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File: 18 KB, 400x300, $_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3914187 No.3914187 [Reply] [Original]

Hos come there aren't any new controllers of decent quality for the NES, or any other retro console for that matter, that isn't just plain copies of the original? The only new ones for the NES I can find besides famiclone ones that break really quickly are copies of the original NES controller, complete with sharp edges that dig into your hands, dpad that sucks for games where you move it in circles, and no turbo buttons.

>> No.3914196

I see this question so often I swear to Christ I'm going to start building arcade sticks in shiny boxes from brand new Sanwa parts specifically dedicated to the memest of meme consoles and selling them for $95 a pop.

>> No.3914210

What sharp edges? Dude if controllers hurt you, quit video games now.

Children played NES just fine for HOURS. You have weaker hands than a child. That's sad.

>> No.3914218

It's still an awful design though, and it would be nice if there was some variety like under the console's lifespan.

>> No.3914227
File: 340 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sharp edges
>dpad made to move in circles
>turbo buttons
>so unpopular there's no shortage of new old stock
Son have I got the controller for you

>> No.3914252

Not OP, but that d-pad is ass and a half.

>> No.3914337 [DELETED] 

I agree completely, but it IS good for moving in circles

>> No.3914363
File: 28 KB, 600x414, msxmax[1].jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree completely but it IS good for moving in circles

>> No.3914367

i think the problem is that the nes controller WAS designed for children's hands

>> No.3914395
File: 19 KB, 450x300, 643102-ssps2pad_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd KILL for an official reproduction of pic-related, complete with adapters for every other console. Literally the only good gamepad in production is the DS4 and maybe the XB1 pad.

>> No.3914454
File: 180 KB, 1500x1260, 81t5t0r2bfL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a thing, at least. Not sure how good it actually is, but it has a USB and an NES controller port.

>> No.3914502

>two face buttons
>analog sticks
Who designed this thing?

>> No.3914507

That was the first thing I thought of too, but because it also has a USB port I guess it could also be used for PC games.

It's pretty fucking stupid, though.

>> No.3914531

Same. Saturn, DS1, and GC controllers are the best ever made.
MS should be copying the Saturn controller every time, Sony their original DS, and Nintendo their GC controller.

If it ain't broke...

>> No.3914545

As an adult, I have no problem playing with a stock NES controller.

If it's painful for you, I suggest you stop holding it incorrectly.

>> No.3914563
File: 200 KB, 1096x731, manlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the manlet.

>> No.3914780

That fucking thing looks awful, and has analog sticks but no separate turbo buttons Disgusting.

>> No.3914830

I have man hands and have zero problems with the NES controller.

Again, I suggest you stop holding it incorrectly.

>> No.3914847

Because hipster babies need their toys to look like their grandpas for maximum hipster cred.

>> No.3914857

If only there were hipsters who wanted their stuff to look like Dendys.

>> No.3914864

I'm sure there are in Russia.

>> No.3914869

Well, there's no reproduction Dendy Classic controllers or anything, that's for sure.

>> No.3915003

There are. Dendys are pretty popular with hipsters. And many clones of the various models were made.

Wrong. See above. Many clones of the various models were made.

>> No.3915008

>Many clones of the various models were made
Not unless you count new Famiclones that are meant to replicate the original Famicom, which look like the Dendy Junior. There's no clones of the Dendy Classic for example, or even it's controller as seen in the OP pic.

>> No.3915136

So, wait, is DS4 a good controller or not?
Specifically, is it good for shmups?

>> No.3915184

Top kek kid. The 501 was knocked of massively. I bought a dendy branded one new in a shop last year. Also a dendy branded 1000 clone. I don't even think the 1000 was even ever sold under the dendy name.

>> No.3915193
File: 65 KB, 500x375, 617UgNcuNdL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean those new shitty Famiclones that are just marketed under the Dendy name in Russia due to brand recognition, having nothing to do with the fairly high quality Micro Genius-made clones?

>> No.3915196
File: 114 KB, 384x480, Dendy 501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He pretty clearly said 501, Anon.I don't think he was talking about Levis.

>> No.3915197

That's just a Micro Genius 501, which was rebranded as the Dendy Classic in Russia. I know it was rebranded as the Pegasus 501 or something like that in Poland.

>> No.3915202
File: 24 KB, 600x400, 1_1_301893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no fucking reason they should have changed the nice rounded edges of the Famicom controller to sharp edges that dig into your hands when you play for a long while. The controller should have basically looked like pic related.

>> No.3915254

Micro genius was so koolaid.

>> No.3915257

I have similar issues with the classic NES controller, it must be that your girly hands fit better than ours.

>> No.3915260

I'm in the process of buying 4 Micro Genius controllers for NES.

>> No.3915382

I've been wanting to get one for gauntlet, moving in that game with the dpad hurts

>> No.3915416

I mean fakes that look like the 501 which was called the dendy classic in russia. As with any chink shit if something is even slightly successful other chinks will copy it. And they did. But it seems some people can't get their head around how such things could exist in the 3rd world when they never once saw on at toys r us.

>> No.3915429

I was talking abotu new such machines though, I haven't been able to find any new machines using the Micro Genius designs.

>> No.3915536

You text on a cell phone half as wide. This size complaint makes no sense. Neither does the sharp edges thing.

If you're so out of shape that a controller hurts you, you need to quit video games forever

>> No.3915541

You're holding the controller, it doesn't have to "fit" your hands. Again, you're probably just horribly out of shape that even video games hurt you

>> No.3915545

What sharp edges? The sides are all rounded bro.

>> No.3915845

yeah but you don't do it for hours on end

>> No.3916123

>im shocked they have these at my local toys r us
I'm not the slightest bit shocked they don't or that you're shocked by that.

>> No.3916169

Every word you posted is wrong. Literally every single one. There is not a word of accurate information in your post.

How does that feel?

>> No.3916220

>to sharp edges that dig into your hands when you play for a long while.
For the third time, stop holding it incorrectly.

See above.

>> No.3916745

What are you talking about? I can't find anything like it on AliExpress or Taobao and whatnot.

>> No.3916758

Has anyone tried to mod the NES Classic controller for a real, original NES? I hear that the build of those things are really similar to the originals.

>> No.3916807

>I hear that the build of those things are really similar to the originals
Exactly, it's pretty much an exact copy of the original shitty controller.

>> No.3916824
File: 8 KB, 400x266, gravis_gamepad_pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should have a *gameport* then! And even then, only one minijoystick, but probably a throttle also.

Of course, that's close enough to an N64 controller, so that's what such a pad should be, a regular N64 pad with an extra gameport function, throttle optional. and probably with GRIP protocol too, that way it would be 3 gamepads in one.

>> No.3917569

That was a pretty wonky standard. I think it supported 4 buttons on one controller, if you plugged in two it had to take half of them for the second controller. It was in a way worse than the version of the Atari-standard that the Amiga used.

>> No.3918039

Total of 4 axes and 4 buttons.

Often, it had a four way hat switch instead of the last two axes.

Capcom bundled a gamepad that had signals for the last two axes serve for buttons.

Interact made controllers with switches multiple such modes.

The CH flightstick pro had a throttle and hat switch that functioned simultaneously.

4 Arkanoid paddles at once were also possible.

>> No.3918079

I remember my old Sound Blaster having a gameport. What do you feel was the best controller at the time for DOS games? All I ever saw were the Gravis gamepad, Microsoft Sidewinders, Logitech Wingman, and I think the DOS port of Street Fighter 2 (or Super?) came with a controller too.

>> No.3918640

>What are you talking about?
A foolish baby who can't into finding cheap chink toys. lel

>> No.3918648

How about, and hear me out here, you buy the NES bluetooth adapter, and use your ps3/ps4/Wiiu pro/xbone(maybe, didn't check that one) controller on your original NES?

And it's only 20 dollarinos?

>> No.3918651

Could you guide me to an instructional guide on proper nes controller holding?
Thank you.

>> No.3918654

I personally love it, but I've always loved the feel of dualshocks since I was a kid. But as a controller with good compatibility with almost everything with bluetooth, it's good.

>> No.3918732
File: 367 KB, 1216x531, how to hold an nes controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like so.

You don't give it a death grip, just be casual with it.

>> No.3918948

>sega playstation
>select button
>on a saturn controller

What am I looking at? But yeah saturn d-pads are amazing

>> No.3918958

Same way you should hold most controllers, honestly. I'm not sure I've even used one that benefits from palming it at all, usually just restricts movements.

>> No.3919114

Just no. Also, I don't want to have a load of extra buttons.

>> No.3921180
File: 41 KB, 1000x1000, 51e9FDiJYJL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this one, it works great, even if the face buttons might feel a bit too small at times.

>> No.3922645

Microsoft Sidewinder doesn't work in DOS without a driver.
Many consider the original Gravis Gamepad (the dogbone) the best, but its D-pad feedback is different/stiff than what you get from console controllers.
Gravis Gamepad Pro can give you issues, as they wanted to give you analog qualities with a D-pad, but it causes wonky calibration.
Logitech Wingman is pretty good, but often have plastic dust.
The SF2 controller is related to the Quickshot Super Fightpad 6 I think. If so, it's a bit stiff and the button travel a bit disappointing. Prices are all over the place as are opinions about it.

>> No.3922651

The PC Programpad from Interact feels decent though, more console like.
The CH Gamepad is ok too, if you can live with the awkward orientation of the D-pad.

>> No.3922668

DS4 is plastic and cheap. Why would anyone even buy that if they needed a good controller?

Have you even used the X1? The dpad is by far the only dpad usable for retro gaming. Also the controller doesn't feel like cheap plastic chink shit.

>> No.3922763

How your controller feels plastic chink shit exactly? Because I picked up one for PC stuff lately, and it seems pretty decent so far(even the d-pad). Is the Xbone controller really that much better? And does the D-pad on those offer better response than original controller + adapter?