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3814354 No.3814354 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your input on this issue, /vr/.

>> No.3814360

go back to /v/ with this shit tier bait

>> No.3814363

Real Castlevania fans wouldn't get triggered because you're comparing a 3D fuckfest to a shitty Metroid clone.

>> No.3814394
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u mad bro?

>> No.3814395
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>> No.3814410

You're being to obvious with your baits. You gotta be more subtle about it, like by saying Rondo of Blood is overrated, or that IV is the perfect Castlevania experience.

>> No.3814415

Rondo IS overrated though.
Like, it's a good game, very good, but it's overly praised for being "that one Japan-only Castlevania game".

>> No.3814420

See? That's how you do it. Atta boy. Now start a thread off just like that next time.

>> No.3814429

I'll contribute a serious answer.

Castlevania 64 was a good idea with mediocre execution. Weird design choices in gameplay and design prevent the game from being a decent experience. The game does have its moments like that boss fight where you rip off that demons flesh until it's nothing but bones and guts. I hear Legacy of Darkness was the better game but I've yet to try it myself. As for SotN, that game is fantastic. From the atmosphere to the gothic aesthetic, not to mention Kojima's art, it's damn beautiful to look at, not to mention the great OST. It's a really fun Metroidvania with a slick look none of the sequel's have been able to replicate imho.
Castlevania 64 could've been just as good in the atmosphere department being an early 3d action game, as early 3d game have a sort of unsettling atmosphere to them, but it comes off way too cheesy, I mean SotN wasn't scary, but it was cool, 64 was just...silly.
>Skellys on motorcycles
Looking at Legacy, it seems to at least try to redeem itself from its predecessor, but again I'd have to play it to really make any sort of judgement.

>> No.3814437

>being this denial

The times of Rondo being this mythical japan-only holy grail that only a few got to play back then is over, now everyone can play it either through emulation, Wii or PSP, and see for themselves.
It's a good game, but it isn't without its short, easy levels and simplistic background graphics - now I'm not saying it's a bad game, but it's not the greatest 10/10 castlevania people thought it was.
It's kinda like a Sonic CD type of scenario, except Rondo didn't end up being hated like Sonic CD is. But both share the same past of being a game that only a few select people played back in the day and used to be hyped as being "the best in the series", Rondo still is, but I'd say it's not necessarily better than any of the other classicvanias, and in some regards it certainly isn't.

>> No.3814443

It is really easy? Honestly I'm kind of bad at Castlevania - I've never beaten any of the original trilogy without save stating. Rondo as you're describing it might actually be my cup of tea.

>> No.3814447

Yeah, it's easy - definitely a lot easier than CV1 and 3, give it a try, it's really fun.

>> No.3814806

It has a save feature, and a second character that really makes things easy if you run into trouble. It's also a lot of fun

>> No.3814810

But that's true, Castlevania (N64) is better than SotN. It is one of the better N64 games.

>> No.3814860

>"IV is the perfect Castlevania experience."
> this is considered bait

arin is that you?

>> No.3814864

I see you're new here. Let me be the first to welcome you to /vr/.

>> No.3814868

IV isn't a Castlevania experience.

>> No.3814869

it's superior to all the other entries in the series so i guess you're technically correct

>> No.3814875
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Castlevania Kid is also a good Japan only game for the NES, I mean Castlevania levels with mega Man gameplay and a comic aesthetic .

>> No.3814880

What about the Gameboy version?

>> No.3814889

>use Simon
>use whip (yeah you can whip in more than one direction, which happened again in Bloodlines or X68K)
>have 4 original sub-weapons
>use numeral upgrades
>use whip upgrades
>fight Dracula at the end

It's Castlevania.

>but muh irrational hate for this game!
Your problem, it's still Castlevania.

>> No.3814972

It depends on what you want. 64 is more linear and action based, and feels like survival horror at times. Symphony is more RPG and exploration based, and is more Gothic in style. The tightest experience is Symphony as 64 is rough around the edges, but if you don't like RPG and exploration and stuff you're never gonna enjoy Symphony.

I like them both.

>> No.3815546

it's the resident evil effect.

people use the "it's supposed to play like shit" argument to justify their nostalgia.

however it's kinda funny how the best games in both series are the 4th numbered game

>> No.3815596
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>and is more Gothic in style.

Actually I'd say SOTN is more baroque in aesthetic style, while CV64 is actually more gothic.

>> No.3815707
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>> No.3817174 [DELETED] 
