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File: 467 KB, 586x567, m2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3892128 No.3892128 [Reply] [Original]

>We're excited to say that we got our hands on a MOTHER 2 prototype cartridge! We'll be streaming Saturday and doing a dump of the ROM too!

yall niggas ready??????

>> No.3892134

This says a lot of the mother community

>> No.3892136

so an even more shit version of memebound?

>> No.3892269

Looked like "steaming...dump" when I opened the picture. Appropriate I'm sure.

>> No.3892270
File: 64 KB, 550x537, 1446689458488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3892360

It is an April Fools "joke."

That is a legit SNES/SFC EPROM board, no doubt, but if you look closely, the first EPROM slot is empty, which does not make sense. There have been NOS examples of this board for sale over recent years and, from looking, this might even still be in its original bag (I know those are the official schematics that come with a new board and are only very rarely found alongside used boards).

Also, their twitter seems to be amazingly unprofessional and childish relative to it being the official twitter for a crowdfunded movie. They're pulling some sort of promotional prank, and when people get pissed, they'll pin it on the nonexistent "benefactor who prefers to remain anonymous" who they references in a followup tweet, thereby absolving themselves of wrongdoing, earning some degree of sympathy for being "conned," and getting some degree of promotion as a result. On the other hand, if it goes well and people take it as an April Fools joke, they'll take credit for it.

So, yeah, this is bullshit.

>> No.3892395

>Apr 1
yeah, sure, whatever.

>> No.3892472

>April 1st

>> No.3892481

I bet they had to trade off their prototype of TMNT2 with Simon Belmont

>> No.3893025



>> No.3893260

99% sure they'll be faggots and go "april fools XD". Even then if it is somehow real this is pretty cool.
Damn, is hating EB still the big /vr/ meme?

>> No.3893394

>Damn, is hating EB still the big /vr/ meme?
We don't hate game, just fans.

>> No.3893468

lol i'll do a dump on the rom if you know what i mean

>> No.3893513



>> No.3893641


The best way would be it being real. Everyone is like "April 1st- yeeaah right", and then they could be like APRIL FOOLS!- it was real the whole time. That would actually be the only way to do a real april fool, because everyone and their grandma noticed the date close to this announcement and are like "yeeahhhh, whatever..."

>> No.3893653

>Earthbound, game full of quirky unfunny humor
>fan community makes quirky unfunny joke

>> No.3893813

>I misread post as Earthbound 2 and immediately thought this was for Mother 64.

I'll still check it out

>> No.3893949


I'd not considered the double trick option. Though, chances are slim that they have a prototype of the game, just because prototypes are quite rare and it seems that private collectors generally aren't ones to release stuff for free, much less via some kids making a documentary. Yeah, sure, anything is possible, but them actually having it is the least likely scenario. And if they did, why not withhold the ROM/footage and have snippets as a documentary exclusive, to build hype and whatnot? Why just build hype a mere 48hrs before releasing it for free? And then, if it is truly for preservation, release the ROM after the movie has been out for a year.

>> No.3894249
File: 90 KB, 500x375, holy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah remember these?
how much did they get bought for again? Somewhere in the $4,000 range?

And it's a copy of simcity64, and 3 copies of mario artist talent studio.

poor eb64, it was probably nowhere near done and so many people got their hopes up.

>> No.3894530

>poor eb64, it was probably nowhere near done and so many people got their hopes up.

Wasn't that the word of the guy in charge? They didn't know what they were doing trying to make a 3D RPG, everything was taking forever and all they had was a bunch of proof-of-concept scenes in lieu of a game.

>> No.3894547

apparently there is an interview with one of the devs from Brownie Brown wherein he states that they had access to a cart version of Mother3/EB64 while making Mother 3 for GBA.

check earthboundcentral

>> No.3894613

Newfags think that the game is supposed to be hated simple because it's "always been that way" when it was just the fans that were hated.

>> No.3894759


>> No.3894787


>> No.3894796


>> No.3894964

lol i'll do a dump on your mom if you know what i mean.

I've heard she's into it.

>> No.3895710

she is but that's fine cause everyone has their kinks.

>> No.3895750

unless it's uncensored, who gives a shit

>> No.3896329

Happy April fools day I guess.

>> No.3896342


>> No.3896345

JHWH shall smite you heathen scum.

>> No.3896387

Oh cool it would be basically be Mother 0 except run like shit cause Iwata (RIP) hadn't fixed it yet. What a catch!

>> No.3896430

6.30 est

>> No.3896484
File: 33 KB, 622x149, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're gonna stream Undertale instead as a joke.

>> No.3896497
File: 326 KB, 960x1440, p13448346_b_v8_ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're gonna stream bones instead

>> No.3896698

Outside of the .01% chance that this is real, it'll be interesting to see how they try to backpedal once they find out that their followers don't appreciate the joke.

>> No.3896931

EB fans are spergs but are less obnoxious than NES belt buckle faggots

>> No.3897437

Stream starting now, probably nothing though.

>> No.3897452

Its fake, just revealed as april fools joke

>> No.3897456


>> No.3897459

Poseurs are much easier to shut up though - and a certain portion of them are actually looking to have real conversations. Starmen are like the total opposite.

>> No.3897473

Wow, who saw that one coming?
Faking reveals is just lame, doing it on 4/1 is even more so since the internet long ago has ruined April fools.
I'm not mad about it, more just surprised that someone actually thought it would be clever.

>> No.3897475

On the bright side, only 25 people watched

>> No.3897476

Muh quirky humor!

>> No.3897478

Seriously? That was it?
This is even more sad.

>> No.3897495

yeah, twitch shows the viewer count. It was only at 25 for the big reveal

>> No.3897842
File: 35 KB, 300x303, blue anime girl facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How embarrassing.