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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 34 KB, 250x138, tmp_6409-250px-Sega-Saturn-Console-Set-Mk1641389634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3867676 No.3867676 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought a Sega Saturn. What are some must-have games?

Also Saturn thread.

>> No.3867685
File: 1.22 MB, 2500x3174, recommendations - saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3867694



>> No.3867725
File: 1011 KB, 929x1576, SovietStrike_Saturn_US_Box_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soviet Strike. A better port than the PS version.

>> No.3867730


>> No.3867731


This is a good guide.

1. Any Neo Geo games (King of Fighters, Metal Slug, etc.) or Capcom fighting games (Street Fighter, any of the Vs. games), just play on MAME as the emulation is 99.9% accurate and runs much better than the Saturn ports.

2. Any games that are 3-D multi-platform will almost always be better on PS1. There are some exceptions like Silhouette Mirage, but if it has anything 3-D, it will run better on PS1.

Besides those, the Saturn has roughly 30 amazing first party or exclusive games that never were ported or remade for other systems.

Guardian Heroes and Radiant Silvergun have far superior Xbox 360 HD remakes, but Dragon Force, the Panzer Dragoon Series, Fighters Megamix, and many others cannot be found anywhere else. The Saturn bomberman is also considered the greatest of all time.

Also, don't collect for this system. It's terribly overpriced since the games had smaller than normal print runs in the USA. Get the system modded so you can play the great games without spending thousands of dollars to shitty re-sellers. This is a 21 year old system and the better games have a very limited supply that are sold and still working.

>> No.3867735


>> No.3867749

Also, Sega made many fuckups with Saturn but the worst was putting the copy protection on the outer edge of the game disc. Because of this, many games that are in otherwise fine condition will not work on a normal system because the outer edge of the data side has an imperfection.

Just burn the games and have a blast.

>> No.3867756

burned games damage the drive.

>> No.3867770

>acquire console
>have no idea what to play

>> No.3867779

I have not had any problems with my modchipped saturn

>> No.3867917 [DELETED] 

Sega Saturn is a meme. There aren't any games still worth playing on it.

At least you can tell your friends you bought le retro console and feel good about yourself, I guess.

>> No.3867943
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And this.

>Any Neo Geo games (King of Fighters, Metal Slug, etc.) or Capcom fighting games (Street Fighter, any of the Vs. games), just play on MAME as the emulation is 99.9% accurate and runs much better than the Saturn ports.

Stuff like Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Vampire Savior is pretty much arcade perfect as far as performance and frames go.
I mean yeah, if you want, just emulate, but the japanese Saturn versions of fighting games aren't expensive and still good.
Saturn ports of SNK are much better than Neo Geo CD ports, for the loading time alone, so there's that as well.

>> No.3868074

It's a 21+ year old piece of hardware with multiple moving parts. The drive is going to break at some point so who cares? Best bet is to do the SD card mod because the disc drive is going to be the first thing to break on these.

There are at least 20 games that are really good to amazing that cannot be played anywhere else.
These are usually the most expensive, hence why OP should just play burns.

Why would OP buy any game for Saturn that can be emulated for free on MAME and play better? OP should just burn copies of the exclusive games on the guide above and be done with it.

Saturn is almost as bad as Neo Geo to collect for due to the absurd markup on games from shit resellers.

>> No.3868091

Funny Saturn story,

Game Players magazine fucking LOVED the Saturn and shilled like crazy for it. There was some point in late 95 early 96 where they were touting how all a bunch of PS1 exclusives were coming to Saturn and that Sony was going to have a real bad time. Off the top of my head these were Wipeout, Destruction Derby, Battle Arena Toshinden, and a few others. They were all poor ports and it wasn't until the N64 launched in September of 96 that they finally stopped claiming it was going to win.

>> No.3868116

Should have gotten a Dreamcast instead.

>> No.3868119

My SEGA Saturn folder has over 115 games.

>> No.3868151

I'll just hand you my top 10:

1. Lunacy
2. Street Fighter Alpha 3
3. Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire
4. Shinobi Legion
5. Saturn Bomberman Fight!!
6. Die Hard Arcade
7. Dark Savior
8. Galaxy Freulein Yuna
9. Virtua Fighter 2
10. Steam Hearts

>> No.3868229

Which games?

>> No.3868262

That's a lot of shovelware.

>> No.3868426

I bet it is for someone who doesn't play video games and decidedly after that post you don't have a Saturn on your side, so how would you know?

>> No.3868442

>There are some exceptions like Silhouette Mirage, but if it has anything 3-D, it will run better on PS1.

Soviet Strike is another exception, surprising because it comes from EA of all places. The graphics and framerate are basically identical to the PS1 version (possibly even better actually), except the Saturn version comes with extra content.

>> No.3868525

Didn't realize these SD card optical drive replacements were so limited in production. G-guess I'll get on the waiting list...

>> No.3868542

I got mine on the first try

>> No.3868543

>deep fear

hahahaaha what

>> No.3868547

there is always satisfier

>> No.3868735

I require proofs

>> No.3869007

>no Quarterback Attack
Shit list, into the trash it goes

>> No.3869029


>> No.3871340


>> No.3871401



>> No.3871425
File: 76 KB, 320x240, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powerslave aka Exhumed.

At this point you'll fall in love with Lobotomy and the Slavedriver engine so you're going to want the Saturn ports of Duke Nukem 3D and Quake, too. Quake's port is worth it just for the 4 exclusive secret levels they made, alone.

>> No.3871469

i'm donating 50 bucks though, fuck collecting for the saturn, I want this shit bad

>> No.3871520

is it a one time 50 or is it a patreon every month 50 for the beta test

>> No.3871531

I don't know if I have to continuously fund 50 dollars every month until he's finished in order to receive the beta hardware, or if I just give him 50 bucks once, that qualifies me to get it.
I can afford it anyway so I don't mind giving him 50 bones a month to get a taste of this magical hardware

>> No.3871635

it's a bit much for me, so I may just wait for the release model. My saturn's still kicking ass so I'm OK with burning media for now.

>> No.3871783

this is a very helpful post, thanks.

I picked up a super cheap saturn a few months ago but haven't had time to play it after setting up pseudo saturn.

Was a bit confused by the hype as many of the good games are available elsewhere so this helps clear things up. I love radiant silvergun and don't have a 360 so I look forward to burning that.

>> No.3871796

>I require proofs

CDRs reflect the laser poorer than originals, which means the laser has to work harder to see the discs, which means it dies faster than if you were using originals.

>> No.3871914

>a kid posting on a gook toon image board is proof

>> No.3871941

I said proofs

>> No.3872163

ya got me!

>> No.3872289
File: 317 KB, 1234x926, nintendont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great a sega thread. Hey /vr/, I found a sega cd, genesis, and saturn all at goodwill together today for $10 a piece. I didn't bother checking the pile of cables they had laying around because the power cables on the genesis and cd looked pretty standard (never owned any sega consoles). Unfortunately I'm learning how big of a bitch it is to find a good ac adapter for the genesis and cd. Anyone know of one that doesn't cost $20? I don't mind using a knock off as long as it doesn't fry the system. I have the genesis and cd model 2 (shown in picture).

>> No.3874425

I picked up a saturn a while back with a non-working CD drive (doesn't spin). I've already adjusted the tray height but will do so again. Haven't checked the laser yet either.
Any idea where to test to make sure the drive is getting power properly?

Nice find. Have you tried aliexpress or amazon for the adapter? I think I last found one for $12 USD plus shipping.

>> No.3874428

>Why would OP buy any game for Saturn that can be emulated for free on MAME and play better?

The "play better" is not really true for some of them, as Vampire Savior has the Hunter characters that aren't on arcade VS (and if you play VS2, you're still missing 3 characters).
Also neat shit like Oboro Bishamon.

>> No.3874909

I've never found anything good and cheap online. But a local shop has really good quality ones for $5 for 1A up to $1o for 3.5A. Might be worth checking your local electronics shops.

>> No.3876383

I've found ones on amazon that say they are for it, but the volt and amp output is different than the original. I don't know much about electricity but what I found on the internet said it can shorten the life of the console. I don't know by how much or if it really matters though.

I might head over to this retro game shop that opened up around here and see if they have a good one for a decent price

>> No.3876903

>a goodwill that doesn't look up prices online


>> No.3876963

Recently got Radiant Silvergun, and it's pretty cool.
Just got to get Guardian Heroes and my collection is complete.

>> No.3877117

Why's that? I've only played Nuclear and Soviet on PS1. And how's the N64 port of Nuclear?

>> No.3877190

>1) D (awesome saturn horror game for the saturn, normaly runs for cheep)
>2)impact racing (shooting/racing game for saturn, i got my copy for $4)
>3) bug and bug too (epic platfroming series for the saturn in 2.5D, will cost around $40 a game but i highly recomend it, these are my favorite games from childhood)
>4) Mr Bones (an incredibly hard and epic platformer with a few music maker levels put in the mix, nostalgic fmv cut scenes, $40 to $80)
>5) Nights into dreams (possibly the most popular saturn game of all time, shouldn't cost too much)
>i also recommend getting a memory card plus so you can play Japanese games as well, if you want i can give you 5 good examples there as well, i am a sega saturn collector, i know its retarded but this system is a large part of my childhood

>> No.3877204

>saturn horror game for the saturn

You don't say

>> No.3877210

lolz i just noticed, redundancy is redundant

>> No.3877349

I'd recommend a just an electronics shop. Adapters that meet the exact spec you're looking for are commonly used for modern stuff and are dirt cheap. Your retrofag shop will no doubt charge you much more for the same things with the word "retro" printed on the box.

>> No.3877582

>Mr Bones..incredibly hard
It's so cute to see little rishwanikla play with the toys one of her dads stole.

>> No.3877605

my favorite game is always going to be sega rally

>> No.3877608

Lucky you, my cd drive has problems reading burned cds, itll work for like an hour then boot me back to the bios. Gonna try adjusting the laser once I find details which way to turn the little screw lel.

>> No.3880310

Dodonpachi for $60 - should I bite?

>> No.3880324

no, it's a horrible port.

>> No.3880407


>> No.3880440

deep fear and shining force 3 have a pal version

>> No.3880473

Shining Force 3
Shining the Holy Ark
Galactic Attack
Die Hard Arcade
Guardian Heros
Daytona CCE
Warcraft 2
XMen vs SF
Marvel Super Heros vs SF
SF Alpha 3
Nights into Dreams - Make sure you get a Nights controller as well. Its amazing for all games.
Winter Heat
Dragon Force
Fighters Megamix
Road Rash
Virtua Cop 2
Virtua Fighters 2
Thunder Force 5

>> No.3880580
File: 258 KB, 912x720, 1400505203686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn Bomberman
This is my family's most played game period. We all will get together to play it any time. Thank god I got it before it spiked

>> No.3880619

I'm guessing you have at least a passing interest in shmups or fighters if you bought a saturn. Spend an hour reading through these articles, then spend this weekend burning the stuff that interests you.



>> No.3880636

I don't know if I'm familiar with shinobi legion. I have a game called shinobi x that is slower paced like revenge (as opposed to 3) and used mortal kombat style digitized sprites. Same game different region, or different game altogether?

>> No.3880646
File: 125 KB, 800x546, sonst-sega-6playeradapter-jp_big[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've almost got a 10player Bomberman setup ready, the only issue is one of the multitaps.

On the 1P position on it, whenever I have any other controller plugged in anywhere else on the multitap the 1P controller's left dpad button refuses to work. If I unplug the other controllers then it works just fine.

This happened no matter whether its in the first or second controller port on the saturn.

I've given all the contacts a good scrubbin' so thats definitely not the problem. Anyone fixed this before?

The multitap is grey and I have a black PAL Saturn, were these things regioned?

>> No.3880662

To my knowledge, no saturn peripherals are region locked.

>> No.3881467

You could probably work out exactly what's wrong by testing many possible combinations. But it's a lot easier to open it up. If it is fixable you're gonna have to open it anyway. Look for a broken jumper. Reseat the CPU if it's socketed. I doubt there's a problem with the logic as it works in one instance. You could run tests on each port individually to better confirm that.

I don't own an african american saturn so can't test if it's a region issue. I doubt it.

>> No.3881741
File: 138 KB, 587x494, 69930fe7-47a4-4362-9280-b59832261a35_zps83cc0753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phantom pictured

>> No.3881748

and that will be umm about 5000 bucks?
>modchip is needed

>> No.3881751

Some of those are better on other platforms, though.

>> No.3881834

theres an ntsc version of deep fear floating around the net too

>> No.3882132

Get an ActionReplay 4 in 1 and flash it with Pseudo Saturn, then fit a 50/60hz switch.

>> No.3883626

2 must have items are the 4 n 1 action replay cart and a modchip.

>> No.3884614

If you're going to mod your console what do you need an AR for?

>> No.3884617

Probably the extra RAM and save feature (although I do not recommend the AR for saving, it's not reliable in my experience)

>> No.3884625

You mean the region free bios and the modchip.

AR is overrated as fuck.

>> No.3884627

VCD cards are.

>> No.3884735

Yeah, I'd never use an AR for saves. And since RAM carts are a fraction of the price of ARs there's no point unless you want the other features. Certainly not a must have.

Good catch

>> No.3884779

Not to mention that AR carts are getting higher and higher in price due to Pseudosaturn.

>> No.3885063

Exactly. I started buying every one I could find for a buck when the proof of concept was done. I've been paying as much as $5 recently. I'll unload them when stupid hipster cucks push the price over $100.

>> No.3885180

Saturn Policenauts has english patch

>> No.3885229

$5? Where are you finding these? They're $30-50 here before tax and shipping.

>> No.3885236


>> No.3885440

Flea markets. I've got a whole box full by now. You're still finding them for as low as $30 on ebay or whatever? Fuck. That only gets me a subcompact. I need them to hit $100 to get the car I really want.

>> No.3886829

Hundreds on amazon for 29 dollars plus free shipping. Just bought one for PseudoSaturn

>> No.3887571

Down to $29. Fuck. My box box is barely worth a fiesta with power windows.

>> No.3887621


Yeah they're $30 minimum now online.
$23 or something if you want to order just the check from Hong Kong.
I bought one but should have just got the mod chip instead which costs about the same.


I got a Saturn from a dude who had it in storage locker in new york for like 20 years. Great deal ($30 + a broken genesis and some games) but I tried Sonic 3D and loading took forever.

Is this normal for this game or is my unit a little fucked up?

Any easy-ish ways to fix it? I am ok with a soldering iron

>> No.3888007

Are you a retarded millennial who doesn't know what a mod chip is or a retarded millennial who thinks a mod chips is whatever you think it is? Just asking.

>> No.3888136

Any way you'd sell me one for cheap anon?

>> No.3888687
File: 12 KB, 640x640, 1451174322664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to find Saturn and games in Sweden

>> No.3888707

sweden cant have good things

>> No.3888791

Videogames are haram, so no games for Somaliswedistan.

>> No.3888794

I have a pal one with some games you can buy. Ill put it on tradera for you soon.

I have a chipped ntsc one so i don't need it ....

>> No.3889778

No. But your mom might be able to work a deal.

>> No.3890290

no ones posted Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Completed

Accurate Richter Sprites, New Areas, Bloody Tears, Maria actually fucking playable

>> No.3890296

does it fix the weird ass sprite scaling present on every diagonal set of pixels

>> No.3890312


>> No.3890313

I'd say improve, doesn't look anywhere near as wonky

>> No.3890575

Dumb flipper.

>> No.3891561

u mad?

>> No.3892993

Stored in bank vaults for their price