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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3966894 No.3966894 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think about Brigandine?

>> No.3966906

I was gonna try it, eventually.

>> No.3966914

I still don't know if I should play the vanilla version or wait for a new fan-translaton of the Grand Edition, honestly.

Last week one comes here and says vanilla is best, on the other hand Grand changes some things and has more stuff which I might prefer. I really don't know.

>> No.3966916

I think that's the game where a mage character summons a mug of beer which I thought was cute. Actual game was kind of meh as I remember.

>> No.3966920

Supposed to be hard.

>> No.3968118


>> No.3968320
File: 32 KB, 315x290, Dryst-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3968325

>games you will never play

>> No.3968594

Does anyone even wear brigandine in that game?

>> No.3968619

There's a fan translation

>> No.3968727

I sold my copy on eBay for some ridiculous price some ten years ago. Played it for about 20 minutes. Looked interesting but didn't have the attention span.

>> No.3968909

It looks sort of neat, like an offbrand Ogre Battle, and I never heard of it before!

>> No.3969156

I just played through GE. In all honesty, the music is worse, some of the balance changes are worse, the few cut scenes are nice.

I don't think the positives outweigh the negatives.

>> No.3969297

No that was Kartia, which is also a turn-based strategy, but episodic rather than nonlinear.

>> No.3969878

I got it for Christmas one year. Was a challenging game, one I didn't beat until much later.

Honestly that cd cover art for the game (the NA one, the one OP posted) is bait as fuck because that particular kingdom, Norgard, is actually the toughest one to win with. But I digress:

Story: a lot of political backstabbing and coup in the first couple minutes of the game. Really puts the setting in a similar vein to FF Tactics. After the opening scene you can choose one of the five different countries that are going to war, attempting to unify the country. Each country has significant pros and cons; one of them is surrounded by mountains and is hard to invade, but the commander human units are mostly healers rather than dps machines, Two of them team up and have a friendly alliance, etc.

Gameplay: it's a strategy RPG where you move units to occupy cities. While playing, you can choose to send units to invade enemy cities. When that happens, if the enemy has units stationed there, you guys duke it out, and you either capture the city on victory or retreat if you are defeated.

Each human unit commander can be of different classes, like fighter, cleric, mage, ninja, archer, etc. upon leveling up you can change and upgrade classes. Each commander also has "rune points" which allow you to use monsters in your party. Having rune points is like a stat, you can get more as you level, different units have different amounts, etc. how much you have determines how many and how powerful of monsters you can bring to battle.

Monsters have different classes and abilities too, and are crucial to winning fights. One thing to note, if monsters fall in battle, it's permadeath. If a unit commander falls in battle, they retreat to their country capital and there is a chance any left over monster units will fail to escape, and will subsequently join the winners party afterwards


>> No.3969892


(Part 2)

In addition to battle, you can also send commanders on 'quests' where they go MIA for a month and return later, sometimes with new items or stat increases or new monsters or occasionally even a new commander to join, but sometimes will come back empty handed or maybe even sick and will have to rest a month or two.

What the game doesn't tell you, that you should know is that war is happening around you, whether you're involved or not. The AI is pretty smart and typically won't attack you unless it knows you're at a disadvantage. The other countries will attack each other, and through battle they will gain experience and level up as well, and they may even wipe other countries off the map on their own, so you cant be safe for too long, turtling up in defense. Also, there is a time limit in the game that most people aren't aware of until it's too late, for storyline reasons

It's a great game with fun mechanics and some seriously addicting music (the castle menu theme is forever stuck in my head to this day), and a lot of interesting lore on each commander which is shown off in game too (commanders have friends and foes both in their own country and outside of it too, lots of flavor text can happen if for example you battle your sister who works for a different country), so if youre into sRPGs and don't mind saving frequently to savescum in case you lose some powerful monster units, it's a game worth checking out.

>> No.3970281

I love it. Snowballing is a problem, though. You'll be steamrolling everyone after some point. Unless you are playing GE, then you'll want to be as strong as possible by the end of the game.

>> No.3970623
File: 243 KB, 709x709, 54466-Shining_Force_3_1st_Scenario_(J)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as good as this

>> No.3970624

poor man's fire emblem?

>> No.3970640

i don't recall a 3d fire emblem game until the gamecube anon