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File: 3 KB, 256x240, FFII_NES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3822178 No.3822178 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any NES-era RPGs that actually have any semblance of depth or strategy to their combat system?

I love the NES aesthetic but I've been hard pressed to find any RPGs on it that have actual gameplay beyond "spam the standard attack command until you need to use a potion".

There's gotta be at least one oldschool RPG with better combat than that, right?

>> No.3822190

Fire Emblem

>> No.3822191

I don't know what exactly you're expecting from NES era rpgs, be happy if you manage to find one that isn't a dragon quest clone (that's why I played FF2, at least it was something original for its time)
Sweet Home is okay if you're looking for a challenge
Madara and Radia Senki are novel because they use a real time combat system
In Samsara Naga you can raise your dragon
try the Ultima III port as well

>> No.3822196

You posted one.

>> No.3822220

Wizardry is from 1981 and required careful use of your resources at hand. It also got ported to Famicom and NES.

>> No.3822343

also, destiny of an emperor and magic of the scheherezade

>> No.3822358

This is what OP is looking for. Bokosuka Wars being a progenitor. Both have been fan translated.

>> No.3822363
File: 441 KB, 747x1112, MTIIJapan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital Devil Story 2 (from the Shin Megami Tensei series) is pretty awesome for a 8-bits RPG, sadly, there's no translation for its original famicom version.

>> No.3822368

>I love the NES aesthetic but I've been hard pressed to find any RPGs on it that have actual gameplay beyond "spam the standard attack command until you need to use a potion".
Literally every FF on the NES, even II with its broken as fuck gameplay. Healing items and spells largely exist to be used outside of combat because enemies will almost certainly do more damage in a single attack than you will be capable of healing in a single spell, focus firing and prioritizing targets properly is the name of the game in combat, and resource management in general is important because mismanaging them means you either won't have the tools to deal with the numerous encounters that will ruin your shit or your characters will steadily get ground down by encounter after encounter until they start dropping dead.

>> No.3822374
File: 4 KB, 256x224, 1047screenshot2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouryou Senki Madara looks interesting


>> No.3822380
File: 3 KB, 256x224, 221screenshot4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody seems to play 3 on Super but Super Robot Wars 2 was apparently on regular Famicom and has an English translation.

>> No.3822395
File: 62 KB, 256x224, 566screenshot1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might actually play this one - Just Breed by Enix. Seems like a real hybrid tactical/rpg

>> No.3822408

I only played the SFC remake so it may not apply to the original but "spam the standard attack command until you need to use a potion" was fairly effective for large parts of the game.
The main strategy is what demons you fuse and even that is limited.

>> No.3822409
File: 4 KB, 256x224, 2497screenshot1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the rest are either less-than-fully translated or not really very rpg-like but I had to post this character select screen from Battle Storm because it's just too hilarious. Them Western celebrities and them facial expressions.

>> No.3822415

>I love the NES aesthetic but I've been hard pressed to find any RPGs on it that have actual gameplay beyond "spam the standard attack command until you need to use a potion".
You can't do that in the game pictured. You can only use items that you equip your guys and they only have two slots for that, none-the-less the party inventory is limited. Along with that if you spam attack with a mage you aren't doing a few things, you aren't raising their spell levels, you aren't going to increase their MP pool, and you can actually decrease their intelligence.

Not only that enemy weaknesses actually comes into play in which you do want to exploit undeads groups fire weakness, you want to use that ice spell on the turtles, you want to hit balloons with their elemental weaknesses before things get ugly. Along with that your guys don't auto target new enemies once they die.

Why don't you actually try the games rather than basing it off of GBA remakes.

>> No.3822428

There are a number of NES RPGs where resource management is very important. If you're looking for more complexity within the combat mechanics themselves, though, you aren't going to have much luck.

>> No.3822439

Partly true, inside a battle the game is pretty straightforward but there's a LOT of resource maneagement and exploration to take in account, I also consider the negotiation/fusion system pretty complex for the time, in most RPGs your party was mostly preset, in this game you can get new party members during a random battle and later fuse it with many others kinds of demons for varying results, it's pretty awesome when you consider that it's just a famicom game.

Also, mostly RPGs were about heroes and stuff, but DDS2 was in a apocalpitic world in modern day, the setting had a edge yet to be seen.

>> No.3822443

>Why don't you actually try the games rather than basing it off of GBA remakes.

You got me. My first experience with FF2 was Dawn of Souls and ten minutes into FF2 NES I assumed it was going to be just as boring and opted to play Stargazers (wew) instead.

That GBA remake though is literally a game where you can get away with mashing attack for every battle and only heal on the map. Magic isn't worth it at all so it ends up playing exactly like a 4 Fighter FF1 run.

>> No.3822464

Yeah, the GBA remakes of Final Fantasy I and II are neutered and are altered mechanically, with the biggest change in the magic casting mechanics in FFI and the removal of stat decreases in FFII.

It has been a long time since I played the GBA remake, but I remember in both the NES and PS1 versions I needed to use spells in FFII due to dealing 0~5 damage on a boss with physical attacks, none-the-less wanting to blanket an undead horde with fire before they can start stunning my guys.

>> No.3822494

>whole party dies!
>gotta roll new characters!

>> No.3822505

Even if Wizardry can get a little boring I gotta give it credit for being such a hardcore game.

Also can't you recover your dead parties if you go to the spot they died on? I forget.

>> No.3822524

Check out Pool of Radiance. It's essentially Baldur's Gate on the NES, gameplay wise.

>> No.3822835
File: 37 KB, 512x448, dw4nes_022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think DQIII and IV do a good job of this, as long as you don't get over-leveled through excessive grinding.

I found myself using buffs and playing defensively way more often in those games than I did in any FF.

>> No.3822854
File: 5 KB, 249x218, crystalis-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. Crystalis. Top tier game.

Combat system similar to Link to the Past, with magic and different weapons, chock full of that menuy goodness you know and love

>> No.3823705

That also applies to Megaten 1 which was one of the earliest console RPGs, earlier than FF1 or PS1.
2 just added triple fusions, the overworld and two alternate endings.

>> No.3823712

NES RPGs were harder than SNES RPGs... or PS1 RPGs... or PS2 RPGs... or...

>> No.3823714

IIRC it's has limited enemies, which prevents you from grinding at all.

>> No.3823746

>Also can't you recover your dead parties if you go to the spot they died on? I forget.
Yes, you can even use the KANDI spell to find them.
The issue will be that in order to rescue a party from a lower floor you need a rescue party that can survive that floor.

>> No.3823979

Captain Tsubasa 2 is a legendary sports RPG

>> No.3824067

SNES has the best RPGs