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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 284 KB, 672x586, Crag Hack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3829256 No.3829256 [Reply] [Original]

Astrologers proclaim week of Offense.


Previous thread >>3734930

>> No.3829281
File: 56 KB, 700x700, 07e3bb5e7c9aa0c32d1150ed70d3eb0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is nobody talking about M&M games in these threads?

>> No.3829282

I'm not sure which is more annoying, shooters doing full damage from any distance or flyers being able to reach any part od the map in HoMM2. They kind of balance eachother out but I always lose my shooters.

>> No.3829286

Ask a question and it drives discussion, the same thing we tell the HoMM posters.

>> No.3829289

I don't really have anything worth sharing about my MM7 game at the moment. Still trying to catch up to where I was before my hard drive failed and I've been distracted with Quake 2

>> No.3829303

Let's try this instead.

How do we fix stealing?

>> No.3829318

Maybe have items that can only be acquired through stealing. If NWC had more than a year of dev time for every game after 6 a lot of the new mechanics would have been properly fleshed out.

>> No.3829330

Well the biggest problem is the banning that results. If it were temporary then it could be money saving. The other problem is how easy it is to buy things with even mediocre merchant skill. If they wanted to limit money make stealing for "buying" and merchant for selling. As it is it feels more like a poor replacement and if you don't savescum you will get b& everywhere.

>> No.3829463

HoTA 1.5 still hasn't come out, going to be 2 months late soon.

>> No.3829551

I feel like your first HoMM was III

>> No.3829552

It was.

>> No.3829554

probably, H3 has cult status at this point.

>> No.3829556

I wait for SW mod, to be honest.

>> No.3829738
File: 14 KB, 200x213, pLItQF1YIpQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think something like it must exist in English. Does it?
FizMiG (Физикa Mиpa Гepoeв, Physics of the World of HoMM) is a huge reference book about HoMM III (over 400 pages). It involves various aspects of HoMM III such as unit abilities, artifact properties, AI behaviour and even has some tactic advices.
I wonder if people would be interested in translation. If you want, I can provide the link (in Russian).

>> No.3829750

if the original books is in Russian, then hats off to whoever made the book, while at the same time screaming: "WHY IN RUSSIAN?"

Makes me remember a (really comprehesive) guide for XCOM Defense in Indonesian that I found on a bookstore some years back.

>> No.3829797
File: 626 KB, 848x2944, Heroes-of-Might-and-Magic-Игры-Чугунные-карандаши-Комиксы-3664378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Hurry to place bets! -

(3): Hey, fourths, isn't it hard to run only on two legs?
(4): Fuck you, warlock traitors!
(5): Huh, where are guys from earlier games?

(1): Why do we even participate in it?

>> No.3829809

Of course the hydra from 3 was in the lead. And homm 3 hydra probably had the best design

>> No.3829858
File: 47 KB, 1084x561, fizmig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many pages look like that, so if one doesn't fear slavrunes, he can help with placing English names.

>> No.3830059

Well it's not just stealing, disarm is incredibly weak as well. The chests just don't do much damage, especially once you get regeneration. Thieves, ninjas, and even hunters are hurt immensely by the lack of a need for these skills. Hunters should have gotten master disarm in the first place, but even with it the miscellaneous skills just aren't all that balanced.

You have to get repair, identify (unless you want to drag a scholar around), and merchant. Everything else is mostly a nice to have when some things should also have been made borderline mandatory like Perception and Disarm.

>> No.3830170

That picture is pretty offensive.

>> No.3830264

Been putting down Might and Magic for a long time (I only came here for Heroes 3 discussion). What's the best game to begin with?

>> No.3830284

It's all in the OP pastebin. 6 if you are just looking for the best games and some HoMM background, 3 if you really want to get a better grasp of the franchise.

3-5 still hold up pretty well despite cartoonish graphics and a primitive interface. 1 and 2 are from the 80s and they really show their age.

Avoid 9 if at all possible. 10 isn't particularly bad, it just isn't Might and Magic.

>> No.3830295

If you are mostly interested in HoMM3 play MM6 and MM7 with MM8 being optional.

There are particularly strong tie-ins between MM7 and HoMM3 campaigns.

>> No.3830298
File: 24 KB, 400x400, PHP8o2lY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot

>> No.3830580

Werent' H4 hydras actually pretty fast?

>> No.3830593

If you need something comprehensive for H III, look up Tribute to Strategists; it surely is not such a monster, but has most of actually relevant stuff.

>> No.3831145

Well, since FizMiG is a compilation of various sources, it has pieces from the Tribute, so it makes the task easier.

>> No.3831591

6 if you just play HoMM
3 if you like RPGs

>> No.3832230

Not really and especially not compared to Black Dragons. H5 weren't particularly slow either, but a lot of that is how small the board feels in a HoMM5 combat.

>> No.3832970


>> No.3832972
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>> No.3833207

Huh, must have remembered wrong, but in general spacing/grid is royally fucked up in this game.

>> No.3833440

Yep, it's all squares now.

>> No.3833474

Hexes are the best, squares are servicable i guess. But whatever weird mesh H4 had, couple with round (?) units really made any kind of spatial planning that much more complicated.

>> No.3834294

Are Russians still working on a Forge town?

>> No.3834306

The slavs made one for VCMI.

>> No.3834329

Russians are working always
coz they have communisim
In their hearts

>> No.3834376

How is Free Heroes II today?
Is it playable?

>> No.3834970

The attempted mobile port? Last time I checked it was still a mess.

>> No.3835721

Is it any good?

>> No.3835868


Shooters and flyers are weeksauce

Walkers are best.

All you need is teleport and expert water magic

>> No.3835949

why is everything added in HotA so goddamn ugly?

Cove units look like shit, their "improved" pikeman looks like shit, Cove looks like shit, new heroes look like shit.

It's the only thing that keeps me from playing this mod

>> No.3835960

I haven't tried it yet but it looks pretty well made.

>> No.3836474


I don't mind the looks. Because all new things added after vanilla look equally shitty.

I can't stand the bugs though. Things like external dwellings not respawning every week and necromancers suddenly not reanimating dead.

Like wtf.

>> No.3836574

It looks fine aside from the pikemen change.

>> No.3837010

How about you faggots start your own threads?

>> No.3837012

This is already the M&M thread friendo.

>> No.3837583

Do you guys build/upgrade income buildings as fast as possible or do you focus on getting more units first?

>> No.3837610


Depends on the map and faction really. On medium/small maps where resources are few and there's competition from AI then army. If it's a large map where the enemies are far and there is time to gather resources then economy.

It doesn't really matter because as soon as you get through a dragon utopia or get an OP artifact the game is won.

>> No.3837806

Depends on how much money I have
Can't have much units with low income

>> No.3837807

Previous thread was like 40% M&M you troglodyte

>> No.3837889

Always get units. Units will allow you to fight enemies and fighting enemies will earn you more money than buying city hall/capital would, with the added bonus of gaining exp/units/towns. I usually don't get city hall until like week 3-4 and never buy capital because I end up getting it via capturing another capital or the game finishes first.

On further thought it probably does depend a lot on your map. I always play random maps so some scenarios/campaigns might just have no gold to acquire on the map. I'm also assuming you're playing on impossible/expert and you can't just afford units and city hall.

City hall also costs 4 turns to get as you need to get mage guild, blacksmith, market place and city hall. Which is a lot of turns and 8.5k gold.

>> No.3838205

The only doubtful building is blacksmith, you are going to build mage guild and marketplae anyway.

>> No.3838218

Now how about in HoMM2 where you get less shekels?

>> No.3838219

you need a blacksmith(along with a marketplace and mage guild) to get a city hall and some unit structures(ie swordsman barracks in castle town)

>> No.3838238


>> No.3838407

Well with HoMM2 there is just the statue (aside from the faction specific Dungeon) which you should try and get early, but not at the cost of missing a week of T5 or T6 units.

>> No.3838413

With upgrades it's often worth buying he upgrade building early, just because the cost of upgrading later is double. As a general rule, upgrading the shooter buildings fast is worth it and the melee ones isn't.

>> No.3838482


You don't really have to buy defences. Or shit tier units/dwellings

>> No.3838794

Succession wars fucking when already.

>> No.3838807

Soon™ just like the HotA update that was supposed to be out a while ago.

>> No.3839007

Is there a Free Haven equivalent with all kinds of trainers and guilds in MM7?

>> No.3839021

Harmondale maybe?

>> No.3839065

Not in the least. Guilds are split, but in MM6 there are only 2 of a guild, in MM7 there are 4 (basic, expert, master, grandmaster).

There are hubs in Harmondale, Tularean, and Erathia though.

>> No.3839079

Not really. Once you get town portal though it's a ton easier. Master is in Nighon, but requires:
1) Sorcerer or Druid promoted
2) The spell itself which is only sold in Bracada (suggested) and Evermorn (super expensive).

Once you get to Nighon though you can get to Stone City without travel days (just running through the damn cave over again).

>> No.3839082

Harmondale has all the basic guilds and expert of the 4 that were on Emerald Isle (Fire, Air, Spirit, Body).

>> No.3839687
File: 70 KB, 640x480, infc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Might and Magic VI looked like in alpha

>> No.3839728

I like these portraits more

>> No.3840048

I like them less. The alpha version had better draw distance though.

>> No.3840067

I'm probably reading too much into this meme but I'm assuming that, in a roundabout way, this picture is about rating the towns, since Necro is OP and newbies can't figure out how to play Stronghold or Fortress when they are top tier.

>> No.3840080

It's important to note that you do not need to buy your entire week's worth to have a solid army.

There is no reason to be buying out Griffins in Castle if the core of your army is Marksmen / Cavaliers. There is no reason to buy Dwarves and Dendroids if you are relying on G.Elfs and Unicorns. Stockpile your Gorgons until you can upgrade them, and until then, rely on Wyverns, Flies, and Gnoll powerstacks to destroy things. Efreeti are the only unit Inferno needs to cruise through the early game. Stockpile Wolf Raiders Ogres and turn them into a mid-late game powerstack; expand with Goblins, Rocs and Behemoths instead.

Same for HoMM2. Warlocks on Small maps probably don't even need to do anything other than constantly buying new Warlocks and just destroying everything with Gargoyles.

And if you have problems with efficient unit usage, train yourself a niche spellcaster hero solely for expansion:

A single Archdevil can destroy throngs of dwarves with Mass Slow if you have the patience. In the final mission of H2's Roland Campaign, I gave Sister Eliza, the starting non-Roland Wizard a pair of Cavaliers each and they'd just clean whatever nuisance was in the way solely with Magic Arrow / Lightning Bolt, and then also trained Warlocks with wayward chests solely to push that strategy further.

So yeah, go units.

>> No.3840197

Cause we want more of this games and we know that will not happen, thanks to Ubisoft. He created shitty, generic world Ashan which is anti-thesis of what world from MM universe should looks like.

But even with that world and minimal budget (cause Ubishit is greedy as fuck) developers tried to make just good games. Nival (bunch of russians fans of franchise) created HoMM5 which have good mechanic and nice gameplay even if it wasn't ideal and MM 10 also can give some fun. What Ubisoft did after that? They ended making MM (not enough money, hm, I wonder why?) and next parts of HoMM were developed by worse studios with even lower budgets.

This series end in pain, and every time when we have a fun playing Mandate of Heaven or Restoration of Erathia we remember that we never get more of this.

>> No.3840201

I might try just recruiting a bunch of warlocks next time I play HoMM2 then for gargoyle spam.

>> No.3840393

>actually had a dream about the succession wars being released

>> No.3840396

Was it good?

>> No.3840397

The succ wars will never come out

>> No.3840418

>This series end in pain, and every time when we have a fun playing Mandate of Heaven or Restoration of Erathia we remember that we never get more of this.

No, what I remember when playing HOMM3 (with AB and SoD) is that the game is already perfect and has no real way of improving other than a few bugfixes here and there - which the HD mod does.

>> No.3840750

I want to believe we'll see NWC HoMM V

>> No.3840756

It's time to let go anon.

>> No.3841472

Would this place be more or less dead if HoMM-like strategy games were allowed for discussion?

>> No.3841505

They'd never make something better than the real one.

>> No.3841807

I mean we sometimes mention Disciples/Wesnoth here, and /vr/ is a slowboard anyway.

>> No.3842018

What is the best alternative to HoMM?

>> No.3842019

Even better, is any 3D HoMM good?

>> No.3842035

HoMM V is pretty good

>> No.3842036

The names that are usually mentioned are Dominion, Disciples and Wesnoth, each of them is a nice game in its own right. MoM if you are into geriatric stuff.

>> No.3842039
File: 94 KB, 750x900, Z0072346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hammer of the Gods

The only problem with this game is that the Elf faction is massively overpowered. So make sure you set the AI who plays the Elves to novice. They will still be more dangerous than other factions on expert.

>> No.3842041

Does it have a map maker?
Thanks, will check them out, never heard of Dominion or Wesnoth.

>> No.3842237

Not as good

>> No.3842246

V is amazing, otherwise no.

>> No.3842307

Wow I never knew this existed. Looks a lot of fun.

>> No.3842776

I played Disciples I after Disciples II.
Well, I barely noticed a difference aside of artwork.

>> No.3842781
File: 1.41 MB, 1204x1204, 1476040774458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw getting 7 griffins killed on the graveyard in original Heroes cost me 5000 gold bounty

>> No.3842805

>top tier
How is Fortress better than Castle or Tower?

>> No.3843081
File: 151 KB, 642x482, Grid in HoMM I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy russian magic

>> No.3843576
File: 616 KB, 782x489, u97ou5emtvjy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's ready for this fanmade gem?

>> No.3843578

Was digging around for any information about Meridian 59 and how it relates to MM6 since they seem really similar on the surface and found some interviews about MM6 and MM7. https://www.rpgwatch.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13726

>> No.3843583

Look at Matt Barton's channel. He interviews JVC and he talks about both.

Also read the M59 website for the story of how the game was made.

>> No.3843606

Yeah I linked JVC's interview last thread.

>> No.3843625

Considering Children of the Void went nowhere slowly, I expect nothing.

>> No.3843736

I really like HoMM1's art style but the Might and Magic 3-5 style "blood splatter or spell effect tells you how much damage you did" sucks ass.

>> No.3844016


>> No.3844119

Tower is nowhere near top tier, and is one of the most rarely played towns in multiplayer, because it has horrible progression with expensive buildings. When you can get to late game, it is, admittedly, very strong and can beat up Castle and other strong towns, but it's much harder to play and more prone to RNG whims. Small annoyances like Snow being a weak terrain type for external goodies and lacking strong hero types (Solmyr is a darling when fighting early game mons, but as a mage, especially one that focuses on Knowledge, he falls off badly; each Alchemist has a very even spread of stats and at least one suboptimal skill) make it hard to play.

Even in Single Player, Tower, while having an outstanding late game army, has little mobility. In my experience, the best ways of wiping SP maps is with a stack of superfast units, i.e. Archangels, Dragons or even Archdevils, and just abusing extraordinary spell combos against creeps and wayward heroes. The fairly slow armies of Tower do not lend themselves to this playstyle, and they clean the map at a low speed.

And on 200% difficulty, you will be very hard-pressed to build up your Tower; multiple precious resources are necessary to get anywhere.

Fortress, in the meantime, has excellent heroes, great mobility, extremely cheap build-up, a level 6 unit available from the start, a possible week 1 level 7, and Swamp has decent banks and often spawns a lot of Dragonfly Hives where you can get free Wyverns. They suit the fast-paced MP games more, and in SP, their late-game lacks can be simply improved by conquering another, better city, and transitioning.

I'd much rather start with Fortress and conquer a Tower/Dungeon and enjoy those expensive towns with an already built up economy, a stockpile of Mighty Gorgons awaiting in my main town, and a high level Tazar/Alkin/Bron or even Andra, whose Intelligence spec is cool in SP.

>> No.3844120

>a possible week 1 level 7
Who needs god-ass slow hydras?

>> No.3844128

Fortress is not top tier. Top tier are Necro and Flux, and even after that I'd put Castle, Stronghold and maybe also Dung higher. Castle has very easy early game and almost no weak units and, like Fortress benefits greatly from creature banks. Stronghold has the best hero class and even better rush potential while not falling off later in the game and Dung has second best hero class, broken special building while having somewhat lackluster build-up.
Still, Tower sucks on higher difficulties, that;s true.

>> No.3844151

They are really good for creeping due to non-retal and multi-headed attack, and are super-cheap. They have a great opportunity cost.

Fortress is still routinely played online, unlike Tower. It simply does not belong on that shitty meme that is supposed to highlight supposed "bad" towns.

Also, last time I played MP seriously, Rampart was played by everyone because of how easy mode Ivor is.

Stronghold and Fortress I find to be on par because only maretti knows how to play Stronghold.

>> No.3844153


Castle is really flexible but getting archangels is a pain, which can handicap your late game. Especially if you don't have expert water magic with teleport or ballistics. Enemy ai can wipe the floor with you during sieges if they have good spellcasters.

>> No.3844156


But the most important question is

Behemoths or cyclops?

>> No.3844167

Rampart i always found just -plain- elves are excellent, but otherwise they really struggle to find any outstanding features and their heroes learn a lot of shitty skills. Not bad, but not excellent.
Bad towns are Tower and Inferno, yeah. Altough the balance in that aspect is suprisingly close; as in bad heroes towns are a lot less bad compared to how good good heroes towns are.
Even if cyclops were not retardedly expensive i'd still pick behes every day.
In HotA on the other hand Cyclops are probably the best powerstack there is and -the- reason archery becomes a top tier skill.

>> No.3844217

>Rampart i always found just -plain- elves are excellent, but otherwise they really struggle to find any outstanding features

Ivor, Mephala, Jenova, moderate cost, extremely great and easy bank-breaking and a solid early composition with GEs and Unicorns.

They're a very suitable noob town.

I can't think of a situation where you'd want Cyclops. Even their upgraded versions can't attack melee without penalty.

>> No.3844227


It's always fun to completely level fortifications with a small number of cyclops king stacks. Behemoths are kind of sitting ducks.

>> No.3844242
File: 29 KB, 260x159, blackdragon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite city to play is the dungeon. My warlock, with an army of black dragons teleporting around the map, casting Armageddon.

>> No.3844250


Armageddon is nice and all but clone is the best in battle spell.

>> No.3844276

Barbarians don't wait for dragons, they conquer right NOW.

>> No.3844281

Confulux has better armageddon squad anyway

>> No.3844449
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>> No.3844469
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That's the spirit

>> No.3844675

Posted this on /v/ so I might as well post it here
MM8.5 screenshots:

World of Xeen map editor:

Another MM8 megamod:

MM6 mod that came out this christmas:

>> No.3844681

I wonder if anyone will ever attempt a MM9 mod that fixes up bugs, the story, skills and areas.

>> No.3844684

Too bad that many HoMM I maps are empty.

>> No.3844687

There's an unofficial patch but I don't think there's an easy way to do all that for MM9. I know there's other lithtech games that had source code released but not MM9

>> No.3844737
File: 16 KB, 320x288, 1399094612387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that seems interesting, is there a modding community with custom maps?

>> No.3844761

Not sure but there's also a MM6-8 level editor.
Swords of Xeen was a fan mod originally as well.

>> No.3845061

HoMM II sucks severly because it has no random map generator.

>> No.3845112
File: 1.07 MB, 1050x1385, the-battle-of-alexander-at-issus-albrecht-altdorfer-1529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fantasy picture on the right is kinda shitty. Pic related would be more appropriate, don't you think?.

>> No.3845606

Needs more dragons

>> No.3845650

those portraits are way better.

mm6 is one of my fave games of all time, but it sure is ugly as fuck. it's like the ultimate Butter Face of computer games. Super hot body that is amazing to fuck (great gameplay), but really ugly face that you kinda tolerate because the body is so nice.

>> No.3845690
File: 17 KB, 290x368, 1473638949577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard those portraits were of devs. I like MM6's portraits as they are because of how animated they are.

>> No.3845695

>devs putting themselves in the game as the main characters

I hate when they do that. Including Baldur's Gate 1 and Fallout Tactics. You can tell at first glance that the portraits were based on the devs just by how nerdy and dorky everyone looks. Jagged Alliance 2 did it too, but for some reason I don't mind it in that game because the portraits are done well. But BG1, FO:T, and MM6 have some butt ugly portraits.

>> No.3845696

I meant the alpha portraits

>> No.3846051

What game is this

>> No.3846116

HoMM 3 + a bit of image editing

>> No.3846194

What's the difference between Heroes HD and Heroes HD+ ?

Plus seems like the AI is a lot lamer

>> No.3846213


>> No.3846703

I bought M&M6 on GOG, but I have no previous experience with first-person blobbers. Can you give me any beginner tips to get acquainted with the gameplay?

>> No.3846807

The pastebin has a bunch of tips. Along with that, I personally play with just the keyboard controls but a lot of people here seem to enjoy playing through the games with mouselook. Remember that running doubles your recovery time even while standing still and don't be a fraid to pop in and out of turn-based mode to get some ground between overwhelming odds. Make sure to get the Greyface patch as well.

>> No.3846816

Nice thanks. I found it easier to get into System Shock 1 (a game which seems to have similar controls in some ways), still trying to get the hang of my extremely squeezed mantrain.

>> No.3847432

Always run doesn't exist in MM6.

The most common problem people have is the early game is brutal if you don't get bows immediately. Snipe as much as possible until you get some levels.

Make sure you get someone (or 2) up in Body Magic (healing) immediately.

Largely everything else is up to you. You should have someone else go up in Water Magic (portals) up to level 12 for master. Air magic for Fly is also useful, but you don't need to pour points into it.

>> No.3847461

>Just discovered the might and magic series
>So far its the most fun I've had with an RPG in years
>And the series is already ruined by Ubisoft so I don't have to go through the THEY FUCKED IT ALL UP and never touch the series again
Where has this series been all my life?

>> No.3847564

Yeah it does. With greyface it does at least.

>> No.3847589

Greyface must add it then. It definitely is not in vanilla.

>> No.3847907

In fairness MM9 was already pretty fucked up. Ubi made 1 good game with the franchise (HoMM5) a couple bad ones, and a couple awful ones.

>> No.3848197

Well, Dark Messiah was, from what ive heard, actually pretty good even if it has almost nothing to do with other M&M games. And King's Bounty if you count it.

>> No.3848575
File: 328 KB, 420x360, 1413259718219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lads, I can't get Might and Magic 6 to play its music, even with the greyface patch and the mp3's set to 1.

Any help? It's my first time playing any of these games, I can see the potential but it's hard to get immersed without music.

>> No.3848664

Did you move the music files to a folder named "music"? I don't remember if that was the exact name of the folder but the pastebin should tell you what to do.

>> No.3848682

Also if you get music stuttering on MM7 turn off compatibility mode.

>> No.3848741
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, wawMM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone figured out how to make Where Are We work with World of Xeen Full Speech version? It works with all the other Might and Magic I got from GoG, including the non-CD version of World of Xeen?


>> No.3848743

I haven't tried since WoX already supports an automapper.

>> No.3848932
File: 138 KB, 929x928, IMG_3543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I originally used the program for providing an automap for MM1 but I really like using it for the quest, monster, and item tools as well.

I really like the over world map overlay that gives a broader idea of what's out there before you accidentally explore.

>> No.3850039

Is it worth it to play Might and Magic 9 just to see how the story ends? I heard its a continuation of the MM6-8 after its world gets blown up and everyone takes refuge on a new planet.

>> No.3850131

It's not the worst game ever at least. Just mediocre.

>> No.3850370

Honestly i don't think it's that important to the story, seeing as it already ties to Ashan more anyway. H4 plot was actually pretty decent, but much more focused on individual people rather than fates of countries, so its not that important to follow it that closely anyway.

>> No.3850378

What's so great about 3? I only ever played 1, 2 & 4.

>> No.3850380


Random map generator basically

If only i knew how to make conflux and dragon utopias from spawning though

>> No.3850397

3 is basically 2, but with more content in terms of gameplay - there are some minor changes here and there, but you should have no problem with adjusting.
WoG can do this afaik if you are willing to install it

>> No.3850405

There was a random map generator in 2

>> No.3850408


That's good to know. Tired of fighting packs of firebirds and heroes with OP artifacts.

>> No.3850434

- Not as good as in 3
- Not inbuilt in game

>minor changes
How are we going define "minor changes"? Fundamentally it's the same game as it was in 1, but there are very many changes in 3 from 2.

>> No.3850462

I meant "not as big as between 3 and 4" or between V and those parts that dont exist.

>> No.3850490

To be honest, V and parts that don't exist share many common.

>> No.3850727

Ashan is HoMM5 and MMX

>> No.3850759


Where did they go in Homm 4? Like most Homm players I didn't care for lore.

>> No.3850761

The world of Enroth blew up and the survivors went to some planet called Axeoth I think.

>> No.3850763


>> No.3851494

That's correct. It's the opening scene for vanilla HoMM4.

>> No.3851735


>> No.3851862

Gelu was a mistake

>> No.3852590

Did the latest HD HoMM3 patch fuck up map generation for anyone else?

I've gotten unreachable areas with it, but I'm consistently getting fucked over now. Past 3 games I've had a town I couldn't reach physically

>> No.3852634

Age of Wonders.

>> No.3853203

I only fucked around on a random map for a bit but I didn't see any map gen problems. I noticed the HD patch hasn't had a changelog since last year though.

>> No.3853426


Yeah the templates on HD mod for random maps is abysmal.

>> No.3854135

3DO was a mistake.

>> No.3854642


And they were saying shit about japanese rpg designs when western devs loved this edgy stuff.

>> No.3855309

Pretty much every RPG from the 80s had weebshit like katanas and ninjas. The co-creator of Wizardry went on to found a company for distributing anime to the west.

>> No.3855720


It's not really weebshit tho, just goth

>> No.3855815

I was just thinking japanese rpg designs in western games. MM2 and 3 had ninjas and katanas you could use.

>> No.3856598
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(Sometimes) dumb RMG in SoD makes me want to get back to HoTA, though lately I've come up with thought that Cove was a mistake.

>> No.3856607

At the end of the day, Cove is still more balanced than SoD flux or necro was, and with time i begin to appreciate (or maybe just 'loathe less') the spritework. I mean some design choices are still very questionable, but as far as the leading fanmade cities are concerned, it could have been much worse.

>> No.3856731


>> No.3857165

What's wrong with Cove?

>> No.3857249

i never played any of these

will they run on modern software/hardware just fine?

is there a standout I should play in the series?

they look really cool, like Diablo mixed with Elderscrolls, with added dungeon crawling

>> No.3857251

yes, there should be links to patches and resources to get you started on the games in the pastebin in the OP
world of xeen (MM4+5 combined) and MM6 are considered the best in the series

>> No.3857276

All of them should run on modern computers either with DOSbox or natively on windows. MM6 is my personal favorite but MM3-5 are addicting in a lawnmowing and exploration style way.

>> No.3857279

Also check pastebin for tips and links to the games.

>> No.3857620

Objectively nothing, subjectively requires to learn new tactics and change your behavior.

>> No.3857801

That sounds like a good thing though.

>> No.3858068


So, I've been trying to play through the Homm 3 campaigns. Did all the ROE ones, those were easy. Then I started on the Armageddon's Blade ones; did Dragon Slayer first because people said it was tough (I didn't find it that hard, to be honest), and then I went for Playing with Fire, out of a more or less random impulse outside of wanting to save the title campaign for last.

It's not hard, but it is, something, I'm not even sure the right word is. I'm on the mission where you have to flag all the dwellings in 7 months, and I'm almost finished with the first of those, having wiped out both AIs and slogging my way through to all those stupid little places to plant my flag. And it just DRAGS. I can't make myself finish it. Does anyone have any tips? Does it get better?

>> No.3858170

There is a quest on the map to give you the Town Portal spell when you clear out a legion of Water Elementals. Until you do that, the scenario is mostly just miserable. After you do that, it's just annoying and tedious.

That one is MEANT to be frustrating. It's to put you in the mindset of being stuck in a war of attrition against the undead.

Just wait until you get the SoD Yog campaign. Wizard hero who is banned from ALL SPELLS.

>> No.3858179

looks fun

>> No.3858226


>Just wait until you get the SoD Yog campaign. Wizard hero who is banned from ALL SPELLS.

I glanced at it, and you seem to be a Barbarian. While I don't want to comment without having played it in depth, I'm not sure that'll be as bad. It'll probably be hard as balls, no doubt, but what makes this one so dreadful is that the piles of monsters aren't hard, and I've already crushed the AI easily. It's just tedious. I mean hell, I'm not even worried about the time limit even if I don't get town portal, although it will obviously be helpful. 7 months is an absurdly long time.

>> No.3858270

You join the barbarians later in the campaign, but he is a wizard hero with a chain lightning specialty you can't use.

>> No.3858518
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>playing random map, size M, 4 players, Queen difficulty, me as Rampart
>broke through neutrals to Cove enemy
>i'm over
I think either I must choose less players on map, or more size.

>> No.3858705

Does HotA add stuff to maps?

>> No.3858746


The campaign isn't that bad though because you get heavenly alliance

>> No.3858803

Plenty. Most stuff is inspired by HoMM II or taken directly from HoMM II.

>> No.3858978

At least the scenarios aren't that hard by themselves, as in they were made with assumption you have no spells.

>> No.3860180

What's a fun party composition for Isles of Terra? Do you guys ever hire NPCs?

>> No.3860236

BPPAAR -> BBPPAA once you get Thievery from Lion Statue in the Eye Dungeon.
Pure casters are a waste of time once you know the game, so other than some utility spells focus on CRAG SMASH.

No, because the NPCs cost goes up with level. By the time they get to level 50 (which is about what you should have late game) they drain you so fast. Experience isn't the limiting factor on level (especially if you clear out the Maze From Hell), gold is. Every time you go into a shop you lose a day, every time you train you lose 8 days.

>> No.3860247

I've done comps in IoT and WoX with no spells and IoT wasn't all that hard (just find an item of recharging because it can recharge itself). WoX was fucking horrible though. I wouldn't suggest less than 2 sorcerer types and 2 cleric types. Druid spells are mostly worthless other than Walk on Water, but you can get that from an item or just casting Etherialize as specified in the OP pastebin.

>> No.3860336

You hire NPCs, loot them, and then fire them. They are normally too expensive to carry around all game.

The exception is due to the idiotic Moo Chalices, where having them take the stone or dead chalices are worth it. You should consider letting your mains drink the eradication ones though, because they are +1M experience if I remember correctly.

>> No.3860634

Is it true that HoM&M 2 Gold was never released for DOS? I want to confirm this since HoM&M2 - The Succession Wars was.

>> No.3860654
File: 11 KB, 77x97, HoMM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't the OP have both DoS and Windows already?

>> No.3861113

Hey guys sorry for butting in here but I wanted to get an interest check in a project I'm managing:

MM6/MM7/MM8 with modern resolution support, running on current directX redistributables and sprite upscaling.

If you're interested, I'll pop in some months from now and google drive a sample of MM6. The brand is held still by Ubisoft but the publisher is being aggressively bought out - when the inevitable merger negotiations begin I hope that we can pay less royalty share and take the title.

>> No.3861503

I've seen dozens of unity attempts fail but I'd be interested if something like draw distance was improved.

>> No.3861925

Master of Magic

>> No.3861997

Warlords series

>> No.3862062
File: 271 KB, 200x200, 1471461392343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HotA, random map, L size, 4 players, no unions, Queen difficulty, me as swamp guys
>was the first to take over Inferno enemy on the start of the 2nd month (early vyverns)
>eventually won over everyone in 91 days, even the enemy with Grail
It was a long game.
What should I play next?

>> No.3862063

it's time to join the big boys club and play as inferno

>> No.3862702


Inferno is fun, all you need is blind and a stack of efreets to succeed. If you get berserk or armageddon, you've pretty much won the game.

>> No.3862713

I have a question.

1: Why Might and Magic 3 graphics won't moving? (Tree - Water - ect)
2: Why might and magic 3 wake of gods graphics are perfect?

>> No.3862723

Do you mean Heroes of Might and Magic 3?

>> No.3862838

>Why might and magic 3 wake of gods graphics are perfect?
>vasyan-tier creature graphics

>> No.3862873

Stop false-flagging you retard

>> No.3862939

for a second i thought you were fartposting

>> No.3863447

From what I've read Gold is only for windows but it's more or less functionally the same as the DOS versipn asode from a few things.

>> No.3863456

wog tripled the requirements because of that

>> No.3863704

Only if random will make me play Inferno

>> No.3864549
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Which is why you will always be a brainlet.

>> No.3864673

Eador and AoW. Disciples first two games are amazing, then 3 was a clusterfuck and not recommended AT ALL. Akella really dropped the ball.

>> No.3864849

I'm hoping we won't have to go to unity since we'd have to rewrite everything from scratch. On the other hand the kind of code M&M6 uses isn't that difficult, at least as far as how combat and quests are kept track of.

Our programmer could handle that, but the most time consuming thing is really all the spritework. Of course there's now tools to streamline sprite upscaling, but we run the risk of looking like a botch-job (HoMM3 HD).

>> No.3865320

Mod compatibility could be a dealbreaker.

>> No.3865363

Which mods are you thinking of specifically? This is currently not in the scope of the project, but I could look at the assets the modders used.

>> No.3865376

Just the big name ones like Chaos conspiracy. Ideally I'd like to have full compatibility just like a Doom source port.

>> No.3866304

Do you have access to the source code or are you reverse engineering it?

>> No.3866652
File: 287 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody post similar stuff in the style of the 3d heroes?

>> No.3866689
File: 272 KB, 531x1078, Jezebeth_CoH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's /clash/ here?

>> No.3866697


I want a sequel

>> No.3866864

>Have a plan to rush my opponent on day 1 as a red like a pansy I am
>lol plague week
Every fucking time

>> No.3866869

What's SW ?

>> No.3867164
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Succession Wars newfriend

>> No.3867871
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it's always annoying no matter what

>> No.3867874

it's actually a photoshop mockup

>> No.3867932

Inferno is the only way I can play now. it has that little something extra to it. Little bit different way to taht roflstomping army

>> No.3867965
File: 82 KB, 252x246, comfy murderer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to say the homm threads are some of my favorite threads on 4chan.

>> No.3867991

Same senpai. I'll probably stop browsing /vr/ altogether if these threads die off.

>> No.3868167

How do I play the heroes 3 chronicles on Homm3 HD?

>> No.3868175

Dragons in MM8, why are they allowed?

Unresistable ranged damage that scales all game.
Fireball nukes with virtually infinite mana.
GM Learning
GM Identify
Fly the instant you walk to Garrote Gorge, turn in the dragonbane flowers, and train. Normally you have to have finished the Balthazar quest which isn't even unlockable until you are ready for the alliances.
Tons of hp and even master body building, so they never die.

They balance out late because they never reduce their recovery time, but you can pick up 2 once you get off Dagger Wound, and even 1 will carry you through early and mid game.

>> No.3868214

Do you mean the Ubisoft version or the HoMM3 HD patch?

I feel like MM7 and MM8 weren't really playtested all that much.

>> No.3868965


Inferno with Zydar is devilishly fun. Especially if there are several inferno towns spawned.

Imo dimension door and town portal should have been fire magic spells to keep in line with the whole teleportation theme.

Heretics are perhaps the strongest casters in the game with how much spell power they receive.

Inferno units get lots of flack for being shit, but I always think twice before engaging hordes of efreets, cerberus, demons, magogs and pit fiends because they have the potential to really wreck your army due to a combination of multi hit and just being tough as fuck. The only real problem with the inferno army is how shit they are at sieges.

>> No.3868991

NWC was cranking out a game a year because 3DO was a mismanaged company and they leaned heavily on them, in fact, I think MM8 was going to be an expansion to MM7 before it was spun off into its own game.

>> No.3869912
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>> No.3870678

are there more of these?

>> No.3870694

>Boston Arcanics

>> No.3870714


>> No.3871241

>NWC and possibly 3DO might still be around if Trip Hawkins let them do their Might and Magic MMO
feels bad

>> No.3871257

good thread related to HoMM

>> No.3871919

We demand sauws + moar

>> No.3872925
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>> No.3873090

There's that one with basketball behemoth, but i dont have it on this pc

>> No.3873359
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>> No.3873806


>> No.3874430

What's your favorite HoMM3 campaign?

>> No.3875158

Easily Armageddon's Blade

Conflux (which isn't used in any other campaign)
Tie-ins with M&M
Tons of Maps
Armageddon with no consequences

Only thing missing is there needed to be a scenario with the grail to demo how absurdly and ridiculously overpowered the Conflux grail is.

>> No.3875410

I really really digged the art is Diciples 3.

>> No.3875413


>> No.3875603

The presentation was always good in disciples, II had sick portraits as well as good music.

>> No.3875732

>The only real problem with the inferno army is how shit they are at sieges

Their level 7 unit is excellent pretty much only on creeping on the map (speed + non retal is a big deal there), but it loses out in fights and utility with Archangels, Ancient Behemoths and Black Dragons.

Nothing really makes Inferno stand out on a stat-for-stat basis or building curve basis, other than the ability to Demon farm, which is not an easy task compared to fire&forget mechanics of Necromancy.

Heretics aren't better than Warlocks, who get just as much Spell Power and have much better secondary skills, specs (Jeddite, Alamar and Deemer are better than anything Inferno has to offer; Zydar's Sorcery is a waste) and more often than not access to mana vortex.

Heretics pale in comparison with Battle Mages, which are like more balanced Barbarians (with a very juicy skillset) that can learn Water Magic.

Fire Magic really should not be your first choice of a skill; it's much more situational than the other schools and has comparably less benefit for investing into it. Yet Heretics excel in Fire while Warlocks and BMs will be more likely to get Earth.

Also, if we're really going with heavy spellcasting approach, we want Intelligence, so Ayden is superior to Zydar anyhow, aside from his ugly mug. Intelligence is the only skill that will let you win some of the extremely broken and micro-demanding fights in some of the more notorious custom maps, where training an Intelligence and a Logistics hero is a must.

>> No.3875886

Disciples 2 art can't be beat. If only the gameplay was as good as HoMM

>> No.3875892 [SPOILER] 
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Rise of the Necromancer
Sandro is love, Sandro is life

>> No.3876157

I havent payed much attention to the series after 3,

Is Sandro still around in the later games?

>> No.3876176
File: 135 KB, 646x680, 1411896619631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't played 4 so can't say anything about that, he's gone in 5, and I think he got an entire expac for himself in 6 or something.
But Heroes 3-Sandro is best Sandro.

>> No.3876194

You can get him in Necro tavern in heroes 4, though he's not starred in any of the campaigns.

>> No.3876232

>he's gone in 5

Fucking Bullshit.

Is there any OG Hero from Heroes 1 that's gone through all the games?

>> No.3876267


You really underestimate the power of Zydars armageddon and inferno +1 to power. Also the fact that getting efreets is much cheaper than black dragons.

I'm not really into dragons myself because they can't be buffed or ressurected without the orb of vulnerability. Berserk will help you wipe out armies that aren't necro or that friggin conflux. Also earth and water while being great schools have nothing like armageddon, berserk and blind which are strategic as fuck with armageddon being the most powerful damage dealing spell.

Battle mages are pretty disappointing stat wise, they're more versatile than barbarians, but their stat spread does not provide maximum power, so you end up with a jack of all trades. They're only useful if your stronghold doesn't have cyclops and you won't be able to teleport that stack of behemoth. Otherwise a barbarian with ballistics is a better choice.

Warlocks are great overall, but both alamar and jeddite have a higher chance of getting fire magic which makes them more of secondary heroes and generally slows down your progress if you main them. While heretics are full of damage dealing spells right from the start. Their lack of knowledge however is annoying unless you get an artifact. As far as spellcasters go, heretics are a solid second imo.

>> No.3876336

Does it really matter if they completely rebooted the series after 4?

>> No.3876556
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>> No.3876578

HoMM4 has some good art but man are the battle animations ugly.

>> No.3877261

Hey, it was nice.

>> No.3877556
File: 839 KB, 1920x1080, fuck you lizardman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally find the right way through this labyrinth of water tunnels
>I can't land because week of the lizardman bullshit blocked the only unload point
If you're a map maker and haven't turned off monster weeks you're part of the problem.

>> No.3877704

Sorry, but inferno is just bad, and demon farming only makes in barely decent.
Its units are either just weak (imps, demons, magogs) or have crippling weaknesses to counteract any interesting quality they might have (archdevils and pitlords are expensive as fuck and cerberi have low growth for some reason). Only actually decent one is efreet, and its still weaker than nagas and dks.
Heroes are nice, but still not amazing. Fire magic focus is the shittiest tho, and at the end of the line they are still weaker than true top dogs like Overlords, Barbs or necro heroes.
And one more thing - relying on high level spells in battle is really bad idea when red orb exists. Yeah, that artifact is pure bullshit and one of the worst design choices in the game, but its in there nontheless and for a good reason is really coveted by anyone who expects to have problems against magic heroes.

>> No.3877772


I always have a might hero with a big army and barely any focus on magic and a spellcaster with a small army doing all the gimmicky shit. Might heroes barely get enough knowledge to be useful for most spell that aren't cure, blind or teleport.

>> No.3877808

>Might heroes barely get enough knowledge
From artifact alone you will usually have like 10 or more in later stages of the game, and that is plenty to use actually relevant spells.

>> No.3877817


Artifacts kind of defeat the purpose of having hero types or skills especially late game.

>> No.3877829

I'd agree with you in SoD but Hota's additions of negative luck and the ability for magogs to aim at the ground really give Inferno a boost. They're certainly not top tier but they're easily on the level of Rampart or Tower.

>> No.3877835


I never really understood demon farming, as a strategy, in fact I rarely buy pit fiends or doggies. You're always better off focusing on getting devils and efreets than wasting money on those two units.

>> No.3877841

To some degree yes, but you still have different skill trees and those are the most important point of a hero.
Also in general you don't need that much knowledge/power after a certain point, while additional ATK/DEF is always nice.
I won't argue with that, magogs not being shit are certainly a plus and negative luck can actually do something instead of being nothing 90% of time

>> No.3877854

Are the neutral dragons ever worth buying? I made a scenario where I'd use a neutral dragon against a castle bought stack of the same cost and the castle stack would win the vast majority of the time.
Now a neutral dragon might be better in the early game just to intimidate all the other neutral stacks but to if it's the early game you won't be able to beat the guardians of the dwelling and even if you do you won't be able to afford the additional gem/crystal/sulfur/mercury cost.
Their whole existence just seems to be for showboating the thieves guild.

>> No.3878176

Why did NWC hate Kreegans so much?

>> No.3878231

They are not worth their cost generally, so unless you are really rich, don't bother. You could have, what, 6 aas for the price of single azure?

>> No.3878235


Dragons in general aren't that great.

>> No.3878246

Is completing the campaigns in HoMM3 as daunting as it seems? How doable is it for someone who's not that good at the game? I've only ever played random games.

>> No.3878250

Hi, phonefag here. Long time fan of HoMM3 since childhood. Is there any good way to play this game on mobile, or is it a lost cause?

>> No.3878253


I got homm3 HD running on a samsung s6.

Otherwise there's clash of heroes, which keeps the spirit of Homm despite animu.

>> No.3878259


Restoration of Erathia campaigns are pretty easy. The other ones require a shit ton of restarts and intimate knowledge of both magic and game mechanics.

>> No.3878261

Oh, do you remember how you got it running? And where you might have downloaded it from?

>> No.3878268


You need to move some files to obb folder and some into data folder, there were instructions on how to do it. I think AC market has it.

>> No.3878273
File: 12 KB, 400x320, cddrives.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duuuude you need to connect cddrive to soundcard

>> No.3878443

say that to my stack of black dragons and not online kid

>> No.3878880

It's explained in the M&M games. The Oracle gives a long explanation and then Escaton fills in the rest when you visit him in 8.

>> No.3878882

Why would you want to play the campaigns? Far too many of them either involve tedious alt-win conditions or slap a border gate in front of the enemy's castle or even worse, slap a one way monolith exit in front of yours.
You feel accomplished when you're done but doing it is always a miserable experience.

>> No.3878907

>Why would you want to play the campaigns?
I want to complete my entire backlog

>> No.3878925

Well in that case I hope you've already beaten heroes chronicles because if not you've got 8 more campaigns/novels ahead of you.

>> No.3878980

Okay but why did they make them so weak in HoMM3?

They're fun.

>> No.3879020

>Okay but why did they make them so weak in HoMM3?
As with most questions like this, it's because HoMMfags were butthurt about the Forge. NWC had to nerf them as they were supposed to be beatable even with Armageddon's Blade. It's the same reason Conflux is OP.

If you haven't played M&M the Kreegan lifecycle is so fast and aggressive that war is inevitable. The ancients tried bargaining and realized very quickly that it didn't work. The war eventually cost the Ancients almost everything.

They travel. They land. And then they conquer.

Ultimately because Catherine and Roland annihilate the Kreegan in AB, the Destroyer in MM8 decides to give hints as to how to stop the end of the world and invasion of the elementals. Then Gelu fucks it up at the start of HoMM4 and the whole world goes boom anyway. >>3851735

>> No.3879128

Didn't even know this was out.

>> No.3879153

>they could be using the Might & Magic license to be making fantastic RPGs
>they are making this instead

>> No.3879339

Being a Might and Magic fan is true suffering. All remakes and fan projects fail while Ubisoft doesn't give two shits about the mainline series.

>> No.3879589
File: 532 KB, 1920x1080, vcmi mouse scrolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to fix this problem with VCMI where the mouse doesn't stop at the screen border and instead moves past it causing the screen to not scroll at all? I'm showing what it looks like when trying to move left because it's actually visible but when trying to go right the mouse just moves off the screen entirely. Up and Down seem to work fine but left and right are an issue.

>> No.3879730

Try switching in and out of windowed to full screen. Works for me

>> No.3879806

If you didn't have Marksmen and Magog stacks then maybe you would have gotten there sooner.

>> No.3880084
File: 76 KB, 450x592, M&MI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How impenetrable are the first few Might and Magic games for someone who has never played an 80s RPG? Writing out your own maps seems like the biggest obstacle. It's actually endearing in theory, but an obstacle nonetheless. Aside from the map making, are the games difficult?

>> No.3880114

For me it was honestly too hard - 3 was the borderline. 4 and 5 are perfectly serviceable though.

>> No.3880162


HoMM 2 hydra was the perfect town guard.

>> No.3880238

Both are much easier to get imto than Wizardry

>> No.3880463 [DELETED] 

Have a translation of it? I get it ingeneral, but I'd like to know what they're "saying" if possible.

>> No.3881156

There are probably no more than 3 people in these threads that have finished the series and I haven't played MM1 in at least 5 years.

The biggest issue is definitely the maps, but the playability is WAY different between the two. Any kind of teleporter will utterly confuse you as you will have no idea where you are. In MM2 you can check the minimap.

You can't save ANYWHERE aside from an inn. This sucks in a way you will not be used to. It's fucking horrible. As a result you will wipe a lot. This is normal.

There are no spellbooks. You will need a list because you refer to their spell by spell level and number. The manual has these (like Firebolt is 1-4).

In MM2 most of the hints are fairly clear once you figure out the pattern, in MM1 it's way more open ended. I strongly advise against jumping into especially MM1 without a full guide and walkthrough.

Other annoyances:
Lack of a quest log, in MM1 you can only have one major quest at a time and there is even a Remove Quest.
No quest log or notes
You can't see monsters from range
MM1 has a trap in one of the cities that takes half of the hp of all male characters, so it's suggested to make all female (since you can't tell anyway).
You usually can't see traps and often can't avoid them even if you could.
And of course the standard annoyances you should be familiar with if you ever played any kind of old RPG:
Areas reset when you leave
Random encounters everywhere plus a bunch of fixed ones.

Other notes:
All encounters and quests are repeatable infinitely, just cause a reset of the zone.
Events can trigger based on what day it is.
If you don't see a stat increase you got, make sure you sleep. Temporary stats are pretty screwy.
Training gives different HP based on where you train in MM2. I don't remember if it's this way in 1 as well.
High level items have alignments and can't be used by characters outside that alignment.
Merchant not double sell costs like 3-5, it cuts buying costs in half.

>> No.3881172

>Merchant not double sell costs like 3-5, it cuts buying costs in half.
This came out wrong. They not only double sell costs like 3-5, the also cut buying prices in half so it's effectively double the effect.

>> No.3881784

Didn't he appear in Necro campaign of vanilla HoMM4? Like he was Gauldoth's mentor or something. I don't remember clearly, it's been too long since I've played that campaign.

Well if you count mentions, Grag Hack and Sandro should be up there. Both didn't appear in HoMM5, but are mentioned there.

>> No.3882070

How do I conflux?
I am at begining of the game, and I focus on shooting everything + slowness spell and it does great. I decided to let my fairies stay in castle and GROW

>> No.3882138

Oh ubi, just what are we going to do with you?

>> No.3882273

>MM1 has a trap in one of the cities that takes half of the hp of all male characters
is he cute at least

>> No.3882331

I'm screaming

>> No.3882361

Unfortunately it's female, like the rest of the city.

>> No.3882371

Succubus city, I'm sure at least could go futa for you though.

>> No.3882390

The big advantage of Conflux is that you get 4 phoenix a week, which are the fastest units in the game (meaning they guarantee you cast first barring the other player with a shitton of speed artifacts). The tech tree is pretty simple and even in resource starved impossible maps getting week 2 firebirds isn't particularly hard. In normal maps you can get week 1 firebirds. Don't forget to Bless your Air Elementals.

Magic University is really neat as well.

For beginners, just getting ranged and then firebirds in week 2 will carry you on almost any map. Ice elementals are pretty expensive though so be careful.

>> No.3882525

just fuck my franchise up
has anyone here played creature quest?

>> No.3882748

Don't forget, that on average, Conflux heroes are awesome, with high chances to get great skills like Tactics and Logistics and magical schools.

>> No.3882756


Conflux has the only heroes to start with magic shools.

>> No.3882972

Which is nice, but not as useful as it would be for literally any other race because of the Magic University.

>> No.3883015

Daily reminder that SW is literally never coming out.

>> No.3883016

Same goes for the HotA update.

>> No.3883040

Is this a thing? Are there any links?

>> No.3883327

drunken slavs being unreliable, whats new

>> No.3883359

Might and Magic 8.5 still also never coming out as well.

>> No.3883361
File: 9 KB, 222x227, 1359770215919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely they will deliver soon.

>> No.3883559

How long has that been in development? It has to have been a decade by now.

>> No.3883569

Looks like a random photo off google with might and magic slapped onto it

>> No.3884098

HoMM 6 duels are pretty decent. Should've just been a spinoff game with only duels or something.

>> No.3884139

What is SW?
Also when is the VCMI team going to focus on computer ai? It ignores border tents, forms a traffic jam against border gates, spends all its money every turn on as many heroes as possible while leaving the castles empty, runs in circles and ignores monoliths and cave entrances.
I get that they might have more pressing issues but if they want it to get other people interested and on board a functioning opponent should be a priority.

>> No.3884312
File: 462 KB, 1153x649, never ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what else was literally never coming out?
Succession Wars, mod for HoMM3 that makes it HoMM2

>> No.3884317
File: 8 KB, 590x407, 1348637182867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that.
>Someone made the Warlock faction from it a town in VCMI
>they didn't balance it for heroes 3 at all
>The Black Dragons have 6 speed and only 14 atk/def

>> No.3884976

I remember it coming out and being a disappointment.

>> No.3885131

Recently, a new programmer who joined VCMI team has started improving AI code. If you want to test it, download this and copy it into your VCMI client folder (overwrite the files): https://www.dropbox.com/s/fk3wogyueer1xqb/vcmi_towncapturingAI.zip?dl=0

If you wish to discuss it (English is OK) or observe the newest changes, head here: http://www.forum.acidcave.net/post.php?pid=137172

Changes in a nutshell:
- AI prioritizes capturing cities (still doesn't make attempts at defending them)
- AI manages resources and units better.
- AI doesn't recruit heroes from alien factions

>> No.3885181

I am mentioned "new VCMI programmer who started improving AI code".

Somebody mentioned problem with adventure map not scrolling - this is a bug mentioned here:
I just managed to fix it today - if the fix doesn't introduce any problems it should be merged soon.

About AI... AI code in VCMI is well programmed, it just lacks features. Even though AI is important, it is not a top priority at the moment so things are as they are. Current focus goes to VCMI map editor that is made from scratch.

>> No.3885425

good to see HoMM still being kept alive through modding keep up the good work anon

>> No.3885453

good job programmer anon, thanks for keeping /vr/ posted

>> No.3885953

>Battle Brothers just came out
>still find myself going back and playing HoMM2 instead
It's too comfy bros I can't resist.

>> No.3886117

for me, its the little bit different playstyle. It is clunky, weird, much more work than just massing good units and obliterating everything.

BUT... you get to sacrifice half of your army in order to get it stronger.
You are willingly trying to get that stack killed off completely before wasting the poor sods you are fighting.

I also feel it gives you quite an edge early in the game, because it is muuuch better to have a bunch of demons on week 2 (200% only here ofc) than some 100 fucking useless imps that will just die and you get nothing where demon would get for example 15 dmg and nothing happend....

late in the game it doesnt matter that much, yes, you probably have hueg ball of demons, but we all know it is the whole army, not one stack of uberawesome legions of fuckers (that can be dealt with easily)

but really it is that feel. you are a fucking demonlord that will sacrifice his lower minions to summon the gbig fuckers. It just makes sense to me. same way as
-castle is people in strong, variable organised army, they are humans and everyone counts, everyone, including halbs is doing their part

-rampart is fucking elves fucking up everything while the rest is fucking around, dwarfs are amassing gold, unicorns are shiny, trees grow, pegasi fuck centaurs and everyone is environmentaly friendly.

necropolis- you just know, they swarm everyone, dont care about the losses, dont fear, they just slowly steamroll growing in skeletal strength. vampires are trying to steal the show, zombies eat brainz, liches pollute and dreadknights are desperately trying to put some order into this chaotic lot. Dragons are dead.

-fortress are hidden behind their walls, lurking in the swamp, waiting for the idiots to come to them. they decieve. gnolls look weak but will fuck your shit up. lizards are the same untill you get the arrow in your balls. dragonflies are great cunts, because you think you are attacking some slow, clunky elvenarrow food when suddenly you have

>> No.3886131

this fucking winged snakes biting your ass from behind your lines. and gorgons are just innocent cows, waiting to get milked right?

-stronghold are ruuuuuuuush, kill them and ask later, offeeeeeense, urrraaaa za stalinaaaa. BOOM stone in your face, cunt! oh shit, we didnt get them in first round? prepare bodybags, valhalla awaits.

-dungeon are those ancient magic lurkers. sort of poshy aristocratic cunts that are actually ugly monsters living in a wet cave. they have this feel of ancient threat. every unit is mythical and menacing. And when minotaurs arrive to the battle finally, you are in for some slashing all while mana is just spilled in mass.

-tower are fucking arrogant pricks that look down on everyone else because muh knowledge and wisdom. muh godly titans, muh living water disposing decorations. They will cast the whole book just to show you that they can while nagas will give your whole army an handjob while you cant even retailate and touch dem tiities

-conflux doesnt have personality. Fuck conflux

>> No.3886167

There are no real HOMM2 mods, are there?

>> No.3886271


Dungeon are failed wizards, most of their units are chimera experiments gone wrong.

>> No.3886341

posts, nigga

>> No.3886348

>there is an option to turn them off?

>> No.3886474

Me too

>> No.3886489
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Or too successfull.

>> No.3886492

Good stuff

>> No.3886625

There's a balance mod.

>> No.3887324

Project Ironfist.

>> No.3887403

>lizards are the same untill you get the arrow in your balls.
Do you know that you must always bless upgraded lizardmen?

>> No.3887406

>Dungeon are failed wizards
Dungeon appeared before wizards, though.

>> No.3887476

Yes, same with harpy hags. But if you dont, sometimes the higher dmg can be a nasty surprise

>> No.3888208
File: 200 KB, 648x526, HEROES2W_2017-03-27_22-05-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dragons wipe your shooters in one turn
I can never keep the centaur archers alive.

>> No.3888378

What's the consensus on forge? Originally I thought it was a bad move to replace it with the terribly unbalanced Conflux but after using forge based fan factions I agree with the original fan complaints that it is terribly jarring from everything else in the game.

>> No.3888394

>original fan complaints
Original fans of what?
Sci-Fi was a part of M&M, I don't see any jarring.

>> No.3888439

it was newfags who started with Heroes and didn't know shit about M&M lore that complained

>> No.3888596

It was only odd to people that hadn't played Might and Magic. The sci-fi side has been there since MM1 and went even the weak MM9 pokes plenty of fun at Trekkies.

It was an attempt to join the two sets of games, and instead all we ended up with were vague references to the contested lands and the arbiters after the outcry of a handful of online faggots who didn't know what they were talking about. I prefer the JVC that put a bad reviewer (Scorpia) into the next game as a fat villian.

>> No.3888840

I think the sesign could have been done better but the concept was great

>> No.3888872


>> No.3889689

Fan factions are just that, fan factions. We'll never really know what the finished product for forge could have been aside from what devs have said. I heard the knight campaign was going to be like samurai jack with you going through towns and places destroyed by the forge.

>> No.3890172

If he just had green dragons then you had a chance to save them due to how slow they are compared to Minotaur Kings that can be teleported, but it's basically unavoidable otherwise. Resurrect True is obviously the best option though.

>> No.3890174

I usually just end up brute forcing the final town/objective anyways since the strategic decisions are mostly early/mid game.

>> No.3890298
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I may have gone too far in a few places.

>> No.3890319
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>> No.3890507

That nomad looks weird.

>> No.3890812
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If you play with the Where are We program it's much easier to get into the first two games in particular. All it really does is automap for you and give you proper spell information as needed. It's just handy while not turning the game to easy mode. Basically just puts the elements from the manual on screen.


Talked to the guy working on it because World of Xeen speech version wasn't working and he's now working on that. Apparently there will also be Wizardry 1-5 and Bard's Tale 1/2 support soon.

>> No.3890938

>Be me
>playing castle as Orrin on random maps
>found a scroll for clone, resurrect and armageddon
>things are looking good, got master of water magic and master of earth.
>by pure chance found thunder helmet in a grave.
>this nigga gonna be a spellcasting knight
>earlier amassed 3 inferno towns, got them all linked by castle gates.
>also got one devil external dwelling
>my 3 inferno towns are literally shitting devils.

>got in a random fight with my stacks of archangels and archdevils.
>use clone like a motherfucker.
>battle ends
>my archangels are gone because the HD mod bugged out

>> No.3891604

Are sprites worth getting in HoMM2?

>> No.3891610

Generally no simply because of how easy it is to get ranged, but if you have the money it's usually easier to just buy more heroes (and hopefully a barbarian).

>> No.3891631

What's a good sorc unit to mass?

>> No.3891654

Sorceress has the advantage of two strong shooters and the fastest unit in the game (tied with Champions). If you have space for sprites sure put them in. Elves and druids are what you are focusing on though and combined with a Barbarian's attack opponents just drop. Not only are they ranged, but both are Very Fast. If you managed to get some gargoyles while hero buying then you have a Very Fast unit to shut down enemy shooters. Even unicorns who are low hp for a T5 melee aren't bad and have that nasty blind proc.

>> No.3892162

>tfw bit the bullet and just downloaded Creature Quest
I can't resist more JVC even if it's mobileshit.

>> No.3892186 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.01 MB, 1080x1920, 1490860084969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send help

>> No.3892190
File: 289 KB, 800x600, those stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck!

>> No.3892197
File: 294 KB, 1111x1080, Sandro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What mods are you using?

>> No.3892209
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I got a bunch of error messages before the fight started so that could be the reason for it. Anyway that thing didn't retaliate or attack at all so I just beat it down while it sat there.

>> No.3892228

This is NOT okay

>> No.3892316
File: 274 KB, 800x600, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I figured it out. If you use the Glory of War mod for WoG then choose one of the Egyptian emissary units from it to be your henchman you'll get a bunch of error messages but then the battle will start and it will have fuck huge stats.

>> No.3892321
File: 276 KB, 800x600, stat page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better picture.

>> No.3893051

These mods look slav as fuck.

>> No.3893087

Slavs are the only ones keeping this game alive basically.

>> No.3893092

still waiting for them to post new on succ wars

>> No.3893908


Homm has been developed for slavs ever since 5 came out

>> No.3894309

And look how it turned out
But desu i think its more about Ubisoft having neither vision nor desire to actually do anything with the series other than milking it

>> No.3894353

>Heroes 5 sells relatively well for a niche tbs based on an old property from the 90's
>Now for the sequels lets water down the central mechanics, add tacked on online features and abandon quality control
I would have thought a company could look at a diminishing sales chart and a fanbase vocal about what it wants and pander to them instead of digging its heels in to appeal to anyone but them.

>> No.3894427

that game was dope, even if the 5th chapter was complete garbo

>> No.3894434

So, how many of you here are slavs?

>> No.3894486
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You play the vs mode?
>That guy who picks the elf girl.

>> No.3894495

>I would have thought a company could look at a diminishing sales chart and a fanbase vocal about what it wants and pander to them instead of digging its heels in to appeal to anyone but them.

Isn't that what Heroes VII was an attempt at?

>> No.3894514

Heroes 7 was an attempt to get a game out the door with as little QA as possible. No idea if they've patched it since release.

>> No.3894532


They have. A tonne. Even released an expansion. Still the worst game in the series.

RIP HoMM. A terrible way to die.

>> No.3894542

Worse than: dumb it down, 6?
It's not done but we need the money, 4?

>> No.3894716


Homm3 will live on forever

>> No.3894773

too many

>> No.3894873

I know that Heroes 4 is unbalanced as fuck, but is there any way to make taking cities guarded with a castle easier? AIs love plopping a shooter or two there, and these shooters become near invulnerable while also having the ability to wreck my shit in 1-2 shots.

>> No.3894928

they probably just decided the sales of 5 wasn't worth the effort

>> No.3895254

JVC will buy the rights and make HoMM great again
as a mobile game

>> No.3895342

Displacement or just good old direct damage spells.

>> No.3895419


There's already two official mobile homm games. And one ripped off, I think it was called Heroes Tactics, it's not bad actually.

>> No.3896227

Spells that make opponent unable to act in any way (for example many stacks of djinnis), finding a way to plop your own unit on the siege tower etc

>> No.3896251

I still don't understand one thing about that game. I mean sure its unfinished and feels like some indie garbage with a skillwheel they tried to copy from 5 and failed miserably etc, why remove the abilities from creatures? Like you have all these copy/pasted creature models from 6 and you go ahead and remove one thing that made 6 at least bearable even with the healing bullshit. The combat is boring as fuck.

>> No.3896419

A тeбe зaчeм?

>> No.3896514
File: 519 KB, 1148x860, ss+(2017-04-01+at+04.51.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one should i do next?

>> No.3896517

festival of life

>> No.3896542
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>> No.3896782


>> No.3896792

i am ready for some succ wars

>> No.3896794


I barely remember Festival of life, other than the thought that it was piss-easy. I recommend it over Dragon's blood, which was one of the cooler campaigns.

>> No.3896814

it's rickroll is it

>> No.3896878

>April 1
>Expecting any kind of announcement
Anon pls

>> No.3896880

Festival of Life, Dragon's Blood is more fun but it's definitely harder.

>> No.3897661

The H3 SOD campaigns are too hard, you're expected to do everything with 1 hero

What am I supposed to do to beat opponents that have a 2-3 town + resource advantage?

>> No.3897663

I remember recruiting multiple heroes in the rampart campaign.

>> No.3897670

wog and hota were both announced on April 1. It's the most important date for h3 modding

>> No.3897694

Play offense and cheese for better magic guilds. Once you get Town Portal there isn't really much that will cause you trouble, and Dimension Door is instawin.

>> No.3898278

Do slavs have shit taste and think Ashan is a good setting?

>> No.3898313

I'm a slav and I don't like 5. I love 2 and 3, and 4 is a mixed bag for me.

>> No.3898340

pretty sure dimension door and fly are disabled in most campaigns

>> No.3899031

They usually aren't, it's just a low chance. HD or some other mod might have disabled them.

Particularly Foolhardy Waywardness becomes super trivial once you get it.

I've had DD with Gem and Gelu before in SoD.

>> No.3899035

The game itself is really good. The setting not so much or the 'plot'.

>> No.3899041

Shit meant gameplay.

>> No.3899074

It was more that Ubi decided to make a clean break to try to appeal to a bigger audience. Considering they already own the IP for the entire franchise, you would think building on it (and driving sales of the older stuff) would be the more logical choice.

I mean making a human prince called Nicolai and NOT being Nicolai Ironfist confused the fuck out of anyone that had played the M&M series, since he already canonically survived the Reckoning.

>> No.3899157

>Considering they already own the IP for the entire franchise, you would think building on it (and driving sales of the older stuff) would be the more logical choice
Oh definitely and it would still appeal to the wider audience even without turning the setting into generic Ashan+ with reused characters.

>> No.3899168

I think it ultimately ends up being an overreaction to the overreaction to the Forge.

Rather than deal with that and the whole sci-fi sitting sitting under the surface, the marketing "geniuses" decided it was better to throw the whole thing out. No one ever claimed Ubi knew what they were doing.

>> No.3899171

>sitting sitting
setting sitting

>> No.3899190
File: 2.44 MB, 1319x987, 4 Druids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew vlads!

Just finished a 4 druid playthrough.
Only the 2nd time I've ever gone all the way through the game. Last time was around late 1999 with a standard party.

>> No.3899193

If anybody is interested in VCMI project (heroes 3 remake for those who don't know yet), here is newly created VCMI discord community - founder is VCMI developer: https://discord.gg/chBT42V

>> No.3899194

Goddamn that must have been a slog
Was it still a pain? You should try an all druid party in 7 next.

>> No.3899214

You have to plan out your skill selections properly.
Water magic ASAP is a must.
You can abuse the shit out of Lloyd's beacon and town portal to stay buffed with all the magic fountains and quickly get HP/MP refilled at temples.
Also most enemies are not immune/resist to Ice bolt, so that's a plus.

Access to all cleric and elemental magic for all 4 characters means I have someone specialized in everything as well as off specs to fill in gaps.

Zero points spent in weapon skills except for ancient weapons at the very end.

>> No.3899223

Fuck the day requirements for those druid promotions though.

>> No.3899225

Water Magic ASAP should be the case for any party. If you don't have a sorcerer or archer then Gate Master ASAP is really nice.

>> No.3899230

>Fuck the day requirements for those druid promotions though.

Yeah that's annoying, but I planned it so I would make it to Silver Cove before Spring Equinox (March 20) and then after that you just need to clear out the Temple of the Moon before a full moon occurs (middle of the month) and be at the altar by midnight.

>> No.3899232

>91 days
>long game

>> No.3899263

Why did HoMM4 add so many mechanics that are more fitting for an RTS rather than a TBS?

>> No.3899269

I think HoMM4 had a new director who wanted to try out new things and JVC was burnt out by 3DOs fuckery.

>> No.3899283

>not all sorc party
its like you dont want to have fun

>> No.3899289
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>> No.3899293


>> No.3899309

>No might
>No Accuracy
>But hey, let's keep the Personality
For what purpose

>> No.3899319

such as?

>> No.3899335

My problem tends to be that I finish the game by March 20. If you have 2 water casters, a pathfinder, and an explorer you won't take more than 2 months unless you train every few levels or have a really slow start.

>> No.3899341


Because they wanted to appeal to the Diablo crowd. Which was a mistake imo.

>> No.3899365

>appealing to the diablo crowd six years after release with a turn based strategy game
what did he meme by this

>> No.3899368

No weapon skills at all? That seems like a waste unless you are just trying to make might and accuracy irrelevant. I would get expert dagger for everyone at least for mace dagger since it only costs 9 skill points.

>> No.3899440

Excuse me if this is a dumb question to ask, but I just finished Legend of Grimrock, and now I need something else to play. I remember having fun with Heroes a while ago, so M&M came to mind. Will I get into it or have I been spoiled with modern interfaces already and the game will be nothing but a chore to play?

>> No.3899446

M&M is pretty intuitive so you should be fine. Drawing spells in Grimrock is far more annoying than pressing quick cast or selecting a spell in the menu.

>> No.3899453

Okay. I'm asking because I got a really good but old dungeon crawler for free a while a go and couldn't get into it even though I really wanted to.

Any suggestion on where to start other than "read the fucking pastebin" ?

>> No.3899454

It should be fine, none of the games are legitimately hard other than the first two and everything else has aged reasonably well.

The graphics are pretty cartoonish at times, but the games hold up fine despite occasionally clunky interfaces by modern standards.

As always, read the pastebin. If you played LoG you should probably start at 3 because you are already comfortable with tile based gameplay. Just know that M&M doesn't really merge with the HoMM world until M&M6.

>> No.3899457

All the games have manuals. Unlike modern games, spending the hour or so going over them is worth it. Pastebin already has suggested party comps for new players.

>> No.3899467

'kay, thanks guys, I'll give 3 a shot
any other retro dungeon crawlers worth playing?

>> No.3899497

Eye of the Beholder 1 and 2 as well as Dungeon Master if you liked Grimrock

>> No.3899568

And now that I think about it I'll warn you now, it may be easier to fight a few of the things outside the city and burn the goblin camp first in MM3 until you get a couple levels.

>> No.3900016

Do you guys ever get halfway through a game and realize you haven't trained up your dudes enough?

>> No.3900386
File: 105 KB, 480x362, mm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most fun party in MM7?
I've only ever played MM6 seriously, but looking to get into 7 now.

>> No.3900395

I liked K/M/C/S

>> No.3900461

KCSS because magic is fun

>> No.3900553

The thing that weirds me out about HoMM IV is that despite lots of people citing time constraints as one of the main factors of its oddity compared to most of the series. And yet, its campaigns (and adventure map) are some of the greatest. And I'd expect those would be made at the very end of development cycle.
Even more so if you look at """""expansion""""" (which were in turn made in even more ridiculously short time) campaigns - those are some of the blandest and not-inspired maps ive ever seen, with little to no plot and scenery that looks worse than what random map generator churns out.

>> No.3901138

Batch of interviews from former NWC devs

>> No.3901167

What's the best way to play huge maps in HoMM2 and 3? I find myself wasting a lot of time trying to grab things on the map.

>> No.3901445

Dark: CSSS because Shrapmetal is somehow even stronger in MM7 than it was in MM6

Light: KPCS because Paralyze is now a relatively cheap low level light magic spell and it's basically an instakill.

If you want to save before you make "the choice" go with KCSS. For a first playthrough, KKCS or KCSS would be your best choices.

As you can tell the hybrids weren't balanced correctly. Archers are pretty neat but you have to go AAAC to get the most from them.

>> No.3901502

>As you can tell the hybrids weren't balanced correctly.

I'm noticing this looking at all the mechanics and what you can do.

My 4 druid playthrough on MM6 would not really work out well on MM7 due to no LLoyd's beacon...

>> No.3901531

Druids are considered the second worst class in MM7. They really needed Lloyd's Beacon and Power Cure or at least some decent Light/Dark. As it is there is no reason for them to have GM meditation. Nothing they cast really burns down spell points.

Hybrids in MM6 are fine, although druids miss out on a lot. Archers and Paladins are both really useful because they still get the basic magic but get all weapon skills and better armor than their counterparts.

>> No.3901540

skill restrictions were a mistake

>> No.3901557

Skill restrictions were fine, even in MM7. The problem was that miscellaneous skill are supposed to counterbalance them, but you don't "need" any of them. Identify can be picked up by a Scholar, not enough stuff causes armor breakage plus there are Harden Item potions for repair, Perception and Stealing are complete wastes, and disarm can be ignored by the Regeneration spell. Merchant is certainly nice but it's by no means essential, you just have to farm more enemies and sell in Stone City more often.

By making the miscellaneous skills so weak it completely negates the reason for Rangers and Thieves.

>> No.3901576
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>Hybrid of a hybrid.
>Can only GM in Axe
>Axe GM ability doesn't even work.

>> No.3901590
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>RRRR team
For people that hate themselves. Rangers are actually supposed to be pretty good as a solo class because of the easy first promotion though.

>> No.3901594

Use more heroes and get dimension door as early as possible. If you have 3 people casting dimension door you can cover an enormous portion of the map.

>> No.3901601

That was for HoMM2. With HoMM3 get Town Portal early and a ton of logistics specialists.

>> No.3901603

How are you supposed to reliably get dimension door

>> No.3901610

In HoMM2? You should get it every 4 or 5 cities, and even more often when you find a Wizard city. With a big map you will have a ton of resource generators.

>> No.3901615

I'm doing the campaign mission right after dragon city where you start with no towns and no wizard cities

>> No.3901623

Is that the one where you carry over troops?

Logistics and Pathfinding, nothing complicated. Get to the main enemy city ASAP. It should be no later than week 2 and you are aiming for dragons week 3.

>> No.3901625

Also the whole map is a maze, so expect to reload a couple turns back if you realize you went the wrong way.

>> No.3901637

Scenario 8 for the archibald campaign. The first town you get is a sorceress one and there's about 4-5 enemy knight towns as well as a warlock town. I'll try massing dragons.

>> No.3901656

Oh that one, first kill off the faggot trying to steal your resources then take the first city. Send one hero back to pick up the resources you left and another to pick up the various mines.

From there it's pretty standard Druid/Elf/Phoenix which will roll everything.

If you want to pick up a Barbarian for +attack you can, but it's not necessary.

>> No.3901661

Also remember that Knight units have absolutely no hp. Lightning/Ice nukes with 6-8 spell power will wipe out weeks worth of units without much effort.

>> No.3901663

should I bother building up the other towns or should I rush for phoenix?

>> No.3901668

Phoenix. Aside from the pure speed they have, they have great attack skill. When in doubt always tech to T6 first. Having a few dozen rangers is nowhere near as useful as 10 phoenix.

>> No.3901803

I restarted and followed your advice and the map went from a slog to a breeze thanks. The fewer options in HoMM2 makes every decision more impactful.

>> No.3902743

That Scenario and the Dragon King one are by far the hardest of all the Scenario's in either campaign.

Its silly.

>> No.3902765

The expansion campaigns on the other hand have tons of really hard maps.

>> No.3902840

I thought Dragon King was pretty easy but I just massed gargoyles

>> No.3902879

Are they worth playing?

>> No.3902885

Yes, but they really are a huge step up in difficulty. You haven't seen genuinely large maps until you finish them.

>> No.3902890

I'll probably play them at a later date then rather than burn myself out.

>> No.3903034
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>battlemap where my unicorns can't even move

>> No.3903036

oh wow i'm retarded i could have just moved the rangers

>> No.3903037

Move your elves you lazy fuck

>> No.3903039

Paladins are pretty gimmicky but having double Paralyze on light side with 1 character is both amazing and hilarious.

>> No.3903040

no bully

>> No.3903045

The thing is it really doesn't matter because your unicorns can't reach the enemy anyway.

>> No.3903052

Paladins would be fine as a class if it weren't for the idiotic requirement of GM Body for Protection From Magic instagib protection and Power Cure. The healing is awful as you are stuck with basic body until you kill a fucking dragon and when you finally get your promotions you still don't have enough to really replace a Cleric.

With only expert Armsmaster they don't really replace a Knight in terms of damage, with only master body building they don't get nearly the same hp, and with only master plate they are slow all game.

>> No.3903079

The skill restrictions suck and just make early game a hassle before you can bypass them completely. I prefer how MM6 did it.

>> No.3903114

>I prefer how MM6 did it.

I'm fine with restricting skills from classes, that's ok and makes sense.
I'm not ok with letting you learn skills but then never be able to expert/master/GM most of them.

I'd be fine with a compromise such as requiring a greater investment of skillpoints to master a skill for certain classes, but this complete restriction of masteries is a bit bullshit.

>> No.3903554
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When were you when succession wars was confirmed dead on arrival?

>> No.3903609

They should focus on actual gameplay

>> No.3903649

Uhm... I think the team knows what should be the higher priority at the moment. Shadows are obviously more important than an actual gameplay.

>> No.3903673

I'm sorry I ever doubted you Ivan.

>> No.3903679
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>spends more time fretting over shadows than working on the gameplay

>> No.3904241

Anyone have a quick thread ready? We're gonna be at 500 replies soon.

>> No.3904254

It's probably going to take a few hours to actually hit page 10 so there's no rush. Clogging up the catalog just makes us look bad.

>> No.3904408
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>AI have been sitting on an island full of free resources
no wonder the faggots have so many paladins christ

>> No.3904558

If the classes were better balanced it shouldn't be an issue. The restrictions made promotion quests really important and justified the double/triple costs of training once you get promoted.

The other real problem is just how powerful most of the GM skills are. Sure there are some garbage ones like spear or sword, but skills like mace, body magic, plate, and armsmaster where GM is almost essential to use the skill properly.

saging to kill the thread

>> No.3905074
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almost done with this map
i really hate paladins/champions now

>> No.3905357

Gauldoth's mentor was Kalibarr. Sandro didn't appear in the story at all.

>> No.3905368

How do I play Necro in early game? The towns with no shooters or any fast creatures are hard

>> No.3905386

Which game?

>> No.3905389

Which HoMM game do you like the most, lorewise?
For me it was IV. Original campagins had really interesting and absorbing history(sadly i didn't finish all the DLC ones). I didn't like the lore reboot in later games.

>> No.3905420

Do you mean lore, or plot? IV had the better plot (really, the first three games' campaigns only have the barest plot to begin with - all the details are in the M&M games) but in terms of lore Enroth felt more fleshed out than Axeoth, which didn't really have a time to come onto its own.

I'd also have liked if IV's addons added campaign that actually revisited what happened to the various characters, instead of some nobodies sent on fetch quests on the other side of the world. The original campaigns were very much standalone and centered on interesting individuals, would have been cool if we could have seen them interact.

The fanmade HV campaign Legends of the Ancients sort of scratches that particular itch, but it's unfinished.

>> No.3905425

Gauldoth interacted with Emilia by sending her a warnibg, but yeah, i see your point.
And yeah, i meant plot. It's a shame first 3 games had so little plot, they could use so much more of it. I still strongly dislike the lore reboot in newer games. It leaved so many plots open, and we will never see old characters return.
Although i admit i stopped following the series after VI was released.

>> No.3905437

Ashan's lore is offensively lame.
>eveything is centered on these elemental gods who are also dragons
>all the factions are modeled after real world cultures on different parts of the world, with little reasons to interact or to shake the status quo
>your main evil faction requires the specific "oh no, another eclipse" plot to even be in the game
>even the good factions have to be full of assholes because this is a mature game for mature audiences

That's not even getting into the stupid characters or the way V's campaign tried so hard to be Warcraft III, while VI and VII went full "we want the Game of Thrones audience".

The bright neon colors on everyone in VI and VII didn't help either.

>> No.3905558

H4 campaigns worked good because they had actually decent writing and you could become attached to the main characters, rather than feeling like a commander of an army.
Just dont approach expansions to this game for the sake of your own mental sanity.

>> No.3905708

true, expansions are bad
although they DO add some nice maps, the campaigns are awful

>> No.3905770

But I want to feel like a commander of an army om campaign. H2 captures this perfectly.

>> No.3905813

rush liches you zogger

>> No.3905827

This thread is two months old now.

>> No.3905842

Someone made a new thread then didn't link it to this one