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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3773489 No.3773489 [Reply] [Original]

I want to know how you guys play your games, and why. Do you use emulators? Are you wildly opposed and only use original hardware? Are you able to function with a happy medium?

>> No.3773494
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I use an emulator for anything that runs well enough on one, even more so if it's portable because I like playing games on the go. I keep hardware around for things that still emulate badly, like most Saturn games.

>> No.3773521

Emulators are easy to boot up if you don't have a lot of time to play games during the weekday. I think that makes it interesting to use them even if you got the original hardware.

>> No.3773562

If an LLE emulator exists with high compatability (higan, Mednafen etc), then I emulate on my PC (genesis and NES on my Wii on a CRT). In the case of N64 and 6th gen consoles, I use a flash cart for the former and all real games and hardware for the later.

>> No.3773564


I emulate old systems. Have an N64 and everdrive for N64 games though

>> No.3773571

I emulate or use flashcarts/burned discs for things i don't own.

I don't like fucking around with getting emulators setup. Things like N64, PS1 and PS2 emulators are fucking terrible.

>> No.3773626

For me it really varies. I have a wicked home theatre set up hooked into my gaming PC, but I also have a cozy nook with a CRT Hooked into all of my original systems.

How I play a game really depends on the game, and the benefits of playing on an emulator vs the original hardware.

For example, a game with pre-rendered backgrounds, I'm going to go with the CRT every time because the high resolution models standing in front of a 240p jpeg is ugly as sin.

For most 3D games I usually go with the home theatre, as long as they emulate well. Playing something like Majora's Mask in 1080p on a 70 inch screen with widescreen and surround sound is a total blast.

For 2D games I'll use the home theatre and emulators for trying random games, or just pick up and play games like Punch Out or Shoot'em Ups. For anything that requires multiple play sessions I'll usually go with the CRT and original hardware.

>> No.3773701

At home, original hardware/carts.
On the go, emulation.

>> No.3773706

Depends how expensive it is to get the original software. Sometimes I'll pick up the game on VC as well if it's something I don't mind paying a little money for. Usually I prefer using the original hardware, but I can deal with emulation if that's the path of least resistance.

>> No.3773710

If I never owned it to begin with and I'm kinda just playing it because I heard it's good, I'll emulate it.

If it's something I once owned and loved or something I recently discovered but am really interested in, I'll go ahead and buy for the original hardware.

>> No.3773783

Pretty much this. I'm selling off my /vr/ collection outside of my Saturn, probably gonna put the dosh towards a N64. It's hard for me to part with some of the stuff in there, but the honest truth is that if I play those games these days, it's on an emulator. I'm not enough of an autist to freak out about whatever differences, and basically anything mainstream /vr/ that isn't a N64 or Saturn works perfectly fine for me.

>> No.3773859

>like most Saturn games
You should give Mednafen a whirl my man. Utterly blows SSF and Yaubuse out of the water now.

>> No.3773881

I'm a Nintendo collector, so I say no to emulators

>> No.3773885

I go for original hardware for anything that isnt too hard or expensive to get, rest gets emulated

>> No.3774394

I've had to leave all my shit behind several times so I don't have a retro vidya collection anymore, and I refuse to pay some greaseball inflated prices for games that are available digitally for 5-10 bucks.

I try to buy official re-releases, but for games that don't get those re-releases, I emulate. And I use a Wii to do so ( or a modded NES Mini for NES games )

I don't bother emulating anything gen 5 and up besides the GBA.

I don't like playing games on the PC at all.

>> No.3774453

I'm not wildly opposed. I'm just not wildly poor with wildly low standards.

>> No.3775039


Where the wild things are

>> No.3775060

fro 3d games its actually better to use emulators so you can play it in nicer resolutions.

>> No.3775483

Emulation is superior in MANY cases...and its FREE!

>> No.3775580

I've got flashcarts for SNES and N64 games. For NES I've got usb connectors for two controllers so I just plug those in and they work fine with an emulator, I'll probably do this with the sega systems as well since it's so much cheaper than a flashcart.

As long as I can use the original controller or something very close to it, I'm happy. To me that's the only part of the original hardware that really matters. Though I do plan on picking up a crt at some point, and already use a crt filter on the NES emulator.

>> No.3776723

I use original hardware as much as I can. The only reason I don't use emulators more is because of input lag and inaccuracies. Otherwise I'd probably use them primarily.

>> No.3776923

How many of you guys emulate on a PSP? No matter where I mention it, at least one person tries to tell me that certain emulators are not perfect. But, I have literally at least tested every Genesis game that's worth playing and seen absolutely no lag/graphical hiccups of any sort. Seems to be reasonably flawless. I use PicoDrive.

I've had some GBA not work before, but for the most part everything seems to work fine. Same with NES, GBC. Genesis games in particular I've tested extensively and noticed nothing but good stuff

Anyone else have PSP experience?

>> No.3776940
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>> No.3776943

I emulate anything I don't own for cartridge based consoles, and burn CDs for the disc based ones. I have a very small collection of basically just whatever I owned as a kid (which was a lot of games back then, not so many in the world of collectors.) I rarely buy retro games unless I see a great bargain at a yard sale or something (I recently picked up Secret Of Mana for $1.)

I have a CRT and all the consoles and games I had as a kid, plus all the ones my wife kept from her childhood, Plus a random assortment of good titles we've found over the years. I still emulate a lot.

Let's be honest, a decent emulator with integer scaling and scanlines is good enough for just about anything.

>> No.3776946

As long as it doesn't try to emulate mode 7 it works well.

>> No.3776949

I grow up with the PlayStationONE and the NeoGeoPocketColor so Nintendo games where out of my sight because of that i tend to emulate mostly Nintendo consoles to play third party games.

>> No.3776954

I just bought a PSP. It's not like they're uber expensive.

>> No.3776993


I didn't say they were, someone just always tries to me tell me that [insert emulation] is shit on it and I've never had any issues aside from what I mentioned