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3929717 No.3929717 [Reply] [Original]

Should I replay Link's Awakening just for the true ending?

Really made me feel down after but dupposedly you see Marin's wish granted.

Is it worth the time? I enjoyed the game and first time ive considered replaying one.

>> No.3929754

I did that a while ago. If you feel like playing the game again, might as well go for the perfect run while you're at it.

>> No.3929762

>instantly turn off game
>start again from last save

That's how I did it.

>> No.3929767

Might as well save state.

>> No.3929782

I played Link's Awakening before emulators existed.

>> No.3929824

Emulators existed when the Game Boy was out. I played Pokemon Blue before it was localized.

>> No.3929835

Well, Blue came out in 98 and Game boy came out in 89...

>> No.3929839
File: 527 KB, 1000x1356, d97a6ad50ec36b928536dc9dd2acef30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is so much good official artwork and you went with the generic fanart.

>> No.3929870

Blue came out in 96 and LA came out in 93.

>> No.3929875

And I played Link's Awakening in 1993.
Anyway I didn't have internet at home until 1999, and the game boy emulator I tried back then didn't work, it wasn't until the year 2000 that I finally found a working one.

>> No.3929945
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>> No.3930010

The game is super easy and you're doing something wrong if you die in a run.

>> No.3930028

I think it's forgivable if you die on the first boss.

>> No.3930059


Shiiit, I remember documenting all you could do with select-skipping, like trying to go through the game w/o getting the sword. Your save would invariably corrupt after too many tries, though.

>> No.3930209

You're almost as bad as Dobson these days, Teradafag.

>> No.3930468
File: 956 KB, 2000x1201, Marin.(Legend.Of.Zelda).full.2006410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for that. I will go for it again this friday.

I don't know exactly why but the ending of LA was so heartbreaking for me.

>> No.3932042

>I don't know exactly why but the ending of LA was so heartbreaking for me.

Because everyone you met on the island ceased to exist. Waking the wind fish killed them.

>> No.3932258
File: 110 KB, 448x600, 1367357994583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i love red-haired island waifus now

>> No.3933412
File: 17 KB, 256x224, Link Ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have always thought that all of Link's Awakening was just a comatose Link dreaming, and that the act of "waking the Wind Fish" is just Link regaining consciousness.

>> No.3934430

NIgga the wind fish wakes up and you see it fly away. Link was stuck in it's dream. Once it woke up everything ceased to exist except Link and Marin if you got the good ending; most people didn't so she died as well.

>> No.3934458
File: 1.65 MB, 833x1185, The Truth Can Hurt Horribly....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is only technically true.


This is closer to the truth.

Link *was* knocked unconscious by a storm that totaled his boat. While unconscious, his body drifted too near the Windfish (which may or may not be a fish in its "true" form). The Windfish was currently being afflicted by a being known only as "Dethl", who manifested in shared dreaming as a nightmarish entity that was slowly corrupting and co-opting the Windfish's slumber.

Once Link joined their shared dream the Island of Koholint was born. It can be surmised that the only thing "real" on the entire island is Link, the Windfish, and the nightmare Dethl. Unfortunately the Windfish is the one generating the dream; ergo he cannot be directly manifested within it. That is why he had to send an avatar, which took the form of the wise owl who talks to and guides Link. Dethl, being something altogether different entirely, is able to summon and shape parts of the dream-island as well, and so were born his fellow "nightmares" and many of the monsters you see on the Island.

The entirety of the creation is a whole whose parts are the sum of Link, the Windfish, and Dethl's hopes, experiences, desires, wants....You name it.

>> No.3934662

Guys, Link had been floating around unconscious in the middle of the ocean on a plank after surviving a terrible storm. Who knows how long he was out in the sun before he came to his senses. A cloud could have been the Windfish and Kohnolint a fever dream as he straddled between life and death.

Marin never dies because she never existed.

>> No.3934681

I would pay so much money to watch a LA anime.

>> No.3934696

I second this anon. There's a good possibility it was just Link's delirium

>> No.3934708
File: 23 KB, 300x300, killmealready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be cleptomaniac
>tfw can't keep hands off that shovel
>tfw i will always die at the shopkeeper's hands
>tfw i will never get to the true ending

>> No.3934710

Do these people really think anyone on the island "died"? Any way you look at the story they were part of a dream.

>> No.3935114

It's not a super hard game but it can get you if you're off guard, it's not that easy.
And advice: visit Crazy Tracy.

>> No.3935121
File: 185 KB, 670x266, 1489129941201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here. I didnt think id have more fun replaying this, let alone fun at all, but I am.

Such a comfy game. I have never replayed any games before or if I did I stopped quick. Surprised a gameboy game of all things is this enjoyable.

>> No.3937239

whos that

>> No.3937295

Leena from Cross

>> No.3938410

It's more of a Pyhrric victory than anything.
>still waiting on the day they do a remake with a secret final boss + ending where after defeating the nightmare you fight the wind fish instead to leave it permanently dreaming and bring Koholint to the real world

>> No.3940715

lol both look awful

>> No.3941831

Where can I find more high-res Zelda artwork?

>> No.3942001

What's the true ending like?

>> No.3942007

Same as normal ending but you see the portrait of Marin in the sky among the seagulls.

>> No.3942114

I mean if you WANT to replay it and you need an excuse, then yeah sure. You can just restart your gameboy if you die, but I recommend making a copy of your save file every few dungeons.

>> No.3942224

No, the secret boss would be in a pit deep in the windfish's subconscious that is filled with the memories of all the awful damage nightmares inflicted on the windfish. This manifests itself as an amalgamation of all the bosses that threatens to someday revive the evil entity again. But Link defeats it which fully heals the windfish. Link wakes up on the wreckage and see the windfish as usual, but then the windfish approaches link and picks him up out of the water and drops him off on the deck of a large nearby ship, a ship lost a long time ago when it mysteriously vanished on a voyage. On it are the lost pilgrims, the villagers of Koholint.

>> No.3942254

I like this idea. Make sure they don't remember anything about their time on Kohlint and you keep the original bittersweet feel.

>> No.3942362

There's nothing to feel down about. Its a fucking game and marin ain't real. If u wanna break your balls to see a pixelated gameboy seagull fly around for 5 seconds it's really up to u. U could just see a YouTube vid instead btw.

>> No.3943324

There's something wrong with the way her face is drawn but I'm not even sure what it is.

>> No.3943763

Is that Marin or the Wind Fish?

>> No.3943808


It looks like the face of an adult human. Your anime-trained brain is expecting a childlike alien face that's designed to stimulate and nurture your nascent pedophilia without being realistic enough to raise any alarms within you.

>> No.3943948

The Wind Fish is an asshole. After everything Link does, he just leaves Link alone to die in the middle of the ocean.

>> No.3943950


I like this post. It's shitty, but I like it anyway.

>> No.3943962

I want tracy to give me the succ

>> No.3943963

Why does a whale dream about humans, anyways? Shouldn't it be dreaming about other whales?

>> No.3944582

The windfish dreams of life, it's you who understands it as humans.