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File: 84 KB, 1024x767, baldurs_gate_25663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3891467 No.3891467 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss this series, other infinity engine games also welcome.
Previous >>3880484

>> No.3891493

Why did Bioware trace portraits again?

>> No.3891504
File: 623 KB, 863x709, Aerowyn 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized the other day while doing my first evil run in bg1 that there is a way to help thieves beat sarevok or whoever if they really want to do it themselves

At the fair in nashkel, you can get the red and violet potions that raise str to 25 and dex/con to 3, and Int to 25 and wis/cha to 3. Use the strength one on your thief, then use a potions of agility and endurance, and a potion of mind focusing: str 25, dex 24, con 21, for some real bonuses to stealth skills and a ginormous backstab (x4, with say varscona for 4d8+64)

could just use draw upon holy might for backstabs in general

>> No.3891509

If we can manage to have less 100+ post arguments about 3rd edition D&D class balance this time around, that'd be sweet.

Because it looks realistic and it's cheap? Unless you get threatened with a lawsuit like they did with NWN.

I wonder if it was even intended that you could use other stat setting potions to overwrite the stat penalties from "cursed" ones.

>> No.3891513

dont know, dont care, i think its awesome

>> No.3891521

I remember back in teh day i'd use the strength one to deliver an inventory full of ankheg shells to taerom

>> No.3891616

I think we can all agree that 3rd edition D&D had perfect class balance. Except maybe the casters being a little too underpowered. There just wasn't a reason to play anything but the stronger classes like Ranger or Paladin.

>> No.3891646

Does Baldur's Gate have control over areas beyond just the city?

>> No.3891660
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don't sue me bro

>> No.3891661

The Sword Coast mostly has independent city states, however Baldur's Gate's Flaming Fist polices the region.
For example Beregost has its own rulers and something like a government and is politically independent of BG, but the Flaming Fist is the one upholding the law.

So the Flaming Fist is kind of like NATO, but on paper Baldur's Gate doesn't own the region (but of course it has some influence in practice).

>> No.3891670

So pretty much all BG1 areas (barring Amn ones) are subject to (if only in name/officially) the law of Baldur's Gate/the Fist?

>> No.3891685
File: 1.60 MB, 1024x693, Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the power of the Enhanced Edition.

>> No.3891687

You deserve it.

>> No.3891690

They are fully subject to the Flaming Fist and the laws of Baldur's Gate, but they only uphold the law and otherwise don't interfere with the government of the towns.

Naskhel officially belongs to Amn, but it's not a very strong tie because the Cloud Peaks cuts them off so they are also somewhat independent. I think it has Amnish soldiers garrisoning it in the game, so most likely the Flaming Fist completely stays out of Amn territory.

>> No.3891691

good thing you aren't playing a good party, right anon?

>> No.3891693

Did you not talk to the foreman of the mine and somehow glitched through the guards?

>> No.3891698

Nah, talked to him and the soldiers where gone when I entered. Could be worse though, at least there's a second exit.

Just taking whatever fills the slots atm. Can thing about a proper party config a bit later.

>> No.3891702

You can always just ctrl+j

>> No.3891709

>BG mods

>BG1 specific
BG1 NPC Project
BG1 Unfinished Business
Baldur's Gate Mini Quests & Encounters

>BG2 specific
IEP Extended Banters
PPG Banter Pack
Unfinished Business
Imoen Romance mod
Weimar Item Upgrade
Weimar Tactics
Romantic Encounters

Tweak Anthology
Stratagems (SCS)
eSeries scripts
gMinion script

>> No.3891710

3rd edition, 3.5 edition, 4th edition, 5th edition are all false editions.

Those editions published by TSR or its imprint, through summer of 2000, are True AD&D™ and as such True Editions. All forms of D&D from this period, 30 years of content, are True. All from after are false. If there's a problem with your "true editions" causing 3E to be superior, then it's caused by your false rules being introduced through blasphemous "house rules."

>> No.3891713

>compromising on party composition

>> No.3891726

The founding statement of True AD&D™ was rendered on the first of May, 1980, by the Author of the Game.

"Do not fall into the error of regarding it as a supplement. It is integral to Dungeon Mastering a True AD&D™ campaign."

E. Gary Gygax
1 May 1980
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

So too are all materials produced for the game by TSR, Inc. integral to Dungeon Mastering a True AD&D™ campaign. Only the True rules. Never house rules. Never false rules.

>> No.3891739
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Best portrait.

>> No.3891790
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>Casting Failure

>> No.3891812

Is the Sirene mod any good?

>> No.3891821

Never heard of it, but if it's an NPC mod the answer is most likely "no".

>> No.3891903

It's relatively small. No NPC either. I usually install it.

>> No.3891916

this meme will never be funny

>> No.3891932

There shouldn't have even been an argument in the first place, the tier list has been settled for ages now.

>> No.3891934

the funny thing is, no one bothered to post the actual tier list the entire time.

>> No.3891937

Why bother when people should already know it?

>> No.3891938
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Is the city of Baldur's Gate a good place to live?

>> No.3891939
File: 3.69 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20161023_134409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not make this a general D&D thread that includes Gold Box games and Eye of the Beholder?

>> No.3891956

next thread, friendo.

>> No.3891958

>try to leave the city
>get killed by ankhegs

>> No.3891962

>leave the city
>encounter drizzt
>filthy drow bandit attacks you

>> No.3891970

>enter home
>some retarded ogre magi broke into your house and were using it as an ambush point
>they kill you for no reason

>> No.3891973

>lose Rep in the vanilla game if you kill Sarevok's wizard mentor
Fucking really?

>> No.3891974

sarevok was a good boy, he dindu nuffin

>> No.3892042

If anyone is familiar with the mod Tower of Deception, is there any reason to keep Ustrain's spellbook? The description text indicates you could open it if you were more powerful, but I'm not sure if that part was ever implemented. Is there any benefit for telling the quest-giver to fuck off? Ustrain confronts me (with his useful loot) even if I give up the book to the other guy.

You'd need a pretty big door if an ogre can fit through without you noticing it hanging off its hinges.

>> No.3892067

I take it you still light your house with torches and get on the internet with dial-up?

>> No.3892082

Nice meme-themed response, bro.

>> No.3892109

Reinstalling for the first time in a long time. Are there any mods that are essential for BG1?

Is this list >>3891709 legit, or just a meme?

>> No.3892112

Tweak Anthology is the only essential mod.

>> No.3892121

>no BG1 Romantic Encounters

>> No.3892126

you start out as a scrub and scrubs don't get bitches

>> No.3892138


Installing both Tactics mod and SCS is essential.

>> No.3892154

>"It is not compatible with the original BG1"

>> No.3892161

anyone have portraits of aerie that make her look less of an ayy lmao?

>> No.3892173

And your meme editions aren't retro, never will be. Get back to /v/ with them. Here we rock True AD&D™ computer games that utilize proper rules.

>> No.3892180

none of this shit belongs on /v/ or /vr/
keep your memes on >>>/tg/

>> No.3892198

The game is perfectly playable without any mods. There is nothing mechanically broken about vanilla and there is plenty of content to keep you occupied for some time.

Most of those mods there are just giving you more stuff to do in a game that already has a reasonable amount of stuff in vanilla.
Tweak anthology isn't bad (especially making shapeshifters viable) but most of the stuff there are minor cosmetic changes, awfully specific changes for people who went "why isn't this how I think it should be" or they're alterations to make some aspects of the game easier for lazy people who can't be bothered manage to their inventories or search for traps.
SCS and tactics mostly just make the game harder.
The scripts are useless if you are managing your party properly.

>> No.3892202

fun isn't allowed on /tg/. where have you been?

>> No.3892205

BG1 NPC Project
BG1 Unfinished business

>> No.3892284

Laetitia Casta?

>> No.3892286
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>> No.3892287
File: 98 KB, 603x800, 098f8c6db0503b9ba6df20f9ed75dee9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to fail timed-quests in bg2? Such as guild's quests or Mazzy's one.
But she's sort of ayyy.

>> No.3892295

To my knowledge, the only timed quests in BG2 are some of the drow quests in the underdark where they will state something like "be back here within 3 days". The times tend to be pretty generous especially if you clear out the ilithid, beholder and kuotoa dungeons before visiting Adalon but if you fail to meet the timer, I'm pretty sure you fail the quest and the drow go hostile.

>> No.3892336

Is there more elaborated game?

>> No.3892346
File: 2.38 MB, 345x263, 1453819231042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any good, or at least entertaining, recommendations for NPC mods? I've already played through the more famous and infamous ones (Saerileth, Chloe, Kelsey, Tsujatha, Solaufein and so on) as well as original NPC romance mods

>> No.3892543
File: 74 KB, 400x400, tina-burholt-imoen-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I wasn't expected anything after that lovetalk about Candlekeep, but Imoen has stolen a bracelet from a merchant near Ribald's store.
Are there more events like that?

>> No.3892615

the dukes are good people and the flaming fist is pretty competent, the weather is temperate leaning warm, but it storms all the time

That said, hell no. Fuck living in some seedy D&D world city that smells like shit all the time (even though it has sewers). Killers, thieves, sailors, Iron throne assholes, calishite merchants, amn for a neighbor, giant-spider infested forest next door, trollwood not far away, battle of the bones not far away....fuck all that.

If I had a choice and I wasn't an elf, I'd pick silverymoon. I don't mind the winters, and I don't mind the danger of orc hordes and dragons.

>> No.3892618

yeah it's gay, but at least it doesn't matter one bit that late in the game, unless you're a pally or a ranger

she's an avariel, bro
they're even more ayy looking than regular elves, because they're even more lightly built and sorta avian

>> No.3892641

Don't forget those meddling adventurers and their stupid dwarf.

>> No.3892659

you need BGtutu ot BGT is what it means because of the spell selection and whatnot

>> No.3892798


Yes, there are some quests you can fail by running out of time. Jan's personal subquest, or Anomen's sister's murder. Was there one in particular you wanted to know about? Many ostensibly "time pressured" quests can actually be paused indefinitely. For example, you don't ever have to visit Keldorn's family if you don't want to.

>> No.3892808

FR autists, how do other planes even have arcane magic and wizards if the Weave is a Toril thing?

>> No.3892809

I've never used thief in melee fight, now trying to backstab someone with Valygar. And it's not working always, he's supposed to attack from invisibility AND from behind?

>> No.3892829
File: 55 KB, 210x330, ff26a48bf85e1117d5e6711e9324f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


use 3rd edition rules for backstabs if you're bad

>> No.3892845

you need to be hidden, not invisible, and attack from behind, and successfully hit

>> No.3892849

"Hide in shadows" is just a form of invisibility. Both work.

>> No.3892856

Not really an expert, but you don't need the Weave to access magic, it's just harder without it. You only run into consistency issues if you're looking at things from a Planescape or Spelljammer perspective (which is actually the version we get in BG2, what with the Dragonlance knights in the Planar Sphere and the Spelljammer ship in Ust Natha) because then you have other worlds in the prime material plane who don't have a Weave but do seem to have similar access to magic.

The actual planes are mostly inherently magical themselves, like the elemental planes, or are the fiefdoms of active deities, who can do as they please, including how easy magic is to access within their realms. I'm not sure if it's ever stated how easy it would be to access magic if you had some normal human civilization - unnoticed by the powers that be - within the various planes, because you don't really have much of that going on in the first place. It's mostly powerful or magical creatures, petitioners and already accomplished primes.

>> No.3892868

Did you miss the Dark Sun cannibal halflings in the sphere too?

>> No.3892870

Thanks, it was a matter of angle as I thought.

>> No.3892873

Melee attack from stealth or invisibility, from behind, and with Thief-compatible weapons(longsword, short sword, dagger, club, scimitar/wakizashi/ninja-to, katana or quarterstaff).

>> No.3892875

Because the Weave is only relevant in Toril. Nobody in Greyhawk or Mystara or Eberron cares because it doesn't exist anywhere else.

>> No.3892916

>you don't need the Weave to access magic, it's just harder without it.
Oh. So wizards from Toril that travel to other planes/worlds just end up accessing magic "manually", for lack of a better word?

>> No.3892970

I forgot about those guys entirely when making that post, but I did know they were Athassian halflings.

Presumably, yeah. I'm not sure if they ever published rules for Toril-born mages traveling to a non-Weave world and being weaker as a result, meaning you could argue that Realms wizards are infused with it even on other planets. Or they were too lazy to make rules for it. Or they did and I don't know about it.

>> No.3893381

I have 2 blades of searing +3 in bag of holding for some reason. Did i duplicate it somehow?

>> No.3893424

There have been a lot of bugs with containers generally, including accidental duping, so probably. It's also possible you could have picked up another one if you're using content mods. I did a playthrough with most of the non-megamod extra content and ended up with about 30 copies Ring of Protection +2/The Guard's Ring, because modders can't be bothered to add generic versions of magic items.

>> No.3893462

The only mod I'm using is Imoen romance.

>> No.3893465

It's possible to kill certain NPCs twice, which is what you did most likely.

>> No.3894172

Should I drop Minsc for le 9 dex man? Minsc is a useful meat shield but the other guy seems to have way more utility. Only problem is that I already have Amomen so I'd have two party members with shit dex.

>> No.3894191

I'd left Keldorn to his family.

>> No.3894236

Keldorn is pretty useful to have around. He comes with the innate ability to dispel magic at double level and cast true seeing as abilities which will make fights against mages much easier. Also during the seeing eye quest that you meet him near the beginning of, you can pick up the bracers of dexterity that will turn him into "le 18 dex man that can also wield Carsomyr".
Minsc has less anti-mage utility than Keldorn but has excellent physical stats in fact, possibly the best until you get to Sarevok in TOB and his berserk skill is very useful at times especially against dragons and demiliches as it makes him immune to fear and imprisonment.
In my first playthrough of the game I took both and though Keldorn was much more effective against enemy spellcasters, Minsc ended up taking a greater share of the overall killcount. I'd say it mostly comes down to if you'd prefer a mentally retarded berserker with a pet hamster or one of the best depictions of a paladin in video games.

As a third option, if you don't already have him and are willing and able to keep your reputation under 19, Korgan is an excellent fighter who becomes very hard to kill thanks to his excellent constitution and dwarven saving throws while being able to dish out a lot of damage by the end of the game and also having berserker rage to temporarily become even more powerful.

>> No.3894279

>Aerie starts fighting with Jaheira because muh wings
>Talks shit about Khalid
>Only dialogue option where I can properly reprimand her result in her leaving the party
holy shit Aerie really is worst girl.

>> No.3894285

She's just a literal girl. Jaheira and Viconia are real women.

>> No.3894290
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>third playthough
>still have no idea how to fight liches properly, they are still immune to melee weapons even if I use breaches, pierce shield, etc
>just destroy them with mace of disruption through all of their defensive spells
Minsc is not immune to imprisonment, his rage is not the same as Korgan's one.

>> No.3894291

Yeah but I should be able to tell her she's out of line while keeping her in my party. I feel like I'm having the same conversation with her everytime with her pity party bullshit.At this point, if she wasn't a cleric/mage I'd kick her out of my party in a heartbeat

>> No.3894343

>playing through bg2 for the first time and having heaps of fun
>realize that after I finish this game I'll never play it for the first time again and the genre is dead so I don't have any similar games to look forward to.
I tried IWD but the fact that its pure dungeon crawling puts me off. Why do people say planescapes combat is bad? Isn't the same as bg?

>> No.3894373

It's very simplified, just 3 basic classes for PC, no combat log, you're just watching kewl anime spell animations and damage numbers.

>> No.3894415

Your breach probably got absorbed by the lich's spell trap. Dispell that first with a ruby ray of reversal

>> No.3894420

Planescape torment is the polar opposite of iwd. More focus on story and less on combat. Baldurs gate sits in between the 2.

In fact if I remember correctly, there's only 2 mandatory combat encounters in the game. Everything else can be snuck around or talked to.

>> No.3894582

What are your favorite areas in BG1?

What about BG2?

>> No.3894608

BG1: Outdoor areas around Beregost and Naskhel that you do at the beginning of the game. Since you just started the playthrough all that exploration didn't yet get boring so the feeling of adventuring is the strongest there.

BG2: Strongholds, especially Nalia's Keep and the Planar Sphere are comfy.

>> No.3894769

>Planar Sphere are comfy
that one fucking star trek room with the lizardmen that aren't otherwise in the game

>> No.3894780


You need +3 weapons to hit a lich. The daystar can hit liches through their protection spells. Or simply learn how to remove protection spells.

>> No.3894786

I know, but they tend to use pfmw. I noticed that in my EE2.3 version they're using improved mantle though, so I can hit them with +4 weapons in theory.
Mutamin's garden
Waukeen's promenade

>> No.3895032

BG1: Baldur's Gate itself, loads of stuff to do, I remember being amazed at having a city as big as it when I first played. Athkatla was even bigger and had even more content, but in a vanilla game I think it probably sucked up slightly too much development time, you can easily spend half your total playtime in the starting city.

Durlag's Tower - an interesting story, used mechanics that we hadn't seen before in the engine like the door puzzles, with some great locales like the huge dragon skeleton and the chess room. Some of the fights were balls-hard in the BG1 (no EE/BGT) format. Suffers from the trap detection mechanic being slow, though.

BG2: Windspear Dungeon - really neat dungeon crawl, wide variety of enemies and interesting but not ridiculous loot. It's got vampires, it's got rakshasa, it's got golems, it's got wolfweres, it's got an evil adventurer party, it's got djinn, it's got Tazok and it's got a dragon. Something for everybody.

The Underdark - D&D original aberrations are all really cool, I just wish the engine had given us an aboleth dungeon instead of a kuo-toa one, but modelling swimming enemies in an IE game isn't really possible.

>> No.3895062

Why is IW2 so fucking boring?

>> No.3895063

It tried to use the worst edition in an engine not designed for it.

>> No.3895065

>Ascension has you fight Illasera, Yaga-Shura, Abazigal, Sendai, Balthazar, Jon Irenicus, Bodhi, and Amelyssan in one battle
What the fuck. Besides a god, who else in the Forgotten Realms could win that fight? Larloch?

>> No.3895069

Same reason why IWD is boring.
D&D combat is shit, you only play them for the story and characters, and IWD barely has either of those.

>> No.3895108


>> No.3895118

I forgot, is it possible to get info from TorGal about his employers?

>> No.3895161

Elminster wearing a coat of plot armour.

I don't think you can get him to specify who it is, no. I assumed it was the Roenals.

>> No.3895170

Yeh a fair amount.

>> No.3895204

>Elminster wearing a coat of plot armour.
>wearing a coat of plot armour
A bit redundant.

>> No.3895216

Such as?

>> No.3895224

they were probably using immunity: abjuration

read your combat log and pack a pure mage in the party

>> No.3895225

Why is Athkatla so damn dangerous? What's in the water there?

>> No.3895227

I thought it was firkraag

>> No.3895291

Well, he died at least once. But then he got better, so I suppose the plot armour wasn't really broken.

Could be, he'd certainly have an easier time making a bunch of trolls do his bidding. The issue is he doesn't really have any reason to target the de'Arnises unless he got pissed off at Nalia hanging around the Copper Coronet giving out money to homeless people or something like that. He mostly seems to like deceiving and manipulating people, rather than just causing destruction, which is all that TorGal and his minions are good for.

>> No.3895307

The water blocks the magic scrying of the Cowled Wizard police, so all the illegal mages are doing their research underwater to avoid detection with water breathing spells. Because of this a ton of magic is mixed into the water.

>> No.3895330

honestly as a sadistic megalomaniac looking for entertainment he seems capable of anything

>> No.3895332

kick her out anyways and get edwin my main man

>> No.3895353

probably a lot less dangerous than dubai is irl

>> No.3895354

Aerie grows out of it, if you actually help her.

>> No.3895394

have in mind that in ee v2.3, weapons like daystar only hit as +4 vs the creatures they get the +4 bonus to dmg/thac0 against. otherwise they hit as +2

shit change desu

>> No.3895401

she's still worst girl

>> No.3895412

did someone make a tweak to revert all the balance changes yet?

>> No.3895415

there is one for the Poison Weapon nerf, dunno about the weapons enchantment. I could make the code for one if you want (you'll have to install it with weidu because i'm lazy as fuck to upload shit)

>> No.3895430

So in the original they are bugged and hit as +4 to every target?

>> No.3895434

yes. I wouldn't say bugged because it is what feels right to me, but I doubt it was intended anyway

>> No.3895438
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>sword+2, +4 vs undead
>hits any enemy as +4
>feels right to me

>> No.3895441

honestly, it's what I'm used to. I play this fucking game since 2005, and it's always been like that, so idk, it might sound dumb but whatever, it still makes more sense than Imoen lol

>> No.3895450

if changes were made in the spirit of the original game, then the item's description would be changed to match its mechanics, which have been the same for nearly two decades.

>> No.3895475

is a Fighter/Mage/Thief using quarterstaff and longbow the best option for soloing the trilogy?

>> No.3895494

Thief is completely redundant. Fighter/Mage can already do everything.

>> No.3895498

Removing exp cap is cheating anyway and without it you can't cast 9lvl spells.

>> No.3895526

have fun getting past level 2 as a F/M/T, if you're going solo right off the bat.

>> No.3895574

fuck you it was awesome

>> No.3895581

soloing bg1 is especially easy, because you level up so fast, you'll hit the exp cap before baldurs gate with just a wee bit of off the rails exploring, and f/m/t is a great class

bit of advice; get the robe of good archmagi asap; that'll be your general armor

be an elf, be good at longswords and longbows for bg1, then shortbows for bg2, then quarterstaffs

>> No.3895590

Why is killing other adventurers so much more satisfying than slaying monsters?

>> No.3895603

most dangerous game

>> No.3895620

there's the whole rivalry issue, their shit-talking beforehand, their loot, and to a lesser extent they are each a bit different from each other rather than like 8 of the same thing

>> No.3895626

Daystar is still one of the most useful weapons in the game. You can get it as soon as you step out of irenicus' dungeon in chapter 2 and its better than any other 1 handed sword in the base game other than thunderfury and vs undead it's still does more damage. most things you fight are evil anyway so it's almost always a plus 4 and absolutely annihilated any undead you fight. My improve hasted fighter with daystar and belm in offhand ripped kangaxx a new one before he could get a single imprisonment off.

>> No.3895629

I thought daystar was plus vs evil not just undead. It does double damage vs undead though.

>> No.3895667

They (mostly) have to fight using the same rules that you do and have the same sized party as you (probably) do, so it's a fair fight. And they're one of the best sources of loot and cash.

>> No.3895706

>bit of advice; get the robe of good archmagi asap; that'll be your general armor
You can get more AC than that with a Shield spell.

>> No.3895784

dumb frogposter
smart wojak poster

>> No.3895867

>amazon encounter near the back entrance to Nashkel mines
>drops +2 leather armor and a shitload of gold

what did they mean by this
am I seriously supposed to have +2 leather armor when nobody in the party's even 3rd level yet

>> No.3895876

Well, they might not have planned for people to beat that party at level 2, since they're level 6, 5, and 4/4 x2, but yeah, pretty much. It's not like leather armour +2 is particularly useful anyway, it's still worse than mundane studded leather except for the weight. The +2 dagger in the same area is the greater treasure.

>> No.3895880

>it's still worse than mundane studded leather
How so?
Isn't a studded leather only 1 AC better than a leather?

>> No.3895903
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Because armour types don't just have an armour class, they also have modifiers based on the incoming damage type, and leather is really, really bad in that regard.

Studded Leather / Leather +2
Slashing 5 / 6
Crushing 7 / 6
Piercing 6 / 8
Missile 6 / 8

This same thing is why full plate is even better in comparison to regular plate mail than you'd think: http://baldursgate.wikia.com/wiki/Full_Plate_Mail vs http://baldursgate.wikia.com/wiki/Plate_Mail.. You're getting 2 flat AC, but also an additional bonus of 1 against slashing, 3 against piercing and 3 against missile. Only against crushing damage are you "only" 2 points of AC better.

>> No.3895910

Is this an EE-only contrivance, or does this apply to vanilla BG as well?

>> No.3895916

EE just adds it to the description so you don't need to look it up in the manual.

>> No.3895958
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>Arrows of dispelling

>> No.3896004

on vanilla you can check it on the record screen (at least in BG2/BGT, don't play vBG1 desu).

>> No.3896015
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>Davaeorn fireballed his own apprentice
I wanted to talk to him.

>> No.3896038

>Not using stealth or Invisibility to get past Davaeorn and talk to him first.

>> No.3896043
File: 20 KB, 300x100, 200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that werewolf on the Lycanthrope Island.

>> No.3896045
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>using heavy crossbow spam, comp bow spam, and wands of magic missile to infinitely interrupt enemy spellcasting and troll any other enemy that isn't also an archer
Is BG1 supposed to be this easy?

>> No.3896048
File: 656 KB, 569x629, 1446160714267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with that I mean greater werewolf. Faggot is immune against all my weapons and regenerates like crazy.

>> No.3896075

There isn't much that survives 6 guys with ranged weapons and kiting, no. Default mage AI isn't smart and doesn't protect itself as well as it should. Enemy parties and indoor encounters where you can't backpeddle away are more challenging.

You should have the Silver Dagger: Werebane, Balduran's bastard sword, maybe Kondar, and maybe the flaming sword from Durlag's that can hurt him. You can also try Slow, Blind and Hold Monster (if you have it,) though his saves are pretty good so you might want to cast Greater Malison before hand. Or just get lucky.

>> No.3896207

You're right, I'm just trying to say that weapon description should match its actual attributes.

>> No.3896209

Eventually brute forced my way through with lots of buffs, offensive spells and Khalid landing a crit with the Balduran sword without having any weapon proficiency in bastard swords.

Back at Ulgoth's Beard. Somehow I think I missed a thing or two. There was not even a real reward.

>> No.3896219

I've seen a link here or in one of /v/ bg threads about spell protections and which spells can dispel them. Can you provide it?

>> No.3896221

Ruby Ray of Reversal

>> No.3896228

I think they are immune to lvl5 spells including breach in vanilla. Is there another spell which can remove PfMW?

>> No.3896240

Can't you just look at the spell descriptions?

Basically, everything is removed by dispel magic, remove magic and breach except for a few "protection from spells" style spells which are removed by khelbens warding whip, pierce magic (both with the noteworthy exception of spell trap), pierce shield, ruby ray of reversal and spellstrike.

I've probably missed something but that should give you the gist of it.

>> No.3896315

I just killed him with Doom + Greater Malision + Paralyze + Feeblemind and for some reason he didn't regenerate at all. Is this a bug?
I'm kinda disappointed because I was ready for this fight.

>> No.3896356
File: 51 KB, 540x380, Gorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang, Bitchboy?

>> No.3896357

3e without a fun DM

>> No.3896369

It was Spell Shield, stoneskin and improved mantle.

>> No.3896425

What class should I use when I do an evil play through? Are there any important classes that are underrepresented among the evil npcs?

>> No.3896428


>> No.3896442

There's a good range of everything in BG1 iirc. A couple of mages, a couple of clerics, some fighters, a couple of multiclassed thieves, even a bard so you can pretty much choose whatever you like and find teammates to fill in the gaps.
On the other hand, in BG2, ignoring the EE additions and NPC mods there is only an evil fighter, cleric and mage in SOA plus an extra evil fighter in TOB so a thief of some sort (assassin again?) would be the obvious choice if you wanted an entirely evil party. If you wanted a full 6 man party though, there is a very good chaotic neutral mage/thief to fill that thief role for you (and EE will give you a blackguard and an evil thief if you can put up with them) so the advice I'd give then becomes pretty similar to that of the first game.

>> No.3896448

if you want to use one or more of your few spell slots, sure
amulet of shield if you really want it

>> No.3896456

if you're not using EE, and you want a well-rounded, evil-only party, you need some kind of thief
straight thief is a waste, personally, so I'd go with
or a fighter/thief
considering that the evil guys in bg2 are a dwarf fighter, an elf cleric, and a human wizard, you should be a halfling
but then you can't romance viconia and your str wont be good
personally I'd play an elf assassin

if you're going with EE, however, the game changes
in bg2 you'll get a halforc blackguard and a vampire thief, leaving you with the bard slot
I'm doing my first evil run right now, as a female half-elf blade
im still in bg1, about to go to candlekeep
my party is kagain, dorn, baeloth, viconia, and skie (never used her or baeloth before, figured I would this time)

>> No.3896470

Elf can't romance Viconia either. Half elf can.

>> No.3896473

Inquistor dispell will make anything naked

>> No.3896480

Normal dispells will fail more often then not when you really need it. Inquisitor dispells at twice their level and at instant speed. Lets you rape mages before they know what happened

>> No.3896492

well shit
i wouldnt want to give up elf benefits to be a halfelf just to romance her
i know halforcs can

>> No.3896513


PfMW only lasts for four rounds. Your best bet is to sit it out. Call your fighters back and send one or two skeleton warriors to the lich. Liches have big problems killing them.

>> No.3896524


Just get that mod that disables romance restrictions.

>> No.3896537

They told me I've got a personal room in the Order of Radian Heart building, but I can't find it.

>> No.3896634
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Rate my party, fresh outta the dungeon. Those dual wield fighters kept throwing themselves at me.

>> No.3896638

Poor little halfling boy.

>> No.3896642

>hey, boy, wanna /ss/ with us?

>> No.3896705

Is it possible to steel boots of haste from Renal or I have to kill him?

>> No.3896739

Considering that if he becomes hostile a shadow thief that is immune to all forms of damage besides stat drain armed with a weapon that instakills on hit appears I'm pretty sure pickpocketing is the expected way to get the boots off him.
You'll need to have very good stats to do it successfully though.

>> No.3896765

I can't steal it even with 250 pickpocket skill.
Also that guy doesn't appear for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm in chapter 5.

>> No.3896881
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>> No.3896904

>Smoke Mephit: Dies
>420 exp

>> No.3896912

Arkanis Gath only exists (or rather, the version with the death-touch sword and invincibility only exists) to ensure you don't break the plot by killing - or attacking then running away from - key Shadow Thief NPCs. Once you're back from Spellhold he doesn't need to end your game, so you can kill Renal unless you need him for the thief stronghold, and maybe if you want Linvail to send a squad of assassins to help you with Bodhi; I'm not sure if that's actually scripted to make Linvail hostile or break the script that spawns your friendly assassins once you've talked to him.

Does anyone know what makes some NPCs harder to steal from than others? I know there's some factor of the weight and value of whatever it is you're stealing, but it does seem like some NPCs are harder in and of themselves, even if all you're taking is a potion of extra healing or something like that. Maybe Renal is hard to steal from because he's got 130 pickpocket himself? Stores have their pickpocket modifier in the .sto file, but I can't find anything indicating difficulty in .cre files.

>> No.3896980
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first reply gets to answer

>> No.3896984

You'll fail the quest in this case, won't you?

>> No.3896985


>> No.3896994
File: 46 KB, 1004x82, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

>> No.3897013

Anyone played Dark Side of the Sword Coast or Northern Tales of the Sword Coast?

Are they worthwhile?

>> No.3897026


>> No.3897027

May Helm bless his poor heart.

Played it a long time ago when there was no Big Picture mod and dropped the game because the items were hilariously OP and dropped like crazy. So if you want to give it a shot, be sure to install balancing mods like Big Picture.

>> No.3897032
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Just polymorf and kill him?

>> No.3897046

Nothing in that game was noteworthy. 3E gives you lots of choices to individualize your characters but they all feel samey anyway after a few levels because you want to get into dual class shenanigans with everyone. The locations weren't as beautiful and interesting as in IWD1, the encounters were boring (goblin trash mobs anywhere), the music sucks compared to IWD1, the story was meh yeah, so was IWD1's story but it still gave you a sense of epicness and adventuring despite that. The general presentation just feels half-assed and lacks passion and a clear direction.

I play IWD1 every year because it's a damn comfy winter game but I have yet to beat IWD2.

>> No.3897058
File: 72 KB, 509x564, Robe of Dharlome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, you're saying this isn't a fair and balanced item to have in BG1?

>> No.3897073

More like Robe of Drow

>> No.3897086

Well those are pretty powerful abilities, but it's cursed so it's alright I guess.

>> No.3897118

what's the curse though

>> No.3897120

You can't remove the item.

>> No.3897130

oh. that doesn't seem like much of a curse. if anything it seems like it would make it harder for someone to steal it.
a good curse for that robe would be "you can't cast spells"

>> No.3897136

Don't work for me, maybe it was fixed.

>> No.3897138

Think about it, maybe the mod offers you an even better robe and you have to travel to the next temple. Inconvenient as fuck.

>> No.3897147

What's your order of actions?

>> No.3897149

I initiate a talking with him, pause the game, then cast polymorf other spell.

>> No.3897160

Did they raise the level cap for BG1 EE? My main char sorcerer is currently at level 7 and still gains XP.

>> No.3897161


>> No.3897162

No, it's still 161k

>> No.3897168

how many posts is it going to take to get a full answer of events.

>> No.3897186

What? Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.3897229


Install quest mod. You now have the possibility to side with Mae'Var and betray Renal.

>> No.3897248

Nevermind, I'll just kill him in old fashioned way right before going into elven city.

>> No.3897328

What does a god do if a mortal has pissed it off?

>> No.3897468


>> No.3897508
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>tfw Duke Entar Silvershield's wife wants my D
>tfw you steal a level 20 Fighter's wife

>> No.3897534

And his daughter

>> No.3897537

I think FR has "rules" against gods fucking with mortals.

>> No.3897581

Why do people hate Anomen?

>> No.3897589

Does Ao kick them out of "heaven" again?

>> No.3897613

Anyone have a good link for me so I can pirate baldurs gate (and I heard there are expansions too)
Really just looking for some old games to play on my shitstation

>> No.3897637

try KAT

>> No.3897640

No thank you I'm a dog person myself

>> No.3897667

PCGames-Download.com is good for lots of games that are on GOG.

>> No.3897668


>> No.3897674

Using outdated buggy versions is a bad meme.

>> No.3897684

Do you have a link to a more reliable patch then?

>> No.3897687

Is it ok to play the 2nd before the first

>> No.3897723

1.3 isn't buggy at all, played through twice 100%, and have yet to encounter something game breaking.
sure as hell beats the shit fest that is 2.3+

>> No.3897785


What's wrong with 2.3?

>> No.3897803

beamdog shill go away. tablet faggots don't come here.

>> No.3897843

1. Arrogant
2. Self-righteous
3. Bad facial hair

He's becomes a total bro if he doesn't fail his knighthood, though.

The context is pirating the game... do you think Beamdog pays that guy not just to shill on 4chins but also to recommend people make sure they play the most recent version of their game when they aren't even paying for it?

>> No.3897858

why would you willingly play on the bastardized "updated" version of baldur's gate, with a fucking tablet GUI that doesn't fit the theme of the game at all? especially since 1.3 was already almost perfect, instead they heaped on balance changes and fixed bugs that may as well have been features, since everyone used them at some point in the past two decades.

>> No.3897870


It was a legitimate question, you fucking retard. I haven't played EE at all, so I was curious as to why you'd recommend an older version over a newer one.

>> No.3897893 [DELETED] 

all beamjew faggots fuck off and die any time thanks

>> No.3897941 [DELETED] 


>> No.3897959
File: 61 KB, 210x330, Keldorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?

>> No.3897965

>guy that will reluctantly give you a hint to find Balduran's Helm also reveals where Balduran's Cloak is in the note he gives you
Is he retarded?

>> No.3898032

>total bro

You mean a smug and boring wanker? Nah, I prefer his old personality. Fits way better the knight archetype.

>> No.3898045

His quest is actually pretty great desu. Every decision you make is valid and there is really no clear solution.

>> No.3898062

God, I forgot how insufferable Minsc becomes in BG2.

>> No.3898225


>> No.3898310
File: 238 KB, 1422x906, 1489885361608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't dual wear Evermemory in EE

No longer podracing

>> No.3898314

He starts actively talking with everyone, screaming, being annoying in general and there is no hot chocolate witch to outweigh his presence.
Seriously, Minsc was much more enjoyable in BG1 NPC project.

>> No.3898317

Why are you acting as if he wasn't insufferable in BG1?

>> No.3898319

>My inn is open to all who behave themselves

What did he mean by this?

>> No.3898342

Do you recommend BG1: EE?

I have an install of the original BG1 (not BGT or Tutu) with some mods based on a guide from GOG, but it's an install based on BG1: EE better?

>> No.3898345

if you don't behave yourself he won't be able to cover the cost of repairs and will have to close it down

>> No.3898364

>Do you recommend BG1: EE?
Depends on the version. v2.3 is meme-tier garbage. v1.3 is solid.

>> No.3898387

EE adds some pretty useful features like area loot, zooming in and various containers so I'd say it's worth playing as long as you ignore the new companions and don't play SoD.

>> No.3898402


The best thing about EE is the removal of load times.

>> No.3898404

Of course not.
They've changed interface in benefit of tablets, lots of scrolling.

>> No.3898406

Just petrified.
Even if arrogant sometimes, he gets mocked way harder than he deserves it.

>> No.3898424

I haven't seen this in bugreports, but when after the first boot there's no selection circles, no selection box and no fog of war. I'm restarting the game every time to fix this.
1.3 was fine in this regard.

>> No.3898427

Do you bother to interact with Husam (the Shadow Thief guy that hangs out in the Baldur's Gate Thieves' Guild and can help you out) in BG1 or do you just purge him with the rest of the guild?

>> No.3898846

Do you even use fighter's ability "guard"? What is it for?

>> No.3898904

If you're playing Tutu or EE the game is automatically easier.

>> No.3898908

You either click on someone or drag it a bit like an RTS selection circle, then your character will defend that area/character. It's only an AI thing, and is pretty pointless.

>> No.3898987

>vanilla BG archers
>vanilla BG summoning wands

>> No.3898989
File: 570 KB, 1920x1080, Baldr005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.3 is great, guys, i s-swear.

>> No.3899030

>Chaotic Neutral
Are you gay, son?

>> No.3899051

Go another aligment party route, intall patch and do all class specific dweling's quests and finally do playthrought with only your handcrafted characters.
And save a lot.

>> No.3899057

That looks like it was designed for 1920x1200, did you pick a wrong option somewhere?

>> No.3899063

That's SoD, though.

>> No.3899069

that's cloakwood. looks like that in bg1, bg2, and sod in v2.3+

>> No.3899097
File: 328 KB, 1920x1080, Baldr020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from BG1EE, without SoD installed.

>> No.3899102

default isn't blue, you're using a mod.

>> No.3899105

I'm using BWS with recommended settings. But I have a separate install with SoD and I also ran BWS on it with the same settings and that has the black UI that you posted.

>> No.3899112

tablet shit regardless.

>> No.3899114

This argument still makes literally no sense.
Tell me exactly how does the UI make playing on PC worse while favoring tablets?

>> No.3899121

don't fall for autist bait, anon

>> No.3899125

there's no arguing with beamdog employees.

>> No.3899151

vanilla BG has no archer kit

>> No.3899164

I still love the weapons dropped by Tristan and Isolde. Tristan's sword is just fucking hilarious.

>> No.3899170

Do you have a screenshot? I've not played with those mods installed, just grabbed that from a Let's Play of it.

>> No.3899210

It doesn't need an archer kit. Bows are already overpowered enough in vanilla BG1.

>> No.3899698

What are prerequisites for triggering the banters?

>> No.3899706

Which banters? It's mostly just based on real time and having someone in your party, or having the characters in your party if it's with each other rather than you. Sometimes they (and love talks) require something like being in an outside, non-city area or whatever.

>> No.3899710

>tfw the first time viconia wants to bang it's in an egyptian tomb recently cleared of mummies

>> No.3899716

Regular party banters. It seems that I missed a lot of them despite having certain character in the party.

>> No.3899750

>trying to play BG1 for the first time
>don't want sjw shit shoved down my throat with the EE
>try to set up BG TuTu
>the cutscenes don't scale to aspect ratio and stay at 640x480
>try to play without it but can't handle having to use my mouse to pan the screen
>Okay I'll try this Big World Trilogy thing
>taking literal hours to install, isn't working properly, have no fucking idea what I'm doing, I don't even want additional content

What do I do?

>> No.3899756


There are different triggers for different types of banter

1. Party members talk to each other after having been together in the party for a certain amount of real time. Example: If you have Keldorn and Anomen together for a while. Keldorn tries to lecture Anomen.

2. Your party talks to an NPC and your party members react, sometimes talking to each other. Example: you accept the Umar Hills quest from the boy and Jaheira and Korgan will bicker about it.

3. Some NPCs will talk to one another when one of them gets critically injured. Example: if Aerie drops to 5 or so HP, after a fight, and Nalia is in the party, Nalia will ask someone to heal Aerie, prompting a short conversation

4. Entering a new area or triggering a scripted event may trigger party dialogue. Example: when Aerie and Mazzy enter Lathander Temple for the first time, they will have a short conversation.

Different combinations of NPC produce different banters. You can occasionally get proper five-way discussions depending on who is in your party.

>> No.3899758

>don't want sjw shit shoved down my throat with the EE
>What do I do?

Just play EE and don't let dorn, neera, or rasaad into your party. When you encounter them, you can just turn them down and that's that. Let neera into your party to get the gem bag first. Dorn and Rasaad's quests each have a really good item though.

>> No.3899760

I heard they nerfed the dialogue of a fan favourite as well, though?

>> No.3899762


And since I've done a lot of research on the subject... The most fruitful area of the game for banter is Bridge District. Walk around and talk to everyone (especially beggars!) and in the taverns, too, for lots of humorous dialogue.

Worst character for dialogue is Cernd. He's got little to say that isn't also said by another NPC instead, and he's shit to boot, so you can comfortably leave him with his baby after completing his subquest.

Viconia has lots of dialogue in the Underdark.

Party members tend to react to situations appropriate to their class. For example, mages may comment on magical matters, clerics on divine topics.

>> No.3899786

Probably someone mixing it with the interquel/expansion they made, Siege of Dragonspear, in which various BG1 NPCs appear but without their original writers, with mixed to poor results.

In BGEE the closest thing I think they did to altering the original writing is that the new NPCs can interact a bit with the vanilla ones, like Dorn and Ajantis hating each other and getting into a fight.

>> No.3899815


Explain this meme.

>> No.3899835

just use v1.3 BGEE and BG2EE. minimal amount of changes, almost all bug fixes from the EE port. no major changes from the base game. pick up the mods from the list in the thread, otherwise they're trash and not worth using.
use the ee companion removal mod if they bother you that much, otherwise kill them for experience, or let them die and loot them in the case of neera. also, dorn's quest in bg2 gives a super op item.

>> No.3899846

>Viconia trying to seduce Aerie

>> No.3899847
File: 442 KB, 875x966, cgw9012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


JRPG thread again?

fuck off , there is only three type of rpg exist

CRPG - Ultima
D&D Implementation - Wizardry
there will be rule - Wasteland

fuck your Interactive Movie ,
Japs game and modern game is Interactive Movie

>> No.3899858

>Baldur's Gate

>> No.3899862

no idea about that

who are you referring to?

>> No.3899867

exactly, just because you're a girl with a penis doesn't make you gay, unless you like girls, you filthy transbian.

>> No.3899870


>> No.3899871

I think a better term for "CRPG" would be "Muder-Hobo Simulator"

>> No.3899872

>Baldur's Gate

Yes , you dumb fuck

there is no freedom of plot , straight Story line only

>no puzzle
>just Move A to B
>no interaction other object
>no such thing like nonlinear structure quest

Are you fucking retard something ?
did you ever play dos-game before?

>> No.3899875

do you even know what JRPG stands for

>> No.3899878

Keldorn will have a short conversation with Minsc when he witnesses Minsc leave his berserker rage.
I'm not sure if there are any other cases of abilities/status effects triggering dialogue though.

>> No.3899881

Almost all CRPGs just have you dancing around doing inconsequential morality choices while the ultimate decision is just to make one of 3 choices that are available to every character anyway, like the end of Human Revolution. I'm not sure of any CRPGs that don't railroad you with "you have to solve this crisis and defeat the main villain even if you're a bad dude cause you're gonna die and this is the only way to survive in the confines of our plot"

>> No.3899885


yes, when I was kid palyed Ultima and japs game

JRPG is something about senseless and rubbish philosophy

I don't want japs fucked up まもるmamoru shit

when you play ultima or wasteland

there is no auto map or auto journal
there is no some fuck come out say "From A To B asshole"

you must figure out yourself

>> No.3899887

you talk like some third-world spic nigger.

>> No.3899901

he sounds german in which case we should pity him

>> No.3899907


>game purpose literally being Buddha or jesus
>Gnosticism put in the game
>character making is genius , player values are represent to character
>conversation with NPC , player inference is key point of gameplay
>keyword system - talk like real person
>ethical action scoring

did you ever play Ultima IV ?

>> No.3899917

Ultima IV is an exception among all games and doesn't really count for genre comparisons because it doesn't represent the genre it falls into, if it really falls into any.

>> No.3899921

Germans don't omit stuff like this. Sounds like a Slav.

>> No.3899925

shut the fuck up about ultima

>> No.3899929

post content instead of bitching.

>> No.3900254

>Okay I'll try this Big World Trilogy thing
>taking literal hours to install, isn't working properly, have no fucking idea what I'm doing, I don't even want additional content

Wtf, BWS is nothing but an attempt to mash together a 100+mods. Why on earth would you try to use it if you don't want additional content?

>> No.3900257

I thought it had a setup to just be some fixes + turn it into one long game without fucking with stuff.

>> No.3900273

but that's what TUTU is for

>> No.3900275

Don't use the batch install method. It's broken and they never fixed it. Use "Baldur's Gate 2 / Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BWP)" instead.

>> No.3900615

Real time then, thanks.

>> No.3900625


>> No.3900657

Is there a way to install a working BG2 Ascension mod on EE? I would love to play this game the last time.

>> No.3900668

if you bought EE off gog they give you access to the original version.

>> No.3900758

It's included in the Big Picture mod, just skip the non-Ascension components when installing.

>> No.3900771

What version of bg2 is just before they changed the ui? I'm playing on the gog version if that matters.

>> No.3900802


>> No.3900810

How come I can only roll back as far as the patch? Am I missing something or will I have to pirate the game just so I don't have to put up with those awful menus?

>> No.3901015

Don't know, I'm playing 2.3 right now despite shitty menus.

>> No.3901109

Can you give me a quick rundown on SoA part of Imoen mod? I thought that event with a bracelet was last, but now I discovered another non-regular lovetalk during night at De'Arnise keep(where she's afraid something from the west), which unlocked more flirt options.
I almost finished soa and don't want to miss stuff.

>> No.3901126

That's a normal thing when you try to flirt with her at night.

>> No.3901185

So there's nothing more until tob?

>> No.3901257

yes they removed the feature shortly after it was being openly recommended across the internet. beamdog employees can never admit when they are wrong. take note, that you can't downgrade below v2.0, if you want to play dragon spear.
see >>3897668

>> No.3901310

>they removed the feature shortly after it was being openly recommended across the internet.

What the fuck. I know Beamdog is spiteful but that's just retarded.

>> No.3901410

campfire scene unlocks the rest. there's 10 major romance events after the campfire unlock.
which is why it's best to run through the game solo until you're out of the underdark, then do the rest, if you want to 100% imoen, so there's no backtracking.

>> No.3901421

>there's 10 major romance events after the campfire unlock
Where can I see them?
>which is why it's best to run through the game solo until you're out of the underdark, then do the rest
That's exactly what I did.

>> No.3901430

there used to be a pastebin floating around with the locations and time of day required, but unfortunately it's largely been lost to time. never found all ten myself, and plan on doing a solo playthrough after i slog through dragonspear, where i'll try and recreate the pastebin.

>> No.3901454

I've seen only one with endings.

>> No.3901463

that was from one of the contributors popping in one of the many bg /v/ threads. unfortunately /vr/ serves to contain this thread, and we rarely get new people popping in.

>> No.3901479

What makes it better to play solo? Not having other NPC banter take place instead of Imoen's stuff?

>> No.3901482

Created a strawpoll for /vr/'s recommendation for newbies on where to start playing Baldur's Gate, curious to hear posters thoughts.


>> No.3901492

No, strawpolls are pointless and shit.

If you're not tech illiterate, install BGT. If not, go with EE 1.3 and ignore the Beamdog content.

>> No.3901517

EE with Big World Setup recommended mods.

>> No.3901528

Imoen has content in all the chapters, including 1,2, and 3.

>> No.3901537

>get to about 2m exp in SoA
>suddenly feel a strong urge to start over and play a F/M/T solo game through BG1 again
why can't I just be happy with the classes I pick?

>> No.3901572

solo powergaming in bg1 is fun. you can rack up over 100k experience in under an hour without cheating. basilisk hunting with the ghoul, siren hunting, and can kill drizzt for 12k experience once you get a few levels.
F/M/T with 2 pips in bows. ez.

>> No.3901585

Ok, I was able to open these dialogue .d files in wordpad.
APPEND IMOEN2J //// Changes: Basic punctuation

IF ~Global("MRDragonKillTalk","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN MRDragonSlayer
SAY ~Holy-! WOW! <CHARNAME>! We just killed a DRAGON! (Imoen bounces where she stands, clapping her hands together in excitement.)~
= ~I feel so awesome right now! Imoen the DragonSlayer! Wait... no, no 'Slayer' stuff. The Dragonstomper! Oooh! Imoen the Dragonfryer! But that sounds like I'm cooking it... hmm.~
= ~The Dragonkiller? Nah, too plain... (She wanders off, tapping a fingertip against her chin, muttering to herself) Dragonsmasher? Dragonlady?~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("MRDragonKillTalk","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT

IF ~Global("MRDragonKillTalk","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN BEGIN MRDragonSlayer2
SAY ~Y'know, after the third or fourth dragon, this whole 'dragon-slayer' thing is a lot less impressive.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("MRDragonKillTalk","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT

>> No.3901596

those are just quest related dialogue, there' s actually 10 romantic events you can find.

>> No.3901631


>> No.3901650

that's pretty insufferable to read

is it all like that

>> No.3901658

SAY ~Many animals will take mates among their own family, if other mates are not available.~
= ~People look at you and see a <PRO_RACE>, but that is not what you are. You are Bhaalspawn, and it is your nature to seek out your own kind, just as all Nature's creatures do.~
= ~That you have taken Imoen as your mate is anything but unnatural.~
++ ~Why haven't you spoken of this before now?~ GOTO MRCerReactSpeak
++ ~You are a wise man, my friend. Thank you.~ GOTO MRCerReactEnd
++ ~What a bunch of troll turds!~ GOTO MRCerReactTroll

>> No.3901664
File: 147 KB, 1024x768, 1423071595067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3901669

I'm kinda disappointed that stuff like this was cut.

>> No.3901693
File: 987 KB, 1302x750, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy used both GWW and Time Stop during the fight
holy shit thank god for shenanigans

>> No.3901695

does she like getting raped tho

>> No.3901762

gotta go Vanilla
mods are too subject to personal preference
EE is infested by meme-tablet GUI and S.Jewish writing

gotta play the game it was meant to be played first; if you want mods, add them later, but that's your call.

>> No.3901772

Damn, I just can't ditch Jaheira from the party.

>> No.3901774

So by solo you meant just go straight to Spellhold, rather than not recruiting other NPCs? Or is there a reason not to recruit them either?

>> No.3901775

I think he's implying just to leave all the quests for chapter 6 so you can see Imoen's reaction.

>> No.3901790

Why does every single female Baldur's Gate NPC looks like a rape victim in original portraits? Just asking.

>> No.3901792
File: 137 KB, 340x340, 729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3901794

What do you mean?

>> No.3901806
File: 172 KB, 631x457, french philosopher offering capital letter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give her the qualitytimes.d

It's been more than ten years since I last played the series - never anything but vanilla - and I was severely let down by ToB, but those threads kinda make me wanna waste a few days with a playthrough again. are the games' version on the old CDs still laying around and then patched compatible with the standard mods or do I need newer versions of bg altogether?

>> No.3901854

play the original FAG

>> No.3901882

With SCS, did you have a harder time with Sarevok and co. or that demon boss at Ulgoth's Beard?

>> No.3901887

Your version is fine.

>> No.3901967

I don't even remember the vanilla fights, but probably yes.

From my last SCS playthrough,
Sarevok had 4 allies with him and he was invulnerable until you killed all 4 of them. Frankly it was annoying so I just cheesed the adds with cloudkill and web and then zerged down Sarevok with every melee buff in the game.

The demon at Ulgoth's Beard had a party of 6-8 cultists as a start, and then the demon had two lives so you had to kill him twice. But he was pretty weak and died quickly to melee zerg with Dorn and co.

>> No.3901995

Why would you?

>> No.3901997

I think their BG1 portraits look way better than their BG2 portraits to be honest, lad.

>> No.3902003

unless SCS removes the traps from the encounter, you just drink a potion of magic immunity and trigger them over and over, making for a joke of an encounter.

>> No.3902010

I like to do npc quests for xp even if they are not part of the team.

>> No.3902015

I like the uniformity of the BG2 portraits, but BG1 portraits have more personality.

>> No.3902016

Have you tried putting her and [PC] in a separate room and removing her from there? Seems to work for most BG NPCs.

>> No.3902025

>no cloak of balduran in BG1

This was my favorite cloak in the game. It wasn't even too overpowered.

>> No.3902034

I mean BG2. They could've added it to the bonus merchants. They sell way more OP stuff.

>> No.3902096

I was talking about her begging to stay in the group

>> No.3902104

Yeah and he offered a method to trap her so the leave party dialogue isn't triggered.

>> No.3902105

They were probably scared of making it easy to get to 100% magic resistance, even though that isn't as overpowered in practice as it sounds in theory.

Adding it back into BG2 might have worked out for the best even if the only real function was to stop people adding it to their own mods because it was 'forgotten'. Even without any of the mega mods, I think I found 5 copies of it in my last playthrough.

>> No.3902165

Ah, now I see.
Still heartbreaking.

>> No.3902216

yeah this, especially jaheira

>> No.3902234
File: 166 KB, 591x420, 1474730912146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quaffs potion of invisibility

>> No.3902235

When do you visit watcher's keep usually?

>> No.3902238

run everything except the last floor immediately after you get out of the dungeon.

>> No.3902243

Single-Weapon or Shield?

>> No.3902252

I like to raid the first level pretty early so I can buy the potion case and pick up all the loot on that level (crimson dart is great for cheesing iron and adamantite golems and the ammo belt saves a lot of inventory space)
I then go back and do the rest either late in SoA or early ToB.

>> No.3902253

Shield in 2E.
Single weapon in 3E.

>> No.3902256

dual wield or go home

>> No.3902257

Fuck off, Drizzt.

>> No.3902259

*quaffs potion of magic shielding*
*quaffs potion of storm giant strength*
*quaffs potion of invisibility*
*teleports behind you*
Heh, nothing personnel, kid...

>> No.3902263

Is that even possible? There are tough enemies even on the first floor.

>> No.3902264
File: 11 KB, 210x330, Cernd-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, I'm just the shittiest companion with the most boring personality in the whole series only rivaled by Garrick in uselessness.

>> No.3902269

it's easy, just need protection from evil and negative plane protection.

>> No.3902292

But, if you're playing a class that can only use bucklers (thieves, bards?) make sure to pick up the buckler +1 from Maevars Guild in the door room as there's only one enchanted buckler in BG2. Without that, you're probably better off picking single-weapon.

>> No.3902424

Weren't bucklers supposed to be wearable with a bow? Is there a fix for this?

>> No.3902445

not even in v2.3, where they allow all sorts of illegal combinations of weapons, are you allowed to wear a buckler and a bow.

>> No.3902461

Pretty sure you can wear a bow and a shield in EE. Of course the shield is not active when you have the bow out.

>> No.3902594

Is there a DnD/FR book that tells me how summoning works in-universe?

>> No.3902827

most of them are porn stars/strippers/relatives of the devteam.

>> No.3902838

Garrick can cast mage spells and use a bow.

Maybe you just need to git gud?

you could complain that a pure mage is better than a bard, but a pure mage is better than everything and any tough encounter pretty much boils down to "what level spells can my mage cast?"

>> No.3902869

>shitty stats
>laughable morale

Garrick can above everything else go fuck himself. He being shit has little to do with his class.

>> No.3902889

>shitty stats
>81 point total on an 18d6 (average 63)
>only one stat in the single digits

his stats really aren't that bad, lad.

>> No.3902921

13 int is horrible but at least he is able to cast every bard spell, 14 wis is a waste, 16 dex is relatively meh. 14 str is shit, but he won't be using a sword. Bardic Lore is great and very useful though.
On the other hand, Cernd has 18 wis, OP as fuck druid-only spells and shapeshifter rebalance.

>> No.3902965

But Cernd is almost completely overshadowed by Jaheira who will have a similar number of druid levels as him anyway thanks to the SoA druid level cap but she can also kill things with weapons, can wear armour and actually has some character.
At least Garrick fills a unique role. The alternative bard, Eldoth is evil and has a noticeably lower dex score making him less useful for the classic BG1 tactic of "hand everyone ranged weapons and kite the enemy".

>> No.3903115

Use the Shapeshifter Rebalancing.

>> No.3903894

I really hope none of you that play Good PCs break into the houses of strangers.

>> No.3903895

All Garrick needs to be used for is as a Mage that can use a bow. In BG1 Bards are more useful than full Mages for about 99% of the game, since their XP progression keeps them casting at approximately the same spell levels but with higher caster bonuses, higher HP AND the added benefit of full bow usage. Things like Lore, Battle Song and especially Pick Pockets are just icing on the top pushing them even further ahead.

Garrick especially shines because you get him piss-early to manage his HP rolls and Weapon Proficiency pips, along with the fact that his Intelligence is high enough to cover all spells, Dexterity gets a bonus on ranged attacks and a double bonus on AC, decent enough Strength to packmule and no stat low enough to incur a penalty.

Cernd is only good if you mod your game explicitly to buff him. In which case, you could say the same about literally any character.

>> No.3903960

Joke's on you, I play Chaotic Good so I can do literally anything without breaking character.

>> No.3903972

No see it's okay because I am the justice and anything I do to increase my power and capability to enforce change is justified for the greater good.

>> No.3903974

I needed your life savings to buy a second solid gold house, sorry peasant.

t. Adventurer

>> No.3903989

>Chaotic neutral is the philosophy that the pursuit of liberty and freedom is a desirable end in and of itself. It is a philosophy of pure equitistic individualism. This philosophy holds that the best way for all beings to pursue a rational self-interest is in a society devoid of social order. By putting the needs of the individual ahead of the needs of the state or social order, each being can advance its own self-interest with a minimum of interference from others. Chaotic neutral can also be associated with ethical equitism, ethical hedonism, and various forms of existentialism. As the philosophical "average" of altruism and egoism, equitism holds that harm to others should be minimized when advancing the self and that harm to the self should be minimized when advancing others.
Best alignment.

>> No.3903996

>Steal 30g life savings of peasant who now cannot afford that cure disease spell for his mom with cancer
>Finish the game with 200.000 gold since you already bought up all the artifacts in the country and have nothing to spend it on

>> No.3904005

>Spend said 200k gold to learn the Truename of a companion so you can play a joke on her

>> No.3904021

honestly those little piles of gold are so inconsequential that I don't even judge them to be worth the time it takes to click on them, I'm mostly just looking for mage scrolls

>> No.3904085

>tfw first time I did a complete BG1 + TotSC run

Feels weird because I bought my first copy sometime around 2000 but never could be bothered to play TotSC.

Off to SoA I guess. Maybe I can even bring myself to finish ToB this time.

>> No.3904092

To this day, I still don't know how to get to that ice island.

>> No.3904094

How? Shandalar will offer to teleport you to the island almost as soon as you enter Ulgoth's Beard.

>> No.3904103

I always just killed him for the experience and thought the quest was some retarded fetch quest like the rest.

>> No.3904109

You're retarded, my man.

>> No.3904125

It's not that easy to "just kill" him, his only weakness is wand of paralyzation iirc.

>> No.3904154 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 210x330, 1471636164393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I think about it, bringing Viconia along to the Underdark a truly massive expression of trust.

>> No.3904156
File: 39 KB, 210x330, 1469036972092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I think about it, bringing Viconia along to the Underdark is a truly massive expression of trust.

>> No.3904170

she's the last scion from a deposed matriarch house, and a traitor to lolth. she's not in love with her people or their gods anymore than a surface dweller is.

>> No.3904182

What? There's no place for her among drow no more.

>> No.3904190

>no more

>> No.3904208
File: 25 KB, 244x385, 1423074507496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

viconia is the BEST waifu, and the best written drow, unlike that retard mary sue drizzt.

>> No.3904210

That's a pretty big fuck up. I forgot all about that part of her past. I guess she wouldn't gain much besides death if she sold you out.

>> No.3904218


>not storing all loot you'll ever find in a bag of holding and selling it all in the TOB smuggler's cave for 1,000,000 gold pieces

>> No.3904219

Yep. You can find members of the house DeVir being tortured on the second floor of the tavern.

>> No.3904220


Use loot area.

>> No.3904221

>implying bag of holding has unlimited capacity.

>> No.3904228

Mine do.

>> No.3904239
File: 37 KB, 459x409, 1477978324216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the only one in the world that Viconia can depend on is you, everyone else is hostile to her for being a Drow or being a DeVir

>> No.3904245

and then she dies in the epilogue because all evil characters in the game got shit endings because theyre evil lol evil doesnt pay goy!

>> No.3904293

Do you actually get a better price selling things there, rather than just buying them?

I think my boy Korgan would be pretty happy with his lot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxbC7x20MtU

Sarevok gets a fitting end, even if he's not happy. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to settle down.

It is really dumb that Viconia has an epilogue as though you changed her alignment, even if you didn't. Ascension fixes that by making a version based on her original epilogue the one you get if you convert her, with a new, mostly evil one as the default. It doesn't change the lol epic level cleric dies to poison of the romance epilogue though.

>> No.3904324

meanwhile keldorn ascends to demigod status because he was a good boy and dindu nuffin

>> No.3904350
File: 281 KB, 445x255, Krogan Korgan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korgan was such a badass and well written character that Bioware switched a letter around in his name and made an entire race after his personality.

>> No.3904372


You get about 3x more gold.

>> No.3904417

>he doesn't sell things and then pickpocket them back ad infinitum

>> No.3904468

So Unfinished Business doesn't work with BG2EE 1.3? Or did I fuck up?

>> No.3904494

I'm playing bg2 for the first time. Should I go to the underdark or get on the boat? I'm using a good party if that makes any difference

>> No.3904512

Get on the boat or you'll just miss a bunch of content.

>> No.3904541

Who could turn a trustworthy guy like Saemon down, anyway? The guy just oozes credibility.

>> No.3904547

Unfinished Business can install, say it's failed, but almost everything works in the game. Then, it never allows itself to be uninstalled, because it was never installed, and it's a huge clusterfuck that requires a deletion of the override folder to solve.

>> No.3904565

>be sensible
>lose out on content

>> No.3904567

Do you perhaps know what doesn't work? I want to know what I'm getting into.

>> No.3904596

just delete your override folder and install it first, everything should work.

>> No.3904663

Does Move Silently give you a chance to walk over traps without activating them or is it something else?

>> No.3904669

Summons don't trigger traps. You'll always trigger traps, over and over, and their damage is based on your difficulty slider. Dont worry though, all you have to do is cast mirror image and make a save or two, and you'll take zero damage.

>> No.3904672

Move Silently is the chance of being detected without revealing your position, i.e. the cleric/mage/demon or whatever will go "hold up some faggot is sneaking up on me" and try to cast divination to figure out where you are.

It goes without saying that if you're hasted or you have boots of speed, then no, you really don't need move silently at all, since you can just walk out of the spells range over and over until they run out.

>> No.3904673

I still don't understand exactly what mirror image does or doesn't work on and what spells are supposed to counter it.

>> No.3904678

it works on everything. even aoe effects like cloudkill or wilting can kill off an image instead of damaging or effecting you. it's truly one of the most broken spells in D&D.

>> No.3904682

I guess the game just loves me then. I occasionally walk over traps without springing them and only notice those ones after the rest of my party trips them or detect traps picks it up (late).

>> No.3904690

almost all the traps have a delay, but you'll notice the serious ones real quick.


>> No.3904698

>tfw too smart to maximize XP and loot

>> No.3904708
File: 27 KB, 497x81, Vanilla voiced dialogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fall for the "Khalid is a stuttering coward" meme.

>> No.3904720

Where is this for BG1?

>> No.3904730

She only keeps him around because he's a beast when giving oral.

>> No.3904735

https://pastebin.com/92iqSsJp v1.3 bg1
if you're going to play dragonspear, keep v1.3 as a separate install, and import your character to dragonspear, or you'll regret it.

>> No.3904759

This, desu.

>> No.3904778

>going to play dragonspear
I'm no cuck, anon. Thanks for the link.

>> No.3904779

Do you even bother with the Durlag's Tower tour?

>> No.3904786

Durlag's Tower is 100k experience, easy, not to mention the loot.

>> No.3904797

The tour, specifically. You don't need to do it to enter the tower if I remember correctly.

>> No.3904798

Let's just say that the tour doesn't last very long.

>> No.3904883

This says, is that actually 1.3?

>> No.3904886

i installed it myself to be sure, it is v1.3.2053
that is just the GOG installer version.

>> No.3904907

I liked the idea. Literally a tourist trap.

Also, is it normal that Neera's romance setting is 3 at the begin of BG2= No bully, I just want to see how bad the train wrecking is.

>> No.3904929

I'm trying to play through EE companions' quests in BG2 for the first time and Neera's voice and quirkiness is making me want to kill myself.

>> No.3904930

did you already friend zone her?

>> No.3904962

She just joined my party. I'm suspecting a bug.

Well that wild mage camp almost makes me want to quit the whole game. You can really see Beamdog is obsessed with vital social issues n' stuff.

>> No.3904997

This is the modlist I've been using for a BGT runthrough. It's been relatively stable so far (minor bugs only), I've taken a group from Candlekeep to just before leaving for Spellhold. No EE, I have all the original CD's.

From my weidu log:
BG1 Quest Encounters
Sirine's Call
BG1NPC Project
BG1 Indira NPC
BG1 Finch NPC
BG1 Unfinished Business
Adalon's Blood
Weimer's Item Upgrades
BG2 Tyris Flare NPC
BG2 Banterpack
IEP Banters
Quallo fix
Slandor - Minotaur and Lilacor
Zalnoya and Shadow Thieves
BG2 Restoration Project
BG2 Unfinished Business
Ascension Turnabout
NPC Kits
Divine Remix
Song and Silence
Sword and Fist
Rogue Rebalancing
Item Revisions
Wizard Slayer Rebalancing
BG2 Tweaks
Sword Coast Stratagems
Avenger's Tweaks
Full Plate and Packing Steel
BGT Worldmap
Widescreen Mod

>> No.3905025

>OC NPC mods

>> No.3905028

someone really needs to trace minsc over the shiggy diggy meme

>> No.3905160

It's pretty funny.

>> No.3905286

>BG2 Tyris Flare NPC
She's surprisingly good for a mod NPC.

>> No.3905391

>be a beggar in Athkatla slum
>Spend all day panhandling for a gold coin
>There's three gold in a barrel not ten yards away
>I could use it to buy a knife
>I could use the knife to kill all the rats in the slum
>I could level up
>I could kill a goblin in the Temple sewer and take his gear
>I could become an adventurer
>I could go round the city looting barrels
>I could collect bounties and kill muggers
>I could take over one of the many abandoned houses complete with fitted kitchen
>I could start my own restaurant
>I could have my own bordello
>If only I looked in the barrel I've been standing next to for months

>> No.3905405

Temple Sewers has kobold tribes, not individual goblins. That's where the beggar's story would end.

>yip yip!
>*flame arrows*

>> No.3905520

Remember, you need a lot of kills to level up. Most XP comes from quests.
Do you think an average beggar can find some good juicy quest?

>> No.3905561

>"Please, sir adventurer, I beg only a quest of thee! A few rats! A delivery! Anything!"

>> No.3905562

>Full Plate and Packing Steel
good luck playing a fighter.

>> No.3905563

Good man, don't you know that Athkatla is a level 8+ zone?
Even our sewers have mind flayers and beholders instead of rats. Are you up for it?

>> No.3905564
File: 913 KB, 484x761, img_007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They killed off my buddy Khalid so that neckbeard videogamers can flirt with his sloppy seconds.
I'm still mad.

>> No.3905568

The quest rewards are pretty 'broken' when seen from a normal person's perspective. If a level 0 normal man would rescue the man from the open grave in the graveyard district (doable by day, no encounters) he would earn enough XP to level up to F3 or something.

>> No.3905569

But level 243 is way above the level cap.

>> No.3905579

I almost finished Saradush, but Sarevok doesn't talk at all. Is it normal behavior?

>> No.3905634

you see some devir slaves get killed as soon as you enter ust natha (which is stupid; they were all killed the day drizzt dourden was born)

>> No.3905648

do you have the bg1 jaheria model? I always wanted to see her

>because theyre evil lol evil doesnt pay goy
>hates jews, supposedly because they're evil
>says shit like this

...i remember him being killed by giants

there are goblins down there

>> No.3905662

BG1 portraits are very roughly based on developers and their friends. You won't even catch a likeness.

>> No.3905669

I always liked Khalid way more than his wife. He was a genuinely nice guy who only wanted to help you.

>> No.3905841

The banter mod in BG1 made me like him, but it also made his loving marriage with Jaheira more prominent which in turn contributed to her romance in BG2 being even less appealing.

>> No.3905917

>...i remember him being killed by giants
After which he's personally lifted to the heavens by Torm, and appears by his side afterwards.

>> No.3905924

It probably depends on how did you resolve his little cuck problem.

>> No.3906001

>calling someone a goy means they hate jews
where did the bad man touch you anon? keldorn ascends mortality when his deeds are recognized after he is dying from beating the giant.

>> No.3906234

He's only got the one ending. By default (no Ascension) you've only got one ending for each character, plus one for the romance if they have one.

>> No.3906257


Because BioWare is, and always has been, lazy as fuck.

>> No.3906283

Is Jaheira a cuck?

>> No.3906474

Is it possible to get thief's hood in watchers keep with a LG character?
Learn the definiton.

>> No.3906479

In enhanced edition, the demon just drops it on death.

>> No.3906487

I'm playing EE and there's no hood. Both demons attacked me without negotiations.

>> No.3906490

Guess lawful stupid will just leave priceless demon artifacts on the ground and pretend they don't exist cause EVIL.

>> No.3906496

>Game crashes whenever Jaheira tries to initiate a love talk

Fuck this EE shit.

>> No.3906502

Probably mods are the cause.

>> No.3906504

The demon hides it in his rectum before you complete his quest. You gonna reach up there?

>> No.3906515

Based EE saving you from used goods.

>> No.3906609

i play unmodded EE and it has literally never crashed

>> No.3906643

>Make an Elf character called Drizzt, later when you meet Drizzt and his party (after the underdark) if your reputation is below 12 Drizzt will comment on how you have stolen his name and he will challenge you.

Didn't know that.

>> No.3906692
File: 151 KB, 641x718, The Drow of the Underdark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have stolen his name
What the fuck is his problem?

>> No.3906715

I asked a real question, lad. I asked if Jaheira was a cuck, a cuckquean, a married woman who allows her husband to commit adultery.

>> No.3906814

It's probably a reference to all those not-Drizzt "Good Drow Ranger Fighting To Prove Him/Herself Worthy Despite The Sins Of His/Her Kin Whilst Dual-Wielding Scimitars" stereotype characters made in PnP.

>> No.3906873

She is in the novelization, but not the actual game. There's a lot of good reason why the novel is so reviled.

>> No.3906874

is three weapon fighting worth it

>> No.3906930

every named companion in the game dies, even imoen and co
just so the bhaalspawn can ascend
he doesn't ascend and then he dies to some random retard in a paragraph

>> No.3906937

The author watches TV while he writes and draws "inspiration" from it. Chances are he just saw a retarded death scene and copied it.

>> No.3907637

And yet Coran is canonically alive and well.

>> No.3907648

I don't think canon really matters in dungeons and dragons

>> No.3907690

Damn, these random banters don't occur at all.

>> No.3907765

Don't forget Minsc is currently adventuring with not!Neera

>> No.3907813

>unmodded BG1
Good luck.

>> No.3907816

I'm in tob and Sarevok silent as a fish.

>> No.3907825


>> No.3907840

>In BG2:EE every 10 minutes there is a 10% chance of a random party member attempting to initiate a banter. If the random party member that was selected can find no valid banter partner the banter fails and you will have to wait another 10 minutes to get another chance
Kek, I can in theory finish the game without even a single dialog with him.

>> No.3907847

There are some banters though. Like this >>3904708

>> No.3907930
File: 4 KB, 410x83, posting too much.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there are /some/.

>> No.3908134
File: 40 KB, 351x251, 1487809493326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A single banter though all watcher's keep.

>> No.3908169

Is the Iron Throne absolutely retarded? Why would you even attempt to take over Candlekeep when it would draw the ire of monsters like Elminster and Khelben the next time they pop in?

>> No.3908174

Can't you just fuck with the banter timer through the console?

>> No.3908176


>> No.3908182

Can't handle the bants?

>> No.3908206

Doesn't work.
Yes, ctrl+I works, but I'm not sure if it's a proper way.

>> No.3908207

above v2.0 it's a different format to input commands, for some arbitrary beamdog OC reason, have fun with your cucked version.

>> No.3908216

>Doesn't work
Try C:AdvanceRealTime(30000);

>> No.3908218

Yeah, I know about new syntax.
But I posted above about 10% chance of triggering the banter.

>> No.3908220

do the command a few times then sleep and/or zone, something should trigger if you have any available banters.

>> No.3908231

Nope. But this command works because it deletes cooldown on Imoen's flirt dialogues.

>> No.3908238

So, shall we start another thread?

>> No.3908239

it's the samething as running the game unpaused for the duration of time, if nothing happens banter wise, then there are no banters available or you fucked your dialogue file up, or both.

>> No.3908247

Why ctrl+I works then?
I think advancerealtime triggers dialogues only with time variable.

>> No.3908251

all dialogues trigger based on the passage of the time variable and proximity of the characters. either your triggers are fucked due to fucked mods or your random number generator is fucked, or both.

>> No.3908282

If you like. We could probably turn it into a generalized D&D CRPG thread though.

>> No.3908394

D&D crpg thread would be more inclusive and productive as a result.

>> No.3908409

It's not like people get shunned for mentioning other D&D games but it wouldn't hurt to name it classical D&D games or some other shit.

>> No.3908589
File: 158 KB, 813x176, Lured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do?

>> No.3908591

option 1, get reward, then kill her for exp anyway.

>> No.3908624

option 3

>> No.3908634

why is there no option for you to finish what the fisherman started

>> No.3908862

Uber retard Sarevok might have goaded them into doing it knowing full well that the iron throne would suffer the wrath of those people, hoping to take over the then weakened organisation entirely.

>> No.3908889

She speaks the truth about "monster" though.

>> No.3908892
