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3891741 No.3891741 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?

>> No.3891752

great music. not as bad as people say, just kinda mediocre

>> No.3891754

If Sonic Labyrinth didn't exist, this would be the most boring Sonic game ever made.

>> No.3891835

A very flawed game because controlling a fast character such as Sonic doesn't work as well on 3D.
Good luck trying to make precise jumps on this game that might look nice but plays clunkier than a GameGear Sonic.

>> No.3891848

I'm probably the only person on this board who likes this game. Yes, I played it as a kid, but I really liked it and replay it once a year to this day.
Yes, it's not much like Sonic 1-3. But it does its own thing, and does it reasonably well. It's more of a collectathon/adventure. The graphics and music are excellent, and the game is actually pretty interesting once you get the hang of the controls.
It's simply not the part of Sonic series. It's a spin-off. Don't try to compare it to the previous games. On its own, it's a good Genesis game, despite all the memes.

I recently beat it again. There are some areas where those precise jumps are annoying, but there are very few of them (like in Rusty Ruins for example). The only real bullshit is the last zone, they turned the difficulty up a bit too much.

>> No.3891880

I like it well enough, not quite yearly replay levels but I've played it through at least as often as Sonic 1.

>> No.3891895

Solid 8.8/10

>> No.3892169

Flawed and misguided. I still like it.

>> No.3892217


>> No.3892227


The greatest isometric platformer of the 16 bit era.

>> No.3892239

Not even the best on Genesis.

>> No.3892253


Enlighten us.

>> No.3892281

i remember this game being hard but still definitely fun and playable.

>> No.3892579

It had its moments, but it ultimately felt kind of empty. The platforming was rarely engaging or interesting, and even then a lot of it was ambiguity in the perspective.

Enemies were sparse, which would have allowed intricate design in fighting them, but they were mostly just jump at the right time and repeat. Boss battles were fun though.

Not a terrible game, just bland. It had the potential to be a really solid game.

>> No.3892832
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>> No.3892834

I thought it was interesting and engaging. A heckuva lot more than I can say for other platformers of the era.

>> No.3892847

Headache-inducing, but an interesting concept nonetheless.
Having only played the Genesis version, are the ports better or worse?

>> No.3892857

I think it's not even much about platforming. It's mostly about walking than jumping, and more exploration/finding secrets.
Interestingly, if you take the yellow shield, you can auto-aim your jumps, which predates Sonic Adventure in a way. Too bad it's only an upgrade.

>> No.3892874

Good music, nice intro, but in the end it should've been titled "Flicky 3D featuring Sonic the Hedgehog".

>> No.3893006


He said isometric platformer.

>> No.3893008

It's alright.

>> No.3893014

It's the first game I bought that I was deeply disappointed in. It's ok, but my stupid child brain expected something to top S3&K.

>> No.3893018

That's why I posted one

>> No.3893303

Yeah man, play the Saturn version if you can. Prettier graphics, a chiller soundtrack (I'd say better than the Genesis one but that's subjective), and the best half-pipe special stages in the franchise.

The PC version is mostly the same as Saturn but has neutered special stages

>> No.3893323

Keep in mind the entire existence of this game was to sell people still playing last-gen on Sonic X-Treme.


In that respect, it does a commendable job of standing on its own. It's a solid game on its own, the same as most of Traveler's Tales output, unfortunately it had to follow a classic trilogy which it didn't have chance of living up to. I do wonder if it would be considered the superior game if X-Treme came out in the rather shoddy state it was in the trailer though.

>> No.3894723

is that fucking Negan?

>> No.3895015

It's absolute garbage

>> No.3895971

I never got past the lava level Robotnik fight. Kept falling off those damn pipes over the lava lake that I think you were supposed to run down to hit the boss in the center of the arena?

I remember getting game over there for the Nth time and throwing my controller in a fit of frustration, to see a level select menu pop up. I don't think I ever tried to play the game from start to finish since then.

>> No.3896082

I only played Sonic 3d Blast for the first few levels when I was younger. I forgot the Green Grove Zone theme was also Sonic Adventure's Windy Valley #3 theme. Of course it also seems like a leitmotiv as you kind of hear the theme in both acts of Spring Stadium Zone.
I also the Twinkle Circuit (or Twinkle Park 1) theme from Panic Puppet Zone. Diamond Dust Zone must be where Sonic Chronicles got its Metropolis, except it actually sounds like a real song in this game.
I never noticed, how many other Sonic games recycle music or themes aside from the Green Hill Zone theme? IIRC SA1 and 2 recycled some of the character themes (Amy, maybe Tails?)

>> No.3896089

Game has issues. Controls like shit for awhile before you learn how to control sonic proper.
Saturn port far superior to the Genesis port. Holy shit, the Genesis version makes the saturn version look like a gift from the gods

>> No.3896104

In the Saturn version, Diamond Dust Zone was also the same as Sonic Chronicle's blue Ridge Zone. If anyone wants a comparison to this monstrosity,
3d blast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4nP1Ggrm4Q&list=PL8B96B299D0F8EB1C&index=7
Chonicles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5o5LBzDwz4&index=6&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb
And the Metropolis theme, I think you were referring to the Central City theme.
3d Blast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHa0D1aUJwk&list=PL6akIKaXBeU2smNNudsyAYYBCjRl-xQ49&index=7
Chronicles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy0021KjswA&index=4&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb
Now the Metropolis track was actually from 3d Blast too, from the Saturn version;
3d: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWHluhvS3D4&list=PL8B96B299D0F8EB1C&index=13
Chronic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzOGuQ88nPE&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=7

>> No.3896109

amendment: the 2nd Chronicles track was from Central City, not Metropolis.

>> No.3896119

Stellar soundtrack specifically for the genesis version, however levels take forever so you get bored once you reach spring stadium.

>> No.3896175

Having a save feature would have improved the experience.

>> No.3896176

I didn't liked it as a kid but peer pressure from growing up around a group of people who somehow did liked the game ended up making me like it.

>> No.3898043

>had this as a kid, played it and had fun but never beat it
>bored one day spamming buttons on the start screen or whatever it was
>accidentally unlock the screen where you can choose a level/end the game

>> No.3898138


Supposedly, that game was going to have an original soundtrack, but they ran out of time so they just pulled cheap midis off of vgmusic.com or something.

>> No.3898150


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa the exact same fucking thing happened to me.

I paused the game cause I wanted to straighten up the game cases sitting around the Genesis and I can't remember if I bumped the system or the controller, but a level select menu popped up. Like you, I couldn't get past the lava level, so I just skipped to the one after and beat the game.

And this was before the Internet where you could just look up cheat codes. I only knew cheat codes for Sonic 1 because a friend told me.

>> No.3898184

Genesis version still has the better soundtrack over the Saturn version.
How the fuck was /vr/ left out of this year's April Fools shenanigans? Fucking Hiroshima.

>> No.3898198

This happened to me as well. The level select is really easy to find and its also the crash handler

>> No.3898532

Sonic doesn't recycle a lot of music, it's just the compose for 3D Blast and Adventure was the same guy. I know of the twinkle part similarities, what's this other one?

>Sonic Chronicles

>> No.3898537

great graphics and music but controls sucks

>> No.3898573
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its more of a flicky game in 3d than a sonic game.
the genesis version has a hack where it removes the flicky aspect, which is great if you just want some fun making it from point A to point b.

saturn version updated the graphics pretty nicely and has a better special stage.
i prefer the new saturn ost but it would be easy to mod in the genesis ost.

>> No.3899442


>removes the flicky aspect

You mean I don't have to jump into lava and spikes to collect those little fucks when they decide to hang out over hazards? Cool, gonna look for this rom and maybe finally finish this game.