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3811680 No.3811680 [Reply] [Original]

Why /vr/ hate Castlevania made for SNES?

Both Super 4 and Dracula X are fucking good

>> No.3811686

>/vr/ hate Castlevania made for SNES

It's just Australia-kun who hates IV.

The Dracula X hate meme comes from ignorant hipsters that assume DX is a "bad port" of Rondo of Blood.

>> No.3811687

I mean..it's not necessarily a good port either. But it's not bad enough to be disregarded completely.

>> No.3811689


I have seen plenty of different posts hating IV for being easy. Same posts that hate US version of Castlevania III for being "unfair".

>> No.3811691

I like Super 4 but dislike Dracul ecks

>> No.3811701

The thing is that the game isn't a port.
The "IV is easy" meme has been debunked plenty of times, Rondo of Blood (the fan-favorite Castlevania) is the easiest of the classicvanias and nobody shits on it for being easy.
I'm guessing the IV hate comes from contrarian hipsters that don't like how IV is usually the favorite of many people (including the "controversial" Cinemassacre guys, with whom /vr/ has a love/hate relationship).
Egoraptor also convinced a lot of people that Castlevania IV isn't as good as a sequel because some bullshit about sub-weapons being useless (false) and developers not experimenting with the grappling whip enough (also false, and also he tried to shoehorn his shitty indie game dev ideas as if he knew better than Konami veterans, lol). The reality is, Egoraptor never finished Castlevania IV, and the worst of all, he still thinks the game is great. But he wanted to make a "Sequelitis" video about it, even if he barely played a few levels of the game. The thing is, like it or not a LOT of people watch his shit (has like millions of views, it's ridiculous) and most of the viewers are young /v/ tards who don't play games but still shitpost about them online.

>> No.3811925

>Rondo of Blood (the fan-favorite Castlevania) is the easiest of the classicvanias and nobody shits on it for being easy.
Objectively false. Rondo has:

>more restrictive controls
>a less overpowered whip
>harder boss fights

The only way Rondo is the easiest is if you choose to play as Maria mode, who has floaty controls, a double jump, and a near-instakill move by summoning a Stand.

>referencing e-celebs
Get out.

>> No.3811939

>more restrictive controls
Maybe, because it doesn't have diagonal whipping, but it's still a lot like IV in terms of mid-air control, not to mention Richter can backflip
>a less overpowered whip
Yeah, but what's up with Rondo not having whip upgrades? If I want, I can play a no upgrade run on IV, can't do it on Rondo.
Also, Rondo has one of the most broken sub-items in all of CV, the bible. Not to mention item crash.
>harder boss fights
This one is true, but in contrast levels on Rondo are easier than levels on IV.
Compare how easy the clock tower on Rondo is compared to the challenge in IV.

Still, both games are more on the easy side when compared to the NES games, but they're still amazing. The only difference is that IV gets more shit on because it's on Nintendo and it's popular, and Rondo is more respected due to its "cult japan-only" status. Still as of late I've seen shitposters shitting on Rondo for being animu style and what not.

>referencing e-celebs
Sadly it's something you have to keep in mind if you're talking internet opinions.

>> No.3811993

Why was the Devil in Castlevania? Isn't the villain supposed to be Dracula?

>> No.3811996

Yeah it's completely unplayable, you retarded faggot.

>> No.3812005
File: 133 KB, 400x505, 1471189140073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le Australia-kun maymay
4 is shit though.
>It's boring
>it's easy
>dude waggle the whip lmao
>dude slow mode 7 background rooms lmao
>literally has a slow AS FUCK room where you hang from a whip for 5 mins waiting for the fuken stupid background to tilt

>> No.3812007

Dracula is literally Romanian for devil

>> No.3812015

>It's boring
>it's easy
Yeah, and? Also, not the easiest.
>dude waggle the whip lmao
What do you mean? Yeah it's a thing you can do. And?
>dude slow mode 7 background rooms lmao
dude 2 short sections on an otherwise long ass stage on a 11 full levels game
>literally has a slow AS FUCK room where you hang from a whip for 5 mins waiting for the fuken stupid background to tilt
Still talking about the same section, dude mode7 hate!

>> No.3812017

It's not even a port...

>> No.3812023

No it isn't

>> No.3812029

Castlevania IV is one of my favorite games on the SNES. Dracula X is good too, but Rondo of Blood is probably better. That said, both are worth playing. I'm not sure where you're seeing all this Castlevania hate. It's a vocal minority at worst.

I like Bloodlines, too.

>> No.3812048

What would you call it then? It's not a wholly original game. It's not a remake. It's sort of a..reimagining..I guess?

>> No.3812101

Just it's own thing.

>> No.3812106

Like the 4 or so versions of the original game's story

>> No.3812109

It's like a "gaiden" game. Whole game is really different from Rondo of Blood outside of character sprites and setting. Whole levels are re-designed, all level assets are 100% new. And while most enemies are reused sprites from Rondo, there's still new bosses or new versions (see Dracula).

>> No.3812125 [DELETED] 
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16-bit 'vania official ranking:

X68000 > The New Generation (Bloodlines for you yanks) > Rondo of Blood > Haunted Castle > Amigavania > Vampire's Kiss > SCB

>> No.3812163

Dracula X is odd. It's a port of Rondo in using assets and control but the levels are completely original made to compensate for being on the snes. So in a way it's a port but it's own game. Think of it as Rondo but re imagined like how 4 is.

>> No.3812172

The fuck is SCB?

>> No.3812179

4 is a completely different game from CV1, from the get go. It definitely doesn't uses the same sprites, or any single asset from CV1.
Dracula X SNES does use assets from Rondo (main characters and regular enemies), and uses the same plot, with small changes.
Music is also the same arranged on the SNES' soundchip.
And... that's about all Rondo and DX have in common. The whole game is a new game. It uses some of the scenarios from Rondo of Blood, but change them completely, both in visuals/assets and in layout and design. Enemy placement, everything.
I think there isn't a single room on DX that is the same as one on Rondo. Other than maybe some boss room, but even those got switched around. For example you fight Death, for the most part it's the same as in Rondo (sprite, etc), but instead of fighting over a ship, you're fighting at the top of the clock tower, on a much narrower space, changing the boss fight significantly.
And contrary to popular belief, DX do have branching paths and alternate levels, not as much as Rondo though, but you can find secret exits on a couple levels after the first ones. You can rescue Maria, but not play as her. And of course all the secret paths and maiden hideouts are different than in Rondo, since the whole levels are new. If you already played Rondo and want more, DX is a great option, it's basically Rondo 1.5.
It's an almost-sequel or something.

>> No.3812180

Australia-kun going autismo like always.

>> No.3812194 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 900x637, supercvbros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the janny still gets triggered by the Super Castlevania Bros. meme.

>> No.3812202
File: 18 KB, 512x448, Rondo-Maria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he just deletes your shitposts, SCB meme or not.
You're not on a very advantageous position here, ojii-chan.

>> No.3812209 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 500x500, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 is normie bait fuck the normies REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.3812212

>implying this is a bad thing

normie guys can fuck right off, but normie girls are just my thing.

>> No.3812489

People who aren't from brazil have different tastes than you.