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3816054 No.3816054 [Reply] [Original]

How did Mortal Kombat get popular?

>> No.3816058


Well, it was anyway.

>> No.3816060

blood and gore

>> No.3816061

Dumb fun and cheesy violence at just the right time in history.

>> No.3816064

That's a horrible Sub-Zero costume. It looks nothing like him.

>> No.3816069

By being edgy

>> No.3816162

It was new, nothing else like it out there when it came out, and it did the digitized actors thing better then anything else out there by a LARGE margin when it came out.
Doesn't take a rocket surgeon or living during the era know why.

>> No.3816168

Looked realistic and had a deep lore. Gameplay sucked but a lot of people got hooked on the cool characters and story.

>> No.3816193

Juggling was more impressive than a punch-to-fireball combo doing 50% in World Warrior.

>> No.3816198

>People like Mortal Kombat for the deep lore.
Oh you.

>> No.3816208

That shit wasn't in MK 1 and barely in 2 which was the game's peak in popularity.

>> No.3816209

>deep lore
>chinese ninjas
>giving chinese characters japanese names
>19,838 palette swaps

KEK okay.

>> No.3816213
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I remember seeing MK1 on my friend's Genesis and thinking it was kid of shitty, he showed me the Scorpion fatality, saying "man, look how freking COOL! this is!", and I was like meh... yeah it's funny but it's still shitty. It was a time I didn't went to the arcades too often, so that was the first time I saw MK, on Genesis.
MK quickly spread in popularity, I remember lots of kids talking about the fatalities at school, how you can kick Sonya in the cunt and how cool Goro was. I still didn't play it, but I remember the hype when Mortal Kombat II came out. The console ports came out near my birthday, so I asked for MKII on Genesis for my birthday, I still remember when I went to the store with my dad and got it that morning. Came home, started playing, and it looked much better than MK1, I remember being impressed by the acid pit stage, the music, and I was enjoying the gameplay too, in a few minutes I discovered how broken the uppercut hitbox was and abused it against the CPU. Also Toasty! (which I misheard as "Hoppy!")
I remember going to school and being the official new cool kid for having MKII, I was the first kid to get it. And I don't remember if it was that same day or later on, I celebrated my birthday and like every kid wanted to come to play MKII. I remember everyone crammed in my room around the TV; we were like 20 kids I don't know. We played for 4 hours straight until everyone left and I kept playing with the CPU.
Eventually I became a huge fan and bought comics, toys, magazines, and mastered all the characters (or at least, knew most of their moves and alities). Finding out about stuff like the Fergality was really fun too. At that point I didn't really play the game that much other than for the secrets and pulling the fatalities. I think that was the funnest part about MK.

>> No.3816219

>That shit wasn't in MK 1

If you hit with a jumping kick with Rayden, you can immediately follow it up with his HAJIMAMARE flying move.

Same with Sonya and her leg grab.

>> No.3816223

When MK3 was about to get released I was extremely hyped, I remember buying magazines for the MK3 screenshots and previews, and when it finally got to the arcades I didn't wait until console. It was weird and had a different vibe than MK2, less otherwordly and more post-apocalyptic, and the character selection was weird, but fuck it, Cyrax and Sektor were awesome substitutes for the ninjas, and being able to play as a female Goro or a maskless Sub-Zero was pretty cool (well, you have to remember it was a novelty back then "OMG sub-zero without mask!", but yeah the ninja was much cooler).
I actually didn't like MK3 as much as MKII, but I played the shit out of it anyway, it had even more secrets than MKII though, so that got me entertained, it even had that hidden space invaders game.
I bought Ultimate MK3 and liked it more but at that time I was burning out from MK, my fanatism got somewhat revived with the release of MK Trilogy and the 2nd movie, but looking back, MK Trilogy wasn't really good, I don't remember the movie much but I remember it wasn't as good as the first one.
Oh, I also played MK1, somewhere between MKII and 3, I bought it on Genesis, and enjoyed it mildly but mostly because I was already a fanboy.
By the time Sub-Zero Mythologies and MK4 released I stopped caring.

Nowadays I don't really play MK anymore (tried the new games, didn't do it for me), although I still like to play some matches on 2 and 3 if I have the chance. I'm still good with Cyrax, at least against my casual friends.
I like Killer Instinct more now, gameplay-wise.

>> No.3816236

>implying they don't

When MK11 is announced visit the threads. 90% of it will be discussing how the story will turn out.

>> No.3816245

I thought we we're talking about MK and not Street Fighter

>> No.3816387
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>19,838 palette swaps

>> No.3816403

Ryu/Ken-types at least have more creativity surround them. MK Ninjas are just straight recolors.

>> No.3816409

>giving chinese characters japanese names

A lot of the language is similar between Chinese and Japanese, since japan took the Chinese language and evolved it separately.

>> No.3816414
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Every other game was basically Bubble Bobble or Dig Dug up to this point. Games could be edgy or bloody, but they were usually low key about it. MK1 was the first game to go all out

And it was clear its copycats were trying too hard, poorly thought out, etc whereas MK had restraint and was made by Pinball guys who knew good design


>> No.3816415

How are they more creative? I can walk into any McDojo in town and see people dressed like that. I have never seen a ninja with a flaming skull head before.

>> No.3816417

Violence on consoles while nintendo (childish) games where popular.

>> No.3816420



>> No.3816425

I'll give you Scorpion (and Reptile), but they never reflected their unique designs outside special moves and fatalities.

>> No.3816429
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>Ryu/Ken-types at least have more creativity surround them.

They are all karatekas with some variety in how many hits their dragon punch and hurricane kick does, or which directions their specials go.

>MK Ninjas are just straight recolors.

They all had different stances and totally different specials (excluding Smoke), even in the very first MK game. Unlike the shoto clones which were head and palette swaps a long time.

And shoto clones were the same looking even in the current games, where the MK ninjas turned into Shredder, Ghost Rider, Godzooki, a medieval leper with telekinesis, and Prince as a purple drag queen.

>> No.3816452
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Don't forget how cool Reptile looks now.

Meanwhile Ken has bananas for hair.

>> No.3816480
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>> No.3816481

>How did Mortal Kombat get popular?

It was Bruce Lee meets Jean Claude Van Damme in a Chinese martial arts deathmatch tournament, where they fight magical ninjas and thunder gods and 4 armed giants and a shapeshifting Old Man Jafar.

The looked more realistic than any fighter game (SF2 was cartoony in comparison), it sounded great, it played great, and you could actually kill your opponent (and in ways that looked realistic, not the looney tunes technicolor shit in the later games).

It also had lots of hidden stuff that went viral and fed the games popularity. Sub-Zero has a santa claus fatality, Reptile, Ermac, then the tons of new *-lities they added in the sequel among with not one but three hidden fighters.

>> No.3816482

Cool characters and awesome atmosphere.

>> No.3816490



Look at some of the Mortal Kombat clone games that came out at the time. It's clear if Ed Boon and Tobias didn't know what they were doing, MK1 would have been super lame and not remembered, even if it was bloody.

>> No.3816491
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>How did Mortal Kombat get popular?

Because of gore.

No really, Al Gore made it a pretty good game

>> No.3816495

Is that Glacier from WCW?

>> No.3816496

whoever thought this faggy looking dude would look good in the game, sheesh.

>> No.3816504

Realistic gore graphics.

Gameplay isnt that great, but it works. 2 improved all about a 3.

>> No.3816535

Isn't that Glacier from WCW?

>> No.3816559


>> No.3816560

God, I liked him when I was a kid. Then he stopped showing up, then he became a jobber...then nothing. Then in 1999 WCW turned to shit.

>> No.3816564

I liked how Mortal Kombat managed to make palette swaps feel unique through writing of the general story or the character grounds. If you think about it, every male and female color ninja is their own character with their own ideas. Meanwhile Ryu and Ken and their "evolutions" bore the shit out of me, although I really dig young Ken's long ponytail in Alpha. Bearded Ryu in SFV while being topless is also a nice way to switch things up, but it's a little too late.

>> No.3816631
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no one beats sub-zero

>> No.3816635

they went absolutely all out with the zaniness despite the game being seemingly serious.
it was just a good fun time.

>> No.3816650

Because even without the violence it has a plot that feels like some fourth grade kid binged watched a ton of sci-fi and martial arts movies one day and wrote their own fanfic out of it. It has a really stupid charm to it that makes me keep coming back.

>> No.3816658
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But was he talking about Sub-Zero in MK Trilogy or was he just saying Mythologies Sub Zero is impossible to beat?

>> No.3816760

People who say gore don't really understand MK. It was the attention grabber, sure. It's what made the headlines and caused controversy, but honestly it was so mild by what kids today have in their games, and even when they upped the intensity of fatalities in MK2 it was still a cartoonish and silly kind of gore, like gallons of red exploding out of the torn off body part. The fatalities are all fun to see the first couple times but then they get old and boring quickly. If all MK had as a staying power was gore it would've died off before MK3.

>> No.3816819
File: 34 KB, 252x250, tmp_6985-Mortal_Kombat_Mythologies1133324724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Mortal Kombat game coming through!

>> No.3816831

MK1 definitely has solid mechanics, and I feel like it's become underrated through history just because of the censored SNES version. (Actually the worst part of the SNES version is being able to sweep people over and over again with no cool down)

>> No.3816837 [DELETED] 
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I don't know but the fact that it was is very troublesome to me.

>> No.3816840

because its p awesome 2bh

>> No.3816842

pls change your tampon m8 youre in need of a fresh one

>> No.3816860

>those eyes

>> No.3816871 [DELETED] 

Men are violent beasts. It's a fact I accept.

>> No.3816978

>if Ed Boon and Tobias didn't know what they were doing

They actually didn't. Boon's understanding of the fighting game genre was so poor that he wanted to remove throws/grabs from MKII and the PROGRAMMERS had to sit him down in a room and explain to him why that would break the game because he genuinely didn't understand fighting game fundamentals.

On top of that, the entire point of MK was to be a more beginner friendly game in comparison to Street Fighter with simplified move commands. And yet it ended up being LESS beginner friendly and HARDER to control due to the ludicrous move commands that made no sense and the fucking dial-a-combos in later games.

The quality that it did have (which it did) was mostly a fluke.

>> No.3816986

>On top of that, the entire point of MK was to be a more beginner friendly game in comparison to Street Fighter with simplified move commands. And yet it ended up being LESS beginner friendly and HARDER to control due to the ludicrous move commands that made no sense and the fucking dial-a-combos in later games.

Don't ya never forget, the Input Reads/Input Steals the CPU could do to ruin the solo playing.

Mk was style over substance.

>> No.3817179

He was just inspired by Sub-Zero. Glacier's gimmick was a martial arts expert.

>> No.3817551
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Looking back I wish Boon had gotten his way. The AI in MK2 was such utter bullshit they would throw Raiden mid torpedo. If anything keeping throws in broke the game because you couldn't get within 10 feet of the AI without getting grabbed.

>> No.3817586

>Boon's understanding of the fighting game genre was so poor that he wanted to remove throws/grabs from MKII and the PROGRAMMERS had to sit him down in a room and explain to him why that would break the game because he genuinely didn't understand fighting game fundamentals.

To be fair, throws were broken in all early 90s fighting games, until they allowed you to break out of them (I think VF did that first).

>> No.3817591

>HARDER to control due to the ludicrous move commands

It had commands like down + high punch, or back, back, punch or forward, forward, kick. The most complex non-fatality move was down, back, punch.

SF had you doing 360s or hold back for 2s and press forward + punch.

Gameplay in MK was fine, you just criticize it because it didn't control like Street Fighter.

>Don't ya never forget, the Input Reads/Input Steals the CPU could do to ruin the solo playing.

Every other fighting game on the market did that.

>> No.3817728
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Mortal Kombat was like an early party game. Compared to Street Fighter it's extremely quick to pick up the basics and get playing. Nowadays it would be called "casual" but with a game like this it was a great thing, it brought a lot of people in and got them hooked on fighting games when they may have never even looked twice at SF2.

It's a little bit like Smash's popularity and ease of entry. Even my mom could kick ass at MK2 back in the day and would fatality you when she won. It was one of the first real party games and I think that's a big part of what made it so great.

>> No.3817763

Stay mad faggot.
MK was garbage and controlled and played as such. Nobody took that shit seriously except edgy teens.

>> No.3817778

>when they may never have looked at SF2
SF2 was a global phenomenon that completely outsold MK. More people were also flocking to the arcades because of SF2.
Mk was a predominantly North American/UK phenomenon, sure it was a big deal to tasteless kids in the States, but never had the global impact of SF2.

>> No.3817792

Laughable amounts of blood and gore to lure in "too cool for school" children and future pyscopaths.
The ultra violence also deflected attention from the piss poor gameplay.
Be wary of lore fags as well. Anybody that brings up a fighting games story as a plus before extoling the finer points of the actual gameplay should be an instant red flag.

>> No.3818096

I'd take a complete package over an incomplete and barebones tourney fag game any day of the week. See: Street Fighter V.

>> No.3818140

Reminder that the designer of SF2 wanted Chun Li to have less health because she was a woman

>> No.3818157

Oh, and to the "glorious nippon" fags, reminder that Mortal Kombat didn't need a failed first game to make a successful and popular fighting series like Street Fighter 1

>> No.3818194
File: 1.04 MB, 1024x870, art-of-street-fighter-street-fighter-alpha-3-official-artworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>violence and 'realistic' graphics

the only things americans care, the gameplay was awful compared to japanese fighting games

current mk games are decent, though

>> No.3818265

I respect your opinion Anon, but I have to disagree that MK was more casual than SF. If we're talking strictly fighting the AI I can't beat a single MK before 4. I can however beat many SFs. Beat for me means no continues on medium or higher. SF is way easier by many leagues and isn't much more complicated other than having 3 punch and kick buttons instead of 2.

Now if we're talking about playing against friends then it wouldn't matter because skill levels vary so much. Putting it out at a party for anyone to play, someone with zero skill could button mash and win just as often on SF as they could MK.

I do agree that MK caught more eyes and introduced people to the genre than SF alone would have. It really set itself apart from all the other sprite based games and attracted a different audience. The reason both probably did so well is they were competng for different audiences.

>> No.3818304

There's nothing wrong with a game having good lore. Things would be better if more games put in the effort. Don't forget the MK movie is still regarded by most people as the best video game movie of all time. Then look at Street Fighter's movie and its reputation.

>> No.3818773

What's wrong with that? Don't all SF game have their characters with varying HP levels?

>> No.3818793

looks like striker & sub-zero had a bastard

>> No.3819172

That's silly anon, two boys can't have a baby.

>> No.3819189


>> No.3819232

Japanese people are more into degeneracy and they have no concept of subtlety.

>> No.3819663

Weird, I don't know why the MK ai would give you so much trouble. I always found it pretty bad (not that SF was good) but that's beside the point it was plaver vs player I was really talking about.

Casual wasn't the best choice of words, I think accessible is better. Compared to SF Mortal Kombat is very quick to learn so anyone can pick it up and play it with ease. Everyone has very similar basic attacks, uppercuts and sweeps and all the specials were designed to be easy to pull off. The things that are hard to execute are fatalities and those are a bonus.

So you can sit anyone, even a 50 year old woman who doesn't game in front of Mortal Kombat and in a few minutes get them used to the moves and how the game plays so they can just start kicking butt right away with whatever character they think looks cool.

Compared to SF2 where it can take a while for a new player to just get consistent hadokens down, let alone shoryukens or god forbid spinning pile drivers. Someone brand new to Street Fighter who thinks Zangief looks cool and want to play him has a rough road ahead of them. And anyone who can do the basic specials in SF will destroy someone new.

MK was much better designed to be quick to pick up and learn the basics and I really think that was a big part of it's success.

>> No.3819993

>they have no concept of subtlety

Yeah this. I've noticed it in a lot of games over the years. Everything has to be very explicit and clear. I like the older SF games but starting with IV so many of the characters just became a caricature of themselves are so goofy and cartoony. I can't stand E. Honda now because of it. He was cooler to me in SF2 when he seemed like a more serious sumo wrestler. Then you compare it to MKX's character intros, the same character can either make a silly joke or be super serious depending on who they're fighting against. It's brief but it shows more depth to them.

>> No.3819997

Also the MK1 fatality inputs are some of the easiest of the series to remember

Forward, down, forward, high punch as Sub Zero. I always remember it as high punch because of where he reaches to rip off the head.

>> No.3820070

Mortal kombat was loud. I heard it from across the arcade before i even saw it. And when i saw it for the first time i was laughing at the sheer cheesiness of a gore SFII clone with spandex pants fighters. I kept laughing on my way home.
Back then i thought no one would care about this game.

>> No.3820092

people forget this but the most important aspect of a fighting game is actually being able to convince other people to play it

>> No.3820104 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3820105
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>> No.3820108

Even SF2 was stupidly cartoony, and everyone was overly stereotypical. One of the bosses was straight up Mike Tyson for christs sake.

Part of the appeal of MK was that you had realistic people going at it. It wasn't violent because you could kick a bucket of blood out of everyone, but because you could pull the heart out of what looked like an actual, real person, not some hanna barbera tier cardboard cutout.

This is also why (U)MK3 was bad - it became way too silly.

>> No.3820109

>Laughable amounts of blood and gore to lure in "too cool for school" children and future pyscopaths.

We are discussing Mortal Kombat, not Brutal Doom.

>> No.3820116

MK was fun back in the day and I still play them when I go to arcades. Butthurt /vr/babbies will never know fun.

>> No.3820119

The uppercut.

For its day it was visceral. Surreal. Better than life. People like to point at the blood and fatalities, but everyone could do an uppercut and it felt goddamned good.

>> No.3820148

Pre-rendered 3d graphics was the meme back then, in retrospect, a lot of those games look terrible.

>> No.3820378

That is indeed.

>> No.3820485

Yeah the uppercut was badass. Hands down the best move in the game I think, it just does so much damage and sends them flying. Even to this day I finish all my combos off with an uppercut if I'm allowed to.

>> No.3820504

This, the same way the lore started out very basic and ended up becoming Game of Thrones with Ninjas and black dudes with robot arms.

>> No.3820505

>Not silly
>Babalities. Friendships. That fatality where Mileena pins her opponent down on the ground and farts in their face until they puke up their kidneys.
u wot m8?

>> No.3820507

That was Kitana. Know your deep MK lore.

>> No.3820516
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>Prince as a purple drag queen.

So... Prince then.

>inb4 shut up already, damn

>> No.3820812

I wish Prince was one of the "guest" characters for the next Mortal Kombat.

>> No.3820815

>Brrrapp posting fatality

Wait I don't remember this?

>> No.3820879
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>there will never be a legible map of Outworld

Such a shame, someone put a lot of time into making it but by now the original files are probably lost.

>> No.3820887

Digitized sprites and gore. The characters are pretty memorable too, especially sub zero and scorpion.

>> No.3820902

no throws = blocking becomes literally unbeatable

lrn2 fighting games dumbass

>> No.3820904

git gud

>> No.3820919 [DELETED] 

>using femininity as an insult

I don't know where you've been the last five years but femininity is way more masculine now than being masculine. I'll gladly take my tampon out and then march in Seattle against Trump.

>> No.3820923

>SF had you doing 360s or hold back for 2s and press forward + punch.

They have you doing that because it actually makes it much easier to use it in the middle of movement along with making harder for the other player to notice what special is going to be used.

>> No.3820931

lrn2 MK dumbass.

You get chipped from normal attacks, and you can lock down people by spamming punches. Blocking has little use in MK, you have to stay aggressive.

>> No.3821148

In MK5 you could block throws.

>> No.3821201

People with actual taste and adults. MK is still a joke and not just in the Tournament scene.

>> No.3821209

>MK had realistic people
Pixelated, Z list actors dressed in costumes straight from the Salvation Army store that was only one level up from the comedy of Pit Fighter.
Yeah, great point champ.

>> No.3821212


Gore. They did it first.

It sure as hell wasn't the fighting mechanics that made this game popular (though II did fix a lot of problems).

>> No.3821218

So you agree that MK's gameplay is shit. Thanks for not refuting.
Lel, sorry that the SF series has sold more than the shit show that MK is.

>> No.3821227

Good to know you support esports more than actual videogames. No one needs to refute that Mortal Kombat has simpler inputs than Street Fighter. Spoilers: there are other fighters that are more complex than Street Fighter. I would definitely take a complete videogame than incomplete trash.

>> No.3821229

Meanwhile SFV still hasn't sold enough copies to meet the first month's sales prediction and MKX has gone on to be the best seller in the history of the franchise. By the time MK11 comes out SF will be dead in the water and MK will be the new face of the genre.

>> No.3821234

>MK best videogame movie of all time
>looking at the complete shitfest that is videogame movies, that's not saying much
>shits on the SF movie
Streetfighter was a dumb movie that had more fun than it had any right to have, it also had real actors in it compared to the literal "who's?" that signed on for the MK movie.
Furthermore, the first Silent Hill movie is probably the best vg movie of all time, especially in regards to direction and cinematography.

>> No.3821237

>equating good gameplay to support of Esports
wew lad, the autism is thick enough to cut with a knife. But atleast we both agree that MK's gameplay is trash. Thanks.

>> No.3821240

>MK the new face of the genre
nice cherry picking btw, I bet SF Alpha 2 outsold MK4 as well, lol
The only thing MK will be the face of is edgy virgin losers and sociopaths in training. Meanwhile Smash and Tekken continue to dominant the genre. Stay mad, kiddo.

>> No.3821241 [DELETED] 

Good to know you're a faggot
>No one will disagree MK has simpler inputs
nor will they disagree about the shit gameplay as well.
>other fighters have more complex yadda yadda
nice strawman, but your post said a lot of nothing. GG you should be a politician.

>> No.3821268
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>Meanwhile Smash and Tekken continue to dominant the genre

>> No.3821272

>Silent Hill was the best videogame turned movie
Ah, I see there's someone here who has great taste. Carry on, my friend.
Honestly, the changes they made didn't really bother me too much, and the fact that a lot of the original music was used made it seem more true to the source material.

>> No.3821297


The MK universe is surprisingly well fleshed out and pretty cool

>> No.3821303
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Pure lizard-like Reptile is the worst Reptile. He was coolest when he looked like a human ninja but could turn animalistic for the sake of a fatality

>> No.3821314

There's already a shitload of human ninjas, why have another one? Him being a lizard is what makes him unique. As long as they don't go full retard like in Deadly Alliance and give him that goofy tail.

>> No.3821324


They already went full retard with that dogshit CGI runt in the first film.

I never saw the second one. How bad was it?

>> No.3821334
File: 92 KB, 204x444, MK4_Reptile[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>why have another one?

Because the human ninjas all looked badass while reptile got stupider looking every time they tried to turn him full lizard

>> No.3821341


>> No.3821349

It did something a little bit different when arcades were drowning in SF2 knockoffs
that thing being cheesy hollywood violence and special finishing moves

>> No.3821351

His whole schtick was disguising himself as a human.
I'd like to think that he'd be like a mimic, his disguise holds up just well enough to get close to his target. He'd look human-ish, but his reptilian features are there poking through.

>> No.3821407

Fighting game newb here.

What is the difference between Street Fighter Alpha and Street Fighter 3?

In what ways did they each evolve from Street Fighter 2?

Which competing fighting games copied the style/mechanics of SFA and which copied SFIII?

What about SF4 and SF5? Do they take after SFA or SF3 or are they their own new things?

>> No.3821715

>We'll never get a good sounding version of his second theme

>> No.3821726

>needing to press a button just to turn around
No please

>> No.3821727

Alpha was a prequel to SF2, mostly the same game with new graphics and some new gameplay ideas. It spiralled into its own series. It takes place between SF1 and SF2, so most of the cast looks younger, and the art style is more cartoony too. It added a lot of different ways to use supers (the super bar was broken to 3 parts for 3 different strength supers, you could use counters for 1 bar, etc).

SF3 was the true sequel to SF2 with all new cast, running on new hardware. Unfortunately the early versions sucked shit and the fans of the game hated the new cast, so they brought back Ryu and Ken just so the game does not flop. They kept fine tuning it and adding more characters with SF3 Double Impact and Third Strike. By TS it was a very good game, also a very technical one with parries and such. It added ES moves from Darkstalkers (do a special with 2 punch/kick, and it'll be stronger but consume some of your super meter).

Garou MOTW copied SF3 in many ways, IMO it was equally good. It never got expanded upon like SF3 did with double impact and third strike, but it is better than vanilla SF3. Garou had a parry system similar in concept to SF3, it was way easier to execute but not any less safe if you screw up. It also had a next generation of fighters like SF3, except that they even played like old characters, unlike SF3.

SF4 had the director bugging Capcom every time he had a new idea that could work in a fighting game, so they told him "ok, fuck it, make SF4 then". After that they realized they can cash in on it for 10+ years.

>> No.3821728

>Mk was a predominantly North American/UK phenomenon
>Implying any other place matters
Sorry they didn't release MK in your little third world monkey shithole anon but in important countries it was roughly on par with SFII for popularity.

>> No.3821738

>MK is still a joke and not just in the Tournament scene.
>MKX constantly hailed in the FGC as the best fighting game
Really made me think

>> No.3821776
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Yes exactly, a good party game is something that's fun for everyone.

This is generally true as well. Even in the UK it was never huge. Not that that's necessarily bad, it's just a very American kind of game.

>> No.3821826

>It did something a little bit different when arcades were drowning in SF2 knockoffs

Such as?

>> No.3821851

Yeah and then in 9 and X they did him good finally. I can understanding hating the old lizard Reptiles but the modern ones fit the character.

>> No.3821902

MK is fucking HUGE in Russia. Visit some of the forums, over half that shit is in Russian. They're like obsessed with it over there and have a huge MK tournament scene.

>> No.3821923

>all these people shitting on MK lore

The series has had 25 years to grow. It has more story to it now than pretty much any RPG you could name.

>> No.3821937

Because it was edgy with it's live actors and blood.

>> No.3821968

except when he does

>> No.3822013
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>with a combat engine straight outta MKSM

I'd seriously kill for that.

The setting is certainly developed enough to carry it, too. The Witcher is probably aiming too high, but something on the scale of Jade Empire is totally doable. Pre-pozzed Bioware was so good. ;_;

>> No.3822027

>If we're talking strictly fighting the AI I can't beat a single MK before 4.

lol poor Baby Gramps will always suck at fighters.

>> No.3822050

>MK is still a joke and not just in the Tournament scene.

The tournament scene is a joke in itself, and as I recall MK9 was pretty damn active there.

>> No.3822058

this isn't MKII though

>> No.3822083
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>Since the beginnings of time, the Netherealm has always existed as a place where the unwanted spirits of reality were sent. It has been interpreted in many different ways and has many different names; Hell, Hades, Gehenna, Pluto. Its purpose has always remained the same.

>Over the millennia, the Netherealm has had many rulers. Most of them were forged within its fiery pits, eventually ripping their masters mercilessly from their thrones. One however, came not from the bowels of the Netherealm, but from the heavens of reality. He was the fallen Elder God known as Shinnok.

>Shinnok was banished to this place of torment by Rayden. Upon entering the realm, he found himself immediately under attack by its then ruler Lucifer, as well as those souls he was personally responsible for banishing when he was an Elder God. Locked and shackled, Shinnok was helpless against his attackers. He would exist, tortured and tormented by the dregs of hell for thousands of years. Until he met Quan Chi.

>Quan Chi is a free roaming sorcerer. That means that he can travel the various planes of reality without detection from their gods. It also means that over the years he has obtained great power. Aware of Shinnok's dilemma, Quan Chi traveled to the Netherealm and made the fallen god an offer. He will free him from his confines and assist him in defeating Lucifer and his minions in exchange for power and the ability to rule at his side if and when he escapes the Netherealm entirely. Shinnok agreed and the two waged a war in the Netherealm that lasted for centuries. But, the ex-Elder God eventually won as he viciously slew his former master. Then, after imprisoning his enemy's surviving essence, he took his seat as the new ruler supreme of the dead realm.

>> No.3822084
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>Shinnok, however, had nothing to rule. The realm was a desolate wasteland of fire and brimstone inhabited by grotesque demons that smelled of the foulest stench. So, he decided to create a physical world, trying his best to emulate the realm he wanted so badly… Earth. He took the demons of his realm and transformed them into as human a form as possible. But unlike the Outworld, which became a wasteland after Shao Kahn sapped its energies, the Netherealm can never be a living planet. It will always exist as a dead world. It's true form hidden by its ruler.

Best lore Tobias has ever written. It's such a shame the game didn't do well, and we never got more proper spinoff games MKSF and MKSM don't fucking count

>> No.3822168

>The tournament scene is a joke in itself

Your butthurt over being a shit tier scrub is always delightful.

>> No.3822180
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Can confirm, grew up in the '90s slavland. MK was the supreme overlord, SF was barely a blip on the radar in comparison.

MK stickers, MK notebooks, MK pogs, MK everything, as far as the eye could see.

You could wake up a kid in fucking Vladivostok in the middle of a night and ask him the combination for Kung Lao's fucking animality or whatever, and he'd be able to tell you.

Good times.

>> No.3822241

>Pre-pozzed Bioware was so good. ;_;


>> No.3822278

They died with NWN2

>> No.3822302

Didja get cryogenically frozen in time and fail to notice Bioware is now synonymous with pure shit?

>> No.3822319
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After Cisquisition, they're probably up next on EA's chopping block. If Andromeda bombs, it's all ogre.

It's honestly hard to feel sorry for them at this point.

>> No.3822337


>> No.3822430

it was popular because I was the only one who had parents who loved video games and they let pals and I play Mortal Kombat.

>still feel bad for the religious kid who downplayed video games and later became a drug addict

>> No.3823137

Very violent. For its time, people protested it which only made kids want it more. They got a lot of free press when Yancy killed Noah and Noah's mom sued midway. Such a shame, Noah was going places. Still, Yancy was a sociopath.

>> No.3823148

Killer instinct is still boss

>> No.3823186

How did Mk made it big on Russia to begin with?

>> No.3823193

Mk came out in 1992, by then, aside from a few SNES faitans which were shit, there was only Fatal Fury.

>> No.3823729

People wanted to test their might.

>> No.3823818

Time Killers came out before Mortal Kombat and that was even MORE gory, but nobody played it because it was SHIT.

>> No.3823819

That's also beside the point.

>> No.3823821

>This is also why (U)MK3 was bad - it became way too silly.

That and autocombos (and the baffling character roster).

>> No.3823826

and no one played that piece of shit

>> No.3823828

Fatal Fury
World Heroes
I suppose the blood really caught on after a few more were released though.

>> No.3823832

It wasn't because of the gameplay, art style or sound that's for sure.

>> No.3823930

By being edgy

Extreme violence sells because of publicity

>> No.3824089

It was gory and relatively fun with better graphics than most of its era

>> No.3824230

I haven't ever liked any Bioware games, I was more wondering what the fuck pre-pozzed was. Should have guessed it was just another hillbilly buzzword.

>> No.3824235
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You need to go back

>> No.3824253

I actually kinda do desu

>> No.3824271
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Ahh, the weakling's favorite comeback!

>> No.3824273

You're borderline retarded though.

>> No.3824282
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>talking about degeneracy
>on 4chan

>> No.3824286

>Someone brand new to Street Fighter who thinks Zangief looks cool and want to play him has a rough road ahead of them.

This is false.
Someone brand new to SF, who picks characters based on how cool they look, will pick Blanka, not Zangief.

>> No.3824295

>Pixelated, Z list actors dressed in costumes straight from the Salvation Army store that was only one level up from the comedy of Pit Fighter.

More realistic than what any fighting game had at that point, but a stupid millennial like you, who learned the game from youtube let's plays, wouldn't know that. Why don't you make a new Sonic thread, arguing how going fast is nothing special?

>> No.3824298

>it also had real actors in it compared to the literal "who's?" that signed on for the MK movie.

Did you just call Connor McLeod a "literal who"?

>> No.3824307

>They already went full retard with that dogshit CGI runt in the first film.

And then he gets kicked into a magical demon statue in outworld, that morphs him into a ninja, and he has the 2nd best fight scene in the entire movie after Goro vs Art.

If anything, Reptile being an actual reptile spiced up things well.

>> No.3824314

central European here

when we had a fight in school, the teacher scolded us that if he doesn't pay attention for a minute, we go full mortal kombat on each other.

those were his exact words.

>> No.3824389

Correct! That guy as usual was just talking out his ass.

>> No.3824392


>> No.3824450

And then they will promptly drop Blanka because charge characters are too hard for newbies to play.

>> No.3824493

Deadly Alliance was one of the most fun games in the series bruh.

>> No.3824549
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>and in ways that looked realistic, not the looney tunes technicolor shit in the later games

I think we played different games.

>> No.3824550

Are there any noob friendly characters in that game to play?

>> No.3824592

>hey buddy i think you got the wrong room, the cosplay club is two doors down

>> No.3824597


>> No.3824639

>I can't beat a single MK before 4

How terrible does someone have to be at video games to not even be able to beat MK1 on medium? Seriously holy shit!

>> No.3824649

Upload a video of you doing it then if it's so easy. Remember, no continues.

>> No.3824656

You're cute when you're angry.

>> No.3824676
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Assuming you are okay with the fact that Raiden is the motherfucking god of lightning, that one is actually pretty gruesome.

Now compare that with the shit in MK3, where people get killed by a summoned arcade machine, or by Kabal showing them his face. Not to mention the fact that every mauled person seems to have 6 skulls and 8 rib cages.

>> No.3824713
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Ehhh... I get where you're coming from but they all look pretty looney tunes to me. The main difference is they put more effort into the later ones. Most of MK1's were pretty simple reused animations with extra blood. It's a goofy series in general.

>> No.3826408

Ryu and Ken are the most beginner friendly, also Sagat. Why so many people have trouble with charge characters I'll never understand though.

>> No.3826614
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>compared to the literal "who's?" that signed on for the MK movie

>> No.3826798
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Having to continually be aware of if you're charging or not, how long you've been charging, if you've charged in the correct direction for what you're going to need, it's all just more layers on top of what is already a complicated game. For people like me who are just so used to QCF for an instant fireball it's like jumping from checkers to chess.

For example I cannot get this combo to work. I have tried it for 20 minutes and it won't come out. If it was a simple QCF it would be so easy, but because it's a charge I just can't do it.

>> No.3827418

>nearly 25 years later and there are still new secrets being discovered


>> No.3827562

>Why so many people have trouble with charge characters I'll never understand though.

I think it's because they're not used to the idea of incorporating their special movement inputs while their character is moving and instead try to just stand there and do a charge attack.

>> No.3827756

and when charge characters were made to be "easy". But then people found how to buffer and partition charges.

>> No.3827975

Charge is dumb because you have to be holding back or back/down to do it but then what happens when you need to move forward and still want to do the move? You're boned. Charge characters will always be at a disadvantage for this reason.

>> No.3828001

>what happens when you need to move forward and still want to do the move?

You jump forward and hold the direction you need to hold while in the air?

>> No.3828053

What does it mean to partition charges?

>> No.3828129

Not enough time to do a full 2 second charge during the course of a jump

>> No.3829091

The Silent Hill movie is a surprisingly good movie, even on its own.

>> No.3829570

That's by design. Typically charge moves have either faster start up or recovery which makes up for the time needed to charge. It's why Vega and Guile are still very viable and can pressure a lot despite being charge characters.

Partitioning your charges is simply starting the charge while your character is already doing something. So jumping in and starting your charge in the air >>3828001 or doing a normal move like a standing fierce punch and starting your charging as that animation is going on so by the time it's done you're that much closer to having your charge move come out. It's how many combos with those characters work.

>> No.3829932

hold down in mid air, do up+M after crouching punch

you don't have to be on the ground to start charging

>> No.3830383

I think because of the hype with the violence at the time

>> No.3830405

this basically

>> No.3830481

I really, Really liked Mortal Kombat XL

>> No.3830501

That's what I've been doing, jump and immediately hold down and it just won't come out. It should be so easy but the game doesn't even tell me what I'm messing up on. Did I not charge long enough, do it too soon during the recovery, etc?

>> No.3830626

It was surprisingly good. Even as a lifelong MK fan I can admit the games were shit. MKX felt like the first honest to god good one in the series.

>> No.3830742

Sub Zero looks off without his hood

>> No.3831062

I remember it being in the arcades. People were WILD about the game, screaming at the screen.

>> No.3831225
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One import thing to note is that though people usually say charge for 2 seconds, it doesn't actually go by seconds. You need to charge the move for 60 frames. Depending on the version and if you're emulating or not the precise timing can change.

Also be sure you're not hitting any other inputs when going from crouching to pressing up. Depending on the controller or stick you're using it can be easy to accidentally press one of the diagonals along with up or down and that will fuck it up as well. If you can, play a version which will show your inputs so you know where you're messing up.

Other than that it's just practice and building the muscle memory so your fingers get used to doing it.

>> No.3831240

>Every other game was basically Bubble Bobble or Dig Dug up to this point.

Wanna know how I know you're a dumbshit millennial?

>> No.3831261

>Ehhh... I get where you're coming from but they all look pretty looney tunes to me.

Well, the supernatural ones obviously look silly, especially Scorpions and Sonyas puff of fire.

Others are pretty nasty, like Kano ripping the opponents heart out, and posing with the still beating heart in his hand. Or Sub-Zeros spine rip.

MK2 had the most impressive fatalities of the original games. Everything was more colorful in MK2 and you had more babalities and friendship finishers, but you also could see as people fell to their deaths when knocked off the bridge, you could cut people in half vertically, tear peoples arms off, etc.

>> No.3831270

>Others are pretty nasty, like Kano ripping the opponents heart out, and posing with the still beating heart in his hand. Or Sub-Zeros spine rip.

I think those look just as goofy to be honest, but it's fine if we saw the game in different ways. I agree on MK2 but it's all fun slapstick horror to me.

>> No.3831314

The whole SF2 vs. MK debate is just retarded to begin with. Nobody with a grasp of fighting games would consider MK to be even half as good as SF2. I'm not even a Street Fighter fan, really, but the MK games are steaming garbage as far as mechanics go.

But /vr/ is filled with casuals, so I shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.3831319

They appeal to different demographics. It's like saying Smash sucks because it's not Street Fighter. They're just different games played by people looking for different experiences. MK ultimately isn't as deep as SF but for most of the people who played it that never mattered.

>> No.3831340

But the core systems of every Smash game are good, with Brawl probably being the exception, and Melee being a surprisingly in-depth game especially regarding movement. Obviously people like MK, but it's still just a bad game that had the right coat of paint.

>> No.3831378

Ehh I haven't played Smash enough to make in depth comments about it but I know that's how it's viewed by some fighters fans.

Anyways the point is the same, they're both pretty much party games. MK (especially retro ones) is a series that's designed to be easy to get into with simple moves and fairly standard characters so any one can play. In that sense, as a fighter for casual people it works quite well since unlike SF it let people get playing and doing all the moves with little or no practice required.

If you're serious into them of course SF is a better fighting game, but as you've seen reading this topic it's not nearly as intuitive and beginner friendly to non-serious players. They're just different and doing different things. I don't think it being simpler really makes it bad, just different. That's like saying Checkers is bad because it's not Chess. It's a weak comparison.

>> No.3831385

And I should note that I have played various Smash games to know they're quick to pick up the basics with any of the characters which is where the analogy is most important.

>> No.3831491

>It's like saying Smash sucks because it's not Street Fighter.

They're not even the same genre so it's silly to compare them anyway.

>> No.3831497

MK9 is superior in every single way

>> No.3831505
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1. MK9
2.a MK3
2.b Shaolin Monks
3. MK8
4. MK2
5. MK
6. MK4
7. MK5
8. MK6
9. MK7
10. MKX

>> No.3831526

It's extremely hard to go back to after playing X. The range on normals is abhorrently short, basic things like uppercuts can pass through body parts because of weird hit/hurt box rules, there are very few combos, and the controls just feel sluggish and slow in general. It's still one of the better MK games but as a fighting game in general it's still pretty bad.

>> No.3831534

It's a subgenre but still related enough to get compared all the time. It's been an EVO game several times. That's not really the point though obviously. MK and SF were going for different things.

>> No.3831604

>3. MK8

Subtle bait brah, not bad

>> No.3831612

I put 8 above the others because of the roster mostly.

>> No.3831613

He put MK3 as second best MK ever. It's not subtle at all.

>> No.3831617

MK3 had sprinting, and great entry level combos. There's no way it wasn't the GOAT MK game before they started the 3d downfall

>> No.3831640
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>> No.3831647
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>> No.3832157

I think MK3 was trash but a lot of people still swear it's their favorite. It's not really a red flag.

Because of all the shitty Batman characters? Yeah stellar roster.

>> No.3832225

Because of the komplete roster. Every single character made it into that game

>> No.3832283

Okay then you're thinking of MK7. 8 was MK vs DC and was a disgrace.

>> No.3832310

Who the fuck counts that as a mortal Kombat game?

>> No.3832378

Nobody did until people started calling the 2011 reboot MK9. That stuck so vsDC had to become 8.

>> No.3832429

Sounds like some gay homo shit to me. Thats a knockoff title at best

>> No.3833682

It's called Mortal Kombat....

>> No.3835271
File: 241 KB, 748x1223, Shaolin_Monks__by_ScorpionBlaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If memory serves, the manual for Shaolin Monks uses some fairly legible snapshots of that map as page backgrounds. Flip through it if you have the game.

>> No.3835601


>> No.3836059

Thanks man, I got the box right here below my desk, didn't have to get up. All these years and I never even read the manual, or I don't remember it. I see what you mean, they're near the end, kind of faint and have some credits over the top, but I can make out the words. I think what I'll do is take the fuzzy map and overlay some fresh text over it so it can actually be read. Should be a short fun project. I'll post it here later if the thread's still up and it turns out well.

>> No.3836165

Mortal kombat is testament that games sell on marketing alone, and little else. Video game consumers are stupid fucks that like being told what to buy, what to think, and what to like.

>> No.3836183

Are you talking about MK or BoTW?

>> No.3836212

Mortal Kombat's initial popularity had almost nothing to do with marketing though. It barely even had any mainstream marketing before the movie came out and by then it was already massive.

>> No.3836236

I was 9 at the time MK came out, but I don't remember hearing anything about it outside the coverage in Nintendo Power. I vaguely remember the commercial with the kid screaming Mortal Kombat or whatever, but back then it was very common for any old game to have a commercial. I guess most of the coverage came on the news and covered the "outrage" but as a kid I didn't watch the news.

>> No.3836264
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I was 18 when MK1 hit and I heard about it through word of mouth quite a while before seeing an actual machine.

I still think it's main draw was the cartoony gore but what made it so popular was how accessible it was to new players.

I'm the one who's mom used to be able to whoop some of my college buddies asses in MK2 just by spamming teleport kicks and rolls. Also she had the only fatality she knew.

Compared to the few times she played SF with us and couldn't even make a shoryuken come out. I really truly think it's accessibility was a huge part of it's mainstream appeal. But ultimately also the reason the series mostly died out for a long time. People who really liked that kind of game moved onto more robust ones and others moved onto other kinds of games.

>> No.3836329
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Mortal Kombat best fighting game because fans enjoy realistic fighting styles and rich Outworld lore. Fight for Earthrealm warriors!

>> No.3836571
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Well, I did the best I could. The edges are not in the manual so there's about 9 areas I had to leave out just because I can't read them. Unfortunate, but it's still better than what we had.

>> No.3837935


>> No.3838210
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>nearly 25 years later and there are still new secrets being discovered

Man, this is the magic of MK right here.

I just made an offhand comment without actually expecting anyone to look into it, but you actually went and did it, the absolute madman. Good shit.

>> No.3839564

Gotta keep the MK fire alive until 11's announced. It was interesting to solve that mystery after all this time, I just wish I could've done more. Maybe someday more of the map will be found and I can finish it.

>> No.3839873

>Mk was a predominantly North American/UK phenomenon
Are you serious?
MK is huge in Russia, most MK hacks, and some weird ports to older systems are done by slavs. Also big, south america, to the point MKX sales in Brazil were so good, NRS made DLC costumes just for them.
I think Japan is the only place were is not as popular as SF, probably because it lacks the animu aesthethics SF has. And even then MK2 got a Japan only Playstation release, so I guess the game didn't do that bad on sales after all.

>> No.3840142

>not Shaolin Monks

>> No.3840361

Atleast most of those pallet swaps were fleshed out later on, I don't see Capcom doing that.

>> No.3841413

I can't believe it's taken until SFV just to give Ken a new default outfit. Meanwhile each ninja gets a new one every game since the early 90s.

>> No.3841426

I actually like that on a conceptual level which just makes it all the more painful for me at how bad it is.

>> No.3841442

>game starring Sub-Zero
>has almost nothing to do with SZ
>mostly all about Quan Chi and Shinnok
>just go around collecting keys

What were they thinking

>> No.3843394
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>Somewhere in the northern most parts of Asia, there exists a secret clan of assassins and thieves known as the Lin Kuei. This group has existed for centuries and thrives on the evil intention of the people who pay for their services. Its warriors are chosen at birth to be raised apart from the workings of day to day civilization and are stripped of their former lives. Only the clan knows their existence. Each of them posses certain skills and abilities that set them apart from normal men. These abilities are passed on from generation to generation and honed throughout the experiences of life.

>Born in America, Sub-Zero was the oldest of three children, which included a brother and sister. Their mother wanted a normal life for her sons, who had already been chosen by the Lin Kuei to become warriors for the clan. She tried in vein to hide them from their father whose own life in America was only a cover for his true identity and purpose. Eventually they were found and their father returned with them to his homeland. Their mother and sister were never seen or heard from again.
Sub-Zero learned of his ability as a young adult. It was passed on to him by his father, a fourth generation Lin Kuei warrior himself. The ability to harness the element of cold is one that takes years of practice. It's full potential realized only by those who've mastered it at the latest stages of life. Sub-Zero's skills have the ability to develop much faster than those of the other Lin Kuei. This was realized by the Lin Kuei Grandmasters who picked the young warrior to take his deceased father's place as the next Sub-Zero.

>> No.3843403
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>Among his first missions for the Lin Kuei, is one that leads him to a Shaolin temple to steal a sacred map known as- The Map of Elements. It shows the way to yet another temple long hidden from the eyes of mortal men. This temple is known as The Temple of Elements, and is built somewhere inside the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal. But, the real treasure is what's housed within the temple's walls. An artifact that predates man's history on Earth… the artifact is known as Shinnok's Amulet.

You have to read the manual for it, sure, but we got plenty of sweet SZ lore out of Mythologies. I think the only game gives you more is Deadly Alliance.

>> No.3843506

That's neat and all but they could've just put that up on a website. They didn't need to make a whole game to do it. It would've been better if the game was about SZ being taken to the Lin Kuei for training and you got to see what they put him through, his first actual assignment, stuff like that, y'know, about how the character grew from a regular kid to being the badass we know him as.

>> No.3844361

What even is MK Mythologies? A beat em up MK game?

>> No.3844587

Yeah it's an MK belt scroller, but a non-linear one.

>> No.3844592

Literally Tekken Force made into a full game, in the sense that it uses (bad) fighting game controls therefore not fully beat 'em up. Story wise it's a prelude to MK4.

>> No.3844712

It was basically just SNES Batman Forever but with MK characters.

>> No.3844723

I can see why it tanked.

>> No.3846285


>> No.3846301

No no no no

Batman Forever is god fucking awful. Mythologies is just mediocre with a cool aesthetic

>> No.3846408 [DELETED] 

What the fuck does MKX have to do with retro discussion of the original MK? Also Russia? Seriously? Did all those subhuman fucks pool their money together in the early 90s to buy 18 copies? Fuck off with your shit. Nobody gave a fuck about MK besides the States and the UK back then
>Oh Japan got an exclusive MK2 release
The most desperate of grasping at straws.
Smash, Tekken and SF have all outsold the MK franchise. Stay mad kiddo.

>> No.3846414

>MK roughly on par with SF's popularity
>2nd largest economy in the world at the time doesn't count

>> No.3846417

Sure kid, if you're confined to the dumpster or alleyway, there's always an MK crowd at the tournements.

>> No.3846420

>as I recall
It was real in my head as well, anon.
I keep telling myself Mortal Kombat is not a joke.

>> No.3846424

Literally nobody cares what the tastes are of some third world shitters in a radioactive dumping ground where communism went to die.

>> No.3846428

Poorest of bait

>> No.3846437

>doesn't have an arguement
A simple "you're right" would have sufficed.

>> No.3846443

Tekken yes, Smash not so much.

>> No.3846526

One thing that I always think is interesting is that this is the only known decent non-Asian fighting series. How did they do it?

>> No.3846543

Some people like Killer Instinct as well and that was Rare. Really it's that NRS put a lot of effort into making it as good as they could. It's a very tough genre to make well and most of the other western companies that made them at didn't know how or didn't work hard enough to refine what they had.

There were also a boatload of terrible fighters in Japan because it was a bigger genre there but they've mostly been forgotten as well.

>> No.3846583

Japanese and Chinese are totally different languages. Japanese borrowed some misheard words and some kanji and that's where the similarities stop.

>> No.3846621

>Really it's that NRS put a lot of effort into making it as good as they could

I think they gave up and got complacent around MK3 when they admitted they "ran out of ideas". I thought MK4 was still fun but let's be honest, it was a lazy mess. 5 and 6 were ambitious but rough around the edges, and then they got lazy again for 7 when they were hemorraging money. I don't think they really took the series seriously until the reboot. They did their best effort but it was a shoddy game that thrived due to nostalgia. It wasn't until after it and Injustice released and did well at EVO that they realized they might have a solid chance to compete with SF so they went all in with MKX and actually produced their first competent fighting game with a detailed practice mode and frame data in the menus, which even SF won't do. Now MKX is their best selling title to date and SFV still hasn't beaten the predicted first months' sales figures. It took them forever but I'm happy to see their work pay off.

>> No.3846639

>I think they gave up and got complacent around MK3 when they admitted they "ran out of ideas".

I agree with that. Actually in my opinion though they clearly put a lot into 3, it was a misstep in many ways and I never liked it as much as 2 or even 1.

I didn't play the series seriously at all again until 9 which was very solid if still kind of flawed. Injustice was a very good game though and remains a favorite of mine. I never got into X, but it looked solid. I'm waiting for Injustice 2.

The thing with SFV is that for a lot of people there's still not much reason to play it over 4. Everyone knows that Capcom iterates their fighters a lot and V especially was pushed out early for tournament players. So right now those are the only people playing it at all. Probably over the next few years it will pick up steam until it's quite popular and then Capcom will release VI and the whole thing will begin again.

The great thing about fighters these days though is that they're popular enough that even the more niche ones have big enough player bases that you don't need to worry about sticking with what's big. I still get pretty regular matches in Injustice even now that MKX has been out for so long.

>> No.3847585
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>being this outrageously butthurt

Words cannot describe how smug I'm feeling right now.

>> No.3848090

>my life is so empty that I feel smug about some other people shitting on another fighting game series on a Vietnamese Origami crafting imageboard
Time to invest in that Helium tank and plastic bag project you've been holding off on.

>> No.3848091

Fair enough

>> No.3848094

Killer Instints dial-a-combo BS never sat well with me and the aesthetics were pretty generic even with the novelty CGI characters. I think the worst fighting games I ever played were Criticom, Time Killers and some VF clone on Jaguar. The first two were Western, the Jaguar one I'm unsure of. The Japs had their fair share of shit fighting games, but nothing at the depths of Time Killers and RotR. MK does seem to be shat on alot especially on the retro scene, personally I enjoyed MK2.

>> No.3848105 [DELETED] 


>> No.3848109

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the platemail club's two blocks down.

>> No.3848119
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Holy shit why have I not DMed a Mortal Kombat campaign. You're a genius anon. Everyone has seen the movies too, so they already know the lore.

>> No.3848153

So? Women are weaker and physically inferior, it makes sense.

>> No.3848178


>The black pines
>valley of the dead
>forbidden forest
>the abyss of fire
>the sea of souls
>isle of the elders
>woods of doom

Everything is just buzzwords attempting to sound cool

>> No.3848179


>> No.3848382

>MKX sales in Brazil were so good, NRS made DLC costumes just for them

Sounds like brs alright, didn't know they made dlc just for us though.

>> No.3848391

>belt scroller

Fuck off

>> No.3848607

Buzzwords or not, I wouldn't want to spend a night in the Woods of Doom.

>> No.3848660

What if it was a forest that had been outfitted with a ton of old PCs and all night was one long Doom lan party?

>> No.3848685
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>> No.3849074

I would be skeptical since forests don't typically have a lot of electrical outlets, but if it was a lan party that would be pretty cool.

>> No.3849078 [DELETED] 

>How did Mortal Kombat get popular?

Edgy teens. It's actually a fairly mediocre series. It wouldn't have received any attention without the gore and the public outcry at the time of it's initial release.

It's not a bad game, it's just not spectacular.

>> No.3849095

You didn't have to be edgy to appreciate good graphics. Whether you like the style or not, digitized actors were a new thing at the time so to see "real life" people in a video game caught a lot of eyes.

>> No.3849517

Pretty much this.

Good post gaymo

>> No.3849680

Think those gain are natty?

>> No.3849901

Fighting games were all the rage when it was released, and Mortal Kombat was bloody as all fuck and had fatalities, people couldn't get enough.

It was so bloody of course, it attracted a shit ton of controversy, but that controversy only made much more popular for years to come. Shock factor and the over the top violence pretty attracted everyone towards it.

>> No.3849902

Meant to say "pretty much attracted everyone towards it", whoops

>> No.3850336

Anyone else think Dan Forden is underrated as a composer?

>> No.3852381
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>the aesthetics were pretty generic even with the novelty CGI characters


And even though they were the big novelty at the time, those CGR models aged even worse than the digitized actors.

>> No.3852439

Does anyone know know if there's an easy way to get a lot of koins for the Krypt in Deadly Alliance? I tried those koin tricks but they don't seem to work.

>> No.3852451

>it played great
>kill your opponent (and in ways that looked realistic, not the looney tunes technicolor shit in the later games).
Anon, no.

>> No.3852752

Platinum and onyx koins are such a bitch to get in that game because they only come up in test your X challenges every 3-5 battles and are easy to lose. I have the entire krypt unlocked except for a ton of ones locked behind P/O koins. Dumb on Midway's part.

>> No.3852809

Minigames are easier to do though

>> No.3853058

They never looked good in the first place because of uncanny valley.

>> No.3853643

The test your might ones are impossible for me. I can't mash hard enough.

>> No.3853663

Me too, but every one of them gives quite a lot koins.