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File: 545 KB, 799x595, JFH3D2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3779695 No.3779695 [Reply] [Original]

>we have accurate Gamecube emulation
>we have accurate Wii emulation
>we are on our way to accurate WiiU emulation

>Nintendo 64 emulation is still a mess

What went so fucking wrong?

>> No.3779708
File: 61 KB, 640x480, N64 Emulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 is too powerful for PC to handle

>> No.3779713

Newer consoles are just glorified butchered PCs.

>> No.3779715

>>we have accurate Gamecube emulation
>>we have accurate Wii emulation
>>we are on our way to accurate WiiU emulation

It's not "accurate" if you have to rely on DirectX and OpenGL to make assloads of approximations.

>> No.3779718

Is it honestly a big deal? The people who care will pick up a system and a flash cart. I collect very little, but opened my wallet for a Jaguar specifically because there are no adequate emulators. The VC collection is small, but contains most of the games the general public are interested in.

>> No.3779719

Looks like N64 has a GPU and two sub-GPUs

Yeah fuck trying to emulate that...

>> No.3779724

Back in 1999 I installed my first Voodoo 2 card and installed Bleem! and UltraHLE.
UltraHLE blew me away. Mario 64 looked great and played amazingly well.
What the fuck happened?

>> No.3779727

It matters because even with modification the 64 has awful video out, it would be nice to play the games with a clean image.

>> No.3779729

Ultra HDMI with deblur and RGB Mods with deblur are now a thing.

>> No.3779730

Mario 64 always emulates well, most emulators are built around running it. What people are looking for is more over all compatibility.

>> No.3779732

Looks fine on my crt

>> No.3779737

No one bothers to write a good OpenGL plugin so emulators have to use that Glide abomination from the 90's

>> No.3779742

Sure, not everyone has space for a crt though.
Even with deblur it looks shit, and rgb chips are particularly tricky to install for people without soldering skills.

Buying a 64, flash cart and having an rgb mod installed would be quite expensive.

>> No.3779746

maybe that WiiU emulation will give us better N64VC emulation?

>> No.3779752

Same goes for the Sega Saturn for the most part. It's fucking hard to emulate and most of them have an array of issues. Sega pooping too much money into the Saturn and over engineering the thing is probably the problem.

>> No.3779756

>Even with deblur it looks shit
No it doesn't. It's the absolute best you'll get from the N64. There's even a GameShark code to disable the anti-aliasing used in some N64 games, but leaves behind strong dithering in most cases and makes it looks like a pixelated PS1 game.

>> No.3779759

N64 emulation is horrendous on the Wii U. Everything is dark and blurry with white seam glitches and input lag.

>> No.3779763
File: 2.00 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-02-12-43-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HLE via Dolphin
No. The most recent home console emulation replacement for a console is PS1 via Mednafen. N64 LLE is getting there, but 6th gen is years off.

>> No.3779770

will they be able to emulate PS3? I heard its basically an apple G5 ppc chip.

>> No.3779776

>paying for roms downloaded off the internet from rom sites

>> No.3779780

None of those systems really have accurate low-level emulation on par with that of systems from earlier generations. If they did, the games would be unplayable because PC processor performance over the past decade has plateaued. That's why consoles from the fifth (32/64-bit) generation onward are only emulated via binary translation or dynarec. CEN64 is an exception; it's the first low-level, cycle-accurate N64 emulator and the author is still struggling to achieve acceptable performance.

I think the problem with the N64 scene is that it started out so strongly that it grew complacent and lazy with "good enough" emulation. UltraHLE blew everyone's balls off in 1999 -- it was possible to play Mario 64 and Ocarina at full speed on a Pentium ///! From then on there was Nemu, 1964, Corn, and of course Project 64. However, because most of those emulators were closed-source, when the authors ultimately abandoned them, there was no hope for the scene to continue development. That's why the only surviving N64 emulators are open-source: Mupen64 and (eventually) PJ64.

That's also why Dolphin has been such a huge success story: open-source projects can attract a vibrant and active developer community to organize and thrive.

>> No.3779790

UltraHLE and Bleem! were high-level emulators designed to run specific games at a playable speed on PCs from 1999, rather than low-level hardware simulations like higan that can perfectly run anything an actual SNES can run, at the expense of having much higher system requirements.

>> No.3779796

>muh 100% accuracy
Only autists care about that, If you can play the entire game without any gamebreaking bugs and wih graphics near the original system its fine.

>> No.3779805

Emulation is about interest, people only really care about Mario 64 and Zelda so no one bothers making anything better than we have.

>> No.3779879


It's not about '100% accuracy', it's like >>3779805 said, when the interest died after the main games started working nobody gave a shit anymore. It's an ass-backwards approach to building an emulator that we've since learned from.

>> No.3779925

Sup /v/!

>> No.3779934

I think OP is just talking about being "close enough".

The OP pic is hardly what I'd consider "close enough". Even to this day, the best N64 emulators still have dozens of games that have major issues ranging from graphical oddities to outright crashing the emulator.

>> No.3780178
File: 543 KB, 640x640, 1469065010040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this a Jojo's reference?

>> No.3780197

Seriously there's a billion ways to play 4th gen and below, but it seems like our only options for N64 is original hardware or pay for Nintendo's laggy virtual console ports.

At this point I'd be happy with a plug and play. as long as it can be soft modded of course

>> No.3780198

Have none of you faggots heard of ParaLLEl or Cen64? Obviously that shit's still being worked on, but the progress is amazing, especially with ParaLLEl utilizing the vulkan API.

>> No.3780203

4 you

>> No.3780227

>Anonymous 02/04/17(Sat)19:16:11 No.3779756▶
> >>3779742
> >Even with deblur it looks shit
> No it doesn't. It's the absolute best you'll get from the N64. There's even a GameShark code to disable the anti-aliasing used in some N64 games, but leaves behind strong dithering in most cases and makes it looks like a pixelated PS1 game.

Does disabling the blur feature of the N64 increase the framerate of games?

>> No.3780389


Nope, you have install an overclock to do that. It also only affects the games that drop frames, not ones that are locked at a low framerate.

>> No.3780480

Because N64 terrible hardware design makes it much harder to reverse-engineer, and there's not nearly enough documentation on it to make stuff even remotely accurate.

>> No.3780497

It uses speedhacks the same way ZSNES does. It's far from accurate. Playable, but not accurate in the slightest.

>> No.3780654


>tfw I never had an N64 til 2013 and I only want like 5 games

Feels pretty great

>> No.3780691

Since 5.0 they've been removing most of the speedhacks.

>> No.3780713


Well at least you got one thing right.

I think the main issues with N64 emulation are:
They're a dime a dozen and have been able to play ROMs since day 1, or was it day 2?
It difficult. Not inherently difficult but different.
Early emu developers were cunts
Far more people care about PS1 emulation. Not me, but I don't deny the facts

We'll get there some day. Maybe not in my life time but probably in yours kiddo.

>> No.3781395

The overclock mod makes most games run faster than normal.

>> No.3783105

DOS, please...

>> No.3783123

I played Harvest Moon 64 on an emulator 15 years ago and played it to death. Been playing it each night before bed these last few months.


>> No.3783369

What is angrylion
What is SSF/Mednafen

>> No.3783454

This. Power alone is far from enough to emulate a console

>> No.3783517

messy archecture. need to emulate decompression process.

the N64 was a technical mess.

>> No.3783641

>What is SSF/Mednafen
Not there.

>> No.3783887

Wired for RGB out and looking good on my CRT f a m

>> No.3784058
File: 221 KB, 1262x2810, arch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like N64 has a GPU and two sub-GPUs
So just like every GPU after 1999 and before 2007?
>the 64 has awful video out
It gives you a perfectly flicker-free and dither-reduced output designed for CRTs. Not using a CRT? Then get HDMI which removes the internal linedoubling. And if you really love horrible dithering and jaggies, you can remove all post-processing with Gameshark codes.
>Does disabling the blur feature of the N64 increase the framerate of games?
It actually does, but only by a very small amount. All the Gameshark codes do is remove postprocessing. The N64 also does an AA pass within the pixel pipeline itself, that's not disabled and there are no hacks to disable it.
>Because N64 terrible hardware design makes it much harder to reverse-engineer
The N64 is well designed hardware though, equally so good to GameCube. It's harder to emulate since it's less fixed-function and because emulator authors are still lazily recycling Glide code written in the 90s.
>messy archecture
Pic related.
>need to emulate decompression process
That's just CPU routine emulation which is easy (with the exception of RE2 where the GPU's vertex shader assists the CPU in decompression). The N64 uses a stock off-the-shelf MIPS CPU. For example, there's not a single component in PS1 that is strictly off-the-shelf (the MIPS CPU in that console had custom co-processors thrown in).
>the N64 was a technical mess.
People need to stop blaming the hardware based on their misconceptions and start blaming the N64 emulator community. It's entirely caused by a failure of community. This poster is absolutely right >>3779780

>> No.3784170

Is this a jojo reference?

>> No.3784195
File: 12 KB, 226x222, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened???

THIS happened!!

Things would be different if we still had these being made! If could get this built in to a laptop, gaming nettop, tablet or smaller device, things would be so much better. If you could get one in PCIe 1x, things would be so much better. If you could get one integrated into an atom class ITX board, things would be so much better.

>> No.3784241

Interesting that the most technically advanced 5th gen console had the simplest architecture. Though, maybe the lack of native 2D support has something to do with it.

>> No.3784249

You're sorta right.

I wouldn't call the hardware a mess, but it was certainly non-standard compared to today's hardware.
The GPU's extensive programability and lack of documentation have been a huge hurdle for proper emulation.

>> No.3784461
File: 180 KB, 634x507, n64_rdram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe the lack of native 2D support has something to do with it.
None of the three major consoles of that generation are natively "2D" (if by 2D you mean not using framebuffer-based GPUs) with the partial exception of the Saturn (the second GPU it has is a 2D tiling chip).

N64 has a simple architecture because Nintendo went to the extremes to save money on manufacturing costs. Ironically, the system's simplicity made it hard to program. It was TOO simple (e.g. the entire console shares a single memory channel).
>but it was certainly non-standard compared to today's hardware.
Yes. The N64 GPU's has a truckload of features that are non-DirectX/OpenGL/Glide compliant, though it is marginally more similar to Glide than the other two.
>lack of documentation
Virtually everything is documented except some vertex shader/microcode stuff.

>> No.3784484

>pic related
I wasn't referring to physical architecture outside the cpu/gpu

>> No.3784504

>worth programming a good emulator for
Yeah, I can't wait to play all those grade A games available on it..

>> No.3784525

CPU is just a stock MIPS R4300i. No modifications whatsoever.

The GPU is like a non-Glide compliant Voodoo with a vertex shader attached. Honestly, the Saturn hardware is much more weird.

>> No.3784530

star wars shadows of the empire is fairly broken on emulator, and the speed bike stage is unplayable

>> No.3784885

>Sure, not everyone has space for a crt though
Do you live in a matchbox? Even if you live in a studio apartment, you should still be able to find a small place for an 8 inch crt. Corner of table, countertop, etc.

>> No.3784894

thats like half the library.

>> No.3784897

Not enough people liked the n64, its that simple.

>> No.3785472

Lots of people loved the N64. It's just that no one is smart enough to replicate the hardware accurately.

>> No.3785474

simply epic

>> No.3785507



>> No.3786248
File: 155 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works on my machine.

>> No.3786256
File: 59 KB, 408x439, 1486358393548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts screenshot of broken N64 emulation on a game that's been emulated perfect for over a decade now
Why do you faggots keep perpetrating this meme

N64 emulation is fine if you're not a fucking retard and use the Gliden64, there's even a special build of PJ64 for Factor 5 games so you can play those.

>> No.3786265

Well if you think about it the 4th generation was practically all programmed in assembly, so there was a one-to-one link with the hardware from the roms. With the 5th gen, they were trying to squeeze every last thing out of the consoles, using both assembly and C-code. N64 programming is notoriously hard. With the 6th generation and beyond, they weren't so desperate for performance and did not have to touch assembly that much. I'm not convinced that 6th gen and later emulation is that good.

>> No.3786272


>> No.3786275

Not true. I'm sure if you paid a team of devs a nice salary, a great n64 emu would be on its way shortly!

>> No.3786301

lol, kids.

>> No.3786327

I don't get it, I've never had much problems at all with n64 emulation. SMB always ran perfectly for me

>> No.3786331

Pokemon Snap was un-emulatable until about a year or so ago, and even of the games that work, many still have minor issues.

Audio stuttering is also still a problem for many games.

>> No.3786336
File: 862 KB, 267x200, 1486463627715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out!

>> No.3786356
File: 242 KB, 698x195, It Must Be The Work Of An.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3786383

you're comparing inaccurate high level emulators optimized for speed to modern emulators which attempt more low level emulation for accuracy, that's what happened.