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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 41 KB, 500x400, SNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3833640 No.3833640 [Reply] [Original]

Could we get a flash cart thread going? I've never owned one before, but a few years ago I used a friend's on his GBA. I never asked much about it, but I assumed that you could store the games onto the flash cart, and play them naively through your GBA. Well, I recently found my SNES, and thought I'd get a couple of games for it. After seeing how much AAA SNES games went for, I thought about going the flash cart route - but they are a hell of a lot more expensive on the SNES rather than the GBA. I'm not sure why, but the cheapest I could find was around $50. Is that normal or am I being bamboozled?

>> No.3833648

$50 is about as cheap as you can get even a half-decent SNES flash cart for SD2SNES unironically sells for $120 as do the NES and N64 flash carts, approximately.

As for why GB and DS flash carts are very cheap compared to other flash carts I couldn't really tell you for sure but probably because they're simpler with less physical room for special chips and they were produced in greater quantities since they were available while the consoles were still "current"

>> No.3833651

What cheap GB flash carts have you seen? I have only seen the official one for 80-90.

>> No.3833664

GBA carts have always been cheap for some reason. There's a guy in Germany who still sells his own synthesizer carts for GBA for 50 euro's. Thinking about buying one and using it in my EDM rig, I've played around with a friends and it's pretty damn impressive for what it is.

As for the OP, scan craigslist. Wii's can be extremely cheap and can emulate snes, nes, and genesis perfectly without you needing to worry about upscaling to HD. You might be able to find a Wii for the same price as a SNES flashcart, and it can handle up to 6th gen easily. It's also got that cool factor, "hey bro wanna play DKC2 on my hacked wii?"

Letterbombing is literally idiot proof, and you can also use it for GC and Wii games. OG hardware is nice, but emulating this way gives you a slick console feel with waaay more convenience.

>> No.3833676

Just to give you an idea of the advantages of this:

>HD or SD output, works with CRT or modern TV's
>Wireless controllers that feel pretty decent (but wiimotes do eat battery hard)
>Many controller options, plus 4 dedicated GC ports
>Built in SD card slot makes it easy to add games and emulators.
>Can use the wii remotes sensors as SNES mouse/superscope.
>No need to hunch over a laptop or PC moniter, just kick back on your couch and play games on your TV fast and easy.

It's the best emulation option, and if you're in the market for flashcarts but want the most bang for your buck, this is it.

>> No.3833680

Gotcha, good to know.
I'll look into it. Shame I won't be able to use a SNES controller if I use the Wii option, but that sounds like a viable option. Thanks lads.

>> No.3833683

Retroarch is the best flashcart. kek

>> No.3833691

There are controller adapters that let you use SNES controllers on the Wii through the classic controller port but what you want is to use the GC controller ports because you get less delay.

>> No.3833701

Sounds like the best option. Used Wii systems are as cheap as $30 around here, so I think I'm going to try to set that up. Thanks for the heads up everyone.

>> No.3833704

The best thing for me is being able to pop the SD card out and transfer my saves fast and easy.

I use a micro SD with an adapter in mine, so I can just plug it right into my phone and go. I have every nes/snes/genesis game plus some playstation favorites and my saved games right there, and when I get home I can just drop it back into my wii, pour myself a beer, and continue on with zero hassle.

>> No.3833830

ElCheapoSD made by BennVenn
35 to 60 USD, depending on which features you need

>> No.3835635

Get the real games

>> No.3835676

>Could we get a flash cart thread going?
Sure. We need at least one more to meet our weekly quota.
SNES flash carts are expensive because the SNES is a bandwagon collector meme machine. You're not being bamboozeled. You're just being asked to pay bandwagon collector prices.

Emulating on a Wii isn't really comparable to a flash cart. Certainly not for the SNES. But it's probably the best option for johnny come lately poorfags.

>> No.3835863

Best GBA flashcart?

>> No.3835870

Everdrive GBA, undisputed.

>> No.3835875

is it really this expensive?

>> No.3835883

Cheap laptop or a rasp pi can emulate better than a wii, but they wont do 240p without extra shit but will connect to a hd tv and look as good as a framemesiter.

>> No.3835887

it's either that or the horrors of EZ-Flash IV with its ching-chong client, mandatory rom-patching, slow as fuck loading, lack of RTC and high power-consumption

>> No.3835892

>Could we get a flash cart thread going?

>Can we get an assblasted shill thread going?

krikzz lurks here, as do his many white knights / sockpuppets who always pounce on these threads like sharks to a crampy swimmer. Get ready for hundreds of buttmad replies in which krikzz and his cronies waste valuable hours of their lives correcting the record.

>Well, I recently found my SNES
Unlike later platforms, the SNES was largely supplemented by special enhancement chips that were built into the game cartridges themselves. This made SNES games that much more expensive to manufacture. This special chip support has to be integrated into Flash carts as well, otherwise they'll have spotty compatibility at best.

tl;dr - The SNES just isn't an affordable platform to be collecting for, no matter what approach you take. If you can tolerate emulation, I'd suggest going that route. It may be slightly cheaper to import a Super Famicom and play games in Japanese, but even the Japanese sellers are starting to price-match their American counterparts.

Alternatively, some people provide reproduction carts, which in themselves are often overpriced. Chinese reproductions tend to be cheap, but longevity is a gamble. You never know how long the ROM will endure, or if the save function will even work.

>am I being bamboozled?
Other platforms don't necessarily suffer from the same complexity of hardware concerns. Although it should be cheaper to manufacture Flash carts for them, you'll find that ED carts are consistently overpriced all across the board.

While an SNES ED may be arguably "fair" in its pricing due to the complexity of manufacturing it, I still would not purchase one for the simple virtue that krikzz is a liar, thief, asshole and frequent spammer of retro gaming boards such as /vr/.

>> No.3835898


I wouldn't pay USD$60 just for RTC support, which is really the only advantage an ED might have over an EZ4. Everything else stated in your post is just nitpicking or outright false.

I'm not even that adamant about playing Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire. FireRed/ LeafGreen was a much better game, and didn't bother to retrofit a real-time clock function.

>> No.3835901

>t. SD2SNES-user with buyer's remorse

>> No.3835916

The everdrive sticks out of the unit. Fucking gross.

>> No.3835917
File: 221 KB, 1000x750, dsbrowser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my EZ Flash 3 in 1. If you use a DS for your GBA gaming then it's a good option.

Switching between larger games is a pain, but the only firmware bs you have to deal with is through your DS flashcart, which probably has more support and options.

Also you can use it to work the DS browser for max comfy shitposting.

>> No.3835934

>is just nitpicking
par for the course with chinkshit
>outright false.
like what?

>> No.3836021

Anybody know where to find the RTC-patches for Gameboy, like Pokemans gold/silver/crystal and Harvest Moon?

bubbz.pocketheaven.com seems to be gone.

>> No.3836038

Gold/Silver: http://gbatemp.net/threads/pokemon-gold-rtc-on-gb-usb-64m-smart-card.358569/page-2#post-4844629

That's all I could find.

>> No.3836056

raspi got 240p enabled on composite port as of 3 days ago.

>> No.3836084

Is this what we're talking about?


>> No.3836112

>raspi got 240p enabled on composite port as of 3 days ago.


>> No.3836127

So now it's on par with a $10 Wii but with more input lag? Sweet.

>> No.3836154

I wanted to buy EVO, but instead bought an ever drive and I am happy with my transaction.

It also let's you play translated ROMS so I got to enjoy Chaos Seed.

Stop being a jew and just buy an ever drive if you want to play on a super Nintendo.

Why you mad at that Russian nigga ?

>> No.3836180

*soon to be russian

I think he's mad basically because Krikkzz literally does have an army of shills and it's intolerable, tbqhfamicom

>> No.3837110

I had a problem with his product and emailed him and that Moldovan guy contacted me back and helped me solve it.

>> No.3837976

such a beauty

>> No.3837993

Oh boy I can't wait to be called a shill for questioning the validity of your claim.

>> No.3838778
File: 60 KB, 1024x576, putin tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soon to be russian

>> No.3840376

I have an official Turbo EverDrive as their were no clones of the TED available when I bought it (there are now). I certainly don't mind having the good support, but the price gap is substantial on most of the clones. I went with a clone for my N8, and it's been working great for over a year now. If the price is right I'll get whatever, I just think Krikkz's stuff is little exorbitant.

>> No.3841717
File: 79 KB, 800x800, mega-everdrive-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been thinking of picking this up. But I'm kind of unclear on whether or not 32X games are supported without needing the 32X itself. Google isn't really giving me straight answers.

>> No.3841721

Snes is better than Genesis

>> No.3841779

You do realize 32X wasn't just a pass through right? That it actually had extra hardware inside?

>> No.3841901

>whether or not 32X games are supported without needing the 32X itself
that's the best thing I've read today.

>> No.3843247

>You do realize MED wasn't just a pass through right? That it actually had extra hardware inside?
By trying to be witty you made yourself look just as retarded as the anon you were replying to.

>> No.3843812

GBA SP-AGS-101, NDS or NDS Lite for playan GBA?

Especially regarding the screen and lighting.

>> No.3843824

You will need a 32x to play those games. I does play Genesis and SMS games of all regions though. The save states don't work in SMS games. It's D pad down and start in Genesis games.

Also the cart can be formatted to be used as a Sega CD ram cart. From the rom Menu you can just press C and go to Run CD to play Sega CD games.

>> No.3843967

This is all true, but keep in mind:
>minor input lag with retro games
>N64 games render at 480i instead of 480p
>to get a decent controller for the SNES, you either need a classic controller or an adapter since the GC controller's d-pad is garbage

>> No.3843968

Typo, I meant to say "480i instead of 240p" (240p is the intended resolution)

>> No.3844338

How come there are so many carts for NDS*?
fug, can't decide.

>> No.3844345

Newest build of Not64 supports 240p but you have to edit the config file on the sd there is no in app option for whatever reason

>> No.3844548
File: 87 KB, 454x627, 1488645180245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R4i Gold 3DS RTS

>> No.3844969

noice, seems to be good enough for its price, thanks

>> No.3846208

only use a REAL SNES controller

>> No.3847251


Only input lag with USB or bluetooth.

But everyone uses SNES controllers wired directly to the GPIO, unless they're faggots.

>> No.3848750
File: 58 KB, 800x800, everdrive-64-v25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently in the market for pic related. Are the benefits of v3 over v2.5 worth $67 bucks more?

>> No.3848769

Can you live with the save-on-reset-stuff of 2.5? y/n
Are you a huge "Animal Crossing"-fan that you need the RTC?
Are you a huge "Pokemon Stadium 2"-fan, which seems to work better with v3? y/n
Do you want to mess with the internals of N64-gayman and thus have a need for the USB-port? y/n

>> No.3848771

>Animal Crossing
Animal Forest, derp.

>> No.3848774


Guess I'll just buy Pokemon stadium separately.

>> No.3849215

Where did you get your N8 clone?