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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3849042 No.3849042 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/, I've set out to actually catalogue my backlog. I am going to put forth an effort to actually play the mile-long list of games that I've been putting off.

My question is, now that I can physically see the wall of games I need to play, where the fuck do I start? I want to play them in such an order that one game sort've segues into the next. So, if I'm playing one JRPG, I might want to go into a similar JRPG.

What does your backlog look like, /vr/? How do you go about actually playing the mountain of games that you haven't dove in to, yet?

Also, how did I ever let it get this bad? I noticed a lot of the games on this list are things that I played about halfway through, really enjoyed, but haven't really touched in a very long time. How do I stay focused on this?

>> No.3849067


I have the same problem.

Discipline, basically. You wanna play games, JUST DO IT!

>> No.3849080

I find it funny people have "backlogs" with games. If you don't enjoy a game and postpone starting it, why even play it? Why MAKE yourself play a game, did you ever ask yourself that?

>> No.3849096

>did you ever ask yourself that?
Yes. I've sort've been thinking about how this list got this way, and I was wondering "Why didn't I play these all the way through, when I bought them?"

I think I just didn't have enough time when I bought them and thought, "Oh, I'll just get around to playing this later". Well, later never came. I kept doing other stuff or played games I was more familiar with. (Which is funny, because I have been playing a lot of new releases lately, and been sort've disappointed. Meanwhile, I have this massive box of old games I hadn't played much.)

I think one of the biggest culprits (for my list, anyway), is every time I go to a flea market or something like that, I'll see something of interest. A copy of Earthworm Jim 2 for 7 bucks, or something like that.

Not to mention all of the ports and roms that I haven't played through.

Besides, even if you don't have a physical list of games that you haven't played. If there are games that you've heard about or are interested in, but you haven't played them, then you too have a backlog. Everyone does, unless they've sat and played every game they wanted to, whenever they wanted to.

>> No.3849142

What can I say, post your list. People will give you feedback and maybe this will sort your priorities and inspire you to play.
>I think one of the biggest culprits (for my list, anyway), is every time I go to a flea market or something like that, I'll see something of interest
Be aware that it's a slippery road.
I had a friend who collected vidya. I felt he was miserable. He had hundreds of games he didn't play, his systems were collecting dust. He had tons of crap he had to buy with the eBay lots he wanted, all worth nothing. His room looked like a warehouse.
But he couldn't part with any of his games. What he actually played though was every X360 game he got his hands on. As for the rest, he just bought it because "it was a great game" but never actually touched it.
>If there are games that you've heard about or are interested in, but you haven't played them, then you too have a backlog.
Not really. I don't play RPGs, but if I see a game I like, I play it immediately. The only exception is games I play "for general knowledge", so to say. E.g., I knew Urban Champion wasn't too good. But I played it because I love fighting games and it was one of the first games to implement high/low blocking. Don't play it though.

>> No.3849175

People postpone starting it because they got too much shit on their plate at the time with jobs, life, or other games, not because they don't want to play it and put it off.

>> No.3849185

OP just FYI there's a site specifically for that, called backloggery.com

>> No.3849208

I have never written down a backlog playlist. I kinds just already know what games I wanna go back and finish, or I have newly bought stuff I just haven't played yet.
Think i'm gonna hook up my snes and play my everdrive.
Been playing Heroes 3 and Baulder's gate 2 lately. Also skyrim, I'm having some fun with my necromage Vampire Assassin.

>> No.3849223

Then they have time and they don't know where to start? It makes no sense. It's like you come from work hungry, you open up a fridge and can't decide what to eat.

>> No.3849236

You fell for the collecting meme and now you feel bad

>> No.3849256

Op here, it's funny you should say that, because I also have that problem sometimes. Call me an indecisive retard.

>> No.3849278
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Maybe you have a problem.
In any case, post your list, I'm sure others will help sort it out

>> No.3849334

>I want to play them in such an order that one game sort've segues into the next.
don't everyday events have a bigger impact on what you want to play? like how work went that day or the quality of the previous night's sleep? that's how it is for me, i usually have two or three games going for that reason. one for kicking back, one for intense gaming, and one for thinking (the latter two often overlap).

whenever i can't decide, i just pick one that i think i'll enjoy at the time. if i find i'm not in the mood for it, then i pick another. i don't think it's worth more thought than that. it's recreation, not work.

>Also, how did I ever let it get this bad?
just change your perspective. it's good because you can more closely pick what you want to play. you've invested the time and energy in researching games that you like and now you get to reap the rewards.

if you have enough games that you doubt you'll finish them all, then use that to motivate you to choose the better games first. set a minimum-quality bar and pick above that. the worst thing this should do is make you realize that there isn't enough time for everything, which is a bummer, but you can use that knowledge to focus on the best stuff and be better off for it. in gaming and in life.

>> No.3849385
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Quite an endearing post, anon. You've she's quite a bit of light on my situation and changed my opinion for the better. My backlog isn't a burden. It's an opportunity.

>> No.3849431

It's more like they come home and everything looks delicious and they can't decide what to eat first.

>> No.3849462
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Jesus Christ, American problems
Just roll the dice or something

>> No.3849481


And a lot of the stuff on my backlog is stuff that I have played before, bbutit's been so long that I have to play it again. Or in some cases, I picked up one game in a series, and now I want to go back and start the whole series over.

This sort've meshes with the problem of
"I'm in the mood to play a game, but I'm not completely sure what I want to play." Which is a frequent occurrence.

(Also, this is completely unrelated, but just now, while looking through my game collection, I opened a copy of Alundra 2 that I hadn't opened, and found a copy of Star Fox Assault tucked between the pages of the game manual. WTF? )

>> No.3849658

i got a nes classic edition so i say fugg the backlog it contains all the games i ever play anyway :D

>> No.3849665

Just pick a game at random and if it feels like a chore to play. Sell it and move on.

I used to love Banjo Kazooie when I was 10 years old. But when I was 25 the nostalgia was gone and collecting all those items felt like a chore. So I sold the game.

It's stupid to have a wall of games if you don't appreciate all of them.

>> No.3849669

Goddam you know little about human psychology. Just because in you own anecdotall existence you can make decisions easily doesn't mean others can.

>> No.3849698

I started this same kind of thing back in 2014.

I made a google spreadsheet to keep track.

I would strongly suggest doing the same. It makes keeping track of what you've done way easier.

My stuff is basically
>If I've put a serious effort into playing it
>If I've beaten it at any point in my life
>If I've beaten it since I started tracking in 2014
>Priority in Queue (I mostly ignore this)
>Rating out of 10 (anything less than a 6 or 7 is considered not worth replaying and will look at getting culled if I ever need space)
>Clear times and when I beat it

I also track how much I paid for stuff, where I got them, and stuff like that.

I find that playing JRPG' after JRPG would make me want to kill myself so I mostly just genre hop. I'll play an action game, than a slower paced game. I also do try and play the first games in a series first, then move onto the others, with some exceptions for series that dont really have continuity like Final Fantasy.

I havent really tried to sit down and complete any super long games, except Xenogears, which I dropped after 20 hours of pure boredom.

>> No.3849885

You are a godsend, Anon. I think I'm going to do the same on Excel, and I'll arrange them in a similar way.

May you have the cock of a thousand succs.

>> No.3849910
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Actually, you got a screenshot of how you got that arranged, my nigga?

>> No.3849913

the kind of people that post on /mu/ force themselves to listen to music so they can say they've heard it, i'd imagine the same logic holds true for /vr/

>> No.3849941

Why does everything have to be so negative to you assholes? Someone's always gotta have superficial interest in stuff, just because they like to do things differently than you.

Come on, man. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.3849992
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Its satisfying as heck to fill in that COMPLETE at the end.

I'd link my spreadsheet but it keeps trying to say its "spam". Fucking Hiroyuki is so anti-advertising that I can't link it.

>tfw I've suffered through a lot of games people claim to be incredible just so I can argue with them on /v/ and /vr/ about how they're shit with strong, justified opinions

>> No.3850017

This is a work of art...

>> No.3850038

Cataloging takes a long time, but its worth it in the end.

If I ever go to sell it (or if I die and my family needs to sell it) I have a few hidden colums that have my estimated values and such, and where they should be sold (dump at game store, try craigslist, ebay, some friends I have who would buy/take, etc)

Worth the day or two it will take depending on size. It's nice just to have it all ordered as well so its really easy to get everything back in Alphabetical order if you have to move.

>> No.3850083

People get option paralysis because there's too many things to choose from and too many things to do now, and it has also become harder for people to concentrate on anything due to the way the internet is used now.

I do something similar with Steam games. They're categorized into incomplete, beaten, completed and perfect (100% achievements, at least singleplayer ones).

Oddly enough I don't feel any backlog pressure with physical games or various games and ROMs I have on my HDD, it only happens with Steam.

>> No.3850097

Decision Paralysis is absolutely real for me.

I can browse Netflix for literally hours trying to find somehting to watch, which defeats the purpose of watching something.

I'm honestly drawn to physical media a lot more now. It's a lot easier to pick from 25 DVD's or VHS tapes than it is to surf through the entirety of Netflix or Amazon Prime video, or whatever else.

I'll still use it, mostly for new releases I'm actually interested in, but it's definitely real. One of the reasons I find emulators and flash carts so hard to use. The only one I have is N64 since I don't want to pay for Mario Party 2, 3 Smash Bros and Mario Kart.

>> No.3850373

I highly recommend genre and series hopping between games on your backlog. Otherwise it's just too much at once and you get genre burnout. Only stick with a single genre or series if you're REALLY feeling it.

For me personally if there's nothing that sticks out that I know I want to play first, I just go with the game that seems to have the most historic importance for games. Started Wolfenstein 3D recently because of that and I'm enjoying it.

>> No.3850415
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>Made for entertainment
>As in "feeling good"
>As in "relaxing and enjoying things"
"Oh my god, I have to play all these games… I feel so apathetic and depressed now, I'd rather postpone this responsibility endlessly"

>> No.3850417

>>As in "feeling good"
This is bullshit, games are esports.

>> No.3850418
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> Listen here you fucking m8 you're so fucking negative because we're just DIFFERENT grow UP man
Yeah, go ahead and listen to that experimental communist jazzwave album for the 57th time, maybe it will """click"""

>> No.3850423

This generation has it easy with letsplays and handholding in games. When I was your age, I was WORKING MY ASS OFF grinding in Final Fantasy. And these little shits feel like they're entitled to see the ending with no work. No wonder this country is going to shit

>> No.3850607

I do an Excel sheet, can I get some succs too?

>> No.3850634

The difference is a song takes 4 minutes to listen to and get it over with. A game can take 4-40 hours.

What's the point of the "recently" beaten column? How recent is recent? Why would that even matter? It seems like a way to have unnecessary negative red marks on an otherwise beautiful chart.

If you suddenly wind up dead your family's just gonna drop all your stuff off at Goodwill bro, hate to say. They're not gonna feel like researching dozens/hundreds of games and going through the selling process to maximize profits.

>option paralysis

This. I just started Victor Vran (not /vr/ but not important) and the game buries you in free weapon drops. Each one has minor differences to its stats and I got so overwhelmed I don't even look at the newly acquired ones anymore. It's so daunting I'm level 22 and am still using the weapons I had at level 6.

>> No.3850660

>What's the point of the "recently" beaten column?
I think "recently" means, since he started recording his progress on a spreadsheet.

>> No.3850670

YYYY.MM.DD is a better format for dates. Better for sorting.

>> No.3850680

I've been having trouble deciding what games to play and so in a fit of complete insanity I pulled up a list of every NES game released in the North America, sorted it by release date, and I'm reliving the system's life cycle and picking out whatever games look like fun.

I'll probably do this with other systems, maybe PAL and Japanese games as well. I suppose I'll get around to computer games as well but there's a lot of fucking computer models out there with god knows how many games.

>> No.3850784

Play them in the order they were released in. That's what non-underage did.

>> No.3850795

>You're never allowed to play a game that's older than the newest one you played.

>> No.3852351
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Hey, if You're still around, I have a question. Or, if anyone else has an answer for me.

How do you keep track of your playtime on a game that doesn't have an in-game clock?

>> No.3852359

I record all my gameplay so I just add it to a playlist and check the sum.

What I used to to do was use my phones stopwatch, and had some pen and paper. It's sub optimal. Much easier with the recording.

>> No.3852365

I've always wondered why games record playtime, and now that I actually would like to do so, the first game that I went to tackle doesn't have the in-game time.

>> No.3852382

I'll use in game time if its valid, but sometimes its not wholly accurate. Things like the Final Fantasies don't really give accurate IGT since you don't get any data from final save to last boss.

>> No.3852403

or if you play on 4x speed, the ingame clock fucks up

>> No.3853443

>the tism