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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3801629 No.3801629 [Reply] [Original]

Diablo II general

Diablo II classic and LoD Discussion.

If anyone is interested I'd be willing to host a game, we can connect through IP I believe (never done it but I can try) and run through normal together. I just re installed and I've got a lvl 22 Sorc and a level 38 summon necro. If anyone is interested please say so.

Here is an excellent, simple mod I suggest everyone try. D2 Vanilla Frosting:


Features include:Bigger cube and bigger stash. Only 2 runs to transmute to the next highest rune (all the way up to Zod) and ladder only runewords available on multiplayer. And more, I believe.

Alternatively: Discuss endless pindleskin runs, obviously duped runewords destroying the economy, farming cows for XP over and over and over.

>> No.3801680

Diablo > Diablo 2

>> No.3801714

playing around with Perfect Drop Mod right now
it's pretty fun, but the hell cows are stupidly impossible


>> No.3801765
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I played Diablo II classic for the first time last night. I think I'm gotten to the point where I've gotten exhausted of the frantic pace and meta of LOD that I need to dial it down back towards Diablo 1 where I can just chill and have fun. I haven't gotten far at all but I think the lack of hunting for runes and socketed loot is going to make for a comfier time. Also nice when people aren't swinging and casting for 20k numbers. Classic has huge issues on its own like no weapon swap, halved stash size, javelins actually run out, mercs are useless, 640x480 only, but I'll take it. You do at least get the awesome classic menu and Chaos Sanctuary runs are back.

>> No.3801862

Diablo II is my childhoodgame.
I remember sawing it 14 years ago at a friends house. I still know he showed me the angelic set bonus and a staff with frozen orb charges back then.
I first played it offline on lan with my brother and also Sacred 1.
I lived somewhere outside the city so my Internetconnection was really bad. When everyone played World of Warcraft, I had to play D2 and i dont regret a single second. I just wish i could go back one more time talking in forums, trading, pvp.
Everything was a mystery to me. I loved the characters and i knew about the sword azurewratch. Somehow a newb had it and he wanted a random weapon. He obviously didnt know how rare it is and i was the luckiest boy ever.
Also my first HR - a SUR out of a chest in Kurast. Bought a CTA for it.

>> No.3801994

Not retro.

>> No.3802025

After you do 1000 runs you've done enough for life.

>> No.3802149

I agree. D2 is for fags that like mindless loot grinding while 1 is for people that actually enjoy dungeon crawling.

>> No.3802171
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Huge part of my childhood too, including hiding it from my family because it was "Diabolic" and encourages devil worship. First character I ever rolled up was a necro. The character was totally gimped and I had no clue as to what I was doing.

Never played 1. I don't play D2 as a grind, no countess runs, no pindleskin, etc. I run through the game start to finish. Definitely worth a play through, at least on normal.

>> No.3802535

Man I wish a SoJ would drop for me. I first played this game in 2001.

>> No.3802554

Hey listen fella, I'm not a fag okay!

>> No.3802671

Been playing this a lot recently, cause I am a newb and bootlegged it

Got some questions to anybody who is enlightened enough to drop answers:

What's the deal with lack of runes?
(I'm playing on normal for first time, so I assume the loot gets better when the harder difficulties come round? I also hear there is a chat command to trick the game into thinking you have more players but does that affect the loot?

Do the shit runes, always go El>Eld etc.?

What drops or items should I be on the look for? (I play an Assassin who is rolling with Tiger Strike, Dragon Tail combo and it's kicking ass atm)

Does anyone have Hamachi? Or should I just get the legit game already and stop being a skrub?

>> No.3802853

>(I'm playing on normal for first time, so I assume the loot gets better when the harder difficulties come round? I also hear there is a chat command to trick the game into thinking you have more players but does that affect the loot?
The command is /players 1-8. 8 being the hardest difficultly. Only works on SP, though.

>drops and items
Just look up a guide on what build you want to make to get a general guideline of what to look out for.

Just buy the game. Alternatively, reddit hosts their own servers called SlashDiablo for free. Don't bother with open b.net.

>> No.3802935

Patricians detected; (you)s earned and delivered.

>> No.3803187
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I think more runes will drop with more players, which answers the next question. You need to use /players 8 in chat while in singleplayer.

If you look for the rune page on any Diablo II resource, you can find the order of rankings on these runes. Yes they are always in order, and so is the order when you socket them into a runeword. For example to make "Stealth" armor, you MUST put in Tal and then Eth. The socketed armor must have exactly 2 sockets and a grey name, not blue.

By the way you should just go play on Reddit's server, if you don't want to buy it.

>> No.3803197

I remember that exact post from that exact thread. We really should make another /v/net.

>> No.3803207

look up plugY, it allows ladder-only runes and other QOL improvements like infinite chest and respec

>> No.3803216

This is what OP's post does, called Vanilla Frosting.

>> No.3803370

I bought it off of battle.net. 20 bucks for classic and LoD. It's worth it. I really, really suggest you get vanilla frosting. Statistically speaking, runes like Zod or Jah will never ever happen, Vanilla Frosting allows you to use the horadric cube to craft your way there

>> No.3803431

Is D2 classic worth playing for a single palyer barb experience?

Which version of the game is better?

>> No.3803515

Same poster back here

I just got SlashDiablo and did all the prerequisites, but I don't understand if I am still meant to make a battle.net account in game? (Sorry for sounding like an eejit)

Also, cause I won't be getting sick runes and drops until Hell diff, what should I be rolling with to get me by in Normal?

>> No.3803524

Same poster, the gateway says Slash but it wont ever let me in the multiplayer without a net account

>> No.3803541

My wife and I are playing couch co-op Diablo 3 right now and it's super fun.

>> No.3803559

>If anyone is interested I'd be willing to host a game, we can connect through IP I believe

Why not battle.net?

>> No.3803579


>> No.3803906

D1 has a great atmosphere and is a bit more tactical at all times.

D2 has a much greater amount of characters, more overall content, more character customization and a crazy itemization system that actually matters.

And you do not even have to grind it. Good builds will be able to beat all difficulty levels and some of the items you can -reasonably- find can change stuff up.

D2 tosses you a Barbarian helmet that lets you turn into a werewolf. Parties can have countably infinite combinations and each class can bring a ton of utility, and have interesting ways of overcoming shortcomings. You can radically change something about your character just like that.

For stuff like Hardcore mode or just tense, action-packed dungeon crawling, D2 works, and on their way to Hell Baal, all characters might tell completely different stories.

>> No.3803962
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First HR was an ohm in a Kurast chest a month after the LoD release! I didn't realize they were going for $50 on ebay at that time, and of course I traded it for a pile of absolute shit without thinking.

>> No.3804229
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Why not both? Why can people only enjoy only one thing at once?

>> No.3804505

remider that DII's necromancer is the best PC of any action RPG ever.

>> No.3804623

list favorite Diablo II Meme builds

>shock sorc using that basic first tier electric spell that butchers bosses in melee
>guided arrow troll-zon with slow gloves for pvp
>throw potion barb
>poison stab necro

>> No.3804637

I loved my enchantress sorc back in the day equipped fire explosion bow (forfot name). Those explosions made so much damage it wasn't funny anymore. Ice spells for resist, really comfy

>> No.3804647

If you want to play with people I suggest you play shortly after the ladder reset in november and may.

>> No.3804726

Not him but I logged on yesterday and USEast-1 had a total of like 6 avatars in there, I couldn't decide whether it was an oddity or it's just that dead

>> No.3804751
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Play on Europe last I checked they are pretty active

>> No.3804884

According to what, faggot?

>> No.3805349


>D2 tosses you a Barbarian helmet that lets you turn into a werewolf.
Too bad it's nearly worthless.

>> No.3805387

>and on their way to Hell Baal, all characters might tell completely different stories.
This is an oddly nice and different way to describe just what is wrong with Diablo III. Everybody's journeys tell the exact same story from beginning to end. Although to be fair (to prevent future shitposting) everybody's LOD adventures have a lot of similarties, like hunting for runewords and grinding the Throne.

>> No.3805720

>everybody's LOD adventures have a lot of similarties, like hunting for runewords and grinding the Throne.

You need to look up the untwinked one-pass adventures of certain Patriarchs and Matriarchs, and even Guardians.

It's viable.
There is multiple items that can completely change things up and shake up a playstyle, anyway - even a humble magic amulet with teleport charges.

Diablo games are games where I always carry spare items for specific situations. An entire set of jewelry for different resistances, for instance.

D1 had that too - stuff like Gotterdammerung, which was a godly helmet specifically for monster mixes like Blood Knight / Gold Vipers. And way more items that on top of great stats also gave minuses as an offset. D2 lacks the latter, but introduces a ton of cool stuff nevertheless.

A barbarian or paladin with a wand of life tap charges looks like a resourceful, Link-like fighter, for instance.

And there is a whole plethora of niche builds that work best in dedicated parties with friends. Three single-element Sorceresses, each restricted to a single element tree (expect for goodies like Warmth or Teleport; we're talking themes here, not anal pain) and making the screen super-colourful.

>> No.3807295

>Never played 1

>> No.3807374
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Got a D2 Stor for you:

>be me
>need to study, but have d2 open
>like the music and atmosphere in the background
>hang around in rooms like 'mule', 'mule-parking', etc...
>stand there with 4 others like a mindless zombie for activation
>'joins game: blabla buy 100 gems on bladotcom' - leaves, this shit over and over
>normal people join, run to the chest and leave again or stand still
>I watch closely every join like a hawk
>Then that one person shows up
>"hellooooo? Anyone here?"
>person throws a test item on the floor
>no reaction
>person start running into a corner
>my heart starts pumping, i put away my book
>hands slowly going to keyboard and mouse, hovering and waiting
>'has left the game'
>let go of mouse and keyboard
>quickly take book and act like I'm reading
>tfw when he rejoins with next char and cries in bitter agony
>rants to all mindless zombies and me standing still
>not fully sure that he didn't do any mistake
>his only mistake was me
>exits game and deletes d2
>In blissfull joy I open private room, throw all my findings into town and turn down the lights and jerk off to my accomplishment
>I can now only jerk off this way

And I feel no way bad about this, he had it coming. Just fucking open a private game and wait five minutes - and oh wonder - it stays open to mule.
>As the developers intended

>> No.3807735

As much as I hated what happened with D3, one thing they did really stood out to me and I wish it existed in D2. In D3, you have the ability to craft items with specific modifiers in town, sort of like a "design your own rare" kind of thing. D2 lets you reroll shopkeepers' inventories, and while regular suffix/prefix magic items can be very powerful with the right mods, eventually it's going to come to needing even better gear to progress later.

>> No.3807738

Dragon sorc was pretty cool. Use those two runeworlds that give you a holy shock aura, pump lightning mastery, tap things with your little dinky orb for upwards of 30k damage.

>> No.3807748

>Muling items from countess runs.
>Get the Butcher's Pupil Cleaver, would be great for my paladin that I'm leveling, so I drop it in game with a few other nice items.
>Come to rejoin, mispelled the password I normally put in, can do nothing but wait for the game to expire with all my items.

Wasn't a huge loss, but still painful.

>> No.3807774

Sprinter barb with nothing but FRW equipment and frenzy to get even more speed.
He ran unbelievable fast. Couldn't kill anything but I died of laughter.

>> No.3807862

I saw someone with an assassin with a build like that, he could walk faster than I could run.

>> No.3808118

For anyone who wants to get a quick start on a single player game:

Add -act5 to your shortcut under the target section and you'll start the game at act 5 when you create a new character at level 33. No previous quests will be done however, so if you use the waypoint, you'll have to complete Act 1 through 4 before you arrive back in Harrogath.

You'll also start with the same starting equipment as level 1, so prepare to have some fun trying to scavenge a weapon to use. I just started up a new game as a paladin, so far I've only found a superior 2 socket Pike to use and I had to kill about 30 or so enemies before it dropped. No armor yet either, so I've got to be very careful. Caster classes probably won't have this issue.

>> No.3808163

Makes me want to use an hero/item editor but I have no idea which one is the most intuitive as of today.

>> No.3808557

>quickly take book and act like I'm reading
fucking kek
Do you remember what you got?

>> No.3809078

>i need good equipment to kill these demons

>diablo 2
>i need to kill these demons to get good equipment so i can show off to my friends xD

>> No.3809652

How do I build a Cursemancer?

>> No.3810041

1 point in Decrepify

>> No.3810137

You don't, really. Most curses are one point wonders. You could have an Amp Damage or Dim Vision taking up the whole screen and be a great support build in a party, but it seems kinda meh.

Otherwise, though, I'd go for 20 Corpse Explosion, get my merc to kill everything + outfit him with an aura item preferrably to keep up with the supportish theme, and combine Corpse Explosion with Amp Damage to kill things, and use my other curses against specific situations.

>> No.3810174


I am actually doing a challenge and have to focus on the Curse tree.
So, should I just focus on maxing Amp Damage and Dim Vision? What about Lower Resist?

Should I go Bowmancer or Throwmancer for more mods?

>> No.3810194

Any mods for D1 and D2 that smooth out gameplay for modern computers? Like better resolutions and added features?

>> No.3810308

Speaking of Decrep, how does it interact with Holy Freeze? Do the two stack multiplicitively or additively? Are they separate debuffs?

Basically, I'm wondering if it's worth getting a weapon that has a chance to cast it on attack for my holy freeze paladin. I'm also using Cleglaws for extra slowing.

>> No.3810316

I did a "deathknight" build once on a necro: Pack up amp damage and decrepify, lots of points into bone shield and its synergies, then pick up a zeal weapon. It functions sort of like a paladin with curses instead of auras.

>Friend of mine buys a Grandfather CB online.
>Taunts me by dropping it far off in town and immediately picking it back up before I can run over and pick it up.
>About the 10th or so time of this, I cast Iron Golem on it.

>> No.3810403
File: 349 KB, 1280x720, d2wide2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a resolution mod for older versions of Diablo 2. Generally you want to play the game in 3DFX/Glide instead of Direct3D because it was shoe horned in at the last moment and it runs like shit. So get Sven's Glide Wrapper which is specifically made for Diablo II. It works on Battle.net. Singleplayer (but not solo LAN) in general is capped to 25 fps.

>> No.3810482

Oh cool, will take a look into it.

>> No.3810873

There's Belzebub for Diablo 1. It plays a bit closer to Diablo 2 than I would have liked, but it still is an impressive mod. The extra classes aren't that interesting, but the restored quests are really neat.

>> No.3811883

Which class is the best?

>> No.3811954
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>640x480 only.
Nice meme.

>> No.3811969

On what planet does Diablo II Classic run at anything higher than 640x480 ingame without mods and hacks?

>> No.3812385
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>When you're in the caves and your character won't stop moaning.

>> No.3812509

People only play right after the ladder reset. Then it's dead for the next 5 months.
There were plenty of people playing last time.

>> No.3812515

>You will never give people files over AIM that will cause them to drop all of their gear
Ahhhh the good old days

>> No.3813040

What would you recommend as the best way to grind for items in each of the difficulties? I used to do a lot of countess runs because of the rune drops and ok item drops, but I know some people were doing MF Pendleskin runs for gear.

Speaking of MF, worth it in singleplayer?

>> No.3813059

If you have lod installed you can run it higher

>> No.3813160

Any high res mod to go with that mod?
Also does it enable Uber Diablo etc in SP?

>> No.3813171

>that widescreen
Is that thanks to the wrapper?

>> No.3813179
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No, a resolution mod which doesn't work past 1.12 I believe. That screenshot is from back with /v/net.

>> No.3813181

>vanilla frosting not compatible with older version
>high res not compatible with newer version
I guess I'm not playing D2.

>> No.3813183

Dude who cares, the increase in resolution won't increase your light radius or the AI detection. Your projectiles still disappear after a certain distance where applicable. The 1920x1080 dream will make your experience worse.

>> No.3813185

I don't want 1080p
I want widescreen you dumb buffoon.
I'll take 1280x720 over 800x600 any time of the day TYVM.

>> No.3813190

If you treat widescreen as an expectation in retro games then you shouldn't bother at all.

>> No.3813192

Every single retro PC game I give a fuck about has widescreen mod for it. Every single one except D2.
Even fucking D1 has it.

>> No.3813205

Always worth it.

>> No.3813607

RE: Diablo1

there is this "patch" that will make it play nice with (and take advantage of more display resolutions under) Win NT6 and newer

sadly it is not compatible with other gameplay hacks that enable some QOL improvements, such as:
- http://khanduras.net/2013/05/hack-torch-for-diablo-v1-09/
- https://diablopat.ch/features.php

>> No.3813838

nah sorry mate it's been too long, but it definately was worth it, i can remember some badass armor, expensive runes and a few weapons...
If I got the time I'll look through the unique list, maybe I'll remember

>> No.3813929
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>> No.3813978

Is there a mod that allows me to zoom out?

>> No.3814087

cool github my man

i've spent the last hour reading those assembly patches

>> No.3814252


the developer said that this mod has been 'rebased to 1.13d'

does it mean that I'll be able to use it only with that particular release of LoD?

i currenty only have a 1.14d installation

>> No.3814257

I'm impressed by such shit taste.

>> No.3814332

Off yourself immediately.

>> No.3814338

>I need mods to play one of the best games ever made

>> No.3814662

You basically have to learn each curse inside and out and be patient ,because kill times can get rough.

I don't necessarily recommend maxing Dim Vision, but it's a good curse for shutting down enemy spelllcasters and meleers.

Decrepify will be necessary against bosses. Attract and Confuse have their place. Life Tap, if you end up going physical damage.

Not sure about Lower Resist. It depends what kinda merc are you gonna have. If you got a weapon like Baranar's Star and a Cold Merc, I could see it in your repertoire. Otherwise, full physical I suppose.

Basically just invest 1 point in every curse, experiment with them, see what they will give you. Sadly though you don't get much from pumping out skill points in curses; mostly area of effect and mana cost gets more efficient. A high level Amp or DV can shut down an entire screen. Too bad most people just put 1 point in those curses and let the +skills do the talking, and even a 1 point curse tends to work dandily for most of those.

>> No.3814675

You obviously don't give a fuck about very many retro games then.

>> No.3814676

>What would you recommend as the best way to grind for items in each of the difficulties?

This is assuming you are going for some degree of self-found play:

Normal: Countess until you get Tal+Eth (Stealth in 2 soc Breastplate), Tir+Ral Staff (Fire-based characters), Tir+El or even Amn+Tir physical weapon
Drognan the Merchant in Act 2 until you get: Bone Shield of Deflecting (the block is a must against Duriel), +3/+3 wand/staff/scepter (preferrably with sockets) for your favourite magic skills
Gambles often offer higher tier items before you'd get there yourself, i.e. Elzix can offer a Plate Mail as a gamble earlier than Fara will have them in stock
Aside from that, Normal Cow servers are a good source of white-colored trash laying around that you wouldn't care about normally, also gems drop generously

>> No.3814691

You really did that? hahahaha
What was his reaction?

>> No.3814705

Nightmare: Bugged Andariel (to bug her, you need to TP out of her lair after killing her and talk to Warriv; most people bug her by accident) is the best source of Stone of Jordan in the game, will also drop some other nice shit
Mephisto (first source of consistently nice items, visit him for Exceptional Weapons, some decent armors like Spirit Shroud, generally mid-tier shit that will carry you places)
Countess (get Ort+Sol for your helm and Thul+Tal+Ort+Amn for your Crystal Sword/Paladin shield)
Chaos/Baalruns (they're the best for levelling up and you will find decent shit here by proxy)

Bugged Andariel (still one of the best sources for unique rings in the game; gets bugged the same way on all difficulties)
Mephisto (will drop you a Shako, Herald of Zakarum and some other nice shit; people make Blizzard or Meteorb Sorceresses at ladder start solely to run this guy)
Pindleskin (can potentially drop everything in the game, some people swear by him, he's also the go-to boss for Lightning Sorcs). Some other bosses like Threshsocket behave similarly, they just are not as conveniently placed. Other A5 minibosses closeby that are worth running are Shenk and Eldritch.
85 level Areas (look them up; numerous boss monsters and a randomized cave layout makes these fairly enjoyable, I got my first SoJ during a casual run through those)
Chaos Sanctuary/Baal - as per usual, but the bots will steal everything
Cows: this where you look for Elite white items to put holes into at Larzuk. Commonly you look for a Phase Blade to put 6 sockets in it and make something like 6x Shael or 4x Shael 2x Eth Phase Blade (FIreclaws Werebear, Elemental Zealot builds) Potentially good source of gems and runes. Lightning based characters have a field day here, as you can't snuff out the Cow King by accident.
Lower Kurast: hunt for high runes here, make sure to click all the containers
Travincal: amass tons of gold, futilely attempt to gamble a decent rare amulet/ring/circlet

>> No.3814818
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>Amulet of Life Everlasting (Reduces Damage taken by 25)
>Circlet of Life Everlasting
>Guardian Angel Templar Coat
>Never, ever die outside of unqiues with extra strong

>> No.3815160

Necromancer = Sorceress > Paladin > Barbarian > Druid > Amazon > Assassin

>> No.3815224

Using it with 1.14d right now, no issues so far. In Act III on normal

>> No.3815228

Dicks like you ruin this board.
It's not all about what's "best", it's about enjoying a hobby.
Grow the hell up.

>> No.3815232

thanks anon

just to be sure i've downloaded the 1.13d binaries and now i'm able to switch between releases just by unzipping and overwriting a bunch of files..

btw all of the binaries are now hosted on the PlugY site:

ah and one last thing... PlugY v11 has been released!

>> No.3815406

He certainly never let me forget it, even after I got him another one a month later. Back then, it was a big deal because everyone was young and parents were still afraid of ordering things online.

>> No.3815416

What's D2G's opinion on the values of different stats? Like, how do you decide when you have "enough" HP or defense when you're forced to pick between that and damage? Furthermore, is stacking defense even worth it to the point of getting down to a 5% chance to be hit, or will it just be rendered useless by conviction using enemies and bosses that ignore defense/outlevel you anyway?

>> No.3815668

>Furthermore, is stacking defense even worth it to the point of getting down to a 5% chance to be hit, or will it just be rendered useless by conviction using enemies and bosses that ignore defense/outlevel you anyway?

Armor based builds need so much armor that they are rendered completely inefficient or turbo-expensive. Don't bother. Block/CC is more important.

> Like, how do you decide when you have "enough" HP or defense when you're forced to pick between that and damage?

Depends if I'm playing on HC or not. If I do, I will be maxing Vit anyway and putting Rubies in my head and chest. If not, max Vit/max block if necessary is enough.

>> No.3815673

hey are bnet servers still a laggy mess?

>> No.3815731

I was more curious about the defense part because I wanted to use a 2h build (Hellslayer Barb) and couldn't go the blocking route. Natural armor only goes so far it seems, and as soon as something hits me with an armor debuff, it doesn't seem to matter anyway.

>> No.3815769
File: 3 KB, 62x91, breastplate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every season, i buy 15ed 3os bp's from fara and sell them for fg

it's not a scam when the customer is satisfied

>> No.3815807

This game was basically my entire childhood.

I played Diablo 1, and Diablo 2 LOD. My best character was an 81 druid fully geared, except maybe a piece here or there.

I'd mostly just do duels on him, with Hurricane and Tornado.

>> No.3815834

Why are those valuable?

>> No.3815934

> I wanted to use a 2h build (Hellslayer Barb)
Go with Berserk as main skill and use War Cry to make everything stay to shut up and sit still.

>> No.3815957

Is it that much better than a concentrate build?

>> No.3816112
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enigma base

of course people prefer mage plate nigs, but I suppose bp is a nice visual change for people who don't care about 200 def or haven't found a good mp

>> No.3816125


>> No.3816473

Of course. Concentrate relies on your weapon actually having physical damage, which is a pain to grind for, and gives you shit for killing speed. It's safe, but really boring.

Berserker can be played in HC, is more fun because you have 0 armor when attacking but your massive AoE crowd control does not make that an issue, some really fun war cries synergize with Berserk, and it is one of the least gear-independent Barb specs because it deals humongous amounts of magic damage - get a decently fast 2-hander (Bonesnap/Steeldriver from Normal can carry you through the whole game, just upgrade them in the Horadric Cube), get some Crushing Blow for bosses, and go to town.

>> No.3816854

How often does the ladder reset? I know there's usually a good playerbase during the fresh ladders but is it that populated otherwise? D2 just doesn't feel the same if you're not in a room of people.

>> No.3817570


>> No.3817589

6 months, I think it has mainly been may and novemberish

d2jsp is a good place to get a group if you want to place on the ladder or use voip. i've been in some fun reset teams.

>> No.3817661

This guy knows

>> No.3818441


D2 is NOT retro.

ffs it's in the sticky

>> No.3818447



>> No.3819614
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any linux user on the thread? how to i install the game?

should i do it via playonlinux/wine?

i have the game available via battle.net, but those are downloaders, it's just a small exe to download the rest of the game, will this work via playonlinux/wine? Halp

sorry, i never played any game on linux except some of those in the repos,

>> No.3820065

Did any of you play on the d2pk server years ago? That place was a pretty good time. Seems like interest in d2 pvp completely disappeared.
Thinking about trying the eastern sun mod, never got around to it. Any good?

>> No.3820146

Love the first diablo

>> No.3820162

I played it on xubuntu with wine some years ago, worked like a charm. I can't remember if i played a cracked version back then tho. I'd recommend you download the downloader from bnet, run it on WINDOWS(tm) and once the download is finished move the downloaded folder to a thumb drive and run the setup on wine. (the installer is usually stored in c:\Users\USER\)

>> No.3820206

Not retro, never will be.

>NA: June 29, 2000

>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

>> No.3820215
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>> No.3820218

Go back to /b/ and whack it to kiddie porn, degenerate.

>> No.3820225

Same. I've only played D2 with expansion though so vanilla might be better.

>> No.3820231

Not much reason to play it without, lower resolution, one less act, no druid and assassin, smaller town stash. End game being focused on different gear is a thing I guess but for a single player run through it hardly matters.

>> No.3821420


Finally got that Massive Long War Bow of Swiftness a few months ago. This game is almost 20??

>> No.3821426


Cunning prefix claws from Anya, yum.

>> No.3821445
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>on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.
>windows 98 game

>> No.3823917


>> No.3823938

Really looking forward to Sigma mod. Those guys have literally reverse engineered and rewrote nearly the entire engine of D2:LoD.

>> No.3824080

How does diablo 2 rank up to the original?

>> No.3824723

Looking forward to this too. Can't wait to see what they can do with it.

>> No.3825383

Besides Amazon, what's a good class to use a spear on? I always liked the weapon type, but beyond the Spire of Honor, I can't really think of a time when a spear has upsides something else doesn't.

>> No.3826184
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ITT: Plebs

>> No.3826323

Barbarian, obviously.

>> No.3826602

>loot grinding and hoarding your old weapons in a corner of the 3rd level of the church like it was my massive autistic armory made me gay


>> No.3826613
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If its on emuparadise its retro

Suck one

T. remember buying an NES when that shit came out and still have my colecovision

>> No.3827038

not as good imo
focused more on loot grinding instead of dungeon crawling

>> No.3827107

They are both great you dunce

>> No.3827108

Diablo 1 is a more slow-paced dungeon crawler with a great atmosphere and could be said to have borrowed from Roguelike elements - shrines and enemies that can harm your character permanently, destructible items, random floor generation. It is not greatly balanced - my favourite class is the Warrior, but the amount of busywork necessary to succeed at high difficulty levels and floors is only good for a challenge, whereas a Sorcerer will rape everything. People saying something about "D2 being too focused on looting" do not realize that Hell difficulty as a non-Sorcerer is likely to revolve around you striving to reach a golden amount of To-Hit and AC to survive at all.

Diablo 2 is more fast-paced and actiony. The roguelike elements have been toned down, and there are more open spaces. Often derided because of the battle.net's focus on grinding and looting ad nauseam, the game is perfectly playable as a standard dungeon crawler. Indeed, a very fun challenge is to play a character.without any help from the outside and who only uses gear he finds, without re-running prior levels. Some characters are better for that challenge than others (basically anyone who does not rely on physical weapon damage), and by high difficulty you will be forced to pull out all the tricks regarding proper positioning and engaging enemies.

D2 is bigger and has a larger cast of characters that is way more balanced and each offers something to the table. It lacks some of the nuance of D1, but saying that it's a mindless loot grind is only true among people who haven't actually given it an honest try.

And D2 really does have a beastly loot system that gives more options overall. When you are shit out of luck with items, you can try crafting, imbuing, socketing and gambling to fulfill whatever needs your character currently has. You find loot and adapt it to your character, and can create your own if the RNG wasn't giving you a fair slice.

>> No.3827119

i disagree
deal with it nerd

>> No.3827126

Nope, wrong again.

>> No.3828054

I've never played Hellfire before, anyone on /vr/ interested?

>> No.3828154

That's an OS not a platform.

>> No.3828546


>> No.3829347

what do I upgrade after I maxed spooky raise and spooky mastery? spooky mages are shite

>> No.3829356

I would go revives or get some more offense spells

>> No.3829374

>offensive spells

nigga I'm playing necro because I'm lazy as fuck

>> No.3829381
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>> No.3829873


>Poison and Bone Spells
put some points into cadaver explosion, until you are about lvl 10. It kicks fucking ass since it scales with the hp of the creeps in the area (does %damage) and always hits hard whatever difficulty you are playing. Upgrading it to that level ensures you that is almost hits everything on screen.
So if your skeles kill one dude and you notice they are starting to fall you cadaver-chain-react and make them fall to the ground. Some like using the bone spells, but that is nothing for a lazy man... see the explosion as a one click security system.
>11 skill points

You should also put 1 point in almost every curse, they are all one hit wonders,but one is enough since they only gett bigger aoe with level and lategame your equipment will boost the, enough. Some recommend all curses one point, I usually only get the rightand mid tree. Amplify Damage and/or Decrepify is a must, they make you skeles hit harder and on remove physical resistance i think 99% of the creatures. Decrepify even has a built in slow, very effective if combined with more slow stuff (I'll write more to this later). I would also recommend lower resist one point for lategame as well as the needed Life tap and Iron maiden, both very solid curses in itself. The left tree is more for problem-mobs like ranged units/ fast units. Some ppl love dim vision since it nblinds and you don't have to avoid shots at you or can't sneak past deadly threats if you are out of skeles.
>7-10 point

>Summoning Skills
Even if you're not fond of them I would still recommend the mages, they don't do as much damage but when getting in nm and hell having a diversification in elemental damage is really worth it ( and it would let you be even more lazy). Combined with a well cast lower resist they do even more damage. Also, the ice mages slow stuff down, which helps alot, especially with decrepify (eg it makes duriel move like x0.25 speed). But you don't have to overdo it, you could (next)

>> No.3829920
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only put 12 skill points in it, then you get 6 mages... at 15 you get 7. So something around that.
This brings me to may next points distribution: The golem. You will want to have one with you, they are very handy And to make the story short your best bet is the good old clay golem, he just outshines the other ones in so many ways. Neither of the golems does any real damage except maybe iron golem if you make a dedicated build around him (which needs expensive gear to cast). Blood golem is sucky and if I'm not mistaken even buggy, and fire golem is utter useless in hell since most enemies are most commonly resistent to fire. Clay golem also sucks... BUT, he is not supposed to hit hard. He functions as a damage sponge and slows the enemy further down combined with the other shit which saves you time and mana recasting those fallen skeles.
And the best part is it's enough if you keep him on low level (lvl 1: 100hp; lvl 20: 765hp). Instead upgrade more Golem Mastery which insanely boosts his hp. And finally upgrade Summon resist farthest (!) up to 11 (not farther, diminishing return kicks in here gaining you only 1% resistance).
>20 + 20 (skele) + 12-15 (mage) + 1-3 (golem) + 10 (mastery) + 7-11 (resistance)

>11 + (7-10) + (70-79) = 89-100 skill points (of 108)
With the rest of the points you can do whatever you want; for example you could upgrade the tree to get revive with 1-3 points. I would not put in more, with equip +skills that should be enough. I used them but jesus that is not a lazy way to play. They are expensive, utter stupid, only stay alive for 2 or 3 minutes and if they wander off too far they get despawned. But they also scale with the revived creature, so having a few in your arsenal doesn't hurt. You could put more into the golem and make him beffier if you think he could handle more. Maybe a few more mages.... or make the one point cuse wonders a bit stronger.

But there you go, my 20 page essay how to be laziest necro there was

>> No.3830387

I loved the first diablo and want to get more into the second one

>> No.3830406

Noob question is there diablo 3

>> No.3831336

How long is it to beat

>> No.3831498
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Remaining points I would recommend to bone wall, as synergy for bone armor that boosts it more than the skill itself

>> No.3832210 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 736x432, 1488411287742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one playing number 3 with your spouse aren't ya? So could you elaborate on that type of character type attraction for me? Really, you're the one in control. Lucky.

>> No.3832317

sadly not. the developers that made diablo 1 and 2 got called back to their home planet.

>> No.3832350

Look into my eyes and repeat after me:

"There is no Diablo 3"

>> No.3832428

Bone armor falls off real hard later on. It absorbs damage before reduction comes into play, causing it to be much less effective later on.

>> No.3832493

On a full bone spell build it can take enough hits to make it worth having

>> No.3832502

Didn't Diablo 3 suck at first, and then got increasingly better until it could stand well on its own?

It's better than Path of Exile at least, which is just a dumbed-down Diablo 2 wannabe. Might as well call it Diablo: Butthurt. Back in my day, Hardcore meant "You died, sucks to be you. Your character is deleted, and don't come crying", not "Kicked off the ladder".

>> No.3832505

More games need HC mode. Completely changes the way they are played.

>> No.3832764

Still no offline or LAN mode, restricted trading, and a shit story that's shoved down the players throat IIRC.

>> No.3833084


yeah you could invest into bone armor and co. , but i think it would rather be more effeicient to invest 1 point into dim vision, then nothing should attack you anyway if you feel threatened. The skeles should keep the enemy away, and the only real stat investment you are going to have as "mr. lazy bones" is enough str for desired armor, maybe (and only maaybe) some points into mana and the rest into vitality. So you should have plenty of hp to survive a few blows if an enemy manages to pierce through your defense.

Imo it's not worth putting so many points into the bone spells if you aren'T using them as playstyle, and I suppose anon wanted to be the lazy type.

>> No.3833819

What level should I be for Hell? I also feel like my gear is shit, as a holy shock paladin I can barely solo Baal. Should I be grinding for better gear in Nightmare, or will I get good stuff in Hell?

>> No.3833845

Entirely depends on your gear. Holy Shock is great for normal and nightmare, but in hell, there's so many lightning immune targets it needs a lot of gear to prop it up.

Try to get a merc that can deal fire or cold damage and gear them up to prop you up for non-boss enemies. Beyond that, keep your resistances high and try and reduce the amount of enemies you have to fight at one time.

>> No.3833892

Shit game
Not retro

>> No.3834878

piss off

>> No.3835006
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I guess my thinking on bone armor was based on botting (rather than actual thinking). Summoners don't really die except in weird circumstances, but botting will eventually stumble into every circumstance.

The end-game for a summoner nec that does botting is basically this: you telestomp into a group, one or two of them die, and you use CE to blow up the entire rest of the screen in 2 casts, bam bam, with your colossal 20-25 CE radius.

The only problem with this 'brilliant' strategy is if the mob has fanaticism/might etc.- telestomp into that and you will take significant damage. Over some hours these events will eventually kill the character. But if you bring along a good bone armor it's significantly less likely.

>> No.3835862


if he's to lazy to play the game, he'll be too lazy to use a bot

>> No.3836343

>Start necro
>Hit 30, get fire golem
>Don't actually have the mana to cast fire golem

That shit takes like 350 mana, it's rediculous.

>> No.3837803

Could someone spoonfeed me a build for a singleplayer sorc?
I've got no clue about the elements and I've never played D2 beyond act 2, but I've always wanted to go in balls deep so I could get all those fancy items I keep reading about.
Hell, I don't even know what to do with my stat points.

>> No.3838349


go for meteorb build, look it up

>> No.3838363

meteorb is a great first sorc build

>> No.3838581

Do I need to pay for online with this?

>> No.3838591

The only right way to play this is on your own server with people who don't cheat. Blizzards servers were fucking god awful with cheats and Chinese spam faggots.

>> No.3838607


>> No.3838659 [DELETED] 

Access to Battle.net requires a valid game key, but that's it.

>Chinese spam faggots
I was on there last night and my games will still being bombarded with spam bots.

>> No.3838670

Access to Battle.net requires a valid game key, but that's it.

>Chinese spam faggots
I was on there the other night and my games were still being bombarded with spam bots.

>> No.3839754

>The only right way to play this is on your own server with people who don't cheat
Like slashdiablo?

>> No.3840103


Mages are fucking shit. They may roll with the useless Poison skill and do not synergize with either Amplify Damage or Decrepify, a.k.a. your top tier curses.

Slap 20 points on Revive and call it a day.

One of the very many reasons we do not get Fire Golem. It's the single most disappointing level 30 skill.

You can either go single-element, opting for super-efficient boss running and just teleporting past stacks immune to your element, or dual-element, which should be efficient in both ways, but as a fresh Hell player, you will have to kite a lot to survive and deal damage in hell. It can be a long, tense game of cat'n'mouse sometimes.

The aforementioned Meteorb is solid. Generally speaking, any build that mixes Frozen Orb with something is solid, because FO has no worthwhile synergies to speak of (we only level up Cold Mastery to a certain point due to diminshing returns and the fact that resistances can't go below -100 anyway; Ice Bolt is not a worthwhile synergy). Aside from Meteor and/or Fireball, you can pair it up with Chain Lightning, Fire Wall (this requires superb positioning and prediction skills, but is fun) and even Hydra. Meteorb is the easiest though.

Aside from that, every D2 character can be crunched down to these principles:
Strength for items
Dexterity for max block or completely dumped
Whatever you can afford into Vitality
No Energy, or at least as little as possible. Energy is good to get if you are going to respec later anyway because the mana can help, but, due to its low cost-effectiveness, it really doesn't have much of a place in end-game builds.

>> No.3840129

but they synergies with lower resist and slow when you don't use decrepify, still you're right they won't do any real damage.

As an add-on to your number crunching, if you're going max block 75% is max, don't keep pushing dex if you reached it

>> No.3840485

I actually have legit keys for this game.
Can anyone give me a reason to install and play this game again?

>> No.3840501

If you haven't already, either one of these:
>your first win on Hell with a character...
>...without any taxis to further acts
>...without any items muled from other characters
>...without any grinding of bosses to improve gear (i.e. single-pass every single area)
>...just trying to reach a really high level
>...just trying to get every unique item in the game
>...or just trying to get that one item that will let you kick ass and feel good
>...with friends, at a LAN party, using a synergistic team composition (synergized auras, curses, shouts, and multiple damage types)
>...with completing Uber Tristram / Pandemonium Event Diablo in mind
>...with a class you haven't played but is fun
>...any of the above, but on Hardcore

D2 doesn't have an endgame in the sense of a modern hack'n'slash where you have Path of Exile style rifts or Adventure Mode like D3: RoS, but you can have fun nonetheless, and completing the game with a character remains challenging, from the pesky electric bugs in Act 2 Normal to the gloams of A5 Hell.

>> No.3842985

I played D2 over LAN to death way back in the day. All illegitimate with burned/cracked copies.
I've done a lot of what you've listed in the past.
Never done the online though, as I only recently managed to get a few legit keys from a pedo that's serving about 20 years for multiple accounts of sexual misconduct towards minors....

So I suppose what I'm asking is; is there anything wonderful that the online brings to the table that I may have missed in the past?

>> No.3843003

I decidedly hate this game, and Blizzard has some of the shittiest PR and ethics of any game developer that has ever existed.

So what are some alternatives to Diablo? Don't say Titan Quest.

>> No.3843184

I always thought pvp in D2 was a blast but I don't know if its an active thing anymore.

If you don't like Diablo you aren't going to like any of the shitty knock offs.

>> No.3843886

m-muh nost

>> No.3843998

Since when Diablo had a good story. Diablo 2 is one peg under bad wrestling storylines. "Oh, you killed the big bad demons and shattered their soulstones, but now their brother is going to this bigass magic stone that I didn't pull out of my ass and CORRUPT CORRUPT CORRUPT". It also has act 3.

>> No.3844015

Having a depressingly terrible skinner-box that spits out items you don't need and bits and pieces of gems and runes that clutter your ridicolously small stash (without mods) is not an improvement. Having an obscure crafting method that for the most part encourages grinding is not an improvement. Having lots of immunities that make some builds useless is not an improvement. Diablo 2 took a decent dungeon crawler with some rough edges and dumb stuff and made it a disgusting loot treadmill, paving the way for WoW and poisoning the well for subsequent Hack'n'Slash, since everyone wanted to captivate the Diablo 2 audience.

>> No.3844048

>countably infinite

>> No.3844072

>Having a depressingly terrible skinner-box that spits out items you don't need and bits and pieces of gems and runes that clutter your ridicolously small stash (without mods) is not an improvement.

Just throw them away if you don't need them. For what it's worth, D2 made it easier to carry lots of items for specific situations, i.e. jewelry with specific resists.

>Having an obscure crafting method that for the most part encourages grinding is not an improvement.

It's in every online manual, and it is explicitly there to help out people utilize the various items found in the game that they would otherwise not use. Crafting Hit Power gloves or whatever the fuck is a great way to make use of all the trash items that you find and improve deficiencies in gear.

>Having lots of immunities that make some builds useless is not an improvement.

Diablo 1 had three monsters that were immune to all damage from magical spells. Sorcerers would either painstakingly melee them or just teleport past all of them. You can do the exact same thing in Diablo 2 if you decided to build yourself into a corner - just pull small amounts of monsters and wait for your mercenary to beat them up. But if you decided not to be a a retard, you went with two damage types and you were fine.

>Diablo 2 took a decent dungeon crawler with some rough edges and dumb stuff and made it a disgusting loot treadmill, paving the way for WoW and poisoning the well for subsequent Hack'n'Slash, since everyone wanted to captivate the Diablo 2 audience.

Given the bazillion of communities like Lurker Lounge a k a RealmsBeyond and a long-standing tradition of challenging runs and people posting victory posts of very original builds succeeding in Hell or even on HC, I think you are too cynical.

All of the dungeon crawling charm is there - you just have to - guess what? - choose not to fucking grind, because the game supports that playstyle very well.

>> No.3844083
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Mathematical infinity generally is uncountable. Countable infinity is a shorthand term for a really extensive quantity that is very hard to exhaust.

In D2 terms, you can basically make an adventuring party consisting of a ton of different characters, each with a different damage type and utility, and see how they interact with one another.

>> No.3844383
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I never played this game or anything in the genre.

Is it good or is it overrated?

>> No.3844414

is reason number 1 that thumb?

>> No.3844534

Haven't played this in years since I soloed a vanilla build all the way all through all three difficulty levels. Now that was grinding.
This is the first time I have ever modded D2. Thanks OP.

It's not a bad time waster. You're going to grind a lot, (a bit less with OP's mod, which I recommend,) but it's still somewhat of a decent challenge for something to do.

>> No.3844863

At least it doesn't get shoved in your face all the time like in D3 where they had the big bad evil guy constantly on-screen telling you what his plans were. Okay, I guess they sort of fixed that when they added adventuring and rifts, but I think you might still have to suffer through the story once before you can switch to adventure mode.

>> No.3845859

When an item says it leeches HP from an enemy, does that calculate from the base damage you do, or does it include things like the poison, fire and ice damage as well?

>> No.3846056

Only physical damage.

>> No.3847342
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>> No.3847825

act 3 is fucking sexy you doof.

>> No.3849657 [DELETED] 


>> No.3850261

see kids this is what videogames online were like before corporations sanitized the player interaction down to nothing

>> No.3850270

D1 is still amazing but I can't play D2 anymore without the Median mods

>> No.3852992

d2 classic had runes? I thought it was LOD only.

Whatever, I get what you mean. After LOD the game got so weird and over the top. Jewels, charms, equip for merc, anybody could fucking teleport and had auras. It was like comparing sf2 to sf2 rainbow edition.

Last time I checked it had synergies, skeletons were actually a viable build and you can even reset your skillpoints! wtf

>> No.3853007

The dirty thieves at Blizzard locked my account for some reason and I'm pretty much banned from battlenet because my response was "You have two hours to unlock my account or I chargeback everything I bought" and I kept my promise.

I feel like playing D2 again, what are my options without giving those scam-artists money?

>> No.3853014

>restricted trading
Can we really blame them? RMT scum are one of the biggest cancers of online gaming. That said, I have sold accounts and characters many times and immediately took steps to get it back and keep their money

>> No.3853059

Play on plebbit's custom server.

>> No.3853130

No I said D2 classic does not have runes or socketed gray drops, which makes for an infinitely less stressful time.

>> No.3853738

>as I only recently managed to get a few legit keys from a pedo that's serving about 20 years for multiple accounts of sexual misconduct towards minors....

>> No.3853746

Classic Diablo II Basics (v1.09 and later)
- No Act V.
- No Runes.
- No Charms.
- No Druids.
- No Jewels.
- No Circlets.
- No Assassins.
- No Elite items.
- No Ethereal items.
- No increased Bank.
- No increased Stash.
- No Socketed body armor.
- No Class-specific items.
- No weapon toggling/swapping.
- No Crafting or Crafted items.
- No Gambling for Exceptional items.
- No Unique or Set Exceptional items.
- No equipping or healing Mercenaries.
- No Level 30 Skills on Scepters, Staffs, or Wands.
- No Mercenaries travelling from one Act or game to another.
- No Horadric Cube Formulas that require Expansion only items.
- No Socketed, Magical, Rare, Unique, or Set throwing weapons.

- Diablo Clone drops nothing.
- Whirlwind always has a 4 frame animation.
- Dexterity has no effect on Chance to Block.
- Static Field has no penalties in Nightmare or Hell.
- Resistance penalties are -20% in Nightmare and -50% in Hell.
- Rare body armor can get 1 socket with a Cube formula like any other rare item.

- Unique Rings: Nagelring Manald Heal Stone of Jordan
- Unique Amulets: Nokozan Relic Eye of Etlich Mahim-Oak Curio

>> No.3853790

Have you guys every tried playing without talking to the NPCs or least the minimal amount needed to forward the game? It's pretty darn fun.

>> No.3853915

If you mean not using the shops, etc. then yes. It's called living off the land, afaik.

>> No.3853960

Why is this shit on /vr/? Not retro.

Let me know when you make a D1 thread.

>> No.3854186
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>Blizzard has some of the shittiest PR and ethics of any game developer that has ever existed.

I always thought the other players were the worst part about Diablo, not necessarily blizzard itself.

My first brush with scamming in D2 was while carrying the game's box to the counter, I noticed the box had been carefully compromised and the CD case removed.

Following that, my interactions with other D2 players consisted of going from one attempted theft to the next, and reading spam. Battlenet is the Tijuana of video gaming.

> Never done the online though, as I only recently managed to get a few legit keys from a pedo that's serving about 20 years for multiple accounts of sexual misconduct towards minors....

>Mages are fucking shit. They may roll with the useless Poison skill and do not synergize with either Amplify Damage or Decrepify
Poison is de facto *Prevent Monster Heal* so the mages are one of the active skills for a summoner to clear uber trist, just saiyan'

>> No.3854476
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>No Mercenaries travelling from one Act or game to another.

>> No.3854665

>D2 made it easier to carry lots of items for specific situations, i.e. jewelry with specific resists
I sure do love grinding for gems, grinding for slotted armors and shields (or in alternative, going in and out of a city to reshuffle the merchants' inventories) and then having a mild advantage against one specific type of enemy until the difficulty curve requires new equipment

>very original builds
Str and Dex just enough for your gear, no Energy at all, gorge Vit since only that matters, specialize only in one thing because being all-rounders is for pussies, and whatever random crap synergizes with your skills. The whole wealth of Diablo 2 builds.

What a great addition to the formula. What a great retro game.

>> No.3854983

damn I need to remember my account and password so I can play D2 again. this thread has made me keen. also have a copy of D3 for 360 I've never touched before.

>> No.3855349

Fun fact: if you need a merc to help tank some crazy boss (Extra-Fast, Mana-Burn, Extra-Strong, Multishot) that cannot be parked, you will likely run out of mercs because they die almost immediately. They're not useful at all in Hell difficulty in classic, and you're basically SoL. Roll a ng and hope for better.

As a completionist, it's the only part of playing classic I don't like. Thankfully there are some creative solutions to be found in the Normal Unique list which are completely ignored in LoD, and that's what redeems classic and keeps it interesting despite having far less options.

>> No.3855779
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Delete this

>> No.3857574

So i've been playing diablo 2 for the first time and now in Act II.

I'm playing an assassin and have been maxing mostly dragon talon in hopes of making a kick/trap build later. The problem is that I have jack shit when I get attacked by big fodder groups. I can kill the elite guy really fast but the rest of them take ages to kill and tons of mana pots to keep kicking.

What do?

>> No.3857675

While it seems extremely mind wracking that you can't take mercenaries with you, it's actually less heading knowing that you're not stuck in the D2 metagame where you are forever hunting for best in slot items, especially for your merc. Because most likely than not, everyone is going to be looking for the same 2-3 items for mercs.

>> No.3857768

>buy the game yesterday
>around 10-15 years after it ate up my youth
>decide to check by 4chan just to see if theres freaks who still play it
>it even has a general with >200 replies

you people never fail to amaze me.
why is this game so awesome?

>> No.3859351

so, whats up? we playing or what?
im about to do the 2nd Act

>> No.3859838

Whats better 1 or 2

>> No.3861472


>> No.3861587


>> No.3861597

1 is better. More focused on dungeon crawling over loot grinding.

>> No.3861674 [DELETED] 

1 is better for single player, but trying to play Bnet was a fucking nightmare.

>> No.3861678

1 is better for single player, but trying to play on Bnet was a fucking nightmare.

>> No.3864258
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>> No.3864259

Came out in 2000. Not Retro.

>> No.3864261

>Diablo 2
>Launched in 2000

PS2 is retro now too, right...?

>> No.3864262

Diablo 1 was better. Diablo 2 went over board with loot so when you actually saw an item with a blue hue on it you didn't get excited.

>> No.3864360

Seems every action RPG since then has made that mistake.

>> No.3864407


I used to play a wand barbarian

>> No.3865345

I've never tried the full version of Diablo but played the demo back when it came out

I want to try it on Linux now, should I bother with the Windows patches if I try it in WINE? Or just go in without lube?

>> No.3865359

it works pretty well actually, patch and all

>> No.3865360

Which one should I use, or both?



>> No.3867191
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>> No.3868453

Not /vr/.

>> No.3868503

Any of you lads up for some D1 or D2 multiplayer?