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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 316 KB, 2000x1000, mini-nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3815729 No.3815729 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm going to load more games onto my mini NES. I'm not doing that 'entire nes library' bullshit. So let's do a list thread.

List 30 NES games you would/have/will add to an NES. Again, this is to add to the library, not replace. Here's my 30:

Battletoads & Double Dragon
Blaster Master
Bomberman 1,2
Castlevania III
Duck Tales
Guardian Legend
Little Mermaid
Little Samson
Mega Man 1,3,4,5,6
Metal Gear
Metal Storm
Mickey Mousecapade
New Ghostbusters II
Rad Racer
Sesame Street 123
Startropics 2
TNMT 1,2,3
Alien Syndrome

A few were requests from my wife, and a few for my kids. About half of these I played in my childhood, and the other half I have played and liked since then.

So, /vr/ what 30 NES games would you add to yours?

>> No.3815858

Bionic Commando and Solar Jetman are two games that I would definitely add.

>> No.3815868
File: 843 KB, 2560x2640, nes games .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't list 30 because fuck you

Earthbound for NES is actually good once you get the hang of it
Dragon Quest 3/4
Mighty Final Fight

For the rest see pic

>> No.3815872


>Bio Force Ape


>> No.3815886

How would you rate the difficulty of adding new games to this thing? I just haven't seen a definitive guide to doing so

>> No.3815890

These are good, keep it up, guys.

>Won't list 30 because fuck you
Jeeze, it was just an excersize, nothing more

Easier than you think. This is the guide I will be using

>> No.3815893
File: 79 KB, 584x456, bioforceape-np.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an unreleased game, but the rom exists. Many say it's cool

>> No.3815908

grr, those things are still $150+ on amazon,

fucking nintendo

>> No.3815918
File: 73 KB, 736x552, 1483385050455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only want it because you can't get it.

Nintendo really did a number on you this time.

>> No.3815967


>requests from wife
>wife's son

Get a Retron 5.

>> No.3815975

It's the family's console, not just mine.

>wife's son
nice meme

>> No.3815978

maybe, but still it seems like they never learn

>> No.3815986

Never learn to what? Not be successful?

Go on, name one other video game company which has been around as long in the hardware AND software markets. I won't be holding my breath for the answer...

>> No.3815987

I have no idea how it works with adding new games or if it has region issues with roms, but if it emulates chips well, I'd say Akumajou Densetsu in place of its English version, castlevania III.Its mostly for grant's attack not being useless, and the better music.
the issue with Earthbound is that there is quite a bit of grinding, I remember having to grind for quite some time right after youngtown if my memory isn't completely messing up locations i spent a ton of time it. Outside of that, it is a good game I feel.

>> No.3815990

Your assumption that the only reason people want one is because they are rare is a logical fallacy.

>> No.3815998

I'm not referring to "anyone" but rather those who have access to far better alternative methods of playing these games.

Nobody on this board should want one, it's pure pleb shit, yet they do. Why? Because they can't get one for a reasonable price and it tickles their autism something rotten.

>> No.3816000

>Mighty Final Fight
This. Surprisingly great little belt sander. Would also second Solar Jetman.

>NES Metal Gear
Neck yourself, bruv.

>> No.3816005

>Nobody on this board should want one, it's pure pleb shit, yet they do. Why? Because they can't get one for a reasonable price and it tickles their autism something rotten.
Nice to see you are sticking with the fallacies. I especially like how you are using your opinion of something in the crux of the argument. You may be an idiot, but at least you're a consistent idiot.

>> No.3816007


Ever since the N64 they've been under shipping their products to create artificial demand. This thread is stupid anyways and OP seems like a prick.

>> No.3816012

>Buying a NES mini
/vr/ never fails to disappoint. I'd suggest you strangle yourself with the controller lead but lol 6" cables.

>> No.3816036

Give me one reason it's better than the myriad of alternative methods to play NES games.

That was my point and they're still around. Does that somehow mean they're bad businessmen as opposed to rivals who overstocked and fell by the wayside?

Nintendo is extremely protective of their brand and IP and know how to create a buzz halo better than just about anyone. This is simply the latest example of such a strategy and it's working a treat to convince the world just how great that Emperor's clothes really are...

>> No.3816053

Thanks op. This is even easier than wii modding. Watching the video I'm assuming you can have up to 90 games installed before having to set up multiple folders. I'm hoping that that means if there's 90 that you don't have to select through folders for games but I can't tell. Call me autistic but I'd like to just have one menu with games, no folders to select through

>> No.3816067

>the issue with Earthbound is that there is quite a bit of grinding
Not this meme again. If you go the suggested route, you won't have to grind much or at all, depending on your knowledge of game. The game's non-linear so you can get too far very early.

>> No.3816084
File: 23 KB, 456x297, Blank+_8085383a42cc21e0dfeab72616765347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring how people play their retro games

This threads just not for you. Maybe make one that laments different forms of emulation. That would be original

>> No.3816090

I got one on launch, used it for like a week. It's cute, but my hacked Wii is more useful.

>> No.3816091

It appears that way. When it is loaded up to 90 games, it stays all within one folder, meaning there is no extra navigation outside of what you are familiar with the console.

But over 90 then you have to split them into folders.

So far I plan on adding 30 in addition to the 30 and I think that should provide a good variety for the console.

>> No.3816094

Are you running on a CRT. I've hacked wiis but this little console seems useful for a modern television. Unless you're just happy with its 480p output

>> No.3816096

I think it mainly had to do with how low level i was for most of the game, and I got to youngtown and had to make my way up to a point where everything didn't do enough to kill any party member in a single attack. Its odd how low level the party is at the end, most of them just hitting a bit over 20. Its been a few years since I played, so I don't remember all the problems I had.

>> No.3816102

citation needed

>> No.3816103

It's surprising that the entire library can fit compressed onto it without any hardware modifications, though why anyone would want to sift through so many trash games is beyond me. Completionists I suppose

>> No.3816107

I'm running it on a low-end PVM via S-Video, yeah. I also keep component cables for it connected to my HDTV if I feel like going wireless and playing an RPG on the couch or something. My TV is 720p, so 480p isn't awful on it.

>> No.3816113

Yeah I'm not a completionist when it comes to this stuff. I like reducing things to elite lists, games I know are good and or games that get a lot of recommendations to try. Otherwise there was a lot of trash released for the NES that I see no point in having on there.

>> No.3816134

Battletoads & Double Dragon
D-pad Hero
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat
Double Dragon 2 and 3
Dyna Blaster
GI Joe
Gradius 2
Little Samson
Heavy Barrel
Megaman 3 and 4-∞
Mr. Gimmick
POW, and the two player version
Samurai Pizza Cats
Ski or Die
Super Mario 2J
Takeshi's Challenge
Tengen Tetris
Tiny Toons 1 and 2
Turquoise Palace
Wizards and Warriors 2, if the sound emulation is good, otherwise #3

>> No.3816142

>Takeshi's Challenge
doesn't that require the mic of the second famicom controller?

>> No.3816146

Well, it's recommended to grind party a bit when you get new members. But it's pretty quick, just to get them on others' level. Alas, it might be one of the shortfalls of EB, reminding that it was on NES after all.

>> No.3816158

Damn! Maybe if there was a hack that eliminated mic use? There don't even seem to be any game genie codes that would make that circumventable.

Guess it'll have to be replaced with Megaman in the Mushroom Kingdom.

>> No.3816173

Battletoads (BEST GAME)
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden II
Bucky O'hare
Adventure Island
Super C
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
Mega Man 2-6
Street Fighter 2010
Castlevania III
Zelda II
Snake Rattle & Roll
Wizards & Warriors
Ms Pac-Man (Tengen)
Kabuki Quantum Fighter
Vice Project Doom

>> No.3816190

My list:
Ninja Gaiden 2
Ninja Gaiden 3
Little Samson
Bomberman 2
Castlevania III
Duck Tales
Duck Tales 2
Mega Man
Mega Man 3
Metal Storm
Earthbound Zero
Mr. Gimmick
Rockin' Kats
Final Fantasy III (translated)
Battle of Olympus
Bionic Commando
Bucky O' Hare
Chip n Dale rescue rangers
River City Ransom
Gargoyles Quest II
Adventure Island III
Journey to Silius
Legend of Kage
Solar Jetman
Startropics 2
Tetris (Tengen)
Tetris 2
Totally Rad
Yoshi's Cookie
Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest IV
Monster Party

Games to be removed:
Donkey Kong Jr.
Bubble Bobble
Tecmo Bowl
Castlevania II

Tough list to make honestly.

>> No.3816197

Infact you know what?

Replace Chip n dale with Vice: Project Doom

>> No.3816339

While on the subject, does anyone know if adding additional games to the 30 will get rid of the original 30s save states or rom saves?

>> No.3817236 [DELETED] 


>> No.3818269

Ok so I did the hack and loaded the 30 games. Ran into a few hiccups of not being able to install the driver, but I got some help on a youtube video where I was instructed to run Zadig 2.2

After that things went smooth. All the games ran fine, including FF2, which was a surprise because it's a hacked rom. However Sesame Street 123 doesn't work for some reason. I'll find another kiddie learning game to replace it.

The hackchi is capable of doing other system like snes and genesis, but I am opting not to do that because it involves more hacks and extra steps, and I like the simplicity of the nes classic sticking to nes games.

>> No.3818394

I put upwards of 400 games on my system ( some of them being gameboy titles), i've only seriously played around a fraction of them, and now i'm starting to feel like I just have too many, but I also feel like I can't go back, especially since I went to the trouble of making a ton of custom artwork for folders.

I think I may trim the fat and cut out games that I truly find unenjoyable later one. But I don't want to end up with any folders with a hand full of games in them.

>> No.3818408

Remove Excite Bike
Add Vs. Excite Bike

>> No.3818669

Dragon Warrior I, II, III, IV
Monster Party
Earthbound Zero
Final Fantasy III
Felix the Cat
Fire Emblem I & II
Extra Mario Bros.
Mario Adventure

>> No.3818719

I'm new to /vr/, my first console was Genesis back in 2003, it was among the first consoles in third world, but i missed the 8-bit era, which NES games are a must play? So far i'm playing LoZ and it's amazing but completely counterintuitive and definitely need a guide

>> No.3818742

>definitely need a guide

Fuck off with that stupid meme, you don't need a guide, you just need to read the manual and pay attention to what the old man says in the dungeons.

>> No.3818748


The second quest, sure. But the first quest is babby's first action adventure game.

>> No.3818756


Replace the punch-out on there with he correct version. Fighting Mike is infinitely more satisfying even if it's impossible due to lag on the mini.

>> No.3818759


I'm a I just recently beat the second quest for the first time and this whole time I thought it was unforgiving as fuck when really it was just the 3rd or 4th dungeon that was crazy hard and it's smooth sailing from there. The difficulty curve is fucked.

>> No.3818767

i need something to at lest tell me where to go, nothing more, i don't know which is the second quest, but a dungeon burning a bush, another singing to the water, how am i supposed to know that? Really like the game but some stuff doesn't make sense

>> No.3818779

I have yet to finish it, I just got to the final dungeon, dungeon 7 is the only dungeon i'd consider unforgivable with it's respawning dodongos. I mean I guess the money or your life guys are a pretty big dick move, but playing outlands conditioned me to expect that.

What I had difficulty with was understanding that the flute would suddenly become a lot more useful in more than just two situations. I don't think there was any hint in the instruction manual nor the old men tipped me off about that.

It's not even a thing I'd discover through trial and error since the first quest conditioned me to only see the flute as a pond draining digdogger killer.

>> No.3818783

>i need something to at lest tell me where to go,


The game literally tells you.

>> No.3818812

don't really know how can you interpret use flute in the map with a lake just by "there are secrets where fairies don't live" but ok

>> No.3818824
File: 13 KB, 350x237, gameboyhip.jpg?format=original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adventures of Lolo/Batman/Battletoads/Bionic Commando/Blaster Master

Castlevania 3/Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers/Clash at Demonhead/Crystalis/Darkwing Duck

Duck Tales/Felix the Cat/Final Fantasy III/Gremlins 2/GunNac

Journey to Silius/Life Force/Little Samson/Marble Madness/Metal Storm

Mother/Mr. Gimmick/Mysterious Murasame Castle/River City Ransom/Shatterhand

Snake Rattle ‘n Roll/Solstice/Sweet Home/Tetris/Yume Penguin Monogatari

>> No.3818836
File: 116 KB, 1000x391, z1manual-25-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It helps if you read the manual, but I bet you didn't even try to interpret the phrase, manual or not.

There are three small ponds in the game. Of those ponds, they all look exactly alike, only one of these ponds doesn't have a fairy in it.

They even put two of those ponds right next to each other that makes it even easier to deduce that something is amiss at the empty pond. My retarded 8 year old nephew figured that much out.

Pair this with the fact that you get the flute in the same dungeon you hear that quote in, and I don't see how the flute isn't the first thing you think to use at the fairy-less pond.

>> No.3818857


I think they meant for more people to use the flute for warping but you need rupees so it's just naturally underused. Ideally you would find stuff by accident while wanting to warp and I guess just check every map tile eventually.

I forget which early dungeon it was but you have shit for hearts and have to navigate about a dozen rooms without missing a beat and with a lot of red bubbles.

>> No.3819012
File: 146 KB, 1024x576, zBzANmjXUBcBBaPiVH-Kan-pK4ajYzFPijPC2peKSeQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see what's so bad about folders when you can make custom folder icons like pic related

I'm making my own for each genre or a specific company that matches the aesthetic of the black box games.

>> No.3819040

>remove Donkey Kong Jr
>keep Donkey Kong

I don't get this, I think both games are fine, but if you're going to only remove one, why remove the better of the two?

Anyway, get rid of Donkey Kong, and hunt down Donkey Kong original edition.

Or better yet, since GB emulation on NESCE is a thing now, just get Donkey Kong '94

>> No.3819047


You can only lose save states or rom saves by deleting them manually or doing a factory reset, adding more games won't remove the saves.

In fact, removing the games won't remove the saves either, so make sure you get rid of saves before deleting games... though you're not likely going to run into any space issues unless you start fucking around with Super Nintendo and N64 emulation.

>> No.3819595

Ok, some questions.

A)can you set other system games the same way nes games with their own icon on the home menu, or the nesce needs to start another emu?

B)what systems have been integrated so far?

C)can you set famicom games in the nesce?

C)if so, how does the special sound chip games sound? (Gimmick, Lagrangepoint, Akumajo densetsu)

>> No.3819780


The answer to A, C, is yes as of Hakchi 2.12, since it now comes preinstalled with retroarch. but you can still launch games from the home menu just fine. Upon adding games to Hakchi, it usually auto-detects games that won't work through the native NESCE emulation and switches it to retroarch.

I haven't tested much, but Kid Dracula and Gimmick looked and sounded fine, though games running through retroarch either make the CRT filter look funky or it flat out won't support it.

Famicom and Famicom Disk System games have been able to work for some time, but some FDS games have issues. Most of them work, but I can't get Nazo no Mursame Jou to play past the file select screen. Vs Excitebik and Super Mario Bros Lost Levels works just fine though.

Not sure what all is supported, I'm sticking to NES and Gameboy games personally, at least until I can get a second system. But I've seen people adding SNES, Genesis, Master System, and even N64 ( though N64 still runs like shit of course )

2.13 is released now, which allows you to compress games, so if you're going to add anything bigger than an NES game, you might want to update first, otherwise go back and re-add every non NES game one at a time.

And another thing, make sure to change file names to remove the (U) [!] type junk that's usually attached to roms or save states won't work.

>> No.3819881

I like the idea here, though I'm not the type that thinks "I'm in the mood for a platformer so I'll open this folder" especially with nes. At that point I would probably start comparing them directly to each other while looking through those folders and playing "the good ones" while the others sat there as a mild curiosity. One menu with the systems top games sounds a lot more appealing to me