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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3940884 No.3940884[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3940890


>> No.3940892

I watched some Spoony just the other day. Pretty sure he's lying when he says he isn't a heavy drinker.

>> No.3940902
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DSP (AKA KING OF /vr/) > all other faggots

>> No.3940903

Wooow, how i was supposed to know not to lose my partnership? uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh doesn't make any sense uhuhuhuhuhuhuhu *snort*

>> No.3940906

OP, those faces are NOT motivating anyone to post in this thread. Let me make the thread next time I'll post something respectable.

>> No.3940907

Is this his hour long video about how he got fucked over from Machinima?

Jesus christ I can't understand how this fucker can't make a video <20 minutes

>> No.3940908

Why doesn't Jontron do videos any more? Just too fat and lazy?

Spoony is irrelevant. Doesn't make videos anymore.

>> No.3940909

>NOT motivating anyone to post in this thread

good, fuck off with your cancerous garbage internet friends

>> No.3940910

>Why doesn't Jontron do videos any more? Just too fat and lazy?
He's been having more fun baiting libtards than creating videos.

>> No.3940913
File: 9 KB, 346x344, 1406412768067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get with the program, anon. If not for this we'd still be having stealth e-celeb threads. It's a necessary evil.

And if you're OP with that attitude you're going about getting these threads off of /vr/ in a very roundabout way that's not very effective at all.

>> No.3940914
File: 110 KB, 853x396, Pro Jared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone stand this devastatingly ugly Nintendo shill?

>> No.3940917

Yeah ProJared sucks

>> No.3940919

nothing is stopping you from making these in /trash/, where they belong

>> No.3940926

>tfw spoony is dead

bummer, his FF and Ultima are top notch

>> No.3940935

His handwaving the problems with Zelda breath of the wild sealed the deal.

Used to watch him after he took over hard news from Destin, but his shit got worse and worse.

>> No.3940936

Well, dearest anon, you're right. Nothing is stopping me from making a thread over at /trash/: home of diaper furries, pony pussy, and scat threads. The threads could go there and remain off of /vr/. I wouldn't really make it a habit of mine to keep going to /trash/ however, as my most deviant fetishes only go as far as lolis, which seems incredibly tame when compared to the stuff you see on /d/ and lolis aren't even allowed on /trash/ (as they shouldn't be, for lolis deserve a warm home rather than a garbage bin). You're also talking to the wrong guy in general here, as it's not me who needs convincing that these threads don't belong here. Rather, it's the jerks that delight in inserting gamesack, AVGN, or whatnot into /vr/ as whole separate threads, sometimes sneakily, sometimes not so sneakily; and goodluck with convincing them to go to >>>/trash/ without them coming up with whatever excuse to not mingle with that crowd or take the redirect as an insult and spam /vr/ harder. Once /vr/ came up with the brilliant notion of allowing these types of discussions but only within a specific thread it got rid of a lot of spam /vr/ would face whenever a video was released from whoever. I think you should try and learn to accept it rather than fight it as it's just all around better for the board.

>> No.3940946


The crazy got to him, man. Sometimes I wonder if the meds aren't actually fucking him up worse.

>> No.3940958

ProJared is gay right

>> No.3940974

Meds always mess you up. My meds are beer and weed. I dont do shit have depression and barely go to work. I would imagine hating being a youtuber for a living since youtube is removing ads and that means they have to get a irl job.

>> No.3940980


How many people haven't tried to defend BoTW's shit though

>> No.3940981
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys

>> No.3940985

I used to talk with members of the gs crew on a regular basis back in the day. The original crew were the most relate-able down to earth kinda reviewers out there. Really liked what they were doing.

Never really get that vibe from modern reviewers. Of course, I don't keep up with stuff like that anymore either.

>> No.3940989
File: 12 KB, 480x360, david.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didnt you save him, /vr/?

>> No.3940997


I got off the Zelda train at Skyward Sword.

On the other hand, I thought Spirit Tracks was pretty nice. So there's that.