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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3836369 No.3836369 [Reply] [Original]

>millennial let's plays retro game
>tries to find logic in every mechanic
>"Look! I left the room and all the pushable objects returned to their default positions! Who pushed them when i was away? LMAO! Old games am I right?"

>> No.3836386
File: 19 KB, 400x400, jseinfeld-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not watching silent letsplays

>> No.3836390

I mostly skim them to get the gist of an obscure game that gets mentioned

>> No.3836395
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>> No.3836403
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But then how do I pretend I'm not alone in my room?

>> No.3836425

Would you rather be in one room with a millennial faggot??

>> No.3836429

God you're such an insufferable moron. Why even watch it, retard? You enjoy making the same mistake again and again? Do you never learn, idiot? Are you brain damaged?

>> No.3836431

No, I don't willingly pick millenial faggots. He seems like a mature guy at first and then pulls that crap. I drop that shit right and then their and look for Apple II let's plays by 40 year olds.

>> No.3836435

Whoa, dude, calm down.

>> No.3836436

the only LPs I watch are blind ones of horror games I've already played myself
I like seeing reactions to creepy moments tbqh

>> No.3836438

Why do you watch other people play video games? That's a millennial thing in itself.

Why not just play the game yourself, instead of ruining the experience?

>> No.3836443


I only watch games I already beat.

>> No.3836446
File: 22 KB, 154x154, utonium-wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need to watch the specific game, or just listen to the commentary? Then why'd you subject yourself to some millennial fags in the first place? Fuck off to /r9k/

>> No.3836452
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>Frogposter comes to bitch on /vr/
>Tries to look old by bitching at the dang millennial kids
>Does the most millennial thing of them all, watching someone else play a game instead of playing it himself
You're a huge faggot and a dumb frogposter, OP.

t. 28 years old millennial.

>> No.3836456
File: 39 KB, 193x200, 1406321833025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. /r9k/'s just chockful of brain-dead faggots.

>> No.3836458

Where did you get this retarded idea that people watch games they never played? Most people just want to revisit a game they played years ago.

>> No.3836465

>there are people who make money by playing video games when i have to flip burgers everyday? shit, better jump on the let's play hate bandwaggon to release this anger!

>> No.3836468
File: 62 KB, 288x289, 1412483291723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should also point out

there's an e-celeb general OP willingly ignored in favor of killing off a worthwhile thread so his stupid "angry frog" image could be shown off.

You nigger.

>> No.3836475

Not all let's players are e-celebs you nigger.

There are many underground let's play channels that are far better than the mainstream faggots. For one, these people play games they enjoy rather than "Damn, I should play the meme indie game of the week to get them views"

>> No.3836501
File: 509 KB, 795x341, 1476358166468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really think about your decision to make a thread about this though.

I don't think anyone would have minded you posting in the e-celeb general about whoever you have in mind. /vr/ tries to have good taste even in something so inane like background noise. You could, and still can (it's not too late), get some good recommendations for who to subscribe to there.

This is very /v/-tier in which no one really THINKS about what they post, they just blabber off some meme and everyone latches onto it. If you could just shut the fuck up and listen rather than saying whatever stupid nonsense you have in mind and getting roasted by everyone, I think you'd learn a lot. Keep in mind you KILLED a thread by making this crap There's nothing for us to do now but wait for a janitor to get to this and delete it.

>> No.3836505

>you killed a thread
So? It was shit anyway.

>> No.3836506

Yous is far worse. Think before you speak.

>> No.3836509


Imma' just leave.

>> No.3836514

You talk like a millennial. Did this post trigger you? Find your nearest safe space and breathe into a bag.

>> No.3836518

I can't fathom why younger people find watching someone else play a game entertaining. I'd be bored to tears. Let me play.

>> No.3836519

I think people who watch lets plays are just sad and lonely. I mean, why would you ever waste so much time watching someone you don't know play a game instead of just playing it yourself? I just finished the new Resident Evil with a mate, taking turns, and so I only played for around half of the game, but that was fun because we would discuss the game, guide each other, share the scares and wtf moments, or just talk shit during the duller bits. Can't imagine the fun in just being a watcher, but I guess if you don't have any friends that's as close as you can get to this type of experience.

>> No.3836526

One of my favorite videos was the monologue about why Roper likes oranges.

Soon I will return. Soon.

>> No.3836527

I know some millennials who have friends and are social people, and they love this shit. I don't fucking get it. They justify it by saying "you watch sports, don't you?"

Actually, I personally don't.

>> No.3836531

So many millennials just wanna make it big as an e-celeb. It's retarded.

>> No.3836591

Bah, haven't you heard? Playing games is for dads. It's 2017, we've moved past your button pressing bullshit.

>> No.3836624
File: 56 KB, 1080x989, 1488402204241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha, kids these days playing video games all day

>haha, kids these days watching video games instead of playing them like adults

>> No.3836645

Straw man

I'm against everything video game-related

Video games are bad for you

>> No.3836649

What the fuck are you doing in /vr/ then?

>> No.3836659

I'm a masochist

>> No.3836672
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1470204852937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be adult
>your son is playing video games all day and not doing his homework
>"games won't help you get a job, you know?"
>20 years later
>he's making millions playing video games
>you are jelly as fuck. this was unthinkable back in your days
>instead of accepting the change, you act like the old fashioned adults you hated back when you're kid and start the last generation bitching
>"w-watching video games?! i-it's fucking stupid! fucking kids! not playing video games anymore and shit! this needs to stop!"

>> No.3836682
File: 91 KB, 1300x863, Portrait-of-young-trendy-african-man-with-pleased-expression-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look for a let's play of a childhood game of mine
>Find a player with a fake accent, a put on persona or a lolsorandom kind of humor
>Knows the game well, narrates about it and even has interesting trivia to share

>> No.3836684

Weaklings and failures will always resent the younger generations for being different as they get old. Particularly when they think younger people have it better or easier than they did. You are right to mock them.

>> No.3836686

>watches lets plays
>has the nerve to call other millennials
back to >>>/v/ kiddos

>> No.3836687

>he's making millions playing video games
haha yeah right
keep dreaming schoolboy

>> No.3836689


>> No.3836692

yeah epic greentext story brah now fuck off

>> No.3836698

>don't deny anything
>don't come up with counter argument
>just say "fuck off" and be done with it

You hit all the signs of a butthurt.

>> No.3836703

>now fuck off
>p-p-p-p-please g-go away!

The favorite response of the weak and stupid. Why would anyone do anything on your account?

>> No.3836709

stop samefagging, samefag

>> No.3836716
File: 78 KB, 210x160, orochinagi-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not bothering to take a screenshot, but lol at another weak ass comeback attempt.

>> No.3836717

you're so good at comebacks, annon. i'm all wet right now ;)

>> No.3836720
File: 38 KB, 800x482, obscene-gestures-aok-wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top notch thread /vr/... TOP NOTCH.

This board is getting better and better by the minute

>> No.3836727

This and the Trump thread are the two worst threads I've seen here in a few weeks.

>> No.3836729

>gets called out for his butthurty replies
>continues butthurty replies
How retarded are you, grandpa?

>> No.3836731

The fact that they haven't been deleted yet is a fucking travesty. I wonder what's taking them.

>> No.3836735

A few posts in Trump thread are deleted (for being nothing but a /pol/ reaction image) so mods clearly seen it but won't delete it for some reason.

>> No.3836741

I'm not saying the mods are perfect but this is glaring even for them.

>> No.3836745

The moderation of this board is typically excellent, especially compared to virtually all other boards.

>> No.3836761

I don't know who started this millennial hate meme, but I hope you realize the term broadly encompasses most anyone born in the '80s. i.e. Pretty much everyone on /vr/. I grew up with NES, Master System, SNES and so on. I am by no means ignorant of all the idiosyncrasies and hardware limitations that commonly affected retro games.

>participating in or watching "Let's Play" videos ever
>caring about e-celeb garbage ever
>caring about video game "journalism" ever

You're even worse than weebs. Keep this newfangled shit off of our board.

>> No.3836769

Don't tell me you never wanted to make money playing games. That's impossible. Everyone growing in this age did.

And now that it became a reality, you are going to call it bullshit? You are just jelly, grandpa. Admit it.

>> No.3836770

That's why everyone growing up in this age is an idiot.

>> No.3836772
File: 1.52 MB, 800x810, 1487904047738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like commentary on lets plays if they're by somebody who knows what the fuck they're talkin about.

>> No.3836778

>The moderation of this board is typically excellent

Am I being trolled, or are you truly this much of a newfag? /vr/'s janny is notoriously right-leaning and regularly deletes anything that triggers his fundie autism. Let's review:

Perfectly okay
Perfectly okay... most of the time
Deleted within minutes
Perfectly okay. One iteration ran over a week before slowly saging itself.
Deleted within seconds, with an accompanying ban
Perfectly fine

Drop by >>>/qa/ on occasion. /vr/'s moderation is is complained about there on a somewhat regular basis.

>> No.3836779

'74 here and I never ever wanted to. I would actually hate having to play games for money. They're entertainment for me.

>> No.3836789

>Don't tell me you never wanted to make money playing games.

No, I genuinely have not wanted to work with sponsor programs in any capacity. I don't even have a YouTube account. I have no desire to be an e-celeb.

>> No.3836790

that's funny, i've seen mods remove /pol/tards before.

maybe people should learn to use the report button.

>> No.3836796

I mean in your childhood, dipshit.
Like when your parents forced you to do your homework, telling you that games won't help you earn money and then you fantasized about becoming a game tester or something to prove them wrong? I'm talking about that.

>> No.3836798

Not even in my childhood was I this stupid.

>> No.3836804

How did "GAMES THAT LET ME BEAT UP TRANNIES!" ran over a week? There's nothing to discuss. There's only one game that let's you do that.

>> No.3836809

Being a game tester is one of the worst jobs on earth.

>> No.3836810

Now you are just shitposting.
Very adult-like.

>> No.3836815

You're right. I'm lying. I wanted to be an anime master or some stupid shit like that.

>> No.3836823

But we didn't know that as a kid. Not an argument.

>> No.3836827

I guessed rightly enough.

>> No.3836834 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 672x1024, BookCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I was never this autistic.

>that's funny, i've seen mods remove /pol/tards before

They rarely delete /pol/ troll posts, and definitely never issue bans to them. Most of the thread trimming I've seen literally just deleted any arguments directed at /pol/ posters, leaving the entire thread completely one-sided. This is especially directed at the few gay posters here on /vr/, because you know, being a faggot is totally a leftist convention.

>> No.3836843

I think it depends on the amount of shitposting in the thread.

I'm sure "RETRO GAMES THAT HAVE SAME-SEX ROMANCEABLE CHARACTERS!" thread was crawling with "cuck, libtard, degeneracy" type of posts which is why it was deleted.

>> No.3836845

I've seen /pol/tard arguments being deleted several ti-

Oh, you're trolling. Never mind.

>> No.3836849

I kinda agree but I'd rather they just make a longform edited video instead.

Watching other people play video games is just boring, you know?

>> No.3836850
File: 19 KB, 480x405, 1468469943934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a coworker that is proud that he only plays online multiplayer games and just watches single player games because he "just couldn't play that." I don't get it.

>> No.3836856

>I was never this autistic.
A big claim here on 4chan.

>> No.3836861

I know a kid like that too.

>> No.3836894

>/vr/'s janny is notoriously right-leaning and regularly deletes anything that triggers his fundie autism.

wow, that's weird, because i see a lot of people whining when their polshit posts get deleted complaining about "tranny-janny"
it's almost like
they don't give a shit about leaning left or right

>> No.3837470

>be adult
Knew you were full of shit right there.

>> No.3837476

Hole E. fook, this is real... unless the game is spouted as god teir by jewtube fucks, any game is shit. Not just shit, but factually shit. Its like there is no such thing as subjective opinions. And i swear its a circle jerk. Ego raptor, is a major key here. Also, why is the gaming historian factually wrong so much? Is his "basic bitch" research really considered gods word to gaming?

>> No.3837479

>Twitch live 100% playthroughs including lore and secrets commentary by a non-YouTube bred personality

God bless Outer Heaven Network.

>> No.3837485
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he's making millions playing video games

>> No.3837584

And yet this thread is STILL here. Guess this is the sort of content they want on the board then. Fair enough.

>> No.3837693

yeah, a thread discussing retro games and playing them is allowed

how weird is that, right!!!

>> No.3837740
File: 41 KB, 576x1024, 1486937809509m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's plays
>Longplays with zero commentary
Good shit