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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 119 KB, 1546x1035, avgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3868742 No.3868742 [Reply] [Original]

>he think Super IV is the perfect Castlevania
>he think Castlevania 64 is total shit
I love this guy

>> No.3868745

thats because hes a casual manchild

>> No.3868746

he's right you know

>> No.3868751

that's why i love him

>> No.3868820

I bet this pleb never even beat symphony of the night.


>> No.3868852

>he think Super IV is the perfect Castlevania
Nostalgiafag opinion

>he think Castlevania 64 is total shit
It's not that bad.

>> No.3868868

The other n64 game with the werewolf was way better, a shame he didn't go with that one for his review

>> No.3868883

the only good thing about AVGN's review of CV64 is that his defamation of the game kept the prices down for a long time until people realized it's actually a hidden gem

>> No.3868892
File: 212 KB, 600x450, magfest1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone watched the James and mike playthrough of IV?

Damn, Mike totally sucks at it.
James is decent at it, in fact most of the game was beaten by James, it was funny how James let Mike fight Dracula, probably so that Mike wouldn't get angry at James for making him look like a casual. James was smart since Dracula in IV isn't a difficult fight, but it still took Mike a couple attempts at it, he kept losing at the fireballs on Drac's 1st form.

Speaking of the games themselves, I used to not pay a lot of attention to IV, had played it in emulator a bit back like 10 or 15 years ago, but never beat it back then. Then people here started shitposting about Castlevania IV with australia-kun and all that shit, and made me check out again, played it last year. Holy shit, it's a good game, can see why some people might get their jimmies rustled if it's on a console/brand they don't like, it's a game that causes envy.
CV64 wasn't bad, it's not great but it has its moments. James was a retard for not figuring out how to beat the nitro part or how to dispose of it, but I can forgive him because the video is the Nerd, he's in character, something that people often forget.

>> No.3868923

Have you seen every other episode of james and mike monday where Mike has told hold James hand threw every game

>> No.3868929

This thread is not about video games. It is about an e-celeb. Lets keep this board clean and on topic.
Mods ?

>> No.3868938
File: 13 KB, 186x270, c64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C64/LOD is unironically in my top 3 favorite games. I loved the look, the atmosphere, the characters, the soundtrack, the story, and the game play. I play through LOD once every couple years or so and I enjoy it. To this day I can't understand why it gets shit on so hard.

The only reason I can come up with is that it's a CV game that doesn't adhere to the CV side scroller tradition, but the newer games don't either and people seem to like them.

>> No.3868941


>Lets keep this board clean and on topic.

hello /reddit/

>> No.3868946
File: 269 KB, 609x771, CV1405837953505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ e-celeb threads are way more civil than /vr/ Castlevania threads.
Although you're right in one thing, e-celebs are not retro. Except maybe for that guy Mark who's been doing internet shit since 1999.

>> No.3868964

If this was a GBA thread you'd be screaming your head off.

>> No.3869130


I love it too. The hedge maze section to this day still gives me panic attacks.

>> No.3869131


>> No.3869182


if you think well

Lords of Shadow series is a blatant ripoff of Legacy of Kain and WoD, even Alucard became a "raziel" of sorts

>> No.3869202

This is what happens when we don't have the containment thread.

>> No.3869990

Guys, please let's not forget the topic. Guys!

>> No.3870010
File: 853 KB, 841x720, machi_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having a hard time with Rondo in one of his let's plays
Aww, no 8 direction-whip to hold your hands? Aww poor baby.

>> No.3870034

They didn't even know how broken Rondo is.
They had a lot of trouble with the red armor knight in stage 4 because neither James or Mike knew about the backflip jump, or they forgot it was a thing in the game. They also never used any item crash, I think.

And they only got past IV because of James, Mike is awful at that game as well.

Rondo is babby's first classicvania in terms of difficulty anyway. Every other classicvania is harder than Rondo, even IV.

>> No.3870073
File: 31 KB, 395x385, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>less controls is better for no reason

>> No.3870106


>> No.3870126

hey mike how are you doing

>> No.3870162

>Rondo is babby's first classicvania in terms of difficulty anyway.
the first game is easiest if you know how to cheese bosses (holy water + double/triple shot)

rondo at least takes some practice to not die to bosses, assuming you're not a fag who uses maria mode

>> No.3870170

Bosses aren't even the hardest part of Castlevania games.
Getting to Death in CV1 is harder than any Rondo part, boss or not.

>> No.3870197

>Getting to Death in CV1 is harder than any Rondo part, boss or not.
Not really. The level design in CV1 is really easy and straightforward.

>> No.3870202

Rondo of Blood is way easier.
Only semi-difficult level is stage 5b, but that one you can't access on your first playthrough.

>> No.3870309

Meh. Once you've gotten gud at III's level design, every other CV feels easy by comparison.

Rondo just shines by having the most complex zakos and bosses of the retro games.

>> No.3870832

These guys hate all Castlevania games that are not IV!

>> No.3870868

hes gunna take you back to the past

>> No.3870898

brown bricks?

>> No.3870903

yesterday: a Mike has a pvmeme now goys thread

today: a Mike likes x game best he is so buzzword.

views must be down.

>> No.3870951
File: 39 KB, 379x430, 1486679827538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how he criticizes the graphics of CV64 for being uncanny valley early 3D. But then unironically praises the bland puke sprites of IV.

Some people may prefer the 8 direction (although it ruins the subweapon mechanic) and easier jumping. But my gott, do the graphics dissapoint.

>> No.3871207

>James is decent at it

Because it's one of his favorite games of all time. Also the fact he is only "decent" at it is really sad considering how much he's played it over the years.

>> No.3871236

Limited whipping makes placement more strategic. You can't just coast by with standing in the same spot and whipping in a full circle around you. You have to take terrain into consideration and find the best spots to attack from.

>> No.3871528
File: 17 KB, 603x386, slogra.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bland puke sprites of IV.

But IV has some of the best Castlevania spritework in the series, along with Rondo, which is why SOTN reused some of IV sprites.

>ruins the subweapon mechanic

Barely. The subweapons still work as in the NES Castlevania games, the only one that MAYBE gets a bit of underuse is the axe, because you can whip diagonally up (but then again, the same can be said about Bloodlines), other than that, the rest of the sub-weapons work the same as before: cross is the best one (in fact, cross is needed if you want to speedrun IV, and even if you're not speedrunning, having triple cross is always helpful, there's many enemies especially on later levels that can't be reached with the whip), knife is useless (as always) and holy water is usefull for killing knights fast, but unlike CV1, in IV the holy water doesn't break the game and makes Death non-fight.
Also, IV keeps the roman numeral mechanics, it's as classic as it gets.

People really exaggerate the whole "subweapons in IV are useless!" meme, fucking egorapter.

>> No.3871820

I think the bigger issue is SCIV is so damn easy there's never a need to use subweapons anyway.

>> No.3871897
File: 13 KB, 256x224, castlevania-4.u_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah some of the later bosses look alright. It's the enemies in the levels themselves that make it unenjoyable for me.

Look at this skeleton or the bone pillar. Right off the bat there are 2 main problems when comparing them to the sprites in the earlier games:
>they are overly detailed
>they don't 'pop'
The amount of detail results in the sprites being quite large and less enemies comfortably fitting on screen. The whip scales up as well, so you can almost hit enemies at the other side of the room directly.

The second point is about the contrast between the background and the actors/objects in the foreground. Because the background is warm and saturated, it is the only thing that really catches your eye. Meanwhile the foreground is mostly cool colors, which don't really stand out (except for the player). The earlier games did this as well, but pulled it off more successfully using sprites that looked solid and had more clearly defined boundaries around them. They certainly didn't look so brittle as these loose bone collections.

Most of it gets better as soon as you enter the castle. But by then you have already gone through a significant portion of the game and the first impression has been made.

The game does work these stylistic changes into its gameplay, and it sort of works on its own. But it breaks away from most of the things I liked about the earlier games.

>> No.3872031

That's really not true at all.

>> No.3872107

They look nice, but they're animated like shit. Really only Simon has decent animations.

And whether you like it or not, the whip and movement in IV are just too strong.

>> No.3872110

I like how the skeletones look and move in IV, I also like how they explode into a bunch of bones when you hit them.

Anyway, I feel the backlash IV gets is because it's one of the most popular in the franchise, like SOTN.
I personally would like to see more Chronicles discussion. I also think Chronicles look like IV a bit in terms of art style.

>> No.3872675

Perhaps "hate" it's not the correct word... I think that "It's not IV so it's a downside" better describe their feelings.

>> No.3872690


>> No.3872725

It's seriously one episode every 4 months. They can't possibly take that long to make. I'm tried of his "raising a kid" excuse... what about the normal parents who have to travel for work? I'm sick of Mike Matei's punchable face and whiny brat persona, too. That channel is a cesspool now. No coming back now

>> No.3872747

I gave up on AVGN(and Spoony); James seems to have forgotten what made avgn, well, avgn.
I don't know if he just doesn't care anymore, or if he really doesn't understand how he got where he is and is trying to recapture it through some misguided self-emulation.

Whatever the case may be, it's as you said; with the lack of AVGN content, Ole mikey-boy and the "lazy couch" don't make for a very compelling argument to have their channel clogging our sidebars.

>> No.3872758

it's a good game but that's not the reason why James likes it - he only likes it because it's piss easy

>> No.3872780

He should stick to his movie reviews, that's where he really shines.

>> No.3872789

he should just become AMRN, angry movie review nerd
though he's not angry at all

>> No.3872790


>> No.3872974

Explain why he doesn't like SOTN then.

>> No.3872978

he feels it's too complicated because he has to access menus and find out/remember where he has to go instead of just mashing 2 buttons and holding the right directional key down

>> No.3872983

But he likes Metroid?

>> No.3872985

You know what's my favorite Cinemassacre thing?


>> No.3872989

itt: rondofags need bright cartoony aesthetic to keep them engaged and pretend being able to spin the whip around is useful

>> No.3872991

who the fuck does noclip runs? lol

>> No.3872992

then he's just a fag with semi-bad taste if he likes metroid but not sotn

>> No.3872996

Found the metroidvania nerd.
Fuck off, this is a classicvania thread.

>> No.3873005

Then why does the OP video and post feature Castlevania games that are not not classicvanias?

Checkmate, small-minded turd.

>> No.3873007

it's talking about how shitty they are, and you couldn't wait to run in here and flaunt your love of trash games

>> No.3873010

Who was talking about OP's video?

>> No.3873012

>not not classicvanias

thanks for proving me right :^)

>> No.3873013

You have no counters. Only shitposts. Shitposts don't win the game. Especially when the game is already done and you didn't make the winning move.

You lose.

Game over, dumb nerd.

>> No.3873017

this post is as poorly written as the dialogue in your favorite castlevania

>> No.3873020


Give it a rest, Mike. Or we will make even more threads about you. Your time is at an end.

>> No.3873292

Really. You got single parents out there working two jobs and still having to raise their kid and still find the time to get other stuff done. Maybe one video a month is too much to ask, fine, but we're almost in April and there's still no video up yet. Just one every two months is still reasonable, get on it James. Put your dick loving friend to work and get him to edit it for you if you're still so short on time.

>> No.3873851

The last AVGN episode that wasn't horrible was the Paperboy one. That was a year ago. Think about that..... one full year without a good episode. The Christmas one was the worst one to date. When is everyone gonna admit to themselves that it's over? And that the website has been sabotaged by, as you called, his dick loving friend Mike Matei. All good things must come to an end

>> No.3873957

but paperboy was shit

>> No.3874006

Bloodlines is best

>> No.3874091

I hate the sound effects on Bloodlines. The whip sounds so shitty. It's a good game but the sound effects kind of ruin the experience for me. I also don't like some of the level design, it's very hit and miss. Great music though.

>> No.3874458

I don't think enough people know about Mike getting caught playing over prerecorded game footage during his " complete playthroughs". He clearly uses save states and/or game genie and slaps the footage later with bad b-roll of him on the couch. I'm old enough to remember when something like that would've destroyed someone's reputation in the community. Is the retro gaming community so terrible now that no one cares about fakes and liars anymore?

>> No.3874471

Bloodlines being good is a meme. Shitty broken game.

>> No.3874604

I'm interested in some less popular Castlevania games, what should I go with first? So far I've played:
>Castlevania 1-4
>Dracula X, Rondo of Blood
>Harmony of Dissonance / Aria of Sorrow / Dawn of Sorrow / Order of Ecclesia
>Lament of Innocence

>> No.3874609

Belmont's Revenge on Game Boy is actually pretty nice.
Castlevania Chronicles/X68000 is also pretty good.
You could also try Haunted Castle (the arcade game). It's actually not really that good of a game (Simon's sprite is way too big and slow, and the game is relentless in its difficulty, even for CV standards), but it has GOAT soundtrack and pretty nice art direction.
If you feel like venturing into 3Dvanias, try either N64 game, there's a chance you might hate them, but also a chance you might like them.

>> No.3874743

I enjoyed Castlevania Legend. Like >>3874609
said, Castlevania Adventure 2 Belmont's Revenge is decent as well.

>> No.3874752

>and the game is relentless in its difficulty, even for CV standards
Play the original JP version, on US region the difficulty is fucked up. It's still somewhat hard but not insanely so.

>> No.3874778

Check out MSX Castlevania and Adventure ReBirth, along with what >>3874609 suggested.

>> No.3874852

is this a remix or something? i guess it sounds a bit different in my head. awesome song though. some songs in this game are pretty ace, the others forgettable.

>> No.3875189

There are so many youtubers out there now that one guy doing it is just a drop in the bucket. Not that Mike has a huge reputation to begin with.

>> No.3875307

Yeah, true. He's been known as a asshole and a liar to begin with, so I think everyone just rolls their eyes. I get angry though, for some reason. Something about that guy just really pisses off!

>> No.3877315

The best part about Mike getting called the fuck out on his walkthroughs is that he's afraid to start up threads on himself for the time being cause he knows we'll all shit on him. Just goes to prove that he was the one behind all those dick memes and anti-James cuck memes

>> No.3877330


EgorapTURD is just a Fecal Dunce.

>> No.3878537


aaaaaaaaaaaand james released a AVGN video about PR games a few hours ago

>> No.3878626

James is such a fucking poser. Two months ago he knew jack shit about Power Rangers and now that he's watched a handful of episodes he acts like he's some grand authority on the franchise.

>> No.3878648

>he acts like he's some grand authority on the franchise
no, it sounds like you have a personal problem

>> No.3878657

Well he's made four videos about it now and went so far as to correct Mike about it who actually grew up watching the show. Not that I'm on the side of Mikeropenis Matei but James is coming off as a show off.

>> No.3878664

I should clarify, show off maybe isn't the right word, but he's bandwagoning. A few weeks ago he never gave a shit about the series and now suddenly is acting like it's the greatest thing to have ever happened. It seems really fake.

>> No.3878712


Hai mike

>> No.3878740

And what do you know, it was good. We're talking Modern AVGN good, but it was infinitely better than the shitty Christmas one from last year.

>> No.3878762

>and now suddenly is acting like it's the greatest thing to have ever happened
>you can't enjoy things you just found out about

>> No.3878868

How can one man be so right?

IV is best. Symphony had best soundtrack, but IV's controls were so fucking good.

>> No.3879104


>> No.3879592

It doesn't take long to know the PR lore, this shit is fucking barebone. He looks more like someone who just discovered something he wished he had as a kid. And now he's super into it, so he puts content about it. And I love it, he seems genuinely interested in it. It's much better than when he forces himself to learn something just to make a video about it.

This is also why I nowadays love his movie reviews much better than his James and Mike content.

>> No.3879818

Could it also be that Mike isn't involved in his movie review content? I'm sure that doesn't hurt

>> No.3879823

He called his videos "noob reviews" that is the furthest thing from acting like he knows it all

>> No.3879882

>he acts like he's some grand authority on the franchise.
Literally never happened.

>> No.3880060

James is like that gamer girl who obsesses over Zelda and says how its her favorite series of all time but hasn't beaten a single game, let alone played half of them.

>> No.3880329


I don't think James is trying to bandwagon into PR, he just realized Power Rangers is actually part of something he actually loves (tokusatsu, giant monsters in rubber suits, etc). He just ignored it when he was a teen because he was edgy and though PR was a shitty american sitcom (which partially it was).

>> No.3880921

For fuck's sake, James and Mike just put out ANOTHER Power Rangers video. What is that like 6 total for this month? Stop milking this shit James, you just come off looking like a tryhard old man clinging to his youth and reminiscing about things you never were even a part of.

>> No.3881207

It'll probably be the last one. After all, the reason why they did all this Power Rangers sort of marathon was because the movie was coming out.
They did the same with Kong, Star Wars, etc.

As for james being a "tryhard", etc, he always said he didn't care about PR when he was a teen and it was on TV, and he already explained why he likes it: tokusatsu, super sentai and japanese giant monsters.
The guy is a legit Godzilla and toku fan, before Saban's MMPR ever existed.

>> No.3881213

the problem with AVGN now is that james essentially ran out of shitty retro games to review and only really does an episode if he can find a game that can carry an episode.

sure he can do games from PS2 onward but when he's done them in the past he's comes off as sort of indifferent and never has anything to say about it.

also isn't AVGN/cinemassacre a side project anyway?

>> No.3881229

Did these guys grow up wealthy or something? What's their day job? Surely they don't make enough money being e-celebs. Philly's not that expensive, as far as cities go, but still. And their collections were fucking huge before they ever started making videos. Not the kind of collection you'd have if you kept what you bought as you grew up with the stuff. Like, there was a lot. If the Nerd, and all the other stuff are just side gigs, what are they actually doing? Is Mike a male escort?

>> No.3881238

They bought most of their stuff in the early 00s when retro games were seen as old junk and sold for pennies.

>> No.3881482


I like how the angle of this pic is decade-appropriate very 90;s retro look

>> No.3881507

There are like 1000 NES and Famicom games combined, I'm sure there are some real shit suckers out there if he wanted to dig and import. Not to mention the other 20 systems he owns. There's no way he "ran out" of games, just enthusiasm.

>> No.3883079

I honestly think that IV is the best of the /vr/ relevant ones. SotN is a close second but something about it just doesn't work for me as well as IV does.

>> No.3883246

SNES version of Dracula X is really underrated.

>> No.3883260
File: 17 KB, 200x256, Juste Belmont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even going to address the Super Castlevania IV part of the OP because I already know what this is.

As for C64 not being total shit...Well Legacy of Darkness is certainly better yes but I wouldn't exactly call either games "Good" more like "Eh" tier. I could play through them but it's not like I would have any particular fun nor any particular anger either. Atleast not in legacy of darkness since you can actually control the camera in that one.

>> No.3883705
File: 2.06 MB, 320x180, super castlevania iv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If IV is your favourite then you probably don't actually like Castlevania. It's like if I asked you your favourite kind of beef and you said horse.

>> No.3883782

> this post
nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

>> No.3883786

>There are like 1000 NES and Famicom games combined, I'm sure there are some real shit suckers out there if he wanted to dig and import.

it generally comes down to if there's enough to make an episode.

the writing process for an episode is he plays the game, writes down his reactions and if there's enough to work he makes the episode.

>> No.3883861

Castlevania IV is my favourite Mario game.

>> No.3883947

He could do theme episodes, like his Power Rangers one, it wasn't just one bad game but a bunch. If he grouped them there would still be enough material for a lot of episodes.

>> No.3883972

It's not like the other 16-bit Castlevania games were a lot like the NES trilogy anyway

Rondo of Blood: got rid of numerals to upgrade sub-weapons, got new subweapons that break the game (the book, item crashes), backflip which is essentially a double jump mid-air.
Allows you to jump while on stairs. No whip upgrades, you start with the vampire killer right away. Can change your direction mid-air while on a jump.
Dracula X: same as Rondo minus the book subweapon.
Bloodlines: Diagonal up and downward whipping, you can use your whip as a hook in any ceiling, blue orb acts as a special sub-weapons which basically insta-kills everything on screen, you also get a super large whip. There are whip upgrades, though not numerals for subweapon upgrade. Can't change direction mid-air but you can jump while on stairs.

>> No.3883984

Gameplay wise, they were a lot closer than IV. Don't know why you're so hung up on double and triple shots, they're not integral to the gameplay like, say, the physics is.

>> No.3884002

Why do you only mention the numerals? These games did change physics aswell, as I said, Rondo also allows you to control your direction while jumping AND allows a double jump mechanic (even if it's a backflip jump, you're still jumping mid-air). Not to mention being able to jump while on stairs, IV allowed you to get off stairs, or jump at them, but then you couldn't jump while you were there. Rondo is very generous and lets you do all that. Not to mention that you can do item clashes which, apart from serving as a super strong attack to enemies, also work as invincibility frames.
Bloodlines did the same regarding stairs and again, Bloodlines incorporated its own diagonal and down-ward whipping.
I mentioned the numerals just as another thing to have into consideration about how they changed some classicvania standards.

IMO, they all have things that are similar to the original Castlevania, but they also added new things to the mix. Having played all of them a lot, I think IV is probably the closest to the original Castlevania, all things considered.

>> No.3884013

>this nitpicking
You're whacko if you don't see how Dracula X is much closer to the original game.

>> No.3884016

>Rondo also allows you to control your direction while jumping
Only slightly while standing still. Unless you mean Maria, which is an extra.
The rest of what you say relates to actions, not physics.
>I think IV is probably the closest to the original Castlevania
Only superficially at best.

>> No.3884024

As I said, it has a lot of new things to make me think of it as closer to the original than IV.
The backflip, the item crash, the stairs.
It's similar only in the sense that it doesn't have diagonal whipping, but otherwise it has more differences than IV.

>Only slightly while standing still.
Not slightlier than IV, also stair jumping is also correlated to physics.
You're also forgetting the backflip. Of course I'm talking about Richter, not having into account Maria or Eric on Bloodlines, just the Belmont-style ones.

>Only superficially at best.
No, it's the one that kept the traditional Castlevania standards the closest along with X68K.

Anyway, I'm not saying IV is inherently better than the others because of this, just saying that when you start nitpicking (because yeah, this shit is about nitpicking, they're all great games regardless and obviously part of classicvania), you see that IV is the one that had the least amount of changes.

>> No.3884031

>also stair jumping is also correlated to physics.
Not really, no. Neither is the action of jumping, it's how it works, not what it does.
>Anyway, I'm not saying IV is inherently better than the others because of this, just saying that when you start nitpicking (because yeah, this shit is about nitpicking, they're all great games regardless and obviously part of classicvania), you see that IV is the one that had the least amount of changes.
Least amount of superficial changes, but it is fundamentally different, while the others are not.

>> No.3884074

Fair enough about the etymology of physics, but it's still a game-changing mechanic.
>Least amount of superficial changes, but it is fundamentally different, while the others are not.
I already mentioned a lot of reasons why the others are just as different, if not more, than IV.

>> No.3884082

>I already mentioned a lot of reasons why the others are just as different
You listed superficial changes, while IV is fundamentally different in terms of gameplay due to its radically different physics.

>> No.3884104

What makes it more radically different than Rondo's also radically different physics or Bloodlines' multi-whip/grapple hook?

>> No.3884110

he was so tame in the power rangers episode until he got to the second gameboy game

>> No.3884141

>What makes it more radically different than Rondo's also radically different physics
I wouldn't say radically. The difference is slight.
>or Bloodlines' multi-whip/grapple hook?
Not physics.

>> No.3884161

>The difference is slight.
Not really, the differences are radical enough: mid-air control and backflip jump.
>Not physics
I already said I'm not talking about physics only, but anything that changes from both gameplay and design of the original Castlevania.
You want to put some imaginary, arbitrary difference between IV ("radically different") and the rest ("slightly different"). I think it depends a lot on the subjective appreciation and consideration of many different factors, but I think objectively you can't say that RoB or Bloodlines are more like the original. All 3 games changed stuff around, and this isn't even bad.

>> No.3884171

SOTN is a game built around bloat, not action. See Castlevania 2.

>> No.3884174

Replayed it a couple of weeks ago, it's overall solid but something is missing. Maybe it feels too flat design wise.

>> No.3884179

>mid-air control
Very slight control when standing still.
>backflip jump
Action, not physics.
>I already said I'm not talking about physics only
You're looking in the wrong places, then.
>but I think objectively you can't say that RoB or Bloodlines are more like the original.
They play more like the originals. Even using Eric Bloodlines feels more like a Nes Castlevania, IV plays totally differently. If the player used a gun, rather than a whip, it would be a totally different game.

>> No.3884605

>Very slight control when standing still.
Most of the time you're moving, and anyway I think the difference is still very notorious.
>Action, not physics.
>You're looking in the wrong places, then.
Why are you so obsessed with physics? Okay, speaking physics, both Rondo and Bloodlines (and IV) are vastly different than NES games, physics-wise. The jumps height, the speed, everything is very different than NES. if we're strictly talking physics, then we're still in square one: none of them is quite like CV1.
>They play more like the originals.
I already said why they don't, but you'll keep arguing about semantics about "physics" I guess.
>Even using Eric Bloodlines feels more like a Nes Castlevania

You seem to be very adamant about wanting IV to be "different" while giving Bloodlines and Rondo a lot of free passes in many different regards, but again: none of these games play quite like CV1, and that's not even a bad thing.

>> No.3884714

Bloodlines also lets you change direction of whipping (not trajectory) while mid-air. Couldn't do that in NESvanias.