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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 48 KB, 900x563, ms-dos-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3852076 No.3852076 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite DOS computer games, /vr/?

What are some obscure DOS games you've enjoyed?

>> No.3852083
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 141730-genocide-dos-screenshot-and-yes-the-lava-does-hurt-if-fact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Spent many hours playing Genocide.
Even to this day i go back and play it.
Graphically it holds up nicely.

>> No.3852084

Mechwarrior 2 is the best DOS game ever no contest

>> No.3852093
File: 54 KB, 250x320, 2212987-afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only one i remember playing that wasn't some form of edutainment. i thought it was great, though.

>> No.3852128
File: 125 KB, 640x400, tankwars2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tank Wars came out earlier than Scorched Earth and was a billion times better, despite being simpler.

>> No.3852131
File: 15 KB, 320x256, Fire_&_Ice_-_The_Daring_Adventures_of_Cool_Coyote_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this was originally an Amiga game, but I played it in DOS so whatever.

>> No.3852138
File: 14 KB, 320x200, 8591-tempest-2000-dos-screenshot-a-new-style.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempest 2000 had a DOS version, and it was actually a decent port. Who knew.

>> No.3852278
File: 5 KB, 160x100, 4777-skyroads-dos-screenshot-title-menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3852282

Does Atari Jaguar have one decent exclusive game?

>> No.3852302

Alien vs. Predator, I guess.

>> No.3852310
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>> No.3852315
File: 69 KB, 350x411, F19stealthfighter_box_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3852316
File: 32 KB, 640x400, solar-winds-the-escape_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solar Winds had great potential, it was just far too short.

>> No.3852317
File: 149 KB, 250x296, M1_Tank_Platoon_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3852321
File: 130 KB, 800x1032, 102219-assault-rigs-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3852326

Damn, that's cool looking.

>> No.3852331

Yeah. That one's really good.


>> No.3852665
File: 46 KB, 640x400, wclb golf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great game, never could beat that fucker but I got close.

Fuck picking one favorite, depends on my mood. But usually I'm in for something like the Wizardry series, Syndicate, Settlers, OG Prince of Persia, OG Lemmings, Commander Keen, Hyperspeed/Lightspeed, or Crystal Caves.

For obscure, I played a decent CGA ninja game that's just called Ninja. Monster Bash, Dangerous Dave, CGA Arcade Volleyball, and Basstour (no idea why I liked it) . I used to play a CGA game called World Class Leaderboard (pictured) with my dad, I didn't really care for golf but it was the only computer game my dad wanted to play.

>> No.3852780
File: 48 KB, 640x350, zzt-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite DOS game (that doesn't have a source port) is, honestly, probably ZZT. I have so many nostalgic memories of ZZT buried in my head that I feel like I'd be lying if I said anything else.

>> No.3853056
File: 250 KB, 640x480, OVERKIL0.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing up me and my older brother had some Tandy 1000 model as our first computer.

We played a lot Overkill. There was also this awesome, for us, game of monopoly I need to track down.

>> No.3853105


Megazeux is still being developed and runs on modern machines.

>> No.3853192

i wish Ys 1 had an actual good port for DOS, it's pretty faithful if you don't consider the shit palette and music, maybe there's a way someone could hack and fix it

i also wish Ys 2 Special and other obscure Korean games had translations

>> No.3853778

NHB as childish as the zzters could be, mzxers were entirely insufferable. Reminds me of 4chan vs reddit. Thing was always too damned overcomplicated too. ZZT's charm is the simplicity and overcoming the limitations in fascinating and clever ways.

...I did kind of dig that 3D dungeon crawler a few years back though. Credit where credit's due.

>> No.3854073

Am I mistaken or can you make DOS 7.0 run all the same things DOS 6.22 can?

>> No.3854089

As far as I'm aware you can. It can sometimes be complicated if Windows is being used, but there's still pure MS DOS mode. I played all sorts of stuff there, including Betrayal at Krondor, a fairly heavy game.

>> No.3854130
File: 12 KB, 300x168, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closed-source is oppression.
open-source is freedom.
(GNU-)Linux 4ever.

>> No.3854134

Open-source != Free Software

>> No.3854137

Dosbox is floss. Also rms is fine with games being closed since they are just games.

>> No.3854142

Citation please. This would settle my conscious.

>> No.3854161

My understanding is that he doesn't care about art or other non-code assets being proprietary but he believes code in general should be free(libre).

>> No.3854164

See that's what I thought, but I'm not completely certain how he feels about game engines, which would be the code aspect.

>> No.3854198


>> No.3854203

Is FreeDOS 100% compatible with MSDOS?

Anyone ever notice any problems running DOS application under it?

>> No.3854204

i heard it was almost 100% compatible

DOS was barely an operating system, it shouldn't be hard to reverse engineer

>> No.3854207
File: 36 KB, 325x325, One-must-fall-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing the ad for this game a lot playing those Epic Megagames shareware, especially this favorite of mine.

>> No.3854225

I know Mechwarrior 2 runs in FreeDOS.

>> No.3854943

Stunt Driver was so cool in my computer lab. Making our own tracks, competing with friends to see who could make the hardest track that they could still beat (to be proven by including a replay of ourselves beating the track) spending ten minutes watching your flaming car fly around all over the place because you didn't get quite enough speed to jump the building


>> No.3855474
File: 42 KB, 361x500, DOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3855518
File: 20 KB, 250x307, Settlers_2_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of hours spend in it listening Helloween

>> No.3855519

Any good DOS first person dungeon crawlers?

Not the AD&D ones, I played all those.

>> No.3855550


Oh my god I played that so much. I've looked for it but I could only find SE-clones, and yes, this is way better.

>> No.3855560

well do you mean lore-wise or gameplay?

in any case there's both ultima underworld games and system shock 1

eye of the beholder too

>> No.3855604

What's a "lore-wise first person dungeon crawler"? Sound's pretty meta.

>> No.3855631

i meant by AD&D stuff

>> No.3855635

I think he means crawlers that have more plot than just the opening story to them. Like Angband has only a go kill Morgoth plot and games like Ultima Underworld have a real developing plot that you uncover with your progress in the game.

>> No.3855664

no i was wondering if he meant stuff set in the D&D universe or stuff that's just based on D&D gameplay

>> No.3857469

I heard that you can set up alternate boot entries in the Win98 boot menu that load a different set of autoexec.bat/config.sys files, but how do I actually go about doing that? The information on the web seems to be really scarce these days with completely unrelated entries shitting up my searches, so I'd appreciate a pointer in the right direction.

>> No.3857545

Is this what you mean?

Looks like the page explains the syntax and the capabilities pretty completely.
You wouldn't have multiple copies of autoexec.bat and config.sys, but rather multiple subsections within those files defining the various configurations you need.

>> No.3857617

Yeah, that looks about right. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.3857696
File: 26 KB, 640x350, sea-rogue_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I was really obsessed with this game for a while.

>> No.3857718
File: 29 KB, 1212x849, tmp.ob775m0Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey have I got news for you

>> No.3858679
File: 58 KB, 640x400, liero1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liero still is one of the best splitscreen games out there and it's a real shame that there still isn't a modern equivalent with netplay.

>> No.3858906

"Soldat" was pretty close but community is almost dead at this point ...

>> No.3859393


>> No.3859821

Nothing better than dos

>> No.3860482
File: 27 KB, 480x360, wiz7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The entire Wizardry series is pretty awesome, most of it is DOS based. Most of them are first person view even though you are controlling multiple characters. Wizardry 4 is single person first person.

>> No.3860571
File: 28 KB, 256x303, Master of Magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There can only be one and this is it.

>> No.3860581

>CTRL F Sim Earth
>CTRL F SimEarth
>No results

I am in deep disappointment.

>> No.3860619

Used to play the fuck out of Sim Earth on windows 95. I think it was a re-release. It was a 16-bit executable.

I loved the way that when your advanced civilization reached a certain point they would all leave in a mass exodus to space and the rest of the life-forms on the planet would go on evolving in geological time until a new civilization emerged. I always connected it in my mind to the "arcologies" in SimCity 2000 that would launch themselves into space en masse after a certain amount of time. Neat little bit of worldbuilding.

>> No.3860630

What the hell was that game called Caterpillar where you had to make the caterpillar get to the thing?


>> No.3860635

I always want to get into this. Does it play like Heroes of Might & Magic? Is reading the manual required to be able to play it?

>> No.3860646

ZZT! Holy shit, another human's played that game.

I have such fond memories of that burger game and that wolfenstein clone.

All but dead now. It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.3860651


>Does it play like Heroes of Might & Magic?

No, not at all. It's much more like one of the Sid Meir Civilization games with tactical combat and magic.

You don't have the "all armies must be led by a hero" (you do have heroes, but they're basically considerably stronger than ordinary units), and you don't have the unlimited stacking that leads to that huge clash between your main army and the other guy's main army; 9 units per tile, and no more, which means you can sometimes compensate for someone's greater overall strength by having one super concentrated really strong stack he can't beat.

> Is reading the manual required to be able to play it?

To be honest, I don't remember. I've played for so long and have so many things about the game memorized, I can't even remember what I learned from where. Probably not if you're reasonably familiar with turn based grand strategy games, but it doesn't hurt. Still, if you want a basic rundown without reading a manual, there's a wiki you can consult when you're stuck on something.

And another thing, get the insecticide patch.

>> No.3860663
File: 15 KB, 640x350, wari-the-ancient-game-of-africa_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3862472
File: 2 KB, 640x350, Gorillas_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played this game to death

>> No.3862487


this looks awesome

>> No.3862534
File: 272 B, 64x96, costanza ascii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Megazeux is no doubt a "superior" engine, but ZZT just had more heart to it. I played both, but I have more fond memories of ZZT.

Caverns of Zeux music fills me with nostalgia though. Probably because it was the game that came with Megazeux, and I think it was the last thing Alexis Janson ever made before dropping out of the scene.


>that wolfenstein clone
Lebensraum! I remember that one.

It was so hard to do a good action game in the ZZT engine. I mostly preferred adventure-y games like Kudzu and Winter.

>> No.3862575

I tried running Doom in FreeDOS once and it crashed :^(

>it's a real shame that there still isn't a modern equivalent with netplay.
OpenLieroX exists.
Dead game though.

Thanks for posting this. I was expecting it to just be a port of ZZT, but there's some added twists. Fun! :)

>> No.3863376

OpenLieroX also kinda sucks, the original game plays much better and OpenLieroX's main draws (netplay and easy modding) are pretty dire with shitty netcode and bizarre modding limitations abound.

>> No.3863474
File: 26 KB, 1366x768, jzt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just beat the game. Whew, that snake dungeon was pretty hard.

>> No.3863485
File: 20 KB, 640x480, MvisK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the very first waifu
and fap

>> No.3863805

What the hell is this?

>> No.3864076

post moar dos shit

>> No.3864179
File: 72 KB, 640x432, not this one dummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3864385
File: 25 KB, 300x347, Death_Rally_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3864426
File: 31 KB, 1366x768, heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you managed to get all the hearts?

I assume there are five of them. I still can't figure out how to get this one, I haven't been able to find a green key anywhere.

>> No.3864439
File: 3 KB, 127x127, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any luck with this on the Wii?

I want to use it for text adventures on my CRT through S-video, but it only outputs 480i when the Wii can do 320x240/200 etc in most other emulators.

The 480i is a real bitch to look at up close for any longer than five minutes.

The source code is available on github, so would I be able to change the default res to 320x240 if I changed the right lines of code?

Even so, how the hell do you compile the shit to run on the Wii when you're done?

>> No.3864441
File: 33 KB, 480x477, C0dixLVUoAE7woj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALSO I forgot to mention that changing the resolution in the .conf file crashes the Wii, even with different machine types or video outputs such as overlay or ddraw, so that's out

>> No.3864847

bubsy fractured furry tails

>> No.3864897
File: 14 KB, 200x200, 197383375_3771 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Riptide
I played the unregistered version of this game back in the day. If anybody knows where to find the full version of the game would be much appreciated

>> No.3864940

Never heard about Megazeux but gave it a try today and the game list is amazing. It's amazing that people were still making games using this not too long ago.

>> No.3865093

Just found out that someone made a lewd remake of this game. Check ou behind the dune if you're into that sorta stuff.

>> No.3865478
File: 45 KB, 636x391, xargon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3865480
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Electro Man

>> No.3865483
File: 22 KB, 639x399, kens-labyrinth-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cockheaded cunt right here

>> No.3865485
File: 26 KB, 640x400, 3674.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nutsack headed looking fuck

>> No.3865489
File: 20 KB, 220x170, jasonstorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3865628

Duke Nukem 1&2
Halloween Harry
Blake Stone
Hokus Pocus

>> No.3865658
File: 90 KB, 1440x1080, spock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played through that once during one very slow summer.

>> No.3865906
File: 14 KB, 348x220, Twins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing through Wizardry VI just reached the pyramids & getting a little burnt out

I just want to transfer my team through to VII & finally VIII

>> No.3865997
File: 11 KB, 256x256, SW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was one of my favourite games...

>> No.3866197
File: 13 KB, 320x200, prehistorik-ss4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkey Island
Aaaaand Civ I... A lot of Civ I

>> No.3866204
File: 33 KB, 640x480, stunts1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot this one: Stunts

You could drive and build your own tracks

>> No.3866223

I always knew the game as Electro Body, which sounds stupid as fuck

>> No.3866279
File: 138 KB, 761x531, piranha panic1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wihlborg entertainment
piranha panic
>they still sell this game for dos at full price
but you need to register the game in order to play the full game :/

>> No.3866306
File: 72 KB, 600x337, wiz7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some long ass games. I'm playing through VII right now and even with a really strong party it takes forever. The spawn rates in some areas is just ridiculous. I fought a group of monsters yesterday, saved, and before I could even move 1 tile I got attacked again. Pic related, it was these dicks.

I try to take a couple day break every once in a while, but not too long or I'll forget where I was and just start over. I don't think I have the patience to do a 6-7-8 run, but I'm going to finish this 7-8 run for once.

>> No.3866554

I think this was the first game I played in life on my IBM. Was learning physics at 4 and I didn't even knew it.

Still play it to this day.

>> No.3866746

Mah boi

>> No.3867490

a roguelike for DOS?

>> No.3867505

There's always ADOM

>> No.3867750


Oh my god I played this game, it came as a demo on some PC magazine-disk, it was damn fun. The first game of that style that I played.

>> No.3868010

actually replaying this right now

damn i didn't remember each level being that long

>> No.3869432

elite (notably 2) has infinite replay value, there's also a game inspired by it called Noctis that runs in dos and is pretty interesting too

>> No.3869438


>> No.3869958
File: 38 KB, 574x481, piranha lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it is a great game, just a pain in the arse to find online

>> No.3870425

After playing Oolite I just can't go back

>> No.3872189

You can find a green key in the bar after the dancing trees. You need to use it to get the heart before you unlock the door next to the bar, otherwise the heart's locked away for good.

>> No.3872227

I had this on my Amstrad PC1512 - running in greyscale CGA. I never came close to beating it.

Did any other Brits get mail order shareware from this place called A1? Quite a few games in this thread I first experienced from them.

>> No.3872564

This. It is the only game I am not ashamed to have never beaten, despite playing on and off for seriously fifteen years now. Also nice spread on the classes. I always rotated enough to let everyone hide early on, until I could get good armor. Or fucking nuclear blast, because fuck your rats

>> No.3872572

To this day, my fingers can absentmindedly run the road from munkarma to new city faster than the game could advance me. Nothing upset me more than hitting a spawn and pausing mid sprint

>> No.3872804
File: 9 KB, 320x200, Captain Dynamo_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if Captain Dynamo is a obscure game, but I really like it.

>> No.3873109

Shit I never got past the 7th level. I think you needed a manual or something.

Me and my friend used to emulate the noises the guns made.

>> No.3873393
File: 250 KB, 640x480, IGOR04.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some obscure DOS games you've enjoyed?

Igor Objective Uikokahonia

Found out about this online back in.. 1999?
As an adventure game fan I loved this, it's flawed in ways but I really dig the graphics.
they remind me of Indy4.

>> No.3873505

...Oh! Shoot.

Well, that leaves just one other heart unaccounted for (assuming there are five and max max health is 100)

The three I got were the hidden one in the monster zoo, the one behind a white door in the wilderness area with all the duplicators, and the one right after the fun house that the game basically gives you for free

>> No.3873753

I'm having trouble getting sound to work in the CD version of Worms on a Win98 rig, any ideas? Starting the game from Windows is completely silent, DOS mode gives working sound effects but the music still doesn't work. Playing the tracks using CD player software works fine, and Descent II has no issues playing redbook audio either.

>> No.3873848
File: 31 KB, 320x200, Baldies_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying to run baldies on my android but it's asking for a CD before running. I tried mounting the folder with all files I downloaded but no dice, the game simply won't recognize it as a CD. Send help

>> No.3874136

Depending on the game, you might need to download an actual iso and use imgmount to mount it as a disc.

>> No.3874216

Did you try installing it first? You must install it on your hd, so it will send you to the sound configuration once everything's done(around 20mb) where you can set your sound card.

>> No.3874475

Yeah, I installed it and the documentation states that it autoconfigures by reading the SET BLASTER values. I did get it working by writing up a .pif with a custom config.sys/autoexec.bat for it, but entering or exiting that mode necessitates a reboot and it's enormously slow. The mouse is also all over the place with horizontal sensitivity being nearly 2-3x as fast as the vertical one, also the audio output is flipped because lel ESS1868 and Worms doesn't seem to have an option to flip the stereo.

I think I know why the music didn't work on DOS (dual CD drives and config shenanigans), but what the hell is up with the sound not working at all in Windows? I'm hoping it's fixable by updating the soundcard drivers with a set of newer ones.

>> No.3875510

Have you had any slow summers since then, anon? Do you miss those times when your backlog wasn't miles long and you could dig into some obscure gem for a considerable amount of time? I do.

>> No.3875610

Now that I think about it, all my favorit games are MsDOS games.

Duke Nukem 3D
System Shock
Monkey Island

And many many others.

>> No.3875614
File: 85 KB, 640x897, runaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also remember this one. It reminded me of Monkey Island and other games alike, but it was really obscure and I had never heard anyone else play it.

The same devs are still making adventure games.

>> No.3875674


Apparently the original Spanish version is fully voice acted, shame the English version never got this treatment.

I wonder if voice playback is present in the English disk version.. I should burn the iso of the Spanish version to a disc sometime.

>> No.3875762
File: 671 KB, 2592x1944, There_is_a_charm_to_bad_art_for_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What are your favorite DOS computer games, /vr/?
I was a fanboy of Origin back in the day. Bullfrog and Microprose too.

>What are some obscure DOS games you've enjoyed?
Even though I had it on the SNES. Someone gave me a copy of this strange Chinese bootleg Street Fighter 2 (world warrior), which just copied/digitized the sprites/backtrounds (the floor did not linescroll, and they just took pictures, so you can see strange edges not matching perspective as the background was just a large static image). The original just had fucking 4 variations of Ryu and 4 variations of Guile with arcing/heat-seeking/slow fireballs like those of the Rainbow edition arcades. Later someone gave me an updated version which had all 8 characters selectable. Mirror Matches would tend to have one slightly greener character instead of the new colors of Championship Edition. Execution of moves did not involve diagonals, so a dragon punch for example on the keyboard would be direction arrow tapped towards-down-towards then mapped punch button (hadouken was just tap down-towards then assigned punch). Yes, even though the SNES version was closer to the arcade, I still had fun with this hack/bootleg DOS version. I was truly amused with bad games. How's that for obscure? I have no clue how my friends found this oddity.

It looked exactly like this, but not Korean. The names and everything was in English. Also did not have the strange "new" speech, mostly strangely captured sounds from the SNES version.

Never played this version, but I lose my shit just watching it:

>> No.3876201

I loved that game back in 2008. I never got as much fun from the sequel though.

>> No.3876546
File: 70 KB, 800x442, wing commander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to start playing Wing Commander for the first time. I set it up to check out if it worked properly and it seems to have this weird choppy framerate. I don't remember it being this choppy when I saw my older brother play it years ago, or is it just nostalgia fucking with my memory?
X-Wing games were released about the same time and they ran perfectly smooth in 3D space.

I'm also playing on keyboard because none of my joysticks have USB.

>> No.3876550

it may not be MSDOS, but i've been enjoying bionic commando lately


>> No.3877719 [DELETED] 


Yep, there's one more! If I recall correctly, it's [SPOILER]in the cave in the room with the walls that you can walk through (where you find the two crystals). You have to experiment a bit to see which walls you can walk through, but the heart is there.[/SPOILER] I guess there could be even more after that, but that's all I can find and 100 health seems like it's probably the maximum.

>> No.3877723

Yep, there's one more! If I recall correctly, it's in the cave in the room with the walls that you can walk through (where you find the two crystals). You have to experiment a bit to see which walls you can walk through, but the heart is there. I guess there could be even more after that, but that's all I can find and 100 health seems like it's probably the maximum.

>> No.3877923
File: 2.05 MB, 969x1213, IMG_4087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason I wanted a PC as a kid.

>> No.3878707

It's pretty choppy as I recall, and looking at Wing Commander videos on youtube suggests it's like that for everyone. A lot of the old games had pretty terrible frame rates by today's standards.

>> No.3878853
File: 50 KB, 728x409, loom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOOM. This game consumed many hours of my childhood and I have nothing but fond memories.

7th Guest was one I watched my dad play but never played myself that much because the puzzles were tough and I was creeped out by the atmosphere. Same for Alone in the Dark actually.

Hyperspeed was awesome as well, bopping around the universe and shooting down those polygonal nasties was damn fulfilling.

>> No.3878873


>> No.3879690
File: 144 KB, 640x400, tyrian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Epic Megagames
Don't forget that one.

Two Dark Savants? I remember setting high difficulty level twice any monsters, lol

>> No.3880079

I was so excited when I figured out to put the darkness to sleep.

>> No.3880249

I want to play some IPX games over the internet, how does that work? I assume I can't just throw raw IPX packets at my router and expect it to magically figure out the correct route over TCP/IP.

>> No.3880331

DOSBox has built-in IPX

or you could try setting up a VPN and using IPXWrapper

>> No.3880404

I've thought about hosting a vanilla Doom server in Dosbox.

But then I remembered vanilla only supports up to four players. :<

>> No.3880451

Forgot to mention that I was actually planning to run the games on a vintage Win98/DOS rig, otherwise I would've probably just used the option built into DOSBox. I was thinking about the VPN shenanigans as well and setting it up on Windows shouldn't be too hard, but doing it in DOS seems like all kinds of fun and requires further research.

>> No.3880834

I am the one who installed Stunts in the library computer at my middle school, along with Wolfpack and the Curse of Monkey Island. I took great delight in being the gateway to those games because I had memorized all the copy protection answers....until that one multi-game crack program came along.

>> No.3881065


Getting an old machine onto the internet can be a nightmare, hell even just getting DOS on a network was not an easy task. I think you're much better off using dosbox and a modern machine at least for internet play. Leave the vintage machines for single player and local network play.

>> No.3881085

I already have working networking, it's just the IPX side of things that I'm having trouble with.

>> No.3881092
File: 113 KB, 960x600, d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raptor: Call of the Shadows

>> No.3881489

NYET III is one of the best DOS Tetris games ever.


>> No.3881504
File: 5 KB, 320x200, the-final-conflict_4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Final Conflict
really gimpy RTS
I made fun with it like I did with rubber bands and shit, I didn't really care about it

>> No.3883049

Princess Maker 2 shall forever remain my favourite DOS game. The writing and art were both just charming as heck, and it had tons of replayability.

I really hope the translate and port the rest of the series to steam after doing the first two last year.

>> No.3883108

>Not using the auto-track mini gun


>> No.3883238
File: 172 KB, 1440x1440, venus-perfect-model-world[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SimEarth was way too fucking deep for a DOS game, it went over everyone's heads at release and is still one of the "obscure" classic sim titles compared to SimCity or SimAnt or Simtower/Yoot Tower. Check out this PDF by the co-creator as he details every little aspect that goes into the simulation. https://www.scribd.com/document/329138696/SimEarth-A-Great-Toy

The sheer attention to detail blows Spore out of the water and it was released 18 years later. I suspect that's the reason why nobody's tried to recreate it in a modern engine. The Earth is too much.

SimLife was cool too, but its focus on managing biomes over shaping planets didn't hook me nearly as much.

>> No.3885019
File: 27 KB, 286x335, kronolog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A "what if the nazis had won WWII" adventure game.

>> No.3885257

based on his statements about security and binary blobs, I'd say he definitely cares about game engines -- a binary blob can always compromise your system, be it in a device driver, a piece of productivity software or a game engine.

>> No.3885830


>> No.3885835
File: 2.37 MB, 1514x944, U7SerpentIsle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3885852

Is that really part of the canon story?

>> No.3885876

My only bitch was how you could only select 4 units and had to manually shift click on each individual unit. Regardless, I loved it.

>> No.3885962
File: 5 KB, 320x200, 603974-die-hard-dos-screenshot-running-from-crooks-and-flying-glass[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a Die Hard game for DOS that despite its weird graphical look actually seems like it could be pretty fun.


>> No.3885963
File: 27 KB, 300x300, 5897ac1f1e93bb162e97bad944f86d21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys played my game.


>> No.3886459

Not the snake part, but yeah this mage seductress sets you up to be imprisoned by the mage Lord regardless of what you pick.

>> No.3886460

Commander Keen 4
Submarine Titans

>> No.3886526
File: 126 KB, 622x718, 6599-commander-blood-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody play this little gem?

>> No.3887001

how does this quasi-bootleg game have such good music

>> No.3887065

If I'm playing on a 640x480 CRT, is running the game at 640x480 using ddraw output my best option? I know ddraw applies bilinear filtering but it's the one way I've found that displays the game without stretching some pixels.

I just want accurate 1994 graphics. Running at 1280x1024 with a scaler seems to miss the point of even using a CRT.

>> No.3887084

Games were made in 320x200. Either you play it as 16:10 letterboxed in 4:3 or you stretch it.
CRTs don't have a fixed resolution like digital displays.

>> No.3887096

But running it without bilinear filtering makes some lines stretch vertically more than others. The pixels look sharper overall but it fucks up things like fonts because they aren't stretched evenly.

>> No.3887108

Because you're trying to use nearest neighbor scaling with non-integer scaling.
320->640 is obviously x2 but 200->480 is x2.4 so some lines are doubled and others tripled. Either display is as a multiple of 320x200 or scale it to 1600x1200 if your display can handle that.

>> No.3887204

I can't do 1600x1200. So I have to deal with either the blurriness of bilinear filtering or have fucked up inconsistent pixels?

Were inconsistent pixels a thing back in the day, or is this just because I'm using a more modern CRT?

>> No.3887276

>no Terminal Velocity
>no 3-Demon
>no Abuse
>no Tyrian 2000
for shame

>> No.3887462

>Tyrian 2000
Got it for free on GOG and it's in my backlog. How is it?

>> No.3888506

It's pretty fun and easily one of the better DOS shmups out there.

>> No.3889782

It's fucking awesome and easily the best shooter on DOS. Raptor can't even touch it. Colorful graphics, an amusing story, secrets out the ass, tons of weapon combinations, and a memorable soundtrack. You won't regret it.

>> No.3889793

THIS GAEM IS RLY FUNNEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw0tNIPf-80

>> No.3891124

T.V. was one of my earliest Windows gaming memories.

>> No.3891412

For emulating 320x200 DOS games, does setting my CRT resolution to 640x400 and running games at original resolution + doublescan give me an era-accurate picture?

>> No.3891423
File: 6 KB, 188x124, sage_seeYourPower[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zeliard, coming through.

>> No.3891486

probably one of the few sierra japanese ports that had superior music to the original

>> No.3891501


>> No.3891505

French game, where you talk to aliens using icons? I played it on the Atari ST

>> No.3891953

just use component dumbass, you can't get 240p over its s-video port

>> No.3891954

Yea but I think the one you're talking about was Captain Blood. It came out before this

>> No.3892107

You can hold Ctrl and then click and drag a box to select multiple units too, doesn't work so great when it's a big blob of units though
And yeah I love it it's the reason I got a PC too still have the CD and manual

>> No.3892531

Oh shit. I never knew that. Thanks for the tip. Def gonna get back on it sometime

>> No.3892661
File: 95 KB, 640x808, 393-battle-bugs-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3892975

Hah, played the shit of it on my old amstrad pc1512...

Slow as fuck and horrible cga graphics but was really good, probably I can still navigate around the Nakatomi building by memory, almost 28 years later... I really liked to roll around like sonic and kick enemies to death.

Was full of small details like needing the ligther to navigate the vents, or getting wounded by stepping on broken glass like the movie, you even had to look for a bathroom to remove the glass.

>> No.3893771

>walk through "DO NOT ENTER DOOR"
>get a game over explaining that the main character was killed/imprisoned immediately.
What a bunch of Nazi...oh wait.
There need to be more games about the alternate nazi future

>> No.3894416

If you liked Igor and Runaway, you should try Hollywood Monster, by the same guys. Supposedly it's very good, but the only thing I know is that a famous spanish group composed the main theme:


>> No.3894876

what's that dos game which is "3d" rendered scenes each turn , turn based movement/action. you are a vehicle or maybe spaceship and theres buildings and..stuff
lole yeah that one

>> No.3895017
File: 211 KB, 817x1280, keenquiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commander Keen is my shit. I've played all of them.

>> No.3895023

I've always wanted to know how the series would have turned out if id had jumped on the 3D platformer bandwagon with Keen in 1996 or somewhere around there. In any case Commander Keen deserved to live on and not die.

>> No.3896218

I agree. I can't remember who, but someone at Id said they had the idea for a 3D Keen platformer back in 94. Was basically told to fuck off and Quake came to be later. Although monumental for its time, I do wonder where PC would have gone if Id had beaten Mario 64 to the punch. Maybe it was for the best. And maybe theres hope for a future Keen still...

>> No.3896512
File: 47 KB, 487x432, 1478652815839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember playing the fuck out of Mario War by Samuele Poletto back then, can't find it anywhere now.

MoleZ and Liero was tight as hell too.

>> No.3896521
File: 157 KB, 636x584, Screen Shot 2017-04-01 at 8.58.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that was hard.

>> No.3896523

>Mario War
My fucking nigger
Did you play Super Mario War?

>> No.3896525

>Super Mario War
>shit tribute game of the original Mario War
don't stuff that shit in front of my face ever again

>> No.3896526

>Super Mario War
I'll fight you, you fucking faggot.

>> No.3896528
File: 199 KB, 640x448, 1490771936249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would enjoy it if it wasn't bloated to hell with bunch of gimmicky ass gamemodes and unfitting characters due to the sprite size limit.

>> No.3896530

Come on, the game modes were great, and if you hated them you could still play the normal one. The customization was god-tier.
I wish the game wasn't dead.
RIP Florian Hufsky, I'll never forget you.

>> No.3896534

I've tried many searches. I used to have a DOS, possibly somewhere between 1992 and 1994 where you could create your own superheroes and put them into panels with word bubbles. Any ideas?

>> No.3896552
File: 35 KB, 640x400, 395b4444e1b2ac64d55d22d35bb1a664a3e9f1fe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never finished the game

>> No.3896558

I remember when dad brought me Ishar for my birthday. I got in love with that game, played the fuck out of it, and requested the previous and latter games of the series for my next birthdays.

>> No.3896676



Terra Nova Strike Force Centauri


Shattered Steel

>> No.3896683

I had this, and I like the adlib soundtrack more than the jaguar / arcade version.

awesome game, closest thing we have nowadays is race the sun I guess...

I beat every track multiple times to max the orbs next to it... it also worked well on dosbox so I used to play it at work at my old job on overnights...

really fun.

>> No.3896887

is abandonwaredos.com legit?

>> No.3896905

Can't imagine very many did, this shit got ridiculously difficult after the first 3 levels.

>> No.3897314

>What are your favorite DOS computer games, /vr/?
Ultima VII parts 1&2 and a lot of other old Origin and Bullfrog games.
X-Com, Terror from the Deep, Daggerfall, MechWarrior 2, Die Fugger II (still one of the best hotseat games, meeting old friends to play that game is fucking great)...

>What are some obscure DOS games you've enjoyed?
The Horde (is that obscure?) and as mentioned above Die Fugger II

>I was a fanboy of Origin back in the day. Bullfrog and Microprose too.
My kind of nigga.

>What are they up to now?
Garriott is creating Shroud of the Avatar with a bunch of other ex-Origin people right now. Google it.
I'm actually a backer but haven't really followed it in over a year, game must have changed a shitload since the first pre-alphas I played (it was very old school, they intentionally didn't put any fancy newfangled shit in it like questmarkers or stuff like that and you had to type your questions to the NPCs, felt really good, but they have optionally changed that now I think)

>> No.3897420

Good taste.

>> No.3897445
File: 16 KB, 640x480, moraffs-world_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put more hours into this than anyone should

been trying to remember the name of that one for a while. a lot of those windows 95/98 games are hard to find

>> No.3897481
File: 143 KB, 813x732, dosgamelist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a list of almost all the DOS games I had as a kid, both good games and forgettable ones

>> No.3897878

I recently began struggling my way into Daggerfall. It is interesting, inscrutable, and largely unpleasant. I may or may not stick with it.

>> No.3898394

DosBox DOS sounds like great fun