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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 9 KB, 320x180, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3913270 No.3913270 [Reply] [Original]

>game refuses to acknowledge you have a save if it is in the second slot memory card
fuck every game that does this

>> No.3913285

only a problem 4 u emufag

>> No.3913286

>having 2 memory cards
Wow arent we just mr moneybags

>> No.3913291

memory cards were a mistake

>> No.3913293


>> No.3913305
File: 7 KB, 480x360, cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>releasing games on CD
thank god the industry is moving back to cartridges and solid state

>> No.3913306

Memory was still expensive enough that having an internal storage device wouldn't have been cost effective, right? It'd be neat if the Playstation or Dreamcast had had some sort of internal storage, but given the limitations of the time you would have been constantly playing favorites with what saves you wanted to keep or just transfer to an external card anyway.

>> No.3913521

Is there any game that DOESN'T do this? I always swapped my memory cards to slot 1 because it never read in slot 2 anyway. In fact, I wondered what the point of the second slot was besides transfers

>> No.3913542

>thank god the industry is moving back to cartridges and solid state

Only the Switch does, and it is a huge failure so far. The rest of the industry is moving to digital and cloud. A lot of games already don't get store releases (mostly the indie titles).

>> No.3913543

>huge failure

How so?

>> No.3913553

It's not like ROM chips had an way to store save data. They had to add battery backed RAM or use memory cards like the Neo Geo or N64.

>> No.3913638

So was there a legitimate reason most games didn't pick up slot 2 or could devs just not be bothered programming it? Even in the PS2 era it still happened barring a few games.


This really isn't the board to delve into that. Even a cursory glance at /v/ could probably fill you in.

>> No.3913720

99% of the games don't access the second memory-card slot

>> No.3913727
File: 299 KB, 600x594, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw game says it is checking slot 2 on boot
>mfw after hitting load i can choose the second slot

>> No.3913739

Many N64 games use EEPROM which requires no battery. However, I do agree that memory cards are better just because they're more versatile.

>> No.3913750

>Even a cursory glance at /v/ could probably fill you in.

Yes because underaged kids screaming Nintencucks and falling for the shopped Galaxy S7 image is really going to be so insightful.

>> No.3913776

None of what you said is true. Like not even remotely trying levels of lies.

Indie has tried and failed at physical multiple times, with exceptions of the biggest and best titles.

Switch is constantly sold out, even with buyers knowing the thing is cheaply made with shit like a plastic screen.

MS and Sony both won't go full digital for obvious reasons, or maybe you are too young to remember when MS tried it in 2013 and people flipped.

>> No.3913789

quite on the contrary, only a problem for people who play on the original hardware

>> No.3913790

harry potter on the ps1 read both memory cards. MGS too etc

>> No.3913880

It's cartridges simply aren't a huge failure. I don't need children on another board to confirm anything. Nice cop-out answer though

>> No.3913995


Well it's obviously nothing concrete but it's enough to gauge what kind of reception it's receiving by-and-large. If Nintendo can't get casuals on-board again those underaged kids are the target demo.

>> No.3914042

Megaman legends 1 and 2

>> No.3914046


Saturn has internal saves.

>> No.3914049

>literally 1% of the market
>the whole industry

>> No.3914052

>nintendo is doomed

Nintendo will die. But not in your lifetime.

>> No.3914072

I thought games let you pick which memory card slot to read from?

>> No.3914184
File: 27 KB, 379x568, 176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I play all my PS1 games on my PS2 where slot 2 is dedicated to my FMCB card
Having to swap between my PS2 and PS1 memory cards gets annoying though, why couldn't PS2 memory cards hold PS1 saves?

>> No.3914208

sony introduced magic gate encryption with the ps2 memory cards, probably has something to do with that.

>> No.3914213

So you buy new ones

>> No.3914653

WipeOut XL, jet Moto 2 and driver 2

>> No.3914686

Hard drives were a mistake.

>> No.3914689

Because /v/ says so.

>> No.3914696

>why couldn't PS2 memory cards hold PS1 saves?
I believe they can, but they can't be loaded from by PS1 games.

>> No.3914698

So did Sega CD. They both had enough space for a few games.
I think the Saturn could hold one save of Dragonforce because it takes up 350 of 500 blocks.

>> No.3914915

are any of those mega mem cards for ps1 that are like 8 cards in one reliable?
i remember using a generic memory card for blood omen and it caused the game to crash so i only use first party now and they are so damn small

>> No.3914936
File: 195 KB, 978x759, Dexdrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get a dexdrive, then you can backup all your saves to pc so it doesn't matter if they die.

>> No.3915069

There's copy function if you boot PS1 without a disc.

>> No.3915102

So did the 3DO. I was absolutely shocked when I learned this.

>> No.3915124
File: 223 KB, 3000x1839, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use one of these. the drivers are a bit hard to track down but hey, it works

>> No.3915153

ps1 games can't access ps2-MCs due to magicgate-DRM.
muh nyukka

>> No.3915156

>not backing up ps1/ps2-saves to USB using uLaunchELF