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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3780934 No.3780934 [Reply] [Original]

The great debate

>> No.3780938

Secret of Mana > Chrono Trigger > Final Fantasy VI > Super Mario RPG

>> No.3780980

I love them all, and on any given day my order might change -

Final Fantasy VI > Secret of Mana > Chrono Trigger > Super Mario RPG

>> No.3780982


>> No.3780991

FFVI > Chrono Trigger > Mario RPG > Secret of Mana

>> No.3780992

>Putting SMRPG along with the other 3 games

>> No.3780995
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Lufia 2

>> No.3780996

CT > Mario > FFVI. Haven't played SoM...

>> No.3780998
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They are all great games and I enjoy playing each of them :)

>> No.3781002

What's wrong with that? If anything, Secret of Mana is the one that doesn't belong in that set, since it's action-based, rather than turn-based.

>> No.3781004

Could you atleast tell us why you don't think it deserves to be put alongside the others instead of being just another dumb greenposter?

>> No.3781020


because the other 3 are easy. But SMRPG is just beyond babby tier in terms of difficulty. Not to mention the story is cliche as fuck and gives you almost nothing to explore. Dont get me wrong, is a good JRPG, but is a step below the others, along like BoF 2 for example


I think we are discussing the quality of the games here.

>> No.3781030

SoM for me but like the anon above said, it doesn't belong with the other 3 since it's action based. Turn based games drive me insane, I hate being taken out of the action just to tell my character how to fight. To each their own though, they're all masterpieces.

>> No.3781034

Balsto thewall 6 > Noworthy sequel > Super entrylevel RPG > Terranigma's Better

>> No.3781052

They're all pretty fantastic, but in terms of pure comfiness?

Secret of Mana > Super Mario RPG > Final Fantasy VI > Chrono Trigger

>> No.3781058

Secret of Mana has rose tints in its favour because it's the only one that came out in PAL land

>> No.3781061

Also had an OST that blows all the others out, even FF6.

Nobuo Uematsu confirmed for suicide watch.

>> No.3781072
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>implying we didn't play imported games (including these RPGs) with pic related

International trade existed in the 90s, you know?

>> No.3781083
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FF6 is in a different level.
I still remember Interceptor.

>> No.3781085 [DELETED] 

2 meme games, 2 alright games. What's the debate again

>> No.3781094


man what are some other games that capture the comfy of SoM? I don't care if they're /vr/ or not

>> No.3781097
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>> No.3781102
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Of those I say CT > FFVI > SMRPG SoM

Though I think earthbound, dragon quest V, and metal max returns are the best turn based rpgs on the system.

>> No.3781116

well the debate was kind of supposed to be best squaresoft snes rpg but thats ok too

>> No.3781118 [DELETED] 

That's FFV by far anyway

>> No.3781127

May as well have thrown FFIV, FFV, and LaL in there as well then.

I stand by my statement of CT being the best of those still.

>> No.3781137

Chrono Trigger is the 'best' of the four.
FF6 is a close second, by like a hair of a margin.
Mario RPG is also fantastic.

Secret of Mana which may be my favorite of the 4, doesn't even belong there.
If anything, it should be a Link to the Past vs Secret of Mana vs Illusion of Gaia vs Soul Blazer.

>> No.3781138

If that's the case then Romancing SaGa 2.

>> No.3781139

chrono trigger > super mario rpg > final fantasy > secrets of mana

the last two show their age and arent as polished

>> No.3781151


Secret of mana

>Let's be honest. RPGs are boring. ARPGs have the appeal of an RPG AND they're actually funny.

>> No.3781152
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For me? Nothing. Secret of Mana is the nexus of comfiness from which all lesser comfy games are measured.

>> No.3781157
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>Having garbage opinions
>Using greentext out of context

>> No.3781176

is there a fast way to beat the game after getting the airship in world of ruin? I watched some video tutorials and there was some complicated shit you have to go through to collect the rest of your characters, can that be avoided?

>> No.3781181

FF6 ~= CT > SMRPG >>>>>> SoM

Secret of Mana is a clunky mess with really bad gameplay and leveling mechanics.

>> No.3781185

Always one in every thread.

>amazingly popular and well reviewed game that spawned an entire franchise SUCKS!

>> No.3781216

>spawned an entire franchise
Uh... what? It's a sequel.

I'm not shitting on it because it's popular. I'm shitting on it because it's a bad game. It has clunky combat, dumb character progression mechanics, a shitty ring-menu interface, awful partner AI that gets stuck around ledges and walls, and boring boss fights that boil down to hitting Popoi with the Midge Mallet and spamming elemental magic. There are way better RPGs and top-down action games on the SNES. There's no reason for anyone to waste their time with Secret of Mana.

>> No.3781238

Reviews are worthless, they're made to sell games and voice questionable opinions.
"Popularity" only means that a piece of media can be consumed by just about everyone, quality is an irrelevant factor.

Defending something on the basis of popularity and reviews instead of elaborating using your own experience is one of the lowest forms of petty tribal behaviour, if you want to support your opinion tell me something you think made the game good, not useless vox populi arguments.

>> No.3781240

>Uh... what? It's a sequel.
Right, because "Final Fantasy Adventure" was clearly associated with Secret of Mana and seen as a direct sequel on release. And surely Seiken Densetsu 3, Legend of Mana and Sword of Mana and the half dozen other Mana titles were all based on the overwhelming success of Final Fantasy Adventure.

>> No.3781243

>Reviews are worthless
The mating call of the /v/ contrarian.

>> No.3781254

>Right, because "Final Fantasy Adventure" was clearly associated with Secret of Mana and seen as a direct sequel on release.
It was called Seiken Densetsu in Japan. Secret of Mana was called Seiken Densetsu 2. As far as its main market was concerned, it was a direct fucking sequel.

>were all based on the overwhelming success of Final Fantasy Adventure.
700,000 copies sold may not have been an overwhelming success, but it sure as shit wasn't peanuts. Plus, if the game was really that insignificant, why the hell would it warrant two separate remakes?

>> No.3781269

Yes, reviews are worthless, there's nothing objective in 99% of them, they're riddled with flimsy opinions and little else, there's rarely anything informative, if you take some time to even read those opinions, references or comparisons you'll find out that the overwhelmingly majority of reviewers have pathetic knowledge of the medium, no knowledge in programming or even general culture.
I've seen too many good games being reviewed unfairly due to ignorance, pettiness and closemindedness and a lot of largely mediocre games being praised as the second coming of Christ, reviews are simply meant to promote games and generate sales or some other form of personal gain, they're a fundamentally unreliable and shallow source of information.

>> No.3781290
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6 > SoM > CT > MRPG

if you have friends to play with tho switch 6 and Som

>> No.3781301


never liked VI or SOM that much tbqh

>> No.3781305

How can you have that without the SaGa games? North America only releases?

>> No.3781307

FFVI is the best.

Opinions of all 4 of them are heavily influenced by nostalgia goggles.

>> No.3781318

Ah, so you're Japanese posting on a Japanese board discussing the popularity of a game in the far east. Gotcha. You could see how I was confused when I thought we were talking about the relevance of a game in the western market.

>> No.3781328
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Terranigma > *

Also FF6 is only good with the Woolsey translation, otherwise it's shit.

>> No.3781329

Surprise fact: not everyone on 4chan is Western.

>> No.3781334

>Yes, reviews are worthless
Again, par for the course /v/ contrarianism. All of your gripes with a mainstream game are posted in a review somewhere. All the legitimate points for why a game is good are posted in reviews somewhere too.

I don't know where this meme came along that reviews were automatically trash and discredited of any worthwhile value, but it's lazy and the mark of extreme arrogant childish naivety. You, as a non-reviewer don't hold some special insight into what's good or bad about a game. Nor does a reviewer automatically become blind to all the faults of a game, or a mouthpiece for the developers. Especially in older games like we'd see on /vr/.

Take Secret of Mana. One of the best parts of it are the real-time unique battle system in a time when all JRPGs were turn-based. A fact that IGN noted, along with Eurogamer, Famitsu, GamePro, Nintendo Power, etc. The OST is something fans on /vr/ and reviewers often praise too. But how could this be? How could reviewers, who are 99% unobjective, share opinions with us!?

>> No.3781337

Surprise fact: yes they are.

>> No.3781357

I really think this only applies to most mainstream sources, and about half of youtubers.

Mostly because they want their reviews to be entertaining and borderline controversial. Rather than being information about whether or not the game is worth your time or not.

I've loved games that were universally panned, and I hate games like Assassin's Creed and Uncharted that get universal praise, or god forbid those walking simulators like Dear Esther or Gone Home which get 10/10 reviews.

>> No.3781360


Go see all the third world flags there. Come back here. It's the same diversity.

>> No.3781365

Sure, keep moving the goal posts. I'm sure that'll help you prove your points.

>> No.3781367

See, but liking panned games or hating popular games doesn't mean the reviewers were necessarily wrong. Assassin's Creed would've been accurately praised for its free running, a feature that means nothing to you and in no way sells a game to you personally. But the reviewer wasn't wrong that it was well implemented when he scored it.

Boogerman got poor reviews, and if we're honest with ourselves, the platforming wasn't anything special, and outside the 90's grossout slime humor, it was damned mediocre. But fuck if it doesn't have a lot of people who loved it despite or because of its flaws.

>> No.3781371

By that logic then this discussion is totally pointless since EU didn't get those games until later on when they got ported, so your western market shrinks to America only, rendering any form of actual discussion pointless, especially 20+ years later.
>All of your gripes with a mainstream game are posted in a review somewhere. All the legitimate points for why a game is good are posted in reviews somewhere too.
No, they're not, don't talk about what you don't know. Your generalizations are worthless and devoid of argumentative value.
>One of the best parts of it are the real-time unique battle system in a time when all JRPGs were turn-based
This is either a conscious lie or extreme ignorance, RPGs in Japan started with the action subgenre and it was in no way rare or novel at the time.
>The OST is something fans on /vr/ and reviewers often praise too.
Music can't be objectively criticized, I like Ito's work in general, yet I don't like SoM's music all that much, especially compared to the first game or what he did with the SaGa series.

You talk about arrogance and naivety but just like most reviewers you try to pass your misinformation and opinions as fact, it's pretty childish.

For the record, I stopped going on /v/ since the /vg/ schism, so the only one applying /v/ contrarianism of any sort here is you.
Not really, the vast majority of reviewers in general don't have enough knowledge to talk about what they talk, as long as you take them as what they are, light considerations, it's fine, some are entertaining too and might even offer some sort of nice insight into things, but there's only a handful of people who actually know their shit and can support their criticism with hard facts and actually well thought out arguments.

The fact that you can agree or not with a review means nothing at an objective level, entertainment is largely what you make of it.

>> No.3781373

99% are western countries. They're all North/South American, Australian/New Zealander and European. And like two Asians shitposting behind proxies or who are American and expatriating for work or the like.

>> No.3781378

>so your western market shrinks to America only
The only one that matters. Don't like it? Go to 4chan.eu.

>> No.3781383

>in Japan
Fucking weebshit, why not just type your post in kanji?

>> No.3781386

There are Latin American, Eastern European, Middle Eastern, South East Asian generals every day on /int/. Each one with a fair number of users.

This board is full of Mexicans, Poles or Brazilians, deal with it.

>> No.3781390

Reviewers are more about synching up your personal tastes to theirs rather than actually about the games systems.

If someone hates puzzles games but they like a puzzle game and give it a good score, it's a safe bet that you might like it despite not liking puzzle games yourself.

>> No.3781392

Fuck off to /int/ for this kind of tedious "banter".

>> No.3781393

That would've been a sick burn if we were on 4chan.us

>> No.3781398
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>This board is full of Mexicans, Poles or Brazilians, deal with it.


>> No.3781408

>website ends with "an.us"

Brutal honesty desu

>> No.3781421

This only shows there are more non-Western people than Americans there. (Russians, Turks, Mexicans, Indonesians, Brazilians, etc.)

So thanks for proving my point.

>> No.3781427

Latin American is covered under North/South American. Also Latin Americans and Poles are Western.

>> No.3781432

>poles western
If your language is slavic you're not western european.

>> No.3781436
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>Latin Americans and Poles are Western

>> No.3781445

Western=European or European-descended cultures. That includes Poles. It also includes Slavs in general, with the very arguable (emphasis on *very arguable*) exception of Russians, but it especially includes Poles.

Hell, Poles are even Catholic, and historically Catholic going back to the Middle Ages, and use the Latin writing system (rather than, say, Cyrillic (not that that would make much of a difference)). There is absolutely zero (0) basis to not consider Poles Western.

>> No.3781460

>ha there are only 5,600k Americans, that SURELY must mean that the majority of posters here are the 600k Brazilians or 300k Turks!

I see whatever failure of a third world nation you're from never prioritized math.

>> No.3781491

Latin Americans are literally on the western hemisphere, and poles are west of the Middle East and FAR west of the Far East. So yeah, they're all western.

>> No.3781527

Not much debate to me, Secret of Mana is my favorite game of all time. It's sountrack alone will blow your balls off

>> No.3781530

SoM was composed by Kikuta, not Ito

>> No.3781543

The gentleman you were replying to was referring to eastern and western europeans, not Western as a reference to european cultures. You may consider them Western but they are not western european.

>> No.3781567


Why are Secret of Mana and Chrono Cross even there?
Why do people pretend to like Mario RPG?

>> No.3781595

>Chrono Cross

Also why do people pretend to like FF6 when it clearly has the worst gameplay of the four?

>> No.3781650

I never said the majority here was non-Western, just that there are substantial numbers of them around.

So the claim that 99% of people on 4chan are Western is laughable, except if Brayan Hernandez from Tegucicalpa or Ivan Ivanov from Vladivostok are "Western" for you.

>> No.3781667

According to the graph, which is just for the international forum, westerners are in the massive overwhelming majority. Moving to a niche English-only board featuring decades-old hardware that didn't release in several of the countries on /int/ why would you believe that the proportion of westerners would somehow drop?

>> No.3781690

That would be better grouping. SoM has a lot of basic problems with its engines. Sounds get cut off a lot and you can abuse chain magic easily.

I like FF6 a lot because the larger amount of hacks it has, but I like CT more for the original game.

I would like to see a FF6 prequel set 1000 years in the past. Mite be cool.

>> No.3781717

They'll probably just take another FF and set it 1000 years before VI, like what they did to VII with X.

>> No.3781731

By that logic the US isn't Western.

>> No.3781746

>westerners are in the massive overwhelming majority
No, they're just a majority. But add all the non-Western countries and you get a pretty hefty number. It's certainly not 1%. Do the math.

>a niche English-only board
Virtually 100% of 4chan users speak English. Boards don't matter.

>featuring decades-old hardware that didn't release in several of the countries
4chan revolves around Japanese stuff (anime, manga, video games...) that didn't get officially released out of Japan, or is quite obscure to the general world audience. Yet the overwhelming majority of 4chan users is non-Japanese.

Do you think there were no video games fans in Brazil or Turkey in the 90s? Even here in the West, do you think we didn't play games in Japanese in the 90s? Even I (a broke kid from a terrible hood) did own, borrow or rent SNES games in Japanese.

>> No.3781748

>Instructor is teaching a class on eastern roman empire.
>Anon repeatedly interrupts the lecture to ask questions, visibly confused by the professors use of "eastern roman" when quite clearly rome is a western civilization.
>Teacher tries to explain that anon is an idiot but he doesn't get it

>> No.3781771

How would you define Western?

>> No.3781774

I'd even say that you were NOT a video game enthusiast, no matter your country, if you did not play Jap games from time to time.

That's pretty much how you knew who was a clueless normie and not a real gamer: he never played a game in Japanese, did not know what a converter was, etc. (Elite guys played directly on a Super Famicom, but that was unrealistic for us kids.)

The kind of person that was weeb/nerd enough to play RPGs (or just DBZ) in Japanese now posts on boards like /vr/.

>> No.3781787

The West is what we called "first world" when we actually had three worlds (so in the early 90s and before).

White countries with a developed economy = allies of USA = first world = the West. (Japan was also first world, but not in the West because not white, while Australia is "the West" regardless of its location.)

Commie countries = allies of USSR = second world.

Non-aligned and/or non-white countries = third world (only exception for a long time: Japan).

>> No.3781796

>Latin America is not Western
Not sure if trolling, but how would countries speaking Romance (Western) languages founded by settlers from Spain (a Western country) following Catholicism (a Western religion) not be Western?

If anything, Latin America has a better claim to be Western than places like Scandinavia, most Germany and arguably UK.

>> No.3781803

>The West is what we called "first world"
Nope. "The West" is fairly older, coming from the division of Rome into Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire, that eventually divided the civilized parts of Europe into two spheres of influence (Latin and Greek) and lead to the Great Schism (Catholic West, Orthodox East). Cold War allegiances are bullshit, unless you want to claim Switzerland is not Western (since they were unaligned/3rd world)

>> No.3781809

Western =/= developed, nor does it equate to race. Quite literally not a single official definition in any dictionary, thesaurus, or encyclopedia equates it to prosperity or race.

As for defining "Western" as "First World" in the Cold War sense, fair enough, there is logic to that and it is something that's done. But the problem with it is that, if you do that, then Ireland, Switzerland, and Austria are non-Western, by virtue of having been neutral (and therefore technically Third World).

>> No.3781814

>this (in pink on the map)
>a dubious mix of ethnic durkas, Africans & white heretics who spoke zero Latin
>"""Western civilisation"""

Anon was not an idiot.

Btw "the West" is just a politically correct term to say "The American Empire and its white, rich, reliable provinces like Canada, Western Yurop, Australia & NZ"

>> No.3781816

Not the one you're quoting, but:

>Western Europe
Former part of the Western Roman Empire. Catholic. Romance languages (or at least Romanized - see English).

>Eastern Europe
Former part of the Eastern Roman Empire. Orthodox. Hellenic or Slavic languages.

Of course, then you need to deal with cases like Poland (Catholic, Slav, never part of the Roman Empire), Roumania (Orthodox, Romance, a rather Eastern part of the WRE), but those can be safely dumped as "Central" with most Germany and Hungary.

For former colonies like the Americas and Siberia: they simply inherited the status as West or East from Spain/England/Russia.

>> No.3781817
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Forgot map, Eastern Roman Empire is a literal durka durka pre-Islamic party

>> No.3781818
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>Greek civilization isn't Western

>> No.3781823

>Greek civilization isn't Western
Not him, but no, Greeks aren't Western. Greece is pretty much the focal point of Eastern Europe.

>> No.3781828

>Eastern Roman Empire is a literal durka durka pre-Islamic party
The ERE was pretty much the last bastion of civilization while the WRE was infested by Turk-like hans cockroaches.

>> No.3781829

>Switzerland, and Austria are non-Western, by virtue of having been neutral (and therefore technically Third World)

Nice try.

But third world countries are the non-aligned ones, not the neutral ones. See member list below:


>> No.3781841

No, it's actually not Western. Hence the other alphabet, the imperial division, the 1054 schism, etc.

Pretty much the whole Greek history after the Roman conquest is a "HURRR WE NO WESTERN" butthurt rant.

>> No.3781843

Greece is the birthplace of democracy, which is the core, defining staple of western civilization.

>> No.3781852

Democracy has zero to do with it. It's a political institution, and those change a bit too much to be useful for the W/E classification.

Unless you want to reclassify Cromwell's Britain and Franco's Spain as "not Western".

>> No.3781861

Because most of these countries are not white (mixed-race at best).

Yes, Argentina or Uruguay are culturally and ethnically "the West", but they're politically and economically third world, like the surrounding countries.

>> No.3781865

>Because most of these countries are not white (mixed-race at best).
Not sure if trolling or just plain stupid and dumping irrelevant shit into the mix, but West vs. East is not about race. The words you're probably looking for are "Caucasian, Amerindian, Mongoloid, Sub-Saharian"

>but they're politically and economically third world
Are we talking about CULTURE (West vs. East), ECONOMY (undeveloped vs. in development vs. developed) or COLD WAR ALIGNMENT (1st, 2nd and 3rd world)?

>> No.3781868
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>Thread about Square RPGs
>/pol/, /int/ and /his/ derailment
Just choose a damn RPG, /vr/.

Anyway, Super Mario RPG. I'm not a huge fan of Square's (or Enix's) RPGs but I really like the battle system in that game.

Also, I prefer Secret of Evermore over Mana, personally. Imo, Square USA did a better job with the settings.

>> No.3781872

/int/ and /his/ are derailing, /pol/ is just being /pol/ and "I IS SMART! I CANS COUNT TO POTATOE!!!1".

FF6 > CT > MRPG > SoM

>> No.3781873

We borrowed democracy from the Greeks and made something completely different out of it.

Christianity is more important to our civilisation than democracy (the current year is based on the birth of Jesus, not Pericles).

And we borrowed Christianity from the East, too.

>> No.3781882

>West vs. East is not about race
Today, it is, since America (and its racial obsession) redefined the word.

>Are we talking about CULTURE (West vs. East), ECONOMY (undeveloped vs. in development vs. developed) or COLD WAR ALIGNMENT (1st, 2nd and 3rd world)?
All three criteria are important. At the end of the day, the West = USA/Canada + Western Europe + Australia/NZ for sure.

>> No.3781885

"Western" is not an ethnic term. You can't be ethnically "Western." If someone's mom is a white woman from Minnesota and their dad is a Nigerian are they "half-Western?"

>> No.3781890

Okay, so, I only played CT and FF6 in the 90s (no emulator here).

What FF6 left in me: good music, and some bits of the story.

What CT left in me: absolutely nothing.

So FF6 wins.

>> No.3781892

>Today, it is, since America (and its racial obsession) redefined the word.
Not sure if trolling or really stupid, but USA is pretty much irrelevant in this regard. Again, the definition existed since well before the first Britbong fucked the first slave in the Americas and raised the first American.

>All three criteria are important. At the end of the day, the West = USA/Canada + Western Europe + Australia/NZ for sure.
Protip: just parroting the same thing over and over again is not an argument.

Here's a thought experiment.

Grab a full-blooded French or Italian newborn. Let him be raised by a Mandarin-speaking, ethnically Chinese couple in China into a man who speaks like a Chinese, eats like a Chinese and behaves like a Chinese.

Would you consider him Western, or East Asian?

>> No.3781893

Western is the PC code word for white

>> No.3781898

Western applies to countries, not to individuals. It's an abstraction applied to another abstraction.

t. swell Western guy

>> No.3781901

I agree FF6 > CT, but CT is still great. Fun story, an interesting twist of old RPG mechanics with area of effect, great replay value with 13 endings and New Game+... and some wonderful music like this:


>> No.3781905
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Which places of FF6 are Western?

I like Zozo but not sure if it's the West desu

>> No.3781913

I've spent dozens of hours playing CT, yet I can't remember these tunes...

Same thing with Chrono Cross, it's like I never played it (while I did 70+ hours on it).

Meanwhile, I never got far at Soul Blazer, yet it's unforgettable to me. Really strange...

>> No.3781915

>Western applies to countries, not to individuals.
And then you contradict yourself with
>t. swell Western guy

But regardless. It does not apply to individuals or countries (a bunch of institutions ruling over some land), but to peoples (groups of individuals sharing cultural grounds who see themselves as belonging to the same whole). So in this case, let's pretend there were multiple "born Italian, raised Chinese" kids and they eventually saw themselves as a people, would this people be Western or East Asian?

>> No.3781924

Out of those I guess Chrono Trigger. All Final Fantasy games are trashy pulp with shitty broken gameplay, and VI is no exception. SMRPG is decent but only really enjoyable if you're a diehard Mario fan (which I'm not) and I've never played Secret of Mana.

>> No.3781925

Well, YMMV, but at least for me, each of those songs evoke both a piece of CT's story (present, Middle Ages, Zeal). Also a bunch of hard-to-describe emotions.

Also this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3CKb3FuG4E

>> No.3781930

>trashy pulp
Disagreed. The story is really wonderful, full of iconic characters and unpredictable events (like the world ending and the villain winning midway - worse, a villain that used to be comic relief).

>with shitty broken gameplay
Agreed. Even if you disregard the bugs, there are a thousand ways to exploit the mechanics, and they're in general unfun.

>SMRPG is decent but only really enjoyable if you're a diehard Mario fan (which I'm not)
You're being a bit too harsh... the game is fun even if you aren't that much into Mario.

>> No.3781932

>But SMRPG is just beyond babby tier in terms of difficulty. Not to mention the story is cliche as fuck and gives you almost nothing to explore.

So like FFVI then.

I don't see the problem.

>> No.3781974

Which RPG has a non-cliché story though? I think they're really, really often nothing more than a pleasant mish-mash of pop fantasy stuff that competes with other pop stuff rather than with Marcel Proust.

>And then you contradict yourself with
>t. swell Western guy

It was a joke

And who the hell talks about "Western peoples" rather than "Western countries"?

>> No.3781986

Well Troika's games were pretty good in terms of plot. Plus things like Planescape: Torment.

>> No.3781989

>I only play RPGs all by the same people

>> No.3781993

CT>SMRPG>>>>SoM>>>>FFVI. Can't stand the last two games in the order.

>> No.3782010

How much was that thing? Just snap the plastic pegs in the damn system. I figured that out when I was like 10

>> No.3782023

Hellenes were western, they're grouped in the Greco-Roman civilization.

>> No.3782030

It wasn't very expensive (bought it used).

Europe here, so US cartridges didn't fit, and Japanese cartridges didn't work.

>> No.3782584

what a sad childhoiod you should had get for not playing SOM

>> No.3782665

>No Teranigma
>No Romancing Saga 3
>No SD3
Still great games though

>> No.3782668


>> No.3783376

Secret of Mana is nowhere near as good as the other 3.

>> No.3783434

Y do I feel like SNES games had THE best cover art)? Like seriously the best

>> No.3783449


>> No.3783536

>tfw I played through both FFVI and SoM with my bro back in the day
>he was good at fightans and would play as Sabin
I understand most anons wouldn't have played VI with a friend, but I do feel bad for the ones that played SoM alone.

>> No.3783867

Lufia 2 is a great puzzle game but one of the blandest JRPGs I've ever played.

>> No.3784331

Kill yourself, millennial jewkike.

>> No.3784347
File: 80 KB, 640x895, space-harrier-sms-cover-front-1439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3784674


Chrono Trigger > FFVI > SoM >>>>>>>>>>>> MarioRPG

>> No.3785462

Mario rpg

honestly never beaten secret of mana. I always get bored 4-5 hours in. I've beaten legend of mana 3 times. that game wasn't great either but I liked crafting my gear then loading my character up to help a friend out on his game. plus new game + etc etc

>> No.3785678


>Top 10
>Finland and Sweden

Literally how?

>> No.3785985

FFVI > Chrono Trigger > Mario RPG > Secret of Mana

>> No.3785994

Chrono trigger is extremely overrated, it belongs in last place.

>> No.3788031

is this a joke?

>> No.3788072

>being this fucking stupid
most of the games you played most likely came from Japan. How does that make you feel for giving this guy shit for stating a fact involving another country.

>> No.3788076
File: 25 KB, 275x326, 1486327548142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's an prostitute

>> No.3788169

FFVI>everything else

Mario RPG and Trigger are fun but FFVI is on another level compared to those.

Should have put on Seiken densetsu at least.

>> No.3788183

Chrono Trigger>Secret of Mana>Super Mario RPG>Final Fantasy VI
FFVI had amazing concept art and music, but the game itself is a slog compared to the others

>> No.3788210
File: 88 KB, 810x1000, Final-Fantasy-Dissidia-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breasts the size of basket balls
Even her updated model is clearly an average b cup

>> No.3788637

FFVI=CT>SMRPG for me. Haven't played SMRPG since I was a kid though, and haven't played SoM at all.

>> No.3788642

mario rpg

>> No.3788708

The Opera House is certainly Western.

>> No.3790380

right opinion

>> No.3790383

This isn't really a debate. It goes FF6>SMRPG>CT>literally any other SNES RPG>SoM

>> No.3790387

Chrono Trigger >>> FF6 >>>>>>>>>>>> (power gap) >>>> Secret of Mana >>>> SMRPG

>> No.3790662

verbatim this

>> No.3790803
File: 174 KB, 468x519, NES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question about SoM if I have a modded 3ds and put the SNES emulator on it could I play with a buddy who also has their 3ds modded?

Was thinking of trying it with Mario Kart as well

>> No.3792375

is SMRPG just a dolled up mario for 3-D?

>> No.3792386


Evermore > Mana indeed

>> No.3792643

All of them, why pick?
SoM slightly last for feeling less polished

>> No.3792654


>> No.3792693

You can beat the game with just Celes, Edgar, and Setzer, but you'd be really handicapping yourself. I'd recommend getting at LEAST 8-9 characters.

>> No.3795243

FF6 > Chrono Trigger > Lufia 2 > Secret of Mana > Super Mario RPG