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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 174 KB, 640x670, ⁄vr⁄ct.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
383828 No.383828 [Reply] [Original]


יְהוּדִי Edition

Continued from last thread

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

-DOWNLOAD RCT2 Triple Thrills Pack-

Note: if using Chrome and the PutLocker link doesn't work, you have 3 options:
1.refresh the page several times
2.use another browser
3.use one of these mirror links:

Also available in the burstintotreats website:
Save Game Modifier
Windowed mode hack (for Windows only)

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

(+ mirror links)

RCT1 scenarios (83 in total, missing the 3 "Real" Parks)

/v/-/vg/-/vr/ scenarios (28 in total)

Sand box scenarios (with and without money)

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


Gameplay tips

Knowledge Base

Fossil's Dig Site (a few additional articles)

RCT wiki

>> No.383831


(+ mirror links)

RCT2 addons from the original website (which is now dead)

Original Mr. Bones save

The Time Machine and Katy's Dreamworld (User Created Expansion Sets)
More info: http://www.rct2uces.com/

8cars (hacking tools)

New Element Designs (RCT fansite where people upload crazy looking parks)

Lunatim's Loopy Land (a small collection of downloadable rides and parks made by a talented mind)

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


A free and open source game

An HTML5 driven game

>> No.384026
File: 8 KB, 600x450, colonD3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pic

>> No.384065

Seriously, how do I beat Thunder Rock? I swear I didn't have this much trouble before. I've plastered the place in rides and coasters, am running ad campaigns, . My park rating is permanently plastered to 999, yet I'm barely past 1,600 guests and it's just not increasing. I even just built a brand new coaster (7.70 excitement) and ran an ad campaign for it, and it's barely increased the number of guests I have.

>> No.384083


I guess part of the problem might be that my guests seem to all have run out of money, so they're not exactly having a lot of fun....

>> No.384094

I may be completely wrong here but I heard park guests are based on the number of things you have in your park too, there's a limit somehow. So maybe you actually have too many rides in your park.

>> No.384104


That limit is 10,000 though, I doubt I'm anywhere near that. It's going up, just way too slowly.

>> No.384132

IIRC running ad campaigns for the rides increases the likelihood of guests getting on that ride, but doesn't increase visitors to your park as a whole.

>> No.384181

I always see a big boost in guest count when I run the "Free Entry To The Park" Advertisement.

Also check your Guests' thoughts and address any issues they have (path congestion, hunger, thirst)

>> No.384183
File: 459 KB, 1277x798, TR1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Been running park campaigns permanently too though.

He's my park, I'm quite proud of it, I'd go there.

>> No.384186


(can't believe I had to resort to a gif.

>> No.384194

Not enough jewcarts.

>> No.384198

What is the goal for Thunder Rock in RCT2?

>> No.384196


Backside of it.


There's some, 62/1800 want to go home and 57/1800 think it's too crowded. But it's really hard to make a clean path layout in this park.

>> No.384205
File: 442 KB, 1275x798, TR2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot pic.

>> No.384209

I just got RCT2 from gog. I can't stand the scenarios with the scenery. I just want to build shit, not look at a medieval castle. Also, not being able to charge for rides=I miss RCT1.

>> No.384210

Build more gentle/thrill rides on top of the rock.
also go- karts.

>> No.384213


2,700 by Year 4.

I haven't looked at the other version of the scenario.


I tried to do it legit. I may just play it again and plaster shuttle loops, scam karts and mini mazes, though.

>> No.384218


Gigacoasters are a pretty failsafe way to get high excitement.

(they're usually my favourite irl too.)

>> No.384220

There's actually a limit to the amount of litter you can have. I made a scenario that was supposed to be line Ivory Towers with disgusting paths on start, and after a certain point, people would puke but it wouldn't show up.

It's 900 guests by the end of Year 4 in RCT1. Who made these scenarios?

>> No.384228


No idea. I guess they're supposed to be of similar difficulty (900 would be piss easy) but I've found almost all of them considerably harder than the originals.

>> No.384240

Well, you also get a lot more rides, but still, that's three times the original. Even in my best RCT1 Thunder Rocks file I've only got maybe 2000 guests tops.

>> No.384326

The thing with getting more rides is you also get a bunch more shitty rides, and the best rides are from the original anyway.

>> No.384372

The positives outweigh the negatives, you can't even get steel twisters in the original parks. It's really a big change.

>> No.384402

So I've been trying to do the Mountain Ranges scenario (10 different roller coaster types with 7+ excitement and 10.5k track length or more.) and jesus christ, it's fucking hard. I spent all morning working on a woodie, and somehow at the end still got an extreme rating even though all of my g-forces are within normal ranges.

Anyone had any luck with this scenario?

>> No.384403


I don't understand how hard it could have been to use these
to give players the exact same rides as in the original. Hardly seems like it would have added much more work.

>> No.384576
File: 454 KB, 1280x800, sugarloaf shores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictures are fixed by the way.

>> No.384732

What did the entertainer do to deserve the fate of being forced to watch innocents die for the rest of his life?

>> No.384812
File: 109 KB, 273x273, beetch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was...

>> No.384842

By the looks of it, he's in the middle of his dance animation.... or waddling around looking for an escape.

>> No.384998

>tfw when your biggest contribution to the threads was creating scammazes
>tfw you also made go-kart tracks of Bowser's Castle and Rainbow Road

>> No.385016

>tfw you made the first thread on /vr/ launch
You guys rock.

>> No.385203

As do you bro.

>> No.385206
File: 707 KB, 1296x997, RCT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels autistic man.

>> No.385218

You should play open TTD, it's fun and free.

>> No.385235

I should try it once...
If I can find the time between playing Sim City 4, Kerbal Space Program, and other games.
That town is just part of my Mad-Max styled custom scenario.

>> No.385245


Creating scam mazes is a legendary achievement. Never again will I have to waste my time waiting for money on maps that don't have go-karts.

>> No.385498

>dem railroad crossings
>that station
Railroad crossings were one thing I wish RCT featured.

>> No.385885

I know, but I just wish people cared more about the awesome go-kart tracks. Also, if I wanted to upload them, where would be a good place to do so? They are from RCT1.

>> No.385915
File: 235 KB, 814x631, brbr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in old thread before realizing we moved.

>> No.386071
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>> No.386192
File: 86 KB, 396x307, Screen Shot 2013-04-07 at 8.33.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We who are about to die, salute you.

Yes, they are in a colosseum.

>> No.386237

i leled

>> No.386246

At least I'm not the only one who does this.

>> No.386987


>> No.387206
File: 561 KB, 1500x1500, 1332134064092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Excitement rating: 1.02 (low)
>Intensity rating: 18.7 (Ultra-Extreme)

>> No.387250

You can charge for rides, you just can't charge for both entry and rides. Also, removing scenery is easy as fuck.

>> No.387259

>every ride I make.jpg

>> No.387314

If you just want to build shit, make your own scenarios with no money

>> No.387345

Could someone tell me what scam mazes are? I missed the other thread.

>> No.387360

Build a one tile maze with no walls, set price to 50 cents.

>> No.387367

>50 cents
>not 6 dollars
do you even dosh?

>> No.387381

Set price to whatever gives the most Jewprofits. I saw 50 cents in the thread.

>> No.387386

>implying they'd pay $6 for more than 30 seconds of real time
Just set it to a dollar.

>> No.387498

I miss the charging for entry + rides mechanic of RCT1.
Playing Mega Park, if you get enough attractions people would start carrying the maximum of $95 and were willing to pay that much for entry, not having a single cent for rides/food. If only we had ATMs on that version...

>> No.387520
File: 385 KB, 800x600, SCR1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fellas

I made a scenario for you all to try.
Crestline Peaks is an old ski resort that you inherited recently on the condition that anything you build there to make more money is old school. Nothing like hypercoasters, hydraulic drop towers, race cars, or motion simulators. If you're creative though with the low tech rides you do get you can make quite a bit of money, as wooden roller coasters are of course fair game.
If you think this should go up on /vr/'s list, please add it! I'd love to see my stuff on there. I'll make more if people like this one.
Heres the link

>> No.387540

Are we still coming up with ideas of rides for different boards? If so, /t/ should totally be a pirate ship.

>> No.387948
File: 178 KB, 455x405, GOATster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.387957
File: 14 KB, 257x197, Screen Shot 2013-04-08 at 12.00.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the stats.

>> No.387983

Somehow I can't download it.
Tried with Fifrefox and Internet Explorer.

>> No.388016
File: 432 KB, 1280x768, MobiusX4_Launched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show your creations!

Here's mine:
Mobius roller coaster.

>> No.388034


Are they synched?

>> No.388041


The site you uploaded to is not working.

>> No.388067

Heh, I see you got the same idea.

I was actually planing on having 4 carts, but somehow wen I put 4, the last one bugs and they won't move.

So I can only put 3 and the even saddest part is that they can't be synched.

The only option I have is make them go on after the other.

>> No.388071

Does anyone have any tips on avoiding this? It seriously happens every single fucking time I make a coaster. Nothing worse than spending a long time making a coaster just to have no one ride it.

>> No.388095

Show us some screencaps of the coasters, it really differs for every one.

>> No.388124

Someone in the old thread mentioned getting used to Virginia Reels, since the limited piece selection forces you to master the basics without "building something retarded, then trying to correct it with something even more retarded."

>> No.388128

Used bank turns for turns after a hill. Or any turn that has the trains moving fast really.

>> No.388179

on the apex of a hill or an inversion, do not go faster than 30 mph
Going 300 mph doesn't make it fun. Having a lot of hills, going under supports, and an occasional inversion makes it fun.

I found out how to make good rides after just modeling my coasters after real-life coasters, and banking my turns.

Someone needs to make a pic how-to for coaster building.

>> No.388279

I'll whip something up with common pitfalls.

>> No.388318
File: 349 KB, 1671x814, paint is the best tool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.388347

Not bad.

Finally beat Diamond Heights, and by that I mean year 3 finally ended.

>> No.388358

this is great, thanks

>> No.388367

I find even slow turns should be banked if possible, on the "many small problems add up to a large problem" line of thinking.

>> No.388385

any sudden change of direction at high speed, basically. negative G's add intensity too. i haven't been able to figure out exactly what adds excitement. speed, airtime, # of inversions?

>> No.388387
File: 690 KB, 1366x768, TROCK FAGGOTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping some screencaps from a previous general.

>> No.388394
File: 502 KB, 1366x768, amon amarth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.388405
File: 510 KB, 1366x768, swizz cheeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.388407

I never bothered. Anything under 20 mph with a bank is just a waste of two extra track pieces in my eyes.

>> No.388418
File: 505 KB, 1366x768, CHROME DOME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hideously chrome'd Diamond Heights.

>> No.388423


>> No.388425

I laugh every time I see that.

>> No.388438

you are a good man. peace be to you

>> No.388487


>> No.388540

Quick help, why can't I find my RCT2 screenies?

>> No.388548

Did the FAQs not help?

>> No.388550

Compatability mode in the file options.

>> No.388571

Well I'm stupid. Thanks, I've got something I figure you guys might like.

>> No.388581
File: 17 KB, 250x287, 01aaa-brow-flacco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post post post yo!

>> No.388589 [DELETED] 

This is Maze 2.

>> No.388594
File: 330 KB, 1280x768, SCR1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a quick way to ramp up your park value? Mine shot up by over $500k after building just one of these.

>> No.388596
File: 55 KB, 506x356, Screen Shot 2013-04-08 at 1.01.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Maze 2. With pic this time.

>> No.388612
File: 5 KB, 382x44, Screen Shot 2013-04-08 at 1.00.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first customer for Maze 2.

>> No.388635

that that thing completely random or something?
People say it works on the gog/op dl but I still didnt manage to make it work yet

>> No.388641
File: 485 KB, 375x268, 1361133924409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Excitement rating:

>> No.388651

I built a second one in my park that had almost the exact same stats. Didn't know there were issues with it.

>> No.388661
File: 23 KB, 300x300, Blazing-Saddles-mel-brooks-118229_300_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was lead to believe that it did NOT work on the gog version.

>> No.388686

Any tips to making easy money on sand box?

>> No.388753

I really wish I could find my RCT2 disk so I can do exploits
Fuck gog sometimes

>> No.389056
File: 262 KB, 1280x768, SCR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw yiss. I did it guize.

>> No.389059


It is like some of these people have never seen a real life roller coaster... Speaking of. Anyone else really like to recreate real life roller coasters in the game?

>> No.389093

What about slope+bank combinations? Is it better to spread those out to two spaces?

>> No.389167
File: 180 KB, 1531x544, hurrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harder to explain. I'll start by explaining banked curves in general.

>> No.389194


It's hard to see the #1, consider using a different color.

Your wording is a bit weerd as well, but it became clear once I noticed where the 1 was.

>> No.389205

Yeah, I'm starting to get tired, it's hard to put this stuff into words.

>> No.389235
File: 3 KB, 98x124, 1355716179476s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleep if you need to. but please continue sometime. i know i speak for a lot of people that would love a beginners guide to making coasters, even though we played this game all the time as kids.

my parks always looked amazing, but there was hardly ever a custom coaster in sight.

>> No.389268

I can still give constructive criticism if you want.

>> No.389278

Good moneymaking rides all have:
Medium or higher Excitement (to avoid "I want to go on something more exciting than ____" messages)
Lower than Very High Intensity (to avoid "____ looks too intense for me" messages)
High turnover (short ride time or several high capacity vehicles)
And ideally a low build cost so it can amortize faster.

the traditional scam rides (Goy Karts, Shuttle Loop) all have these features.

>> No.389859
File: 408 KB, 1233x913, hark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic screenshot time.

>> No.389906

did he ever count to three

>> No.389917

The ride ended and one guy liked it so much he got back in line.

>> No.389962

after that ride, can HE count to three

>> No.389969

he only went on it twice

>> No.389986

>no specs
Criminal injustice.

>> No.390004
File: 547 KB, 1257x906, WTFHOLT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.390042


>> No.390282
File: 251 KB, 1280x768, SCR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had an idea to see what'd I'd get if I made a twister roller coaster that only comprised of banked curves and to see if I could "turn forever". This is the result.

>> No.390301


Not too bad, actually.

>> No.390314

you shoulda seen the other stuff I've made. would floor you with how great it all is.

>> No.390392
File: 89 KB, 800x600, yes, yes.. excellent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins.

>> No.390420
File: 164 KB, 576x432, 1328928265566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.390463
File: 96 KB, 800x603, come on in kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're getting through them faster than I can build them.
And more are coming into the park.

>> No.390486


You really should've planned this out more. Also, did you make them all max capacity?

>> No.390548
File: 66 KB, 800x604, there's a plan alright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first ten or so, there was a bit of a queue piling up. We're up to the 50s now, though, so no turning back.

>> No.390556

you're in trouble when they run out of money

>> No.390585

you should add ATMs to the roads

>> No.390638

Max jew.

>> No.390764


Man, the corner must be fucking confusing. Here you are, you've beaten 30-odd mazes with the exit opposite the entrance, and suddenly BAM! Exit's on the right, bitch.

>> No.390897

>make a scenario like that
>be so fucking stupid you upload it to a site that looks horrendously made and doesn't even work
You are one dumb cunt.

>> No.390942


Christ, it worked for me. It must have been removed quickly or something.
I stuck it on my dropbox. This link should work.

>> No.390963

Yep, this one works.

>> No.390995

How many mazes did you end up making?

>> No.391009

After spiraling all the way to the centre, it should have a path that leads underneath them all, with two options, a path back to the beginning or a path to Mr. Bones Wild Ride.

>> No.391036

>not naming it "Colon Powell"

>> No.391283
File: 2.96 MB, 3392x2044, hella_maze.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step up, senpai!

>> No.391312

I hope someone actually saved the original images.

>> No.391337

Are there stats of the maze?

>> No.391693
File: 328 KB, 1280x755, rollercoastertycoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about making a RCT helpsite with some tutorials and advice like >>388318 did, not to mention guides on how to get the games working etc.
Do you think you guys would like that?

Obviously they'll be a jewing section too.

>> No.391783


>> No.391831

What features/sections would you like to see most on it?
Obviously a guide to perfect coaster building, but what else?

>> No.391881

Coaster guide, jew guide, maybe a guide to paths and stuff. Maybe a description of each attraction and what it's good/bad for. Only if you feel like writing a shit ton. I'm sure some tips for the tougher scenarios wouldn't go amiss. That's just what I reckon people would like to see.

>> No.391889

Very much yes, I'm terrible at building coasters but I'm trying to learn with the few tips given so far.

Also mention any good scenarios to hone in on particular skills, for instance I'm about to try Whispering Cliffs to learn how to build in smaller areas because my parks tend to have no structure and become a clusterfuck.

>> No.391913

If the OP is around anywhere to listen

There should be a file containing any good /vr/ built rides like there is for scenarios. An anon built a great Grand National in the last thread that's since disappeared and I'd like to see, and I'm sure other anon's have posted some others that have disappeared from threads

>> No.391937

I downloaded that ride, so I might host it on the site I'm proposing here >>391693

Sounds good, I'll work on it tonight then.

>> No.392053

How do I get the window mode hack working on XP? All I get is a transparent window

>> No.392178
File: 709 KB, 1280x889, mercury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at an intermediate level in designing coasters, here are a observations/tips:

Practice using a simple coaster, like a Virginia Reel.
Always check the built-in coasters to see what sort of rating you should expect/aim for if it's a type you haven't built before.
Gradually brake trains as they go into stations down to <30 mph. It'll reduce the uncomfortable rapid acceleration and prevent crashes due to station brake failures.
Does your ride have a loop? Thread the ride back through it for a significant excitement boost.
Apart from scenery, weaving between other rides, stalls, or paths is a good way to increase excitement. 3 underground portions allegedly gives the best excitement boost.
Fully-loaded trains have greater momentum, meaning they'll crest every hill and loop faster. Keep this in mind when testing, especially for powered-launch coasters.
In general, try to take loops, hills, and unbanked turns slowly. More hang time = more fun and less G's.
Increase throughput by increasing the number of seats (trains X cars) and maximizing the lift-hill speed. Longer stations and block-brake sections are two ways to increase the number of seats.
Satisfaction increases with the ride's excitement and decreases with long queue times and high prices (and possibly other factors). Higher satisfaction means happier guests, which in turn means more souvenir sales.
Consider increasing the minimum wait time so that trains are more spread out, instead of clustering. It's more of an aesthetic choice, but it does make queue times more consistent and means that more trains will be active if the ride breaks for some trivial reason.
From what I've heard, every lift hill after the first reduces excitement.
Synchronized stations increase excitement.
Learn what the different types of G's mean, and how they interact with ride sections. For example, banking a curve converts lateral G's into vertical G's.

>> No.392185
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, SCR1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I do gud?

>> No.392198

Looks pretty good, though your lateral G's get pretty high in some places. That rise after the first drop may be problematic, as are those S curves. At least, I think they're S curves, the isometric projection fucks with my head. You can typically eliminate S curves by adding straight, fully banked sections in between two banked curves.

Either way it's totally fine for scenario play, considering you could get 6+ with a modicum of scenery.

>> No.392343

I played the first RCT as a kid and loved it..how does RCT2 compare? And what about RCT3? Cool thread by the way.

>> No.392372

RCT2 is more of the same as RCT1, you'll enjoy it a lot.

RCT3 is quite a lot different though.

>> No.392418

RCT2 is definitely worth picking up. It's basically a large expansion pack.

>> No.392539

Does RCT2 have a sandbox mode like RCT3?

>> No.392551
File: 224 KB, 500x769, i5qZ93BjA7pcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have algorithms/hidden stats for this game?

>> No.392629

Sorry, not OC.
This is all I have.

>> No.392641

Most of the information is in the OP.


>> No.392657

Not really. They seem boring to me.
Plus, I have a terrible memory.

>> No.392682


Not officially, just in custom scenarios.

But then, the sandbox in RCT3 pisses me off anyway because it's way too small, I did most of my sandboxing in the scenario editor.

>> No.392715

Post pictures then!

>> No.392741
File: 281 KB, 1280x768, JEW_maze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But don't they get lost like that?
Isn't it better to build it like pic related?

>> No.392793

Why not just watch a POV onboard camera of the coaster you wanna do, then with a few other bits of information (like the height of it, max speed it reaches etc) you could mostly recreate it from that.

>> No.392813

OP here.

I don't see why not. Make your website/pastebin/blog/ReadMe and I'll put it in the OP.

I don't mind.
But we need more people to participate, to share their creations.

Right now there are only scenarios and Mr. Bones' save.

We could have, scenarios & saves & rides made by /vr/, each category in their own .rar.

>> No.392848

I'll put some resources up on the site I'm making that get made and put here with pictures, like Mr Bones and rollercoasters people create.

>> No.392863

By putting more block brakes you can get even more carts, even if you've maximized the number of entrance/exit stations?

>> No.392871

Would you also separate based on game? Since some of us are on the original and some on RCT2. Since for RCT I do have a Photo Loop saved, mainly quick building, and a couple go-kart tracks.

>> No.393056

If you're talking about the pics on the last thread, I have them on my computer and I can post them whenever I get home.

>> No.393075

Sorry OP I meant to reply to the guy asking about Grand National.

>> No.393449

Thanks. I'd like to see if it's any fun to play. I actually really like the challenge of just restricting the ride types in one way or another. It makes for a more thematic experience and enhances replay value. Yeah I can beat every scenario with scam karts, but it got old real fast to me.

>> No.393552

By see I meant download and play, sorry for the confusion. It's worth posting pictures of if you have a link too though.

>> No.393645
File: 350 KB, 1213x797, rct-site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Website progress

I couldn't resist going for the RCT style...

>> No.393673
File: 987 KB, 1640x920, mobius2_prototype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I managed to do another one.
Here's what it looks like so far. Still a prototype.
But they are now synched.

Initially I wanted them to start with a boost. But it's not possible to synch them, plus you only get 3 trains, not 4.

>> No.393683

It's nice!

>> No.393696

Very nice. Try adding an isometric grid.

>> No.393712

very cool, will bookmark

>> No.393876


It looks pretty neat. Got the stats?

>> No.394004
File: 302 KB, 1213x797, rct-site-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you JQuery

You can drag shit around now. Static websites are so 1999.

>> No.394014

you could make it so that after a while on the page the grass starts to grow

>> No.394035
File: 1.40 MB, 256x269, 1362695227661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy, this guy right here

Sure I'll put that in

>> No.394095

How do I into screenshots?
Also, why the fuck is no one interested in the circus? Not a single person has come to watch so far.

>> No.394112

Disk icon > Screenshot

>> No.394118

Too expensive? Are the guests too intense and edgy?

>> No.394137

I dropped it down to 80 cents and no one wants to watch
Is that still too much?

>> No.394139


it'll be popular on rainy days

>> No.394227
File: 258 KB, 1280x768, SCR3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a quick study break for a little ego stroking. Doing the Plateau scenario from the /v/ /vg/ /vr/ pack, with one coaster down.

>> No.394249
File: 217 KB, 1280x768, SCR4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the second half of it. I followed some of the advice given earlier when designing this and it turned out quite a bit better than I anticipated. Wish I could have avoided the second chain towards the end. Any suggestions to prevent that with the other 4 coasters?

>> No.394301

Very nice scenery usage

>> No.394350

Could someone make a MS paint help image like the ones with reducing intensity but have for increasing excitement? All of my stuff only gets to 6-7 excitement.

>> No.394360

Make a vertical loop.
Have the track go back through it before hitting the exit.

>> No.394437

cruel and unusual punishment

>> No.394448

this guy has to be an autist

>> No.394462

goddamnit his nasally voice is cruel and unusual punishment.

>> No.394519

>filming with external camera

>> No.394520

It appears that the images didn't save when I saved the webpage, but here's the link from the post.


Make sure it's the right one.

>> No.394595

>related link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkBhAeu-dco

>> No.394640

Excitement rating: 0.00 (low)

>> No.394772

>Crater Carnage
Is it another scenario you made?

>> No.394815

... and then one lone janitor mows it?

>> No.394818

Can we seriously get the FreeRCT movement rolling so that we can have networked games?

>> No.394847

>hey dude i'm building my rollercoaster here
>no i was here first
>fuck off man i reserved this spot 30 minutes ago
>oh yeah wanna fight about it?

Seems like fun.

>> No.394896

and then you shake hands and build together, making the most exciting shit the world has seen

>> No.394921
File: 51 KB, 640x480, cb_faye0108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then there's that one autistic asshole that insists on remaking Mr. Bones or a shitty variant that fucks everything up for the rest of us.

>> No.394931

I'd love the challenge of intermixing coasters with other people's rides.

>> No.394942

shhhhhhhh we just wont tell him

right? it could be very cool, unfortunately it could be ruined very easily

>> No.394954

Alright don't push your luck

>> No.394957

>implying it wouldn't be photo loops, scammazes, and goy-karts everywhere if it is a /vr/ game

>> No.394994

Well, people mostly play on RCT2 and you can't even make scenarios for RCT1 (unless there's some kind of program I'm not aware of), so there's not going to be a lot of content for RCT1.

Still, I'll divide them in folders, but still keep one single RAR,
like so:
RCT1+RCT2 Scenarios in one RAR
RCT1+RCT2 Saves in another one
RCT1+RCT2 Rides in yet another one

Very nice. Can't wait to see the end result!

Not for the moment. It's just a prototype.
I'll post stats when I have the final product.

Sounds like fun!

I can't play your scenario. It says I'm missing some files: CRNVBFLY and some numbers.
Are there any fan-made rides in it? If not, I don't know what's wrong.

>> No.394986

Got it.

You know that facebook post, with the guy lying about playing RCT? Like, the whole competing against someone else to make a better park than them thing?

We do that. We have 8 players on one massive map, each with their own bit of land. They have to try and outdo one another to get guests, get money, and build the best fucking park ever.

We need challenges like get to a certain number of guests first or achieve a certain park value first.

>> No.395008

eh, i think the photo loops, scammazes, and goy-karts are more /vr/ discovering the most efficient means of "winning"

given no final goal, i think, based on what i have seen posted in these threads, creativity would prevail

there would certainly be exceptions

>> No.395019

>We do that.
Do you mean, "we do that" as in "let's do that"?

>> No.395035


>> No.395048

If money is shared, we could have one guy with nigger scams while everyone else builds giant coasters.

>> No.395068

could we stop with the jew shit, it's fucking obnoxious and why I've hidden every one of these threads

>> No.395083

We thought of this idea before in another thread. The best approach for that currently is to make a large scenario with preset zones for each person to make a rollercoaster with a few blocks of "commingle space" for coaster intertwining.

I can make a mockup of it in a bit to see how it'd work. Gimme some time, and we can make a pass-around save file for this.

>> No.395086

if i ever win the lottery (which will require me to start playing,) i will get a small but very nice house, a zippy car, invest wisely so i dont have to work again, and then throw all that is left into making RCTMultiplayer a thing.

here's hoping

>> No.395091
File: 355 KB, 1213x797, rct-site-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have a play about with it, you can't do much except drag the windows around and open the Home screen (can't close it yet)

>> No.395138
File: 26 KB, 272x350, doctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i instinctively moved the mouse to the edge of the screen to move around. i laughed but no one was around to hear

looks rad though, i hope you continue

>> No.395142
File: 250 KB, 1224x845, BPspill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my super-generic Big Pier park.

>> No.395167


>vertical loops next to each other
pretty neat

>> No.395175
File: 12 KB, 433x437, 1364082907022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping for coaster satisfaction algorithm

>> No.395186

do loops next to each other effect the excitement much? or is threading the coaster back through the loop a better method?

>> No.395226

Having coasters in proximity to each other raises excitement just like scenery does.

>> No.395236

>3 cinemas
>2 scamcoasters
Why even bother building anything else when you're going to lame it out anyway?

>> No.395261

Do all coasters and scenery affect excitement equally?

>> No.395284

It's hard to tell.
I intend to remove them and replace them with other rides.

>> No.395424

Anyone have any ideas on how to improve my Single-Rail Coaster work. Can never get more than medium excitement.

>> No.395439
File: 439 KB, 1006x678, Screen Shot 2013-04-08 at 7.00.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the image would help.

>> No.395463

Those are pretty tough to get in the high excitement. Perhaps you can try scenery near the tracks?

>> No.395607

Well, we just like to fuck around and see how much we can scam our guests so we try to build rides that-
oh, do you mean the OP pic?

>> No.395642

Fucking quick replies.

>> No.395634

I'm not the guy who made those.

>> No.395645

Fucking nice!
Keep up the good work!

>> No.395902
File: 369 KB, 1213x797, rct-site-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guides page is done. I put the primary helpful stuff up there in categories.

Next is the downloads page! If you want something adding, post it now and I'll include it~

>> No.395917
File: 384 KB, 1280x720, SCR10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting started on a /vr/ scenario for a succession game. I am horrible at making scenarios though, so it's going to be rather sparsely decorated

>> No.395951

Just do paths and rides and shit first, then come up with scenery after all the paths and other shit are built.

>> No.395967


Nah, I'm leaving paths and rides to everyone here. Just wanted to set up a landscape so it's not just a sandbox.

Does a beach area, forest area, hill area, and flat grass area sound like enough?

>> No.396268

Eh, a lot of wasted space if you're not planning on building beneath the roller coasters but it looks like you're gonna clear it anyway. That gray/orange looper is cool.

I'll give you a 6.5/10 on it for where it stands.

>> No.396368

Feel free to put anything I've made in there.

>> No.396410

So adding this Whoa Belly under the generic coaster has raised its excitement by about 0.19

>> No.396425

better, add a button to turn gridlines on land on or off with jquery

>> No.396426

The Launched freefall gets a really nice boost as well.

>> No.396431
File: 252 KB, 855x563, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.396452

Any 3D modellers here? Here's how to make a custom ride:


>> No.396497

Once I'm done with my current fuckload of homework I could write a guide to what all the coasters do, how to build them, real life examples, etc. Any interest?

>> No.396520

a network version of rct would be better if each person had their own pool of money.

>open shovel tool
>set to 5x5 grid
>click and drag mouse up and down a couple times
>leave game

>> No.396543

>that guy's main site: http://www.dwolfe.com/

oh god what the fuck

>> No.396608

Air Powered Vertical Coaster

Summary: This coaster can be impressive. After a powerful launch with a high max speed of 120 mph plus, the ride will go into a wide banked turn or a vertical spike, with a vertical descent. However, the ride doesn't have anything else going for it; once you've seen one, you've seen them all. What's more, the vertical descents can only be made in increments of 30 feet and supports are ugly and expensive.
Design tips: Start out on flat ground, and try to not crest a spike over 25 mph. Don't make large curves high off the ground, as they will be ugly and expensive.
Real life: Arrow and S&S both made these coasters, however only three were ever made. Hypersonic was only a spike and an oval and was removed in 2007, Dodonpa went fast but didn't do much, and ring*racer is plagued with problems. Not interesting in real life or in game.

>> No.396639
File: 310 KB, 1280x768, Möbius4x-Corkscrew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit guys!
Check this out!

It's super simple, yet I have nice stats!

>> No.396663
File: 207 KB, 944x527, bumper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bumper cars added even more to the steel coaster's excitement.

>> No.396681


And you don't even have scenery yet. That'll bump it up even further.

>> No.396683

i wonder how much more you can add with scenery

>> No.396708

I think your "a" it backwards.

>> No.396701
File: 14 KB, 262x337, tony WHAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those supports on top of the bumper cars

>> No.396780

Nice! D more!
You can then ask the admin of vrct.tumblr.com to put them in his website.

>> No.396878
File: 40 KB, 500x333, 1364547932283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Next time you play the game, look carefully. If the guests ride a certain ride in pairs, only their shirts will change color...their pants will all be brown. When they get off the ride, their pants become their original color again. Never noticed that before, did you?

>> No.396921


they shat their pants

>> No.396992
File: 269 KB, 1280x768, SCR7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the second half, down by the lake

>> No.396981
File: 149 KB, 1280x768, SCR5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One exam and one coaster later on the Plateau, I've got a couple more screenshots for you /vr/. Frankly, I'm surprised how well this one's stats came out.

>> No.397029

That looks fantastic.

>> No.397051
File: 368 KB, 1140x785, rct-site-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Update! Added Guide and Download pages along with the bottom bar which shows the site's hit counter (money), visitors right now (guests) and the date in the right.

Gonna add in custom rides and scenarios made by you guys tomorrow. Any other features I should add in then too?

>> No.397067

Thanks! Is it strange seeing things like this come from the guy who did the chrome park up above?

I also guess chain lifts back to the stations at the end isn't as big of a deal as I once thought?

>> No.397116

More than one chain lift on a ride looks awful still, but that ride looks fantastic anyway.

>> No.397149

I know, it's just that it's hard to keep the ride with enough momentum to do cool shit AND make it back up to 75ft. The prebuilt lifts only go to 120ft, though I suppose that's enough given my current results.

>> No.397215


>> No.397230

Doesn't seem to be working right in Chrome. All the windows are open and I can't drag them. In fact, now it doesn't seem to be working at all.

>> No.397232
File: 84 KB, 1280x768, SCR3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so remember that idea of making a park that we pass around and build roller coasters and such in them? Well I made such a scenario.

This scenario has all major roller coasters available, with some cart variants specifically for certain themes, various rides and stands to keep guests happy. We can see who gets to go first, second, etc., and then pass it around accordingly.

There are some rules that were briefly listed in the park description:
>everyone has a 30x30 space where they can build what they want, as they want, along with 15 blocks on each side of their space of commingle room so other park's coasters can intertwine with one another if they wish.
>under no circumstances can you alter or destroy other people's creations.
>each person gets 250k to build their mini park. You can get more from the loan, but please be aware that others need to build as well, so don't go over board.
>No scam karts/mazes. Umbrella price throttling is allowed, however.
>Don't block entrances to other people's parks or destroy pathways to them; we need to work together, not be mean to others. Not cool yo.
>Take between 2 to 3 in-game years to complete your park and no more.
>If it's not your turn to build, then don't build. We don't want to ruin the flow of things.

Park file is here, whoever wishes to start can start, but after that, we need to keep to a queue so no one jumps the gun.


>> No.397285

...very strange. I should've tested it beforehand.
It's using jQuery so I'm not sure why it wouldn't work.

>> No.397291


>> No.397295


>> No.397303

I don't know if that gate setup will work well...

>> No.397318

Should've blocked the paths off with No Entry signs.

>> No.397332


idea: is it possible to create logic gates with paths and no-entry signs

>> No.397331

>be building a new incarnation of the Green Machine
>rain starts, don't notice breakdown notices because lolthunder
>fucking explosion
It was the ONLY coaster that could have had enough momentum to crash on brakes failure. Fucking demolished.

>> No.397353

it only allowed 4 gates, and there's one on each side. The only one who'd have trouble getting guests would be the center park.

>> No.397369


they could each represent a different 4chan board, not saying we should do that for this project but maybe as the next one

>> No.397373
File: 605 KB, 1274x972, crashes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgetting the picture EVERY time

>> No.397392

I like that idea too. I was gonna make it 5x5, but just as a proof of concept, lets do a 3x3, no holds barred park builds.

>> No.397405
File: 391 KB, 971x628, sims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I replaced it with a simulator.

>> No.397408

OP Pic Guy
Do you have high quality images of the RCT logos? The one I used has ugly white around the edges.

>> No.397412

Guests will only come in on 2 path segments. That map has 4 seperate park entrances that they could come in, but only two will be used.

>> No.397416
File: 5 KB, 343x279, RCTacCeSSShot[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a programme missing from the RCT1 list called RCT Access: http://web.archive.org/web/20050226225219/http://website.lineone.net/~rcthelp/RCT%20acCeSS.htm

It basically allows you to crack all the parks in RCT and its expansions, just crack the Mega Park, or reset your progress after cracking.

It was originally made by the site RCT Help, which then merged itself with RCT Station.

Here's the .zip of it: http://www.sendspace.com/file/1t59wu

>> No.397425

I don't think so, as you would need a way of making the environment respond to itself. If the no-entry signs could be told 'disable when a guest is at position A', that might do it, for example.

You might be able to jury-rig it by interspersing rides, which would act as capacitors if you timed them just right (obviously in that a guest would have to proceed through the ride to continue on the path).

>> No.397476

Does it simulate the explosion and the screams of the Old Rusty's passengers?

>> No.397480
File: 36 KB, 409x409, biggest pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this attempt at Forest Frontiers

>> No.397491

Why didn't you turn money off?

>> No.397518
File: 892 KB, 200x150, E5ncYyH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that everything
yeah nah

>> No.397519
File: 46 KB, 230x150, Rollercoaster_Tycoon_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.397515

Thanks! I'll add that on there.

>> No.397534
File: 38 KB, 355x355, i seriously hope you guys don&#039;t do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting lights on all the fucking queues
>that ride placement

>> No.397526
File: 55 KB, 604x393, done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It simulates the construction workers demolishing the old ride before cleaning the charred bloodstains off of it.

>> No.397527
File: 50 KB, 256x256, Roller_Coaster_Tycoon_2_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the other one

>> No.397543

>that feel when you complete a level and can't remember if you're capitalizing your name or not in the credits
>so you guess and then it's discontinuous forever more.

>> No.397565
File: 68 KB, 560x429, 1343071800130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this guy doing?

>> No.397578

hey guys, in Dynamite Dunes map (the scenario someone edited into RCT2) there's one plot of un-buyable land in the middle of a buyable land patch

>> No.397587


master ruseman

>> No.397594

I don't get his queues at all.

Nor his "excitement = ride price" belief either (unless that's actually true).

>> No.397596
File: 181 KB, 700x301, rct2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are p. small. I guess I'll stick with mine.

>> No.397598
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1343461923668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.397609

It's a feature

>> No.397627
File: 369 KB, 175x260, 1361174052055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the excitement=price is somewhat true, it's rough (you can still put some rides at 3+ dollars with only a 2.6) and the queues are just an autist's way of seeing how popular a ride is, I sometimes do it but not to that extent.

>> No.397641

Someone should make a completely blank map, but it has lots of little spots of unowned land.

Man that'd be fun to play on

>> No.397648

>minesweeper park

>> No.397653

>the queues are just an autist's way of seeing how popular a ride is, I sometimes do it but not to that extent.
He's doing double-digit block queues for rides that only hold about 8 people. That's purely illogical.

>> No.397662
File: 698 KB, 1287x993, 1357867330903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the spot is DLC

>> No.397656
File: 925 KB, 212x176, disgusting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.397674

sometimes some people are too idiotic to know that it doesn't do anything, some don't care and some think that it's doing something.

>> No.397684
File: 250 KB, 800x600, RCT&#039;s old republic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture

as good as this one that's been posted a few times
>it's a feature

>> No.397681
File: 455 KB, 210x210, oh you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.397682
File: 219 KB, 400x400, 1316366182940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his custom coaster

>> No.397696

>Heartline Twist roller coaster
>make entire ride out of heartline twists and upper/lower transfers
>Excitement Rating: 654.7 (Ultra-Extreme)

>> No.397708

>that bit when he keeps trying to put a slide in the park and he eventually places it the wrong way round

>> No.397717

do people really have that much difficulty making roller coasters?

>> No.397726


Man, that uneven lift hill.

>> No.397728
File: 867 KB, 1296x758, 1347759230797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.397738

Only people who haven't done it before.

>> No.397740

>SWTOR still hasn't been fixed

Makes me laugh, every time.

>> No.397742

to the point of wanting a guide?

>> No.397745

>that fucking message bar

>> No.397763
File: 652 KB, 450x120, 1359086508067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that message bar

>> No.397795
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, 1332870721417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris Sawyer knew

>> No.397797

green and purple mang

>> No.397814
File: 26 KB, 300x230, women laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire idea of building it around that coaster is stupid in the first place. Restricts a load of opportunity.

>his ride's figures are E: 1.37, I: 15.40, N: 9.31

>> No.397825
File: 57 KB, 777x932, 1360394434995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't blame a noob for building a shit coaster, I couldn't build a good coaster until I was 15

>> No.397826

...That's an award? Most dazzling color schemes? Someone needs to make a list of every award and how to obtain them.

>> No.397829

Wait, that's an award?

>> No.397838


>> No.397859


Best Spooky scenery

>> No.397853


>Most Confusing Park Layout Award
>Worst Scenery Award

top lel

>> No.397874
File: 45 KB, 600x426, 1349134454701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most Confusing Park Layout Award

>> No.397878

I still can't

He fixed it in the next video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI5v96ltE2c

Ride still looks like ass though.

>> No.397885
File: 147 KB, 1280x768, man holding towel to sweating brow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i started to color my entire park like that but i stopped because i realized how big of a faggot i am. i think i deleted said park? dont remember

>> No.397903

Jesus Christ that's horrid.

>halo 5 has broken down
oh god

>> No.397897
File: 165 KB, 1280x1024, This image will make you sick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you /vr/?

>> No.397902

what the actual fuck

>> No.397910

I just fucking realized that my trip hasn't been on. GOD DAMN IT

>> No.397912
File: 80 KB, 1280x768, 10 out of 10 would ride forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it also hurts the eyes. i dont recommend it.

>> No.397918
File: 269 KB, 300x221, cory nod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>max: 162mph
>avg: 110mph

>> No.397920
File: 69 KB, 350x350, queen trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.397923
File: 11 KB, 252x221, 1347675117437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.397945


>> No.397950
File: 2.96 MB, 5000x2627, 1351975904516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you autistic enough?

>> No.397992
File: 382 KB, 400x263, renotinrangermode.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.398050

Can't wait until the OP is just a link to this page. Make sure you include everything in the OP.

>> No.398051
File: 16 KB, 470x358, 1273204124738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of the grass is mowed

>> No.398095
File: 222 KB, 1280x768, SCR6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One final ride for the night, with two more exams this week I've probably spent too much time on this game as it is.

I also reposted Blue Blur's stats since the excitement has jumped a fair amount since the other rides have been opening.

>> No.398105
File: 150 KB, 345x345, 1358687695975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I did I would enter total jewmode and just tear everything down

please tell me I'm not the only one that tears down all the scenery in the beginning of every level...


>> No.398119

10/10 park


>> No.398108
File: 231 KB, 1280x768, SCR8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As is standard of my posting, here's part 2. Again, no way around needing a second lift hill, but I gotta do what I gotta do. The orange Hypercoaster is next on the block.

>> No.398120
File: 32 KB, 1280x768, GOAT GOAT GOAT GOAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you read the thread at all

>> No.398124

Since nobody here has understood what he's doing: He's making long queues and putting lights on all of them, which in RCT1 is enough to keep guests content while waiting for rides. The constant long lines keep guests from cluttering footpaths, allowing him to keep them and, in turn, the need for an army of handymen to a minimum.
In RCT2 the effect of lights on happiness was reduced, so in order to achieve the same one would need an entertainer or two in every single line, which gets expensive very fast.

>> No.398153

so just create more pathways, a transport ride or a double-decked path. you'll need to hire a few more handymen and pathing's a bitch but it's easier and less convoluted than that.

>> No.398173
File: 82 KB, 700x726, 1363698695214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yellow is faster than Blue Blur

>> No.398183

>yfw super sanic

>> No.398191

tails plz

>> No.398186

That would be easier, but his method saves a fair amount of money.

>> No.398187
File: 74 KB, 259x348, 1344732606230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.398203

ive been working on getting 50+ but it gets tedious building it after awhile.

>> No.398194
File: 76 KB, 1280x960, INTENSITY_43.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do better, anon!

>> No.398215

how fucking autistic do you need to be to nitpick in this game?

>> No.398220

have you even read this thread man?

>> No.398221

heh, that's my design :D

>> No.398251
File: 6 KB, 204x192, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey james, im a james


>> No.398269
File: 104 KB, 400x350, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gavins

>> No.398310
File: 844 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mkhj418S1k1rm7dbfo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.398317

If not lost, then what?

>> No.398386
File: 23 KB, 460x276, 1363537266659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat thread title

>> No.398476

What should be its name then?

>> No.398665

OP here.

So, are you guys going to play the 3x3?

A few things:
-RollerCoaster takes a capital "c".
-For the 83 RCT1 for RCT2: initially there were two RARs and none of them was complete. I joined them together. So all the scenarios weren't made by "Humble Programmer", but by various people. Some anon on /vr/ even reworked one them.
-The sandbox scenarios were made by Sesaru.
-Your website is beautiful!

>> No.398697

3x3 maker here, I guess I'll get it started.

>> No.398705

what's happening exactly?

>> No.398727

The idea was to pass around the save file to different people and each person makes a roller coaster or whole mini park in their designated area. If there was a list of people who'd want to do this so we know who to pass it to after the previous person was done rather than let it float around for who knows how long, it'd be far easier.

>> No.398813
File: 373 KB, 1280x974, SCR4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad for when the game first came out.

>> No.398850

What scenario is this?

>> No.398863
File: 39 KB, 1280x768, SCR9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you guys know ANYTHING about roller coaster design

>> No.398873

Plateau, it's in the /v/ /vg/ /vr/ custom pack in the OP.

>> No.398883

I'm stupid but I'm going to ask anyway

I found the screenshot folder for the game, but they're in a .bmp format and when I turn them into either a .png or .jpg format they will fail to upload to 4chan


>> No.398889


>> No.398904

>not asking how Dan is
>not posting wet bread
What about MARK NUTTs?

>> No.398943

Suggestion/Bug fix/whatever for the site - When you click on a navigation button, it brings it to the front, whether it was already open or not.

I went from the bottom up and was wondering why the Guides button was broken when it worked not 5 minutes.

>> No.398951

And by 'it', I mean the respective window that belongs to the button.

>> No.399146
File: 440 KB, 1018x793, Imanerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not naming and coloring your coasters with a ASoIaF theme

>> No.399187
File: 393 KB, 1270x872, WRECK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, get wrecked.

>> No.399195

Jesus H. Christ.

>> No.399208
File: 15 KB, 320x254, 1272948470319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Positive Vertical G's: 20.11g

>> No.399216

I colour mine baby blue and white and name everything a jewish take on a film name.

>Jew Hard
>Jew Harder
>Jew Hard with a Briskit
>Live for $5 a day or Jew Hard
>A good Sabbath to Jew Hard
>Forgetting Scheckle Dradle
>Minora Maze 1

>> No.399226

You guys should make one of my favorite coasters!

>> No.399245

Jesus fuck

>> No.399252
File: 15 KB, 638x199, death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sustained 5-Gs got almost ten seconds

>> No.399267
File: 84 KB, 800x600, Euthanasia_Coaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already been done.

>> No.399295
File: 317 KB, 800x600, colonO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.399314
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>> No.399331
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>> No.399358
File: 10 KB, 600x450, MADFACE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No stats

>> No.399705
File: 270 KB, 1024x768, SCR4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing through all the RCT1 scenarios and here's my attempt at a No-Land-Purchase Dinky Park.

Note that aside from the scamcoasters above-ground, there is also a Wooden Rodent Coaster and a Steel Mini underground through that rock entrance on the bottom right.

>> No.399735


I'd be happy to die this way.

>> No.400020

Alright, so I was 2 hours into the game and then, for no reason, my computer blue screened on me. Didn't get to save it or screenshot it or anything.

>> No.400351


I wanna take part! I guess you've started building?

>> No.400356


Why don't we create a note dump thing where people can add emails in a row, when you get it you build, when you're done you send the file to the next person.

>> No.400394

One word: Dropbox.

I could make a shared folder for the file, people who want to build get an invite. Download Dropbox and let it sync. Then they just load the savegame off the shared folder, and save it again as YXZ_BUILDING so others can see that there is currently someone working at the park.

>> No.400405

And when they done, they save delete the "_BUILDING" and overwrite the save (and delete the _BUILDING one, of course.

>> No.400506

Does the holding shift while building work in RCT1? Because I've never managed to have it work, I have to awkwardly raise land and then build on it

>> No.400524
File: 964 KB, 1280x720, Crystal Beach Cyclone-130409113000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if RCT coasters were real

>> No.400530
File: 775 KB, 1280x720, Crystal Beach Cyclone-130409113102001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.400541

tfw no limits 2 still isn't out ;_;

>> No.400543


I thought it had always been around, but apparently it was only introduced in rct2. I have no idea how I managed before then....

>> No.400550

What is it? I've only ever played RCT1

>> No.400556

Also, new idea of a page for the website - differences between RCT1 and RCT2

>> No.400623


In RCT2, while placing items (while you have the outline and can move it around), pressing and holding shift will cause mouse movements to move the item vertically up or down. So you can place shops, rides, the first coaster piece and scenery above or below ground level without having to raise or lower the ground.

>> No.400629

So you could like build underground, and do it relatively easy?

Can't wait until I finish the RCT1 scenarios and make the jump.

>> No.400640


Now that I realise that wasn't implemented in RCT1, I'd say it's a pretty damn good reason why RCT2 is better...

>> No.400721
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, SCR2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another adventurous ride

>> No.401085


>> No.401667

I'm in the scenario editor and I can't figure out how to add rides to it before finishing it and playing it. Any help or is it not possible?

>> No.401691

You can't build rides in the scenario editor. If you want rides in a new scenario, you must start that scenario, build the rides and save, then use the convert saved game to scenario feature.

>> No.401698

Alright thanks.

>> No.401789

holy shit how

>> No.401869

No. I prefer the email idea: >>400356.

With dropbox, you could have 2 or more people downloading the file, and trying to save it in the dropbox folder. The odds of that happening are slim, but are still possible.

But by sending the file to the next anon, you make sure that hey are the only one who has the file.

>> No.401882

what do you guys mean by scam mazes?

>> No.401907

I like it, I only conquered Dinky Park recently and it was ugly

>> No.401984


I made a spreadsheet for the 3x3:


What do you guys think?

Feel free to modify it.

>> No.401992

Ah! I love it! It's style suits the era of the game. The only gripe I see is that winodws can open directly on top of each other. I suggest you add a donation button for yourself or some shit

>> No.402016


That'll work. Shall I just add my email?

>> No.402025

Yeah. Just the email will suffice, but you can add a nickname if you want.

>> No.402490

>Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Gets me everytime

>> No.402796

Are you changing the file extension or actually saving them as a PNG in Paint?

>> No.402934

A one block maze that has one corner filled in, and the rest open, with capacity set to 16. People will pay a dollar for it if park entrance is free. It has insanely high turnover, and pays itself off in about 30 people.

>> No.402945

Anyone know the status on FreeRCT? They haven't updated in a while

>> No.402959
File: 46 KB, 565x443, 45656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I accidentally turned on difficult guest generation in a park and now I'm trying to get rid of it using this trainer. Does anyone know enough about this game to figure out what I have to do here?

>> No.403084
File: 699 KB, 961x655, StarkvsLannister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat,
that's all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours.
And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that lord of Castamere,
But now the rains weep o'er his hall,
with no one there to hear.
Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall,
and not a soul to hear.

I am a fucking nerd.

>> No.403121

Anyone here make any custom rides/scenery?

>> No.403129

Rides, we all do. Scenery, I don't know if any of us are autistic enough to.

>> No.403208

What's a huge, open, forest scenario with hills and shit? From /v/, /vg/, /vr/ pack there's one named "Set Sail for Hail" which is on the right track, but I don't like how it's half snowy and half not snowy everywhere. Kinda hurts my eyes, or something.

>> No.403407
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, SCR3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather recommend GIF since RCT runs in 256 color mode anyway, so there's no real loss except for the file size.

>> No.403441

I stopped, but didn't read the OP.


>> No.403502

How do I make a roller coaster?

>> No.403497

It's okay as long as you don't ask questions that are always asked and that have their answers in the OP, such as:
>where can I download the game?
>where are the screenshots?
>anyone has a sandbox scenario?

>> No.403565

What do I need to do with this rar I downloaded it and the game doesn't start :( DONT DOWNLOAD

>> No.403597

How do you guys get the game to run in windowed mode? Is it a mod I can't find an option for it.

>> No.403592

That is a good question, actually. The tutorial isn't very intuitive. You can easily know how to build track, but the elements of making a roller coaster that has an excitement rating of at least six and an intensity rating of less than 10 can be a little tricky for someone who is completely new to the idea of custom ride design. I know it took me a little while to get it right the first time without having to delete track over and over to make a ride work properly.

>> No.403614

See OP


>> No.404036
File: 348 KB, 1280x768, SCR10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I've been trying to master since reading it here is to keep your roller coaster trains from going over 30mph at the crests of hills and inversions. I've found that my roller coasters have fared much better in the ratings, pic semi-related.

Fully pic related, I just finished this /vr/ scenario. Will be posting the final two coasters for maximum ego-strokage.

>> No.404059
File: 243 KB, 1280x768, SCR11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Hypercoaster after completion, I totally skidded by on this one. Reason why will be explained in the next post.

>> No.404080
File: 274 KB, 1280x768, SCR12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see that clusterfuck of helixes towards the bottom there? That was a section of track already placed there by the park creator, meaning I didn't really have a way around using it. Damn coaster train runs out of steam at the top of that final hill before the block brakes station, I had to use a flat piece of lift hill to pull it along.

>> No.404090
File: 206 KB, 1280x768, SCR13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But lastly, here we have our final coaster for this scenario, the looping coaster. Speaking of loops this thing just barely makes it over those two loops shown at around 4mph. I also had a stupid and forgot the stats in this image, so those will be in the next.

>> No.404104
File: 338 KB, 1280x768, SCR14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there they are, as well as the last tiny chunk of track back to the station.

All in all, this was a fun level outside the Hypercoaster bit. Whoever put that spiral there is a master ruseman and a bastard. I plan to keep playing this one and make a full-fledged park out of it.

>> No.404181


Have you played the custom Westeros scenario yet? It's included in the /v/-/vr/ scenarios in the OP.

>> No.404192

so I've tried on several occasions to start the 3x3 park but my laptop keeps shitting the bed when I start the park, or it won't save. It's a pain to say the least.

If anyone is willing to start it off, please do. The file is here: https://mega.co.nz/#!IxsyQTJQ!RI3YxQTXZTQO8q5Tkb3uJUtVCLE43Qg4JVpqKtgI9as

If BlueBalled or CHROME DOME would get involved, that'd be swell.

>> No.404231

It loaded for me, haven't attempted a save yet. Can't guarantee I'll be able to sit at this until later this week/next week, but I'll give it a crack. What spaces are open still?

>> No.404270



>> No.404318

Thanks. How to save? I haven't worked with Google docs before.

>> No.404415

The magic of Google. It saves itself.

>> No.404453

Thank you based Google. So are we waiting for more people to sign up before getting started?

>> No.404640


Well, someone has to start.

>> No.404656

>/vr/ct cooperative park
>completely filled with jewcarts and scammazes

>> No.404675

I'm physically unable to at the moment. I've been trying for 2 days to get something going but my laptop just won't cooperate.

Also thanks to the anon who made the google docs for this.

>> No.404682


But that's against the rules!

>> No.404705

Hmm... perhaps I'll take a crack at it either this week or next.

>> No.404706

Except, there's rule #4
>No scam karts/mazes. Umbrella price throttling is allowed, however.

Though, all the participants still have to agree to all the rules...
But no one complained so far so I think it's all good.

>> No.404740

Only reason I included that rule was because recently it seemed like a lot of the content was dedicated to lackluster scamkarts and such as opposed to great rides and scenery and such. It's just a lazy-proof rule, really. If you were to have one scamkart in your park, I wouldn't stress, but to dedicate your park to nothing but that is a bit ludicrous.

>> No.404752

Also if everyone did scam carts we'd run out of available attractions to build. I'm pretty sure the most a park can hold is 256 rides/shops/stalls.

>> No.404770

So wait, are we allowed to do non scam karts go karts? Like proper tracks?

>> No.404773

If that's the case, how about a gentleman's agreement of 26 rides/shops/stalls per person limit, so everyone gets a piece and it forces people to make good rides.

>> No.404795

How about 25?

It's easier to work with than 26.

>> No.404787

I don't see what the issue with actual tracks would be. It's just that scam rides take little to no space to build and can tally up that attraction limit rather quick.

Sounds good to me, I personally don't see how one could surpass that in a block of 30x30 anyway. Only reason I know the ride limit was a park I downloaded where someone recreated Cedar Point that had its rides maxed out.

>> No.404797

How about 28?
28 * 9 = 252
252 < 256
We'd still be under the limit

>> No.404814

So... RCT1 or 2?

>> No.404819

Mah bad, meant 28.

>> No.404825

I'm cool with it, what about anyone else?

>> No.404853


>> No.404858

Yeah, I'm down.

>> No.404860

sounds good to me. Whoever wants to start this off, by all means go for it.

>> No.404882

No, I am on the original, though I have seen the map (would just make all rides out of Winterfell that went south crash). I have been thinking of moving to 2 though.

>> No.404878

Tell ya hwat, I'll take first jump here. Three game years is what we said? Also, would closing off the other sections until someone claims them be a good idea? Would hate for someone to come to a park of vomit.

>> No.404890

that never even crossed my mind. Yeah, go ahead and do that. Also put attraction signs on your park stating that it's yours and junk.

>> No.404892

Yeah, would also help you avoid the "Guest D. Nick is lost and can't find the park exit" issue.

>> No.404903

Which two entrances are the guests coming out of?

>> No.404920

Maybe it's random...
You'll see when you start the game?

>> No.404928

Cool. I'll get it started as soon as I can.

>> No.404996

Why are people putting their emails in 5th and 9th? If I finish mine and there's no one in the position after me, I'll mail it to the next highest in the list.

>> No.405015

People may add their emails after, and thos people who post later, they want to play last maybe. Anyways, yes to as you just said.

>> No.405098
File: 540 KB, 1280x720, forestfrontiers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went back and did Forest Frontiers since I wanted a quick scenario... ahhh the nostalgia of constantly playing the RCT1 demo over and over. Good times.

>> No.405109
File: 67 KB, 586x487, 1327528246624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> intensity 45.63
Holy fucking shit. That's a 98% mortality rate!

>> No.405389


Looks like you just about made it.

>> No.405434



>> No.408572
