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File: 417 KB, 965x535, final-fantasy-7-cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3961559 No.3961559 [Reply] [Original]

Don't think ive ever played a JRPG besides Pokemon. Is there any important info I should know beforehand?
Even if I end up really liking it, being that this is a big time investment it's not gonna be something I'll replay anytime soon so I wanna make sure I get the most out of it on my first playthrough.
For instance I'm pretty sure that edgy guy and shuriken girl are optional characters, do I have to take any precaution to make sure I don't miss them? Is there a specific path I should take to make sure I get some sort of true ending? Any good to know tips to avoid stupid frustrating bullshit like the infamous sonic casino zone crap? Plot relevant dialogue you can miss unless you talk to some obscure hidden npc? Items I shouldnt miss out on or that I should save for a specific boss? etc.

I feel like going in blind is too risky but I also don't want to have to rely on a walkthrough the entire time.


>> No.3961563

Come again?

>> No.3961569

What should I know before playing Final Fantasy VII to get the most out of the experience?

>> No.3961665 [DELETED] 

That the biggest spoiler isn't Aeris dying but the fact that Cloud thinks he is Zack.

>> No.3961679

Wow that was quick

>> No.3961685


Ooooooh! That's cold, man.

>> No.3961693

It's hard to miss anything too important in FFVII if you aren't sloppy and don't ignore things that are right in front of you.

I'll give you some hints though:

Look in the forests for Yuffie. Vincent you will find in a place that is out-in-the-open but entirely optional.

For possible missable sidequests, be sure to explore the whole underwater world map with your sub, and before the final dungeon be sure to check the places you've already been to for some bonus cutscenes.

>> No.3961701 [DELETED] 

Aeris dies

>> No.3961703

>stupid frustrating bullshit like the infamous sonic casino zone crap?
I never heard of that, what frustrating bullshit?

>> No.3961708


Just play the damn videogame, OP. It's made for kids to be able to beat. If you're smarter than a Japanese child you shouldn't have an issue

>> No.3961716

What's infamous about Casino Zone?

>> No.3961717
File: 148 KB, 640x480, sonichu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure he means this

>> No.3961725

Oh I see.

>> No.3961727


xD literally impossible

>> No.3961732


Stop that.

>> No.3961741

>that spoiler merits deletion
Christ we really have become reddit.
That it's a fucking video game.

>> No.3961748
File: 1.02 MB, 650x975, 1476170158778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CaitSith, Barret and Cid best Weapons can be missed, so use a guide for that, also there are some materia that can be missed forever, not to mention Bahamut Zero.

>> No.3961752


You can delete your own posts. Stop being such a goddamned newfag babby.

>> No.3961753

None of those really matter much unless you care about hundred-percenting everything or using those specific characters lol

>> No.3961758

Meant to >>3961569

>> No.3962215

why would you start with 7? we all know 6 is where its at

>> No.3962360

memester pls go

>> No.3963228

>Is there any important info I should know beforehand?
Nope. You don't need to know anything. Just dive in. The materia system is explained in-game.
But play the re-translated steam version. The translation in the ps1 original is a fucking mess.


>> No.3963237
File: 25 KB, 500x307, 1298962917296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there any important info I should know beforehand?
The opening portion in Midgar can feel monotonous. Make it out into the world map and shit picks up fast and gets fun.

It's a solid title with a great feeling and atmosphere.

PS: Beware of Mukki.

>> No.3963239

Just play the damn game, enjoy yourself

>> No.3963247


Have you tried just playing it? Really don't get why people come to the internet to see what they should know before playing a game. Just play the fucking game.

>> No.3963290
File: 134 KB, 311x372, best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuffie is best girl

>> No.3963293

Why start at 7? 8 is where the series gets good

>> No.3963294
File: 2.97 MB, 454x490, baiken laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 is where the series gets good

>> No.3963334

If you do like it, prepare for inchoate hatred and Matsuno spam from people who don't.

>> No.3963348

Theres a handful of missable materia, but they don't matter.

The game is so easy that you don't need half the materia that's missable.

>going in blind is risky
>in a genre that you literlaly kill monsters to powerup
>in a series known for being some of teh easiest JRPGs'

>> No.3964982

>cloud smiling

i like this way better than sulky, emo cloud that nomura and square-enix try to push now.

>> No.3965138 [DELETED] 

>never played a jrpg besides pokemon

>> No.3965151

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.3965445

>i like this way better than sulky, emo cloud that nomura and square-enix try to push now.

In fairness to Advent Children, that Geostigma crap (which was apparently JENOVA infecting the Lifestream) had depression as one of its major symptoms. His emo-ness there can be chalked up to it fucking with his brain while tag-teamed with the JENOVA cells that were already in his body from Hojo's experiments. Really, it's amazing that he didn't end up becoming an hero.

KH-verse Cloud has no excuse for being a total sad-sack, though.

>> No.3965546

You really don't need those characters, I didn't get them and didn't bother exploring to try to do so.

Just go in blind and have your own experience rather than some guides experience.

>> No.3965674

The re-translated steam version is garbage. Just fixes some typos at the cost of removing the casual nature of the original.

PS1 translation is underrated

>> No.3966167

>For instance I'm pretty sure that edgy guy and shuriken girl are optional characters, do I have to take any precaution to make sure I don't miss them? I

For Jailbait Ninja you need to fight in forests after you go through the cave after the Midgar Zolom. Beat her up and then say the right stuff. It's trial and error and you won't get her first try.

For Edgelord McShooty explore a mansion in Cloud's hometown.

That should be all the information you need not to miss them, even then I've spoiled a bit.

>> No.3966206

Play in Japanese.

>> No.3966270

So is Cloud just a regular scrub after getting cured, or does he still have his regular Jenova cells?

>> No.3966276

>For Jailbait Ninja you need to fight in forests after you go through the cave after the Midgar Zolom. Beat her up and then say the right stuff. It's trial and error and you won't get her first try.

Also, do not under any circumstances open the menu after beating her but before talking to her. I know that save point looks tempting, but it's a trap.

>> No.3966545

I thought the fight with Sephiroth in his head at the very end of FFVII was supposed to signify him purging the JENOVA cells from his body.

>> No.3966719

>important info I should know before hand
If you press the 'Select' button, it should toggle a cursor over your player, and highlight transitional objects on the screen, helpful for these old pre-rendered backgrounds that aren't that clear in direction.
After Chocobo Ranch, before Juno. There's some dialogue checks, but I'm fairly certain even if you fail, you can just encounter her again the same way.

After Cosmo Canyon, before Rocket Town. Pretty sure you can snag him at any time, once accessible

>True ending
Just watch the after credits scene, there's no alternative endings

Keep your materia auto-sorted, and keep an eye on the 'growth' level of your slotted weapon, good idea to get high growth level equipment as early as you can, and put your high AP materia in it until it's more convenient, or mastered.
>plot relevant dialogue
Just explore a lot. There's a bunch of missable dialogue and even story boss events. The Turks are the most relevant to that nature that I can recall.


>> No.3966736

Just be snarky but don't let her run away. It's not hard. In other words just be Cloud; snarky.

>> No.3967431

>In other words just be Cloud; snarky.

The OP may have come in from Kingdom Hearts, in which case don't be THAT Cloud. He's just fucking miserable for no good reason.

>> No.3967518

Dude, I'll just say don't play it. When they make the 'remake' they'll fuck it up so horribly bad that you'll be pissed off. So to save yourself from the fuckery that'll be the 'remake' just don't play the original.

>> No.3967626

Play the game through without spoilering it for yourself

You can always go back for a NG+ to do all the ruby weapon sweaty grinding shit

>> No.3969502

>So is Cloud just a regular scrub after getting cured, or does he still have his regular Jenova cells?

I don't think that it's specified either way. I'd definitely assume that Cloud lost both his SOLDIER-gained and Geostigma-gained JENOVA cells at the end of Advent Children, though.

>> No.3969518

You're not operating on logic. If you're saying "Don't play it because FFVII has (insert problem here)," that's one thing. But, don't play a solid game because the remake isn't going to be the same exact game to the letter? That's ludicrous.

>> No.3969723


Considering he still does ridiculous jumps and cutting Lifestream lines with huge sword swings in Dirge of Cerberus, I doubt his cells are gone. At least I feel that S-E hasn't intended to imply such a thing, but yes, it's not specified.

>> No.3969746

The only way you can screw yourself regarding Yuffie is waiting too long to do the Wutai quest (i.e. simply going there after recruiting her), though I think it's only on Disc 3 that it's too late. Some sources will tell you that Vincent's ultimate weapon/limit are missable in this same way but that isn't true (you just have to fight a bunch of battles in between events).

The vast majority of technically missable weapons/items/materia are very hard to fuck up with, for example a lot of the Summon materia float right in the center of the screen and you'd basically have to actively avoid them.

Don't "allow" yourself to fail any of the Huge Materia quests. For the most part they are painfully simple anyway.

If you are an obsessive completionist simply go to the missables guide on GameFAQs.

>> No.3969768

>KH-verse Cloud has no excuse for being a total sad-sack, though.

All FF characters were ruined in KH. The only possible exception being Squall.

>> No.3969787

>only on Disc 3 that it's too late
Yep. Specifically, the cutoff point is entering Midgar the second time.

>> No.3969810

There's a ton of small missable shit that you can lose out on but I wouldn't sweat it since the game is very easy.

The gameplay stuff can be remedied by using a walkthrough because I'm certain you won't 100% the game on your first try while going in blind, but I wouldn't use a guide on your first time through.

One thing I will say is, there's some rather strange shit that happens in the story that may not quite add up. Keep a mental note if things seem peculiar. It will make more sense later.

>> No.3969921
File: 301 KB, 640x480, ff7background.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use a guide to make sure you get yuffie if you want her. Vincent as well.

Enjoy the aesthetic the pre rendered backgrounds are amazing.

>> No.3969940
File: 116 KB, 633x433, FFVII_Materia_Menu_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, ho-bags, favorite materia combinations? Overpowered, silly, interesting, anything goes.

>> No.3969960

Sneak Attack/KotR is pretty funny.

>> No.3970142
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 1484375598262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are TWO (2!) moments in the game where you are totally allowed to use a guide on the first playthrough.

The first is recruiting Yuffie and Vincent. Follow a guide closely when recruiting Yuffie. For Vincent, try to recruit him on your own but consult a guide if you get stuck, there's a kinda dumb trick the game will pull on you.

The second moment is much later in the game. You'll be in a rocket ship trying to open something. You'll have a short time limit, and what's inside is a missable item. Use a guide.

>> No.3970153

I totes figured out Yuffie as a kid, ran a train through Correll, let the huge red materia smash into meteor, missed the HP shout (I thought it gave you HP for years), didn't get Steal as Well materia, and missed out on Turtle's Paradise. There is too much emphasis on beating an RPG 100%. I'm a victim of it too, it's one of the reasons I haven't played FF6 in a while, but really it's ok just to relax every once in a while

>> No.3970558

Is there a mod to upscale the game so background won't look like a mess?

>> No.3971308

What I was saying is that if you play a fairly awesome game like ff7 the original, then.play the 'remake', expecting the game to be as awesome , then expect the be disappointed. And if your goal is to get into the new one then just don't play the original as the conception of it will not be what you expect.

>> No.3971323

Nope, the backgrounds are pre-rendered and cannot be upscaled.

>> No.3971978

OP here

Thank you everyone for the input. I'm starting my playthrough tomorrow.

>> No.3972706
File: 243 KB, 709x709, 54466-Shining_Force_3_1st_Scenario_(J)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or does that image look kinda similar to pic related?