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File: 47 KB, 800x600, 36936-Front_Mission_3_[NTSC-U]-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3959609 No.3959609 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any actual strategy to this game? It seems to mostly be an illusion. You have tons of options but no point making any exotic teams. Using the default weapons will get you through the game.

>> No.3959678
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>> No.3959709

front mission? It is mostly grinding. That is every JRPG.

>> No.3959724

FM3 is a mistake, FM2 is much better, go play that.

>> No.3959768
File: 9 KB, 192x240, ROFUP1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thinks he's the captain.

>> No.3959810
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>> No.3959861

You aren't missing anything. Front Mission 3 is very shallow and easy.

>> No.3960703

>Translation team gave up
>Net is all japlish
>battles last 25 minutes or more
>1st gen untextured 3d


>> No.3960720

I used to follow them closely during FM5 and FM2 fan-translation days but I never played 2, just a little bit of 5 which got 99% trnaslated I believe.

Is FM2 that bad, fan-translation wise? If so, fuck, what a letdown...

This is just my guess but maybe them giving up on 2 and Alternative is because people uploaded patched ISO all over the internet, against their wishes (if you read their readme, or even their page on romhacking.net, it's actually pretty funny)

>> No.3960727 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x1024, pcsxr 2015-02-02 00-04-33-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not FM3.
Play FM1 for good looking sprites and environment map.
Mech designs are pretty much mech protoplast so

FM2 for PS2 for great fucking story, characters and tactics.
Fucking awesome large maps, tons of units and gameplay details.
Everything is great except visuals.

There are times when graphics will stun you considering its a psx game but lots of time it looks blocky AF.
Still worth playing, after all it is FM game and a good one.

FM3 is dumbed down for dumb gajin, play it for mood and for great web and world trivia otherwise ignore.
Tactically wise its FF8 before you get and Ifrit combined with a slot machine,

PS2 games for great visuals and gameplay.

You are a faggot.
There is complete translation, the game is perfectly playable except cutscenes which you need to watch on yt or read txt files enclosed with translation and net which is not a big deal since there is not much.
Visuals sometimes sucks but sometimes look surprisingly good for an psx game, depend on a mech.
Enviros are great.

>> No.3960729
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x1024, pcsxr 2015-02-02 00-04-33-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3959609 (OP)
Not FM3.
Play FM1 for good looking sprites and environment map.
Mech designs are pretty much mech protoplast so

FM2 for for great fucking story, characters and tactics.
Fucking awesome large maps, tons of units and gameplay details.
Everything is great except visuals.
There are times when graphics will stun you considering its a psx game but lots of time it looks blocky AF.
Still worth playing, after all it is FM game and a good one.

FM3 is dumbed down for dumb gajin, play it for mood and for great web and world trivia otherwise ignore.
Tactically wise its FF8 before you get Ifrit combined with a slot machine,

PS2 games for great visuals and gameplay.

You are a faggot.
There is almost complete translation, the game is perfectly playable except cutscenes which you need to watch on yt or read txt files enclosed with translation and net which is not a big deal since there is not much, just machine stats IIRC.
Visuals sometimes sucks but sometimes look surprisingly good for an psx game, depend on a mech.
Enviros are great, large and to a degree destructible.

>> No.3960764

FM3 is the Persona of the Front Mission series.
Casualized gameplay, just-out-of-highschool characters, anime plot and so on.
Play FM1 if you want to know its roots, or FM2 if you want to get trounced.

But something you said is true. There's not much point in making exotic teams in any of the FM games. Specially in FM5, it looks like most of your characters are exchangeable (ie. they're just blank slates to fill with skills).

>> No.3960765


>> No.3960853
File: 169 KB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2017-05-01 12-32-39-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play FM1 if you want to know its roots
I disagree.
Play FM1 if you want a great story and gameplay that is still deeper than FM3.
Visuals are 2D but its a good 2D, visually its good old style mecha and more detailed than psx games because of obvious reasons.
Its pretty linear, taking you from city to city and not very long but you wont have long stretches of doing nothing.

After that you should go play FM2 because the story itself is touching on everything and its so complex you will have fun having tons of people rotating constantly each with his own personality.
In one of the last battles your bro tells you he will protect your rear.
You might have doubts, I did but you can trust him, he gonna plug all gaps in defence so you can fight the good fight.

>> No.3961294

Hang on a second

I tried to play FM2, made the ISO from my disc and patched it successfully but the FMVs dont have any sound

I've seen at least one other person reporting this, anyone else wanna chip in?

From the looks of it those guys were really incompetent, didnt even bother to include a Known Issues section to warn people.

>> No.3961323
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Mate, that's not was casualized means. Look at pic related and stop shitposting and learn that words have agreed-upon definitions.

>> No.3961328

I remember it worked just fine on epsxe.
In any case cutscenes are not translated and you should watch those on translator team you tube channel where text overlayed over cutscene.

>> No.3961332

>translator team you tube channel

Did you not know, the translator team died years ago, the website is dead, and the youtube channel with all the videos is gone forever.

kek, those guys really didnt give a single fuck, we're probably better off

>> No.3961336



>> No.3961339

where are the translated fm2 videos

>> No.3961348


4vs8 gameplay


>> No.3961351

>those guys really didnt give a single fuck, we're probably better off

>they gave enough fucks to make two of the best games in the series playable when no one else bothered.

Knowing how much time shit like this take I cant feel anything but being grateful to them for what they did.

Not there obviously but you still have script so you can read on your own whats going on in those cutscenes.
Thanks to that, you still have text in those parts where it was impossible to insert text without screwing something.

If you want you can do it on your own tho, you dont need to translate shit or even modify game data.
Just record those cutscenes, put a text over them and upload on yt, easy as fuck right.

>> No.3961356

>Not there obviously

Then shut the fuck up ya prick

>> No.3961361

>put down the whole translation project only because they took down vids for whatever reason.

Who is the prick here bro.

>> No.3961368

>put down the whole translation project only because they took down vids for whatever reason.

bullshit the whole thing is shitty, you're now a prick and a lying sack of shit with your lame attempt

>> No.3961369


Most english translation teams are total fags. Sooooo full of themselves.

The irony is that their work ethic and resolve are utter shit, but that won't stop them from crowing about themselves.

>> No.3961372


Why weren't the cutscenes translated?

>> No.3961373

>bullshit the whole thing is shitty
>Its shitty because I say so.
Do you have any examples of said shittiness?

>> No.3961375

It was impossible to insert text into the cutscene since.
I dont remember what it was something with reincoding, file format or something.

>> No.3961380


Probably. They sound like typical preening fanlator garbage.


Why were the cutscenes not subbed in-game?

>> No.3961383

No, the game is simple and dull. The pseudo-internet was great and that's about it. Play FM2 if you want actual strategy. That game will push your shit in.

>> No.3961385


Nigger, I highly doubt it was "impossible", more like "inconvenient", "hard", or "we just didn't feel like it".

Do it right or don't do it it at all.

>> No.3961386

>Why were the cutscenes not subbed in-game?
You need to decode cutscene, overly text over it and then encode into the old format.
I dont remember whether they had issue with reincoding, fileformat or something about bites on disc.
Just honestly dont remember.

Those yt vids were a good solution, shame they gone but at least I played while they still were.

>> No.3961394


Now you're just making excuses for them. A broken gameplay experience is worse than none at all.

>> No.3961396


So, you're just blindly talking out your ass.


>> No.3961402

>It was impossible to insert text into the cutscene since.

BULL-FUCKING-SHIT it was impossible

Here's what happened: they thought they could threaten people not to upload the patches or pre-patched images online without their self-appointed God-given consent.

People did what was expected of them, a reality most fan-translators know and actually handle prety well and realistically (ask anyone on the romhacking community), they then got massively butthurt and got the fuck out like the crying babies they were

>> No.3961408


Seems likely enough to me.

>> No.3961413

>:Do it right or don't do it it at all.
I'd rather play FM2 as it was than dont play it at all.

This, just attack and hope for a roll.
FM3 still had great designs, easily my fav part and comfy net.

>Now you're just making excuses for them
Actually that was the explanation I read long ago, I think it was given by a dev but not 100% sure.

>So, you're just blindly talking out your ass
So do you.
>Nigger, I highly doubt it was "impossible", more like "inconvenient", "hard", or "we just didn't feel like it".
You just made up your own headcannon why the translation wasnt included in a cutscene whether I gave you something I've read.
Granted I barely remember how it went but at least its something more than just something that was born completely in my head.

I dont think, I played the game and read that explanation while the team was still around so whatever happened later did not influence the fact that cutscenes were left as they were.
I think it was something about number and position of bytes on disc although as I said, read that long time ago.

>> No.3961420

How is 4? It's dirt cheap atm so I might pick it up.