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File: 181 KB, 500x713, tumblr_inline_nl4ekmeJ6X1qh6wo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3838179 No.3838179 [Reply] [Original]

I'm of 2 minds on this (a lá Cloud):

On the one hand Cloud and Aeris's platonic friendship was cute as heck. They're both puzzled about their past. Neither can guess where they fit into this jigsaw that is their quest TO SAVE the planet. Aeris learns she's an Ancient and is given precious advice while Hojo spills the beans on Cloud not being all that he seems. A airing for the ages of you ask me. And cute as all get out! A guy can dream. Which leads me to my other mode of thinkin':

OKAY COME ON! They're amazing together. Aeris is pure, holy, a dollop of sweet Spring nectar to the bitter and repressed stingers Cloud (a bee) has equipped. He's solemn and it isn't until he crashes into Aeris's garden (so many entendres omg) that he creeps out of his shell. Aeris is just beautiful. Considering I fancy myself a Cloud personality type myself it may interest you to know I'd definitely fancy her hand over the other girls. I may seem quiet, a little tightly wound even (can ya blame me!)- but I know Aeris would keep the flame inside of me burning like an Olympic torch. With that I could conquer any fiend in Midgar all the way to the Ruby Weapon (if you know anything about FFVII lore then you'd know Ruby Weapon could demolish any sad sack of varnish in his wake. Even Sephiroth would get squashed. ). I love you Aeris and cried like a baby when you died. The first time I played the game and you died hit me harder than any personal "IRL" death. When I think of Aeris I sorta... ugh never mind.

>> No.3838184
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In all my hearts hearts I would have loved to have seen them both together. For real. In all of video games no other coupling has compared. These souls were meant for each other. Sephiroth split them apart in one of the cruelest acts of man's viciousness ever displayed in a video game narrative. It rivals the old texts of scholars and professorial language in terms of depth and weight. It is a transcendental moment in a medium often considered mindless entertainment. We hurt on a very primal level when she went. I'm still torn up over it.

We are all Cloud. His despair. His longing to save the planet. His confusion. But never are we more like Cloud than in that moment when he says goodbye to the possibilities inherent in Aeris's existence. Whisked away to the lifestream our lead is left alone. By the end of the game when the planet is saved, we return to her. At the end of the day this would never have happened without her. It's a beautiful thought. It may not be romance but it is the pairing of two souls to do something extraordinary. It's just beautiful.

>> No.3838256 [DELETED] 


>> No.3838276

I love this troll

>> No.3838345

Agreed OP. One of the best romances in vidya.

>> No.3838438

Why do we have like four threads about this? Is this a new "thing"?

>> No.3838462

Gamers like Final Fantasy VII! Get over it!!!

>> No.3838474

tifa is a cuck

and on that note, when I was very little and first played this game I thought barrett and tifa were actually married and marlene was their daughter

>> No.3839272

Nah. You're wrong.

>> No.3839295

>this shit

Was it autism?

>> No.3839351 [DELETED] 

Nah. You're wrong.

>> No.3839957


>> No.3840207

Naw, just that FFVIfag Edgar really likes making FFVII fans look stupid

>> No.3840234

Tifa > Aerith
Lulu > Yuna

>> No.3842250

Wrong. Aeris is better than Tifa. She's nicer.

>> No.3842289

no she's not
how is she nicer
tifa is the sweetest person imaginable
she is always looking out for others and is never brash or arrogant
aeris is a slut

>> No.3842369

Aeris tends to a garden in a church. Her limit breaks are healing and her best limit makes it impossible for you to lose. She makes the slums a brighter place! :) Tifa watches over some grimy bar with a kid. She was a fighter. In She was responsible for her father's death and a town burning to the ground (bad guard!). She's no good for Cloud.

>> No.3842385

Why were the Materia Weapons and natural world defense a much more interesting plot point than Jenova/Sephiroth and the Meteor?

>yfw you realize the world would've been just fine even if the meteor hit because of the planet's natural life cycle, and AVALANCHE might as well have been the same people shouting about Global Warming in todays world.

>> No.3842386

so the fact that they reversed their personalities compared to their archetypes completely flew over your head

>> No.3842398

Did you know that the poster in the back foreshadows aerith's death?

>my bloody valentine

>> No.3842448

>anything ever more interesting than jenova

>> No.3842452

no, it's just a reference to a band they liked, just like sister ray

>> No.3842537
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>> No.3842546
File: 85 KB, 300x300, Queensryche_-_The_Warning_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr8 taste
my fav track on it is sanctuary

>> No.3842552


>> No.3842565 [DELETED] 



>> No.3843265
File: 2.35 MB, 400x199, Sephiroth_s_Super_Nova_HQ_Wide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any of the Weapons not being whooped by Sephiroth.

Not even Ruby Weapon would stand a chance.

>> No.3843978 [DELETED] 

Hi aeris

>> No.3843982
File: 298 KB, 200x150, ohnoes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tripfags everyone

>> No.3843983

You do know that move is gravity based and thus can't kill you? And the whole show of it destroying all those planets is just an illusion "in order to trick you, the player, since on the verge of becoming a God Sephiroth is semi-aware of you now?

>> No.3844032

The slum drunk?

>> No.3844251


>> No.3844256 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 238x303, seinfeld wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tumblr filename

>> No.3844259

>tumblr filename
Go back to your safespace blog, faglet

>> No.3844570

The only one in need of a safespace is you dear child. The amount of resent you have derived from a mere filename reveals your insecurities. The sheer extent of your pettiness. The transparency of thine skin! HAH!!! You make me laugh and sway my hips as to fart where you stand. The odor would put you out like the shrimp of a man you are. This thread is about Final Fantasy VII's greatest romance, not your Oedipus Complex. Get lost before someone with less self-control gives you the beating you've had coming since you were conceived in a pigpen.

>> No.3844630

>"i hate tumblr! those insecure faggots will get triggered at anything!
>gets triggered at a filename

>> No.3844643

>fucking mongoloids who don't realize a tumblr filename might as well be a google filename in 2017 and throw tantrums about a website with an arbitrarily defined population

>> No.3844840

Agreed. This thread should be a celebration of Aeris and Cloud's love.

>> No.3844909


I have to admit, you're pretty dedicated to your trolling.

>> No.3845839


>> No.3846159

More like 6fag falseflagging.

>> No.3846649
File: 108 KB, 932x858, it_s_ok__kiddo__by_tekitourabbit-d9uh0vz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> go back to your safespace so i can have mine

stop being so trigged pham

>> No.3847863

I always wished I was in a relationship like these two.

>> No.3847957
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>> No.3847965

Wot is this

>> No.3847969
File: 816 KB, 498x970, my bloody valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3847981

I thought I was on /v/ for a second there

>> No.3847983
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I know this guy is just a comedian but this has about an 85% overlap with what I actually believe about the game and its message.

And those themes, which help make FF7 an exceedingly praiseworthy work, are completely missed if you place Cloud with Tifa (or give any attention to the spinoffs).

>> No.3847985 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 640x2576, My bloody valentine (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3848487

Yeah ok.

>> No.3849897
File: 113 KB, 640x480, 19-E07_081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloud ending up with Tifa was the essential resolution to Cloud's character arc within the game.

Cloud is shown to have an overbearing and domineering mother who insists he should get an "older girl, one that'll take care of him." We see Cloud going after Aeris, who is lively, vivacious, confident, nurturing, and older (Aeris is 22 during the game and Cloud is 21). Aeris guides Cloud with her strong personality and makes him feel safe and appreciated. In fact, if you look at Cloud's mother's character model and Aeris's character model, you'll notice they look markedly alike: they have the same hairstyle (ponytail with puffy flipped bangs) and both wear flowing skirts. Essentially, Cloud had mommy issues, which actually makes a lot of sense considering Sephiroth's proximity to him.

Tifa on the other hand is the opposite of Aeris when it comes to dynamics with Cloud. Where Aeris is usually confident and supportive of him, Tifa is generally shy and withdrawn and apprehensive, and she is younger (20 years old in the game). She has a lot in common with Cloud's actual persona, in that regard. In fact, Cloud was mainly in love with Aeris while under the persona of Zack, who was Aeris's ex-lover. This makes sense, as Aeris was the love of Cloud's artificial side: the side that wanted to be tough and cool yet also needed to be nurtured and protected from the real world. Tifa's relationship with Cloud is more what Cloud always wanted - to be a hero that saves others, and by the end of the game we see Cloud become a strong individual that can support others and believe in himself instead of looking for others to guide him while he avoids his identity.

Tifa's connection to Cloud and how they relate to each other is a HUGE crux to the story of the game (much bigger than Aeris and Cloud's interactions, which may have been purely platonic). I mean, you even play as Tifa for a portion of the game to see how deep their connection is.

>> No.3851435

Good post!

>> No.3851801

i tough this was common knowledge