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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 189 KB, 1200x675, C9y_YPzUAAAp4hY[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3950535 No.3950535 [Reply] [Original]

[no mike paranoia edition]

>> No.3950536


>> No.3950537


>> No.3950552

That you mike?

>> No.3950564
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, poison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johnny Millennial's waifu is a trap

>> No.3950567

small anime tiddies

>> No.3950573
File: 21 KB, 600x720, metal jeesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hidden gems!

>> No.3950586

shitty wig

i hate you, pic related man

>> No.3950590
File: 25 KB, 653x282, ProJared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3950602

Give some context.
Is projared a guy thatcollabs with jontron alot or something.

I dont subscribe to nu-males.
only sexy men like james/nathan barnatt/happy console gamer

>> No.3950607
File: 283 KB, 492x750, Ntk4Vyr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you need to know

>> No.3950613

Is that the same person in the OP pic? FtoM?

>> No.3950617

Yes, Happy Console Gamer moonlights as a tranny at anime conventions

>> No.3950625

No I mean the other way around, looks like a girl who took hormones and grew a beard.

>> No.3950627

ProJared is shit tho.

>> No.3950629

kek, does look possible

>> No.3950632

Projared apparently hates JonTron. Man, Jon is really in the dumps these days isn't he? >Publishers backing away from him for posting political nonsense on social media.
>Hasn't released a video in 4-5 months
>Fans hate his new FAKE set
and now Projared hates him

>> No.3950635


>> No.3950639

I totally agree. Projared is one of the worst people on YouTube.
First of all he has the ugliest face I've ever seen. So it makes looking at any of his videos difficult. And he's the biggest Nintendo shill to ever live.

>> No.3950675
File: 151 KB, 1722x1140, dyke matei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you kike matei I know it's you

>> No.3951031
File: 95 KB, 208x300, dvd_8950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /CaptainS/ here?

>> No.3951049

Awful. I think Reggie's a nice guy, despite buying all those repros.

>> No.3951080

Hey, what do you guys look for in a youtuber/eceleb? Doing some research.

>> No.3951087 [SPOILER] 
File: 404 KB, 600x557, 1493304461387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a big black cock

>> No.3951108

Someone who doesn't look like a college kid or an unfit mouth breather in his 40s. So it's few and far between. HCG is cool with me, I like his stories and he has a pleasant personality. Chrontendo, BitHead1000 and CGQ are good, too. Other than that I mostly just have Northernlion on while I game.

>> No.3951112

>captain S was the only memorable thing from them
>season 2 & webcomic gets cancelled and try to push their other content
>immediately faded into obscurity because nobody cared about their other content

why are content creators/e-celebs so insecure about being known for only one thing that they would go out to sabotage the very thing they're famous for?

>> No.3951120

i only really watch let's players to see if a game is worth playing for the most part so i'm ultimately not that pickey

as long as they aren't a cartoon character or egoraptor i'm fine

>> No.3951214

I appreciate the responses, guys. Very helpful.

>> No.3951230

You starting a channel or something?

>> No.3951258

I'd like to. My girlfriend has been trying to convince me to start one for a few years now. She's a YouTube junkie and thinks I'd do really well, but I'm a pretty private guy so I always ignored the notion.

But I've been watching a lot of gaming channels recently and I think I'm ready to get into it. I like the idea of getting out there and throwing in my two cents and entertaining people with my nonsense while we play games. I used to have some friends I did that with, but you know, life happens. So not having anyone to bounce things off of while I play is kind of my motivation to start a channel.

I'm in my early 30's and I don't look like a foot, so I think now might be the time to do it, if ever.

>> No.3951279

Cool man, have fun.

>> No.3951287

Thanks dude. That's the plan.

>> No.3951289

>being 20 years older than your gf
why is this allowed

>> No.3951304


I think he's pretty good, as YouTube douches go. According to the few videos of his that I've seen, he criticizes things well enough and doesn't go in for horrible skits (or other sorts of heavy-handed "comedy"). He gets the job done efficiently instead of resorting to filler, which is pathetically rare. I don't like him enough to seek him out and I agree that his face is off-putting, but it seems like he's wayyyy above average for these chumps. Not that that's saying a lot.

>> No.3951319
File: 45 KB, 249x479, 1411049277165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still picking up 18-year-olds at 30

The dream is real.

>> No.3951329


Not wasting my time. If you incorrectly believe that you have to interleave purely comedic segments into a basically informative or critical video, keep them brisk. Don't let that garbage drag out the way say Spoony used to do. (This doesn't apply if you're genuinely excellent as a humorist, but you probably aren't.)

Not being endlessly cynical and sarcastic. That's the cheap and easy way to do things. AVGN is "angry" but he's passionate and well-intentioned at heart, which is fine. Somebody like Derek Alexander is even better in this regard. We're in this because we like the games (or whatever). Not everything needs to be pissed on for coolness points; that can work but it's very overdone, because it's so easy and because it protects the creator's delicate emotions that they're pretending they are superior to. This is one reason why I don't watch Game Grumps: Outside things like Sequelitis where he's actually making an effort, Arin always comes across as hating the world. It's boring and depressing.

Not having a terrible voice. If you're aiming to be a professional (or hobbyist) talker, then you need to not sound like crap. Watch out for whiny nerdvoice and NPR-style vocal fry. Also, use real grammar and don't lean super-heavily on some dumb crutch like "in terms of".

Actual talent.

Boobs (sans obesity).

>> No.3951337


Ah yeah way too many of these dudes look like doughy schlubs. Frickin just don't be fat, boobs or no boobs. Never be fat. Also wash your hair and consider wearing something slightly nicer-looking than your usual shapeless t-shirt.

>> No.3951424
File: 45 KB, 326x256, kanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mindboggling how many of those "Beat every NES game" people there are and even more mindboggling how many have finished/are close to finishing

>> No.3951429


>> No.3951432


Give me some tips bro.

>> No.3951438

>She's a YouTube junkie
How often does she cuck you per day?

>> No.3951440

I want people who don't seem like sociopaths, make fun jokes, and have good times. If they are smart and eloquent that's a plus

>> No.3951441

Anon, this is an 18+ board

>> No.3951451

I think it's because there's a big risk that if you stick with a single thing too long it'll become synonymous with that person's image and it'll be impossible for them to do anything else.

>> No.3951484
File: 126 KB, 1369x872, this game sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more srs answer

Little to no face is kind of big for me. I hate finding a retrogame channel and finding out it's another fucking Me Show instead of actually being about the subject matter. Projareds and jontrons and every lp cunt with facefam can all fuck off. I wanted to look at cool things and hear about them, not watch your cunt mug do a shitty comedy routine

Recently been looking through Nostalgia Nerd's and Jimmy Hapa's stuff. They seem pretty cool

jontron and avgn get a pass for bein cute tho

>> No.3951501

Yeah this. Most of the guys I watch I have no idea what they even look like because they're not in it for the fame or attention, they just want to talk about or show a game and do a voice only narration. Those are the best videos to watch.

>> No.3951507

my lad

oh and no fucking puppets either

>> No.3951517


Yeah, and? Saying the special naughty words just because they're special and naughty is what kids do.

>> No.3951523

thank you for bringing class to this naughty board

>> No.3951542

Chrontendo seems cool but I can't imagine getting into it without a huge time investment. If you want to like Chrontendo you need to like it and not much else because it'll eat up your time

>> No.3951575


More thoughts: If you are gonna do more of a Let's Play thing than a criticism thing, then what I'd look for is the elusive (possibly even nonexistent) combination of entertainment skill and gameplaying skill that I assume characterizes the ideal Let's Player. Usually those people are entertaining talkers but boring players. But ideally the person could keep up good commentary while also noticing things in the game and reacting to them in a way that will satisfy the viewer rather than frustrating them.

I don't know how feasible this is in reality but it's what I look for and want. Maybe the most reasonable way to achieve it is to have two people involved, one to do most of the talking and one to play.

I like seeing people try a game for the first time. That's my favorite thing. Not a single person does this in its purest form, as far as I know. They'll start a "blind" playthrough and then by episode 10 they'll be talking regularly about what commenters have been telling them to do. You have to refrain from reading comments at all (until after the series is over) to play blind.

But it's frustrating or tedious to see somebody banging their head against an obstacle and not figuring it out for a long time, so the player needs to be skilled.

I also like watching people play when they're already very good at playing, like in competitive games and speedruns and such. Speedruns with commentary are really interesting.

You probably aren't aiming for any of this, but anyway my point is that there needs to be SOMEthing special going on: a person honestly reacting to a game for the first time, or a person being especially skilled, or a person giving interesting information (as with Chrontendo, which is a great series even though its narrator is not extraordinarily skilled at gameplay or criticism or humor), or a person being charming and entertaining without direct reliance on the game (as with Northernlion).

>> No.3951583

Work out, eat right and have a good sleep schedule. That's it. I work at a college, too. For god's sake don't start an actual relationship with one though, cuts into gaming time.

>> No.3951587


And if you haven't got anything like that then you need a gimmick. Consider having your girlfriend sit on your lap and fucking her as you play.


Yes I pride myself on being a gentleman at all times.

>> No.3951598

What's up with the NPR vocal fry? Shit is annoying as hell. Heard them do a story on it a few months ago where some chick was saying it's sexist since men do it just as often but don't get called out on it. Think that was on Here and Now, which is the worst show on the network. Car Talk is still unmatched and is the best program on radio. RIP Tom.

>> No.3951612

there's nothing wrong with wanting to branch out but i feel you shouldn't do a scorched earth approach to it. people like hiimdaisy & doug walker are examples of that.

>> No.3951615

It's great for falling asleep. I throw on an episode and I'm out like a light 4-5 games in.

>> No.3951616
File: 700 KB, 360x203, year of the spoony 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, what do you guys look for in a youtuber/eceleb? Doing some research.
self aware of how nerdy/wierd it is to make videogame videos for a bunch of people on the internet.
charismatic, geuinely seems to enjoy making videos
nice voice to listen too
doesn't follow trends, makes videos about what they know not what is popular
See Spoony circa 2007.

>> No.3951646


How I wish he'd snap the fuck out of it. Genuinely entertaining, 'till his madness.

>> No.3951694

He is decent but if you want to chronicle consoles that have large japanese libraries you should have actual japanese skills to play those games. And he should have not started chonology for sega and pcengine because he might never finish any of them at the current pace.

>> No.3951719

He's gonna jewwario probably

>> No.3951731

>I work at a college, too.

So that's the secret. Yeah I guess it's 10x easier when you're surrounded by energetic puss all day. If I started just roaming campuses someone would probably call the cops.

>> No.3951762

college girls are ironically mostly dumb.
I can't imagine trying to impress one enough to fuck.

>> No.3951793

Where can I meet girls, /ecg/? The store I work at has two that are around my age but I don't like them, and the other employees are almost all in their 50s or higher so forget that. Sometimes there'll be one that comes in to shop that is cute but it's impossible to form any kind of connection at the register.

>> No.3951813

Pretty much, yeah.
Tinder. I don't use it but my brother does and drowns in puss. He's not much of a looker either. Shitty times we live in, I know.

>> No.3951840

Have a job and use social media. Girls dont even look at you irl anymore.

>> No.3951846

no offence duderinos but can you guys move girl talk to a different board

>> No.3951848

i lived around a college and met girls at the fucking popeyes across the road. once i got my first lay I was bringing girls back to my room every night my roommate wasn't around. it was out of control

it's not like I was treating them like shit either, I was forward about not getting romantically involved. I had to move away from there when I got a new job, so the good times ended

>> No.3951856
File: 7 KB, 300x168, Tamishii Hiroka quizzical 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu, I don't mind a couple off-topic posts but this is derailing a good thread
Go to /r9k/

>> No.3951865
File: 2 KB, 80x80, rajaface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a good thread

>> No.3951870
File: 3.22 MB, 480x360, Spoony no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-shut up I like talking about irrevelant e-celebs.

>> No.3951903

The chicken place? How does that work? You just go up to random girls when they're in the middle of dinner and ask if they want to come home with you?

>> No.3951914

yeah bro totally works every time drowning in pussy right now as I shitpost in an e-celeb thread.

>> No.3952017

why the *ahem* FUCK does she take forever to put videos out now

>> No.3952018

fuck off jared

>> No.3952023

The only "celeb" if you can even call him that who I watch is Aris and he was famous before he started streaming because he was big at EVO.

>> No.3952028

I notice if I made a /ecg/ with james rolfe in the OP pic, their will be 400 replies about cinemassacre only

But If I use anyone else, its discussion about all other ecelebs

What did /vr/ mean by this?

>> No.3952031

means the mike shitposters arent on yeet

>> No.3952061

doesnt jared work for normal boots or w/e which jon was a founder of

>> No.3952065
File: 64 KB, 594x1024, Tamashi Hiroka 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the *ahem* FUCK does she take forever to put videos out now
>makes a patreon
>suddenly uploads take longer to come out

>> No.3952080

Like pottery.

>> No.3952083

>tfw look under 18 but am turning 31

send help

>> No.3952084

He got annoying when he hired a stupid editor. I dropped him hard.

>same shitty thumbnail every video with his face going >:( or :D

>> No.3952091

That's actually a really good thing. It makes it easier to lie at job interviews and hand-wave why you've been a NEET for over 10 years. I wish I had your luck. I've completely run out of credible excuses for why I haven't had a job since graduation a decade ago.

>> No.3952095
File: 450 KB, 1572x1922, 1489997816628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3952101

They are gonna check you're real age through the forms anyway

>> No.3952102

As long as they don't find out the graduation date you're still good.

>> No.3952103

Cheap and/or improper fitting shoes.

>> No.3952106
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, mass_naked_NEET_event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've been a NEET for over 10 years

how did you know
i think thats actually the secret to my looking so young

>> No.3952109

Considering all of them are cheaters, using emulators and save states and shit I think that's moot.

>> No.3952120

Yeah Ive just been in highschool for over 10 years

>> No.3952121

Emulators are not cheating. You can use them just fine without ever touching save states.

>> No.3952128

almost every one drops out when they reach 200-400 games. Only few can go beyond that. Sadly no one of them can play japanese games.

>> No.3952132

Is there any market for a pure gameplay channel? Like those dudes who do no commentary walkthroughs. Do they even make money? Like World of Longplays.

That's the kind of channel I'd want to make. I don't wanna be rich, but I'd like to make a few dollars of a hobby.

>> No.3952134

Who woulda thought Japanese AVGs and Shogi games were the ultimate casual filter.

>> No.3952137

lol, no. No commenter interactivity means you have no chance of setting up a successful Patreon either.

>> No.3952140

Everybody uses Savestates for practice though, including NESMania/Mexicanrunner. Besides emulators are simply

>> No.3952142

That's what I figured. I'll still probably make one.

>> No.3952151

why are her hands so fat in her videos?

>> No.3952164
File: 33 KB, 599x439, Tamashi Hiroka 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I'm indifferent about her videos desu, but I have a theory that all her patreons are orbiters so it makes it funny.
Hadn't noticed this.
Are they? She looks to be your average skinny grill to me. hadn't really paid attention.

>> No.3952171

Her fingers seem really long, but off that, I wouldn't say fat.

Did she do some DYKG video awhile back? I just remember her having an annoying voice.

>> No.3952173
File: 46 KB, 501x640, tumblr_nzou1qcJzD1rwqwfyo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does look skinny. Maybe it's the weird camera angle she uses or those are somebody elses hands lmao.

>> No.3952175

Why's everyone fawning over a tranny? Can we just get back to shitting on Mike?

>> No.3952176
File: 190 KB, 1200x907, 1493278404421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys ryan here

>> No.3952179

>I share a state with this fucking guy
God, everything from his voice, his fucking goof ass appearance (Because he is a goddamn goof), his bullshit ass expert attitude while he doesn't know shit about what he's talking about (Look at his pinball video. He can't even remember the table he just played let alone the "best of all time") and how he sucks off the local reseller scum to get guaranteed screaming deals on games makes me hate his guts. I already hate resellers so goddamn much but I hate people that suck them off and defend their shit even more.

>> No.3952180
File: 47 KB, 500x687, TamashiiHiroka 004 pika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her hands seem more or less proportional to me.
>ywn cum inside Tamashi whilst she nothing but a pikachu jumper.
Feels kinda bad desu

>> No.3952182


>> No.3952186

t. mike

t. never watched any of her vids

>> No.3952191
File: 363 KB, 1152x1920, Tamashi Hiroka 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. never watched any of her vids
I watched more of her old ones then her new ones. Her new stuff seems a bit souless in comparision.

>> No.3952201

I never noticed a difference but then again I don't give a shit about pokemon. Also where the fuck are you getting all these pics from?


>> No.3952202

Why would Mike want to shit on himself? I just had a shitty day and enjoy hating on others to make myself feel better, what's so wrong with that?

btw fuck Mike and bring back Bootsy.

>> No.3952207

Bootys fault for being a whiny cuckboi on twitter

>> No.3952209
File: 463 KB, 1280x1718, Tamashi Hiroka 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a bad feel.
I need to find a QT nerd grill asap.
>where are you getting all these pics from.
I collated them over time from other threads. I assume they where posted on various videogame sites, social media, instagram etc..

>> No.3952215


Oh, hey. I've watched a few of this chick's videos before.

There's something really "off" about her I can't quite put my finger on.

>> No.3952220

Because mike loves attention

>> No.3952235
File: 24 KB, 720x402, tamashi Hiroka 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's something really "off" about her I can't quite put my finger on.
Yes, definitely, it's more noticeable in some videos then others. I can't figure out what it is, she clearly doesn't have the tism, maybe it's anxiety? What do you reckon?
Mike loves all attention he can get. Being the nerd's number 1 cuckboy is literally the center of his life. Pretty sad desu.

>> No.3952238


I got that feeling too 2bh

>> No.3952240

Her face looks weird. I don't know what, I just know it's her face.

>> No.3952241
File: 18 KB, 480x360, Tamashi Hiroka 004..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the thickest pic I've seen of her.
She looks skinny everywhere else I think it's mostly the angle.

>> No.3952423

>mikes shitting up this thread with an ugly bitch

why mike, why do you do this to us.

>> No.3952427
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, Tamashi Hiroka 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you wouldn't eat her butthole

>> No.3952430

without makeup shes a solid 1.5

>> No.3952441
File: 200 KB, 1080x720, Tamishii Hiroka tumblr apparently 'before'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she does look pretty bad without it.
then so do most women.
Still would be on that hole though.

>> No.3952448


Wow, her boyfriend is pretty ugly.

>> No.3952459

both of their noses are curved and fucked up

>> No.3952467

I really hope one of you guys is subscribed to me.

>> No.3952468


>> No.3952471
File: 33 KB, 600x400, tamashi Hiroka 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like the spatstic gay friend of a middleschool grill.
>tfw this fucking guy is the one that gets to go balls deep
This World man.
More like a 6 imo. Most people are ugly as sin.

>> No.3952483

thats how all "nice guys" look.

>> No.3952489
File: 83 KB, 1056x720, workedatsierra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I Sierra?

>> No.3952495

He looks and talks like a huge beta.

>> No.3952506
File: 54 KB, 741x719, C9XPK9TVYAAbpLo.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3952507

Any have the miney craft video that mike put up?

>> No.3952519

this fell asleep to chrontendo last night actually

>> No.3952520



>> No.3952543

How can anyone hate Mike? This is comedy gold!

>> No.3952546

Thanks I gets me every time

>> No.3952547

kek what a fucking faggot

>> No.3952548

what the shit is npr vocal fry

>> No.3952550

He might take April down with him.

>> No.3952571



>> No.3952576

mike cant even get laid with a huge dick pathetic
also how hot is happy console gamers gf?

>> No.3952579

he's a fag in an open marriage

>> No.3952590

lol jared?

that explains everything

>> No.3952596

so nice guys are massive betas?
This makes no sense.

>> No.3952604

yes? how do you not know this?

>> No.3952605

I thought 'nice guys' where chads or something?

>> No.3952609

seriously? chads are the tough alpha males. nice guys are the scrawny beta fags who let women walk all over them. like projared aka alien head shit kid.

>> No.3952610
File: 244 KB, 251x908, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with her nose

>> No.3952616

>nice guys are the scrawny beta fags who let women walk all over them.
how did this guy get a gf then? I thought women hated betas?>>3952448

>> No.3952620


Some women like nice guys. Not much but some do.

t. former beta fag

>> No.3952628

i knew it was her damn face

>> No.3952631

>former beta fag
What are you now?
Also tell me about the past anon.

>> No.3952639

>What are you now?
depressed retard.
Anyways, keep on topic!

>> No.3952663

Women like to be able to control men. Beta's are controllable.

If you're a beta male, you should be actively doing things to get out of beta-dom. Go lift weights, change your diet, try not being a neet and just going for a walk outside. These are easy steps to make you not a fucking doormat.

>> No.3952678


>> No.3952680 [DELETED] 

Go into the real world sometime jeremy. Not all women want some 6'2 chad with chiseled abs. Go back to /r9gay/ and fap to traps or something. Faggot.

>> No.3952691

They all eventually cheat on their beta hubbys with a tall muscular nigger though. It's just inevitable, nothing can beat the nigger dick.

>> No.3952730
File: 803 KB, 896x667, 1470172604683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can't be trusted.

>> No.3952732

sounds like a bunch of retarded liberal whining. I can't believe anyone would spend half an hour of their life to listen to a vagina bleed

>> No.3952736

dude hers like bends off at a 45 degree angle sideways. I already knew not to trust a jew though

>> No.3952740

>Go lift weights, change your diet, try not being a neet and just going for a walk outside
I do all this.
Well I haven't lifted in a couple months at this point, I need to cut and exit fat mode.

>> No.3952741

Good taste anon, great band.

>> No.3952749

why have LGR's last 2 videos been depressing vlogs with him just rambling about his hording

>> No.3952752

because he's a turbo autist.
How many years has he been doing this and how many of those has he been single?

>> No.3952759

He's probably finally realized what a retard he is for buying a bunch of obsolete garbage he'll never use or need

>> No.3952798


Especially considering if there's a female that runs a gaming channel on Youtube, he's given them a shout out at least once and been 'good friends' with them for some time. When's our dude finally gonna get his?

>> No.3952808


The Patreon of nothing but orbiters didn't give it away?

>> No.3952826
File: 95 KB, 475x208, 1408863000168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate nerds more than I hate mad agents

>> No.3952851

I will never understand why betas orbit women who have men

>> No.3952861

Please recommend me something comfy to watch.

I need something relatively slow-paced with people just shooting the shit about games, that I can have on in the background and halfway pay attention to while I finish up some papers for grad school.

Preferably not side-splittingly hilarious. I'm sick at the moment and laughing too much sends me into coughing fits.

My interests are primarily 16-bit era consoles and PC gaming all the way from 1990-2000. For the PC, especially RPGs and point-and-click adventure games.

>> No.3952868


>> No.3952873


>> No.3952880

Yeah. I like Terry Gross and her show but sometimes the guests and topics are trash.

>> No.3952909

How does doing any of that stuff have an impact on your personality? If you've been spineless your entire life "eating right" and "going for walks" isn't going to change 30 years of ingrained behavior. Once a beta always a beta, pretty much.

>> No.3952919

Instead of that crap you should get on roids. THAT will change your personality.

>> No.3952928

Exactly. Nothing is more alpha than slamming your fist through a brick wall in rage.

>> No.3952932

I can guarantee you he has fucked both Kinsey and Kelsey.

>> No.3952945

Jarred is worse than Arin Hanson so I couldn't care what he says.

>> No.3952960
File: 4 KB, 194x101, unsub projared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants a higher percentage of females
Okay, you're the boss.

>> No.3952986

I'm a girl (girl) and going to unsub. Now the ratio remains the same.

>> No.3952996
File: 95 KB, 223x215, worst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3953015
File: 146 KB, 249x379, 1485548791399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In real life?

>> No.3953017

He's with Pushinuproses, they were joined at the hip at Portland Retro Gaming Expo.

>> No.3953031

>Next up on my Genesis hidden gems list is Sonic 2. In this game you play as Sonic and it's just like the first one but with more stuff to do and he even has a new friend in it.

>> No.3953071

>not sure if joe cornhole joke or not

>> No.3953146
File: 25 KB, 315x365, 1487662248369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking for saturn games because I just got one
>click on metal jesus video
>seems like a pretty nice guy who just likes video games and music
>watch 1 or 2 more of his videos
>come to /vr/
>opinion decimated and feel like I can never look at him the same way
I love you guys but you make me hate a lot of things

>> No.3953153

Grow up and hold your own opinions

>> No.3953156

Well stop liking stupid things and it won't be a problem.

>> No.3953160
File: 35 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The circuits and coffee chick in that video is one of the ugliest people I've ever seen who doesn't suffer from any deforminties. She also seems like a smug bitch as well.

>> No.3953162

>acne scarring
>horrid/inconsistent make up
>huge nose

She should grow her hair to her shoulders or something.

>> No.3953180

Its not like I changed my opinion because of /vr/. I changed my opinion based on information revealed to me by /vr/ that I was ignorant to previously. Same for a lot of things.

>> No.3953185

Nah, clearly you're easily influenced.

>> No.3953198

fuck you for even SUGGESTING that

>> No.3953206

whatever you say buckaroo

>> No.3953207

Calm down Woolie, it might distract from her yuge nose is all.

>> No.3953208

nah she looks like a dude no matter what lmaoooo

>> No.3953210

>tfw metal jesus will never be swatted

why live

>> No.3953221
File: 2 KB, 48x48, THEREHEIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to random old-tech and/or videogame video on YouTube
>check comments
>I wonder if I'll fi-


>> No.3953225

>sloops only get like 12k views vs 125k on larrys channel

>> No.3953235

>check the view count
>only 452 views
oh larry

>> No.3953240

well say tell us your channel name or something and we'll know

>> No.3953245

And all the comments are complaining it's not Larry.

Aside from his misinformation, what's most annoying about him.

I say that obnoxious fake smug chuckle he does all the time

>> No.3953247

you sure most of us came to the conclusion they broke up

>> No.3953261

He posted a comment on one of her videos from a couple weeks ago, unless it was super-recent.

>> No.3953283

oh nope they might still be a thing. So cute haha two spergs finding love

>> No.3953367
File: 404 KB, 1536x1143, picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that Patrick Stewart is 76 and his wife is 38. He's five years older than her dad.

>> No.3953374


Living the goddamn dream.

>> No.3953381

>be famous
>be rich
>be knighted
>be a Shakespearean actor
>carried the olympic torch

Yeah wow, a Youtube personality totally adds up to fucking Patrick Stewart.

>> No.3953478
File: 87 KB, 600x619, CiXXZ3VVEAAu6lV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know...
Metal Jesus is a tall, white male with hair, anon. The sky's the limit.

>> No.3953482
File: 158 KB, 640x956, 279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like Butthead. At least she's skinny; I'd rather do her than that other MJ guest, the fat blonde.

>> No.3953484

nah shes cute and thicc

>> No.3953490

His gut is bigger than her upper torso

>> No.3953492

I want her feet and thighs

>> No.3953498

maybe Kinsey, but Kelsey? doubt it, have you seen Kelsey's boyfriend? MJR is a huge downgrade even as a casual fuck

>> No.3953502

>who just likes video games

No he likes buying video games and telling people that he bought them.

>> No.3953515

>Temptest 2000 in a video about Saturn shoot em ups

I guess it counts as one but it seems like a really odd choice considering the vast amounts of shmups on the Saturn to pick from.

>> No.3953586
File: 1.93 MB, 245x187, 1493095582480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, she's a gamer on a budget!

>> No.3953591


If fame alters your perception of what is socially acceptable that much, I'd say you're a candidate for the oven, m8.

>> No.3953594


Patrick Stewart: Still One Badass Motherfucker

>> No.3953608

Unless things went horrible downhill for Saturn prices you can get Layer Section and Darius Gaiden together for less than $50.

>> No.3953616

Theyhave the same nose and similar facial structure and features, I thought it was his daughter before reading your post.

I would destroy that midget's colon.

>> No.3953627


>tfw you found your youtube waifu but she hasn't uploaded anything in years

>> No.3953631

low energy, very low energy

>> No.3953696

>has 37k subscribers
>uploaded 6 videos

Makes sense to me senpai

>> No.3953698

someone tell me that's not a piss stain on his shorts

>> No.3953720
File: 158 KB, 1308x923, freakin sweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.3953762

I either like insightful commentary on something like with LGR, or someone who can make me actually laugh. I sometimes put on Let's Plays as background noise, but for the most part I don't watch them with the exception of a couple channels. My general rule for comedic youtubers is that if they can make me laugh and I don't just sit straightfaced through a couple of their videos, I subscribe, which is becoming rarer these days.

>> No.3953776

Oh shit, I thought he was gay.

>> No.3953803

I really wish youtube thumbnails didn't piss me off so much.

>> No.3953861

Hello you!

>> No.3953875
File: 24 KB, 500x356, girls-vs-guys-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3953881

girl + MJR effect, makes sense to me

>> No.3953883

Yeah, good thing guys don't show their goofy faces on their youtube thumbnails.......

>> No.3953892

Those are manginas

>> No.3953915

Nah I don't want to be that guy.
Just said that because your description matched the kind of stuff I do.

>> No.3953950

Well good on you but I'm curious now. I am straight up asking

like be coy if you wanna but can you give me hints or something

I swear to fuck if you're the fucking puppet guy

>> No.3953952
File: 86 KB, 721x680, 8675309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checking in.

>> No.3953970
File: 25 KB, 512x480, 1483725239512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whiny nerdvoice

This shit. This shit right here. It is one of the biggest reasons I cannot watch most LP's or game reviewers.

I'm plugging Un; he is worth a damn


>> No.3954009

..he's not gay?

>> No.3954040
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, 1537653_10152592841764344_6449766471298762981_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone on /VR/ fuck with Hard4Games?

>> No.3954043

These guys are criminally underrated.
>richie's hairline

>> No.3954048
File: 125 KB, 1200x675, C80TTXUUIAAWJFo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God Kelsey is so hot. The pretty face. That cute little bod.

>you will never get fucked up on 91% isopropyl alcohol with Kelsey and play a shit encrusted copy of Kirbey's Adventure on the NES

Why even live?

>> No.3954051

>Richie's hairline
Damn I never payed attention, the poor guy. Can't unsee

>> No.3954057

I've only seen the purple shirted guy on MJR shilling the HD64 hard. He seems knowledgable but just gay enough I can't really watch him. I don't even think he's gay, all younger internet people sound gay to me. They all talk nasally and have a minor lisp. I don't think they are gay though, I think they just listen to too much online media from Seattle and San Fran and its fucked with their minds.

The people from Seattle and San Fran ARE insufferable faggots though. Only thing worse are those San Fran asians that can't speak english correctly. they speak the language 99% fluently, then can't pronounce 'th' noises to save their lives. And that noise shows up like 2 or 3 times PER SENTENCE.

But nah, I've never watched any of their shit.

>> No.3954090

No ur not wrong Tony and a few other people on the channel even talk just like you described (pretty sure one of them really is gay but none of them in pic related). They are always making homosex jokes anyways so it just kind of goes with it

>> No.3954101
File: 351 KB, 405x318, this little piggy had a youtube channel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was she trying to do with this one?

>> No.3954110

Epic references and jokes about video game logic not working in real life.

>> No.3954152

where did the weeaboo emo go who actually spoke Japanese he was kind of funny. the one who thinks hes the leader is kind of a douche though

>> No.3954201

I miss when SBF did old school games


>> No.3954214

This, I'd rather have skinny or fit and ugly than fat and cute.

>> No.3954218

Who would win in a fight?
Kyle or Bootsy?

>> No.3954225


>> No.3954231

I feel like Bootsy would fuck him up, mainly due to his structure.

>> No.3954249

Out of all the cinemassacre guys, I'd want Bootsy on my side in a fight because 1. based on his vidya skill alone, he doesn't seem like he ever gives up and 2. all of the other guys seem like the kind of dudes that would run away

I love James, but I wouldn't want him on my side in a fight

>> No.3954260

That copy of Kirby fell in cow manure. What was Tony doing on a cow farm? Good thing we have good girl Kelsey to clean up Tony's mess.

>> No.3954262

>vast amounts of shmups on the Saturn to pick from.
which probably cost 200 dollars each.

>> No.3954358

Yeah since like 2010

>> No.3954390

I'm not the one who wants to fuck little girls, but whatever.

>> No.3954396

Gay as fuck

>> No.3954401

>the one who thinks hes the leader

It's cause they record in his house. Or did. He's having/had a kid, so he lost his "game room".

>> No.3954406

is the guy on the far right gay or what
i seriously dont know

i watched their old shit, but have mostly lost interest. also, too many fucking beta quest videos

>> No.3954409

Always thought he was gay but I still don't fucking know

>> No.3954412

>pat scared liam into being a fat greasey twitch streaming who cant break 300 views
>the channel is still tanking

>> No.3954427

Can't wait until it dies. They're all such unfunny fucking retards.

>> No.3954440

ehhh, they seems like such cool guys, but nothing they talk about is interesting at all

if they did a playthrough of any strat RPG I'd cum

>> No.3954450

I liked them before Liam and Woolie came on full time. It's been downhill from there.

And I don't even listen to the podcast.

>> No.3954464


They fucking better be, between them they must know and have every 80s/90s PC game in existence.

>> No.3954467

you mean bf. shes pretty qt.

>> No.3954469
File: 257 KB, 1080x1116, 14026594_1750674478546628_115389914_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3954471
File: 94 KB, 750x675, 18161531_311886985898120_6149707729746264064_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gamester81 is johns real gf

>> No.3954481

/vr/ thinks they are gay. That arab dudes beard creeps me out.

>> No.3954491

so wait Kim is a tranny, where is the evidence?

>> No.3954502

I can smell a dick a mile away

>> No.3954508
File: 17 KB, 397x262, 1431596046327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn get to smell her shoes after a long hot day

>> No.3954509

More like Lurch81 amirite

>> No.3954513

so there is no evidence, okay then.

>> No.3954515

im a tranny expert and thats not a fucking tranny ffs

>> No.3954517

christ, she's so fucking generic

>> No.3954519

It's like one of his japanese animes

>> No.3954524


Ok mike, now please, get the fuc out of your closet

>> No.3954525

Shes pretty cute you literal fags

>> No.3954534

and shes canadian so you know she hasnt been BLACKED.org

>> No.3954604

Are you kidding me? I guess only James wife is confirmed coal burner

>> No.3954726


>> No.3954739

Why do people care about this guy so much?

>> No.3954781

>having such baseline level of taste

Must be nice being able to Google bitches like these with ease to jerk off to

>> No.3954787

>Oh shit, I thought he was gay.

Nah he;s just top bros with McKellan who is outspokenly gay. I was watching an interview with him and hugh jackman and he can't keep his hands off him, it's kind of hilariously adorable.

>> No.3954806

I just mean he does all the talking and never lets the other guys speak really.

>> No.3954814

>james rolfe reveals his name was at one point going to be "Nostalgia Nerd" instead of AVGN.

>larry bundy proceeds to use that name after that video comes out

what did he mean by this?

>> No.3954982
File: 25 KB, 364x514, 8bitkiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autism took down his A.I. video

>> No.3954998
File: 75 KB, 338x500, 8bitbrody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8-Bit Brody is our fucking guy.


>> No.3955008

who /classic gaming quarterly/ here?
His console launch videos are interesting af

>> No.3955012

As soon as I saw this posted, I knew it was because of these threads. Because I know you're reading this, well done, Brody

>> No.3955050

>in 20 years I could easily create true a.i
>i just dont feel like it

>> No.3955054

paul latza is /ourguy/

>> No.3955058

was he on about wood, or all of these faggots in general?

>> No.3955060

>fag jealous of happy console gamer

>> No.3955061

Perhaps all of them more or so, but the Wood references were kind of interesting

>> No.3955068

Jesus, already? Thanks, anon.
Kind of. I was trying to be sincere for once. Satire is hard.
Everyone. Mostly myself. I still hate that my Smash Mouth video is my most viewed. I loathe that video.
I have never watched his content. Sorry, bud. <3

>> No.3955087

>I have never watched his content. Sorry, bud. <3
You're not missing much Brody, his videos are as shallow as they get. This gives you a good idea of what his videos are regularly like.


>> No.3955095

I'm not watching your stupid link bud.
Thanks for licking my boots though. <3

>> No.3955097

Just for that insult I'm making every new /ecg/ james rolfe themed.

>> No.3955101

anyone here heard of mikes big dick?
could the rumors be true??
does he really have a 10 incher?

>> No.3955106

He seems okay.
Good try. ;) I would have gone with partner instead of bud.

>> No.3955107
File: 446 KB, 640x478, the dragon in my pants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike stole the big dick meme from james

>> No.3955134

He's good. Seems like a total bro with zero autism. Nice of him to send that package to BitHead1000.

>> No.3955138

He's an awesome comic artist.

He was a legit anime fan back in the 80's when people thought you were a weird pervert for liking it

He was a super fan of video games and played all the great rpg's and such back before it was cool to do so.

His memories/story videos/christmas episodes are comfy to watch.

He has a cute girlfriend half his age.

He's the best, anyone that makes a video satirizing him with mumbles and sounds like a retard and thinks its funny is a idiotic mongoloid themselves.

I' suck him desu no homo

>> No.3955169

8-bit Brody needs to stop whining and stop complaining about the "posers"

>> No.3955173

i feel like it's all satire though right? i saw him filming at retropalooza and he comes across as very self aware and very in control of whats around him

>> No.3955175

8-Bit Brody: I still want a signed Double Dribble, bro.

>> No.3955181

Was he in QA at Sierra or what?
At least his guests do mention interesting games (like Frontier Stories for the GBA) and he has good quality gameplay footage.

>> No.3955183

"Shill that video." -- 8-bit Brody

>> No.3955191

It's half satire, half not.

In other words its muddled

>> No.3955195

I am the poser, my guy.
I'm always serious.
Send me a message somewhere that I can reach you. I have all the dumb social media outlets.
Why haven't you?
I like to think the best satire is hard to spot. People thought Starship Troopers was a pro-fascist film when it was released, or something.

>> No.3955321

what the fuck is james doing?

>> No.3955390

is he talking about his everyday carry, I know hes a texan but the guy cant get any more based can he

>> No.3955395

can you do a compilation video with hickok45?

>> No.3955438

Probably bisexual like all true patricians.

>> No.3955460

trying to earn a quick buck

>> No.3955464

did james just say cuckold holy shit kek?

>> No.3955484

isn't 'she' the person who received a saturn and around a few grand worth of games from some guy who "had them lying around the attic"?

>> No.3955485
File: 130 KB, 315x330, 1462957444362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he knows

>> No.3955490

He said it in a completely apolitical context.

>> No.3955493

She only become "known" because of Metaljesus. I can see him having a bunch of shit he never heard of "lying around the attic."

>> No.3955508

>I can see him having a bunch of shit he never heard of

fixed it for u desu

>> No.3955538

cool video!

>> No.3955550

Go on and believe that if it makes you feel better

>> No.3955558

So Cinemassacre is official not retro anymore we can stop having e-celeb threads now?

>> No.3955562

not until gook moot makes a youtube board

>> No.3955682

This is funny.

>> No.3955724
File: 7 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u will never be her beta bux

>> No.3955790

so ryan gone when?

>> No.3955818

Cool a new Kelsey video. Thanks anon.

>> No.3955825
File: 816 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170429-202940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New faggot Mike and fatty video.
I like how all comments whether nice, mean or troll are automatically blocked.

>> No.3955827
File: 78 KB, 957x621, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 mins

>> No.3955828

Lotta' sponsors nowadays.

>> No.3955829

Why is Mike on tilt so bad?
He's running Cinemassacre into the ground.

>> No.3955834
File: 807 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170429-203623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

29 comments in and these are the two shown.
I even posted an all positive comment (awesome stuff guys!) from my phone on a different YouTube account and it still doesn't show.
They must screen every fucking comment. Hahahaha come one Mark, I just want your 9" of fake cock

>> No.3955837

>mike and Ryan quit
>we get a new AVGN once a year because James doesn't have time for anything else
>might get a 5 min movie review if we're lucky
>that's all that ever gets uploaded

>> No.3955839

Or it just ends. Nothing lasts.

>> No.3955925
File: 1.78 MB, 1270x676, sasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres literally nothing wrong with MetalJesus.

Also i want to see Kelsey's tight little body bouncing up and down on some cock.

>> No.3956006

She runs a game store who profits greatly when games are promoted as being valuable or hidden gems on youtube. Metaljesus and his retarded friends all have stock in this scheme.

Watching his videos I can't even tell if he likes games. More like he's some filthy fuck trying to swindle every last penny out of his "hobby".

>> No.3956018
File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? She runs a business that makes money from rare commodities?

WTF?!!! Why can't i find these games at flea markets for $2 anymore!!

>> No.3956102

>Speedruns with commentary are really interesting.

I don't know about speedruns, but commentary about the actual game and not just frustrated chimping out is the best for me.

>> No.3956105

Jesus Mike is retarded

>start game by seeing character put on a headset
>two minutes later
>Mike: So is this guy wearing like a headset or something?

Not to mention the obnoxious singing. I can only imagine how badly their sponsor was cringing when viewing this for the first time.

>> No.3956117

He's doing all the low effort shit to try and generate youtube bucks, which turns people off the channel. Now he's just the guy riding James's coat tails and filling the channel with garbage between episodes of AVGN.

>> No.3956119

No. He did sound work.
Meaning he was a contracted musician for one game.

>> No.3956123

It really says a lot when Ryan came off looking like the better of the two. He was actually being serious and trying to explain the game and the concept and look good for their sponsors and Mike was just over there spazzing out or looking bored as fuck.

>> No.3956156

I'll take someone like James, the whole package, over a loser like Mike any day of the week.

>> No.3956170

I really enjoyed NESPAT podcasts without Ian. Now that's he's back it makes me not listen anymore. He gets offended by EVERYTHING and OH IM SO SICK.

>> No.3956181

It's the MO of the new generation, playing the chronic victim. Ian takes it to new heights however.

>> No.3956194

Haha, he took down that lame AI video? Usually he's pretty good with the tech stuff, I have no idea why he went off on that tangent. It was like he didn't even get past the concept of AI as an evil overlord and come to the reasonable conclusion that shifting standards and the idea that when we KNOW how AI functions, we stop calling it AI.

>> No.3956217

What's the deal with Bootsy really? Why hasn't he come back? Why do I have to look at Ryan anymore, the fat fuck.

>> No.3956226

>I enjoy 3 hours of "uhh i really don't know why nintendo did this i mean its not expensive to do my thing and my thing would make millions right lets do some quick math 1x1 million over 3 years i mean really why doesn't nintendo just do this thing its obvious".

Then when Ian is there its just "oh these people are really dumb lets check what this game got in a certain nes guidebook"

>> No.3956259

>Why can't i find these games at flea markets for $2 anymore!!
because a bunch of cunts put them on ebay for 100 dollars, but the thing is they aren't really rare. its a jew scam.

>> No.3956284

You should watch his streams sometime.

> playing ninja gaiden 3
> on stage 7-3d (or e... right before boss room)
> "i wonder if i die here, will i get sent back to the spikes or the door here? Im gonna die to test something"

Nigga has been playing ninja gaiden his whole life and doesnt know how dying works.

> playing shovel knight plague
> dies and respawns at checkpoint
> walks backwards through the level
> dies and respawns at same checkpoint
> walks the correct way through level
> dies and respawns at same checkpoint
> walks backwards through level until he cant proceed
> "i dont know why i cant jump up there"
> walks the other way
> "did i just go backwards? I think i went backwards"
> dies and respawns at same checkpoint
> walks backwards

Also shovel knight plague
> "wtf, i cant kill these guys and they keep knocking me into pit!"
> chat tells him to use a different casing so bombs go up
> he jumps around and does attack
> "i dont think he can attack up"
> dies another 5 times
> chat tells him its in the menu
> he looks at the fuse options
> he looks at the explosion options
> he hovers over casing options
> he looks through the burst options
> he looks at inventory screen
> "i dont have anything like that"
> finishes level
> "so where is this thing that lets me throw up?"
> chat tells him its in town
> goes to town and talks to everyone
> "i dont see it guys"
> he fights black knight
> "people are saying mona has it"
> percy just replaced mona
> he talks to percy
> "i cant find mona guys"
> goes to next level
> looks in his menu
> "i had it the whole time guys!"
> tries it
> "this sucks"

>> No.3956289

Are there any entertaining Let's Players who tend to at least sometimes play (decent or better) rom hacks?

>> No.3956295

Just Kaizo Mario faggots.

Everyone else intentionally plays shitty romhacks to laugh at them/

>> No.3956318

I dont know the LP scene much but this kinda makes a lot of sense

like uh why would someone play something well made and give good publicity to them on their time without getting paid for it

>> No.3956329

Because you are getting paid already by youtube for playing games. Might as well play something good.

But you'll get more clicks if you act like AVGN and play something shit and say AAAASSSSSSS alot

>> No.3956335

Literally every single retro game eceleb is shit except for AVGN and HCG

>> No.3956338

you idiot they make money driving up demand calling shitty average games hidden gems and convincing people they want to buy them only to have those customers go home feel ripped off and pissed off at sierraman

>> No.3956346

People have freewill you know? No one is forced to buy anything.

What is your complaint? He reccomends a game and so lots of people want to check it out so the demand goes up so the price goes up. So what? Thats capatalism.

Every single game james and mike play on J&MM quadruples in price for months following an episode.

>> No.3956351

>People have freewill you know?

That's obviously cool, but couple that with being gullible or plain dumb and you got a type of person they count on and prey upon.

>> No.3956358

What is your complain? Seriously?

Some people for whatever reason don't mind paying the price for something they want? What's to be upset about?

>> No.3956371
File: 59 KB, 437x486, IMG_7792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about Ian

>> No.3956372

Matt Barton is pretty cool. I don't know if I'd call him a full-on celeb but his videos all have at least 1k views.

>> No.3956385

Ian is having problems with his stomach because he smokes weed all the time. I have the same problem except Im not a little bitch so I don't whine about it.

>> No.3956408

He looks exactly as big of a cunt as he is

I like when people lay all their cards on the table like that

>> No.3956415

hes more reasonable than pat about game related news.

>> No.3956431

IIRC in one of her videos where she admitted that she contemplated shutting down the channel, she says that she has a lot of anxiety and the relative popularity of her channel was a fluke, so it stresses her out that there are now so many strangers now completely interested in her and what she has to say. It's probably why she takes months on end to make videos; she wants them to be as perfect as possible for all these invisible strangers to be cool with.

>> No.3956449

I dont mind him... i cant watch his shit though because there is no personality/review of the game. It feela like he is reading a brief synopsis.

Also, Pat wishes he was as good of a book shill as Matt

>> No.3956451

>I dont mind him... i cant watch his shit though because there is no personality/review of the game. It feela like he is reading a brief synopsis.
I like his interviews with developers.

>> No.3956453

From what I can piece together, he had a tv show about video games back when that was novel, was part of Channel Awesome for a while, so he picked up even more fans, then processed to make videos insulting Americans for not having a shitty flooded PC games scene that made them miss out on the first two decades of video games.

>> No.3956460

This video was redpilled as fuck. I love how he mixes satire and real shit are all the posts in here claiming to be him actually from him?

>> No.3956461

I thought you "mike cucks james" shitposters went extinct a long time ago.

>> No.3956462

He used to appear in a lot of Ashens videos and still does.

>> No.3956468

I'm glad he's feeling better. Pat needs him to be angry and negative about stuff to make the CU Podcast more listenable.

>> No.3956471

Its been so long since i looked at his channel i didnt realize thats all he does now...

Might have to give it another look.

>> No.3956472

Saying that Mike Matei deserves credit for keeping cinemassace afloat in between James content is like saying "the babysitter killed the kids, but at least my wife and I got to go out to dinner for a little bit". He's doing so much damage to every aspect of CM

There's no defending that talentless, irritating mental case. He needs to fuck off ASAP, but he won't because James is a wimp

>> No.3956486

AVGN handover fanfic from last ecg

>I could see this... even imagine a storyline for it.
>Maybe avgn is having a hard time finding a game to be angry at so he goes to a game store and runs into mike, who is dressed just like avgn. Avgn is looking through the games with his frown and he hears mike getting pissed about the store not having a game he wanted, spewing curses like avgn does. Mike ends it with a "diarrhea fuck fart" and avgn looks with a shocked face. He goes over to mike.
>"What did you just say?"
>"Diarrhea fuck fart, whats it too ya?"
>"Come with me..."
>Avgn then leads mike to the avgn cave. Mike looks in awe at all the games. Avgn puts in a game we saw him try to get angry at earlier in the episode. Mike gets super pissed and spews curses like mad. Avgn tries another game from earlier in the episode. Again, mike gets pissed. Avgn looks impressed and says
>"All this can be yours, if only you will accept the responsibility."
>"I can do it!" Exclaims mike.
>Avgn then removes his pocket protector and slides it into mikes pocket. Avgn uses rolling rock to anoint mike. Mike gets on his knees. Avgn pulls out a super scope and knights mike with it. Avgn exclaims
>"I now proclaim you.... the Angry Video Game Nerd!!!!! Now rise and take the mantle."
>Avgn walks into the sunset.
>That or he does a Mandala effect thing and pretends Mike was always the nerd.

>> No.3956491
File: 29 KB, 279x396, jamesnintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy could easily create his own Youtube channel and brand. Really seems like he just wants to make easy fuck money rather than helping a friend's website stay alive and active.

>> No.3956494

It would never work because James is actually charismatic and Mike is just kind of there.

>> No.3956530

Oh no wait I figured it out.

no I'm not

>> No.3956543
File: 197 KB, 542x359, 1393899225448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying james would have a choice

With james's new kid coming he'll have less time for youtube. Mike will convince james that he and ryan can handle things. The channel's audience will change to the point that people only really know mike and ryan.

Then mike will push james out like he did with bootsy, except james is a bit of a doofus so he'll agree to it because of his kids.

Little does he know mike is really the father. James's wife never liked the whole cinemassacre thing and has been nagging james to give it up. She and mike planned the second child so james would have more reason to leave.
I cant wait for the second kid to be born with dark circles under it's eyes.

>> No.3956561

I figured it out guys! Mike is such a cunt because he is a gypsy that's why he has those dark circles too, that is also why he fucks anyone over who also isn't a gypsy.

>> No.3956562


mike has proven to be an insane egomaniac. he's only looking out for himself. he knows he'll make more money through james than on his own. but if you don't think he'd throw james under the bus in a heartbeat, then you don't know mike. i'm convinced he's been shitposting james memes for at least a couple years now

>> No.3956570

>are all the posts in here claiming to be him actually from him?
Yes, Brody is a known poster here and on /v/

>> No.3956573

He is "german and romanian".

>> No.3956587

I knew he said that before so he just confirmed himself he is a gypsy

>> No.3956589

you can just say mike has proven himself to be a gypsy now you know. That word describes all of his actions perfectly

>> No.3956597
File: 13 KB, 322x451, stalmanlgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In before mike steals james's baby...


I was thinking litterally stealing James's kid... but Mike is stealing James's other baby... Cinemassacre!

>> No.3956624
File: 33 KB, 550x713, PzCJcC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gypsy /ˈd͡ʒJp.si/ - The generic usage that refers to any itinerant person who is suspected of dishonest practices derives from traditional racist stereotypes of the Romani people

Hmmmm.... dishonest and Romanian

>> No.3956631
File: 124 KB, 680x680, acktually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romani and Romanian isnt the same thing.

>> No.3956635

You know what he means, stop being such a PC faggot

>> No.3956638

Didnt say mike wasnt a child stealing gypsy.

>> No.3956657


>> No.3956680

A scumbag who opened up Luna Video Games.

>> No.3956689

Many of the Romani or Roma people are from Romania though.

Im the guy who originally called him a gypsy. The Romanian guy on sargons podcast always talks about gypsies

>> No.3956705

This thread always turns out to be 90% about mike.

Im suspicious its just 5 people spamming. How could anyone care THIS MUCH about Mike.

>> No.3956709
File: 63 KB, 600x450, IMG_3034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you will about Pat and Ian, but I will beat the fuck out of you if you speak one ill word about Based Frank.

>> No.3956710

I don't care about mike I care about exposing gypsies

>> No.3956715

what the hell do people see in this guy hes some old cocksucker with a huge nose big effin deal

>> No.3956717

He needs to relax with the faux-humility though. We get it, you like getting things in the mail.

>> No.3956719

I'll comment on Mike for the first and last time, he seems like a pretty cool guy.

He's a bit autistic about his Atari collection like he wants to collect relabels of the same game.

>> No.3956727


I read this in his voice.

>> No.3956731

>another pokemon vid


>> No.3956737
File: 41 KB, 200x226, he&#039;ll talk about sports bees the birds and the bees it&#039;s time to bees bees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im suspicious its just 5 people spamming
this desu

tbf sometimes I join in on it even tho I don't really feel much about the guy

I like a good meme

I thought it was funny to have like 3 episodes of Ask Frank like it's gonna be a real feature. Then it fucking became one. What are there like 20 fucking episodes now?

hi mike

>> No.3956749
File: 95 KB, 445x629, 10a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit the mike paranoia is real

>> No.3956765

Imagine being hated so much that every single eceleb thread turns into a community of people bonding over their hatred for you. Says a lot.

I can't stand the guy either, and I agree with a lot of the things said about him in here, but let's respect OPs request to not turn this into the typical Mike shit storm

>> No.3956770

how in the fuck is this thread allowed on this board

>> No.3956776
File: 631 KB, 800x800, 1467936923256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but let's respect OPs request to not turn this into the typical Mike shit storm
Seriously. You guys, this is meant to talk about misc. youtube stuff, not talk shit about Mike. These threads might as well not be allowed if this is all the threads are going to be.

>> No.3956779

containment thread

>> No.3956787



damaged goods mate. she outright admitted she ate herself into obesity (again) because her hipster boyfriend left her for a skinnier chick. also commitment issues, etc.

>> No.3956797

I would love to collab with that dude.
Usually. I don't think I'm big enough for people to want to pretend to be me.
Other boards, too. I spend a lot of time on /o/ because MUH CARS.

>> No.3956807


>It's a "I'm going to virtue signal in the CUPodcast" episode

I fucking stopped after he went on about his HATE SPEECH ISN"T FREE SPEECH WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES after the Pewds shit happened. How much is Wall Street Journal paying you Pat?

>> No.3956808

more like 8bitbrony

>> No.3956820

dude stop being a faggot and trying to police people, people are going to get sick of talking to mike eventually. You not letting them do it only makes them want to do it even more, like are you retarded. I'd rather rip on other ecelebs too but mike is the flavor of the month let him run his course.

>> No.3956824

I understand what you're saying but it's coming to a point where it's getting stupid.

>> No.3956825
File: 50 KB, 500x714, IMG_2393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything worse than video game wizard? I'm pretty sure this is as bad as it can get, but I enjoy watching the train wreck.


>> No.3956827

This sounds hilarious but I can't bear to waste my time watching this idiot.

>> No.3956842

she isn't dating LGR now? wtf this thread is such a mindfuck I thought we figured he was. LGR is probably just a beta orbitter desu

>> No.3956847

>scams a guy for 10,000 dollars
>makes a video about it

>> No.3956848

yeah 4chan has to run everything into the ground though. Once the normies pick up ripping on mike Im sure the autists will stop

>> No.3956867

fucking hell, what a god damned badass.

>> No.3956875

what the fuck is wrong with that guys face. He looks like a fucking hunchback

>> No.3956883
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, Samurai.Jack.S05E05.XCVI.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD 5.1.x264-RTN.mkv_snapshot_14.41_[2017.04.16_09.05.28].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well okay whatever then.

>> No.3956890

He's not even the owner or manager, he's just some desk clerk there.

>> No.3956920

Ain't Shit Chody is still my favorite.
Thank you, Anon.

>> No.3956925
File: 129 KB, 693x988, IMG_2652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't even really his. He has a rich friend who bought it and let him shoot that retarded ass video. He can barely keep his store open, which he should just close because he never gets customers, it's pretty much a $900/mo storage unit and lives with his wife's parents. Don't even get me started on his own fucked up family. The only money he makes is selling shit like VHS tapes on eBay. His comment section is always pretty funny though.

>> No.3956937


>Piercings and tattoos everywhere
>Formerly obese
>Nonexistent self-esteem
>Constantly changing hair color
>Fucked upbringing
>Dead dad
>"damaged goods"

This is blindingly obvious to anyone that can spot even one signal, still like listening to her talk about old PC games though. Interest-wise her and LGR are a good match but personality-wise both of them would be hard fucking sell to anyone.

>> No.3956949

Anyone see Slowbeef's sponsored Minecraft LP? I knew his channel and Retsupurae has been going off the rails for ages but I never thought it would get so bad. I miss the longplays.

>> No.3956952

>normies turn on Mike

So it's win/win?

>> No.3956959

The problem is that Mike is constantly shitposting about himself, so it's not the haters' fault. I think a part of it is trying to expose him and drive him off of /vr/ so that we don't have to keep seeing his face

>> No.3956961

Slowbeef and beetus and honestly all SA players can all get fucked.

They are all so incredibly smug and act as if they are too good for youtube. HAHA look at these people trying to do things lol hahah.

>> No.3956962
File: 42 KB, 345x324, mikepoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Mike the mascot/poster child of /vr/ now?

Face it, you know it to be true.

>> No.3956994

Pretty much, when you get down to it, /vr/ hates to admit their worst qualities

>> No.3957014

How do you guys feel about Johnny maybe canceling the show? The past year has been less good than previous years IMO but I still really like him.

>> No.3957026


Pete dorr
LJN Defender

thats all I can think of for now

>> No.3957034

So did fans bully Mike into converting everything to SCART or something? I remember his video last year where he said RCA was good enough for his setup and it would be autistic to mod all of his consoles, then the next video he actually went through with it and modded everything. Seems like he changed his mind out of no where.

>> No.3957036

I watched PBG ~2011 and Alphaomegasin ~2013 for a while.

I never liked AOS, but at the time it was E3 and I just wanted to hear people's thoughts on announcements. He doesn't post anymore anyway.

PBG I had to unsubscribe from. 7 years he's devolved and kept the same terrible haircut.

>> No.3957038

pbg is probably still just circle jerking mario and zelda with his shitty fans I dont even have to check his channel to know its true

>> No.3957039

Don't you dare try to reverse-psychology me

>> No.3957063

Do you seriously believe Mike wastes his time posting here? Just lol.

>> No.3957069

/vr/ dictates virtually every decision that mike makes, right down to getting fake teeth. he's so insecure it's scary

>> No.3957070

hmmmm... /vr/ doesn't like AlphaOmegaSin....

veeeerrrry interesting......

>> No.3957074

He's been caught posting here like 5 times you fucking dolt

>> No.3957081

What made me actually unsubscribe after years of skipping his vids was a video he posted about how he was going to have to "scare back" Zelda month because he felt burnt out and like he couldn't make the "quality content" he wanted.

The fucking YouTubers honestly have no frame of reference for what a real job or real work is, and I'm saying that as someone who is only 24. Did you need a break from your one shitty video a month schedule where all you do is touch your hair and make silly faces?

Some guy earlier said it best, the best YouTubers are the part-timers that have actual jobs. YouTubers that treat it like a job are delusional, and they all jerk each other off about how hard it is. It's so effortless though.

>> No.3957086

he's a fucking edgy manlet faggot with fetal alcohol syndrome. who the fuck likes that faggot?

>> No.3957091

You know what's sad? I think you replied to the wrong guy, and I also think I know exactly who you're referring to.

>> No.3957093

fuck off dude those guys are all fags and to even imply I was joking makes me think you are a closet fag. You want reverse psych. Please don't kill yourself.

>> No.3957106

me too hahaha, fuck I didnt even think about FAS but yeah he totally does HAHAHAHA HOLY FUCK HE COULD BE EGORAPTORS GIRLFRIEND SUZY LMAO

>> No.3957139

>there's nothing wrong with metal jew because i want to fuck his trophy girlfriend

>> No.3957143

Damn, I almost feel sorry for Ryan now.

>> No.3957148

I love this fallacy.

>have a second kid

Listen son, live goes on. you don't just work less hours at your job once you have a kid

>> No.3957151

They only want it because their Youtube bff told them it was great. I bet most of these fuckers don't even play games.


and im a faggot who has hundreds of physical games. the difference is, i dont buy three copies of each one

>> No.3957156

but but but weed cures stomach problems!!! and cancer!!! and also it makes me drive better!!

>> No.3957163


>> No.3957172

He Raped his 11 year old cousin.

>> No.3957173

Not trying to be an apologist, but Video Editing is a shitty job.

Obviously a lot of really successful youtubers get really fucking lazy with uploading.

If youtube were your job, full time, you should be able to do minimum 1 really high quality video a week.

>> No.3957184

The popular thing nowadays seems to be to buy an "office" and hjire like 5 fucking editors.

I never knew lets playing could be so much work.

>> No.3957190


Well, maybe ten years ago. Now the SA 'standards' are nonexistent and the people that fought for them are posting shit that's honestly worse than the majority of what they made fun of.

>> No.3957194

post her picture so i can judge her

>> No.3957206

thanks for reminding me of PBG, almost forgot. Sadly, AlphaOmegaSin isn't making any new content.

>> No.3957210


Video editor here, you're right but editing some dudes shitty LPs would actually be a pretty comfy income - it's so low effort and low stress compared to what's out there. Never see anything like that advertised of course, they probably just find a friend of a friend in most cases.

>> No.3957213

Yeah, and he works from home too

>> No.3957214
File: 183 KB, 1158x646, 1123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back to youtube, please. I'm channeling all my autism. God bless you, you 50/50 Swedish-Turk abomination.

>> No.3957215


I liked TheDarkId at one point. That's about it. SA had long since started its fuck-horrible slide into madness by the time I even started visiting 4chan, much less knew about SA.

>> No.3957217
File: 173 KB, 1036x474, pbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


does anyone else get pbg and space hamster confused
or are they the same person

im barely joking i hate both of them, but i forget why i hate pbg

>> No.3957220

I never got that
>gain some success
>channel starts to take off
>I can do this for a living
>can work from home
>instead of converting a single room into a studio area rent an studio space/office

I didn't expect people on youtube to be smart, but this is some retarded business decision making. It's almost DSP-tier.

>> No.3957226
File: 1.43 MB, 1480x719, jewlery sales pitch video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3957228

Oh boy PeteDorr. Honestly I think some of his videos were kind of comfy but it was still all showing collections and pick ups shit. He barely uploads anymore anyway. He's basically a full time twitch streamer now. Also he has to be one of the most autistic collectors ever. He spent like a grand on some fucking Sonic wineglass, and he doesn't even drink alcohol. And having an entire cabinet full of mario/kirby/sonic plushies is so fucking gay. I did watch some of his streams when he first started on Twitch, and whenever he'd get stuck in a game like how to use an item, he just kept asking over and over and walking around, even though he always had the instruction manuals to easily look something up, because he would insist that every game he buys has to be in mint perfect condition with the manual. I'd assume now he still probably does this. I'll give him the credit of being into collecting long before it really took off, I guess, and he did give out some good recommendations on games that I went on to like, but I just can't watch him anymore. Way too much autism for me to handle.

>> No.3957230

>Sadly, AlphaOmegaSin isn't making any new content.

maybe he got cancer and lost all his disgusting hair

>> No.3957231

Why did i get a boner?

>> No.3957234

Genuinely considering just leaving youtube and trying to find better content to watch.

No vetting on youtube is really, really terrible. It's just too bloated trying to sort through all the youtube-promoted garbage to find the decent videos.

>> No.3957241

you like crying girls?

to where tho

i know theres some video site that youtube people with smaller channels upload to but i cant remember it

>> No.3957243

he was in one of brody's videos a few weeks ago

>> No.3957249


That's Google you're seeing. Youtube isn't very happy about it either; trust me.

>> No.3957253

I dunno. I'm considering just watching shit on netflix or making stuff myself with that time instead.

I had some ideas for a few mockumentries that I might try and make. The problem is the effort required to make something like that, with no assurance of compensation is really disheartening.

>> No.3957256
File: 55 KB, 600x730, jc_denton_by_orboscope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shame.

>> No.3957257



>> No.3957260

I refuse to watch any of his videos simply because of those obnoxious thumbnails.

>> No.3957262

No, it's newer than that. It's supposed to be "the next youtube". But I'm sure vimeo was too.

>> No.3957264

Okay but wheres the video so i can jerk it.

>> No.3957265

>the zelda commerical video is the only one missing an arm up


>> No.3957269

/vr/ isn't one person and real /vr/terans don't like any of them.
And no, Kacho isn't an e-celeb.

>> No.3957271

what like vid.me?

>> No.3957272

im too lazy to go get it, but game grumps posted it on their facebook.

that image is from lolcow if you wanna go read presumaed women rip suzy apart.

>> No.3957278

Whatever you do, all the crappy videos will still probably be up to come back to. So take a break, senpai.

>> No.3957280


Who doesn't like crying girls? Instant sadoboner.

>> No.3957283

Yeah, that's the one. Is it any good?

>> No.3957286

meh too much work, just gonna jerk it to ghettogaggers.

>> No.3957287

No, none of them are good.

People just like the idea of not being censored on vid.me but theres no money there.

I don't even consider youtube's policies "censorship" it's just getting more in line with broadcasting policies that have been in place on radio/TV for years now.

Anyone on youtube who bitches about the policies probably has terrible content to begin with.

>> No.3957289


The earlier you go the better generally - ResearchIndicates, Freelance Astronauts, Pokecapn, I liked a few back in the day. Pokecapn and friends did the original Sonic 06 LP that I think almost every channel on Youtube has tried to imitate since.

>> No.3957290
File: 116 KB, 1080x1080, queen jean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting hard ons over suzy
>when her superior twin sister exists

>> No.3957291


>presuming to speak for vr-troopers

Absolute faggotry detected. Please hang yourself from the nearest treelimb.

>> No.3957293

>tfw your "Youtuber dream" is to make like $5

>> No.3957295
File: 194 KB, 800x1200, suzyass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fuck both those ayy lmao bootys

>> No.3957296

I have 7.50 in my adsense account

In 10 years I may be able to actually have a payout.

>> No.3957297

>no tattoo

Suzy doesn't look like that any more, and you know it.

>> No.3957302


It's so sad how half of them turned into batfuck crazy SJWs and self-lobotomized their humor.

>> No.3957309

I appreciate the honesty.

>> No.3957310

Living the dream, desu

>> No.3957315

Okay, do you have footage of her crying?

>> No.3957316


Yooglebet actually is becoming a major problem, dude. The sooner you realize that, the better.

No one should have the power they've managed to accumulate. Frankly, I'd love if both the founders had been shot.

>> No.3957318


Isn't that nigger-only though?

>> No.3957323

This one hit bump limit pretty fast... what happened?
Did Mike started spamming again to hide the criticism about him?

>> No.3957329

jean is a normal girl not a yt whore

>> No.3957335

>Metal Jesus Rocks
>Check out one of his latest videos
>first thing is final fantasy tactics
>"I have this game in my collection but I haven't played it"
>"But I played it on the GBA and I loved it"
>Remember in his old intro he's showing off Final Fantasy Tactics on a picnic table
>Embrace my weaponized autism
>He got it 5 years ago in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Usb_ix5E8Kg
>QA video
>"Do you actually play your games, or do you just collect them"
>Smug sarcastic response then goes on about how he plays all his games.

Had 5 years to play it. Continued to buy a shitload of games. Collecting is a fucking disease. I'd be fine if they admitted they just do it to collect, but hiding under the guise that they actually play their collections is laughable.

This is exactly why we need youtube to die. I'm going to finish Resident Evil 2 Leon Scenario B right now.

>> No.3957336

It only cures the problem it causes it makes you really hungry but you don't actually want to eat anything unless you're high. I called it dope gut syndrome haha a couple of my friends had it too it goes away when you quit for a while bUT Ian could never do that.

>> No.3957341

Weed can be OK for people who are going through chemotherapy since you have almost constant nausea and can't keep things down.

I can't wait until Weed is legalized, and more and more people are arrested for driving while intoxicated.

>> No.3957348

>play rereleased game
>buy original release but don't play it because you already have
this is forgivable

>> No.3957350

How did her twin sister end up with less fetal alcohol syndrome in her face

>> No.3957353


>> No.3957356

>not cashing in on her sister's "fame" by making appearances at conventions

>> No.3957358

This just shows you how little MJR actually knows.

>> No.3957362

Well, no one is going to argue over legit uses, like those going through chemo, unless they're a fucking psychopath.

I'm pettily against it because

A group of supposed friends from hs were all druggies and never grew the fuck up (as in the specific couple I was close to lives in the same ghetto apartment they did like 15 years ago)

That group of friends (and my ex) went on about how weed would totally solve my sleeping problems etc, and all it does is make me feel worse. They still push the issue.

People in my apartment building smoke to the point of making me ill.

I don't care if people smoke, just leave me alone. It was less of a problem when I lived in crack central, but it was a house.

>> No.3957370

weed is for degenerates. they're all super defensive about it too, and will constantly try and push their views onto you.

I've never smoked, and have no desire to ever smoke because it turns people into fucking idiots.

>> No.3957376

I only have with my best friend a few times. One of the annoying couple got mad I wouldn't smoke with them. Like... seriously?

>> No.3957379

8-Bit Brody would forever be king if he went after Mike Matei at the next convention. He'd take the fucking youtube throne

>> No.3957385

He took the kid gloves off for the last video.

I genuinely wonder if he actually resents youtubes fanbase and his "competitiors"

>> No.3957390

When I met him eight or nine years ago at Luna he seemed pretty nice.

>> No.3957398
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what the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.3957403

what did you expect ian is a junkie

>> No.3957424

who is this guy, a talent agent? is james seriously that cheap to hire this low rent nobody? what, did he see his ad at a bus stop?

I wonder where cinemassacre would be if james had an ounce of common sense or ANY business sense at all. instead, he's an idiot who surrounds himself with wolves who exploit his stupidity

>> No.3957434

This. I don't need to cloud my rational mind with drugs. I LOVE being intelligent. I love being sober. And anyone who takes offense to that is a troglodyte beneath my Majesty

>> No.3957448

I don't know and I don't have time to research now. But goddamn james is a fucking idiot.

>> No.3957449

why is james of all people making cuckold jokes?

>> No.3957452

mike read the thread and told him to

>> No.3957465

>The channel's audience will change to the point that people only really know mike and ryan.

That's not going to happen. Mike already tried to take over when James was busy with the movie and it turned out his humor was so awful even the most dedicated autist couldn't stand him. If he really does try to pull that he'll have viewers for like a year before they start to dip once they realize James is never coming back.

>> No.3957560

What the fuck is going on here someone point out she's a whores that cucks ego raptor. Ego raptor also needs to man up get his shit together and dump suzy or I hope jontron comes and cucks him again.

>> No.3957568

5 vids of zelda. Fuck I hate that fucking twigboy

>> No.3957657

I've met Mike. I'll get him for you guys at TMG this year. I have footage with him, but it was fairly unusable.
I don't resent anyone. I don't see people as competitors, really. You can't have satire with nothing to satirize.

>> No.3957715

She's promoting her new jewellery line. Seriously.

>> No.3957767

I'd suck those toes

>> No.3957769

nigga you cant even see her toes

>> No.3957770

You can if you zoom in a little

>> No.3957778

So 8 bit Brody is like Chris chan right? Same clothes every day, not able to make eye contact, afraid to talk to girls etc.

>> No.3957837

My character is autistic, for sure. I even did a video about him being diagnosed with Asperger's. I like to think I'm a pretty charismatic person in real life.

>> No.3957962

All of the jump cuts in the last video were pretty funny.I hate when youtubers overly edit their videos to the point where every other sentence is a cut.The newest 'double your dribble' was fun too.

>> No.3958021

also a tranny

>> No.3958030

Prove it. Post your dick.

>> No.3958241

Your ego sounds fucking disgusting.

>> No.3958283

Where is the evidence? I refuse to believe that James is an actual cuckhold without irrefutable proof.

>> No.3958356

It must get really uncomfortable sitting next to Mike for long periods of time.

>> No.3958826

The proof is in the memes

>> No.3959103

Been having a blast consuming Pat the NES Punk's podcast. You guys should check it out some time!

>> No.3959159
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>> No.3959184

I'll give it a listen. What episode to you recommend?

>> No.3959187

>trophy girlfriend
Buddy, that ain't his girlfriend. His wife is an honest to god hog.

>> No.3959313

Thanks, man. I worked a lot on the two newest DYD episodes. I'm sad they didn't get more attention.
To prove that I don't have autism?

>> No.3959493

new thread when?

>> No.3959772

Hopefully never.

>> No.3959859

