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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 76 KB, 513x544, powerpakbig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3804879 No.3804879 [Reply] [Original]

The main problem I'm running into with retro gaming is the price of the games. I'd much prefer to use actual hardware, and I already have most of the consoles I could ever want to play, but I simply don't have the funds to also support a library of games for them, especially some of the better ones. I can burn Playstation and Dreamcast games, so that's not a huge issue, but cartridge based systems are obviously a little more complicated. So:

What flashcarts does /vr/ recommend? Explain it to me like I'm retarded.

>> No.3804889


>> No.3804890
File: 50 KB, 740x921, seinfled super quick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally in the sticky

>> No.3804892

Everdrive seems to have the best compatibility, but for SNES I'd forget about it right now because all the games worth playing don't work for no conceivable reason.

>> No.3804896

>no conceivable reason.
Expansion chips.

>> No.3804912

It supports some of them, why not all of them.

>> No.3804915

>all the games worth playing
When will this meme end.

Realistically, these are the only ones worthy of mention:

Super Mario RPG
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Super Mario Kart
Star Fox
Kirby's Dream Land 3
Kirby Super Star
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Mega Man X2 & 3
Star Ocean
Jikkyō Oshaberi Parodius

The rest should work well

>> No.3804924

This is pretty much just plain wrong. The better flash cart doesn't support SA-1 and FX, but does everything else.

In other words you can't play:
Kirby ST
Kirby's DL3
Star Fox
Yoshi's Island
DOOM (why would you play this version anyways?)
Mario RPG

And that's it. Everything else works fine.

That still leaves such classics as:
Super Mario World
A Link to the Past
Super Metroid
TMNT Turtles in Time
DK Country 1-3
Castlevania IV
Castlevania X
Pilot Wings
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario Kart
Street Fighter II
Contra III
Tetris Attack
Mega Man X
Mega Man VII

I could go on forever. Point is, those anons are retarded.

>> No.3804925

Because some are massively more complex than others.

Work is being done to implement the SuperFX in FPGA, but unfortunately, the FPGA used in the SD2SNES does not have enough gates to hold the SuperFX.

>> No.3804927

Street Fighter Alpha 2, Mega Man X2, Mega Man X3, Star Ocean, Pilot Wings, and Super Mario Kart can all be played by the SD2SNES.

>> No.3804934

Work on your reading comprehension.

Anon just said the expansion chips are the reason that not games work.
Yes, flashcarts implement most expansion chips, but not all, therefore, not all games will run on those flashcarts.

>> No.3804937

>anon just said the expansion chips are the reason
Okay, well at the very best here, he wasn't specific enough and would be misleading to someone just now entering the flash cart market you autistic shitlord.

>> No.3804941
File: 667 KB, 625x393, inconceivable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no conceivable reason
Come back when you're 18 and I'll explain why

>> No.3804942

Yes, but not on Everdrive. I specifically included everything to end this meme once and for all.

>> No.3804943

Tried that, they were all 100 bucks or more. Figured it was a scam.

I'm apparently blind and/or retarded, since I did not see that section on the wiki. Thanks, anon.

Fortunately, I actually already own Star Fox and Super Mario RPG, but I was actually kind of hoping to the play the rest of those sans Doom. Still, that's significantly better than buying all of those.

>> No.3804946

i want the everdrive but honestly my game ADD is bad enough that it'd only make it worse. i would never ever finish any game

>> No.3804951

Pilot wings and Mario Kart can be played on an ED that supports DSP.

>> No.3804954

Waiting on a chink EverDrive 64 to come in the mail

>> No.3804965
File: 18 KB, 320x320, 11849418_1489251634728644_410668584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a friendly reminder that if you beat a game on an emulator or a flashcart you didn't really beat the game and can't say you beat it.

>> No.3804967

Didn't know this. That said, DSP module is optional and costs an extra $20.

>> No.3804970

That's why I play games, to brag that I beat them. Why would anyone play them for other reasons, like enjoyment?

>> No.3804972

This is just plain retarded and beyond obvious bait. If you save state, I could agree with you, but just in general? That's like arguing that playing a game on the Virtual Console (Nintendo licensed mind you) and beating it isn't actually beating it. I.E. retarded.

>> No.3804993

Alpha 2 is available on Fight Cade. You shouldn't bother with Arcade game ports since its so easy to play on fightcade or mame.

>> No.3805016

Get out, Derek.

>> No.3805028

>Kirby ST
>Kirby's DL3
>Star Fox
>Yoshi's Island
>Mario RPG

So in other words it's not worth it yet.

Nor will it ever, unfortunately.

Unfortunately those are all games I care about playing other than Street Fighter and Jikkyo Oshaberi Parodius

>> No.3805031

>So in other words it's not worth it yet.
You know, you're right. The other 20 games that anon listed are complete shit, which would explain all the shilling they get. You did it, anon. You convinced us. Congrats!

>> No.3805045

Because the games it can't play aren't worth it. Gotcha.

>> No.3805049

Yep. They pretty much are. I mean the ones you can't play don't cost much at all especially if you go for the J versions, and then at that point you have the entire library at your disposal for a significantly minimal fraction of the cost.

>> No.3805061

So still >$9000 less than an SD2SNES. kek.

>> No.3805069

>9000 joke
Please get off of 4chan forever.

>> No.3805080

everdrive is a piece of shit
FDS sound is garbage
expansion audio only works for vrc6 (by modding your nes and everdrive)

all this games have shitty sound or not compatible with everdrive





>> No.3805084

more proves of crappy audio



>> No.3805087

>expansion audio only works for vrc6 (by modding your nes and everdrive)
Sortof, yeah, but there are fan mappers for every other expansion audio than FDS that work just fine, so you're kinda just wrong on this one.

>"but muh FDS games"
Yeah, you're right anon, it's better to buy literally every NES title on top of every J title and a Famicom with an FDS. Ya got me.

>> No.3805093

at least open the damn links before posting shit!

>> No.3805095

retro memes for a retro board

>So in other words it's not worth it yet.
Are you dumb? A flashcart is the best purchase you can make.

From these 5 games, only Kirbys are anywhere near rare AFAIK, the rest you can buy easily.

>> No.3805105

I actually opened every link you posted just to see if you posted the threads that matter, which you didn't, so I tell you what. I'll even be nice and post the most important one here for you since you clearly are incapable:


>> No.3805106

Please get of 4chan until you're 18 faggot

>> No.3805109


in deep of the fds sound problems


>> No.3805115

You are a fucking idiot! is very clear to me that you just didn't open any link, if you even care to read the info just in front of you, or at least do a damn google search, you will know that those games(apart of castlevania) the sound is terrible.

>> No.3805120

And *you* clearly didn't read the link *I* posted. There are *custom* (I repeat here for you, CUSTOM) mappers. Not the shitty Krikkz ones you refer to, that work far better.

>> No.3805123

I love /vr/

> Hey guys! We finally get a cheap and convenient flashcart. It perfectly plays 99% of games, aside for some sound problems in Japan-only titles. Isn't it wonderful? We no longer depend on resellers!

>> No.3805128

What if I told you no one cares about FDS except for a few autists? You need to take medication for your aspergers, you're having violent fits again

>> No.3805143
File: 56 KB, 600x450, RockmanX3-2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If some chips are too complex or painful to replicate, then they simply be put in repro multicarts for various games that use them. Why waste extra cost on something for just a handful of games?

Someone's already done this with Megaman X2 and X3, though I understand they actually took existing X2 or X3 carts and turned them into 2 in 1s. But really, why splurge on a Cx4 chip for a flashcart, when it would be much more efficient to put a Cx4 chip in an X2&3 repro, only for those who actually want to play megaman?

Though I guess this is a bit of a dilemma with FX chips, what if someone were to create a new game with SFX?

>> No.3805146

You've got to remember a lot of the people here are probably resellers
I bet a bunch are selling CRTs too

>> No.3805150

>Someone's already done this with Megaman X2 and X3, though I understand they actually took existing X2 or X3 carts and turned them into 2 in 1s. But really, why splurge on a Cx4 chip for a flashcart, when it would be much more efficient to put a Cx4 chip in an X2&3 repro, only for those who actually want to play megaman?

Although I agree with your point, the SD2SNES flash cart can play both X2 and X3 and doesn't require a Cx4 chip to do so. This is a just a bit misguided is all.

>> No.3805152

>I bet a bunch are selling CRTs too
Please tell me this isn't a thing yet... It's just not that time yet.. right..?

>> No.3805163

The people with the knowledge to repair CRTs are all retired/dead and they're becoming increasingly rare, plus the hype from retro nerds is definitely not helping and obviously causing a price surge.
Fuck I wish I still had my giant-ass trinitron.

>> No.3805167

What if someone made a multicart that only played the games everdrive can't?

>> No.3805173
File: 23 KB, 359x316, luigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if someone were to create a new game with SFX?
you what

>> No.3805174
File: 3.30 MB, 5216x2934, IMG_20170216_2332333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw own an essentially unused (outside of the past year for /vr/) Trinitron
Life is good. Should I get more CRT's in my area for this reason?

>> No.3805179

Impossible due to the nature of why it can't play them. Nice try though.

>> No.3805181
File: 996 KB, 500x375, IMG_2444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you have a big ass Trinitron
>But it's a HD model

I mean, I got it for free, but it stings a little.

>> No.3805189

can't really tell you but that tv is like a little baby compared to the one i stupidly gave up (and probably caused back problems which i still have to this day)
shit it was probably ultra-rare since it had an inbuilt tuner for some dead antenna-based attempt at giving more than 5 channels

>> No.3805194
File: 408 KB, 2048x1152, mytrinitron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it had an inbuilt tuner for some dead antenna-based attempt at giving more than 5 channels
Yep, same here. It even has Component inputs on the back. It's a 32" for the record.

>> No.3805201

stop making me miss the tv i haven't seen since like 2005
but i more meant in size since it was a fucking monolith, probly 32 inch or something but goddamn it sure took up a lot of space, at least that space meant the stand fit every single console i had at the time along with a vhs, dvd and satellite box after the bullshit antenna service failed

>> No.3805207

You pretty much had the golden standard, anon. The good news is that they can currently be found for free on CL (how I got mine). You still have the chance to obtain another.

>> No.3805268

Just look at what notable independent development there has been. A shooter for Atari Lynx, a very solid wolf3d genesis port, stuff for Jaguar, ports of Doom to mp3 players.

There is a serious draw with esoteric architectures and pioneering 3d related things.

>> No.3805275
File: 63 KB, 600x450, RockmanX3-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look above, it's been done. Of course, we wouldn't be talking all games onto one cart, seriously why, so instead just an SA-1 multicart and other things like that.

>> No.3805306

but that just looks like gegege kitaro

>> No.3805309

Last I hear nobody's willing to go through the trouble of supporting SuperFX for SD2SNES because getting it to work it would be akin to finding a straw of hay in a stack of needles.

>> No.3805320

Just bought a N8 Everdrive for my Famicom and a super Everdrive for SuFami from SAG. Didn't bother with SD2SNES, cause that seems like you're burning up another $100. Not worried too much about all the games I won't be able to play, if I were, I'd just import them. Didn't bother buying from Krikzz cause I'm super impatient and don't want shit coming all the way from Ukraine. I made my orders from SAG vanilla as shit, which should save you a few bucks. I plan on getting a MegaDrive v5, later in the year.

>> No.3805329

Oh, it appears to be rockmanX3&2#1, to be clear, with the previous picture being rockmanX3&2#2.

>> No.3805332

>Kirby ST
>Kirby's DL3
$100, or $30 for repro
>Star Fox
>Yoshi's Island
>Mario RPG

At least the games are affordable and not Earthbound.

>> No.3805430

>no GBA entry
such is life

>> No.3805432

>Work is being done to implement the SuperFX in FPGA, but unfortunately, the FPGA used in the SD2SNES does not have enough gates to hold the SuperFX.

>sell SD2SNES with a relatively high price with the promise of adding chips via firmware-update later
>never ever add any other chips with a firmware-update at all, the list of supported chips is unchanged since the sd2snes' launch

>> No.3805472

Then you'd prove how retarded you are

Indeed. And massive keks for everyone who didn;t fall for the meme.

>> No.3805494

or buy the jap versions for even cheaper (cept Mario RPG of course)

>> No.3805553


Oops, sorry, I made a mistake.

> * OBC1 support (Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge works)

This chip has been added with a fw-update.
I beg for forgiveness. *sudokus*

>> No.3805570


>tfw my work place has a kickass CRT something like this in the meeting room

How can I do this /vr/

>> No.3805573

>flat tube
what's the point?

do what?

>> No.3805581


Steal the TV

>> No.3805587


>> No.3805613

Why would you buy a snes or nes flashcard when emulation is perfect on those machines.

>> No.3805630

Some people like real hardware, mate. Especially controllers.

>> No.3805646


>100 bucks or more

You should watch videos of the products, as well as the reviews and the myriad forum posts.
It's obviously not a scam.

>> No.3805660

Dude brah it's not like you have much choice. EZ4 is one of the few that still sell.

>> No.3805665

everdrive gba x5?

plus the elcheapo is missing for GBC.


>> No.3805674

>Tried that, they were all 100 bucks or more.
Well Everdrive carts cost in the order of $100. Flashcarts usually cost in the order of that

>t. reseller

>> No.3805685

>everdrive gba x5?
Well, I just don't see much point in it. The market had a lot of good carts like M3 Mini and EZ Flash IV already. If you can find them, they're usually pretty cheap.

That's different from Genesis etc. where there were barely any solutions available—especially for cheap.

>> No.3805686

I use a snes controller hooked up to my laptop hooked up to a crt. 100% compatible and cheap as fuck to do.

>> No.3805693

I find the Dpads on the USB SNES controllers are garbage especially for direction intensive games where precision is key. I did try an adapter, but input lag is an issue with it which is a good part of why I played on my hardware/crt in the first place. My adapter is Retro Bit though if that helps. If anyone has a better one they would recommend, by all means let me know and I'll give it a shot.

>> No.3805708


This isn't friendly. It also adds an arbitrary designation to how people should enjoy their games.

Caw caw motherfucker.

>> No.3805931

Use an originsl with converter

>> No.3805941

You clearly didn't read my post, but thanks for your suggestion I guess?

<spoiler>I already did that and even stated it in the post you "read"</spoiler>

>> No.3806027

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.3806032


>> No.3806039

What's SAG??

>> No.3806046

First of all, no one seriously cares about these. These games are cool tech demos, with gameplay and everything else coming second.

Second, I'm sure getting SFX chip into a cart will introduce more hurdles than we can possibly imagine. Coding for SNES is already a very hard and consuming task. Few reach as far as making simple games for the platform even without chips. Now imagine what it'd be with SFX, I don't even know if documentation exists for how to work with it.

>> No.3806048


It's what my nuts do on a humid day.

Stone age gamer

>> No.3806075



lol Same here, just received my EDN8 FC from them yesterday. It was 117.99 + shipping I think...I just checked now and it is backordered. I guess I got lucky.

It works well though.

>> No.3806162

How long does it take for Stone Age to ship? Will probably get a Super Everdrive, was acually going to order it directly for Krikzz but it just seems like a hassle to have it shipped from so far.

>> No.3806169

>or a flashcart
Why? As long as the flashcart is compatible with that game, which is an issue that varies depending on the console, this is exactly like playing an original copy.

>> No.3806185

I've ordered 4 flash carts from them and the first three (N8, SD2SNES, Mega Everdrive X3) all shipped and arrived within just a few days. I live in Missouri though and SAG is based out of Ohio, so I'm not terribly far away. My Everdrive GBA X5 was the last cart I ordered and it took almost 2 weeks, but in their defense, it was backordered when I placed my order, so I knew I'l likely wait a little bit at least, and 2 weeks was about what I was expecting with Krikzz, so eh. No harm no foul. Not to mention buying from SAG gives you "prize tickets" if you have an account with them, which can get you pretty great discounts on their store. I got a few cables and controller adapters for free thanks to that.

>> No.3806219

Input delay is a meme

>> No.3806272

You're either retarded or too casual to have noticed. Those are literally the only options there.

>> No.3806684


Literally google before opening your stupid fat mouth, nigger.

>> No.3806696

So more than the flash cartridge even costs. HMMMMMMMM

>> No.3806843

I'm not the anon you responded to, but I found this quite interesting and just wanted to say thanks for posting it!

>> No.3806848

>plays Mega Man X3
So more than the flash cartridge even costs. HMMMMMMMM

>> No.3806945


Isn't there input lag (enough to change the meta) with online play?

>> No.3806948

Most definitely. That doesn't even get into the issues brought on by network lag. It's not an efficient method.

>> No.3807462

>emulation is perfect on those machines.

have fun with your input lag

>> No.3807621


I'm in Florida. Took about 4 days.

Ignore the shill. Get what you want.

>> No.3808028 [DELETED] 

OR: You could buy Virtual Console releases and NOT be a degenerate criminal piece of human garbage.

>> No.3808037 [DELETED] 

The VC has a fraction of a fraction of all the the titles on various systems. Besides, Nintendo doesn't deserve any money. Literally pushing gambling on kids with their latest Fire Emblem "game."

>> No.3808041 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I'm not gonna sit here and argue with a obvious troll.

>> No.3808057
File: 15 KB, 256x224, vc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virtual Console

>> No.3808059

How is that trolling? Gacha games should be illegal. Trust me, this is the marketing of cigarettes toward children fiasco of yesteryear, today. And it's even more insidious, because the real product--the gambling--hides under a very slick veneer. Nintendo aren't the only ones doing it, but they're complicit.

>> No.3808068 [DELETED] 

So it's only bad when nintendo does it, gotcha

>> No.3808072 [DELETED] 

>Oh, no! A LEGAL way to play nintendo games! I'd much rather steal the thing people worked extremely hard on!

>> No.3808076

It's bad when everyone does it. I wouldn't defend Square-Enix, either. The fact is, you can't take the moral high ground for a company who decided that the exploitation of children was in their best interest. Profit is more important to them than ruining lives. That's all there is to it. The kids who grow up on this stuff run the risk of becoming adults with a real addiction problem.

>> No.3808079 [DELETED] 

It's not Nintendo's fault that some parents don't know how to watch their kids

>> No.3808101

Parents can't watch their kids 24/7, and laws never stopped underage drinking and smoking. What makes you think gambling is any different? The industries create the demand. And the only way to alleviate these problems is by eliminating demand.

>> No.3808105

Do any of you guys notice your games are slower in a flashcard than they should? In both my r4 on the DS and my EZFlash games are noticeably slower

>> No.3808110

I don't give a fuck. I'm not overpaying for an inferior product.

>> No.3808150 [DELETED] 

superior to anything else microsoft or sony shits out

>> No.3808153

>superior to anything else microsoft or sony shits out
Why are you talking about Microsoft and Sony? They're irrelevant.

>> No.3808157

Your casual defense is no different than the deflection from a Phillip Morris lawyer. It's entirely in bad faith. You'll place the blame on anyone except for the company producing the filth, and not-so-subtly encouraging its consumption among vulnerable and undeveloped minds.

>> No.3808185

You can still use the guide to find the one you want, then decude if you want to fork out for the real deal or chance it on a chink knock off. And no we can't make that decision for you, you have to use your brain for once and come to your own conclusions.

>> No.3808210 [DELETED] 

>worked extremely hard on

>> No.3808230

VC releases on the Wii U are fucked, but iirc the Wii and 3DS releases are fine.

Also if you have a hacked 3DS, you can fix the filters on GBA games by injecting them yourself with an injector tool.

>> No.3808268


> tfw even shitty useless N model pvms costs $300+ nowadays.

Kind of glad all these resellers will end up with dead expensive paperweights some day.

>> No.3808282 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 256x264, mario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh heh, yes, good goy!

>5 points have been deposited into your My Nintendo account

>> No.3808612 [DELETED] 

I would never think of hacking my 3ds in any lifetime.
Not gonna talk to people with weird hate-boners for Nintendo

>> No.3808676

So you'd rather plug your ears and dismiss the messenger rather than confront their arguments, defending a company that engages in blatantly immoral activities. Some crusade. You're a hypocrite.

>> No.3808692 [DELETED] 

When you start hating on the only company that gives a shit about their customers it kinda of takes away your credibility

>> No.3808716

I haven't been following this reply chain, but I hope you're not talking about Nintendo.

>> No.3808727

nice meme

>> No.3808729 [DELETED] 

>the only company that gives a shit about their customers
This isn't really a /vr/ conversation, but they're now engaging in all the cancerous practices of other companies--and no, I wouldn't defend any of them. Does Nintendo deserve a medal for holding out longer? I guess. If they really cared about their customers, would they sell an expensive collector's edition of a game before announcing a season pass, when said game isn't even out yet. But stuff like that is whatever. My gripe with Nintendo is that they've cultivated the image of a family friendly company, an ecosystem that's supposed to be parent friendly. The advertised parental control features on the Switch are evidence that they want you to think that. Yet they're perpetuating one of the most diabolical developments in the mobile gaming industry. And yes, it's worse when Nintendo does it, because they sell themselves as being better than that. They're telling you one thing, and doing another.

>> No.3808735

Nintendo is the Apple of video games

>> No.3808736

Just emulate like a nigger lol

>> No.3808739

what are you like a watchdog group? and what little kid plays Fire Emblem? it's like nintendo's singular mature series.

>> No.3808741 [DELETED] 

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.3808742 [DELETED] 

That you are crying about retarded shit

>> No.3808751 [DELETED] 

>what are you like a watchdog group?
I live in Jersey, and I've personally seen gambling destroy lives. It's a very serious social issue, and we have to fight constantly at the local level to prevent the spread of legalized gambling. I voted against measures to legalize gambling in additional counties here. And I watched Chinatown in Philly fight so, so hard to keep gambling out of their city. It's an insidious vice. The internet was once the Wild West, and now mobile has taken the mantle. The law will catch up. In the meantime, companies are making billions exploiting people. It's disgusting. To have the audacity to say Nintendo cares about their customers when they've got their hands in this cookie jar, oh no no no.

>> No.3808769 [DELETED] 

There is no gambling, are you retarded?

>> No.3808773 [DELETED] 

It's worse, because the payout isn't even tangible. There are no winners.

>> No.3808779 [DELETED] 

How the fuck is that related to Nintendo?

>> No.3808786 [DELETED] 

Because they've adopted the same exploitative business model.

>> No.3808792 [DELETED] 

Is not gambling then

>> No.3809129 [DELETED] 

Naw I notice. It just doesn't effect gameplay, takes a few moments to get used to, its kinda like swapping from using one controller to another. And thats only for games I have played on a legit console.

Input delay is legit a meme, its added by plenty of products, like capture cards or upscalers, any tv that isnt a crt. Plenty speed runners use those products to broadcast with and have no problem adapting to.

Really the only option here is that your too much of an autist to use something that "feels wrong" to you, so you blame input delay. When really its just in your broken head.

>> No.3809276

So ... you'd want to police access to Final Fantasy 6, Star Wars Ep1 Racer and Need for Speed: High Stakes?

>> No.3809453

>Plenty speed runners use those products to broadcast with
they don't play the game using them you stupid fuck. they use a CRT.

>> No.3809646

Look man, I hate gambling too; and I voted against it here in the New England on the last ballot. While I don't think your comparison is wholly unfair, I don't think it's quite there either. The paywall is the parent, the game is totally playable without buying anything, and a kid wouldn't have money to throw at this thing, even they were playing a lore heavy TBS on their phone anyway, which seems pretty unlikely. I agree with your sentiment and think this pay-to-play shit sucks, I just don't think Fire Emblem mobile is what you should be going after, tbqhfamicom.

>> No.3809823 [DELETED] 

Because they ARE better than that. Switch will singlehandedly save the industry, mark my words
haha epic trolls

>> No.3809956

Not only do they use CRT's, but on top of that, name ONE. Literally ONE... successful speed runner who doesn't use real hardware. I'll wait.

>> No.3809998

Bleh, get JAP Mario RPG as well, FUCK PAYING over $100 to Ebay Markups!

Here, the password for the Sunken ship


>> No.3810350

Are they recording with a camera pointing at the CRT? No, they use a pass through capture card or a dvr, which adds input delay.

>> No.3810398

It doesn't affect game play for you because you don't play games where it matters

You know fuck all about speed running. Stop embarrassing yourself

Really the only option here is that you you're retarded

See above about knowing fuck all. Time to listen to the kitty and stop posting.

>> No.3810413
File: 767 KB, 250x250, 1370890691509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pass through capture card or a dvr

>> No.3810421

>Are they recording with a camera pointing at the CRT?
No, they have their console hooked up to a splitter, which allows it to go both into their TV and into their capture card. They view their own gameplay on the TV, and stream/record from the capture card.

>> No.3810518

Yeah buddy that adds a delay.

>> No.3810521

>It doesn't affect game play for you because you don't play games where it matters
>You know fuck all about speed running. Stop embarrassing yourself
>Really the only option here is that you you're retarded

>Lose arguement
>throw insults
Come on, you can do better than that.

>> No.3810524

No it doesn't. it's an analog signal, meaning it is limited by the speed of light. There is no conversion taking place. Seriously how are you this stupid?

>> No.3810535

>No it doesn't. it's an analog signal, meaning it is limited by the speed of light. There is no conversion taking place. Seriously how are you this stupid?

Yes it does. Prove me wrong. You can google it and find plenty of evidence that splitters add a delay. Its just something that you dont notice like most forms of delay, they only thing you notice is almost a placebo from you mind telling you something is wrong, and you blame something that doesnt exist cause you have autism.

>Lose arguement
>throw insults
Come on, you can do better than that.

>> No.3810551

>You can google it and find plenty of evidence that splitters add a delay.
Then post it scooter. I'm in the mood for a laugh today.

>> No.3810571 [DELETED] 

http://bfy.. tw/1jTu

>> No.3810583

How about you post an actual link and not your dinkychink malware shortener, faggot?

>> No.3810607

Damage control

>> No.3810653

Sure a few picoseconds. kek

>The easter bunny can only jump 3 feet high
>prove me wrong
Top kek kid

>doubles down on stupid
>triples down on stupid
Come on, you can do better than that.

>> No.3810706

A few picoseconds is literally the time for light to travel few millimeters. Dude, you'll get more lag by simply lengthening the cables, splitter or not.

And even then, i believe splitter should adds no lag, not even in picoseconds order.

>> No.3810712

Hell, for few picoseconds delay, you could negate the lag by moving closer to your crt by few millimeters

>> No.3810789

You must be bad at video games if you cant notice it.

>> No.3810803


The amount of lag you could possibly add using an analogue splitter (that is literally connecting two wires with another wire, no electronics inbetween) is literally not perceptible. If you notice such a different, it's placebo.

>> No.3810814

How would google tell him which ones /vr/ recommends, idiot?

>> No.3810815 [DELETED] 

So you'll steal it? Fucking entitled babies.

>> No.3810817 [DELETED] 

Immoral activities? YOU are the one stealing, and they are the ones allowing you to buy their games in totally playable formats.

>> No.3810823

>The amount of lag you could possibly add using an analogue splitter (that is literally connecting two wires with another wire, no electronics inbetween) is literally not perceptible. If you notice such a different, it's placebo.

That was the point I made about USB adaptors. And we have gone full circle.

>> No.3810838

>That was the point I made about USB adaptors
OK but USB adapters actually have electronics, conversion, and (usually) some sort of RAM access behind them. It's entirely different than a direct, wire-to-wire physical connection.

>> No.3810842

Why reply? He's just gonna double down on the retardation.

>> No.3810850

>and (usually) some sort of RAM access behind them. It's entirely different than a direct, wire-to-wire physical connection.

So will a signal splitter unless its one of those cheap ass ones that will half the strength of the signal thus causing input delay, and deteriorating the image and audio. It'll need a combiner/duplexer built in to even attempt to do its job right, oh and those add delay too.

>> No.3810861

While you're getting creative here could you explain how I'm getting emulator levels of lag from plugging my capture device into the outs on my BVM?

>> No.3810876

>capture device
They all add lag, nothing you can do about it.

>> No.3810880

But why does that matter if I'm not playing in the preview window?

>> No.3810895


>> No.3810910

Are you literally just making this shit up? XD

I want to believe you are either posting some Grade A copy pasta or are a master troll, because no one could possibly be this misinformed, right..?

>> No.3810927

Then inform me, paste me some products that magically double a signal without causing deterioration, or use some form of hardware.

>> No.3811004 [DELETED] 

They don't have to worry about deterioration because the signal is strong enough from the getgo to support the split. On top of that, splitting doesn't cause any delay whatsoever. That would be like arguing your internet will be slower if you spliced another few feet of cable onto the end. That's just now how physics work, anon. It's a signal bound by the speed of light. All perceivable latency is caused by digital devices via processing/scaling/converting/etc. With the case of VGA (analog), when you add a splitter onto the end, you are doing the same act as if you simply spliced 2 output ends onto the end of the cable. There is no loss because no processing, scaling, or digital/analog conversion needs to take place. It is literally a vehicle for electrons, which are not bound by those issues. In other words, if you think that analog signals experience input lag in any form, you literally don't understand the basic fundamentals of circuitry or analog systems, which is totally fine, just something you should admit instead of coming up with these crazy theories about how digital and analog are somehow in the same boat here.

>> No.3811007

They don't have to worry about deterioration because the signal is strong enough from the getgo to support the split. On top of that, splitting doesn't cause any delay whatsoever. That would be like arguing your internet will be slower if you spliced another few feet of cable onto the end of your ethernet cable. That's just now how physics work, anon. It's a signal bound by the speed of light. All perceivable latency is caused by digital devices via processing/scaling/converting/etc. With the case of VGA (analog), when you add a splitter onto the end, you are doing the same act as if you simply spliced 2 output ends onto the end of the cable. There is no loss because no processing, scaling, or digital/analog conversion needs to take place. It is literally a vehicle for electrons, which are not bound by those issues. In other words, if you think that analog signals experience input lag in any form, you literally don't understand the basic fundamentals of circuitry or analog systems, which is totally fine, just something you should admit instead of coming up with these crazy theories about how digital and analog are somehow in the same boat here.

>> No.3811017

>few millimeters
1 picosecond is less than 1/3mm. The distance between contacts in a splitter might even be a few mm so potentially up to several picoseconds.

So I see you've learned nothing about how you were wrong in the meantime. Cool

How do you know what you need when you've never even tried and didn't even know how it was done until just now when it was spoon fed to you? Top kek kid

Reading comprehension sport. "outs"

>> No.3811161

>They don't have to worry about deterioration because the signal is strong enough

Then why have amplifiers, doublers etc been around since long before digital stuff came around?

Because splitting a analog signal causes deterioration.

>> No.3811347

But I'm not using a splitter. Can you read?

>> No.3811359
File: 234 KB, 1200x675, IMG_0398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not owning cib mmx3

>> No.3811460

Because the singal is strong enough to handle a split and a few feet of cable.
Amps are for when you're feeding dozens of monitors and have hundrens of yards of cable.

Also, amplifiers are analog and add no lag.

>> No.3811559

>It exists
>Its a meme

Pick one and only one, you stupid fucking nigger. I swear to god you're the most retarded mother fucker to ever post on this board. You should just go fucking shoot yourself in the head right now, because if we're being honest with ourselves here, the brain damage would make you sound a hell of a lot smarter than your contradictory ass.

>> No.3811562
File: 11 KB, 320x309, sw-20142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me how this causes lag, you stupid mother fucker.

>> No.3811570

Fuck your mmx3, what's that Squaresoft game still NIB?

>> No.3811586

are these the new audiophiles?

>> No.3811587

most definitely

>> No.3811589

Literally zero question.

>> No.3811698

The signal has to travel for an additional ((10cm)/(300,000km/s)) seconds.
ruins the timing for the combos, man.

>> No.3811709

So basically it does nothing? Because the design differences between television sets does more than that...

>> No.3812304


>> No.3812604

Jesus, I never thought I'd see one of you retards outside of YouTube comments. Do you honestly care this much about this or are you just trying to stir up shit here, too?

>> No.3812626

He's a shitposter from /v/. Just report his posts. Giving them attention has no value and only makes it worse.

>> No.3812687

Well, I was booty blasted enough to respond, so I guess I've been trolled. Dang. Fair enough, I guess.

>> No.3813173

To the people complaining about SNES game compatibility: assuming you don't accept emulation as an option, remember you can almost always import a JP copy of a game and be just fine. Super Mario Kart, Kirby Dreamland 3, SF Alpha 2, Parodius, Megaman X2&3, and Yoshi's Island are all very playable by English-only speakers, you might need to Youtube the intro cutscene for a few of them. Your real problem is Super Mario RPG, since it's both expensive and absolutely not worth playing without English.

>> No.3813174

*flash cart compatibility

>> No.3813178

The SNES port of SF Alpha 2 is absolutely horrid, it shouldn't even belong on those lists.
It has load times for christ's sake.

>> No.3813193

Also horrible music and it doesn't even run at 60fps.

Tough thstight have to do with the compressor chip.

>> No.3813620

How long until those shoot up in price too? The bottom line here is that no matter what way you cut it SuperFX support is absolutely worth waiting for. Some look at it as "Oh, it's only 5 games that don't work", but some of us look at it as "5 of the 8 games I even care about don't work".

>> No.3813927

Ordered some flash carts from Stone Age Gamer last Thursday, and my order is still being processed. Any one know how long it takes them to ship stuff out?

>> No.3813937

You can fix the music with msu-1 hack, but nothing stops the abysmal load times.

So fucking jarring.

>> No.3814754

Not that I care, but I've always been curious. Do flash carts just emulate mappers/special chips or how does that shit work?

>> No.3814768

Yup, most all flashcarts support the most common mappers.
This can be done either by a microcontroller or a FPGA.
Or some don't bother recreating the mapper and instead pull the chips out of real carts.

>> No.3814770

So wait, you mean hardware emulation via an FPGA? Or do they try to replicate via software?

>> No.3814778

Either or.
Microcontrollers can be used for software emulation, or a FPGA for a hardware clone.

>> No.3814782

I see. So if I were to seek out hardware identical FPGA flash carts for NES and SNES, what would be the best ones? If this is a stupid question I can just google it, just figured I'd ask while we were on the subject.

>> No.3815610

Any examples of which microcontrollers have been used to handle which mappers? Making a flashcart with a MCU instead of a FPGA would potentially have a lot of advantages.

>> No.3816176

I'm curious about this as well.

>> No.3816248

Here's a ARM processor doing GB mappers:

>> No.3817226 [DELETED] 
