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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 63 KB, 600x334, 1418763149179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3971964 No.3971964 [Reply] [Original]

Do you suppose Dreamcast emulation will ever be good?

>> No.3971968


dreamcast cost $20 are you that poor?

>> No.3971973

I'll be getting a job soon. Got an interview with the zoo lined up, all I need to do is practice smiling and I've got the job.

But that's besides the point.

>> No.3971981

Because of this show I now can't avoid calling the systems "megadora" and "dorikyasu". They roll off the tongue so well.

>> No.3971996


>> No.3972000

I always wanted to record some gameplay off Super Robot Wars Alpha, but no emulators play the game decently.
I'm really thinking about buying a Dreamcast just to do this.

>> No.3972006
File: 1.82 MB, 2121x1372, 1425498452918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Sega hard girls but I'm not acquainted with the neps at all so I'm not sure if that game's worth my time.

Also it wasn't my intention to start a thread about sehagaga, I would've been much more direct about it saying something like "Did you enjoy this show, /vr/?" rather than side-stepping the topic like one would on /v/. It's not as if it's against the board's rules or anything and I think it's definitely worth a sega fan's time.

I feel you man, there's lots of nice games I'd like to record footage of too but it seems like getting a Dreamcast is the only way to go.

>> No.3972020
File: 40 KB, 713x381, durst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you watch this show and not own a dreamcast yet? they are dirt cheap.

>> No.3972027
File: 2.87 MB, 512x288, Sexualize the saturn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got around to it. It seems I've been putting it off for a bit too long now. I have a Saturn and a Genesis though.

You're probably right, I should just buy one at this point.

>> No.3972039
File: 105 KB, 627x836, 1418683395592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saturn is waifu

>> No.3972042
File: 54 KB, 960x720, tumblr_o10pkz3llW1t0co30o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the piss stained ones are cute

>> No.3972051
File: 364 KB, 500x1150, 1493065648233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game Gear is cute!

>> No.3972052

You're right, the Dreamcast is a very charming little thing. I adore how it's not just all-black, has a unique shape to it, and it's little orange light on the front... It's really cute.

>> No.3972056

This reminds me, there's BD specials that involve the other consoles. I'm not sure if those were ever dumped to nyaa.

>> No.3972058

Wow shes qt

>> No.3972070

How long used consoles generally live.
In my experience not very long, sometimes not long enough to complete a game.

Wish there was some service to fix those.

>> No.3972082

Fuck yeah GG loli. GameBoy is for little boys.
Dreamcast was pretty sturdy well built machine. They dont die nearly as much as say the PS2.

>> No.3972105

The problem is people like this cuck >>3971968

They think "dude you can just buy the system" so we are getting no progress. So in 30 years when the systems are all dying/ cost a fortune then they will give a shit and wonder why noone took the time to get emulation working properly

>> No.3972152

brb, buying Dreamcasts in bulk to make a fortune 30 years from now

>> No.3972209

Just wait until we have superhuman AI. It might even figure out how to emulate the Saturn properly.

>> No.3972289

Dreamcast emulation will eventually be figured out by MAME autists finally getting NAOMI to work properly.

>> No.3973338

I want to wash that scribble off every Durstcast.

>> No.3973390

I will fight you irl

>> No.3973435

In all honesty, this. The reason DC got so many good arcade ports is because it was essentially the same hardware that was used in the arcades.

>> No.3973460

No it won't because mame doesn't have an ounce of code in it utilizing graphic cards and relys 100% on processor. Stand alone emus like makaron/demul are the best bet for emulation although as piracy is so easy and dcast is dirt cheap plus vga output you should just buy one.

>The reason DC got so many good arcade ports is because it was essentially the same hardware that was used in the arcades.
This is the true, it's a naomi board minus some ram.

>> No.3973834

>Dreamcast was pretty sturdy well built machine.

It's not nice to lie on the internet, anon.

>> No.3973849

I liked that Sega did the same thing later and based Chihiro on the Xbox. Too bad the list of Chihiro games was pathetically small compared to Naomi, but fuck it, the original OutRun 2 port on Xbox was goddamned amazing.

>> No.3973854

No, because the games worth playing are already emulateable.

>> No.3973860


>> No.3973875

Whats worth playing is different per person.

>> No.3973932

dreamcast emulation is passable
like you can run through shenmue, sonic adventure and whatnot.

the only real issue ive ran into is sound issues on some titles. like i cant enjoy chu chu rocket without it

>> No.3973940

Acquire taste.

>> No.3973962

>Acquire taste.

t. anon who jacks off to sonic adventure fanfics

>> No.3973987

You misspelled Shenmue.

>> No.3973993


Geniuses are born every generation, could be that right now there's a kid in kindergarten who's dad gave him his old DC and he'll end up liking it so much he'll code an emulator for in.. 10 years or so.

>> No.3974781

>anon liked this
It's just the "laser" though. The rest of the shit's rock solid

>> No.3974791

Just wondering, hypothetically, if every Dreamcast exclusive got ported, would you still want a Dreamcast emulator?

Just curious

>> No.3974820

Yeah. An emulator would potentially let you play them on anything strong enough to run it.

>> No.3974828

That's a damn good point. I always thought of emulators as "I get to play it on PC!", but in reality, it's also about playing it on anything. Mostly PC but still, i getcha

>> No.3974858

>The rest of the shit's rock solid

Yeah, it's a very reliable paperweight once it stops actually being able to read fucking games.

>> No.3975195

You type very well for a creature that hasn't evolved enough to have opposable thumbs required to change a tiny frickin laser

>> No.3977971

This. I hate this "let's not worry about it now" attitude. It's literally staving off the inevitable

>> No.3977976

Demul has acceptable enough accuracy and it actually supports WinCE games now, it's only setback by being unoptmized as shit.

>> No.3978000

ye, every game that's ported from Dreamcast has some sort of transparency issue

>> No.3979749
File: 127 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-012265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen the show, but I do like the figure.

>> No.3979756

But Saturn can't do transparency.

>> No.3979784

VDP2 can you dingus

>> No.3979792

But it's haaaaard.

>> No.3979801

just like my dick

>> No.3980928

The girls in this show are cute. CUTE!