make a fight where any attack from this tanky monsters drains your LP directly
>And let's make them respawn a lot
>In the storyline with the emphasized race that gets fuckall for LPs
Mosperiburg sure was a wild ride.

>> No.3857808
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How many copies of RS2 iOS do I need to purchase for this baby to be translated?

I keep hearing that it's amazing.

>> No.3858815

buy all of them

>> No.3859132

Any of you folk know Moon and played FFL/Makai Toushi SaGa in it?

I'm wondering what word the original langauge used instead of "Paradise" and if it carries the same connotations.

>> No.3860017
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Just pray Kawazu can make it happen.
>I keep hearing that it's amazing.
Yeah, it's pretty great if you're a fan of the series, lots of mix ups to the common rules and references to old stuff from Frontier and the Romancing trilogy, new mechanics, a great new route system, many secrets and a fuckhuge cast, most of the japanese fan agree that it's very addicting, I was reading through various twitter accounts of doujinka or fans of the series and they were all really happy, one in particular made me smile because he wasn't really convinced in the beginning, then one week after the game was out he wrote that he really should have played more FFXV and Persona 5, but Scarlet Grace was just too fun so eh, they'll have to wait.
Haven't played it in JP yet because I dread the kana only text.

>> No.3860956


I never thought Engrish would make me feel depressed.

>> No.3862180

Can the Android version of RS2 only be launched with an Internet connection?

>> No.3862515

I don't know about the official version but I can play the pirated version just fine with no internet.

>> No.3862612

Can you move your saves from RS2 around to another phone or something?

I kind of want to actually buy the game despite being a minimum wage thirdworlder, but don't want to lose my saves

>> No.3862718

how are you certain that you're going to change phones? what is your process of getting/changing phones friend?

>> No.3862749

Well I don't know if I'm changing phones but it's likely

I just want to know if there's any way to buy the game and keep my saves

>> No.3862872

There's Google cloud or something, you can move the saves anywhere, even to bluestacks

>> No.3862886

>or something

>> No.3864067

Honestly, I don't like RCB's singers, they make great arrangements but the lyrics are too cheesy and they're not really good singers.
And Ito's music only sounds well with scat singing unless he specifically writes a piece with vocals in mind.

>> No.3864771

you mean like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EugQfuu1Y6Q

>> No.3864856

Hi guys,

(inb4: "Just play the game yourself you crybaby", I got reasons for wanting to know whether starting a game will be a waste of time for me or not)

Came to this thread and read through the FAQ after seeing a screenshot from SaGa Frontier 2 and I have a few more questions for you (since the FAQ is more on "general SaGa" and not "about SaGa Frontier 2") before I commit to finishing it, or not because you nice folks will have warned me it's just not the kind of game I'll enjoy. Also, I give some of my preferences but none of this is set in stone depending on what you'll tell me about it =)

So with this in mind, regarding to SF2:
- story presence? (I want a story, I love stories, gimme my drug)
- game finishable 100% in one playthrough? (I need stories but not enough to play the same game twice in a row to further my autism)
- linearity? (I like being able to go to the side but I hope I'll always be back on rails at some point and not end up on a spaceship fighting communist nazi mutants just because I answered a question wrong)

Should be all, but I'm taking all the input I can before making a choice for my next adventure =)

Also, I discarded the first SaGa Frontier because as far as I've read, it's just 8 disjointed scenarios and I'm not a fan of this, but if you can educate me on that, I'll take it too :)

Thank you, kind SaGa folks \o/

>> No.3864862

play SaGa Frontier 2 with a chronological scenario list

I could answer your questions individually but that is the conclusion we will reach anyway, and having expectations about the game won't improve your experience or anything.

>> No.3864885
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>SaGa Frontier 2 soundtracks

>> No.3866070

SaGa Frontier 2 is more story focused than the average SaGa, but keep in mind that the series never, ever focuses on story.
If you need to, get a spoilerless guide somewhere and play the game in strict chronological order, as the game's narrative is kind of like a historical chronicle of an era saw through the eyes of some key people. As for the actual content and character, you'll see for yourself.

SaGa Frontier has also a pretty nice story if you're into sci-fi, it requires more attention that SaGa Frontier 2 to follow though as the narrative is much more disjointed and seemingly chaotic, it's very good though, you'll miss out on one of the most unique scenarios in videogames if you don't play it.

Also, SaGa's narrative is very direct and dry, you know how all other games often like to do the usual cuts to other characters or antagonists as in "Meanwhile, in the bad guys' base..."? To this day it has been done ONCE, in the entire series, same with most other narrative gimmicks. Just don't expect to get explanations, you're supposed to make sense of things for yourself, if you like that, you'll like SaGa's stories.
Is that a clever way to say it is very german?

>> No.3866419

I've played the MSX2+ version. The city is post-apocalyptic Hong Kong, and there are random encounters (you can see enemy sprites moving on the map, but you won't know what encounter it is until combat starts). A certain amount of XP yields a character level, and stat progressions are based on level and class, not on what your character does. Weapons are trained in a manner similar to SaGa (or more specifically like in FF2), but weapon types are limited by the character's class (which is predefined). Over all, I don't find it to be much like a SaGa game.

That said, Illusion City is a great game. It's too bad that there is no full English translation; the story is good, the animation and music are spectacular, and the setting is very atmospheric.

>> No.3867071

>I've played the MSX2+ version.
How was it? There's so many ports I really don't know which one is the best, aside from the Mega CD one which looks the worst by far.

>> No.3867485

I only played 4 disks into the 5 translated disks, but it was very enjoyable. The animation is extremely detailed and gives a very cinematic quality to the game, especially as it is the sprites and environments that are animated (not cutscenes).

As you progress through the plot, more of the game becomes open. The minor NPCs in each area have a lot going on in their dialog, lots of atmosphere and it changes in every area as the plot advances.

The central cast is pretty enjoyable too, and the combat system is alright - not very fancy or deep, but not tedious and with a good variety of spells.

Oh yeah, then there is the music:

>> No.3867891

Sounds good, guess I'll try the MSx2+ version then, thanks for the feedback.

>> No.3868779

Thank you anons!

>> No.3869869

So, Kawazu seems busy snooping around for the Romancing SaGa theatre plays, wonder if he's doing some work behind the scenes like talking with the actors or giving directions.

On a side note, the cheeky bastard revealed that Taria and Seima's names are anagrams of the town of Arita, in the Saga prefecture, and the german town of Meissen(マイセン-Maisen in japanese), both famous for their porcelain productions.

Now, I've done some research because I didn't know anything about either Arita or Meissen porcelain, in Scarlet Grace, Taria is a master potter and she is Seima's teacher, Meissen's potters at some point explicitly drew inspiration from Arita's traditional vases and tea wares.
You wanna get even more meta? Well, Kawazu studied ceramics at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Good thing a girl had a hunch and asked away.

>> No.3871583
File: 50 KB, 480x480, DDO Rocbouquet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Monster Hunter Frontier did have a Romancing SaGa collaboration in the end, you could get Claudia's Minstrel Song costume, Rocbouquet's costume, Mirza's sword and the Ice Sword.
Apparently, Dragon's Dogma Online had a similar collaboration for the Romancing SaGa 2 remaster.

I can see why Imperial SaGa would get a Monster Hunter collaboration, but DDO getting a SaGa one is pretty funny, wonder if someone at Capcom likes SaGa.

>> No.3873056

it's likeable after all

>> No.3874576
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After more or less two decades I witnessed Multiway in SaGa Frontier 2 for the first time, and it wasn't a youtube video.
I feel conflicting emotions.

>> No.3875608

>Play Saga Frontier 2 when it comes out
>weird balloon animal shape sprites
>fanciful medieval RPG setting
>not neat modern mixed setting
>no mechs, mystics or monsters
>Just barely get to the end of the game
>Last Boss has stonewalled me and I can't possibly progress
>Also have a save where I've locked Young Gustave, solo, in Laubholz Tower

>just replayed it a couple of years ago
>steamroll everything
>still somehow missed the Cielmer episode
>still perplexed by my guide saying Gustaf will help in South Moundwhatever battle
>still wondering why my guide says Gustave has an endless battle at that one fort

One day I dream of having a 99Fist attribute and using that one 99 power move

>> No.3875950

If you read the Ultimania story; a Bard's Tale, Galahad even calls Gray out on him being killed for the ice sword by simply saying: "You should have just asked" during the whole Obsidian Sword segment of the story (Galahad is revived from the underworld). Also in that part Spite is cleaved in half by Freilei.

>> No.3876000
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Think aabeta has a chance of ever being english?

>> No.3876563

Yeah, that's what I was referring to.
Doubt it, further fiddling with a romhack is delicate business.

>> No.3876646
File: 20 KB, 250x136, 250px-Rmns3box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want to replay Romacing Saga 3, what is some fun stuff to do on a second playthrough?

>> No.3877974

Depends on how you want to play it, you can abuse some pretty cool glitches if you want to, like having any character as the MC, cloning party members and such.
Otherwise you can just do specific challenge runs, create parties based on themes e.g. Zo/Boston/Yousei/Yukidaruma+MC

>> No.3878016

Is there any SaGa fansite with info on all the games, characters, and plot?
It's okay if it's in japanese.

>> No.3878659

>Is there any SaGa fansite with info on all the games, characters, and plot?
Nope. Neither west or east has something like that so far, I'm also pretty damn sure nobody's keeping records of either Emperors and Imperial's plotlines and characters either, best you can get is trying to look for bits and pieces around JP blogs or oldass forum archives.

There are a few sites with a decent amount of general info, pixiv is surprisingly one of those, but there's no thing as a comprehensive database of the series.
>inb4 SaGa Wikia
Forget about that burning wreckage of a site, it's humongously inaccurate and incomplete.

>> No.3880797
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This is pretty cute.

>> No.3880969

Can you tell me more about this "having any character as the MC" glitch? Looks cool.

Also is a full magic team run any fun? I'd like to try it but it seems magic oriented characters join so late.

>> No.3881619

I still don't understand why anyone would want any MC other than lesbian Katrina

>> No.3882376

Being that Dragon's Dogma is pretty much Greyhawk with Tome of Battle classes, Berserk references, and the SaGa collab, I think we can simply say that the DD devs have patrician tastes

>> No.3882804

It's a glitch that overwrites the character in your first slot with a character in the second slot.
To activate the glitch you need to LP kill all characters in the party at the same time during an event that doesn't result in a game over, the fastest and most practical way to do this is fighting Arakes in Pidona at low levels and reload the fight until he LP kills you with an attack like Blade Roll.
After you lose the fight you'll be teleported outside with your MC being overwritten by your character in the second slot, keep in mind that this will cause other effects, namely having stat bonuses reapplied to the character that takes the MC's place and the character's BGM in cities changes to another track depending on which character you're using, both these effects are seemingly randomized to an extent, you can also use this glitch more than once as long as you have access to one of the four noble demons' first battles, but again, Arakes is the fastest and most practical of the bunch.
One more thing, the character in the second slot inherits the name of the MC, so if you want to roleplay you better change the MC's name to the character's name you want to use as MC, some people think that names also affect the aforementioned side effects but I don't know if there's any proof of that, keep in mind that you can't play as Katarina with this glitch due to how the game is inherently made.
>Also is a full magic team run any fun?
I'd like to say it is but it's mostly tedious, you can do a Master Magician Thomas run with Undine, Fullbright, Bai Mei Nyan and Yan-Fan or whoever else you want but even though it is challenging most of the game will consist of frantically casting defensive buffs/cures and then spamming Super Gravity on everything as soon as you get it, Thomas can do some high damage even with fairly standard spells though, chances are he can consistently wipe most mooks with basic all target spells too.

>> No.3884108

That's a curious one.

>> No.3885093

The funny thing is that characters can effectively be cloned with this glitch, an anon here had three Sharls in his party by abusing this glitch over and over.
If you want "legit" shenanigans it's a pretty fun trick, wonder what exactly causes this glitch though, I guess it's some oversights in flags like the Dream Gem trick for Muse's dream world.

>> No.3886352

It'd be interesting to see just how spaghetti the source code is.

>> No.3887131

Afaik It's seemingly pretty simple and functional, I guess that's also why the romhack scene has been so active and developed so many tools and mods for it, by now I lost count of just how many quests, characters, monster and all the other stuff they crammed into the game, and there's also all those new animations.

>> No.3888141

RS2 is the one that's made of spaghetti. The reason it's never been translation hacked is that no one bothered to figure out how.

>> No.3888416


>> No.3888518

I'm a bit less interested in this one after I've played all the Japanese hacks that add in some much stuff to the game.

>> No.3889287

My expectation is completely nonexistent. Like, I'm ready for FF5/6 "remaster" level.

>> No.3889318

Well, now that 3 is officially out of the way you guys know what's next in the remake list, Fuse's route is getting more and more real.
That's a good point, if it doesn't offer anything but new graphics and bugfixes it won't be as interesting as playing the original with hacks for some people, I wonder if someone will bother cracking this version and slowly add all the stuff from Bokuno/Aabeta in it.
Since the article says that everything will be remade in terms of graphics I guess maybe they'll recycle the Imperial SaGa sprites, with some better ones for the monsters hopefully, if that's the case modders can go wild since the Imperial's character spritesheets are all in the famitsu wiki, putting characters from other series would be twice as fast as making them from scratch, if that will be the case obviously, I guess they're outsourcing the development to Artepiazza like the previous game so it's also possible they'll come up with their own assetts.

It's good news anyway, been a while since we were getting anything SaGa related at such pace, in roughly three years we got a web browser game, a mainline title and two remasters, let's hope they keep the pace and go back to the 90's rhythm, SaGa's been way too neglected, here's hoping they give some other series a bit of love too.

>> No.3889381

Very unlikely, considering how well Final Fantasy Record Keeper's graphics were received and how the iOS ports of 5 and 6 got mocked relentlessly. Though RS2 got a graphical update, they were consistent in quality and faithful to the original source. The graphics easily exceeded RS3 but without going too far beyond the bounds of what you would expect from a 16 bit RPG.

As much as I enjoy RS2, its serious lack of direction and nonlinearity puts off a lot of people. RS3 is far more grounded and having it in English would make me a very happy man.

>> No.3889425
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yay, another game we won't get on vita.

>> No.3889696

SaGa Frontier: ReLoaded on PS4 pls

>> No.3889709

t. retard who didn't play the RS2 remaster

>> No.3890032

Phillip @EeepersChoice

@SaGa25kawazu Sorry for bothering you with this but is there any update on the English PS Vita version of SaGa 2? Thank you.

河津秋敏 @SaGa25kawazu

We could announce about RS2 after May 7th.We will concentrate on RS3, for supporting "Romacing SAGA the Stage:Fire on Rhoane"

>> No.3890083

>We could announce about RS2 after May 7th
I bet they won't.

>> No.3890143

Anyone who is still waiting for it is a fool. Get yourself a cheap tablet, hook your PS3 controller to it and play it like that. Stop being a baby about baaaaw androids phone cancer and the such.

>> No.3890342

I've been thinking about squeezing in RS2 before Persona 5 comes out. Is a week enough time to give it a solid playthrough (lots of free time) or should I just put it off until later?

>> No.3890789

possibly but maybe later?

>> No.3891046

I was excited about Persona 5 until I saw the anime and then I was not excited anymore

>> No.3891227

Give the old man a chance, dude.
A week should be more than enough for a single playthrough if you don't fuck up things too much, just remember to level up your magic and develop fusion spells and you'll be fine, if you feel you're stuck somewhere just ask and people here will help you out.

>> No.3891376

Any fusion magic is actually important besides Elixer and, I dunno, Solar wind?

The actual best spells are the top fire, water and light (my harpy girl does 4500 with this, not even level 40)

>> No.3891886

>Any fusion magic is actually important besides Elixer and, I dunno, Solar wind?
Wall Of Fire.

I think that's it.

>> No.3892182

this is me with all these SaGa phone games

I have 8 hours to kill every night

>> No.3892189

>Have beaten every scenario of SaGa Frontier
>Never beaten them all together on the same savedata

One day maybe?

>> No.3893208

Elixir and Wall of Fire are the must have spells, maybe you can pass on Wall of Fire but Elixir is vital.

Saint Fire is extremely convenient for undeads, it's more or less a cheap Exorcism that targets on a horizontal layout and runs on your magic stat.
Wraith Form is an overlooked spell that is almost as broken as Quicktime if not more depending on the boss, but it requires you to take the dark magic route in the Komulune's questline, which means losing on a recruitable class of characters.

There's some other situational spells like Heat Hand which can be neat to have but aren't really necessary, however, mages are easily the hardest hitters in the game if you get a certain staff later in the game, so if you wanna have an easy time with the game getting spells in general is a good idea, Stone Rain, Galaxy, Crimson Flare, Diamond Shield, Missile Guard and so on are all must have.

>> No.3895113

So, from 1 to 10, how likely is it that we get Tatyana's cut quest in the Romancing SaGa 3 remaster?

>> No.3896009


>> No.3896203

>A week should be more than enough for a single playthrough if you don't fuck up things too much
I guess I'll give it a shot. Guess I better get to work.

>> No.3897194
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So much for April Fool's jokes.
They even changed the homepage layout with SaGa 1 graphics, apparently the joke kind of backfired since people really want classic SaGa reps in the game.

>> No.3897220

This looks great

>> No.3897246

I guess that eventually they'll put some kind of classic SaGa event quest, the Imperial team is actually pretty on touch with the userbase, which is nice.
Then again, it was kind of an ambiguous tweet to begin with so maybe it's just half of a joke and they'll start including characters from the classic trilogy soon, but who knows.

On other news, Kawazu said he met with Itoken regarding Scarlet Grace's OST but details on the meeting are a secret, that probably means there's a new Re:BIRTH album in the works that will also include some Scarlet Grace songs, here's hoping we finally get an arrangement of T260G's Final Battle theme.

>> No.3897307

How is Rudra no Hihou? Is it anything like SaGa? I'd like to give it a blind playthrough and try to figure out the mantras and stuff on my own.

>> No.3897325

Not really, it's nowhere near as open-ended but the multi-scenarioness makes it similar to a degree

>> No.3898494

neat though

>> No.3899592

>How is Rudra no Hihou?
A bit too easy and formulaic, but it has top tier graphics and very good music, the kotodama, or mantra, system is also pretty dope, albeit terribly abusable.
>Is it anything like SaGa?
The only thing in common with SaGa aside of having Ryuji Sasai as composer is that you have multiple MCs with their own storylines, although unlike SaGa all the MCs get together for a final segment of the story, it's also pretty plot heavy and the writing can be absolutely terrible at times, most of the time actually.
The game system also lets you swap freely between MCs at any point of the game, on NG+ you unlock a fourth MC too, which is neat, but all the stories are pretty linear.

Mind you, it has quite a lot of problems and you shouldn't expect a SaGa game in any form or shape just because Kawazu produced it, outside of the novelty of the kotodama system the game is really shallow and overly breakable, it's not a bad game, but it's really nothing memorable except for the incredible graphics which put all other RPGs on the SNES to utter shame, though maybe Treasure Hunter G can kind of compete.

>> No.3899696

What game should I start with lads?
I'm pretty ok with theorycrafting and I'm good with my moonrunes.
I know the pastebin recommends frontier/gb trilogy/romancing 3 but I'd like a bit more insight into the matter. Why should I go with x?

>> No.3900128

>gb trilogy
I don't think anyone recommends the 3rd GB SaGa game, which does actually feel more like a Final Fantasy game so this is the one time trying to slam the FF brand name kinda worked out. The DS Remake of 3 is more like a SaGa game though.

Those are generally the recommendations because they're in English and considered more representative of the series compared to something like Unlimited or SaGa Frontier 2. I would also add PS2's Romancing SaGa to the list.

GB and SaGa Frontier (only 1, not 2) - Science Fantasy. Interesting race mechanics (Human, Esper/Mystic, Mecha, Monster) where each race has its own growth mechanics such as Mecha only gaining stats based on equipment they wear and Monster eating meat to mutate to different forms.

Romancing series - Standard fantasy. Only humans, usually class-based or something resembling that.

>> No.3900607

I'll probably go with Saga Frontier then, thanks, especially since I'm interested in Asellus's story.

>> No.3901694
File: 73 KB, 599x676, Asellus Sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Romancing series - Standard fantasy. Only human
That's not really true, even Romancing SaGa had Guella Ha, Romancing SaGa 2 has the Iris tribe, molemen and so on and 3 has Yukidaruma, Zo, Yousei and fucking Boston, all of which have their own gimmicks that are unique to them.
Make sure you play them in runes since you can, the localizations have always been pretty terrible, except Frontier 2 which is the one that is actually not that bad aside from changing some names.
Asellus' story is universally liked, she's basically Frontier's postergirl and one of the most popular characters in the whole series, possibly the most popular female character altogether.

>> No.3902274

Looks like Kawazu didn't forget FFII

>> No.3903075 [SPOILER] 
File: 352 KB, 429x600, 1491287217895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have chosen wisely.

>> No.3904227
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Don't sexualize Red's oneesan.

>> No.3905024 [SPOILER] 
File: 335 KB, 559x596, 1491365376753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can sexualize someone who's already a sexual predator

>> No.3905674

how could you

>> No.3905724

There's nothing wrong with wanting 200 princesses.

>> No.3905948

but does she have 200 erections to share with all of them?

>> No.3905975

I'm sure she can devour a monster for a tentacle attack

>> No.3906080

Actually I believe the cut content with Dr Nusakan has her asking him if she's gonna grow a penis, and his answer being
>When you need to have a one, then you'll have one.

>> No.3906451

Cut it out man, you give people wrong ideas.

>> No.3907232
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It's been years since it felt so satisfying to beat a videogame

Tomorrow I'm gearing up on hydra suits and tackling the Dread Queen

>> No.3907236

What was changed in the localization? It's not like SaGa Frontier has a ton of dialogue to mess up.

>> No.3907243

>wrong ideas.
there's only one saga frontier doujin on sadpanda anon

>> No.3907432
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That made me remember this.

>> No.3907783

I got teary eyes when the three emperors apeared at the ending

>> No.3907812

It's far more obvious that Asellus is a lesbian for starters.

>> No.3907995


I'm curious what they changed about it, even in the translation Zozma straight up says it, and pretty much tells her to come out the closet.

>> No.3908097

Congratulations, how did you like the game?
Many items got translated wrong, like the Aguni guns which should have been Agony or the Silver Moon, which should have been Gekkavijin, some of those also contain cryptoreferences, the Lethal Gun for instance is called Lethal Dragoon in japanese, which is possibly a reference to Captain Harlock's Cosmo Dragoon(which is itself another reference to a famous old west revolver type), two guns had their names swapped too iirc, Snake Oil is a completely made up name, the enemy called Mystic(Blonde guy with a sword and cape) is actually called Einherjahr and isn't a Mystic, and the Mystic themselves are called Youma anyway, which should have been translated better to begin with.
Then there's some characters like Coon who got their names changed, Emilia became Emelia for some reason, Vardjouel got called Virgil etc., some region names have been translated wrong, Mosperiburg for instance is actually called Muspelnibur as a reference to Muspelnir from the Norse mythos, Wakatu is called Wakatsu and so on.
Entire parts of dialogues have been omitted too, like Fuse's more "sleazy" or rude ones during Red's quest, the dialogue in general has been flattened a lot, Gen's slur when he drinks too much in the Scrap's bar disappeared, the difference in register between Red and Blue, who respectively use a more formal and rude register, got lost in translation, same with King Sei, Rei-hime, Leonard and really 90% of the characters.
There's also some minor things which aren't really the localizers' fault this time, like the naming convention of Orlouge's princesses, which are all wordplays meant to give the princesses a name that is also a number, Rei(which also means 0 in japanese) for instance is the first princess but since she was also the one who escaped she got her name as a reference for that, White rose/Shirobara(with -Shi- and -Ro-ku) is Orlouge's 46th princess.

>> No.3908105

Some characters also got censored at times, like Gen's swearing against Mondo during Lute's story, generally, many characters got flattened in terms of personality and some parts of the dialogues are a bit unclear compared to japanese, like the battle with Shuzer where Okonogi's brain talks through him, though I guess it isn't strictly the localizer's fault this time.
Like most localizations, SaGa Frontier is pretty terrible, so far the only games in the series that didn't get too butchered are Frontier 2 and to an extent Minstrel Song, I guess you can also include The Last Remnant, which has a seemingly okay translation for what little I've checked.
Actually, Frontier 2 is probably one of the "better" titles I've seen in terms of localization, it still has some errors like names being changed and some dialogues which could have been worded better, but it's okay as far as localizations go, for I was pleasantly surprised to see that Gustave's chapter with the Blacksmith in Jade is very similar to the JP original, with the Blacksmith's own accent being translated fairly well, there's still the intrinsical problem of general spelling and pronounciation which again, is clearer in japanese due to how the language works, in english you'd think that Jade is pronounced like the english word for the mineral, but the pronounciation is actually the german one, so instead of [dʒeid] it's[ˈjaːdə], same with Quell, which is the german word for "source", it's isn't [kwɛl] but [kvɛl].
>It's far more obvious that Asellus is a lesbian for starters.
I wouldn't say that's the case, Asellus doesn't start going bi until the middle of her quest and it's not really that different from the ENG script, Gina is another story though, it's pretty clear she refers to Asellus in a romantic way from the beginning, the localization doesn't make it so evident.

>> No.3908181

It's an amazing game, expected it to be good but not THAT good

The feeling of having several generations through time and making different parties with other members and formations, which achieved different things, beat different bosses through those centuries, made me enjoy it immensely.

I'm very fond of certain generations I had, like the first one after Gerard with Orion as a lead, another with Magellan, even some characters and their roles in said parties, like the Iris I had at the end being immensely strong, the Imperial Guard I had with a Ranger emperor saving my shit with her spear sparks, a Tactician with very low LP that left me playing defensively with an otherwise overpowered party, the challenges were all over the place

I feel I could replay it many many times, no need for NG+

Wish the world was bigger though, and that there was more interaction between the heroes and the world besides their own land

>> No.3908190

Also another thing I found interesting was that once I could roam the world I started travelling like mad, to end up finding not-Japan and fighting Wagnas as my first seven heroes battle. Never thought I could actually beat the 'leader' as the first, I almost shit my pants when I was wandering around the castle and he dropped to meet me. After getting rekt and some thinking I re-tried with self-immolation and beat his shit. It was so fun.

>> No.3908301


I played through it for the first time recently, I didn't even find Wagnas until I'd already beat 3 or 4 heroes, it's interesting hearing about hearing about other people's playthrough since everyone did things differently.

>> No.3908327

I assume that they changed Coon because someone in the team got offended.

>> No.3909703

Good to hear, I too got attached to certain generations or characters like Crow, Karl or Judy, it seems a bit weird to develop some feeling for generics, but the game just has a certain atmosphere and charm to it so that you really get attached to whoever you get to play as, the sense of adventure that this game has is still second to none in the series for me.
>Wish the world was bigger though, and that there was more interaction between the heroes and the world besides their own land
Agreed, it's a pretty old game though, it's still impressive they came up with something like this for the time and platform it was on.
Maybe one day it will get a Minstrel Song like remake.
>Never thought I could actually beat the 'leader' as the first
The game is extremely freeform and lets you do some incredible sequence breaking if you want to and know how, there's a lot of events with many variations too which help keep the game very fresh on multiple playthroughs, Cumberland comes to mind, the freedom in exploration is crazy, as soon as you enter Gerald's scenario you can virtually go anywhere as long as you know which path leads to which region and where are the gateways to other regions.
It really is, my first hero fight was Rocbouquet's battle in the tower in Eilunep, little did I know that you could skip her fight and do another in the ruins in the jungle.
Yeah, Coon is an understandable change given the target language, all the others aren't though.

>> No.3910847

Not even a big deal to be honest, Riki's another animal name reference anyway.

>> No.3910902

I thought it was a reference to Riki-Oh

>> No.3911791

Translation: So, I got this thing. Is it okay to eat it? I'm worried.

>I thought it was a reference to Riki-Oh
But the one who ended up in a prison wasn't Coon/Riki.

>> No.3911836

>But the one who ended up in a prison wasn't Coon/Riki.
the correct way to overthink this joke is to imagine Riki exploding someone's head with ElfShot

>> No.3913086

Now that I think about it somebody should make a parody of a super violent Riki in Despair.

>> No.3913903
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Man, the japs really won't let Romancing SaGa 3 go.

>> No.3914551

What is this?

>> No.3915868
File: 68 KB, 503x600, 4299279i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a NicoNico fanart I found while browsing in JP blogs regarding SaGa stuff, it's Kawazu and Itoken VS Firebringer, if the one who did this still has the assets maybe someone will put it in a patch for Bokuno or AAbeta.

In japan Kawazu and Itoken seem to have become a duo for comedic sketches, pic related is how Itoken came up with the Sewers BGM for Minstrel Song, which has achieved cult status in japan due to how out of place it sounds. Then again, with the late revival of the series japs are going crazy with memes.

>> No.3917056

Why is the victory rune dragon so unbelievably loud when he wakes up? Loudest sound in the game I think.

>> No.3917243


>During the interview, series creator Akitoshi Kawazu explained that for Romancing SaGa 2’s remaster, they had the mobile phone version (from 2011) so they were able to work off that. However, for Romancing SaGa 3 they’re working on it from scratch, so it’ll take a little longer.

>“Completely reproducing Romancing SaGa 3 is a given, but I’m thinking about adding some kind of new element to it,” said Ichikawa. “And when I hear about Romancing SaGa 3 from Kawazu-san, we’re talking new settings, episodes, and all kinds of stuff, so I begin seeing things in a completely different perspective.”

>He continued, “For example, when I learn about a ‘character who suffered some kind of tragic fate, yet they continue fighting to save the world’ it really makes me want to express that part to all the fans.”

>> No.3917265


>> No.3917426

>writing can be absolutely terrible at times, most of the time actually

Seconding this. Had no clue what the hell was going on in that game - it felt like they were making shit up as they went along, very similar to FFLegend 3's story (which was by the same team, so go figure). There was also almost no character development. For a game with so many cutscenes, its story said very little.

>> No.3917563
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>We will make western version RS3. It will be after the Japanese version. But, at first, RS2 Vita for West.

>> No.3917731
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>> No.3918276

Bad sound direction, especially since all the various SFX are at a much higher volume than the BGM.
>Loudest sound in the game I think.
It's up there, yes.
Don't ever listen to Genocide Heart's spawn SFX at max volume though, it's ear piercing, I remember playing Frontier on my PSP at +2 custom volume and it really hurt my ears, wasn't even at maxed volume but it's so loud and acute it's pretty painful.

Many SaGa games suffer from this issue.
Ichikawa has been working with Kawazu for a while by now and also helped out during the SaGa Festivals for the 25th anniversary, I trust him, he also seems to genuinely believe in the series' potential so all the better for us that he's promoting it.
Good to see Kawazu confirming the localization of 3 too, let's hope he can still make the vita ports happen too.
>it felt like they were making shit up as they went along
Yep, pretty much.
Moreover the characterization is all over the place, especially for Surlent, AKA the guy who's supposed to be one of the best wizards in the whole world and gets fucked for literally all of his story by being more stupid and somehow more dense than the little kid in his own party, and said kid even had the amnesia meme.

>> No.3919021

It won't make the fan translation disappear so I'm all for it.

>> No.3919613

I'm pretty sure I read an anecdote about that once where it was just one guy who did it intentionally and it was the loudest sound he could make the console produce.

Sort of like that one opening screen of Earthbound that I really like.

>> No.3919958

Really? That's interesting.
If you ever find it post a link, I love those little stories behind game quirks.

>> No.3921125


>> No.3921639

So, realistically or unrealistically speaking, what do you guys expect from the upcoming remaster in terms of new content?

>> No.3921683

Realistically: 2 new characters a new dungeon and 1 new boss

unrealistically: a whole new post game storyline

>> No.3921832

You guys think we'll ever get Scarlet Grace?

>> No.3921917

Seeing how long it is taking to get Romancing SaGa 2 on the Vita, no.

>> No.3922216

Tatayna (sp) plotline being resolved.

>> No.3922406

I hope the game does something about the characters (unless it's just the poet and the little girl?) that force their way into your team and refuse to leave. That drove me nuts.

>> No.3922434

Realistically: another character, a bonus dungeon, tatiana's quest finished.
Unrealistically: an english translation within the next decade

>> No.3922468

I honestly hope they maintain the same behavior for Tatyana and the Mayor

>> No.3922814
File: 10 KB, 256x224, Romancing SaGa (J) (V1.1).006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking game

>> No.3923312
File: 682 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-04-14-12-47-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat her. I don't think it would've been possible without the intanglio ring and an hydra suit I had

What's the item for?

>> No.3923339


Pretty sure it does absolutely nothing, it's just proof that you beat it.

>> No.3923853

I've been thinking more or less the same.
Considering the game and what the mobile games added, the most likely candidates are the Professor and Volcano, which would make sense, getting the Professor after clearing the Nacht Sieger event and having the option to choose Volcano if you side with him or after betraying both him and Undine.
There's two other characters I've been considering though, one is Nina since the Kidlant questline has become so iconic thanks to the mayor, the other is Ludwig since he was supposed to seemingly be a important character, he even got some concept art, both fall hard in the unrealistic expectations though.

Tatyana's quest will probably be included, but who knows about that, I'm thinking they could also do something with the Temple of Death, maybe add a special dungeon after you kill Galatea, the other option is adding something to the tower of the divine king in the desert or expand some parts like the dead sea ruins or the crystal ruins, adding a new underwater dungeon after you activate Vanguard, there's a lot of possibilities.

The Minstrel is also a wild card, especially since the mobile games explicitly showed he is Elore in their continuity.
Doubt we'll ever get it, even Kawazu has been silent about it despite confirming that both remasters were going to be localized. We can still hope for a PC port later on though, possibly with some technical fixes since they still haven't made an upgrade to the Vita version, which is annoying, given that the game is made on Unity a PC port would take little time and money too.
Only the minstrel and Tatyana force themselves into your party, Tatyana is also easy to get rid of, the only other people who do are temporary party members like Sharl and Ling, and the game does take out one of your party members to give him/her back to you later once you finish their quests.
You can still LP kill them all anyway.

>> No.3923934

Volcano would be good since the only other Fire caster is Sharl, who you can't even recruit for ages.

>> No.3924872

Yeah, that's another reason why I think he's likely to become a new character since he could be the dedicated fire mage in the game, Sharl is a great hybrid but despite his awesome stats he's not really a competitive caster compared to Undine, Fullbright or Bai Mei Nyan, Volcano would fill that niche just right.
As for the professor, I don't really know, according to the mobile games she's supposed to be a martial artist/dancer, so maybe they'll go with that, or maybe they'll make her a martial artist hybrid with some caster stats like Sharl.
Though now that I think about it, Kawazu also said he would have liked to do something about the commander mode, wonder if they really will change stuff about that.

>> No.3925850

Gee, Kawazu really got all worked up for the Romancing SaGa 3 theatre play, wonder if I'll find some photos around, most of the actors were hilariously offmodel in any possible way judging from the previews.

>> No.3927074
File: 654 KB, 704x399, 170112_sagastage_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope y'all ready for Sharl becoming a new MC in the remaster.

>> No.3927263

I don't like Sharl.

>> No.3927502

He's pretty cool.

>> No.3927513

He doesn't really have enough personality to be cool.

>> No.3927516

You can say that about 90% of SaGa characters though.
He's pretty barebones even for the standard character though.

>> No.3927517

>Only the minstrel and Tatyana force themselves into your party

Oh, okay. After running into them I was a touch paranoid about everyone I met pulling that shit on me.

>> No.3927545

I'd rather Herman or Nina than Sharl desu

They've got a lot more personality and plot. Sharl is just like, that guy who was hanging out with Muse.

>> No.3928264

1 year after the death eclipse, King Albert died without naming a successor. The generals voted Messana to be the next king. Clemens who lead the Royal Guards disagreed and waged war. After a decade of fighting, Clemens was close to attaining power. Ludwig, then the general of Librof opposed Clemens and fought his army on the outskirts of Pidona. Clemens succeeded and drove off Ludwig's forces.

However after the battle Clemens was assassinated by a member of the Divine Church as a result of forbidding the activities of the Divine Church in Pidona. Ludwig then seized the opportunity to claim the throne for himself after defeating the Royal Guards, he spared the family any verdict to maintain an image, but seized all assets of the family, this forced Muse (Clemens' daughter) into poverty

Sharl was a member of Clemens' Royal guard and remained loyal to the family, most of the old guard and servants either sided with Ludwig or abandoned the family.

Sharl most likely lost use of his hand in a fight against Ludwig shortly after Clemens was slain by a follower of the Divine Church or during the war against Ludwig outside of Pidona.

Claudius family were quite important in regards to Pidona.

>> No.3928449

Which was horrible. Snes translation when.

>> No.3929280
File: 403 KB, 500x707, 58003258_p17_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sharl is just like, that guy who was hanging out with Muse.
>>3928264 explains his story perfectly, he's the classic example of gentle knight who also falls in love with his liege's daughter, if Monica and Julian didn't take that spot he and Muse would be the Romancing quest in 3 much like how Rafael and Constance were in 1.

There's a reason why he and Muse are so popular with the female part of the fanbase in japan despite not being MCs, Harid is very popular among the ladies for the same reason too.
Herman or Nina's stories are more interesting and engrossing than Sharl's though if you aren't into romance, I get where you're coming from, then again, I really like Nora both as a character and for her story, which is almost non existent, so I probably have weird tastes, but I like how she has her own little role in the general world lore, and she fits the classic SaGa's Big Girl archetype perfectly, shame they never did something with her and Sif in the crossover games.
>Snes translation when.
When will you people learn?

>> No.3929315
File: 380 KB, 559x828, Hamilton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the subject of SaGa's Big Girls, I've always been a fan of Captain Hamilton.

>> No.3929360
File: 135 KB, 1000x606, qM9mN8VoOllKbx2HRX7AV8ndaHw32bo3rBSUcv2JoeDcKLRNtVy8NpO54mzAh9Iw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your Byunei for tonight.
Shame she only appears in Lute's story though, kind of a waste if you ask me, especially since she could fit just fine in Emilia's story due to her involvement with Mondo and Trinity.
She's also that one weird type of woman with a very vague age which doesn't really appear often in the series, I guess she's around 50 like Grace or near her 60's like Pharr, iirc those three are the only playable women that are old but not quite old in the series, unless you count Victoria in Scarlet Grace but despite her looks I believe she's actually around 60-70 years old judging from the game's lore.
There's also the female free mages in RomaSaGa 2 now that I think about it, but considering the male ones are pretty much the classic old gramps the female ones should be the same, so still around 60-70 judging from the looks.

>> No.3929370
File: 56 KB, 512x341, Deep BLACK fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered that Nina from Frontier 2 is also around 50 when you get her in your party.
So yeah, Hamilton, Frontier 2 Nina, Grace and Pharr are the only ones in the series that should all be around the 50's more or less.

More and more photos of the play are coming out.

>> No.3929601

Honestly I think I probably meant Nora instead of Nina

I forget a lot of things lately

>> No.3929758


Yeah, would have been nice if she at least showed up in Emilia's story at some point. Kind of weird how four playable female characters in their 50's in an entire series is still a lot by JRPG standards.

>> No.3929985

Honestly there's something about Emilia's story being all confusing and half-explained in game that I find really spooky and immersive.

Then on the other hand, if you take the kind of graphics you see in Scarlet Grace and apply it to Assellus scenario you could really have something amazing.

>> No.3931081
File: 153 KB, 960x544, 2017-03-28-020531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, SaGa has people of all ages in its cast, you have kids like Ginny, Judy, Sara or Tatyana, people in their teens-mid twenties like most MCs, various characters in their 30's like Harid, Kurt, Fuse or Laura, people around late 30's/40's like Balmaint, Taria, Undine or Leon and so on for basically every age up to over 80's characters like Joseph, Daimajou or Bai Mei Nyan, and in Frontier 2 you can play as Wil from 16 to almost 90 years it that's not enough, and that's not even counting mechs or non humans characters who are far above 100 years.

In terms of cast age the games do give you quite a selection, besides Suikoden not many japanese RPGs have a huge cast with characters from all ages, and even Suikoden has a standard of teens to late 40 age, can't really remember many playable characters in their fifties or beyond that, the only other series that have casts that varied are SRPGs like Fire Emblem or the Ogre series and even there it's not really that common, see Langrisser.
Scarlet is a step in the right direction in terms of adapting Tomomi's art to 3D models, there's some problems with the slight SD proportions that make some character look a bit uncanny and worse than the concept art, like Asrana, Irene or Elizabeth, but they generally nailed most other characters, wouldn't mind if Frontier was remade with the same graphical style, especially if they keep the general weird 90's sci-fi fantasy aesthetic for weapons and environments, I would still prefer a 2D remake with Unlimited's engine, but if they manage to make the models as good as Scarlet's I'd be fine with it, a better budget and more than barely three years of development would help too.

I'd really, really want a new game with Unlimited's engine though, that's how the series should look like for me, but with Kobayashi's art instead of Naora's, he just doesn't fit for SaGa.

>> No.3932015

I thought Wil was actually like 112 years old in the final scenario

>> No.3933168
File: 52 KB, 576x843, Wil_Knights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>112 years old
Dude, you can see you characters' age in the menu, by the time Ginny's scenario begins and ends he's 83-84, he does live 101 years before giving up though.

>> No.3934990

Not much traffic today, safety bump.

>> No.3935645

I'm a newcomer to this series, as in, i've only just read the pastebin

Could you guys give me a babby tier explanation of the sparking/waza system? Also, should i start with the SaGa games for gb or romancing saga 3? And if i do start romancing saga 3, should i do a vanilla playthrough first?

>> No.3935648
File: 57 KB, 256x255, SaGa_Frontier_US_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he in front of Shingrow again? There's no magic there

>> No.3935807

Start with SaGa Frontier and just jump right in with no knowledge of what is going to happen.

>> No.3935818

Just because he is a mage doesn't mean he can't punch some mother fuckers.
Pick what ever game that interests you. Personally I suggest the first two Gameboy games because they are a nice and short introduction to the series since they last about 10~12 hours.

Also with sparking, you learn a skill during mid battle.

>> No.3935897


This, but one thing I'll mention is don't make hard saves inside story related dungeons, a lot of the time you won't be able to leave until you're done and you might end up screwed if you're not prepared enough. You can quick save at pretty much any time by pressing Triangle+R2, make heavy use of that, I'd even suggest doing it before every battle to begin with, it only takes like a second.

>> No.3936008

Hi /Sa·Ga/! I'm a relative newcomer, always been interested in the series ever since I heard positive reviews of The Final Fantasy Legend. I also played, and absolutely adored, The Legend of Legacy last year, and I'm looking forward to The Alliance Alive (hopefully getting localized). I'm sure there's already been some discussion of the Legend of Legacy here, but I was wondering if anyone would like to discuss it, or at least rank it in regards to other SaGa titles? I know it doesn't really possess Battle Rank but I still found its challenges to be very satisfying, even though the elemental contract system breaks a number of boss encounters quite a bit.

>> No.3936369
File: 1011 KB, 1003x768, pok pok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this supposed to mean?

>> No.3936404

pok pok

>> No.3936416

I don't really have a 3DS so I haven't played Legend of Legacy. I've only heard mixed things about it. All I can really say is that if you really want more of it you should delve into the SaGa series.

Though if there isn't a battle rank mechanic then I have a hard time seeing it having an event rank mechanic as well since they tend to go hand in hand with making the world seem like it is "living" on its own with or without your presence.

>> No.3937231
File: 39 KB, 635x315, dfhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that filter

>> No.3937978
File: 81 KB, 1003x768, fixed it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps this is more to your liking?

>Screwdriver: Hurt enemy like a drill. Effective on female.


>> No.3938303

It's a penetrating shockwave attack to the center of the body that destroys a female's ovaries

>> No.3939106

>there is a SaGa general
blessed be

>> No.3939131

Should I play unlimited saga

>> No.3939142


>> No.3939148

Did they ever fix the font for that game or is it still shit?

>> No.3939150

I'm trusting you on this anon

>> No.3939180

Well i decided to give this series a try yesterday, started with RS1 completely blind.
Spent like 20 minutes pressing A in all spots of a garden finding nothing.
Went down a hole and got 1 turn killed by a dinosaur.

This is as rough as a game gets.

>> No.3939253

Pick Ventus first

>> No.3939374

RS1 is probably the least polished of all the games. Even the Gameboy games are really well balanced, except for SaGa 3 which is basically not a SaGa game and more of a bad Final Fantasy game.

>> No.3939375

I did
How do I open chests
Can I attack monsters or only wait for them to attack me ?
Why did a rock fall on me and remove three quarters of my health ?

>> No.3939385

A vampire just destroyed my face, lmao

>> No.3939403

Glad you liked LoL, didn't enjoy it much personally though, it's a simplified and empty Minstrel Song clone with some quirks like shields being a weapon category, you should play the games LoL copies and see for yourself.
The Alliance Alive looks much better judging from the demo, it's a huge step forward from LoL and I honestly think it will be a great game, especially for those who prefer the old SaGa SNES standards, which Koizumi worked a lot on.
However, it still doesn't quite capture the spirit of SaGa for me, too derivative and too reliant on SaGa's preexisting mechanics, recycling old standalone gimmicks like mounts is fine and all, but I play SaGa also because there are some new, original things unique to each game or reelaborations of those, playing a series that just plain copies mechanics SaGa used almost two decades ago just isn't the same, it feels cheap.
Try playing Romancing SaGa 3 or SaGa Frontier anyway, since you played LoL you should be used to basic mechanics already, they should be very smooth to play through, if you're feeling gutsy, play Minstrel Song.
SNES Romancing SaGa is very rough and not really a good way to get into the series.
Try the GB games first, or Romancing SaGa 3, RomaSaGa 1 is full of questionable design choices that are more tedious than challenging, the PS2 remake is the best way to play the game, hell, even the WSC port is better than the SNES original.
The dinosaurs in the Ligau tunnels still one shot you easily though, no matter the version.
>How do I open chests
Keys, magic, punches, however you want.
>Can I attack monsters
Yep, select the monster and confirm Action.
>Why did a rock fall on me and remove three quarters of my health
Traps and hazards, you'll learn how to deal with them.

>> No.3939407

open chests by punching them, casting magic, or using lock picking.

always use sharpeye first to check for traps like explosives and whatnot.

if a chest is trapped with a mimic (shown by a slime icon), you'll usually want to set it off and fight the mimic since only by fighting mimics can you frequently get magic tablet drops, which give you the option of learning magic spells, which will at some point be very indispensable to you.

you can rest on the field map to recover HP by pressing L3, do this often

when setting panels, there is an elemental factor and an ability factor to each panel, and the position influences what stats are effected. not all panels are equal and some have higher or lower total bonuses. without going into too much detail, just remember that you need to use Martial Arts panels to get the best ability bonuses, and almost every character build should have a line of 3 martial panels through the center, or 2 martial panels on the edge side by side, covering the ability stat you want most (this is strength for heavy weapon damage fighters, skill for everyone, and magic for casters)

>> No.3939448

As far as I'm aware the font was never fixed. Don't quote me on this though.

>> No.3939771 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 834x781, Screenshot_48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-Cool game...

>> No.3939784

Is TLR a SaGa game ?

>> No.3939793

it's an honorary SaGa game

>> No.3940569

its moving naturally

>> No.3940963

Yes, but don't tell Wada.

>> No.3941965

Kobayashi also went to see the SaGa theatre play together with Kawazu.
Wonder how much they talk with fans in there, funny how they can hardly get Kawazu, Ito and Kobayashi all together at the same time, then again Ito was around for a piano concert this week. iirc.

>> No.3943079

I'm a big fan of The Last Remnant and I've heard from several people that it's a lot like SaGa. Is there truth to this and if so which games are like TLR?

>> No.3943592

>Is there truth to this
A few posts above this have your answers.
>if so which games are like TLR?
None of the SaGa games except one have TLR's unique command system, none of the SaGa games give you more than five party members to control, if you like TLR's massive size battles none of the SaGa games are like that, the only one that comes close is the SaGa2 remake for DS which has a quite large amount of enemies during battles, but it plays nothing like TLR except for having some positional gimmicks.

When it comes to everything else bar the grind for magazines, TLR is in line with SaGa games, BR, stat growth, battle abilities and so on are taken directly from SaGa, if you like these systems all SaGa games offer more or less the same experience, if you want the game which created TLR's unique command system, play Romancing SaGa 3 on commander mode, it will be the most similar experience you can get, many SaGa games also offer multiple main characters you can choose, all of which have their own personal quest, cast recruitment conditions, starting points, stats and so on, multiple endings and non linearity are also very common.
Bear in mind that the vast majority of techs, spells and even enemy attacks in TLR are taken straight from SaGa, with some slight differences in some case, so don't be suprised if you're playing a SaGa game and someone casts Overdrive, Crimson Flare or Galaxy.

>> No.3943602


> none of the SaGa games give you more than five party members to control,
RS1 has six

>> No.3944235

Unlimited has 7

>> No.3944602

You're right, I completely forgot about the original SNES version having six party members.
Can't have more than five active party members tough.

>> No.3944619

To a point. Battle mechanics are radically different, but depending on the game you will recognize battle rank and event rank right away, none-the-less the natural growth mechanics and sparking new skills you'll be right at home. Though you will have a lot more freedom to roam around in the Romancing SaGa, SaGa Frontier, and Unlimited Saga games compared to TLR.

If you like TLR I cannot recommend playing SaGa more than enough.

>> No.3944873

You absolutely have 7 characters participating in major boss battles. Rotating members is an important mechanic to conserve stamina.

>> No.3945906

The point is the maximum number of characters taking action is five, you can't have six or seven different characters on the screen at once, it's like saying that Romancing SaGa 3 has six characters battles because of commander mode when the effective number of characters acting during a turn is five, or that BoFIV has a six characters party when you can only use three actively, you can indeed swap around characters freely during battles, but you're not able to make more than five characters act in a turn, TLR has 30+ active character that act in a turn, no swapping involved, no passive off screen technicality, they're all there, SaGa had a maximum of six active characters at once, Unlimited has a party of seven characters but only a maximum of five can be active party members, the other 2 aren't in the active party even though you can swap them around in the next turn.

>> No.3945930

Are you saying that the commanders of military battles aren't participating in battles? what the fuck are you even talking about?

TLR only has collisions between teams of max 5 members whose actions occur in sequence. just because you set more of them up at the start of a round and have to use them all in order doesn't mean you're actually ever using more than 5 at the same time, by your own shitty logic

>> No.3945973

>Are you saying that the commanders of military battles aren't participating in battles?
What does that have to do with anything?
Are you seriously telling me that the character in the commander slot in the commander mode is an active character?
>just because you set more of them up at the start of a round and have to use them all in order doesn't mean you're actually ever using more than 5 at the same time
So you're telling me there's only five active characters in TLR's battle system? If that's what you're saying I'll end this argument right now because you're either in poor control of your sanity or are trying to really stretch definitions.

>> No.3946787

you're the one stretching shit you mong, trying to pretend that US doesn't have seven characters because you don't use them all simultaneously when TLR doesn't even do that.

>> No.3948021

He's grinding up to 99 stats or he's casting the spell of SaGa Frontier

>> No.3948268


I've never bothered doing that, don't you have to go back to the fortune teller to get it to respawn each time or something? I think the most grinding I ever did was getting everyone in my main team above 900hp and 140ish WP and JP, with the rest of their being 80+, only did that once though, it took far too long.

>> No.3948423

I'm pretty sure you just have to go to koorong and back.

>> No.3948770

I forget the specifics but only by fighting the Big Slime in the back could your character reach an unaided 99.

You can just learn Lightsword though and get +10 in everything & deflect

>> No.3948776

Why is this significant?
You've got that sixth and seventh character there to switch in next turn, they're constantly available at any moment.

BoF4 Also has 'benched' characters partipating randomly

>> No.3949049


I remembered it was the smiles, I just thought it was another one of those weird things where you have to do the fortune in Devin for it to respawn, like the enemy chests in Mu's Tomb.

>> No.3949056

>I remember it was the smiles

Who has a 99 smile stat /saga/

>> No.3949062
File: 959 KB, 921x1400, SF_Doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doll is a doll

>> No.3949108

There's two methods of just leaving and coming back to shingrow or warping to Devin and getting the best set of bosses.

The data/mechanics FAQ has a big section on it

>> No.3950442


>> No.3951891

Why would Blue of all people need to grind stats to 99 when Rouge exists?
Doll has such a cool design, all of IRPO is cool, they might as well be characters from an old cyberpunk OVA like CyberCity Oedo, but Doll is in her own league.
I'm glad they referenced her with Patricia in Scarlet.

On a side note, Kawazu said they're going to do a SaGa limited edition rum with the Shinanoya breweries.


>> No.3953002

What does JP max out at anyway? 999? Maybe he's grinding out to 500 JP

>> No.3953139

Its a shame that so many of the characters are locked into one or two scenarios

Didn't Doll have the gift for Mystic magic?

>> No.3953176

she didn't have the gift, she just has a few spells iirc

>> No.3953289 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 735x600, 1493361838301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best SaGa waifu coming through

>> No.3953336

>having a lesbian as a waifu
bet she has hairy legs too

>> No.3953350

she's a mystic, probably adjusts her body hair to the preference of whoever is looking at her

>> No.3954456

I believe JP virtually maxes out at 255, at least, that's the max value for most of the games that use the WP/JP standard, I've never had the patience to grind it beyond 130 though, after you get in the early mid 100 the growth rate slows down terribly.
Doll didn't have the gift, not even Blue can get the gift for Mystic Magic, only Mystics do.

Honestly, I like how there's a few characters that appear only in one or two scenarios, when all MCs can recruit most of the cast it becomes kinda boring for me.
It is a shame that some of them do not appear in other scenarios altogether though, luckily there's not many characters who do that.

>> No.3954817 [DELETED] 


It's actually 250 max for JP funnily enough, only ever gotten it with the doubled magic stats Blue gets after the duel though. Never gotten max WP but I'd assume it's also 250.

I also like how there's some characters only one or two characters can recuit, but I wish they'd spread them out more. IIRC aside from Hamilton and Nusakan all the others are unique to either Red, T260G and Asellus, with Emelia being the only character who can <spoiler>keep WhiteRose permanently.</spoiler>

>> No.3954825


It's actually 250 max for JP funnily enough, only ever gotten it with the doubled magic stats Blue gets after the duel though. Never gotten max WP but I'd assume it's also 250.

I also like how there's some characters only one or two characters can recuit, but I wish they'd spread them out more. IIRC aside from Hamilton and Nusakan all the others are unique to either Red, T260G and Asellus, with Emelia being the only character who can keep WhiteRose permanently.

>> No.3955338
File: 143 KB, 1334x1334, 1488172170469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OG Romancing SaGa 2 still not translated
>mobile shit version came out before it
Aeon Genesis is a hack

>> No.3955380

I'm totally cool with Scenario Specific characters
I just wish there was a bigger pool of mystics and robots

Monsters don't really count since they can be anything

>> No.3956606

>It's actually 250 max for JP funnily enough
That's funny, 255 is usually the magic number for maxing stats.
I'm fine with the mystics pool, there's a wide choice between the Facinaturu people and the outsiders like Nusakan or Time Lord, Rastaban and Golden Lion could have been great characters to have around, especially in Asellus' plot, but they were not meant to be I guess, Furdo would have been nice too considering he's the least human looking Mystic of the bunch and his plot could have been tied to both Blue and the 7 ring quest for Riki/Coon since he lives in the Magic Kingdom.
Mechs are scarce though, I agree with you completely, and since most of them are either on Red or T260G scenarios most other routes don't really get much of a mech cast, but maybe it's for the better considering any mech can solo a final boss with ease, imagine poor Orlouge or Diva having to deal with getting slowly punched to death by Engineercar while dealing 1 point of damage for each attack.

On the other hand though, I must say that having too many characters can also be a huge problem, Scarlet Grace has so many characters I like, I often feel really frustrated since I can only use five of them per battle, even by swapping people around between chain battles I'd really like to use more of them, when you have around 40 recruitable characters on each scenario and you like 35 of them it's really hard to deal with only five characters per battle, especially when you want to see all the personal animations for each character.

>> No.3956612

Yep, still waitting. But given that RS3 is going to get a complete translation, it might be the case that RS2 comes next.

>> No.3956652

Orlouge has MagneticStorm man

>> No.3956774
File: 315 KB, 350x350, 1446893930940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orlouge has MagneticStorm man
I've never seen it in all these years.

>> No.3957674

Is it an autokill for mechs?

>> No.3957849

it inflicts nasty status effects against mecs

and I'm not sure I remember any enemy other than orlouge that uses it

aside from the superboss version of master ring I think?

>> No.3959498

It's the only attack that mech have to fear in the game together with Gremlin Touch, chances are that it OHKO all your mechs unless they have more than 600-800 HP.
>and I'm not sure I remember any enemy other than orlouge that uses it
Genocide Heart has access to it if it shifts to the desert world, AbyssBat and Mech God also use Magnetic Stom.
I've never, ever seen Orlouge use it though, mostly because he always died too fast.

>> No.3961076
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, 589d5ac9fc3650753a00000d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the Romancing SaGa 3 cameos and collaborations started sprouting after the remaster got announced.
Man, what I wouldn't give to move forward in time to the Frontier remake, at this point it's either that or a SaGa 1 remake.

>> No.3962147 [DELETED] 

Page 8 already?
Polite bump

>> No.3962623

Hello SaGa friends. I have been playing through minstrel song as my first saga game and i discovered a cool bug! Defeating the sword demon while I had phantom warrior up on grey bugged out the quest reward-I was stuck with the +7 falcata after battle and not the demonbrand.

>> No.3964204

Cool, or maybe not considering how much of a pain it is to get the Demonbrand, didn't know about that.
Phantom Warrior and the likes have a history of causing bugs and unwanted effects throughout the series, doesn't surprise me, it's a bit like abusing the grail, wonder what exactly causes these kinds of bugs though.

>> No.3964848

They're going to celebrate Imperial SaGa's second anniversary, I'll try to tune in and see if they mention anything regarding the Romancing SaGa 3 remaster.

>> No.3966392


What game is that?

>> No.3967005

Man, this place is deader than dead.
Here, a cool jazz Feldschlacht arrangement I found today.
Samurai Spirits

>> No.3967013

Considering it was passed over when SaGa 2 and 3 got remakes, it's really unlikely. There is very little that is special about SaGa 1 that wasn't repeated in 2 and 3.

>> No.3967023

That's true, but considering how much stuff they added to both 2 and 3 they could do a complete overhaul a la Minstrel Song if they want to.
It is unlikely though, other titles are more important at this point if they want to make a remake.

>> No.3967143

>Magmaslimes in Riki's quest
>Had no idea how to progress from it
>Thought all the slimes had to die at once, so chained gale slashes to kill them all in one turn
>Nope, 5 more spawn lol
>Kept wiping at that place
>Eventually dropped SF as a 12 year old since Riki was the first and farthest quest I progressed through at the time

I since then beat all the character scenarios years and years later, but damn what a pain.

For what it's worth I did appreciate the linearity of Riki's scenario compared to the rest of the quests, since that game was the very first time I've played an RPG that was so open ended before. Making a monster good at the time was completely beyond me though

>> No.3967167

I think it went over the head of most people that you could simply switch to a party without Riki, like one with the mechs and their fuckton of LP. Once I did that it worked on the first try.

>> No.3968031

Actually I'm pretty sure it counts as a boss fight and you can't actually do that.

Making Riki a Durahan helps a lot.

The first time I did it I just had 4 people who could use deflect spamming 2galeslash.

>> No.3968042

I used the hide rune and the hide ring to reduce the amount of times I got hit.

>> No.3969415


That's what I usually do, just use the hide ring with Riki and attack with two or three characters with high LP and then bring the others in later, usually works out fine.

>> No.3969674

Many people don't use the party switch mechanic for some reason.
I guess because there's no real reason to use it when there's no problems in managing WP/JP in Frontier, even so, it's pretty great if you're grinding for mech abilities or monster forms, switching teams to make your main party rest and regenerate WP/JP/LP is great, but admittedly they've only nailed the concept with Unlimited and further polished it with Scarlet for the more traditional formula.

>> No.3969756


Honestly I've played through SaGa Frontier more times than I can remember and think I've only used the party switch once, I could never find a good use for it. The MagmaSlimes in Riki's quest would be one, but I never had any problems with that either so it's always just gone unused for me, especially since as far as SaGa games go Frontier is really easy once you've messed around with it for a while.

>> No.3969837

After White Rose left me I made a point to train at least 7 party members just in case someone turns on me again, it paid off in Riki route. For some reason I was averse to using curatives and instead swapped parties so I could Megawindblast things more often. Most the time I would finish scenarios with 3 to 4 sanctuary stones left.

>> No.3970498
File: 479 KB, 1600x678, SQEX-10327_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone name all the characters in this pic? I only recognize a few

>> No.3970679

From left to right, top to bottom:
>Wiggle Squiggle
>Beardo Weirdo
>Lance Dance
>A butterfly
>Shiny McHeadress and young Shiny McHeadress
>Bed Head
>Shiny McBuffbod
>Hornmasky McHornguy
>Chick with snakes in her head
>Another guy with a sword
>A cool Bird
>Knife-eared Trident man(?)
>Skeleton with hair
>Girl confused about a skeleton having hair
>Knife-eared narcissistic bitch whose unaware of the 17 people posing behind her

>> No.3971793
File: 322 KB, 1236x692, SaGabaddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned to use it after some years so I would completely cut my dependance on consumables but that's because I'm too lazy to go back to Koorong to buy items, and even so I only really happen to use it in specific instances, like I said, when I'm grinding mech abilities that won't drop, there's no real need to use the mechanic at all, it's there but the game doesn't have anything that actually forces you to use it because it's really easy.

I personally think Scarlet has the definitive version of the mechanic so far, mainly because they actually balanced the game around a big cast this time and the fact that characters can no longer multitask, the fixed stat system also benefits the party switching a lot since now you can't grind character stats to the point where there's little to no statistical difference between different characters, then there's innate roles, very low average LP and different regen rates, they further polished Unlimited's switching mechanic in every way by connecting it to a lot of different things, Frontier's party switching was a good idea but badly implemented.
From up to down, left to right:


You can't recognize some of them because they are redesigns of redesigns, like Death or Saruin. Kujinshi, Wagnas and Bokuohn are also in their uncorrupted form, and on top of that Bokuohn has been heavily redesigned compared to the original concept while Kujinshi has much more particulars and changes compared to his original design.
Kujinshi's redesign is solid gold though, I really dig it, Bokuohn getting turned into a generic glam rock bishie is a mistake.

Here's Tomomi's original scan with the names for reference.

>> No.3971824

Thank you!

Kujinshi looks amazing indeed. Despite the redesigns Saruin and Death are very easily recognizable. Had no idea who Byunei, Boukohn and Schirach were

>> No.3971848
File: 97 KB, 640x852, card_l_403death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despite the redesigns Saruin and Death are very easily recognizable
Well, Death is pretty easy to recognize in general, but the evolution he went through is kind of interesting, from badass Skeleton Pope to badass centaur skeleton to skeleton with a wig, Saruin's redesign is interesting because it fuses some elements of both OG Saruin and Minstrel Song Saruin, like the stylized crown.
Schirach also uses a new design in that illustration, making her more similar to Saiva, unsurprisingly.
Byunei is funny because she stays more or less the same but swaps her kimono for a cheongsam.

>> No.3973387

>Page 10

>> No.3974669

Seems like next friday will be the last day of the theatre play, that means we'll finally get some hard info on the upcoming remaster in the next days, or so I hope, more importantly, we'll probably get some info on the Vita port of Romancing SaGa 2.

Regarding that, it was one of the 2016 top sellers digital games in JP PSN with around 80K downloads by the end of the year, it's hard to get any hard info on the mobile market in Japan but judging from the PSN figures it's hard to believe it performed badly on mobile platforms, they probably made quite a lot of money from that, Romancing SaGa 3 will probably be even more successful.

Now, if only they would do an update for Scarlet, it's really bothering how Kawazu rarely fucking patches his shit nowadays.

>> No.3975651

I liked how SF2 handled WP/JP regeneration, it showed you how much you got per turn you rested on and you could pace yourself by defending once or twice every few fights.

SF rewards you too much to just save it up for the boss who'll have a better spark value anyway.

>> No.3975717

I really wish there were more straightforward SaGa titles in the vein of the first two gameboy ones, I was glad to see that stuff make a comeback in Frontier but the way the open world layout is implemented just feels fundamentally unrewarding.

>> No.3975724
File: 91 KB, 623x473, vXz8Uib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3975728

comfy frontier

>> No.3975901

Alright, it's finally time to play RS2. Does anyone have any advice? It and RS1 are the only ones I haven't played yet, so the basics won't be a problem, but I like to be prepared before I get into these games.

>> No.3975919

You will die a lot, you will die all the time, and get assfucked almost constantly. There is no shame in scumming.

The game opens up after the Vicar boss, it's pretty much on rails before that.

>> No.3976036

I actually disliked the roadblock format of the old SaGas while I fell in love with Frontier's freedom. Nothing like making a beeline for your favorite items on a new playthrough while avoiding encounters.

>> No.3976816

>Does anyone have any advice?
Use magic and invest in magic fusion, this is super important because spells are your number one tool for survival, even more than most classic SaGa games.

Fight as little as possible until you've killed most of the heroes, and if you do get in a fight, fight to the death, BR keeps on rising even if you run away from fights so always make the best of each fight.

Don't fight the seven heroes without magic, you'll get slaughtered.

Change your emperor's class as much as you can as it's the only way to learn new formations, I won't spoiler which classes give you which formation.

The game's way more non linear than the average SaGa, some events have many routes that lead to different quest endings and different rewards, or lack thereof.

Always prepare for the worst, this game doesn't fuck around like Frontier or Romancing SaGa 3, if you don't build your party well you'll get killed in no time.

Don't be afraid of dying, the game's designed around that, but try not to die too often either, you don't lose any items either when you die, they all go back to your treasury, also, you get a game over for dying in either Leon's or the Last Emperor/Empress generation, anywhere else it's "fine" to die, even in Gerald's generation.

Enjoy the game, you're gonna have a fun ride.

>> No.3977612

Thanks fellas. I think I'm gonna take a little time to read up a bit about it on the wiki and finally dive right in. I've been looking forward to it for a long time.

>> No.3978153

Try not to spoil the experience too much, it's a fantastic game with some great boss and quest design, one of the best things about replaying is seeing how all the different quests end depending on your actions, Cumberland in particular can get really different depending on many factors, and it's really fun to play through it.
Sequence breaking is also on of he high points of the game, and to this day there's no other SaGa game with as much care put into that outside of Scarlet, which manages to be even better, especially in terms of variation.

I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did, it's overall still my favorite game in the series despite some shortcomings and a few flaws in the game design.

>> No.3978301

Does anyone have that screencap of the Scarlet Grace stream when it showed the results of the most popular games voted by the watchers? IIRC it was Romancing SaGa 3 at first and either Romancing SaGa 2 or 1 next then frontier, can't remember the rest.

>> No.3978321
File: 427 KB, 846x490, 1418553718176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it was a Scarlet Grace stream, but here it is, it's nearly three years old by now I think.
Not like much would have changed anyway, the JP fanbase is a monolith of 30+ years old people, I doubt Scarlet or the recent remasters brought a lot of new blood.

>> No.3978426

Thanks, it'd be great to see RS3 or 2 get a remaster like minstrel song. Also I never played the original romancing SaGa, what did the remaster add other than up to date game mechanics? I assumed it added alot of extra sidequests and characters.

>> No.3978835

It made the main characters look like clowns

>> No.3979251

>what did the remaster add other than up to date game mechanics?
All the mechanics used up to that moment, that means combos, channeling, new weapon durability standards, advanced forging, map skills, monster ecology and so on, Minstrel Song was meant to be a Super Romancing SaGa: The Minstrel Song Arcade EX+ Turbo&Knuckles featuring The Minstrel from the Romancing SaGa™ series.

Unique to Minstrel Song are a few mechanics like Vortexes, Surge/Reverse, monster trading, treasure hunting, Event Rank, and crowned monsters, it is also possible to recruit generics in the early sections of the game.

Changes from the original game are that waza is no longer tied to weapons, you learn those in the standard way, some weapons still have embedded waza, both waza and magic have a ton of new entries from all over the series and some original ones too, party size went from six to five characters but formations work the same way, with the added Vortex mechanic, BR is also present. Jewels now give you access to a huge variety of classes that give you specific benefits like battle bonuses or access to map skills.

There's some new quests and some existing quests have been slightly changed, many characters like Farah, Patrick, Friere(Frielei in the localization), Aldora/Darque, Patrick, The Minstrel and the Dragon Knight are now recruitable, you can finally get all of the fatestones now compared to the original game, there's also a special mechanic tied to them so you can offer them to Saruin before the final boss fight in order to power him up to insane levels like you would do with The Destroyer or The Egg.

The OST has been remixed and rearranged, many new tracks have also been added.

The cast has received some radical redesign by Tomomi Kobayashi, which has been further redesigned by Yusuke Naora.

That should be all that has been added or changed, I guess.

>> No.3979697

Yeah, I'm going to try to not spoil it too much for myself like I usually do. I've heard a lot of great stuff about it and want to try and get into this as blindly as I can while still knowing enough about the mechanics to not end up beating my head against a wall too many times.

>> No.3979726
File: 55 KB, 500x400, 1434649549540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We could announce about RS2 after May 7th.We will concentrate on RS3, for supporting "Romacing SAGA the Stage:Fire on Rhoane"

>> No.3980361

Develop the magic academy

Develop weapons

>> No.3981069

That is quite alot, I finished a run with captain hawke a while ago and stopped after the intro quests for one another character since I wasn't sure what I wanted to do different and also to try out RS2 on the phone. I know I wanted to try and fight the elemental beasts since I completed all of their quests in the previous run.

>> No.3981467


Have fun waiting.

>> No.3981523

I have no idea about vidya selling numbers. Is this good?

>> No.3981685

The only thing you should be aware of is how spark tables work, most characters' specialties are easily identified thanks to their class and starting proficiency levels, but it's true that there's some odd ones that have different tables, and some tables are also slightly counterintuitive.

Magic wise, the only things you should really now is that buffs/debuffs decay with time, like Romancing SaGa 3, and that you can't have two AoE shields at the same time e.g. missile guard+firewall, one shield will overwrite the other once cast, single target shields can be stacked though, both with themselves and AoE shields.
Also, I don't know whether you're playing the remaster or the SNES version but since they fixed quite a few bugs, Light Sword doesn't block Wind Cutter anymore in the remaster, that was a programming oversight due to Light Sword's behaviour of blocking cutting based attacks, it wasn't meant to work against magic too so in the SNES version you have extra protection.

Lastly, Romancing SaGa 2 still works on a EXP. base unlike the games after it that use a dice roll check for levelling.

Everything else is standard Romancing mechanics, Romancing SaGa 2 basically set the standards for a lot of those rules, so if you remember how Romancing SaGa 3 and Frontier work you'll have little need to read a in depth guide.
Kawazu was at the play literally every day, Itoken, Kobayashi and even Ichikawa were often there too, give them time and they'll announce something, probably this very week too.
Considering it's a budget remake of a SNES game sold in digital format only? It's pretty damn good, they made big profits for almost no budget costs, and those are Vita sales alone, imagine the combined sales from iOS/Android/Vita.

>> No.3983070

Looks like we're getting something Romancing SaGa 2 related, Kawazu changed his twitter banner.

By the way, I heard that Gideon kind of came back from the dead lately, so for those who want the SNES version, there might be still hope, maybe.

>> No.3983165

I bet he finally got cucked by a lady, became a man, and grew about halfway up and learned what's important in the world (videogames)

>> No.3983185
File: 249 KB, 1467x965, Screenshot_66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't-
but I-

>> No.3983568

I just check these threads so I can see if there's any news on this release yet.

Goddamn I want it on the Vita. I'm playing the games in production order and this is the only real way to play this title in English, and I don't wanna use a shitty touch interface for it.

>> No.3983932

I hope Scarlet Graces gets an english release before I finish Core2k/6k and have spent 2 years mining and devouring japanese textbooks to the point where I can finally play these games at the level of an 8-year-old!

>> No.3983985
File: 172 KB, 960x544, 2017-04-22-013306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet he's more interested in the usual e-peen contests more than anything, Gideon is a huge attention whore.
I don't think he'll get much done, maybe he'll finally get one patch out and then disappear for another five years.
I can only tell you to wait a bit longer, hopefully we get an announcement soon.
>I hope Scarlet Graces gets an english release
I don't see it happening.
You'd still be better off learning moon Anon, considering how bad localizations are it's the better choice in the long run.
I'm pretty sure a lot of the subtler references to Kawazu's previous games like pic related, and SaGa games in general, would be lost in translation.

>> No.3984045

can you fight that sea dragon

>> No.3984091
File: 180 KB, 960x544, That&#039;s a huge crab, wonder if it tastes good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a SaGa game anon, why do you even ask?
It's not a sea dragon though, just an icon for sea monsters, they usually turn out to be krakens or frogs, sometimes there's even undeads depending on the region you're in, actual sea drakes are quite rare and they hardly look like drakes at all, more like a weird seahorse/basilisk mix.

>> No.3984610

>The only thing you should be aware of is how spark tables work
Quick question about sparking. Do skills spark at a reasonable rate as long as you make sure to keep the appropriate characters/classes in your party and keep their weapons diverse or are there some skills that are nearly impossible to spark no matter what you do? From what I keep hearing, the BR seems to be a bigger concern in this than in the other SaGas I've played so far, and I don't want to end up accidentally missing an important waza and fucking myself over. I think I'm probably more paranoid than I need to be about this.

>> No.3984673
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1489681374851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice looking ladies
>wanna import this
>but I don't know runes

>> No.3984758

I'm going to guess that giant crabs are definitely delicious

>> No.3984853
File: 805 KB, 2133x1513, RS2 on the right me on the left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not a SaGa guru, but I'd recommend just jumping right in and giving the game a shot. RS2 is a game that you're going to be restarting and replaying a bunch just to clear it, let alone see all the content in it.

>mfw I had to start over after 30 hours of gameplay and my second attempt was just as fun as the first

Some day I'll beat that fuckin game.

>> No.3985143

>Some day I'll beat that fuckin game.

Unlimited SaGa . . . one day.

one day.

Though I much prefer Koboyashi's art

>> No.3985147
File: 277 KB, 696x800, art-013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot muh pic

>> No.3985197
File: 213 KB, 1024x768, 2009-04-16-156863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mesarthim was drawn as a Man

all of you are gay for fapping to this

>> No.3985269

Me at the bottom.

>> No.3985441

Mystics are shapechanging hermaphrodites though.

>> No.3985453

probably why we're all gay for fapping to them

needed more playable female Mystics.
I want to kiss White Roses White Rose

dibs on being the swan
Swans are indicative of cunninlingus in ancient medieval texts btw

>> No.3985478

pleb: jacking off to Mesarthim or Asellus
contrarian: jacking off to Orlouge
patrician: quietly sitting down next to Rei and just listening to the others having sex

>> No.3985481
File: 303 KB, 435x742, Princess_Rei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rei isn't in the pic
she isn't the funky nigger lipped cuck at the foot of the bed

>> No.3985538

god mode: jacking it to Unlimited SaGa 3D renders of juveniles

>> No.3985616

Romancing SaGa 2 on the Android had an update yesterday, but given the lack of patch notes as with every version, who knows what they fixed.

>> No.3986426
File: 172 KB, 960x544, Maybe you&#039;re a fairy tale&#039;s hero, or maybe you&#039;ve been cursed by something, which is it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are there some skills that are nearly impossible to spark no matter what you do?
I wouldn't say so, outside of some rare waza that is locked behind uncommon spark tables everything's pretty easy to spark as long as you use the right character, waza and appropriate monster, some do take more effort that others, like Jolt Counter or Evil Smash, but are in no way necessary.
Embedded waza rates are a different beast, you might end up spending some time to get Exorcism, Phantom Warrior or Psycho Bind or you get it right off the bat.
If you're expecting something like Romancing SaGa 3 where you might legit not see a waza even after hundreds of hours it isn't the case here.
It sucks because the gameplay is way more intuitive than other games without losing on depth, but it's the SaGa with most text, lore and plot yet, even disregarding all the text for locations, icons, items and other things there's tons of characters that have many lines, many quests and variations of the same quests on top of that, the quest before the crab one for instance happens during the Earth Snake route for Balmaint and Taria, but Leonard's scenario doesn't have routes like the other MCs and in his case he has two possible questlines related to it in which completely different events happen.
I'm pretty sure I've hit 400 hours by now and I still stumble into different events, Urpina and Balmaint especially have loads of variations and some very surprising endings, Balmaint especially goes through some Metal Gear tier shit depending on the route, he really grew on me after I saw two of his endings, I didn't like him too much in the beginning but now I think he's got the best story out of all the MCs, he's also a much better character than what I thought.
The Vita version has patch notes but there's no updates right now, maybe it's a Typo/Stability patch for the west.

>> No.3988376
File: 182 KB, 900x1200, C_mTKYCVwAALVyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News time:
Harid's Rum is real, it's 12 years old Haitian rum.
No Romancing SaGa 2 news, but it seems they're working on something with Scarlet Grace, whether it's a port, patch or localization I don't know and it's nothing official, but Kawazu is working on it on one of his PCs as seen on this pic, right monitor.
Judging from the pic, I guess it's a patch/DLC with new quests since that picture shows some monster icons in the Rhea province and I'm pretty sure there's no event in there with those icons, I'm a bit excited.
Let's hope we get some news on both remasters soon.

>> No.3990398

Meanwhile, in Romancing SaGat 2...


>> No.3990410


>the part where Gief just picks up a Guile and throws him out of the fight

I lost my shit, good lord.

>> No.3990864
File: 27 KB, 231x344, 1454646755651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guile uses Sonic Boom
>Gief learns the Mikiri like Berva

>> No.3991524
File: 44 KB, 500x375, Eds_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3991554


>> No.3993292

Dead thread, no news either.
Anyway, I'm not sure whether I did post some of these before but here's some various footage from the SaGa festival.
And here's Kawazu, Kobayashi and Ichikawa travelling and doing various stuff.
I also found a video of this guy who travelled around Arita during the Romancing SaGa 3 festival, Arita's the town that Kawazu referenced with Taria, it's not strictly SaGa related but it's pretty nice to look at, seems like a nice little town.

>> No.3993325

Well i finally finished minstrel song, and I only have one plot question: who the hell was the mysterious NPC that helps you out in the soulgutter quest? I assumed that he would turn out be death or something, but death was just some centaur asshole with a big sword. Was he just some enigmatic wanderer or is there some lore on him that I missed out on?

>> No.3993345

He probably is death. He is a god so it wouldn't be surprising that they take other forms while walking among people.

>> No.3993402

>who the hell was the mysterious NPC that helps you out in the soulgutter quest?
He is Death, just an avatar of him, you'll understand more on your NG+ when you'll unlock Sherah/Schirach's quest.
If you wonder why he helps you out in killing one of Saruin's creatures is because Death is the only neutral "evil" god, but again, you'll understand more on NG+ even on that once you'll do Darque's storyline, on one ending to be precise.

>> No.3994506

Death is literally Hades from greek mythology

Not that bad of a guy, his work is just the shittiest and of course making people stay dead forever deserves some hate from the mortals

>> No.3995235

>Death is literally Hades from greek mythology
Kind of I guess, luckily he doesn't kidnap girls.

He's also the evil god that's more fleshed out in the game, though his supposed neutrality is still a bit wonky because Schirach ends up being more neutral than him in practice, unlike Death she doesn't turn a blind eye to Saruin and the minions even though they're family to her, but I guess that's because Schirach was never that much of an evil god to begin with, in fact the only actually evil god in the triad is Saruin, Schirach was the goddess of all magic but ended up questioning the war against the humans and Elore to the point that she made a pact with him in order to be left alone and forget everything, and she's still haunted by her past, Death is much more concerned with making sure life and death work like they're supposed to do but in the end he still has a soft spot for his younger brother, despite getting mad at him for things like the Soulgutter fucking up the cycle of life and death, and he's also the only evil god who's openly venerated, by humans nonetheless.
>of course making people stay dead forever deserves some hate from the mortals
I don't think anyone really hates Death, the whole harvest festival in Uso is made in his honour and he does care about humans too in his own way, the only one who's really hated is Saruin, nobody mentions Schirach either so it's possible that both she and Death have been forgotten by humans, especially when they both lay low unlike other gods like Cyril, Yucomb or Nisa, who protect certain tribes or territories.

News time:
Don't lose hope.

>> No.3996619

So it turns out the remaster of Romancing SaGa 2 was done in Unity too, guess 3 will receive the same treatment then, unless somebody other than Artepiazza is doing it, though I doubt it.

>> No.3996785

Interesting, they seemed so different personality wise I assumed they were different people. For newgame+ of minstrel song i would really like to experiment more with magic. Is it cool to run a team with 2 mages? I would love to have Darque as a mage along with Myriam because she is cute.

>> No.3996896

I don't see how Death was different personality wise. I mean when you met him in the underworld he seemed fairly calm and was actually willing to make deals with you, even resurrecting people if you managed to kill someone off. It just made sense that he didn't want the soul gutter to exist but he didn't want to interfere with his brothers actions.

>> No.3997714

>they seemed so different personality wise
I don't know about that, but a figure in black with a scythe looks like a big hint to me.
>Is it cool to run a team with 2 mages?
Sure, mages are fun.
>I would love to have Darque as a mage
Alright, but there will be a catch to that, I won't spoiler you what's going to happen though, especially since it involves Death, you'll need to go visit him at some point if you plan to use Darque as a mage.

>> No.3999113
File: 103 KB, 640x400, 20170217-mhfz-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking, what if the Romancing SaGa 3 Remaster is in 3D like the DS games?
Given the success of Romancing SaGa 2 I wouldn't be surprised if they stepped up their game and did a fully 3D remake, but maybe they would have called it a remake to begin with, what if it uses 3D environments and 2D sprites?

>> No.3999307

I'd rather not have it like the DS remakes. Didn't like the style, then again most DS games had washed out colors. If it was more bold and vivid like the Romancing SaGa remake then I'd be fine. Otherwise 2D is preferable. I mean they aren't remaking the game, just remastering it.

>> No.4000409

Yeah, that's what I thought, I was looking at the famitsu article related to the Unity convention they had some time ago that also featured the Artepiazza guys and the Romancing SaGa 2 remaster and some other 3D unity games caught my eye. I honestly wouldn't mind if they remade the game like Minstrel Song graphically, though I guess animations would suffer a bit.

>> No.4000634

They better don't touch the character designs. Minstrel Song's were awful.

>> No.4000686

This means that i will be able to emulate it with epsxe?

>> No.4000690

Didn't you read the huge VITA in capital letters?

>> No.4000693

I thought they were the same architecture. Anyway, is this easy to emulate?

>> No.4001110
File: 17 KB, 500x300, 1379482697582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wouldn't be a problem since Naora can't touch them, so even if it somehow gets a 3D remaster the designs will stay the same.
I guess they will make them more similar to the original art, so no more blue jacket Harid and the likes, but I personally consider that a plus.
>I thought they were the same architecture.
I know /vr/ is stuck in the 90's, but man, what possesses you to think that a Vita/iOS remaster of a SNES game would run on a PS emulator?
If you want to emulate it get Bluestacks and the file for the mobile version, there is no Vita emulator and probably never will.

>> No.4001130

Well, I started finally trying to play RS2 and it turns out the emulator I was using runs like shit, and I can't get it to work on two others I tried. Gonna just have to settle with using my old phone and turn it into a dedicated RS2 machine. Also been having trouble finding a decent waza guide. None of the wikis or spreadsheets I've been able to find have all of the information I need in the same document, so I've been spending some time compiling it all into one file.

>> No.4001190

>None of the wikis or spreadsheets I've been able to find have all of the information I need in the same document
There's no such document, Kaerulabo has a page that shows most info but it's in japanese and you need to click on the various menus to reorder the information the way you need it.


If you hover over the Spark Type you get a menu with all the characters that belong the table but it doesn't tell you which waza helps learning which.

>> No.4001335

Oh nice. This stuff should come in handy. I've got a lot of information from a bunch of different sources, it's just a matter of combining it together into one file. There are a few odds and ends missing but for the most part all I have to do is add in all the types that are able to learn each skill and pop in which skills are best for learning it. Hopefully won't take too long.

>> No.4002415

Well I spent all night compiling a bunch of waza and character type data from the wiki and a few other sources all into one file so I wouldn't have to have a hundred pages open at once when I want to look something up. I don't know what kind of demand there is for something like this, but I figured I'd put it all in a pastebin for the hell of it. The format is all fucked up so it looks like a mess, but all of the information is there. Some stuff may not be too accurate since all I did was compile a bunch of shit together from other sources, but I did what I could.


>> No.4003434

Impressive work, I'll go through it this weekend when I have some time and check it out in depth.

>> No.4004750

Man, steam beggars got even to Kawazu, hope they don't become to insistent.

>> No.4005537
File: 52 KB, 500x500, CBcmxQZUkAAY3hO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a character in one of the less popular games in the series Gustave sure has some fanbase, wonder how popular he is compared to the various protagonists of the games of the time, he seems to have near Asellus levels of popularity among the japanese.

>> No.4005661

>Please don't forget about Steam users. Final Fantasy games sell bigly on Steam (500 thousand+), SaGa would do great as well!
Wow. Not only that a memer as well, or maybe Steam beggar and constant memer goes hand in hand. At least they have their priorities straight with following through with the Vita release.

>> No.4006814

>or maybe Steam beggar and constant memer goes hand in hand.
Consider how terrible the Steam userbase is it's a given at this point.
Wouldn't mind if Kawazu started to put SaGa stuff on PC, it would be the best case scenario for me even, but Steam beggars are so petulant and shamelessly self absorbed they might as well drive him off, it's not like TLR sold that much on Steam anyway, did it?

>> No.4008164
File: 15 KB, 225x225, SaGaguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow thread is slow.
You think Doomguy and SaGa 1 Guy could get along? After all they both have chainsaws, big fucking guns and a passion for RIP AND TEAR, it would be fun to make a SaGa wad for Doom based on the tower from SaGa 1.

>> No.4008210

Everybody seems to hate on the character designs in Minstrel Song, but it was my first SaGa game so I always thought they were pretty cool. I don't think they're bad designs, but I could see people not liking the changes, they're definitely pretty extravagant.

>> No.4008579

Finally got my ass handed to me in RS2 by the dude with the two lizards. It was so easy so far that I thought people were bullshitting about it being hard.

>> No.4008915

Well nevermind that wasn't hard at all.

>> No.4011098
File: 26 KB, 644x264, rs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to convert the RS2 equipment info from http://romasaga2tebiki.seesaa.net/article/197001477.html into some easier to read english charts, but I'm not sure what the little bit in image related is supposed to mean. Does anyone have any idea?

>> No.4011140


You can start talking about the game being not hard when you start actually facing off with the Seven Heroes.

>> No.4011235

Yeah, that's what I'm expecting.

>> No.4011328

Nevermind, I guess these are stat bonuses. It just has the numbers on most of these but not what actual stat is increased.

>> No.4012650

I guess the worst part of Minstrel Song's characters is that all the models are wall eyed, it's not the proportions or the redesigns themselves, except Albert, Jamil and Farah, it's those eyes, as far as chibi models and animations go I think they're great.
I should search for the japanese hacks that let you swap the models with Sherah's, iirc her model also has a unique level up animation too.
That battle is there to teach you how to manage your priorities, they're all generic enemies, except Viker, which has slightly more HPs and moves for its type, making it a semigeneric, the trick is simply killing the lizards first then going after Viker, the only really dangerous enemy in that battle isn't even Viker himself, it's the fire lizard by far since it can oneshot anyone but maybe Bear, if you feel gutsy you can go for Viker first, but it's not as safe as killing the lizards first.
In terms of formation use it's also a nice battle because Imperial Cross, while safer than Free Fight still leads to potential problems due to Viker's staff waza, but it can keep you safe from both lizards as long as you make your character in the front, AKA Bear, parry, after all, the Parry memes are born from that.
I might be wrong, but I believe that could be a general defense modifier.
I don't really know how defense is calculated though, it's just a wild guess.

>> No.4013472

>Lob Omen
They really didn't give a shit about this at all did they?

>> No.4013504

romancing saga 2 is still unfinished right? i dont want to play some abortion phone game version

>> No.4013702

Yes, and it probably won't ever be. Gideon is too busy squealing about Trump these days to actually do anything.

>> No.4014768

That's actually a problematic part, in japanese it's not Love (ラーブ) but robu/lob (ロブ) omen, whether it's actually love, lob, rove or whatever it's hard to tell, but considering TLR also had both an item and an enemy called Lob Omen, possibly another reference to Romancing SaGa 2, they actually used a preexisting translation for that, it's also possible that the name doesn't necessarily translate in english, as omen in the sense of premonition, it might be a fantasy name that happens to share the same english word.

>> No.4016650

Safety bump, no news on either the Vita localization or the RomaSaGa 3 remaster.

>> No.4017020

romancing saga 3 is still unfinished right?

>> No.4017702

>RomaSaGa 3 remaster
nani, It's an actual remake or just another phoneshite ?

>> No.4017752


The patch? It seems to be nearing completion.

>> No.4017772

>The patch? It seems to be nearing completion.

>> No.4017810
File: 27 KB, 256x224, RSaga3_eng005_zpsr0o7rfta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


romhacking dot net on the forums.

>> No.4019357

>that pic
is this real

>> No.4019385

It's a not a remake, it's a remaster like Romancing SaGa 2, coming on both Mobile and Vita and already confirmed for getting a localization.
Unlike the Romancing SaGa 2 remaster this is being remade from scratch, the Romancing SaGa 2 remaster used the old phone port as base while adding new backgrounds and Viktor's new quest, Kawazu said they're going to fully remake this, so it's very possible they're going to redraw the characters' sprites as well as monsters while leaving the music as it is, I guess.
Considering the RomaSaGa 2 remaster has been a success they're probably going to step up their game a bit and surprise us in some way too, who knows, but we still know nothing and since they're fully "remaking" the game it will also take longer than RomaSaGa 2.

>> No.4019398

>Love Omen vs Lob Omen
Is there anywhere a list with the old names versus the new names for items and techs ?

>> No.4020574

Been making lots of progress on RS2. Almost got stuck on Termite Queen because I was pretty underleveled, and my battle rank was too low to get much stronger, but I managed to knock her out on the last turn right before my entire party got wiped by poison. Everything after that hasn't been too bad. I've been trying to get my elemental global levels up for fusion spells, but it's going too slow and I'm worried about my BR getting too high. Is that something I should be waiting until later when enemies give out more skill points to worry about? I haven't even started going after the seven heroes yet, but I'm getting pretty close.

>> No.4020581

Didn't mean to quote >>4019398 this, but I've looked through tons of shit the last couple weeks, and I haven't found anything so far that has the mobile translations for the techs and gear. I've been going through and updating equipment and tech names as I find/learn them, but I'm nowhere near having a complete list.

>> No.4021493
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Yeah, bless some guys at Capcom that made the MHF and DDO SaGa collaborations.
>old names
Was there ever such a thing for Romancing SaGa 2? afaik there's only a few FAQs on Gamefaq with a rather shoddy translation, unless Gideon somehow released a document and I missed that.
What are your levels?
If you killed the Queen I suppose you did Cumberland already and are exploring the central mainland in the third generation or so, at that point you don't quite need fusion spells yet so it's not something you should force, lest your BR scales too much, focus on levelling magic equally as you'll need many of the mid-high level basic spells to fight against most of the heroes and some other tough battles too, well trained mages far outdamage fighters once you get near the end of the game if you get a certain staff, so while it is a slow process it's definitely worth it.
While you can grind due to the game working on a EXP base there's only one monster in the game that is actually functional to grind and it's a rather meaty one that can also be permanently missed if you choose a certain path in the story, but I won't spoiler you on what to do unless you specifically ask me to.
Have you been commissioning stuff at your blacksmiths by the way? That and looting dungeons is the main way of getting stronger, better equipment makes a world of difference and keeps you BR low enough to make the game very fast to play through.

>> No.4021529

>fourth generation
>start saigo's clan quest
>get dantarg in the first dungeon
Thanks game

>> No.4021531

>few FAQs on Gamefaq
Is there similar information anywhere else than gamefaqs?

>> No.4021662

>What are your levels?
Right now my guys are right around 400 HP with all of their highest proficiencies around 15. I have been trying my best to use every element in every fight I can to make the most of my skill points but I wasn't sure just how fast they should be progressing. I have all of the third level spells, so I guess I'm doing alright and will hold off on that and let it progress naturally. I managed to spark some pretty decent wazas off of Dantarg and my equipment is holding up, so I'm not struggling too much yet.
>Have you been commissioning stuff at your blacksmiths by the way?
Yeah, I've mostly been putting it into armor though. I focused on greaves and light armor because they seemed to have pretty decent/balanced defense values for the weight, and the shoes give a bonus to speed. All of the weapons I've been finding so far have been pretty nice so I haven't really seen any reason to produce weapons just yet.

>> No.4022302

where's the link to romancing saga 2 apk?

>> No.4022384

Play store

>> No.4023262

Not that I know, unless again, Gideon released some document with the supposed translation he has.
>Right now my guys are right around 400 HP with all of their highest proficiencies around 15
Sounds about right, you're perfectly on track.
>I haven't really seen any reason to produce weapons just yet.
Pretty much, unless you're aiming for the Cross Claymore there's nothing that your smiths can do that is better than looting dungeons, and even so, the Cross Claymore doesn't have much outside of being the statistically strongest greatsword, the Vorpal Sword and other weapons also come with built in waza and the difference in attack isn't really that noticeable unless you want to minmax, exploit Dragon Pulse and so on.
Your smiths' armors are a decent investment, though the existence of the Maze of Memories in the remake kind of made them a bit useless if you have the patience to challenge the chest RNG to get good armor out of that.

>> No.4025901

I think investing in the cross claymore is a really good idea if you're not playing with bonus content. It's the strongest by far and you can research it with your first three emperors to get it super early in the game. In my last playthrough (coppelia empress, fairly low level) I used one on nearly every character for most of the game.

>> No.4026576

Getting close to the point where I'm going to need to start taking on the seven heroes. I just learned "feremon" evasion from a fish. Will this work against Rocbouquet or does it specifically have to be temptation?

>> No.4026651
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>> No.4026751

Well, nevermind. I demolished her before she even got a chance to use it. I reloaded because I was still curious and turns out it doesn't. Oh well.

>> No.4026876

Looks like I fucked myself out of getting dark magic. I didn't get the stone boat until after I did the quest to freeze the volcano and now I can't go to the salamander village. Is there some way to get around this or am I just gonna have to do without it?

>> No.4026885

Well god damn it nevermind again. I just never talked to the right asshole at the bar.

>> No.4027305
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>check reviews for rs2 on google play store


>> No.4027638

Looks like he got SaGa'ed.

>> No.4029332

bumping just to be safe

>> No.4029591


>> No.4030103
File: 45 KB, 200x200, yoshi2-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the morons in the forum asking if bokuno can be translated


>> No.4030146

What a fucking pussy. SaGa Games are for veteran RPG players, these are for people who like getting kicked in the balls for fucking up.

SaGa is SE's equivalent to Dorf Fortress when it comes to difficulty and learning curve

>> No.4030360

Could anyone tell me what some essential wazas are in RS2? I'm getting to the point where I'm going to start running out of generation shifts soon and I want to have as many of them as I can get in the dojo. Sparking them has been a pretty tedious process so far with how many different character/enemy types there are and I've given up on wanting to learn them all. I'm also in the last BR so I'm pretty sure I can spark just about all of them at this point if I wanted to, but right now I just want to focus on the essentials that I haven't already sparked while farming items.

>> No.4031620

みじん斬り-Pretty strong early bread&butter
空圧波-Reduces HP based on a monster's max HP, amazing for doing big damage on things like hydras on the first turn, but it doesn't work on bosses or certain tough monsters like dragons
音速剣-Pretty good ranged attack
残像剣-Amazing All Target attack with great damage
不動剣-Pretty much the best single target sword waza
スウォーム-You'll need the Wormslayer for this but it's great in the early game, it runs on your Magic stat though.
>Great Sword
ツバメ返し-Great single target damage
水鳥剣-Pretty great for vertical lines of enemies
乱れ雪月花-Amazing single target damage, as usual
ヨーヨー-This teaches you スカイドライブ, which is by far the best single target waza
次元断-Sweet All Target Instakill as always
マキ割りスペシャル-Plant Killer, nuff said
スカイドライブ-See Yo-Yo.
幻体戦士法-Phantom Warrior is Phantom Warrior
骨砕き-Lowers STR
地裂撃-Horizontal line damage+Stun, but ground based, so don't use it on flying things
かめごうら割り-Pretty good damage+debuffs CON
祝福-This makes your spellcasters launch nukes, you'll need the Liberty Staff for this

>> No.4031623


くし刺し-pretty decent ranged horizontal attack
風車-amazing All Target attack
一文字突き-Pretty much くし刺し but much better
活殺化石衝-Great damage and instakill chance, what's not to love^
スパイラルチャージ-Easy to learn and very strong
無双三段-Amazing damage
下り飛竜-Even more amazing damage, but you'll need a Dragon Gae Bolg for this
感電衝-Can Paralyze easily
スネークショット-Instakill frogs on a vertical line, a must have
スクリュードライバ-Screwdriver is good against Roc and other female enemies
幻惑剣-This stuns pretty often and damages things well enough
百花繚乱-Good damage and instakill, but you'll need the Irolina rapier
バラージシュート-Great All Target damage
落鳳破-Great Single Target damage
>Martial Arts
カウンター-Cheap and damaging, great in counterbait formations
集気法-Free self heal
カポエラキック-good single target damage+paralysis
マシンガンジャブ-Amazing single target damage
クワドラブル-Same as マシンガンジャブ
活殺破邪法-Pretty much 気弾 on steroids
千手観音-Channel your inner Netero!

>> No.4031637

This is a good list, thanks a lot. It looks like I already have a lot of these already, so that's a big relief.

>> No.4031853

Could you tell me what drove you to farm items and wazas?

Some useful wazas include:
slice - strong single target sword attack (but I think there's something stronger)
mirage sword - all target sword attack
dark sword - extremely strong single target greatsword attack
bless - magic buff from liberty staff
? - some spear skill that does high damage and lowers enemy attack and speed, can't remember the name
feint - or any stunning attack. You can really abuse this against certain enemies, especially when paired with mist cover to guarantee it hits and rapid stream to ensure you go first.

It's also useful to have some evasion skills, in particular I found hypnosis evasion really useful but at higher BRs you might care about grand slam or something.

>> No.4031860

I'm wondering how SaGa games are best experienced. Would you recommend fighting all the enemies that cross your path or (attempting to) dodge them all? Would you recommend starting the series completely blind or should a player have an idea what to expect from the series? Should a player do their first playthrough of each game with no information about the game or is it more enjoyable if they have access to spark tables and whatnot?

>> No.4031970

I'm not sure, I just like the feeling of completion I guess. I really didn't have any intention of doing any farming with item drops rates nearly being in the negatives, but with the rings that raise the drop rates I felt like I might as well try for a few items while I raise my magic levels. Once I get all the spells I'm probably just gonna settle with what I've got. I'm trying to restrain myself a bit with this and not go crazy like I did with SaGa Frontier 2 where I spent a couple hundred hours trying to get every spell/waza.

>> No.4033489

>I'm wondering how SaGa games are best experienced.
Blind, duh.

>> No.4034306
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>tfw no news for more than a week by now
On one hand I'm happy because something's definitely cooking, but man is it hard to wait.

>> No.4034593

Alright I'm done/bored with all of my preparation. Time to take on the rest of the seven heroes. Gonna roll some dice to decide what order to fight them.

>> No.4035638
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Oh my god, it's really happening........

>> No.4035798
File: 21 KB, 621x274, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this asshole so fucking much. I wish someone would tell him to fuck off and take on all of his projects themselves.

>> No.4036020


It'd be one thing if he was more productive, but man, he really hoards projects and keeps them all at like 20% without ever finishing them. I've been waiting so long for Metal Max 2 that I literally said fuck it and started learning moon instead.

>> No.4036404

Why even do it? Kawazu took Romancing SaGa 2 from under his feet and will do it again with a new translation of Romancing SaGa 3 when the remaster gets localized.

He doesn't have to worry, he doesn't have to do any of his work.

>> No.4037416


Man I can't wait for this, I finished 2 recently and that put me in the mood to replay 3, might as well wait until the new translation is done.

>> No.4037492

Better wait for the official remake

>> No.4037808

>he really hoards projects and keeps them all at like 20% without ever finishing them.

The funny part is he'll get mad if someone else takes his project and finishes/fix it.

>> No.4038056


The whole romhacking community is pissy like that. The worst part is that he hasn't posted any sort of updates on his site in like 2 years, but nobody's going to take any of his projects because nobody wants to get kicked out the community.

>> No.4038330

I've killed this asshole ice dragon about fifteen times now with nine bejeweled rings on and nothing. Why is this game so cruel?

>> No.4038543

What game is this?

>> No.4038783
File: 29 KB, 1252x205, 1476757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /Sa·Ga/? What happened to them?

>> No.4039490

I really don't understand why people are still waiting for Gideon outside of bitching about the remaster for"muh new background graphics" which I kind of understand, but at the same time beggars can't be choosers, either learn japanese so you can play the original or ask somebody else than Gideon to work on it, there's even a few retro game patreon translators nowadays.
Hell, it's not like Gideon's works are perfect or so desirable either, even the better works he pulled out, like the Metal Max Returns translation, have their moments.
You wanna get the Dragon Gae Bolg?
Tough shit, some drops have one digit rates that don't go over 5, but hey, at least you can farm it rather easily, try getting the Destroyer from Dantarg or one of Noel's various drops, now that shit is impossible if you don't have a lot of patience.
Imperial SaGa, JP SaGa browser game.
I don't even know what team he's referring to really, is that the old Biolab shenanigans he's talking about or something else?

>> No.4039839

>You wanna get the Dragon Gae Bolg?
I've already farmed a shitload of twilight robes and entite rings and I figured the drop rates would be about the same. I killed it over and over again for about an hour and nothing. Not even gonna bother at this point. My boys are strong enough as it is.

>> No.4039938

Probably Biolab

>> No.4040168
File: 798 KB, 1096x613, bye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So long gay heroes

>> No.4040296

Is Scarlet Grace available on the PSN store, or am I looking at importing a physical copy? A couple quick looks around revealed to me that that shit's expensive.

>> No.4041507

>I figured the drop rates would be about the same
Poor you, some of the drop rates are abysmal, especially for super rare weapons like the Gae Bolg or the Destroyer, you'd be able to farm Wonder Bangles for every single character in the game .
Worse still, Noel has multiple drops iirc, a rare gauntlet and a helm, so if you're a completionist you have to deal with getting one or the other item, both of which have nearly nonexistent drop rate, and there's other weird shit like the Destroyer only dropping if you're fighting Dantarg's third of last form, it doesn't drop on the other forms at all.

Even in Scarlet Grace, where they put both the weapons I mentioned back after some two decades they're pretty tough to get, especially the Gae Bolg, which while it is a somewhat easy to get drop in the first place it must be upgraded two times to become the actual Dragon Spear Gae Bolg, and you need tons of the rarest ingredient in the game and the penultimate forge rank in order to get it, it is the strongest weapon in the game together with the true Ice Sword though, not even the five elemental weapons can touch it.
>Is Scarlet Grace available on the PSN store
Yeah, that's where I got my copy because fuck waiting a month for Playasia to deliver.
Unless you're interested in one of the preorder bonuses, but I don't think they're still giving the tokens anyway and none of the DLC bonuses are worth it, they're just slightly better common items than the ones you start with, except the PSN preorder which had the rare base version of the Ice Sword, which only drops for one monster, which is a one time only event monster in a quest subroute.

>> No.4041595

I don't grind or farm drops but I have an interesting idea for those that do. HP absorb is a wind magic spell that deals damage depending on a characters dark magic stat and it can potentially deal a lot of damage if you trained a character in wind magic and equipped them with a twilight robe and two candy rings. This could potentially be done very early in the game. Cat has the highest dark magic stat while Linda has a good starting wind rank + decent dark magic stat so both are good choices.
Some of the new remake content might be superior to this but I think this setup would be really good if you play the SNES version or the port without bonus content.

>> No.4041710
File: 45 KB, 500x333, all this time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the ring drop from Noel that gives you +4 strength and forgot to save

>> No.4042501


Drops in most SaGa games seem pretty ridiculous, like the gun you can get from the AbyssBat in SaGa Frontier, than you need to do like 15 bat encounters first just to make it appear, then it has something like a 1/64 or 1/128 chance to drop it. Then there's other stuff like DragonSword, SilverMoon, DragonShield, DurahanShield and SprigganSuit that can only drop from 1 or 2 enemies with an abysmal drop rate.

Can't remember too much about drop rates in the other SaGa games, other than the Haniwa in SaGa 2 dropping the Seven Sword, but I can't remember if that actually had a low drop rate or it was just hard to get because Haniwa themselves are so rare to fight.

>> No.4043513
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All those items are insanely strong, it's justified.
Imagine if you could farm them reliably, it would be like making Black weapons or Dragon Scale weapons in Unlimited all over again, you can trivialize the game with those items, the middle road taken with Scarlet Grace is a nice way for completionists so that there's less drop rates involved and more actual skill involved, since upgrading requires materials that are either locked beyond obscure quest reward variations or battle requirements, and obviously tons of forge ranks.

>> No.4044223


True, the Seven Sword in particular was amazingly broken, I forget what the damage was like in the GB original but I remember it being able to do around 7000 damage in the remake.

>> No.4044272

Oh man this fixed camera in Minstrel Song is not pleasant.

>> No.4044887

it's that way so you can take a better look at the incredible graphics and character design.

>> No.4045642

I can't tell if you're joking or not, but I like them.

>> No.4046553
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain Saga Frontier's boss scaling to me? I read somewhere that only normal encounters have scaling...

but watching VODs of some other players the bosses have completely different HP values (added the numbers). Some of them have half the HP of mine for example, and i'm wondering what it's based on.

>> No.4046834


I'm pretty sure the bosses have different HP values based on your Battle Rank, but I can't remember the specifics.

>> No.4047659

Anyone have a yahoo JPN account I can borrow to play Imperial SaGa?

>> No.4048013

Some enviroments aside the graphics are pretty good.
SaGa's a series that looks best in 2D though, all the full 3D games in the series don't look as good as the 2D games or the mixed ones like Unlimited.
Frontier's BR gives bosses different HP values, I think Genocide Heart is the only exception to that since his battle works by HP thresholds rather than depleting HP normally and it technically has infinite HP or something like that, or at least I remember reading something like that a long time ago.
Come on man, it's full of instructions out there on how to make a Yahoo account, it takes less than five minutes.

>> No.4049723
File: 17 KB, 500x368, 1462170003450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check for news
>Imperial SaGa anniversary

>> No.4050282
File: 117 KB, 450x420, 63182240_p3_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They literally made a SaGa doujinbox
Talk about dedication.

>> No.4050309
File: 37 KB, 620x372, Big Boss and Ocelot circa 1984 Afganistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the non-retro but I know I'm not going to get much of an informed opinion out of /v/

What's the deal with Unlimited Saga? Is it as lambasted by fans as reviews lead me to think or is it Saga being Saga?

>> No.4050330

>What's the deal with Unlimited Saga?
It's peculiar, to say the least.
>Is it as lambasted by fans as reviews lead me to think or is it Saga being Saga?
Well, it's the mainline that started to go to the deeper end in terms of mechanical complexity and general weirdness.
You know how most people say SaGa isn't for everyone? Well, Unlimited isn't for most people who play SaGa either, it's the ultimate filter to those who really like the series' philosophy of doing things differently and those who prefer more "traditional" games, Kawazu once explicitly said that he wanted to tackle game design back from the very basics with Unlimited, and it shows.

It's pretty amazing if you can get into it though, despite a few puzzling decisions like going back to EXP. based progression when it comes to learning Spells.
There's a few people here, me included, who really like it, so if you have problems while playing it ask right away.

>> No.4050436

Here is the thing about Unlimited Saga. Unlike other SaGa games you really cannot take what you know from previous RPG's and apply it directly to Unlimited Saga. HP does not work the same way as in any other game. You reach zero HP and the character doesn't get knocked out, they don't die, they can still fight. That is just one aspect that sums up how much it turns the genre up on its head. It is one of those games in which you have to throw away a lot of what you know about the genre and how you expect it to play to even grapple with it.

Not only that there are many misconceptions about the game which continually get perpetuated and no one cares it is false since not many people like Unlimited Saga. A lot of people have a problem with the reel system. Seeing how often games like Super Mario RPG, Vagrant Story, Legend of Dragoon, and so on are praised for their more "interactive" combat with timed button presses it becomes silly to fault Unlimited Saga on the reel system. The reels repeat, they have a pattern. If they didn't then people wouldn't be landing tier five techniques consistently to bleed life points from bosses. It is almost the same thing as the above mentioned games. It is just presented differently, the only thing that actually differs from those other games is that there is no timed window in which you have to press the button since the reel doesn't stop until you press the button for it to stop unlike the other games in which if you don't press the button you will do a weak or incomplete action.

>> No.4050952

Is a guide pretty much mandatory for Minstrel Song? I've been trying to play through as blind as I can, but it gets tedious going from town to town looking for quests to do.

>> No.4050965

No. I played through it two or three times without ever consulting a guide.

>> No.4050984

Damn, I guess I'm just impatient.

>> No.4051057


I feel the same way about it. For some reason, I have a much harder time finding useful and interesting stuff to do in Minstrel Song compared to any other SaGa title. On the off chance I do find a quest, it usually gets fucked over by battle and event rankings. It's a really cool game, but I just don't have the patience.

>> No.4051587

Not mandatory but the rythm of the game isn't as intense as, say, Romancing SaGa 2 where just exploring ends up in a quest pretty much every time

So if you want stuff to happen and not miss out on things you could keep an eye on places to go at certain ranks

Checking a guide to do everything you can may hinder your experience. I've seen most people in those threads recommending blind playthroughs for every SaGa game but in my case I couldn't enjoy this for Minstrel Song or the first SaGa Frontier, and of course Unlimited and had to keep a guide around. Had a blast though

>> No.4051812

Yeah, I'm really enjoying it a lot but my hopes for a blind playthrough have kind of gone out the window after spending a few hours wandering around the world map talking to everyone. I definitely don't want to follow a guide 100% for this game because I'd like to save a lot of quests for later playthroughs, but every now and then I feel like I kind of have to if I want to find something new to do. I'm really glad I saved this one for after I played through all of the others that came before it though. It really gives me an appreciation for everything I wouldn't have cared about if I had just jumped into it right away like I wanted to when I first got into SaGa.

>> No.4051830

You gotta take your time bro, Minstrel Song is a very dense game, looking for quests is fine but there's a lot more things you can learn, like how some shops rotate their item offerings, looting, treasure hunting and general ecology, the thing I enjoyed the most wasn't learning how to get quests but how to balance everything out, as in getting good loot super early from dungeons, knowing how to forge said loot, sequence breaking in order to maximize quest yield, investing on the appropriate classes to minimize jewel use and all that.
The first run is always going to be rough and you'll always miss out on something, using a guide will ruin the pleasure of discovery and learning, or at least that's how I see things, if it does get too frustrating there's nothing to do of course, but try not to worry and just play the game as it goes, unless you want to fight 10FS Saruin or you spend far too much time fighting pointlessly the game hardly needs a reset, it's not SaGa Frontier 2.

That said, if you need a nudge in the right direction without spoilers, just say who you're playing as and where are you so we can help you out.

>> No.4051851

>just say who you're playing as and where are you so we can help you out.
I'm playing as Albert, and I'm around 16 hours in but only at about BR 6 or 7. I've spent a lot of time messing around with party building and seeing how much of the world I can open up.

>> No.4051861

Well I just walked into Jelton and it's full of monsters. I must be making some sort of progress.

>> No.4051879

Well, there's a few stuff you can do.
Clear up Jelton now that you're there, I suppose you've already stumbled upon Theodore and Raphael in the Knights' Dominion too since it's right beside Valhalland.
Melvir has quite some stuff going on, especially at night and Estamir has also a few nice things to offer, especially in the sewers.

It would also be a good idea to check the central regions, the Ligau tunnels have a few items you can sell for quite a lot too if you can survive in there and so do the caves in the northern archipelago.
You can also try visit one of the four elemental lords.

>> No.4051885

I've done a few of these things already, but a lot of this sounds interesting. These are pretty good leads thanks.

>> No.4051934

You're welcome.

Another point that might interest you is the Frontier, it's a bit hard to get there and at your ER there might still be something to do in there iirc, there's also a certain really powerful Ice Sword in a shop somewhere that you can buy if you have enough money, and if you do survive the Ligau tunnels with a certain loot you can find there you can easily buy it and a lot of other great equipment as well.
It would also be a good idea to travel around by ship and visit many havens, travelling by land is good but the sea also has its advantages.

>> No.4052506

Talking about using a guide or not, I started trying to recall the game and can't remember anything

Played it at release using a guide to handhold me when I didn't know where to go, but now I only slightly remember the mechanics of the game and some quests

Now that I think about it this is a great state of mind to play the game at

>> No.4052741

I started playing SaGa 3 after finally finishing 2 (I've been putting off beating it for more than a year because grinding is a pain in that game and Apollo is fucking OP; I had to get my HP to 999 on my human and mutant to stand a chance), and I'm a bit confused at how the cyborg/monster parts work. I've read the manual that came with the game and it says that equipping more cyborg parts/eating more monster meat will boost your cyborg/beast's stats, but it ALSO says it will turn them into a full robot/monster. I've fed a couple monster parts to one of my characters to test it and they're still a beast, but is there a set amount of meat you need to eat to turn a beast into a monster? Is there a line you have to straddle if you want to keep them as a beast instead of a monster (I'm not sure if you want to do that because I haven't played around with the races yet to see if there's a distinctly "better" class than another or not) or is there a manual trigger to it?

>> No.4052814

That is odd, usually by the second time they consume meat or so they'd go from a beast/cyborg into a monster/robot. I'd experiment around with it, but I found early game robots had abysmal HP.

>> No.4052825

I had Sharon eat a monster's Air meat, which turned them into a SaltMonk, and then they ate another Air meat to turn into a Magician. They're beasts from the same level so that lines up, but you're right that I have to experiment more and find out.

>> No.4053030

If I already played Minstrel Song inside and out, should I play the original romancing saga game ?

I'm actually curious about how different they might be, but at the same time if Minstrel Song is an upgrade in every single field it might end up being a miserable experience

>> No.4053659


You could at least try it out, but it's easily the one that's aged the most poorly. I've beaten all the other main SaGa games either once or with at least one character depending on the game and I just couldn't finish it, ended up giving up after maybe 10 hours.

>> No.4054102

>but is there a set amount of meat you need to eat to turn a beast into a monster?
Been a long time since I played 3 but I think it's a roll check in the original game, I've been spoiled by the DS remake in that regards since it tells you when you're going to change forms, sorry about that but I'm not really sure.
Try saving and experimenting with it a bit.
>I'm not sure if you want to do that because I haven't played around with the races yet to see if there's a distinctly "better" class than another or not
Imo, the middle races(Beastman and Cyborg) aren't worth it most of the times, it's true that they're kind of the best of both worlds since they usually have access to a wider skillset and they can both get fairly strong abilities but monsters or mechs are easier to develop and keep up compared to the middle races.
>should I play the original romancing saga game ?
If you can stand how primitive it is and all the archaic mechanics, yeah, it's a very rough game though and it works differently from the PS2 remake when it comes to most mechanics.
There's also less playable characters compared to the remake, no Farah, Friere, Darque or generic units at all, which might be tough in some sections, like Hawke's early game where you have only him and Guella Ha compared to Minstrel Song where you also get the Minstrel and pirate generics to fill up your party.

>> No.4055852

Surprised the thread didn't die.
The E3 must have slowed down the traffic on /vr/ quite a bit.

>> No.4056489

How in the fuck did Minstrel Song get such low scores? This is one of the best JRPGs I've ever played.

>> No.4056682

Sleep tight 3 month old thread

>> No.4056864

Most people in the west don't like SaGa because it doesn't plays like other JRPGs, coupled with a lower budget than FF games meaning no shiny graphix made people diss the game when it's actually really good.
It's the SaGa curse, no more no less.
Also new bread.