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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 10 KB, 248x191, TSOP48_16Bit_V2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3918342 No.3918342 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have success burning tsop chips with a minipro burner?

I ordered a couple 29f033c chips and board adapters, presoldered from buyicnow, and can't get them to read, or erase (says they do, but no). I've disabled ID check, because without that they error immediately.

I also have a tsop ADP -073 burner adapter, that fits the tsops directly, for a Willem, with the same result. Pictured.

Ideas what I may be doing wrong?
I've read up on burning SNES games with a Willem but different burners and adapters are used.

Please no emulate or everdrive posts (que them now).

>> No.3918684

You should be able to ID the chip. The problem is most likely poor connection on the pins. It usually takes me a while before the contact is right.

Other issues can be:
Have you set the jumpers right?
Updated software?
Bad eeprom?

Also there are custom snes pcbs online which are far easier to make than the TSOP method. I've got a bunch from retrostage and they work fine.

>> No.3918692

If you can't ID the chip then they aren't reading fine, which is possibly the result of bad connection or dead chips. Did you connect the chip to the socket properly? Is it in the correct orientation? Some chips may also be thinner than the socket itself (I had that with 29c040s).
Adapter may also need to be jumpered correctly, check that too.

>Please no emulate or everdrive posts (que them now).

I don't know what you do with your programmer, but if you are using them solely for burning SNES games, then a flashcart would be way cheaper. I know because I made myself a socketed cart for the exact same reason, and it ended up costing more than the chink everdrives, while being way less flexible. Granted I was using UV EPROMs, but still.

>> No.3918827

>what I may be doing wrong
You answered your own question

>i paid silly money to play a game because i followed hackaday instructions
also lel

>> No.3919092

I will have to check my jumpers again, because this is probably it. I am having trouble finding information on my adapter and I know the model I listed isn't right...
I'm wondering if the adapter is compatible.
And I will triple check my wiring on the Willem to tsop board later, too, for the presoldered chips.
Software is updated, yep.

I have burned NES games in the past, several times and I purchased the burner to do OBD1 Honda ECU burns awhile ago. Both are more straight forward than tsop chips. To me anyway.
I already own an everdrive and yes, it's WAY cheaper than buying all this stuff. I still like to tinker.

Minipro is actually more recommend in some circles than the gx Willem burners.

Thanks for the suggestions. Likely those.

>> No.3919124

>Please no emulate or everdrive posts (que them now).
But you're trying to solve a solved problem in a more complicated way...

>> No.3919208

>i paid silly money to play a game because i followed hackaday instructions

I got the programmer to dump over a dozen yet undumped roms, I built the socketed cart only cause I already had the gear.

>> No.3919272

The willem adapters I have are adp-077 plugged in adp-082. Like I said, it's sometimes difficult to get them to ID in the first place. Try spraying the ZIF contacts with isoprop and trial and error moving the chip around.

>> No.3919308

>i have a programmer and over a dozen undumped carts
>i can't manage to make a SNES cart PCB for less than the cost of an ED
Sounds legit

>> No.3919367

Op here. It actually is possible to make repros for less if you already have a burner. Like I said, I originally bought mine for ecu chips so I would only say I paid for the handful of tsops and adapter, or $50ish. Less, but if someone is buying it for games of one console only it's more expensive. As it is now, I do several things with my burner...Other than games.

I looked through some of my records and see now that my tsop zif adapter doesn't list the chips I have, as supported. Dumb on my part, but I'll check the jumpers and try again tonight. Maybe it'll work anyway since the burner has done unsupported chips with similar setups, according to others.

>> No.3919402

I didn't say they were undumped carts, they were mostly firmwares in various hardware, and a couple of bootleg carts I had for over 20 years and wanted to inspect them. And I wasn't making SNES carts, OP was doing that.

As for the cost, I had to grab the cheapest game using a 27c322 as a donor, get fitting sockets, some empty EPROMs, and an UV eraser. Add in the man hours involved, not just for soldering, but also cutting a hole in the cart for the socketed chip so I don't have a bare PCB hanging on to the cart slot. All in all, a chink ED would have been cheaper and simpler, especially since it is a 1 time buy for every game, no need to get additional chips for more games.

The upside is that I learned how to drag solder and to handle a dremel tool.

>> No.3920412

Yeah if you already have the tools most repros don't cost more than a few bucks to make. Especially if you use an EPROM.

I don't have an 866 because it's device support is shit. I guess your best bet is to go through the device list and pick a part that'll do what you want.

You also need to factor in the amount of time you spent learning how to read so you could follow those hack a day instructions, the cost of the shirt you burnt a hole in while learning how to solder, etc. lel
Meanwhile, back in the land of the non-retarded, people can make a repro for a few bucks in maybe 30 minutes tops.

>> No.3920862

Some people enjoy learning new things, even if antiquated or obsolete. It's a hobby. You don't always make holes in carts... The last two NES repros I made took me way less than 30 mins each.
Who actually uses hack a day for instructions??

I don't understand why you're upset over what other people do in their spare time. You sound like you're 16 and know it all.

>> No.3920938

>You sound like you're 16 and know it all.
Projecting this hard

>> No.3921118

>Every posts is demeaning others and includes "lel"

Yeah, you sound like a fucking immature 16 year old.

>> No.3921134

>You also need to factor in the amount of time you spent learning how to read so you could follow those hack a day instructions

Most people learn to read before they are making money, around kindergarden or so. But I guess it is not the same for everyone, and you became literate after you became an adult, to make that kind of comparisons.

>> No.3921145

>Meanwhile, back in the land of the non-retarded, people can make a repro for a few bucks in maybe 30 minutes tops.

Point is that it takes less time and even less money to get a flashcart from china instead.

Note that I wasn't making repros, I was building a socketed cart, for which I can exchange games on. This was around 5 years ago, you didn't have premade genesis pcbs on ebay back then.

Yeah if you get 1 premade pcb and 1 preprogrammed chip from china then it is probably cheaper than buying a copy of Toy Story (cheapest 4mb donor cart), some sockets, and 20x 27c322s.

>> No.3921160

Regarding socketed carts, isn't it still limited to the corresponding game and PCB? You can't just make one zif socketed board and play any random number of games, right?

>> No.3921207

>Regarding socketed carts, isn't it still limited to the corresponding game and PCB? You can't just make one zif socketed board and play any random number of games, right?

You are limited only by whatever extra hardware the games may use, ie. battery or expansion chips. Size issues don't matter because the higher address lines are mirrored, so you just mirror the file as well. For ex. you can run a 1mb game on a 4mb pcb by padding the rom with itself until you reach the 4mb size (it might even work without that depending on whether the game checks those address lines or not).

For SNES a lot of games use extra hardware, but for Genesis this is much less of an issue - scant few titles used even batteries, and the only carts to use extra chips were SSF2 (for bankswitching) and Virtua Racing (SVP chip).

>> No.3921240

Sounds neat. I thought it was far more limited... Got links on where I might be able to read up more on it?
I have been avoiding making a test cart with a socket because I assumed the game had to match the PCB hardware.

>> No.3921270
File: 196 KB, 1012x643, 20140324_104351_1231_pcb_front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the pcb is just a rom cart and two caps, then you only need to match the max size (and the pinout obviously, but those are standardized).

>> No.3921630

The guy crying about how hard it is to make repros uses hack a day instructions. Pointing out these instructions are bad doesn't make me mad or 16.

Link to $5 flash card from china

>20x 27c322s
Or one flash chip with an adapter. You should check hack a day to see if they have an updated version for this

>> No.3921632
File: 94 KB, 500x492, IMG_4290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you kindly fuck off.

>> No.3921640

Really, that's enough. You've had your say

>> No.3921651

TSOP test sockets are finicky, and 29F033 chips from china are usually FUCKING FILTHY.

Clean everything and make sure it's getting a solid connection.

I've had 29F033s that have failed to ID or verify after being seated dozens of times start working when I gave the legs a gentle rub with a fiberglass pen.

The Proper AM29F032 TSOPs were easier because they're usually newer stock.

>> No.3921663
File: 456 KB, 1536x1024, IMG_2478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The guy crying about how hard it is to make repros uses hack a day instructions.

I wasn't using hackaday instructions, I did it on my own. You don't need instructions to change a rom with identical pinout, fucking arcade boards have sockets on the rom chips too, I just duplicated that on a genny cart. And my problem isn't that it is hard to do, just that it isn't worth it.
I did it because I already had a programmer so I might as well have some fun with it. If you want to waste money and a day, then sure, it can be a fun little project. But it is just not as useful as even a Chinese everdrive clone if you just want to make more games playable on your console.

And for the last time it isn't a fucking repro. It's a pcb with a DIP socket on it, which I swap rom chips on, built onto a donor cart with the middle of the front cut out.

>Or one flash chip with an adapter.

If I did that I'd need to whip out the programmer every time I wanted to change games, instead of just popping in a preprogrammed chip from the tray.

P.S. you forgot to end your post in "lel".

>> No.3921881 [DELETED] 

>I made a repro
>And for the last time it isn't a fucking repro
Now that totally deserves a lel. Don't deny it.

>> No.3921901 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure you even know what a repro means? Repro is short for reproduction. If I made a pcb and put a Comix Zone rom in it, put it in a blank case, and put printed artwork of Comix Zone on it, then it would be a Comix Zone repro.

A half gutted case with a socket inside that I can stuck random roms into is not a reproduction of anything.

>> No.3921909 [DELETED] 

You should do some research on what a repro is. OR better yet what it is shorthand for.

>> No.3922573

TFW successfully made a Lagrange point repro over the summer. It was very satisfying flashing those chips and it working.

>> No.3922593

how did you make a "repro" of Lagrange point when you literally need the original cartridge to convert it to english, and it's literally burning a eprom and swapping it in?

>> No.3922725

Repro is just being tossed around as the word of choice. We all knew what was meant, no need to crusify over it.
I did the same thing with final fantasy 3 and sweet home awhile back

>> No.3923515

>waste money and a day
A few bucks and a few minutes is more like it.

Do you know what a repro is?

If you'd used flash you could have added a few shift registers and a CPU and a USB connector and saved your self all that chip swapping. Or rather one could.

>> No.3923628

You understand that flash carts weren't always around? And that chip swapping predates them by decades.

>> No.3924174

I'm not to one touting flash carts. Maybe read the thread before you jump in.

>> No.3924192

>A few bucks and a few minutes is more like it.

It cost around $40-50 or so in materials + shipping. You can get an everdrive for that much.

>Do you know what a repro is?

Bootleg copies of Earthbound sold on ebay for $100.

>If you'd used flash you could have added a few shift registers and a CPU and a USB connector and saved your self all that chip swapping. Or rather one could.

Oh yeah I could also put in an altera there and build an entire fucking everdrive for a few bucks in a few minutes. How stupid of me.

>> No.3924453

>It cost around $40-50
No it doesn't. You don't have a clue what you're talking about. It's a cart, $free-$5 and a chip, $1. Free shipping for both.

>Bootleg copies of Earthbound sold on ebay for $100
Well that explains it. You just don't know what you're talking about. There are plenty of home made repros. Many people followed the same instructions you did.

>I could also put
No you couldn't. You can't even manage to put an EPROM on an old cart for less than $40.

>> No.3925016

Op again.
You guys need to chill out...

My adapter board seems to be not working and I don't have time to mess with it.

I'll definitely be looking for a zif socketed to make some test carts. Thanks for those who have helped.

>> No.3925193

>It's a cart, $free-$5 and a chip, $1. Free shipping for both.

I ordered sockets and 27c322s in bulk, not just a single one. So I can, you know, change games without needing a programmer.

>Many people followed the same instructions you did.

I did not follow any instructions. I did it on my own.

>You can't even manage to put an EPROM on an old cart for less than $40.

No, I put 20 of them on it for $40.

>You just don't know what you're talking about.

Says the guy without reading comprehension. Why don't you tell us what you consider a repro then?

>> No.3925670

how fast do the games start from your socketed cart compared to a genie flashcart?

Thats the only thing stopping me from buying flashcarts, ive seen some videos and it takes 10-15 seconds just to start the game.

>> No.3925686

>how fast do the games start from your socketed cart compared to a genie flashcart?

They play identical to original game since they are the same thing as far as the hardware is concerned. Not counting saves of course.

However you need to exchange the rom chip any time you want to play a different game, and this can get annoying (you don't want to bend the pins). A ZIF socket would've been better, but there are no 42pin 1 inch sockets that I know of, only 20pin, so you'd either be limited to 2mb games or need 2 chips per game. But then the cart wouldn't fit in the console due to the zif socket being too tall, unless you use some custom pcb, and then you also need a different case...

>> No.3926426

Do you think you're fooling anyone? Even yourself?