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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 218 KB, 750x522, retron2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3800012 No.3800012 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here know if the RetroN2 does emulation like the RetroN5? I have an original NES and SNES on my CRT in the bedroom, but I'd like to get a cheap clone system that isn't just shitty emubox to put on my living room TV for when friends are over. If this isn't a good option, what is?

>> No.3800028
File: 235 KB, 410x303, sage5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retron is bad and any threads specifically dedicated to it are bad

should have posted in:
or even: >>3792996

>> No.3800031

It doesn't, it does it by a system on a chip thing.

Unless it's real hardware or emulated, you have to keep an eye out for compatibility especially on NES.

Emulation is such a good option, I'd go with that.....just not a retron5.

>> No.3800032

It's a meh NOAC. Probably won't play Castlevania 3 and probably won't play nicely with some mapper chips.

>> No.3800034

System on a chip is totally fine by me. Thanks for the help, anon!

>> No.3800036

Yeah, like I said, I have real hardware already, so I'm not too worried about that. I just want it to play most games for when company is around.

>> No.3800128

>If this isn't a good option, what is?

A second hand laptop with a fresh Windows 7 install and a few gigs worth of roms, isos and emulators, for course.
A cable to hook it to your Tv and 2 USB controllers will cost you a fraction of that the retron's brother's sister's son of the wife costs.

>> No.3800154

Well seeing as how I just got the RetroN2 for 20 bucks , no. No it wouldn't be cheaper.

>> No.3800163

Ah, so you can get game carts for free? Interesting, because this crappy fire hazard shit needs carts to work, you know.

Want to play Earthbound? Tell me where are you getting a copy for free.

>> No.3800290

Well for one, I already own Earthbound. For 2, I own a pile of flash carts as well.

>> No.3800298

Emulation or not all retron units are fucking garbage

>> No.3800303

>retron is bad and any threads specifically dedicated to it are bad

Why though? CGR guy seems to think it isn't too bad. Especially since NES consoles are breaking these days. Why is this brand so damn controversial here?

>> No.3800308

> he doesn't know

Besides of the obvious shilling?
There's the problem of the retron being built with crappy materials, the controllers being fragile and unconfortable and the console itself suffering from overheating issues, which makes it an electric fire hazard.

Plus if you are going to use carts you might as well buy a real console and not a shitty knockoff that will either malfunction, or break in your hands, or kill you with fire or electric shocks.

>> No.3800314

Again. I own real hardware already. This is just for the sake of not moving consoles between rooms all the time.

>> No.3800324

Okay then I see. Now where are you getting this info from? Because I really don't trust much people on here.

Buying the console itself can be costly. You also need the right tv's to play them. From what I see of this console it looks like it is more for convenience sake and to save more money. Just like Retro Trio and the other dozens of makers out there releasing their own versions of these old dying consoles.

Basically I don't know if you are memeing me or not but I'm going to prefer to play it safe here and assume you are just saying shit.

>> No.3800327

>to put on my living room TV for when friends are over
My wife's friends really like it!

>> No.3800328

Everyone thinks that they are "right" on the internet. Nobody ever admits they are wrong, and everyone fights for whatever side they are more invested in because they feel they have skin in the game.

Emulation programs (like zsnes) + roms are free so more people will have that than something like a retron that you have to pay money for.

Retron 2 is better than nothing at all. Its SNES S-video is decent, and its NES is composite only so its not great, but it is usable.

Since expense and simplicity appears to be what this anon wants- Sure go for it.

Composite hook ups are easy. Just make sure you have the right adapter for it. I havent set a Retron on fire, but I bought a Retron 3 used. Owner gave me the wrong adapter and I shorted out the NES portion of it.

Its plug and play, set it and forget it. Rather than having to go through the hassle of moving your laptop, either getting USB adapters for your original systems or using USB controllers.

It is the "Pop tart for breakfast solution". Is it the best for you- not really. Are there better options- yes. But if you want the quickest cheapest and dirtiest way of getting the job done- this is will do it.

>> No.3800343

In a perfect world we would all be able to get easy access to brand new retro consoles and games for affordable prices but unfortunately these companies are likely not going to go back.

It may not be optimal but at least there are people out there creating alternatives besides just the people creating the emulators. Not defending Retron here. All what I am saying is I go look up and see a brand new NES going for over 1k dollars and it should come as no surprise people would prefer cheaper options.

>> No.3800346
File: 574 KB, 1224x1267, 1410033589380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the dates from this nice capture.

This is why anyone saying anything even remotely positive about the Retron is automatically labaled as a shiil.

It doesn't help to their cause that whenever one comes here and is called out he will never fucking shut up and will keep trying to put their piece of shit.

>> No.3800357

What about the RetroUSB AVS?

>> No.3800406

Oh I totally agree. I love clone consoles. I have all of my original hardware, but have 2 Retron 3s, a Super Retro Trio and a RetroBit Nes.

In fact I think it helps the market. Because pure know nothing nostaligia dads and normies will eat up the cheap lowest tier bad quality clones. The community will then be split between semi-pricey decent quality clones, and original hardware that doesn't have insanely inflated prices.

Those who already have one original console are unlikely to buy a second original console so they're more likely to go for a clone if it offers similar functionality and a good price.


>Releasing this week: May 22
>All of the time stamps are within 2 months of release

Shilling or new product hype. Retron 5 was one of the first commercially available options to play retro games via HDMI. People were excited and curious about a new retro product. Not to mention Hyperkin (despite them releasing meh-tier products) is pretty decent at getting retro game media outlet coverage.

There are two problems however with clones & the Retron 5 in particular.

1st: They literally made an emulation compiler. They stole actual well known emulation software and shoved it in a box thus perpetuating the "lol emulator" meme.

2nd. Poorfags are poor, angry and have a chip on their shoulder. Emulation via computer is free so if everyone emulates then nobody feels superior to the other because they are all using free stuff. Once you introduce an financial barrier to entry, people who cant afford it will hate on it.

tl;dr: Retron 5 is moderately successful at what it does but overall is still pretty shitty. But emulator fags continue to cry to make them selves feel better.

If RetroUSB released a barebones version of the AVS that had no online capabilities & sold it for $150 shipped it would dominate the field.

Also the 2017 HDMI NESes will help the community

>> No.3800408

All Retrons are shit, no exceptions at all.

If you want simplicity, just buy a laptop, load it with roms and plug a controller/hdmi cable to it. Add a wireless keyboard/mouse pad combo and you will not even need to leave your chair to change games or emulators.

Other benefits: no cartridge clutter, no extra costs, and because of it's small size you can store it wherever you want.

In fact, I consider laughably idiotic how Retron shills keep saying "B-but it saves space, and it's so easy to use!" but then "conveniently" forget the huge clutter and space taken by your cartridge collection, plus the fact that whenever you want to play a different game you will need to stand, walk, unplug the cart, walk, store it, rummage through your cart collection, walk, plug the cart, walk, sit and only then you can start playing.

>> No.3800413

Its very good, slightly over priced but not by much. If you can afford it and have NES controllers of your own you should be satisfied with your purchase.

>> No.3800425

Look, you guys have completely missed my points here. I just wanted a shitty clone system to put in my living room. I am already on the real hardware/CRT wombo combo master race train. The issues with the HDTV bother me enough. I don't want an emulator to make matters worse. Oh and cartridge clutter? Fucking. Flash. Carts. I don't care if you emulate and whatnot, but that's not the route I wanted to go. With that in mind, since I don't own a laptop, it was between buying another NES and SNES both, or a simple combo clone system.

>> No.3800435

What you see as a detriment, others see as a benefit.

I love having different controllers, and flipping through a cart collection (even though I have flashcarts).

Using a laptop and emulators/roms is soulless. You dont have the visceral feeling of the different controller shapes for every console, the cartridge labels or the story behind each piece of equipment.

>I got this cart for Christmas
>This is the controller that I found at that random yard sale.

The physical nature provides so much more comfy feels and asthetics over. Booting up that one emulator, scroll down to this 1 of 1500 roms that I have.

Even though clones are the exact system, they conveniently help you feel close to that original natural feeling.

>> No.3800446

How soon do you need a clone console. If you need it ASAP, go for it and get the Retron 2.

If you can wait til spring/summer, see how the Super Retro Trio HD reviews sound. It'll be 80 bucks. You are already spending $20 on this one. Just hold on to that twenty, save $20 a month until it comes out and VOILA.

>HDMI for your HDTV
>Does NES & SNES

Also take into consideration how hardcore are your friends. Are they normies? Then they won't care if you are using composite on an HDTV they'll only care if you have Super Mario and Zelda. Besides, composite will not make your eyes fall out.

If you dont care, and they dont care, then who cares just enjoy your games.

>> No.3800451

>2nd. Poorfags are poor, angry and have a chip on their shoulder. Emulation via computer is free so if everyone emulates then nobody feels superior to the other because they are all using free stuff. Once you introduce an financial barrier to entry, people who cant afford it will hate on it.

Most concise and accurate way to put.

>> No.3800457

Well, aside from being a godawful product?

It takes attention away from honest, considerate and appealing retro-platform recreation efforts. Like ReactOS, Atari-ST-on-Coldfire, "Low Budget" NES, Tectoy Speshul Edition Megadrive, NES30 and IBuffalo pads, and so on.

>> No.3800474

I mean, I'm not a poorfag. I just don't really care to spend money on a system I won't often use. I play on my CRT with real hardware pretty much all the time. This is going to be for the once a week at most I have people over. I can deal with the issues that might arise for a fourth of the price in exchange for the convenience.

>> No.3800495

I am struggling to find a reason WHY anyone would want to buy a retron 5 other than pure laziness and some kind of need to reduce clutter, or they don't like the (awesome) visual appeal of older consoles.

Let's face facts. You need cartridges to run the games on the retron 5. Anyone who has the space for carts, and collects their games on carts, probably has an affinity to the actual gameplay experience, and would get a real snes or genny if they could.

So I'm forced to conclude that they are too lazy or poor to afford an upscaler unit to go to an HDTV or are completely ignorant to the fact that you get an amazing picture and lagless gameplay experience on a CRT.

I used to think that there was a 3rd option, that there are normie shitheads who actually collect retro games but don't play them on official hardware, but I find it harder and harder to believe that anyone is that stupid. I can only conclude that the reason they purchase a retron 5 is they're too stupid to stupid to get an upscaler.

>> No.3800513

Look, I sell these things at retro game store.
They won't survive a fall, but if you don't have kids and it literally just sits there waiting for you to play it, it'll last just fine.
Just make sure if a kid wants to play it you set it up for them.

Game compatibility isn't much of an issue, I can tell you from experience the games that have issues are :
NES- Castlevania 3, Bad Dudes, Paperboy, Gauntlet, Rad Racer 2
SNES, 3 Prong FX chip cards sometimes have issues but have gotten better, for example Starfox has a buzzing sound issue and Yoshi's island can as well; Mario RPG has been patched from what I've seen, Street Fighter Alpha 3 is the only true cartridge I've seen not fire off.

It's a decent machine, you can use original controllers and it looks great through a CRT. Anything less than the msrp 60 is a decent buy.

Hope this has helped!

you can run emulators off the sd card slot.
the hdmi upconverter actually makes the games look slick on hdtv
i don't want to troll but your last paragraph makes me wonder if you're ok.

>> No.3800518

> Global Rule #11: Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.

Report was already sent.

>> No.3800525

>Game compatibility isn't much of an issue, I can tell you from experience the games that have issues are :
>NES- Castlevania 3, Bad Dudes, Paperboy, Gauntlet, Rad Racer 2
>SNES, 3 Prong FX chip cards sometimes have issues but have gotten better, for example Starfox has a buzzing sound issue and Yoshi's island can as well; Mario RPG has been patched from what I've seen, Street Fighter Alpha 3 is the only true cartridge I've seen not fire off.
>It's a decent machine, you can use original controllers and it looks great through a CRT. Anything less than the msrp 60 is a decent buy.

Thank you anon. This has helped significantly. I don't really care about the few issues you listed, as I have real hardware for those if push comes to shove. I just want this to play *most* games for company. I have no kids or anything, so I imagine it will be just fine. Oh and also the fact that I was able to get it for 20 bucks helped lol

>> No.3800527

Enjoy your ban then, cus none of that happened here.

>> No.3800539


Go peddle your shit to Reddit. Also, claiming that the only people who dislike the Retron are envious poorfags? That's a new one, I wonder what the wife thinks about that.

>> No.3800542

Then yeah for 20 bucks it's worth having as a back up. Maybe get some extension cords to make sure it doesn't get knocked over or tripped on and always /ALWAYS/ pull the games out side to side instead of straight up, it'll ease the wear on the pins.

also: if the game has trouble starting, try using a q-tip with windex to clean the pins. works like a charm.

>> No.3800565

> Thread starts as a totally non shill guy asking about the Retron
> Thread quickly turns into a Retron infomercial, guy won't ever shut up about how awesome the Retron is, how all other alternatives are wrong and how whoever dislikes the Retron is a poorfag feeling envy
> Thread even includes a guy who openly admits to sell Retrons

Eyup, shilling thread indeed. I wonder how many new Retron threads we will have to report until this shit is finally purged out for good.

>> No.3800570

Christ you are small minded asshole. But fine I'll take the bait.

Somebody who has a collection of carts but buys or wants to buy a Retron 5 might do so because:

Normal everyday people who aren't on messageboard, or 4chan, and their primary internet usage is Facebook have NO IDEA about upscalers and such. These are people who have no clue what Scart/RGB is and just arent into the "retro scene", but just have retro games that they like and want to play.

With this in mind. If they have a collection of games there is probably a reason that they don't have or cannot access the original hardware. They go online look for video game stores near me. Call Gamestop, "No we dont carry SNES, but we have this thing that will play SNES, and Sega, and Original Nintendo- and you can pick it up now"...SOLD. TL;DR...Normies with money

Also, people who have original consoles but don't want to travel with them. I personally have got 8 systems hooked up via scart, a switcher, and nicely organized, hooked up to a Framemeister. But I'm going away on Christmas vacation for a week and want to bring NBA Jam & Street Fighter to play with friends/family, and Zelda NES because its tradition, and I'm going to play Fire Emblem on the plane ride...You think I want to unhook my fragile consoles that I love & have sentimental value to me and let TSA handle them?

NOPE! I throw a Retron 5, some 3rd party controllers in a duffle bag and let TSA do their worst. I keep my carts and GBA on me, and I deal with some lag and less than optimal visual for a 5 day trip. All the while I know that the Super Nintendo I got for my first communion is safe and sound at home.

Same reasoning to keep a Retron 5 at a beach/vacation house...you are only going to be there a few days. You dont need MAX EXPERIENCE, you just need enough to have fun.

>> No.3800573

Well yeah.
Guy wanted information so I gave it to him, how else to gain credibility and assert my honesty then by being upfront with how I-
yeah nah this thread ain't worth it.
don't stay up top late anon, I worry for you.

>> No.3800575

>You dont need MAX EXPERIENCE, you just need enough to have fun.

In that case I would just use emulators and roms.
> N-no! You are a jealous poorfag!

Go get a real job, shilly willy.

>> No.3800580

You spergy edge lord. Retrons are not as good as original hardware. I admit that everyday and 2x on Sunday.

But not everyone has to be able to run Castlevania 3 with the special music channel, or that dank Starfox 2 repro that you made with the custom label.

Some people just want to play Mortal Kombat 2 & Super Mario All Stars and there is nothing wrong with that.

The only people who are so vehemently anti-Retron are internet stat fags who dont understand why anybody would buy a Toyota Camry that does just what you need it to, when you can get a Dodge Hellcat that also has 4 doors but also 550 horsepower.

You are so dead set on being right that everyone else is incomprehensibly wrong.

Normies run the world are the majority of the world. Get used to it.

>> No.3800584

Thats fine. You can use emulators and roms. They are not for everybody. People have different opinions and feelings and that is OK.

I'm not calling you a poorfag. I'm saying that the people who buy these things aren't looking to save money. They are people who more than likely have money to burn and either dont know any better or don't care.

I'm not just a shilly willy. My name is John Retron. This is my product now go out and buy it or else you are a closeted homosexual.

>> No.3800613

>Some people just want to play Mortal Kombat 2 & Super Mario All Stars and there is nothing wrong with that.
If they only want to play, then all they need is the emulator, the rom and a 5$ pad.
They can even buy different retro pads for a funnier experience.