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/vr/ - Retro Games

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386034 No.386034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thought it would be fun to maybe have a thread of games that have a reputation for being much worse than they actually are

this is a classic example if you ask me.

>> No.386039

No, it's still pretty bad.

>> No.386053

it's not a perfect game by any means, but it sure as hell doesn't deserve the retarded title as "worst game ever made" that the internet has bestowed apon it

>> No.386060

Zelda 2.

>waaaah not top-down, not Zelda

>> No.386076

I would say Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hide for the NES. After the Angry Nerd reviewed it a lot of people seemed to think it was the worst game ever or something. But I think the game actually has a pretty interesting concept. It's not great, but I wouldn't say it's bad.

>> No.386093
File: 31 KB, 250x175, Superman64box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is still pretty bad, but I honestly kind of like the flying controls. When I was playing it I didn't think it was as god-awful as everyone said. Again it's still really bad but I think it has some good things.

>> No.386115
File: 6 KB, 320x200, marble_madness_ibm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PC port of Marble Madness got ridiculously shit on by Amiga nutriders. Come on, guys. All things considered, this is a very good conversion for the 8086/CGA hardware.

>> No.386128

Zelda II's hatred has really diminished. I think the AVGN giving it a fair review has a lot to do with that.

>> No.386129


It certainly does. Seems like you haven't played it.

>> No.386149

Shaq Fu.
No, seriously. It's a decent game. At least the Genesis version.

>> No.386152

are you 13?

>> No.386215


>> No.386687

This was recently released
Goes through identifying and fixing up the various bugs and other things in the game.

>> No.386771
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>> No.389249

Not OP. I've played it. I enjoyed it.
Granted this is one of the games I had as a kid, and since mom&dad are doing all the buying, you have a limited library and you play the fuck out of what you have.

Still, ET takes way more heat than it deserves.

>> No.389319

You understood what to do from the manual? I also had the game, and can remember leafing through the instructions trying to make sense of it. Probably the worst game of my collection of a dozen or so games I had.

>tfw old enough to have owned this game

>> No.389436

>responsible for the video game industry being reduced to ruins until Nintendo came along to resurrect it
>not deserving of its bad reputation

I don't know what you think it has going for it by any so-called "objective" standards. If you don't think it's the worst game ever, I'm interested in hearing what you think beats it out.

>> No.389484

I do remember lying in the back of the car on the way home from the store, trying to make head or tail of the instructions. I don't have the manual handy, but I recall there being some minor discrepancies, (and it's not like this was the only game ever since with errors in the instructions.)

Once I got home, like any other game, I just plugged it in and figured out the rest.

>> No.389528

I think Big Rigs: Over the Road Trucking probably is more deservant of that spot in terms of purely bad gameplay, becaues the game is literally broken.

At least ET could be played in some way, even if it was bad.

Its just that ET is indeed partially responsible for the failing on an entire industry, so there's that.

>> No.389556


Big Rigs actually would have been a pretty cool racing game if it were actually fucking finished. It's a shame that there's so little known about it's history, because that has to be one hell of a short development cycle.

>> No.389584

What about that Country Justice Revenge of the Rednecks game?

>> No.390043

can we include prostituted franchises ?

ya know because 1 rule of vidya business if goodwill exists, exploit it

fallout tactics - its A game just not the game you wanted

star control 3- the story was ok..... that about as positive as I can get with this one

>> No.390061


Big Rigs didn't let people down nearly as much as E.T. did. Big Rigs is like some shitty half-finished Flash game you find on Newgrounds. It can't really be "worst game ever" if it's just undone shit.

>> No.390064

Super Pitfall was really treated unfairly. Its a Metroidvania game and there weren't a lot of those back in the NES days.

Paper mapping was just a skill that was used in a lot of NES games like Dragon Warrior. I thought it was fun drawing maps, it was just a part of the experience. The game really isn't that hard once you memorize where the keys are and where you need to go.

>> No.390078

It didn't help that ET was as much as $80 in some retailers, which in 1982 dollars would be like $180 today.

>> No.390072


>really treated unfairly

Have you ever actually played it? Or seen it played? AVGN makes it look better than it actually is.

>> No.390073

>fallout tactics - its A game just not the game you wanted

Yeah, but Tactics was at least still a decent tactical style game.

Brotherhood of Steel? That game is worth less than road kill. It IS video game road kill.

>> No.390081


That's the second worst expensive shit game I've ever heard of. First prize goes to Action 52, which cost no less than $200. In the 80's.

>> No.390084

Yes I've played Super Pitfall. I've mapped out large portions of it and memorized where all of the keys I need are. I beat the first quest several times, but I didn't feel like going through the second quest.

AVGN is not some messiah that we all have to listen to.

>> No.390105


>I've mapped out large portions of it and memorized where all of the keys I need are.

Backing away slowly now.

>> No.390140

It came out in the 90s, dumbass retro poser.

>> No.390368

I owned it, what are you talking about? The game was fucking pointless. I didn't even know that I had beaten it when it was over when I was four years old... it would just restart. It full heartedly deserves the title of 'worst game ever'. I have never played anything else nearly as bad.

>> No.390383

Was going to also post Super Pitfall. I had no idea you could be the game until years later, but I always had fun just exploring the map

>> No.390445
File: 46 KB, 640x454, castlevania64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania 64 thread? Castlevania 64 thread

>> No.390495

I don't know wether to be depressed or enraged when people complain about games "not ending."

An old arcade favorite was Alien Syndrome, after you beat it and got the congratulatory fanfare, it went back level 1, only harder. My friends questioned why I kept playing it since it didn't end. My opinion on them went down a notch that day. Just like me they grew up on games that kept going faster & harder until you or the machine died. Instead of going for endurance and the top scores, they now played for "Congratulations ... Game Over." They were now one of *those* kids.

>> No.390508
File: 51 KB, 338x480, _-Cybermorph-Jaguar-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And the JagCD sequel is legitimately very good

>> No.390909

I can't believe that people don't want to play a game forever, what fuckers!

>> No.391182

>My opinion on them went down a notch that day. Just like me they grew up on games that kept going faster & harder until you or the machine died

>implying anyone on 4chan could possibly have been alive when games were like that

>> No.391201

The sequel to that improved on everything and even included the original.

>> No.391208

Hey, welcome to /vr/.

>> No.391216

yeh there's like two 30 yo guys here, who are of course unemployed wizards

>> No.391218

if this thread is going to turn into an age war, I'm deleting it

>> No.391219

I see a lot of Goldeneye hate these days and don't get it. Learn the controls instead of just going "muh dual analog sixaxis ps3 360 c-stick nunchuck". The graphics aren't even that bad, except for the first level where quite a few of the textures look like ass no matter how you spinit.

>> No.391223

>I see a lot of Goldeneye hate these days and don't get it
It's not the game, it's the fans

>> No.391229


>>391208 here

I don't get why you guys can't possibly believe normal, socially-adjusted, employed adults with gfs/wives might post here.

>> No.391238

>normal, socially-adjusted, employed adults with gfs/wives

Those words and "4chan" cannot be used in the same sentence by definition

>> No.391240

hey isn't it against the rules for janitors to reveal themselves

>> No.391249

i checked the site rules and it doesn't say that

>> No.391253

I guess Moot forgot to add it to the rules, but I know when they first added janitors, they said you're not allowed to reveal that you're one.

>> No.391262

>yeh there's like two 30 yo guys here, who are of course unemployed wizards

That's not true. There's more than two of us and I'm sure we're all normal people who've had sex and jobs.

>> No.391267 [DELETED] 

Does making love to a Rarity plushie count as sex?

>> No.391305

Yeah, except ET didn't 'get harder' when it restarted. It stayed exactly the same.

Hell, you couldn't even fucking die in ET. The only 'penalty' in the game is some fucking guy would show up and put you in 'jail' or something, and then you'd just walk out. There were like 7 screens (parts of the map) or something in total or something so then you'd be back to where you were previously in about two seconds.

Anybody who actually tries to defend ET with a straight face is absolutely fucktarded. This is a terrible 'game', nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.391385

It's a terrible game, but just try to compare it with countless budget games of that era. A lot of them were literally unplayable, not just "bad games".

>> No.391401

You read my mind

>> No.391412


>> No.391428


It doesn't stand much out from the other shovel ware of its time. The problem was that the game had a top license and was expected to be an AAA-title.

>> No.391439



I got shaq-fu for my birthday when I was young. It was not decent, it was garbage. There were some ambitious concepts though. The story/adventure mode was pretty neat

The only reason Shaq-Fu is remembered is because of well...Shaq. If it didn't have him it would've been just another shitty fighting game like BALLZ or Eternal Champions

I know I'm the only person who thinks Eternal Champions is shit but I stand by that.

>> No.391443

>The problem was that the game had a top license and was expected to be an AAA-title.
That alone doesn't make it the "worst game of all time" though.

>> No.391446


I really liked this game. I rented it one weekend and was able to finish it. It was a good time.

>> No.391452

>I know I'm the only person who thinks Eternal Champions is shit but I stand by that.

Nah you aren't, broski. The only part about the game I liked wasn't even the game, it was having one of my first faps to the character art of Shadow Yamoto

>> No.391457


I think a lot of atari games are shitty and confusing. E.T. is no real different.

To be fucking honest, I think the Atari version of Pac-Man is the fucking worst thing I've ever played

>> No.391503

pacman on the Atari 2600 is actually okay.

its horrendous compared to the arcade game (what do you expect? the Atari had the processing power of a small potato) but at the very least its functional and you know what to do and how to do it

also, the original TMNT game was great. I had the C64 port (the UK version) and it was, and still is, a very enjoyable, if no less somewhat flawed, game. I often play it today

>> No.391561

Later 2600 games like Ms. Pac-Man and Pac-Man Junior prove that you can't just blame it on the hardware.

>> No.391567

Or Kung Fu, Winter Games, and Double Dragon

>> No.391614

No, it's really not that bad when you compare it to a lot of video games at the time. At the time, video games required a lot more imagination. You'd have people trying really ambitious things with technology that just wasn't developed for it, and as a result, you'd get games that were confusing if you didn't read the instructions. Thing is, as a kid, you read instructions. The Raiders of the Lost Ark game for the 2600 is probably more of a clusterfuck than ET, yet doesn't get nearly as much hate (it's also not a bad game, just really ambitious and innovative for the time). There's way worse games, like a lot of the lousy, lackluster arcade ports.

ET gets shit for killing video games, but really, it just happened to get released at a time when video games had already been killed by tons of shovelware.

It's a game where Shaq fights a mummy. Fuck you, that's awesome. If you can't get this around your head, Continue Show has a Shaq-Fu episode where they do the game justice.

>Zelda II
It's more of a polarizing game than a universally hated one. I like it.

Fun little fact: Ebert loved this game to the point of obsession.

It's really a pretty good game made in a time where video games weren't just movies you watched and completed over the course of a few hours, but rather an adventure you were expected to play for months, dying a ton but learning with every attempt. The water level isn't way overhyped in terms of difficulty. I can do it without getting hit (although, usually, I lose my patience at parts and just take a couple hits because I can afford the damage), and TMNT isn't a game I've spent a ton of time on.

>> No.391635

>The water level isn't way overhyped in terms of difficulty.

Should read "The water level is way overhyped in terms of difficulty".

>> No.391650

Got a source on Ebert liking it? I recall something similar told to me before.

>> No.391689

>FMV games in general

It's weird to see people dismiss an entire genre of games when there are genuinely good FMV games, like the Are You Afraid of the Dark PC game. I think a major aspect of this is people expecting serious acting and serious storytelling when the people who were making the FMVs weren't taking themselves too seriously. I don't get why you'd expect Shakespearean acting and grand storytelling when the title of the game is Sewer Shark. A part of the appeal to that game is how cheesy the cut scenes are. Really, I kept playing it to see what crazy shit they'd do next.

>> No.391731

His review of the first TMNT movie.


He talks about becoming addicted to it in their 1989 Holiday Gift guide.


Early in the video is footage of him and Siskel playing around with the NES.

I also seem to recall him talking about it elsewhere, maybe when he was going on about how vidya ain't art.

>> No.392708

Winter Games was an excellent conversion because it was made by a bunch of ex-Atari programmers who all knew the 2600 like the back of their hand. Also one of the few 16k games for the system.

>> No.392712


>Worse that they actually are

But I've played ET, it's litterally an unplayable mess.

>> No.392812

ET was not solely responsible for the US game crash
ET is NOT the worst game of all time

>> No.392816


It's still fucking awful

>> No.392828

I think you mean "bad"

>> No.392839

>ET was not solely responsible for the US game crash

This is true.

>ET is NOT the worst game of all time

What is?

>> No.392845

>I think the AVGN giving it a fair review has a lot to do with that.

I hate it when people talk like this.

I've liked Zelda II since I was 3 years old, but because of shit like this, people assume that I only like it because of some fag who does internet videos that I've never seen.

I get the same problem when I'm complaining about Simon's Quest.

>> No.392860

>ET was not solely responsible for the US game crash

No one claims that. It was however the straw which broke the camel's back.

>> No.392873

>I get the same problem when I'm complaining about Simon's Quest.

There are people who like Simon's Quest? They never played it, obviously.

>> No.392880


This attitude on /vr/ is starting to annoy me too. Do some people really think that people had to wait into the goddamn youtube era to form their own opinions? People have liked/disliked games like Zelda II and Castlevania II since they came out in the eighties. That's about 20 years of disliking shit before youtube came along, and maybe about 15 or so until the internet was super mainstream.

Just because my opinions echo someone else's does NOT mean they influenced me.

>> No.392887


Not him, but I like Simon's Quest...a bit. When I have a guide.

But the real reasoning behind his post is that on /vr/ lately, there's been this retarded attitude that if you hate something that AVGN shat on, there's absolutely no way that you could have come to that conclusion on your own.

>> No.392913





By who? I've only heard this game spoken of in a positive light (outside of THAT FUCKING DAM MAN)

>> No.392925

Positive Light? That's odd, I've never heard of it spoken in such a light.

>> No.392926

TMNT is a game that people have a love/hate relationship with.

>> No.392932


No, I mean fucking awful.

Defending E.T. has to be some kind of weird ass hipsterism; the game is a pile of shit. Yes, there was a lot of shit released around the same time, but that doesn't make it less shit.

>> No.392942


That's real fucking why. Considering how AVGN only states the obvious. I wish there would be more Sequelitis episodes on yt. He actually makes some points who aren't as obvious and can even critizise recognized classics in a logical way.

>> No.392956
File: 206 KB, 288x499, Waa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then people jumped on Ego's dick and started hating on Castlevania IV as if it's on the level of Simon's Quest.

>> No.392986

>There are people who like Simon's Quest? They never played it, obviously.

I made a thread about "actual shit games" on /v/ a while back and used Superman 64, Simon's Quest, and Dark Castle for the Genesis as examples.

People immediately leaped to Simon's Quest's defense and accused me of sucking AVGN's dick, though I've never seen any of his vids.

I've been told he did a video for Dark Castle now too. Every time he does a review, I lose an opinion, apparently.

>> No.393009
File: 103 KB, 760x660, spelunker1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NES version of Spelunker. It's good once you get used to the controls. The fun never ends.

The HD version on PSN is also pretty awesome, especially on the retro mode. There was even a collection with all the games in the series plus the arcade releases coming out.

>> No.393012

I fi nally need to play through this mess.

I bought it some years ago when I saw it at a retro store for a few bucks.

Flying is okay, I guess. But what really gets me is that the instructions only show for a split second. I had to win the first race 3 times just to figure out I needed to pick up a car

>> No.393040
File: 15 KB, 256x224, aladdin_SNES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.393047

He did dark castle a long time ago.

>> No.393080


I think this game only gets a bad rap because the Genesis version is better.

>> No.393076

But nobody hates this game.

>> No.393085


Well fuck I don't know, I don't watch him.

Point is, apparently he has good opinions, but I wish he wouldn't so people would stop trying to invalidate mine.

>> No.393110

Also half of the 2600 library was an unplayable mess, ET is just a bad Atari game, between the thousands of bad Atari games that exist.

>> No.393112

This one ain't so bad, I played it a lot.

Maybe you could hate it for being too easy, but still.

>> No.393107
File: 11 KB, 320x200, Double-Dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they beat up on PC Double Dragon too much as well. None of the home versions were good anyway, but this is one of the less offensive.

>> No.393113

I loved that game! Who the hell ever said it was bad? I had the Genesis version. You have touched some of my treasure! Now you will never see the light of day! Lava flying carpet level was bitchin.

>> No.393123

it's just that ET and Pac-Man were hugely-hyped games while stuff like Warplock was not

>> No.393126


Just because the other games were shit doesn't make ET any better.

>> No.393127

nothing compares to C64 DD for sheer horror

>> No.393135

I actually played a hack that fixes most of the game's programming woes, but it's still ain't no fun.

I think the bad rep is definitely deserved.

>> No.393128

Shaq-Fu is a very underrated game. And Mortal Kombat. Yes, everyone knew it was awesome, but you just can't think it's awesome enough damn it! The only thing that would make it more awesome is if they put Batman in. It doesn't have to make sense, because Batman.

>> No.393131


Genesis and SNES versions are different

>> No.393141


I can't agree with you, MK is the other way around. People like it's but it's actually terrible. It only got popular because of the violence and the ESRB stink around it.

>> No.393149


>Game literally programmed in under a week

>Not bad

>> No.393158

Those old MK games are seriously overrated.

They haven't aged the least bit well compared to other fighters of the time.

>> No.393162

the main problem there is that the controls are quite lousy. Use Q and A to go up and down and L and ; to go left and right. Along with the spacebar, you do various key combinations to carry out moves.

What I don't like about PC Double Dragon is that you end up mashing the spacebar like crazy. I actually killed a keyboard that way.

>> No.393163

Figured as much. Same with Mortal Kombat. Everyone says the SNES version was lame compared to the Genesis and considering Nintendo of America's censorship history I believe them. SNES was good for Link, Mario, and Actraiser games (I didn't play its RPGs except for Mystic Quest until they came out on Playstation). Quake 64 and Ocarina of Time were bitchin games back in the day.

>> No.393153
File: 35 KB, 554x439, shrug anime chick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually prefer that version to the Genesis version

>> No.393172

I wonder if Boogerman was appreciably different on the Genesis and SNES

>> No.393183

>They haven't aged the least bit well compared to other fighters of the time.
No, Mortal Kombat didn't "age poorly", it was simply never good.

>> No.393179

What did you say? Blasphemy!!! Utter blasphemy!!! Yeah other games with fatalities such as Eternal Champions were fun, but nothing beats the trail blazing originals. Besides, Scorpion and the secret Reptile stage, that is all.

>> No.393201

Yeah, once you get tired of watching the same old fatalities, there just ain't a good game left.

It's seriously terrible.

>> No.393202

>The Raiders of the Lost Ark game for the 2600 is probably more of a clusterfuck than ET, yet doesn't get nearly as much hate (it's also not a bad game, just really ambitious and innovative for the time).

I never played E.T., but I did play Raiders of the Lost Arc. I was like 4 years old and my dad had a 2600. We both spent hours on end trying to figure out that game. All I can remember is just wandering around endlessly trying to figure out what to do to advance the game. The manual was no help whatsover, just weird cryptic hints that made no sense, and the game had no logic whatsover, it was just trying random items (half of which we couldn't even tell what they were) on random shit and hoping something worked. It was a terrible game.

On the other hand, I loved the Atari version of Pac-Man. Yeah, it was a smaller map than the arcade version, the colors were off, and the power pellets were lines instead of big dots, but it was still Pac-Man that you could play at home without quarters. I really don't get the hate for it.

>> No.393216



How the hell can anyone say THIS isn't good? Better than the pussy ass carebare Final Fantasy characters I'll say that much. How the fuck can Sephiroth or Cloud compete with that?

>> No.393221


>This post

I have to ask, how old are you?

It doesn't seem like you've been here long.

Not trying to antagonize, just trying to confirm a theory.

>> No.393236

I see the opposite, everyone praising that game as one of the best FPS ever.

>> No.393246

I was like 8 or 9 when Mortal Kombat was released, and I distinctly remember playing both it and Street Fighter 2 and then thinking "Why is Mortal Kombat such a popular thing? SF2 is a much better game. It's probably because there's blood and everyone's making a big deal over that."

>> No.393265

>FMV Games

We are now in a new generation of FMV games son.

>> No.393262

Old enough to remember the originals. I was a kid back then so maybe I'd have a different experience as an adult playing them. Somethings I liked when I was a kid and rewatched I didn't care about much anymore like the Super Mario Brothers Supershow and Ren and Stimpy. Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold, and Salute Your Shorts though stood up well to the test of time despite many of the dated references (bubblegum under payphones, beepers, etc.)

>> No.393280

I remember SF2 and thought Guile was the main character even though Ryu is actually the hero. King of like how Liu Kang is Mortal Kombat's hero yet in my little kid headcanon Johnny Cage was and Liu Kang was his sidekick.

>> No.393271


You were a very insightful 8 or 9 year old--because that was exactly the case.

>> No.393295

come on, it's not THAT insightful an observation.

>> No.393303

For what, to see egoraptor saying that all games should be like Megaman X?

>> No.393305


Pretty much all games are movies now.

>> No.393314

Well, they did the best that they could with EGA graphics.

>> No.393315


More like all games should be like Castlevania 1.

I mean, that shit is what makes MH good.

>> No.393326

Nobody wants your EVO shit over here.

>> No.393353


He said other games could learn from Mega Man X how to teach the player to play the game. Nothing more, nothing less. And he's right. The level design of Mega Man X is very intuitive.

>> No.393356

>no conveyance

>> No.393382

I personally hate when games forcefeed you a story. Like watching a story sequence in FFIV After Years and expecting a choice and then thinking, "What the hell don't advance the story I want to save!"

In a good game the story wouldn't get in the way of the gameplay, I just need a minimal excuse to do stuff.

"The president has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you bad enough to rescue the president?" I don't care about the implications of the Secret Service not doing their jobs or frankly caring, I have an excuse to rescue the bastard and can potentially unlock many cool secret goodies and dungeons along the way.

>> No.393398

I think that's something that comes with the territory of moving away from arcade games and toward home games. As the demographics shifted, so did game design.

>> No.393410


Stop only playing AAA titles

>> No.393436

>In a good game the story wouldn't get in the way of the gameplay, I just need a minimal excuse to do stuff.

I can't agree; many RPGs are enjoyable mostly beause of their story. A game, in my opinion, doesn't have anything it "should" be, and can be good with a focus on story, gameplay, writing, visuals, whatever, so long as the other aspects aren't holding it back significantly.

>> No.393440


I kinda meant bigger games but yeah. I don't really play current AAA games anyway. Last modern game I thoroughly enjoyed was Rayman Origins.

>> No.393462


While I agree with you in theory, I don't think that there have been many cRPGs with enjoyable stories, and I think it's absolutely gotten worse over time as they try to do more storytelling and less leaving to the imagination.

>> No.393469

You could have a great story, but if the mechanics, minigames, and extras aren't there it falls flat for me. I also believe that stories should be compatible with their game mechanics, so if the hero is "supposed" to be around level 10 at a certain point but a cutscene has him killing endgame mobs or at the end but still shows all too human limitations then it's a huge turnoff. A minimal stat cutoff to advance the story like a certain character needing 50 strength to move a boulder out of the way would be great story/gameplay integration.

A good story is good to have for me but not necessary.

>> No.393479


I didn't really mean RPGs as a genre all need story, just that many of them are excellent because of their stories.

That just means that the developers are doing a poor job of blending the story and gameplay and shit, not that story focused games are inherently bad.

>> No.393487


I'm not trying to argue that a game can survive on story alone, just that story can be the driving force of a game and it can be great because of it; but most of the time, the mechanics, etc. need to be there to back it up.

Basically my point is that there's no "golden formula" for balancing aspects of a game, and that it can excel with any combination of factors, as long as they work together well.

>> No.393509

That's just with RPGs, of course. With most other genres, story does little more than get in the way of game.

>> No.393513

It says it here.

But our Janitor is bro-tier. Don't be a cunt about it.

>> No.393523

It's not really "bro-tier" if he's threatening to delete a valid thread rather than offending posts, and breaking the rules of his own job to make that threat.

>> No.393548


No, I would argue that it's quite possible for the story to be a major factor in other genres as well; people just haven't really figured out how to do it right. With a few exceptions.

>> No.393543

The reason why a utopia can never be obtained is because quite simply everyone is different. You have people that inherently agree with communism more, capitalism more, socialism more, etc.

The same logic applies to games, and variety is great. Though... today all genres forcefeed stories and even shooters force you into story areas.

Though I will say that characterization and world building are important to me, and that also applies to movies I watch too. I didn't hate Starwars Episode 1 because you can't really figure out who the main character is and its plotholes, it just... didn't feel right with the whole real queen fake queen stuff and little kid Anakin riding a spaceship... and the helmet left there somehow perfectly fit him. Also, couldn't stand Jar-Jar and rumor has it that he's racist. However, when he says, "But I have non-Gungan friends!" we can believe him since he was clearly friends with humans in his defense.

>> No.393557


Didn't he just say not to be a cunt about it?

>> No.393550
File: 8 KB, 256x240, Deadly-Towers-USA_019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, EVERYFUCKINGBODY hates Deadly Towers,

Not saying it's a particularly GREAT game, but I've always thought it was alright, especially compared to crap like NES Hydlide, among others.

>> No.393572

People HAVE figured out how to do it right. MANY games do it right. It's easy, they simply use plot as context rather than content. There you go, problem solved.

It's like saying "How can we fix chess? Chess needs to have more ACTION." and then trying to figure out how to incorporate a 100 meter dash or football into a standard game of chess. Surely you'll find the "right way" eventually.

Didn't I just say he's wrong?

>> No.393590

>People HAVE figured out how to do it right. MANY games do it right. It's easy, they simply use plot as context rather than content. There you go, problem solved.

No, you misunderstand. I'm not talking about "including story in a game," I'm talking about "making story the focus of a game," and particularly outside the genre of RPGs.

>> No.393617
File: 6 KB, 182x196, 1279334802217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this thread concludes that every game that is considered bad is not bad and if you think it's bad then you are just going by what some youtube celeb said or the overwhelming majority.

I guess bad should be excluded when it comes to judging games because someone will bitch and complain saying a "bad" game is not bad despite having overwhelming flaws that even break the game but it's not bad right?

>> No.393646

Honestly, I'm not sure there's much of a difference, it's all a matter of degrees. A game where the story is the focus is just a game with a lot of story included, and it's only going to be natural that it comes at the detriment to other aspects of the game. Maybe you're right. Maybe there is some way to do it. I don't think there is, though. Either way, I know I'll take a subtle, contextual plot over a cutscene or story segment any day.

Really, that's what it comes down to, the best way to tell a story in a video game isn't via words, cutscenes, or setpieces, but through experiences. Super Metroid always stands out as one of the pinnacles of this in my mind. In the beginning of the game, you get a small cutscene explaining what happened in the first two games, and a setup for the current one.

That's it. A story is told from there, not through words, but through locations, enemies, and events.

>> No.393650
File: 2 KB, 640x380, s_ET_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell, you couldn't even fucking die in ET

Except you can die. See that number below? It's your energy. Any action you take will decrease it (save for eating candy, which does the opposite). Run out of it, and you'll die. If you gave Elliot some candy before that happened, he'll come to revive you, but otherwise you'll be taken to the Game Over screen.

The game concept is decent, and the guy who programmed it was the same one who did Raiders of the Lost Ark. In fact, Indy appears as an easter egg in E.T.. The main reasons people label it as the worst game ever is because a bunch of bugs couldn't be fixed before release, due to Atari giving the programmer 6 weeks to make the game from scratch, and because the game was overhyped/overpriced with many kids thinking it was going to be some action game.

Overall it is a bad game, yes, but as many have said in the thread, there are much, much worse games on the 2600 library. Want an example?


>> No.393680
File: 148 KB, 490x345, 600full-super-castlevania-iv-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell happened here? Ever since Egorapter made his Sequelitis video the general reception of this game has plummeted. You can shout 'ungraceful sequel' all you want, but I loved the amazing controls back then and I love it now.

And this is coming from someone who prefers I and III over IV.

>> No.393694
File: 53 KB, 831x605, 1305691127182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People like to go by what some celeb says about something rather than have their own opinion on it.

>> No.393737

I'd say the lesson of this thread no matter how bad a reputation a game has or how you personally feel about it, there's always someone out there who still found a way to enjoy it. Nothing is universally hated, just like nothing is universally loved.

And now thanks to this thread, I'm one step closer to creating my anti-/v/ equation.

>> No.393751

>I really don't get the hate for it

Compare it to every other port of Pac-Man or Ms. Pac and Jr. Pac on the same system

>> No.393754


Because we live in a retarded society where the opinions of "celebrities" weigh more than the opinions of you and I.

I loved Super Castlevania even though it was hard as fuck.

>> No.393761

I don't think that's really the case at all. I think the real lesson is that, while most of these games are still bad, they're simply not AS bad as common opinion suggests. ET is the perfect example.

>> No.393770
File: 4 KB, 320x200, dd_game_002_cga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the game is better in CGA mode anyway because the scrolling is smoother and it doesn't look appreciably worse (the EGA/Tandy graphics could have used more work)

>> No.393783

btw these colors are wrong. it should be cyan/red/white like in >>386115

>> No.393787

>Ever since Egorapter made his Sequelitis video the general reception of this game has plummeted.

I've found people who disliked CV4 before Egoraptor was a thing. Don't be "that guy". Just because some e-popular dude put it on youtube doesn't mean he invented those criticisms.

>> No.393795
File: 28 KB, 220x313, Die_hard_nes_cover.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Die Hard on NES was a pretty intense game at the time, sorta like a survival horror game since you were against the odds having to kill 40 or so guys by yourself.

Anyone else agree?

>> No.393797

whao, this thread is still going? I left this thread the other day thinking it would die off quickly, lol

>> No.393790

Wait, wait, it's cool to hate Super Castlevania IV now? When did that happen?

>> No.393807
File: 100 KB, 600x592, tos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.393813

I bought it when it first came out.
Literally the only good thing is fucking with the awful hilarious glitches in practice mode.
It's so easy to glitch through any obstacle, and if you punch a bad guy in the right way, he gets stuck on your arm.
If you go through a ring while walking and holding a car, it gets stuck on your body.
These concepts are repeatable, making it possible to turn into a Superman Katamari of villains, citizens, and vehicles.

>> No.393810


It's not super cool to hate it. People apparently aren't allowed to criticize a game if an e-celebrity did, because there's literally no way a person could come to the same conclusion.

>> No.393815


Also, before anyone says anything, I really like CV4. Not as much as Bloodlines, but CV4 is a damn fine game.

>> No.393829

That's why I said GENERAL reception.

>> No.393830

i love how Eric Caen tried to defend Superman 64

"It wasn't our fault. DC Comics kept bossing us around and telling us what we could and couldn't put in the game."

>> No.393832

as I said to the troll earlier in this thread, I'm not saying it's great classic game or anything, just that it's not AS bad as people make out, I mean it's a trend to call it "the worst game ever made" which is just rediculous, it's not a good game, but there are many games that are worse than it.

a lot of games where made in under a week back then, making a game was a much simpler process than it is now

>> No.393838

>a lot of games where made in under a week back then, making a game was a much simpler process than it is now

Not that short of a time. Usually a month was typical.

>> No.393842

I sort of liked it, because it was similar to Ikari warriors, but I didn't game over in 30 seconds.
I thought I just sucked at games as a kid, but I really did have a bad luck of the draw with a bunch of really fucking hard games on my NES.
I grew up on Ninja Gaiden games, and I've still never beaten one.

>> No.393848

he also said they were working on a PS1 port but abandoned it when it was 75% complete

>> No.393854

I've been playing X-COM since it came out and I haven't ever gotten to the point in a game where I encounter Ethereals, let alone sniff Cydonia.

>> No.393861

that said, I understand ET was developed in only three weeks due to time pressure for the 82 Christmas season

>> No.393868

I don't understand it.
You can excuse it as not being the developer's fault, if you have tyrannical publishers (We've all seen what EA and Activision do to good developers), but the game itself is indefensible. There are no redeeming features that don't boil down to "It's so bad, it's good"
I tried so hard, for so long, to play this game. I was poor, and it was my birthday money, so this was my only game for like 6 months until I got another one.

>> No.393883

ah, ok then, anyhow, the first part of my post still stands

>> No.393875

among other things, he said the game takes place in a virtual world because "DC told us we couldn't have Superman killing real people"

>> No.393890

As for Pac-Man, that failed because the programmer told management he needed 8k to make an acceptable port but they were too cheap and made him use a 4k ROM.

>> No.393927

It was pretty obvious even as a kid. Everyone would surround the MK machine when it first came out, but after a month it was always empty while the fighting game players were back to SF. MK2 was a different story, it was actually a pretty decent game.

>> No.393930

Here's a hint: Goldeneye is outdated as fuck and isn't worth playing because Perfect Dark is literally Goldeneye but far better in every single aspect

>> No.393923

and frye still made the million $

>> No.393941

only nostalgiafags do that

>> No.393943

Goldeneye still has a good single player campaign with its own share of challenges and unlocks, and is definitely worth playing.

But yeah, for Multiplayer, it's pretty much made completely obsolete by Perfect Dark.

>> No.393945

Sometimes you just can't win.
>like Castlevania 4
>lol you AVGN fanboy!
>don't like Castlevania 4
>lol you Egoraptor fanboy!

I don't think Egoraptor has even beaten Castlevania 4, he based his whole review on the first three levels.

>> No.393953


>> No.393956


trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.393969

so much shitty trolling going on in this thread... I wish I didn't make this thread... maybe I should just delete it and put it out of it's missery

>> No.393972

Not really, all I've ever seen is people calling him an idiot

That whole video came down to

As if any fucking body in the universe ever used anything but the Holy Water to cheese the game with.

>> No.393980

it's so fucking flickery

>> No.393982

People everywhere say this is one of the best licensed games on the SNES and it's far more liked than the Genesis version which only has graphics going for it.

>> No.393983

"I wonder what it would have taken for programmers in 1982 to make a game anywhere near this accurate, or if this is a product of better tools."

I'd say the latter. Programming tools back then were virtually in the Stone Age. I'd imagine Atari developed games on a DEC PDP-11 or some other minicomputer with a cross-compiler.

>> No.393996

well you see one reason why Todd Frye wanted 8k was because they'd developed a game engine that would allow more than 2 player sprites with no flicker, but it couldn't fit in 4k

Ms Pac-Man and Jr. Pac-Man used the engine originally meant for Pac-Man.

>> No.394021

Deadly Towers is one of the worst of the NES library. It's absolutely awful.

Seanbaby spent his whole fucking career playing, reviewing, mocking, and writing about bad games and this is the one he picked as the worst.

>> No.394015

It's mostly /v/ faggots.
I remember when Erik Kain was "based Kain" and "Obviously a /v/irgin".
Then he defended the new Sim City, and then he was "Obviously an IGN shill" and "a paid-off journalist".
Nobody can possibly be an individual, or form their own position.

>> No.394017

Controls like that are why Joy2key exists. Screw older games with unwieldly, non-remappable controls.

>> No.394038

He didn't even do that, he based his whole review on OMG THE ITEMS ARE USELESS EVERYONE PLAYED CASTLEVANIA FOR THE ITEMS

>> No.394041

>but I've always thought it was alright, especially compared to crap like NES Hydlide

Pony Canyon had a well-deserved reputation as one of the worst NES developers. Everything they made was terrible.

>> No.394053


The beta actually looks... not good exactly, but at least somewhat playable.

>> No.394057

who the fuck is seanbaby?

>> No.394043

Given how bad Ego is at games, that wouldn't be surprising.

>> No.394069


Man, that name takes me back. I might go visit that website again.

>> No.394083

get out

>> No.394078

what's more funny is that they were Japanese and most of the shitty NES devs were American (LJN, Hi-Tech Expressions, Acclaim, etc)

>> No.394085

Japan had/has plenty of terrible game devs, it's just that their shit doesn't usually make it across the pond.

>> No.394105

Sean "Seanbaby" Reilley was a writer for Electronic Gaming Monthly. He had his own section in every single issue specifically made for the cream of the crap of video games, just pure utter shit every time. And hilarious, Seanbaby is one of the funniest writers ever to have lived.

He was also on the awesome web series "Broken Pixels" with fellow EGM employees Crispin Boyer and Shane Bettenhausen, but the series was cancelled because of Fox.

Of other interest, his website Seanbaby.com was one of the first internet comedy sites.

>> No.394128
File: 10 KB, 538x224, ei3i3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two turds were originally slated for a US release, but were cancelled for good reason

so let's not be a weeaboo here and pretend that only baka gaijin make bad games

>> No.394120

I'm not sure how not knowing who that is would make me underage.. I'm not from /v/

>> No.394150
File: 8 KB, 320x224, Megadrive-DoubleDragon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this one

>> No.394142

oh, I never read EMG, it sucked and was horibly biased and obviously paid off to write good reviews, yes, "even back in the day", some people need to take off their nostalgia colored glasses

>> No.394149

>Really, that's what it comes down to, the best way to tell a story in a video game isn't via words, cutscenes, or setpieces, but through experiences.

I won't disagree with this, but I also don't think it's the only way to do it.

Look at a game like Deus Ex. The focus of that game isn't the mechanics, it's the world and the story. The mechanics aren't bad, and the gameplay isn't really hindered by the story.

>> No.394158

>not reading it for Seanbaby alone

>> No.394161


ET is really, really bad. Have you played it?

>> No.394170

>actually reads the rest of the post, which I should have in the first place

so he was pretty much AGVN before AGVN then?

>> No.394171

Double Dragon 2 on NES was fucking awesome. Was this going to be crap or something?

>> No.394201

yeah it's pretty bad. the game magazines in Japan at the time ripped it to shreds.

>> No.394203

Sort of. Seanbaby's writing style was a bit weird though, but extremely funny. I'd kill for a whole book written by him or just a compendium/Omnibus of his EGM articles.

You can watch all the episodes of Broken Pixels on DarkPirateGirl's youtube channel although sometimes they had what I think were interns from 1up.com instead of the usual crew.

oh and he does (very rarely) articles for Cracked.com

>> No.394230


>Not using the boomerang

What kind of scrub nigger are you?

>> No.394219

How do you fuck up Double Dragon 2, a game that already had a great home console port?

>> No.394223

No, because Seanbaby's actually funny.

>> No.394225

oh, it's you again, stop trying to troll me, yes, I have played it, and honestly, when you put it against other games of the time it isn't THAT bad, and even if it was, calling it "the worst game ever made" is just rediculous, no matter what the game is, unless it's on the level of like cheetah men 2 or something

>> No.394238


Most people on /v/ still think highly of Kain, this post is over-simplifying. He simply gained some critics.

>> No.394245


>Appeal to authority

>> No.394261

best I can figure out is that it was a very early Genesis game and the programmers didn't know the hardware that well. it certainly looks more like a NES game with more colors than anything.

>> No.394270


Of course it's not the worst ever made. Anyone who says that is retarded. It was the final nail in the coffin of vidya at the time, though.

And just because there was a title wave of shit games at the time doesn't make ET any better. It's horrible. Stop trying to act like you're special because you fight against public opinion or some shit.

ET is a shit game.

>> No.394287

What a bad game

>die in one hit
>maze where you have no clue what to do
>levels are hard as fuck due to the terrible design

>> No.394298

In fact the reason NES Double Dragon had no two player mode is because it was one of the earliest games Technos made for the console and their programmers weren't ready to try it. It has a lot of glitches too so you can see how inexperienced they were.

>> No.394303

well this post is stupid, I'm not sure how I was "acting like I was special" or "figting against public opinion", I never once said it was a good game, just not as bad as people online make it out to be, which you even seem to agree with, why are you so angry, lol, well at least you made me laugh.

>> No.394305

Super Pitfall is a decent game with terrible collision detection and a worse than usual frame rate. Mapping big dungeons is fun if you like that sort of thing.

>> No.394335

what about NES Ghostbusters? it was made by a fucking magazine publisher.

>> No.394338

>NES game with more colors

Oh man I'm trying to think oft his one SNES JRPG, I think it was one of the Dragon Quest games as well as one of the earliest games on the system, and you could blatantly tell it was an NES game just lazily ported to SNES late in the dev cycle

>> No.394332

oh and
>It was the final nail in the coffin of vidya at the time, though.

this too is a huge exaggeration, what caused the downfall of Atari was a combination of a lot of things, people like to give overly simple explanations for things that are actually rather complicated though.

>> No.394343


>> No.394378

Castlevania 2.
The sad thing is he actually likes the game a lot and did the video as a joke, he feels bad for tainting the game's reputation now.

>> No.394371

>NES game just lazily ported to SNES late in the dev cycle
To be honest the non-Mode 7 stuff in FFIV looks pretty NES.

>> No.394385

>this too is a huge exaggeration, what caused the downfall of Atari was a combination of a lot of things


*Nonexistent control over games released for systems leading to porn and other horrible shit
*Much of the above was produced by fly-by-night companies and even outfits like Quaker Oats who had no business making video games
*High-profile flops like E.T. and Pac-Man
*Oversaturation of games and peripherals
*The widespread notion that a computer was better for your child than a game console

>> No.394387


That's why I said final nail, not the whole lid.

ET was produced in huge masses and heavily advertised, and led to a very visible example of declining quality in games, leading to vast degrees of mistrust in consumers. This mistrust, though already present in a degree, is what killed the industry.

>> No.394392


I had that game.

God that game was horrible and vague.

>> No.394396

>Nonexistent control over games released for systems leading to porn and other horrible shit

It should be noted that this problem almost entirely affected the 2600 as other companies like Coleco required devs to obtain a license for their consoles (Colecovision carts do a check for a copyright string on startup)

>> No.394410

"Micronics is a Japanese video game developing company which developed the NES versions of 1942, Athena, Ghosts 'n Goblins, Ikari Warriors, Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road, and Tiger Heli."

what do you know? All of those games are absolute shit.

>> No.394424

>Micronics is a Japanese video game developing company which developed the NES versions of 1942

oh my god is this thing an embarrassment. The C64 port of 1942 is so much better it's not funny (and usually when both systems had an arcade port, the NES version won easily)

>> No.394443



Oh god that game is terrible

I remember enjoying Tiger Heli though

>> No.394439

Wow, the only one of those that's even remotely good is Ghosts N' Goblins.

>> No.394456

Well I mean, he had a valid point. Arcade-style platformers like Castlevania, Contra, and Ghouls'n'Ghosts, are all based around having the right powerup for the right situation.

I wouldn't say Castlevania 4 really delivers the same kind of challenge. But it does have a lot of cool jumping challenges, so it's a different kind of game. It's not trying to be Castlevania 1 with new graphics, it's its own unique Castlevania game.

Castlevania 3 is still the best Castlevania game.

>> No.394449

And even then, it's brutally hard due to crap programming

>> No.394463

C64 Ikari Warriors* also easily beats the NES version

*Meaning the Euro version. There was a separate US-developed IW for the Commie which sucks cock and balls

>> No.394471

they totally ruined Activision's C64/Atari 8-bit masterpiece

>> No.394493

well regardless, that last post revealed you as a retarded troll so I wasn't taking anything you said seriously anyhow

>> No.394495

>The C64 port of 1942 is so much better it's not funny (and usually when both systems had an arcade port, the NES version won easily





>> No.394502

Seanbaby is awesome. He's like, what every internet tough guy Youtube personality wishes they could be.

Seanbaby practices muay thai, but he hardly ever talks about it. You know why? Because ACTUAL tough guys don't constantly talk about how tough they are (cough maddox cough)

>> No.394507

that port of New Zealand Story should be dismissed entirely anyway as Ocean had a well-known reputation of grabbing licences and producing terrible rush-job games

>> No.394532

Silver Surfer is a good game and not NEARLY as hard as people say.

It's also got music by legendary composer Tim Follin

>> No.394534

using the term tough guy like that is retarded, please stop, are you 12?

>> No.394546

Its a shooter where your "ship" is HUGE. Its very hard. If you look at it from the perspective of someone who doesn't regularly play that genre, its insane.

>> No.394541

wonder why they renamed it Kiwi Kraze for the NES

>> No.394550

I dunno, but that was actually the only port of the game to be sold in North America (all other ports were made by Eurodevs)

>> No.394569

I thought everyone thought Guile was the hero thanks to the movie and cartoon?

>> No.394560

they had TNZS on the C64, Amiga, Spectrum, Megadrive, and Master System but none of those were available outside PAL regions

>> No.394575

>Because ACTUAL tough guys don't constantly talk about how tough they are (cough maddox cough)
Like "tough guy" is some definitive status, right?
Are you really too dense to detect such obvious satire? If you thought Maddox was at any point serious (maybe besides his SOPA rant), you might actually be retarded.

>> No.394576

the game was relatively forgotten and not considered as bad as it's reputation is now until the internet era though when some "videogame history" website created the entire myth of it being the worst game ever and killing the game industry and the whole story of it being burried in the dessert because it was so bad that atari was ashamed of it, rather than just because it didn't sell and that was a common practice back then.

>> No.394581

DQ V was released 2 years after the Super Famicom came out, and it was never intended as an NES game.

Might be thinking of FFIV, FFIV doesn't look that bad, but if you put it next to FFIII you can clearly see a lot of graphical resources were borrowed from the NES game and just touched up with some extra colors. Of course, FFIII was one of the best looking NES games ever, so there's that too.

>> No.394586

Ha ha, that cheat in the Amiga port of New Zealand Story

>infinite lives

>> No.394601
File: 63 KB, 477x700, internet tough guy magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? You've never heard the term "internet tough guy"? How new are you?

>> No.394597

they did bury a giant pile of unsold Pac-Man, E.T., and Raiders of the Lost Ark cartridge PCBs (no shells) in the New Mexico desert)

>> No.394598

Holy shit, this is great.
Why haven't I ever read this before?

>> No.394605


The game is awful and literally unfinishable without a guide.

I was so fucking mad back in the 90's when I got my copy after finally beating the original. It's a garbage game that through away everything good about the first one.

>> No.394608

The top-view levels kinda suck because your board is just that long. The side-view levels are okay. There is the usual stuff in them that's in almost every horizontal shmup. The game does lack good/fun power-ups though.

>> No.394620


But it was buried in the desert, and it did have a lot to do with the game crash.

And most importantly, it is a horrible game.

>> No.394629


Not him, but Maddox was great pre-youtube era.

His videos are shit and he needs to stop.

>> No.394634

>Seanbaby discussion

>> No.394626 [DELETED] 

Maddox Defense Force assemble.

Yes, I get that his whole online persona isn't meant to be taken at face value, but if you read between the lines, it's obvious he's bitter about never being on the football team in high school. Seriously do you actually like the guy?

>> No.394648

I played the hell out of Deadly Towers as a kid. Yeah it wasn't the greatest but I have played a lot worse.

>> No.394656


>> No.394736

>Defense force
You don't have to be defending somebody to recognize satire. Nice attempt at distracting from the point, though.

>> No.394802

I see that neither of you read the entire post

also, I'm not saying it's a good game, just that it's not bad as it's reputation, which thanks to a bunch of immature neck beards is that it's the worst game ever made, the thread was supposed to be about games that aren't was bad as their reputation, which CAN be games that are good but have a reputation for being bad OR games that are horrible buy have a reputation for being even worse, there, can we move on and cease this idiotic arguement now?

>> No.394827

yes, I have, but it's usually applied as a joke or an insult, not as "this guy is so awesome cuz he's a tough guy, dur hur"

>> No.394894

oh, and I should add that, yes, it was a factor in the videogame crash, but it didn't single handedly cause it, like the site/book that started the whole "worst game ever made" thing claimed

>> No.394923


>> No.394961

Also the same. I still remember that if you put in FE or EF as the last two letters of your password, you'd start off with super fast double swords instead of that shit you begin the game with.

Awful game, hard to have fun. How the fuck were you supposed to know what to do or how to progress? There was no logic to any of it.

Yet I would still rent it and play for hours.

>> No.394963

Gyromite is a pretty fun puzzle platformer if you ignore Rob entirely. Also it has fantastic music.

>using the worst Gyromite song in Brawl and simply calling it Gyromite
fuck you Nintendo

>> No.394971

the Genesis version my look better, but the SNES actually plays better, which is really the case with a lot of games ported to both systems

>> No.394989

Uh what. Its usually the exact opposite.

>> No.394996


I strongly disagree

>> No.395027

being more difficult does not equal "better game"

>> No.395053

>Genesis version

>> No.395059

The Genesis just had more power, far better arcade ports and action games in general.

Aladdin was one of few games that was worse on Genesis than SNES. Then again, they're different games, one was made by Capcom, who was the master of Nintendo systems, and one was made by Virgin, who could make technically impressive games but not ones with great gameplay.

>> No.395071

Not many Genesis games look better than SNES games. Whenever they do, its because the artists on the SNES version dun goofed.

>> No.395110

>The Genesis just had more power, far better arcade ports and action games in general

In terms of raw CPU power, the 68000 and 65816 are comparable, but the former is faster

>> No.395105

Are you kidding? The Genesis was way more visually capable than the SNES. The SNES couldn't DREAM of running Comix Zone or Vectorman or any Treasure game.

And I say this as someone who prefers the SNES.

>> No.395129

SNES has 4 times as many colors and can do mode 7 effects. If you look at a screenshot of a Genesis game and a SNES game, the chances of the Genesis game looking better are slim. In motion is a different story.

>> No.395134
File: 22 KB, 280x390, Walt Disney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you people would actually recommend a game like ET or Superman 64 and tell people it's not bad at all just to push your "There are no bad games" agenda?

I bet when you see someone play it physically and then they say it's bad, you'd go off on them for saying it's bad even if they probably never seen videos on them or knew of their reputation.

>> No.395147

I'd like to see an SNES game that looks better than Alien Soldier or Mega Turrican. The Genesis is just more powerful, it has way better graphics.

It had the shittiest fucking sound chip though goddamn.

>> No.395149

Genesis has more resolution (68,240 pixels) than SNES (57,344 pixels) but SNES has way more colors (256 onscreen out of a 32,768 color palette while Genesis is 64 out of 512 colors)

>> No.395161

>The Genesis was way more visually capable than the SNES.
Like hell. Genesis may have the better processing but the SNES has it beat in virtually everything else.

>> No.395176

>Genesis has more resolution (68,240 pixels) than SNES (57,344 pixels)

yes except that a lot of Genny games are running in 256x224 exactly the same as the SNES (full 320x224 resolution halves the amount of tiles you can have on screen)

>> No.395185


It's just badly designed. Especially the top-down parts.

>> No.395187

The games speak for themselves, the SNES couldn't run games like Dynamite Headdy and Alien Soldier without fucking exploding.

>> No.395202

SNES also has 512x224 and 512x480 graphics, but they're too CPU-intensive for anything except static screens

>> No.395217

SNES isn't as good at arcade and sports games because of being slower, but in every other regard it's more advanced than the Genesis, which is certainly to be expected since the latter is two years older.

>> No.395221

Well, the Genesis can't do digitized graphics for crap, because being able to display many colors is necessary to make them look good. So DKC would be basically impossible on Genesis. And Yoshi's Island, another stunning SNES game, would not look so hot on Genesis, plus the mode 7 bosses wouldn't look so great either (Genesis can do a similar effect, but its not as good). I can't see games like Chrono Trigger looking half as good, either.

The Genesis' better processor can't offset the fact that it is locked at 61 colors.

>> No.395230

as far as I understand, you can use any combination of 256 or 512 pixels with 224, 448, or 478 scan lines (the latter two being interlaced)

>> No.395237

they might. that's why you get a RGB cable ;)

>> No.395234

Don't the 512-pixel modes on the SNES suffer from hideous color bleed due to NTSC limitations?

>> No.395245

I didn't know the SNES could output RGB

>> No.395247

Actually the SNES has more horsepower technically. SNES CPU has ~1.2-1.5x processing power of the 6800k.
Though the Genesis had far leaner sprite restrictions.

>> No.395258

of course, silly. the Genesis could too. all consoles after the NES generate a RGB signal and simply convert it to NTSC for the TV output.

the signal is 15Khz with composite sync though, so most standard RGB monitors won't accept it

>> No.395265

>responsible for the video game industry being reduced to ruins until Nintendo came along to resurrect it

This is the storybook version of what happened. Like most things in history, it's a lot more complicated than that. Like the fact that the crash was only a US crash, for one.

>> No.395268

Very interdasting

>> No.395269


I have my SNES currently connected through S-Video. Not sure if that has anything to do with that.

>> No.395281

Now, some RGB monitors like the Amiga ones use 15Khz, but they still have separated sync and not composite.

You can use a SNES on Amiga monitors, but you'd need a converter box to separate the sync pulses.

>> No.395296

back at the time, Nintendo had special in-house RGB displays for their consoles which is how they took those crystal-clear screenshots in Nintendo Power Magazine. All pre-HD Nintendo consoles were made in special models with RGB output, but the SNES was the only one that does it on stock units.

>> No.395298

I haven't been on maddox's site in years but he was always self-deprecating and/or tongue-in-cheek. I'm pretty sure everyone knows he isn't really a pirate, and I remember him talking about how hairy his back and ass were

>> No.395301

no it doesn't have anything to do with RGB output

>> No.395318

Genesis doesn't have any S-video because it came out too soon after that standard was finalized.

>> No.395354

I honestly like Batman Forever on the SNES. The only actual problem I had with it was the circus level. It's too fucking hard, it's nearly impossible to beat it because of the time limit.

>> No.395358
File: 35 KB, 703x246, 65816 vs 68000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.395379

Well, good thing the SNES doesn't have anywhere near an 8MHz 65816.

>> No.395394

The SNES CPU is more efficient, but runs at less than half the clock speed. It's slower than the Genesis CPU overall.

>> No.395386

Apparently Apple did know it because they purposely hamstrung the IIgs at 2Mhz to not compete with the Mac

>> No.395403

try playing a sports game on the two consoles and you'll notice the difference immediately

>> No.395406

Clock speeds, idiot.

>> No.395413

>full 320x224 resolution halves the amount of tiles you can have on screen
ninja what?

Can you cite any documentation to back this up?

The VDP runs faster in 40-column (320px) mode than in 32-column mode. You can transfer more bytes/line via DMA and it will even render more sprites/line.

>> No.395427

This doesn't change the fact that the SNES CPU typically runs well under 4MHz.

>> No.395452

ok, deleting thread, it's just become a console wars and general arguement thread, there is no purpose in it existing