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381315 No.381315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you please recommend me some good first person dungeon crawlers? I am too young to have played them when they were new, but I feel like I have a hole in my education as far as the roleplaying genre goes. I'd like to correct it. People have already recommended Lands of Lore and the Xeen trilogy to me.

Exceptional non-first person RPGs from before the Infinity Engine era are also welcome.

>> No.381359

Bumping once and then farewell.

>> No.381371

Dark Heart of Uukrul.

>> No.381397

bard's tale, but prepare yourself for an ass-raping

>> No.381505

I do enjoy a good raping every once in a while.

>> No.381515

>bard's tale, but prepare yourself for an ass-raping

ha ha, seconded.

>> No.381520

I was in your position and I played Dragon Wars on somebody's recommendation and found it to be surprisingly entertaining and non-horrible

>> No.381521
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>> No.381536

I tried Bard's Tale in the 80s.

Never again.

>You have encountered: 99x Mercenaries

>> No.381553

>the party encounters 8 barbarians
but i was just trying to get to the equipment shop, i don't even have weapons yet

>> No.381562


Ahhh, you wimps. It only takes like five minutes to reach level 2.

>> No.381567
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Wizardry 7 & 8
Dark Heart of Uukrul
Realms of Arkania 2
Betrayal at Krondor
Fate: Gates of Dawn
Dungeon Master 2: Chaos Strikes Back
Dragon Wars
Pool of Radiance & Curse of the Azure Bonds
Anvil of Dawn
Ishar series
Ambermoon & Amberstar
Legend of Faerghail

>> No.381574

if the RNG decides to be generous

>> No.381573

The Berserkers in Harkyn's castle (4 groups of 99 enemies) are the only real time you run into that many enemies, and they're actually the best place in the game to get experience.

>> No.381581

>Ambermoon & Amberstar
holy shit
insert "I thought I was the only one..." post

I played the hell out of Amberstar on the ST... or at least I tried to. I could never get very far and always ended up restarting, I think my copy was bugged.. I'd go out into the forest and fall into a trapdoor by a nearby tower, and then be completely unable to get out of the room. There was like a door I was supposed to be able to unlock or pick or something but nothing I tried ever worked.

>> No.381587

You can just reset and try again. It's only a pain if you're underleveled or unprepared in a dungeon.

>> No.381591

The Shin Megami Tensei games. Probably the best place to start is Strange Journey on DS.

>> No.381605

what i like to do is just treat all lv1 characters as expendable. eventually some characters will survive long enough to hold their own on the streets

>> No.381608

Wizardry is a lot easier to play nowadays since there was no GameFAQs in 1985. The real nuisance is how much of a slow grindfest the games are.

>> No.381609

Phantasy Star 1

>> No.381614

To be fair, no gamer worth their salt uses guides unless you are playing a Sierra-tier game.

>> No.381625


Makes it easier, but only a little. And then you can't even play W2 and 3 unless you beat the first game.

>> No.381653

wizardry series, eye of the beholder 1/2, dungeon master, anvil dawn, ultima underworld, ravenloft

darklands, dark sun 1/2, gold box games, ultimas would be non dungeoncrawler rpgs

you can look at >>342089 for some more recommendations

>> No.381662

>unless you are playing a Sierra-tier game.

>You want to ride the unicorn you tamed with Cupid's arrow? You'll need a bridle for that.
>What? You didn't see any bridle?
>Don't you remember when that whale swallowed you, and you escaped it by tickling its uvula (good thing you picked up that peacock feather), and you washed up on that shipwreck island and got away by tossing that fish to that pelican who dropped a whistle that called a dolphin?
>Well if you had checked the ground, you'd have seen a bridle!
>Of course it was hidden by that wooden bow from the player
>Too bad you missed your one chance to find it, eh?


>> No.381664

what if i don't want to miss anything? that said, step by step walkthroughs are retarded.

>> No.381710

Thanks everyone.

>> No.381716

And people kickstarted her new project. It is like they enjoy senseless pain.

>> No.381727

You're thinking of Jane Jensen.
Roberta Williams hasn't done a Kickstarter.

>> No.381729

>be walking down mountain path
>move one pixel too far
>plunge to my death
>reload game
>get to the bottom
>Hmm what's over here
>ominous music starts playing
>Medusa turns me to stone
>reload game
>be walking around
>narrowly avoid bandits
>ominous music starts playing
>whoops, I was out too long. Mannanan caught me sneaking out of the house
>game over

>> No.381734

>not dealing with Mannan-bitch ASAP

>> No.381757

You are right. My bad. Sorry!

>> No.381765

>you better not have just eaten the porridge in the Three Bears' House instead of taking it and thinking of crumbling the cookie into it

>> No.381778

>play king's quest 3
>wizard kills you for thought crimes

>> No.381789

Might and Magic 4-8.

>> No.381793

>play king's quest 3
>wizard kills you for thought crimes

Thanks, Obama.

>> No.382869

How good is Obitus? I keep hearing mixed responses on it.

>> No.382929
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captive is fun as hell.

>> No.383021

I can second this. Captive 2 also, but it's almost completely unlike the first one.

>> No.383736
File: 133 KB, 640x400, ravenloft-strahds-possession.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Ravenloft? Is it any good?

>> No.383986

not that guy but definitely worth playing, 1 is good, 2 is great (excellent setting). menzoberanzan is... okay.

also, you can import your 2 main chars from RL to RL2

>> No.386003

>tfw Sierra and their mountain paths/staircases of doom

>> No.386901

check out the dark spire for the nds
produced by japs but it's western as fuck and the music rules.
emulates pretty decently if you can't find it or don't own a ds flash cart.

>> No.391274

Dark Spire is pretty much a 1 to 1 Wiz 1-3 clone with music and graphics though.

>> No.392191

If obitus had an SNES port, then I played it, and I hated it as a kid, tried it again a few years back, and could honestly say I can see why some people would honestly enjoy it, but it's alot of random bullshit of the game not letting you in on what the fuck is going on, boring combat pieced together with "MAKE SURE YOU RUN INTO PASSAGES TO FIGHT MONSTERS SO THEY ONLY ATTACK ONE WAY and YOUR NUMBER OF ATTACKS ARE LIMITED BECAUSE IT'S ALL THROWING WEAPONS.

There's no RPG mechanics to it if you expect a game where your going to get levels, it's pretty much just an adventure game with some shallow combat and with little in the way of making you care for it because any story/lore vignettes are few and far between for as long as the game pans out and boils down to THIS GUY SOMEWHERE IS EVIL PROBABLY AND HE MIGHT HAVE FUCKED WITH YOU SOMETIME IN THE PAST, FIND HIM BEFORE HE FINDS YOU.

>> No.392197

I think my save game in the dark spire is bugged, since on the second floor your suppose to get a key item off a guy in the bar, and even going over a guide I can't figure out what's going on, it's like the game bugged because I went there early, talked to some dude, did another quest, came back and the guy who was suppose to give me the item just gives me generic text response.

>> No.392354

>make it back to house safely
>Mannanan appears
>oh shit I forgot to put away the fly wings
>game over