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/vr/ - Retro Games

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389291 No.389291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this what killed the arcades?

>> No.389297


You mean the kid or the games? Kid looks pretty chill, 7/10 would co-op with.

>> No.389304

Nope, consoles getting stronger did.

>> No.389318



Also arcades are still going strong in Japan.

>> No.389321

No. Not necessarily.

1. Console ports and the general marketing being "we bring the arcade experience home so you don't have to go there anymore!"

2. Upkeep. Western arcade owners or places with cabinets almost never repair their own machines, never updated to the latest games unless they were already used and cheap, and just collected quarters until the cabinets melted.

3. "Thug Life" bullshit. Arcades no longer became fun and happy places for children and teenagers. They became seedy places for troublemakers, "thug ass niggahs," and generally sweaty/disgusting gamers that may actually try to beat you up or stab you for throwing them too many times in Street Fighter II.

>> No.389336

>Southern California
>"Family Fun Arcade"
>No fucking families and little kids for almost 15 years
>Nothing but fat and thuggish negroes, spics, and filipino toughguys hanging around all day
>Finally just closed down

It sucks that another arcade died, but the more I think about it...it was dead long ago.

>> No.389349
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Looks like some kiddos couldn't Shoryuken in real life.

>> No.389389

>throw shoryuken
>5 minutes later gets captured by monsanto, dissected alive to discover how you did that and the whole thing gets patented and threw into the "we may use this someday" and obviously killed because now it belongs to monsanto

>> No.389403

What are you guys even talking about...? There's plenty of retro arcades still thriving.

>> No.389407
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And those little kids are still shoryukennin....

>> No.389425

In japan.

>> No.389442

Higher forms of technology killed arcades in the west. Once we had gaming systems that could replicate or even improve upon arcade cabinets we didn't give a shit. We're far less publicly social than the Japanese are.

Hell, the Japanese have near mandatory after-work meetings that involve drinking and having fun with their coworkers. It's to improve group cohesion, or "synergy," or something.

I don't get it at all but apparently they do. Coworkers are assholes and always will be.

>> No.389454

Only retro arcades I know that are still running are out in the midwest...and very few have games from the 90s - like Street Fighter II and III, King of Fighters, Raiden, or Radiant Silvergun. You go to Japan, you can find all those games, and games from 40 years ago, within minutes.

But if you really love Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Galaga, and Frogger...mite b cool!

>> No.389475

Because people would rather sit at home and yell at toddlers over Call of Duty instead of go out and socialize with people they share a common interest with

>> No.389481

We've got a pretty good arcade in Portland called Ground Kontrol. I haven't been yet but the library of games on their website is enticing. Also, it's a bar

>> No.389498


Personally, my mall arcade was brought under by DDR players. They should have gotten rid of it but DDR cabinets cost a LOT.

Once those weird fuckers got in there the whole arcade developed a stigma. It's just not normal to play DDR in the states. Since we prefer actually dancing.

>> No.389532

That's because arcade owners in America are smart enough to know that fighting games and shmups keep average people away from arcades.

>> No.389534

That's rubbish about technical specs. Arcades can always be better than consoles since they are a larger unit. At the release of the 360 you could have made an arcade cabinet based on the console running at a higher clock speed because the thing wouldn't melt in a big cabinet like it would in a little box with a couple of tiny fans.

There are multiple complicated reasons why the arcades died but graphics aren't it.

>> No.389535
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>the arcade at Cedar Point
I used to be afraid of rides, so I'd spend all day in there.

>> No.389537

Most arcades in America are kept by people who know little about videogames. The arcade I always used to go to, Whimsey in Stockton, CA (It shut down.) NEVER updated its games, so we were stuck playing the same games for months and months- boring.

Most arcade owners couldn't even do something as simple as switch out MVS carts in a Neo-Geo every once in awhile. I thought it would be a cool idea for an arcade owner to switch out Neo-Geo games daily or weekly to keep customers coming in.

Japan also has the 100 yen coin for most of tis machines while we have the quarter. 100 yen is worth almost 5 times as much as the quarter. So you can see the huge difference in revenue there.

>> No.389538
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>Arcade Japan - Dead
>Arcade Infinity - Dead
>Chinatown Fair - Dead (basically...)
>Denjin Arcade - Dead
>Family Fun Arcade - Dead
>UCLA's "Cooperidge" Arcade - Dead

>All these arcades have died in the last 5 years


>> No.389553

That picture made me pull out my lip balm and put it on.

>> No.389558

To be fair though, they did get a Deal or No Deal redemption game. I thought all redemption games sucked except for skee-ball and basketball. But adding Deal or No Deal was actually a cool idea for a redemption game.

>> No.389561

But arcades aren't going on strong anymore - the squeenix ceo stepped down due to giant losses, and their arcade scene in japan losing them money

>> No.389562


To be fair, arcade cabinets are very expensive. I have three in my house and I got lucky to get them.

The retro stuff is pretty damn expensive in good condition. Nowadays that's all people give a shit about western side.

>> No.389569


>to be fair

What the fuck, are you me?

>> No.389582

>Thinking he's the only one who uses the phrase 'To be fair,'

>> No.389601


They could have, but they did not.

In the west nobody cares, so you rarely see anything in still-existing arcades that outdoes consoles.

Well then, nothing can beat a PC these days. Which has become a staple. Japan gives zero fucks about PC gaming outside of visual novel games.

>> No.389603
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>tfw missed out on a ZAXXON cabinet for $200 because the store's going out of business
>tfw ZAXXON was pretty much your childhood
>tfw broke as shit

>> No.389605
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One of the reasons nobody talks about is Arcade Culture. Culture in an Arcade is very different in the West than it is in the East.

In the USA for most fighting game cabinets pre-2008, gamers play side-by side, usually on the same cabinet. It can be intimidating to other players to want to challenge a player they can see, who they don't know, and will likely bump up against them constantly. Most Americans do not necessarily welcome a "challenge" or even a 2nd player sometimes, which can also lead to resentment of other players and a more volatile atmosphere. Complex games tend to scare off newcomers. Often player's have to ask permission if they even want to play co-op or versus.

In Japan, they play head-to-head in two separate cabinets. Player's do not have to see each other if they do not want to, and can concentrate on the game at hand. Player's welcome co-op and head-to-head challenge, and most only go to the arcade solely to be challenged. The more complex a game, the greater challenge it is to master it and therefore the greater accomplishment felt once mastered. It's about getting better through trial, error, and experience - a journey instead of a gauntlet.

>> No.389608
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Arcade Nostalgia thread?

Pic related; I won so many tickets from this thing back in the day. Still one of my favorite machines after all this time. Luckily for me, there are a few good arcades around where I live that still get a steady flow of business.

>> No.389618

I still go to Cal Poly Pomona's arcade sometimes. Nice place, usually well-kept (CvS2 isn't displaying anything red) and usually good players there. Not exactly hip with the Yu-Gi-Oh players that seem to live in the corner but still a nice place to go if you're in the area.

>> No.389621

I think fighting games and games like DDR can almost be toxic to an arcade because you get those people who play them constantly and are very good, then nobody wants of play because it'll be a stomp. I don't see it as fun and its not cool to stand side by side to someone who is going to just devastate you. You might as well pitch your quarters in the trash.

>> No.389640
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I would have loaned you the 2 for the zaxxon

If you put one of those ash tray mods on it

>> No.389647


They are.

It's the competitive nature that the west has rather than cooperative that makes arcades fail here. It's just a difference of philosophy and culture.

>> No.389651

Well, how can you ever expect to get better if you're not willing to play against people better than you...?

That's kind of a pussy argument, but I agree it can be intimidating to actually stand next to someone, seeing as how small and cramped Western arcades and cabinets can get.

....Which is why, they do it and have done it better in Japan for the past 30 years.

>> No.389660

I was at an arcade once and I was playing KoF XI with a friend since it's the one fighting game he can consistently beat me at. Some guys start playing 3rd Strike near us so I figure after I get my ass kicked again I'll go try them at that. So I put my quarter down on the machine like any regular person does (they even have the little slots for them) and the guy asks me "you giving this to me?"
I say "no, I've got next game." and he starts getting kinda huffy. So I lose at KoF and they finish and I take a seat next to the guy who won. He goes "You ready? You ready?" getting all up in my face about it and I'm starting to expect an actual fight. I don't care, I either win or get a big lawsuit because I know there are cameras around. So the match starts and he literally just stands up and walks away.

He just... walks away. To this day I don't know what the hell he was trying to prove to me. It's not like I figured "oh he's gone well that means I can't play anymore!" I double perfected his nonexistent Ryu and then played the computer until someone else came.

I don't understand it, /vr/. To this day I still don't know why the Hell he didn't even try.

>> No.389664

America does have a lot of great cooperative games too. Most of the beat-em-ups and shoot-em-ups were co-ops. Pinball is a lot more popular in America than Japan- I really haven't seen many pinball games in Japan.

>> No.389668
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Fighting Games are 1v1, head to head multiplayer games. There's no teammates to blame or bitch at if you lose. There's typically no RANDUMB elements - at least in real fighting games. There's just you, the other player, and the character knowledge/skills you both have.

It's intimidating and can feel frustrating, but the games only get better and more fun the better you become at them. But not everyone has the patience for that sort of thing. I can respect that - but don't hate...

>> No.389674


In Japan they love lights and especially sounds.

Just look at the difference between a cities like LA and Tokyo. Tokyo, fucking lights and sounds everywhere. For fucks sake, even the signs talk to you in Tokyo. In the west that would be considered extremely irritating.

>> No.389680

I don't live near arcades, so when I visit them its just for the day. Playing a super competitive game like that wouldn't be any real practice because I'd have so little time to do it. I'm better off playing other games like shmups that I'd be good on my own or co-op with.

I will say, though, from my short experiences in arcades in the city, fucking asians are always around the DDR and fighting games cabinets. The white people aren't, though.

>> No.389686


In the US when people get really mad during coop they hip check...butt smash the other person and send them flying.

>> No.389691

>ctrl f online
>0 results
Players don't have to leave home anymore to get in game interaction. The whole experience has been consolidated (see what I did there), furthermore you don't have to spend quarters.

>> No.389693
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Arcade Odyssey - GOIN' STRONG

>> No.389701

Hell naw, nigga, we're playing air hockey and Captain America and the Avengers and TMNT and Time Cop and 'stop the light in the bonus area for tickets'.

>> No.389702

>The whole experience has been consolidated (see what I did there), furthermore you don't have to spend quarters.

Funny though, we would go from arcades, where you spend small amounts of money for small amounts of play time, to hard games where you spend larger amounts for larger times, back to small amounts for small times (DLC and micro transactions).

>> No.389703

Because "white people" for the past 20 years were part of the "EVERYONE GETS A TROPHY" problem. Asians are taught early, with shit like Kumon math drills and constant pressure from family tradition - to ALWAYS compete to make up for their small, hairless bodies and small dicks.

"Why desire to compete if you have a chance at losing?" - Modern whiteboys.

>> No.389707


also that coop tmnt game

>> No.389713

DDR just doesn't seem to attract white people for some reason. I mostly see asians and blacks playing DDR. In fact, most arcades don't have a lot of white people in them, the only whites are usually there for pinball or redemption.

>> No.389724

You are 100% right

Arcades didn't change, the clientele did

>> No.389730

Raiden, Metal Slug, and Pork, all in a row.
You better believe I jelly.

>> No.389732

Well, you pretty much hit exactly what I play whenever I get a chance to go to an arcade.

Almost exactly.

I think its because of my brother (with whom, in terms of gaming, I'm practically joined at the hip with). We tend to play lots of co-op games together.

Like I said earlier, I don't bother with the fighting or DDR games because I never get to go to arcades, so when I do those games would basically be a waste. I'll play matches against my bro or something, but not against people who are obviously going to make me waste my quarters.

>> No.389735

Naturally there was a caveat to "no quarters" and minus things like air hockey and sit down racers, much of the experience has been delegated to what today's consoles can do.

>> No.389741
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>love DDR
>fat and 6'6
>asians keep giving me horrified looks
>terrible at the game

>> No.389747

>3. "Thug Life" bullshit. Arcades no longer became fun and happy places for children and teenagers. They became seedy places for troublemakers, "thug ass niggahs," and generally sweaty/disgusting gamers that may actually try to beat you up or stab you for throwing them too many times in Street Fighter II.
ahaha what gated community did you grow up in

Arcades were always THE seediest places kids could legally hang out at. Pretty much anything past that involved crime of some sort.

>> No.389752

The one important thing that today's consoles CAN'T realistic do is provide a competitive atmosphere.

No, not for players, silly. For the games. When you buy a home game, that's it. It's too later, the developer has your money no matter what. In the arcade, they have to keep fighting for it, constantly.

>> No.389754
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>muchimuchi poku
Is it a porn game or a shooter?

>> No.389757

>waste my quarters.

See, that's the problem with Western mentality. If you're not "winning," you view it as a waste of time and effort instead of a learning experience. And then you continue to do nothing but JUMP and MASH HEAVY PUNCH/KICK the match because "it worked fine on your brother."

I'll stop giving you shit, but...c'mon, dude. Could you be anymore of a stereotype?

>> No.389770

Not the same guy but my arcade/laser tag place was always the safest place for kids and there were never really any shady people there.

>> No.389782


That atmosphere does not exist in the states or in Europe. It's an unfortunate reality regarding the state of things.

We just don't care. That's what happens when cultures are intermixed to a ridiculous degree.

>> No.389785

Dude, I've played my fair share of competitive games, considering how long I had been on top of Dota, Starcraft, etc. I literally get to go to an arcade maybe once every 5 years. I am not shitting you. When I go, there is no way I'm going to spend my quarters fucking around with some guy who is going to perfect me in Street Fighter, let alone play those games because I've never been a big fighting game fan (owned many of the best consoles for it and never even had Marvel vs Capcom 2, for instance).

Besides that, I'd much rather play air hockey. That game is fun as fuck and its competitive.

>> No.389789

Any other White guys here who are good at DDR/ fighting games? There are still arcades near me that I go to semi-regularly and usually most of the guys are pretty cool about the whole thing win or lose, but now and then you'll get an Asian who is just baffled when he loses to me. They always come in so cocky and then they just keep plunking quarters in until they're out. Then they walk away, never saying a word.

Unrelated, I also like the guys who are willing to talk and help you at fighting games. Normally if I'm curbstomping someone who's obviously new I'll try to help them out but I'll go out of my way to make someone better if they actually talk with me. Like, waste quarters so they can train on me.
Had a Black guy teach me the basics of Guilty Gear that way the first time I played it. He was really cool, taught me about Venom and how all of the characters worked and stuff. Never learned his name, only met him once but I still remember him. He was a bro.

>> No.389791

I think this thread needs a healthy dose of a certain article, there are probably people here who haven't read it... Now, now, I know what you're about to say, you're about to cry and whine about the author, but this will be the healthy dose of reality that many people here need.


I'd suggest you read all the way through it if you haven't. Yes, this might be addressing some of you. Yes, it's probably insulting some of you.

Yes, if this is the case, you do deserve it.

>> No.389794
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>that character select screen

>> No.389798

remember as a kid I would see some arcade machines in the grocery store.
>mom gave me a few dollars for quarters
>play metal slug while she buys whatever mexican moms bought for groceries
Fuck man, now when I go to the grocery store with someone I "have" to walk around with them. What is this bullshit? I just want to screw off and play metal slug

>> No.389802

That depends on whether or not you're a chubby chaser.

>> No.389807

>only played this game once before
>getting plowed repeatedly by someone who's there every day on just this machine
>limited budget for the day
It's not the quarters I'd see it as a waste, so much, but a waste of time.
If you plan on getting good at the game? If you're looking to compete and be part of that 'scene'? Sure, it's a worthwhile investment.
But whites usually aren't looking for a worthwhile investment at an arcade, that's what M-F is for. They're looking to blow laundry money and change, and relax.

>> No.389813

If you're going to an arcade to "relax", you are there for the wrong reasons, period.

>> No.389810
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>goes to one "every 5 years"
>in an arcade thread

Oh pffff...then get the fuck out this conversation!
It's like the guy who goes bowling every 5 years and complains about paying for shoes.

You're out of your element, Donny!

>> No.389816


mine was filled with smoke, guys with denim jackets with iron maiden back patches, drugs, homemade slug fake quarters and a guy selling illegal fireworks out of a shopping cart.

>> No.389824

I guess it depends on what one might consider a serious arcade.

I've been to, say, Mr Gatti's craptacular backrooms all the time, but they do still have air hockey, which is good enough for me.

They might even have a fighting game or two.

>> No.389840

>if you aren't playing games for my reasons, you're playing them the wrong reasons

>> No.389854

Maybe you and I relax differently. I like hitting the pinball machines and getting eyes from the cute DDR girls. If you like reading Harlequins on the beach that's your thing. I'm not the one telling you how to have fun, though.

>> No.389856

>But then again it's also not one we should be worried about, because it's not just unrealistic, but also practically impossible. Because an arcade is a magical place that can transform ignorant, whiny kids into fucking ninjas. It's just how it works: you walk in a trash-talking, limp-wristed, Final Fantasy-playing, useless idiot, and you walk out finally humble and respectful towards skill-based games and the players who take them on.

I remember the first time I was humbled at Street Fighter, but I still kept playing and I got better. I still get beaten from time to time, but I never assume anything about myself or the person I'm playing until the fight is over.

The scariest person to play against in an arcade is the person who says he's "okay" at the game. Anyone who says they suck probably does and anyone who says they're good probably just hasn't been humbled yet.

>> No.389858

No, stop trying to justify it. Nothing in an arcade should be "relaxing". I have a feeling you're one of the people that should go read >>389791

>> No.389867

You are going to a place to play games...that are originally and intentionally designed to take your money every 45 seconds or less....and challenge your hand eye reflexes to their limit...to "relax."

Which one of us is stupid, again?

>> No.389876

>intentionally designed to take your money every 45 seconds or less
Come on now, that's simply false. Most arcade games are challenging but fair. Fucking Gauntlet.

>> No.389881

This attitude is why western arcades are dead.

Please put away your knife, don't stab me for throwing you a few times in a row.

>> No.389885

>Please put away your knife, don't stab me for throwing you a few times in a row.
I don't know where you got that idea into your head. The points I'm making and things I'm posting and this nonsense have nothing in common.

>> No.389886

I find air hockey to be very relaxing to play, actually, even if it is very competitive.

If you get a good flow going, its like water over a stone.

>> No.389895


every weekend on the police scanner for dave and busters 911 calls.

>> No.389896

>thinking arcades are safe places to hang out
I guess none of you played Earthbound.

>> No.389910


I'll say it again- fucking California.

>> No.389914

Tell me the truth anon, did you ever hadouken with a lighter between your palms?

>> No.389915

I love Super Arcade though I am more partial to Round One in City of Industry. Once saw Justin Wong at the boba place a ways over. I was tripping the fuck out to say the least.

>> No.389918

At least we still have arcades.

>> No.389921

>Whimsey in Stockton, CA
what about naughty nick's

>> No.389932
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I have demanding shit to do at work, responsibilities. Stress.
There's nothing demanding in going to an arcade. Nothing's expected of me. I can compete or not compete at my leisure. I can play someone at Street Fighter, and I can do my best, and I can win. Or I can lose. There's nothing hanging on it but my own personal stake in it, what I choose to give to it.

I mean, really, telling someone they can't relax in an arcade? Okay.
I've read it, interesting article, but it's not exactly Zeitgeist

>> No.389934


Yeah, and you have psychopathic morons who make the entire nation look stupid.

I won't even go into how your gun control laws mean fuck all.

>> No.389942

Super Arcade is nice too but it tends to be dirtier and less well-kept except for the popular games. I used to go to that Boba place there too, Lolicup I believe it's called. Never been to Round One. I should go sometime.
I do like James Games in Upland since I live near there. They keep that place really nice and the owner actually knows how to fix his machines. The scene is kinda small and there isn't much good competition there, plus it's inundated with stoners in the back but at least they're pretty mellow and non-thuggish. If you're ever in the area you might want to check it out.

>> No.389943

We have 3...and one of them is technically not even a real arcade. Super Arcade, Japan Arcade (which despite their recent efforts, is still full of broken shit and a crappy work staff), and Round 1.

And none are in the most convenient locations, unless you live in WALNUT...

>> No.389945

>go to a corner arcade in Boston for years
>as long as I was with my older brother, we could walk there by ourselves
>the projects start creeping northward from South Boston
>notice a lot of seedy people around
>groups of kids start milling about, harassing people for quarters
>there was a stabbing over Tekken when I was 12
>mom wouldn't let us go alone anymore
>shooting when I was 15
>mom didn't want me going at all
>closed down by the time I entered college

On the bright side, a few hipster arcades opened up in the richer parts of downtown.

Movie theaters and bowling allies have them too.

>> No.389947

I didn't tell you that you "can't relax in an arcade".
I said that if you're going to an arcade to relax, you're there for the wrong reasons, as arcades are not relaxing places.

>> No.389951

Arcades died in my town because of stupid 70's conservative bylaws. You couldn't have an arcade within 10 kilometres of a school. This leaves one small block in the heart of downtown that's kinda shit for an arcade to run business, and nobody went there.

For the rest of the west, though, I think it's based around a myriad of factors. An attachment to permanent ingame progression (ala perks, levels, achievements, which isn't really possible at arcades), the advent of online gaming with relatively little latency, and a focus on letting the player progress the game no matter what.

>> No.389952
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In Shenmue, Chai challenges you to a fight inside of an arcade.

Whimsey arcade in Stockton, CA had a stabbing. It closed down I think a year after that, because the owner was hospitalized and couldn't afford rent.


The official statement is that it was a random act of violence. Some arcade goer's thought that it was over a fight of Capcom vs SNK 2.

>> No.389957

Er, I guess I should correct myself. Arcades are now relaxing places due to people who want to go there to relax and play ticket redemption games and generally not actually try to play the games properly.

>> No.389958

Everyone has psychopathic morons. We just have more because we have more people in general.

As for our gun laws, I think the assault rifles are pretty stupid but then I don't know anyone who has one.

>> No.389964

Maybe not to you.

I enjoy arcades for the same reason the guy you quoted does. I can enjoy them at my leisure. Anything I take part in is my own choice. I can pick anything I want.

Also, TMNT or a shmup with a good friend is always good chill fun. Tons of fun on Area 51 when I was younger.

>> No.389965


the old dream machine is the last holdout of the nantasket beach glory days,

>> No.389967


I do, locked in a safe and it stays there; where the damn thing belongs.

Other states have control and reason. Go to /b/ or /k/ if you want to discuss it further.

>> No.389982

>a stabbing in Stockton
>at the mall

>> No.389985

Anyone ever go to Nickel City in San Diego?

It was pretty nice until illegal immigration ramped up in the early 00s.

>> No.389989
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>it's not incredibly cathartic absolutely stomping someone in tekken after a shitty week at work
Riiight. Well, whatever. Enjoy your crusade for the proper way to enjoy the 'arcade experience', I guess.

>> No.389994

Last time I was at an arcade was on the Santa Cruz boardwalk.

Two fucking dollars for some machines was outrageous

>> No.390001

Is Nickel City like Nickel Nickel where you pay a few bucks to enter but then everything costs a nickel and they even have free games in the back?
Used to have a Nickel Nickel around here but they ended up closing down.

>> No.390003

Eh. Look at the state of arcades in the US. It's already a lost cause.
If anything, I'll be trying to wrap my mind around the concept of an activity that requires concentration, reflex, and pushing one's self can be "relaxing", and why someone would go to a place revolving around that activity seeking that kind of experience.

>> No.390006

Sounds like Gameworks.

>> No.390012


oh right I was out there a summer or two ago..I forget..some pinball...penny distorters...driving games...and they sold fried twinkies

>> No.390015

Nickel Nickel was the closest thing I had to an arcade and it's still up and running. Too bad going to a kid's party place is my only way to play arcade games.

>> No.390031

Hey man, it beats Chuck E. Cheese. See if you can get your bros into the same games you're into and maybe start a casual scene.

>> No.390034

It's all the exhilaration of challenging oneself without adult responsibilities and the dire consequences of reality. How is that not relaxing?

Unless the other dude is gonna shank you after losing or some shit.

>> No.390039

>Is Nickel City like Nickel Nickel where you pay a few bucks to enter but then everything costs a nickel and they even have free games in the back?

Yup! Some games cost two or three nickels, but it was overall fairly cheap. The place was loaded every time I went there (late 90s).

The free games were mostly stuff that other people didn't play so much. They had Cyberbots, Three Wonders, Bomberman, etc. It was awesome.

Unfortunately, the area it was in got dangerous as fuck, so it shut down a while later.

>> No.390051

Because those things can be fun, but you don't have any pressure to perform. We have pressure every day at work, at college, and with our families, but an arcade, even if you're fighting another person at Street Fighter or something, there is no pressure. You can walk away at any time (unless they stab you). You can play pac man by yourself, or play with a friend who is just as good or bad as you are, or play co-op games. There's a lot of variety (depending on arcade), and there's a little something for everyone if they're willing to look.

I personally can't understand this idea of "oh, if you dont' step up to the fighting game, you're a kiddie who wants free wins". Plenty of those games are challenging (hell, those shmups can be downright brutal) even played by yourself. I can challenge myself in many ways other than fighting games (Which I generally detest anyways. The only ones I've ever really gotten into are Marvel vs Capcom and Soul Caliber 2. The bit of Street Fighter I've played has been fun, but gets tedious to me).

>> No.390059

I heard Litwak's Arcade on Route 93 is doing pretty well.

>> No.390079

But of course there is pressure. You ARE trying to win or do your best, right? Of course, because you'd be a fool to play an arcade game otherwise.

You don't honestly expect me to believe that you make it to the final area and then feel nothing, do you? Or when you're neck and neck with another player, or beating your own best or the high score? The pressure is there, to perform well.

And if it's not, then maybe this kind of thing isn't for you. It's understandable, it isn't for most, which is why arcades are dead.

>> No.390118

>Or when you're neck and neck with another player, or beating your own best or the high score? The pressure is there, to perform well.

There is no pressure, because if I lose, we slap each other on the back and play some more, or play a different game. If I don't beat my score, I say "Oh well, maybe next time."

That isn't to say you might not be trying your best, but that doesn't indicate pressure levels (you can do well under no pressure, or bad under great pressure).

I don't know why you have such a focus on arcades being these intense, pressure filled environments. I don't define my experiences at an arcade by how much I was pressured or pushed. I define it my how much fun I had, whether I won or not.

If you have to win to have fun, maybe you'll be pressured, but my friends or family and I are content enough to play and have fun. You don't have to beat a game to have a blast playing it. If I had to win to have fun, then pac man would never been fun.

>> No.390123


Good lord, I can't remember if I ever had acne that bad. At least put on some lotion, kid.

>> No.390126

There we go.
I was waiting for that. I knew it was coming.

>> No.390136

That's actually not too true, PC gaming has been on the rise in Japan as well, especially with stupid shit like e-sports on the rise.

Definitely not as big as consoles, though

>> No.390145

>And if it's not, then maybe this kind of thing isn't for you. It's understandable, it isn't for most, which is why arcades are dead.

Not the guy you're responding to, but you sound like a real chode.

Challenging yourself with something difficult IS relaxing if your divorce your ego from your performance in the game, which is why video games are popular forms of entertainment. Challenging someone to MvC is fine when you can both walk away as friends. Sure, if you get beaten, you sometimes feel chuffed, but - as has been mentioned in the thread - the best people at any arcade game are those who say "yeah, I'm okay" when asked if they're good at a game. They don't care.

For the neckbeard (you), it's probably a matter of life or death, and thus the game becomes a chore because your bruised ego needs to be assuaged by absolutely destroying the next inexperienced 10 year-old that wanders into the arcade. Hah, what a noob, right? If he can't deal with the heat, he should get out of the kitchen. Seriously though, people go to arcades to have fun, and as faggoty as it sounds, the biggest part about having fun is leaving your M-F 7-5 work persona at the door and pushing your skills to the limit.


>> No.390146

that fucking "stop the light in the bonus area"
>Hits button
>Hits button
>Hits button
>Hits button


>> No.390150

>implying playing for fun means that I lack skill

You're putting an insane amount of emphasis on this sort of intense gaming environment where a loss is crushing or something. You can play really well, put a lot of effort into it, yet not feel pressured or not be relaxed.

I never said once that playing like that isn't fun. I even said "if you have to win to have fun." Because its true. There's a lot of players to have fun from winning. I know for sure my experience with Dota had me like that as well. I detest losing in that game, although a good match can be fun even if its a loss.

So stop putting words in my mouth by quoting shitty blogs, please.

>> No.390164

This is true. I guess parents just got more paranoid about that stuff -- it seems like that's a pretty big difference between the 80s and the 90s.

>> No.390170
File: 363 KB, 392x668, 1350643134389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UCLA's "Cooperidge" Arcade - Dead




>> No.390172

I get a kick out of this guy. He's trying so hard to tell us arcades are dead because of casuals. He's also trying to tell us competitive games are competitive. He honestly thinks we all spend the whole time playing Pac-Man and dying on the first level and getting one ticket.

Pressure to do your best exists, yes. Pressure to do your best because you'll be homeless and unemployable if you don't, not exactly the same thing. I'm not going to starve if I don't beat this turbo-nerd at Virtua Fighter. I probably will beat him, anyway, but it's nice knowing if I lose it isn't the end of the world, I can shake his sweaty hand, and ask for a rematch next weekend.

>> No.390176

>For the neckbeard (you), it's probably a matter of life or death, and thus the game becomes a chore because your bruised ego needs to be assuaged by absolutely destroying the next inexperienced 10 year-old that wanders into the arcade.

I love how people are completely incapable of separating the idea of playing a game seriously and giving it your all from... this. You've got the nerve to insult me when you make ridiculous assumptions like this and make completely unrelated accusations?

"Pressure" does not mean "OH MY GOD I HAVE TO WIN OR I'LL THROW A TANTRUM" or whatever nonsense you're putting in my mouth.

But whatever, relax as you play your ticket redemption games, get no high scores, never even approach fighting games because you have no intent to get better, and so on.

Relax. It's what arcades are there for now.

>> No.390178

>He's also trying to tell us competitive games are competitive.
Yes and fun things are fun.

>> No.390183

Kind of agreeing here. You can have an intense fight that comes down to the wire and regardless of the outcome enjoy the match. Being competitive and finding the experience relaxing aren't mutually exclusive. This isn't always the case of course but I'm sure people play basketball to relax or go bowling to relax just by taking their minds off of the struggles of their daily lives and being around people with common interests.

>> No.390191

>Challenging yourself with something difficult IS relaxing if your divorce your ego from your performance in the game

See, this is what I've been saying. I don't mind fighting games in good company. Just a few weeks ago we had a ridiculous 8 hour binge of MvC2 and MvC3. It was very fun, yet nobody got angry, we even all agreed not to use specific characters just to make it more fun, etc. All fun, no pressure, yet we were playing at max skill, but no egos were bruised, and nobody had to get stabbed.

You can be relaxed and still play at a high skill level. The anon you quoted doesn't seem to understand this, or the point I'm making about that. I never said "oh, if I played more I'd beat them" or that they aren't having fun because they're good. I'm saying I can have fun without feeling pressured, whereas his point seems to be that without pressure there is no fun. That's fine if that's how it is for him. Lots of people like to be in a limelight or "hear the roar of the crowd" if you will. I'm just personally content with a couch and some close friends. Does it mean we don't put a lot of skill or effort into it? No, but the contexts are markedly different.

>> No.390197

I love how we're all saying the same thing, except one guy is saying it really loudly and aggressively.

>> No.390202

>and nobody had to get stabbed
How long are you going to keep doing this, anon? You've been at it for quite awhile.
>Hey, this guy thinks arcades aren't places to relax, I bet he's a violent individual who is likely to stab people!

>> No.390210

>Pressure to do your best exists, yes. Pressure to do your best because you'll be homeless and unemployable if you don't, not exactly the same thing. I'm not going to starve if I don't beat this turbo-nerd at Virtua Fighter. I probably will beat him, anyway, but it's nice knowing if I lose it isn't the end of the world, I can shake his sweaty hand, and ask for a rematch next weekend.

This is my take.

The difference between "casuals" and "turbo-nerds" isn't that one "plays to have fun" and the other "plays to win."

Both of them play to win, but the "casual" derives fun from challenging himself while the "turbo-nerd" stakes his entire identity and self-esteem on his victory. This is why you see so many people going into autistic rages on games like League of Legends. Their misery in life forces them to take things too seriously in a game. That little victory in a game of Monster N' Magicks helps bolster their crippled self-image.

>> No.390209

Agreeing with you but I gotta tell ya, being on the wire with a large crowd cheering behind you gets you fucking pumped. It feels amazing, especially (and obviously) when you win.

>> No.390214

And then calling us casuals.
>But, then, doesn't that make you a casual for agreeing with us, anon-kun?

>> No.390216

>But whatever, relax as you play your ticket redemption games, get no high scores, never even approach fighting games because you have no intent to get better, and so on.

Its very clear you haven't attempted to understand a word we've been saying and will stay mad, but we've said time and time again that not feeling pressured has no correlation with skill. As others pointed out, that guy in the arcade thats "just okay" at some game is likely to be one of the best, because he feels he has little pressure on him. He plays for fun.

The difference between feeling pressured or not is that I don't have anything riding on the game. No ego, money, or anything. If I lose, we shake hands and go on our way. If we win, I hoot and holler and shake hands and start another match or go on our way.

>> No.390220

Graffix killed arcade. Once upon a time arcade offered ZOMGWTF graffix far beyond what could be achieved on home consoles and even PC. As consoles and PCs beefed up, arcades stagnated and people stopped giving a fuck.

Arcades still exist in places though, like at airports. Shit is fun.