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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3840874 No.3840874 [Reply] [Original]

LCD Handheld thread lads

>> No.3840883

I forgot these even existed

>> No.3840892

>tfw Nintendo re-released some Game & Watch titles, but most of them are just as expensive as the originals.

Donkey Kong Jr is $10, Donkey Kong is $100

>> No.3840908
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>Donkey Kong is $100

>> No.3840920
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The Game & Watch keychains (called Nintendo Mini Classics) are pretty cheap and from what I remember, not bad. These three are available on Amazon as a bundle for $25 or you can buy each separately for ~$12.

I know this isn't exactly /vr/ but I'd recommend a 3DS for all your Game & Watch needs. You can purchase the three Gameboy games for $10 total, then the 9 DSiWare games for $18. Only Flagman and Judge seem to be exclusive to DSiWare so really, you're looking at $14 if you're only picking up unique games. I love the DSiWare re-releases; nobody talks about them but they're awesome. I'm pretty passionate about Game & Watch.

>> No.3840925

People with money are always the influencers and set the trends, that's why these games are shit on and ignored so much - they were marketed towards poor people. While it's true that every parent should have just gotten a gameboy, the games could still definitely be fun and at least playable.

>> No.3840930

Since Nintendo entered the mobile market I was wondering if a sort of mobile version of Game & Watch Gallery would work at all, seeing as obtaining an actual G&W is so expensive

games are incredibly simple and have so few buttons I could see all the single screen ones working fine

maybe this is just an awful idea though, what do you guys think

>> No.3840964

Whoops, was reading the wrong column. The only DSiWare G&W game you need if you buy the three on Gameboy is Mario's Cement Factory. So $12 for unique games.

>> No.3841116


The Mini Classics were what I was referring to. The 3 in your image are cheap, the others aren't.

>> No.3841135

eBay is better for prices on a few. I found SpiderMan, Soccer, and Carrera for good prices, averaging $20. The Amazon listings are all over the place.

>> No.3841631
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>> No.3841641

In the same shape as this I had Mighty max and The amazing spiderman

>> No.3841653

Don't people play Game&Watch Gallery games on GB? I had G&W2 growing up and wound up tracking the others down long ago.

I would waste so much goddamned time playing Ball on my phone you have no idea.

>> No.3841704

>I would waste so much goddamned time playing Ball on my phone you have no idea.

I can imagine. I emulate the Gallery series and Tetris on my phone to pass the time when I'm not home. That's why I figured this kind of thing might work out.

>> No.3841739

Love these crappy things

>> No.3841778
File: 48 KB, 536x434, Tiger-TheTerminator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was kinda silly to buy these things, since they were $10 - $12 a piece, while gameboy games were $20-30.

Also, I was KING at pic related.
Also, you can play a ton of them here:

>> No.3841998

I remember having a red one, I was 4 or 5. You were a helicopter or something and you had to shoot the pterodactyls flying towards you.

I can't find any pictures of one for the life of me.

>> No.3843094


Sadly, better than any of the console games.

>> No.3843105

Tiger Handhelds were an art.

>> No.3843106 [DELETED] 


I've only played it through Pica-Pic (which has a reproduction of Terminator, among other LCD games) and it's one of the best games on there.

I think Tiger handhelds in general suffered because they were too ambitious. For all the praise Game & Watch games get, they play pretty similarly to each other.

>> No.3843107

I've only played it through Pica-Pic and it's one of the best games on there.

I think Tiger handhelds in general suffered because they were too ambitious. For all the praise Game & Watch games get, they play pretty similarly to each other.

>> No.3843271
File: 1.32 MB, 2560x1920, 1787_3640_1344602968301_Tiger_Skeet_Shoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skeet Shoot is legit one of my favorite games.

>> No.3843285

You member the Ninja Turtle ones by Konami?

>> No.3843296

Uh... no? Excuse me but do I know you? What the fuck. The Hell does "Ninja Turtle ones by Konami" even mean? Never spoken to you here have I NOPE? So you're assuming I might have heard about this game why? Also you're speaking to me why? Pretty sure we aren't friends. I don't want to be your friend. Never will. Nope... Don't talk to me anymore. Bye, loser.

>> No.3843993
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Grown ass man here, I'd still get the Happy Meal if the toys included were like back in the day.

I think this was for the SA2 release.

>> No.3843994

I had a Small Soldiers one, I never figured out how to play it.

>> No.3844054


How does that work with jsut one button? Is it used to jump in a sidescroller?

>> No.3844109


It played like an endless runner, the single button was for jumping.

>> No.3844150
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>> No.3844160
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>my elementary school was right next to a mcdonalds
>begging mom to take me to mcdonalds all the time on the way home
>trading your duplicates with other kids at school

take me back

>> No.3844162


This. The idea was you were Shadow in Radical Highway and you were grinding on a rail the whole time. All you did was jump over shit that got in his way.

>> No.3844178
File: 21 KB, 225x300, tmp_21596-lunker-bass-fishin-electronic-travel-game-like-reel-fishing-cool-5-radica-b-g_883410.JPG132900756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vaguely remember having fun with this. Ending up buying it off eBay just for nostalgia purposes. The LCD can only be seen when held at a certain angle. No idea how to fix

>> No.3844285

One jump ahead of the breadline!

>> No.3844327

Gurl gamer detected.

>> No.3844392


>> No.3845373

What does the Doug button do?

>> No.3845406

Those were great, I had all of them except for one of the Sonic ones, I only had the racing one.

>> No.3845423


>> No.3845432
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>> No.3845440

>buttons are "Doug" and "Faster"
>they're dialogue options
>game is a sex sim where you play as Patty

>> No.3845520

I had this game and I remember it being really good but I broke it accidentally makes me sad to think about it

>> No.3845538

quality post

>> No.3845553
File: 19 KB, 300x225, tmp_12541-s-l3001588203730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That and pic related were my favorite LCD games. Used to compete with my dad on them, they're the closest thing to vidya that he didn't actively hate.

>> No.3845557

>only two buttons are call and swing/command

What were you doing in this game? Is it an escort mission? Why did someone think that video game trope was good enough to base an entire game around?
>inb4 RE4

>> No.3845587

you run down the road, avoid rocks, shimmy up a tree (either to right or left) when a raptor comes, i think you just have to avoid the spitting ones, and when there's a t-rex, you climb the tree and swing at the correct time. i'm not sure beyond that.

>> No.3845652

I played it when I was REALLY young, but never since. Can't say I remember much about it.

>> No.3845658

yep yep. remember the turtles basketball one by konami?

>> No.3845762

that game was amazing.

my dad got it as a gift when he was building his car back in 1999 and I completely destroyed the default pass times for each class.

funny how something simple like this can teach you about control and applying power to the wheels. lol