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3861342 No.3861342 [Reply] [Original]

Is FFV the most replayable JRPG of all time? Even after exhausting all 5938759287598347 job combinations, you can start doing solo challenges for every damn job

>> No.3861351
File: 43 KB, 398x400, Final_Fantasy_II_front_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even the most replayable FF.

>> No.3861367

Uncharted Waters: New Horizons

>> No.3861386
File: 565 KB, 1451x1080, lali-ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a hard time enjoying 2 because it felt like efficiently defeating enemies was counter to character growth so the fights always felt unsatisfactory.
I'm playing 3 now and enjoying it a lot more.

>> No.3861404

>Even after exhausting all 5938759287598347 job combinations, you can start doing solo challenges for every damn job

I take "replayability" to mean that there's some tangible reason to start the game over from scratch. e.g. FF1 has replay value because you can play through the entire game using different party setups. Problem with FF5 is that you can freely swap classes as much as you want, so there's no reason to give up your current progress and restart the game from the very beginning.

So with that said, I think the most replayable FF game would probably be FF1. If we're including spinoffs, the second Game Boy SaGa / Final Fantasy Legend game also has a lot of party combinations to experiment with. (Note: You can freely swap out characters in the first game since it has character guilds. These were removed from the second.)

>> No.3861413
File: 3 KB, 240x160, Final_Fantasy_V_Advance_(U)_[SoundRestored]_1489429718896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every other FF I beat a single time and don't feel like doing it again. FF5 I've beaten 4 times already and I'll replay it again soon.

>> No.3861417

But FFI has far fewer classes leading to fewer combinations than FFV. You can switch jobs all the time but it's not needed.

Besides, >>3861351 gives far more than either of them.

>> No.3861516

this is true, but II punishes you hard if you ignore shields (so no dual wielding, barehanded and two handed wielding) or try to equip heavy armor

>> No.3861532

Playing through while being punished hard for not being optimal seems to be part of OP's goal though. Doing a solo Chemist run in FFV would also be punishing/boring. Maybe that's what they want.

>> No.3861574

>But FFI has far fewer classes leading to fewer combinations

There are hundreds of possibilities, Anon. Think about the math.

>Four-character party
>Can consist of any mix of six distinct classes, or all four characters playing the same class
>Can also attempt solo-character challenges

>> No.3861590

>Can consist of any mix of six distinct classes,

FFV has 21 classes though and you can still mix them in any ways. 21 is a higher number than 6

>> No.3861605

>FFV has 21 classes

You're missing the point. Because you can switch classes on-the-fly, the game doesn't have any tangible REPLAY value. Once you have all four characters master all the classes, then what? There's no reason to start a new game.

FF1 locks your party into whatever classes you've chosen. So playing the game with different party configurations requires starting a new save each time. Thus REPLAY value.

>> No.3861640

The replay value (as I assume OP meant it) was the challenge of beating the game with different set ups. Just because you're given the option to switch between classes doesn't mean that's what you'll automatically do.

Especially if the whole goal of the playthrough is to try beating the game with a specific set up like 4 time mages. The point is to make it through the game (as much as possible) with your party as Time Mages, then it wouldn't make sense to level up all the other jobs.

It's the same as doing 2 different runs in FF1, one where you upgrade your guys and the other where you don't. They're going to be different runs even though you have the option.

All of this sounds incredibly boring though so why anyone would want to do any of it is confounding. But I think that's what OP was going for.

>> No.3861683

i found it very boring because most of the game is basically incredibly long dungeons with a lackluster story to justify going through them and a high ass encounter rate

>> No.3861685

So in other words it was a pre-32bit JRPG.

>> No.3861687

High encounter rates were an exception rather than the rule

>> No.3861692

Not really, in FF6 and Chrono Trigger I was actually curious about what would happen once I beat the dungeons and they were somewhat more diverse and investing, Earthbound dungeons were interesting and wacky and you were inetersted in seeing the wacky enemies or they were short themselves. Chrono Trigger was very diverse in its dungeons.

Meanwhile FFVs dungeons are literally doors and stairs every time

>> No.3861763

The story was better than FFIV at least.

Only reason people think FFIV has a better story is because the characters have memorable stereotypical archetypes and designs.

>> No.3861764

Chemist is the most powerful job in the game, I'm not sure what you're on.

>> No.3861765

More options isn't the same thing as more meaningful options, and FF2 pushes you towards doing very specific things whether you like it or not.

>> No.3861802

yeah, what >>3861764 said. There's a guy who made a solo playthrough for every class and wrote about it: http://www.sullla.com/FF/finalfantasy.html

The chemist class ended up being as the most powerful in his opinion. Berserker was the worst one to complete for obvious reasons

try playing NES rpgs. FF6 went for maximum broad appeal, Square decided back then to focus more in storu that gameplay, it was the turning point for JRPGs I think. Most games before it had a punishing encounter rate

>> No.3861823

I haven't played FFV in like 10 years, didn't really remember what was best and not best. Either way a solo run with any class would be dull in my opinion and slower than a party of 4. That's all I was really getting at.

>> No.3861846

That's funny because I've always thought that FFVI's dungeons are shit and that V's are much, much better paced and more interesting.

>> No.3861865

>Is FFV the most replayable JRPG of all time? Even after exhausting all 5938759287598347 job combinations, you can start doing solo challenges for every damn job

How is the androidversion? I think about testing it

>> No.3861868


This, beat it about 20 times.

>> No.3861887

If you get past the looks it's not bad at all.

It's basically GBA with SNES music and some more bugfixing. Biggest thing out of the latter is fixing sword slap.

>> No.3862156

It does end up fun because it's like you discover a whole new side of the game. I didn't think highly of beastmasters - until they helped me beat the game by stunning the parts casting Almagest and Grand Cross.

>> No.3862184

It also gives you a hell of a lot more respect for the guys who made FFV. It's very easy to tell that there was genuine effort to make sure that no class was utterly useless and that there were multiple viable approaches to bosses.

>> No.3862223

Not really, no.
There's tons of JRPGs with amazing replay value, FFV just isn't one of them.

>> No.3862416


>> No.3862427

i'm thinking of doing a FF1 classes only run soon

>> No.3862574


>> No.3862582

Just started a new ff5 run. I'm going for the double axe berserker with death axe.

>> No.3862920

fuck off, there are only 456976 job combinations

>> No.3863034


god tier game.

dat japanese steel armada feel

>> No.3864804

I've yet to play it.

>> No.3864810


Well that really depends on what definition of REPLAYABLE you're working off of. If you mean, is it the most enjoyable time and again simply via being a well paced well constructed game that's as engaging the fifth time as it was the first, then no.

If you're one of those retards who think a game is replayable only because you can do things slightly different in your next playthrough then also no.

So no.

>> No.3864824

Except that it is a well constructed game, >>3862184 explains why. And "slightly different in your next playthrough" is absolutely wrong, runs where you have access to rods and runs with physical attackers only are VASTLY different.

>> No.3864832

Which class is the most useless? Berserker?

It's Necromancer in the GBA version, but that doesn't count I guess.

>> No.3864854

Geomancer. Falls straight off a cliff in the middle of world 2 after having a ridiculous peak in Drakenvale and never, ever recovers. Berserker can be kept useful, if not good, past that point without external skills and with them is actually reasonably powerful. Not true for Geomancer because !Gaia becomes nearly useless.

I rage every time I get one in FJF because I KNOW that unless I pulled broken skillsets, they're going to be dead weight for the hardest parts of the game, full stop.

>> No.3864996

When will /vr/ make a retranslation patch for the original Super Famicom version to make the definitive edition?

>> No.3865013

Never. The GBA game actually has important bugfixes.

>> No.3865856

>runs where you have access to rods and runs with physical attackers only are VASTLY different.

Not really. YOu still fight the same bosses you still fight the same monsters, the story is still the same. The only thing you're changing is the means in which you hit the enemies numbers with your own numbers to make it so they have less numbers

>> No.3865878

>FFV has 21 classes though and you can still mix them in any ways

Mimic and Nojob classes can also take individual skills from mastered classes, meaning you can create your own classes to challenge the game with.

Ever wanted to do a Kick/Sing/Lance run?

What about items only?

>> No.3865883

in fact you can make a mime with 3 item commands just in case you mess up selecting it

>> No.3866230

>You can switch jobs all the time but it's not needed.
But nor is there any reason not to.

>> No.3866379

>got geomancer, dragoon, berserker, and blue mage in FJF last year

Blue mage saved my life.

>> No.3867420

what are fiesta runs

>> No.3867421

I like it, but most people on here will think you're a heathen for even attempting.
it's better by a long shot than gba imo

>> No.3867508

Good luck with Solo Berzerker.

>> No.3867792


I'm playing the iOS version right now and the graphics have really grown on me to the point where I like them more than the original ones.

>> No.3868829

how can something be replayable when it isn't even playable to begin with?

>> No.3869024

Careful with that axe Ugene.

>> No.3869061

acquire proficiency

>> No.3869067

do we count the GBA jobs tho?

>> No.3869165

Like what?

>> No.3869265

I even counted necromancer.