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3969621 No.3969621 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in the market for a Dreamcast and I stumbled upon a BIOS modded one which should be completely region free. Is it worth it for a couple dozen bucks more?

How is the BIOS mod even done?

>> No.3969624

If you mess with BIOS it will break the console.

>> No.3971576

>Is it worth it
It boggles the mind why people ask this. As if we some how know how important it is to you and how much you are willing/able to spend.

There are different ways of doing the mod. You can do anything from a simple replacement to dual boot with a switch. You can do it with lots of wires running all over the place held in place by hot glue or you can do it neatly.

>> No.3971594

I don't know what BIOS is, but we used to have one that would play anything and it was fucking awesome. At the time, PS2 and Gamecube were just hitting their stride of good titles, but we always ended up playing the fucking dreamcast instead.

>> No.3972215

The BIOS mod lets you play originals from a different region. A standard DC can play selfboots that are region free.

>> No.3972246

>modding retro consoles
>destroying a limited piece of hardware to meet your modern specifications
>not just emulating like the modern hipster you are, and leaving actual consoles to actual retro enthusiasts like us
Fuck off.

>> No.3972438

Probably not. You'll end up mostly using burned games and boot discs to force VGA box compatibility anyway.

>> No.3972520

I thought the Dreamcast was already region free.

>> No.3972651
File: 138 KB, 587x494, 69930fe7-47a4-4362-9280-b59832261a35_zps83cc0753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saturn needs a modchip though
emulation is shit

>> No.3972667


lrn2mednafen newfaggot

>> No.3972714

>implying the other yous ITT are as retarded as you

>destroying a limited piece of hardware
If you can't mod a console without destroying it you have no business using things that run on electricity. You're likely to electrocute yourself and burn your parents basement down.

>> No.3975176

>modded Dreamcast

>> No.3975360


Saturn doesn't need a modchip anymore ever since Pseudo Saturn/Pseudo Saturn Kai. All you need is a chinkshit Action Replay clone and the ability to swap discs.

>> No.3975741

Cool story kid. Your Saturn has two cart slots so you can play cart games?

>> No.3975743


Can't you just chainload out-of-region games with an action replay or some kind of bootdisc?

>> No.3976959

You can but it means you have to swap disc multiple times. Heavy lifting for a millennial. kek

>> No.3976968

No. You can very easily burn a boot disc making it entirely region free. If you have a CD-R lying around, congrats you can do it for free. Otherwise blow a whopping $5 on like a ten pack.

It requires one simple disc swap with a burned boot disc. That's it.

>> No.3976970

What is heavy lifting for you, isn't for most.

>> No.3977508
File: 5 KB, 108x202, Ruber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry this is the most relevant thread i could find

what the shit is this capsule toy from shenmue

is it something from nights?

>> No.3977646

You kids probably couldn't do a simple disc swap without putting someones eye out.

>> No.3977680

No one sells Saturn modchips anymore. The supply has dried up.

>> No.3977694


You the same edgy teen from the N64 thread? Goddamn you're pathetic.

>> No.3977713

Not him but most action replays also act as 1,2,3,4 Meg carts if I'm not mistaken? So you can still play games like xmen vs sf and shit

>> No.3977749


dude i just bought one last week, look up the phantom universal

>> No.3977753

>No one sells Saturn modchips anymore. The supply has dried up.

bullshit, we have more sources now than ever. You can get them from fucking Ebay now.

>> No.3977758

Pseudo is a piece of shit with limited compatibility, it hogs the cart slot you use for saves, and it is unreliable because it uses the cart slot. And you need to go through a menu to boot games.

It only acts as a 4meg cart and only if you use an action replay; it will also glitch up with SNK games like KOF SamSho or Metal Slug (those need 1mb carts, not 4mb ones, and no, AR doesn't switch, it's 4mb only).

>> No.3977812

>doing the swap disc trick
yeah, go ahead and fuck up your saturn by doing that

>> No.3977818

Millennial faggot, just because YOU bricked your Saturn by incorrectly doing the swap trick doesn't mean anyone else has.

>> No.3977824


Yup, it's the same shithead.

>> No.3977865

No you can't. There's only one for sale on ebay right now and it's an auction.
Oh dang that looks easy. Is r43ds the only place to buy them? Why would I do this over the (much cheaper) PsuedoSaturn?

>> No.3977879

Do CD-Rs damage your consoles over time?

A lot of people say CD-Rs are less reflective than pressed discs and cause the disc drive to work harder, making it wear out faster.

There also seem to be debates about how important it is to use the right discs or burners, and how important each factor is. Some people think certain brands will lead to better discs, which will cause less damage to your consoles

But I can't find much hard evidence to back up these claims. Just anecdotes. And nasty fights.

>> No.3977908

>a couple dozen bucks more

What kind of retarded nigger talks like this?

>> No.3978209

>No you can't. There's only one for sale on ebay right now and it's an auction.


>> No.3978212

Turning the console on will damage it over time. Leaving it out in the sun will damage it over time.

Best not think too hard about that.

>> No.3978268

Space Harrier

>> No.3978271

Doesn't seem to be from it.

>> No.3978274
File: 176 KB, 640x320, fb_spaceharrierC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3978290

>Is it worth it
On a console that has no protection and you can download any game from any region to work on a cd-r? fucking no it isn't worth it.

>> No.3978771

Nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your consoles as much as possible while also playing them.

>> No.3978786

Then you should only buy sealed units and put them in a safe.

>> No.3979512


>> No.3981227

A guy is mamong a flashcart for saturn. In that case it's actually preserving the original hardware though since Saturn's are all going to be dead soon

>> No.3981657

Those are games that need extra RAM. There are games that need an actual ROM cart that the AR doesn't do. And your AR doesn't do shit except pseudo once it's flashed with pseudo.

>> No.3981857

>while also playing them

>> No.3982054

Unless someone (ever) comes with actual evidence I advise you to ignore it

>> No.3984658

Assuming I don't care about the fighting games that use the cart slot, why should i shell out for a modchip over using psuedo saturn? Modchip is more expensive and more work.

>> No.3986413

Because you care about other types of games that use the cart slot? Or, you know, just play bomberman forever alone.

>> No.3987047

tfw never had a fully working one. bought one last year to play shenmue. almost finished the first disc, stopped reading any games, did the tweak, got it working a bit more, stopped working. bought another one from a mom and pop retro store. same issue. returned that one and havent tried again. really just wanna play shenmue but the dreamcast emulator is shit.

>> No.3987228

Sounds like your copy of Shenmue is cursed bruh